GIRL WAN lFD-- rm- .'1*k. Anpiv 184 E11 /.u\ FINEST PACK LOBSTER BORDEN S EAGLE BRAND - 3" tr A; E. _FLEETHAM F. w. DOBSON per tin 34c W/\NTi:`.D Phm Phone 64 ZlK\I WANTED TO RENT Fan with Sl1)('k und l'(|lll|)I]T buildings. S. L()\\'t'.\_ Lung Ont. one 854 Page Eleven '" -? ""`*"1 Ju $1.1. -. 23c 19c . 29: ; 15c 1 111-" YOUNG (`rm fnrni: AGEN'I'S_ ?\~1Idr pm-fm`:Ihl_\` xvi HllI'.`s'r-l'\' , Thursday. June 30. 1932 worth 3% nu lulu- Applv 1. T231 WOOD FOR h1ll`d\\' ulrm In:-I: hllnhnl` L 110115: N I`l:I(l nnuln R1'(1f`H L9 .~ Apply Box ' ADLET COLUMN One cent, 9. word. cash. each insertion. (minimum charge. 25). ve inst-1't.i0ns for the price of four. 25c extra. if not bald within ve davs of date of issue: also 10c CXLl'8. when replies are direct- ed to The Exn.m'mer Office. .--- "EE"oii7' ST? HELP. WANTED WOOD F612 SALE AUTOMOBILES WANTED mg girl would like ;.cr during me sunnnor, Exzlmincr Office. 26b mg" ago. u phone. .' FOR SALE--One London Sprmnotnr sprayer, nearly new. J. H. Mccuw. phone 77. 261) ________.?.._:______ BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE`--- Cream fibre, excellent. condition. 111 Nfnlva.slr-1' 54! 11110110 284. 263) Cream 1'1b1'e_ excellent. com Mulcaatcr SL._ phone u-:-:-?---:---?--- WAN'1`ED---Y<.1m,{ baby to look ::I`1.0r durin` Write Box Exumin _ QUANTITY OF BEE SUPPLIES for sale at. once. The owner is not in the business. P. McG!1mis.,, Ontarm. 25-29;) .:__ BOULDERFEL GREENIIOUSE--An- mulls to clam`, Lhrec boxvs fur :1 quar- tm`. Wedding h<)uq1mts and 1'lm'a.1 1`e~ quiromculs. Phone 832, Orillizt 1119,11- . wn \' 26]) CO.Vll"0R'l`. \I3LE ROOM bozml. Apply 02 Small is T97J. ROOMS `AND BO-ARD NOTICE TO CREDITORS vb us A mu 4`. Nn(.hin2 but Czmllod for ax : (` Nm~I\' "KW ii6Ii"'fE:}X'c;ri 'sAEE* _M1sc1iLL msous FOR SALE VASHING AND SF`.RAYIN(`- ('I`1l:n\ \`I:1l1h`.< .n- nnv wurl: A GIRL WAN'I'ED~~~14 In 16 In us.<.i.~',t in\vnrk and baking. Apply to Mrs. Rear at Market, .`:saLu1'da\' morn- mg. 261) The undersxgncd has received instruc- Lions from . -- an -Il'I'III AUCTION SALE } l-l\J\I1l\ILI LJA:uu.I.I - ` Farm Stock and Implements! ` 1 A. E. SMITH Furniture Dealer to sun by Pu|)1i(' Auction at 139 Dunlop St., Barrie (I"( )l{M1'JRI.Y U.I".L). S']`ORI<.` I of Horses, Cattle and Farm Implements L'O'l"`4:'%L1". '6N";bi0 ON FRIDAY, JULY 3 L`. I! I r\\\'I\'l`. .n-H in I`11hl1<' /\In'li:)n :1: 11l _\':I 14 Bayeld SL, Barrie on Saturday, July 2nd {AUCTIGN mi "arm JOSE;i4 "i}'\LFE uuvgunu u.L .\1. u . Satur;lay, July` [\ V` 1) D \/I YOUNG MA N Ix-l.\v(-ml neat amx-zmmz-1: with H: Dcriemrn prvfcrn-(1. <-ax` Lion supplied. Applv stati lcal,i nddr:-a:a and F'," Examiner OI1`i(:<;. MORTGAGE SALE A. 1h3..Wl i".IliRS THE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. ONTARIO :1 LOCAL NEWS jn Chairman McKinnon s Statement re the Press Would have advised shopping at Superior Stores, for as spnnsnr of {hr pr:-.u-nl (lmmdiznn System of coinage he knew [he value of dnars and c(-n'_r.." Tu In-lp you m~l(-br;:l- (Lun- d`5 Bi"`di`Y in proper style, Superior Stores are fcezturingz tht.-so outstanding; v;\|uv`.'s in good foods. We advise you to shop early for such values are bound to rsrvalr. 1: lr(-m(-n- dous demand and disappointment may await the tardy shopper. Rcnwrnbrr our slo_xgan-- CASTLE FLOOR WAX . . . . , _ 1'5 1 CLASSIC CLEANSER . . . . . . 2 tins ' HILLCREST EXTRACTS, , 2 bottles ' CLARK'S POTTED MEATS . 3 for I LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAl: , 3 cakes I J. W. IHEESMAN C. C. HIND5 LARKE PACKAGE OXYDOL AND 2 CAKES KIRK ` jli-[ARDVVATER SOAPM--ALL FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . 'HOUSEW()R.K W/\N'l`ED BY DAY. Apply to nhnnu 1262. :16!) PHONE YOUR ORDER sdc1`EV1: SALMON V 1 - CLOVER LEAF IVl'\t`\I7I'V`7" MAGIC BAKING P0wDE1i,E. & C. Include with your order Christie's and Weston's Fancy Biscuits. We carry a complete assortment P. 151-:A13Js SUPERIOR STORES TEA, NEW LEAD PACKAGES `2 lb. 20c "1 lb. 39c stnlvnwnt nmdv by Llw Board of 1'Jducu- -ss lm bmkvn mn- Ixnu--.l \Ih- 'L'lnlIhu , Phone 158 151.41 II\L 1 Phone 12 WOMAN WAN'l'b'. nursing U1` hnx1.<.:k-1-1 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Holiday Specials for Week Ending July 2nd. V,- i X ,:g4 3/uIlu'r 0/j l;!l/l"l,l`l'(Ill'lII! ; - ;> ywuultl Imm'.sui1I Kiln]: a[ 5` 1 :Vj;z<//1/crime-s>%$t9rte. H`! _~Y I4. \, ' | V _-. 17! r ,~ \ ../3 r of HON. WM. MacDOUGALL Confederation Travelling Gavel" ` Is Now in Barrie; lHHl.I.l/\N'l` I`.-rs-in-I'uI\ -.1-n SPECIAL OFFER---n ---Facial 500 Oily - Dry - or Sallow Skin fwc[\lL`II1hcI' Permanent Waves 1' '- RELIABLPI `C()()K work. Ml'.\_ A. 11. Her St. Dcrmac eauw alon Phone 288 72 Dunlop *n.'ll~1c the secret blend 1-). tins 39c V I;};0no:'7i45 l"' DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN LARGE HEAD LETTUCE KARA COFFEE 7()1'|\`|l\l|\` T\{6``(:E WANTI-ll) Hi pigs ow-r Hm Wul(nn_ phnno 25c ` 15c '. 15c ` 25c . 23c 2 for 13c `pl Hawcs' Lemon Oil small l5c--larqn-. I Chrislie s or Wcstnn's Sodas, 2 pkgs. 1 New Australian Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. I Hillcrcsl Peanut Butter, 12-oz. barrels ' Crown Jars, small, pinlz, . per dozen 5 Crown Jars, medium, quarts, . doz. $1 |V (*)|`x'li(',\\.H|\(. I \ll |1}\10'_I`lCL`. T6 CREDITORS HM 1: V28 . . . . PER TIN `M 1L1<' '1` 5C N PER TIN ` ICIRL I)ESIR.[~ ..`3` i (3Sl'l`I()TQ us I in stun: or \A'ni!1't-.<.\ In Ilmtih 1' Apply Box "L." Ex:uninm~ ()n'm-.