FLIERS STRIKE ; STRIDE BY WIN A ON TUESDAY, ;ANNUAL mm ;DAY HELl).BYf {HIGH SCHO0Li MKen. Gui|f(;_3:l_e:.Gib. Purvist and Ernie Baldwin Win Boys Championships > I ` > ix. ARDELL WINS GIRLS 1 TEE BARBIE EXAMTNER. 35333713`. ONTARIO `GVERTIME GAME! WON BY mags Campdwin Lrbsse Match u at Bradford by 11-10 in Extra Period 1 Dan Dobbs Hat at $5.00 Harry J; Twiss MEN S WEAR BARRIE -rxi:;'T Merinos Hat at Wild 13'oi3i;med For Vicious Attacks xtplay Hm .1 ...x play riiiinn \ll\I_r`|.Jll LI gnolirniin` .Q FDVIFF I ,[ SPORTVIEWS M C-REASINC A Crown-Dominion Oil Co. . Limited. Distributor St. Catharines. Hamiiton. Toronto BUCHANAN & SON HoN _ BRADFORDSI. . BARR/E,O/V7 4 'EIQ'v'iEE' STATION Db-lf\klF OI` Fag? `IP32: ,.___.__._ SPECIALTY `refer DN BAYVIEW SERVICE STATION PAl.MER'S AUTO SERVICE `;Barrie Horse First 1 In Stanley Stakes; I 3 EOIIIIOOOIOIOOOO IOOIOOO 0000000 OOIIOOIOOIIII-OPOIOIIIIOIIDIIOO) ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Bgrrie s#Ne`w Ridipg _Sq;l1N0oI Instrzucftor at Big Bay Point Riding School All Summer -..u.uuu.uoouo.&ouounutnuuuu-nu.uu;.uu Reopening of Industrial Evening Claws; A\`lU|l.\ 'nrv llU.\|)|l:\l. IWXI (umr .;m'.,- In cu..~x- up on Sum tick Mosor Sales. Dunlap S(.. Ban-xe. p weather gets warmer. The Prince 0! Wales sscamol Regular Classes will meet on Thursday evening, October 6, from 7.30 to 9.30, and every Tuesday and Thursday evening during the term. .\l'|ill llnuulmiw-1| `~."<-=;. w. I up ~ .\\:lki11:;, .wi1n\.\' (I:n'.l \\'1ili111'_. Hi} illll \\:x|:: 1 1 l .I.:w in:-, ln_:Ii\h, \\'l'i|il.l`f\' 2111.! I'm Registration Fee $2.00, which may I during the term. vseoou. MOTOR OIL REGISTRATION ON TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, AT 7.30 PM. Toronto St.--South of Elizabeth St. UNDER THE DIRECTION CF BARRIE DEALERS: common CAMPB;EH.1. (I()1111':1Ct l{:11cs in lcgul:11' I<`iLh`I`~ Nine Years Experience of Saddle Xnslruciirm So clear and clean you can read a news- paper through it . . . Actually 99.1% free of carbon-forming compounds. 100% PENNSYLVANIA For further information : \. ll. ( .( POPULAR PRICES 1.Li oVns Club l lannfn_g.f ;Boxing And Wrestling `Show Here October 19 lfmbrl tbs 1i{l'Ig'S L)x'gl)may| 'TlI|Ir~.tiru'. Saph-nxh-`r 2-9, 399.? _:_.:..._.._.___..____.._ Single $1.75 Return $3.15 94%`!-Y_.FeRY`CE Week-End Fare, Il'KQ'l` glllll lllllhllllulllllll 4l| dray Coach Lines H \ If If IF 'Barrie Lacrosse Team [ Will Play Alliston ! I Here Friday Nightll _(.rH>I>\Il. 1\\()|?lH`~H`~ I-fl IIL4 A I-Iu.~.ta-rn Slundm l.l-l.\\'l`1 l|IlIl'Il` * apply [0 TORONTO be paid nl any _4n\ v -9 nlrll Tim!- I I" .\ \'\ .1ru I Illll' l.|`I:\\'I'I TUl{().\"l'U v -u. -. nu E?-65 lime p.111,` rmnd 1 be-. Br_\'mnr HUMOR MATCH :EAS'Y vucmm ;l-`OR ALLANDALE; ` g.uu_.. . it . .. ... .u.. 1.4-u\uu.xI1. I ~ . ` .` . v x 11 Pm-h at Target .~-Jumor. L (mpr.-a1u.~ pnzo--M1ss Mnbt-I Sprou I 3*`-W , .t B b .a Vice-Cuptaixrs p.r1ze-Mrs. Palmer iV91m9' 015 Ben Wm 6` r 31 H W-a1k.er. nnncniu a