. Premier Henry Officiates b At Opening oFNew Road; In lnnisfil on Saturday`, Noted Divinv Ht-rc Friday N0 APPEALS it E ARE EEEEEE f ON PAVEMENT CONSIDER BYLAWS ,_`_ _-... Council Likely Soon qsr. GEORGE S : NEW RECTOR a IS lNDUCTED% Fornmlly Installed i'rh.~. Rev. `G. E. 1-`aerhellcrl I : at Allandale !;Cleavers Arc Removed LTO Toronto Hospital FLOWER SHOW 5 NEXT TUESDAY MBig Display Promised for This Annual Event 1 I . 1 in Town Hall \ Elderly Woman Hurt: Injured on Highway 11 2,000 M-.1` Will be I-landecll Over by Unemployed Workers `Use of Fertilizers Jumped Yield | Of Tomatoes as High as 17 T COTTAGERS AT MlNET S POINT 1 MAKE MERRY; Folk Across Bay Have Good Summer Pmgrmnmo Boat House Burns On Shore of Bay I` COMING EVENTS 5 I \ J BARRIE. CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1932 250 PAR'l"lClPA'l'F. 50 PER CENT. . GRAIN JUDGED ; AS ELIGIBLE1 |Regislrali0n of Sand Smur- ` ed by Sinurno Counly I Farmers I ;Lilt|e Zlnterest in County Welfare Plan. END COMES TO CAMP BARI .liY AND OATS Simcoe Ranks Well In Farms of Ontario POTATO CROP LOOKS wm; H BARLEY IS cur ` x `Demand for Early P0lIuma' Much (lronlur Tlmn i I:'.xp-1:l(-1| I :Al.SlK|i l)ISAl l ()lN'l'|N(`.; UUDGE SPEAKS T0 KIWANEANS; 1`Tcs of Workimgs of To- ronto Juvcnilo Court, : Citing Specic Cases ma is Fatally Injured ` Crossing Bradford St. On Way From Beach Prnlnilwnl in AdVlfI"i25i||}{ | Large Number Expected for; Ceremony Cu|minal- ing Wceks' Effort BARRIE FAIR: TO CONTINUE man STANDARIM IlN|b'| llN(`. This Y1-nr's I St-pl:-lulu-r Prmniau `Youth Gels Wages 1 In Lieu of Notice` ixcursion on %"r5;}?l$.{;';'eJ B'y'1ibo F.Xll)iH()lI on: H`) In 2], I-as WP ENTRANCE Five-yN\r-u|d (Lo-mgr Plow- mnn Kill:-cl w|n~n .`5Iruck by (`Ar (,T()MM|JN|'|'Y .`$l|(.)(IKl'I|) Painswick Man's Car `Court of Rt'\'isinn Meets`. Crashed by Anotheri Special Mectilxgg of Town $}I|-rlwrl I".Iw|:s, Kilrlnmer, 1 Urivt-r `ml .`.'an, Iixum-r- ut:-d Nu Inqm-at Suffers Nasty Injury Drawing in Wheat N0. 33 I llllu 1.111103. V ML`/A by 'I'hH|4 M I|.4.| an 4506 /cliiaigg ....._.__i...__.__.__..._#_. Speciai Low Rates - Labor Day W/eekend THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION ssh. Year. THE + BARRIE`. + EZXAMINEZR