Rage Twelve k\ A` L` \ . n m\ A .iL 0`. `mm xx-:n.n'. .\nv.':m:\ .\xnLm1.n1:v 1m\'\ up 1-.v1' 11L:"< 4'..1'.;~ 11-`.~-mt .. \\'.\1`~ `.`.-re o`o:.un 1: her \ o`...- 7u'.\ v WE DELIVER `Chantler s Grocery ; DLl\lQt\ An ! 79 (`won RI, '.`Ck The high|igh+s of so- ..3a|even+s . . . Graduaon, rhe Engagemenf and Hue Wedding. Their perfecfion is represenfed by qua|i+y B|uebird Regishared Dia- mond Rings. Selecfed by diamond experfs. you are cer rain of doubly guar- anfeed diamonds wifb Blue- birds. Direcf from Hm cu r- fers wi+h full frado-in value. B|uebirds are pence-c r dia monds. s11;C1AL FOR WEEK SPECIAL... 3; tvoaglhie 22; 'Togg` I . Paper .\ . \|'i|lV\ |.. Ix \\|A AAA y `SPECIAL---Black Tea .50c lb. \.u1.i .\ mu trad`?!uamnezuhilxixm .Hl\i .\ \.I|| x1\.\.-. |.|| \- Gqld Arrow\Pre1_3`arod . \I\- _,-.. ll\K\. .'`u `l\ :n\ nx. Try us for your Paper Napkins, Paper Plates and Paper Cups M \ for the picnic. ' Reeve s Jewelry Store, (Collier Sl. United Church. STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ONE TO FIVE OTLOCK THE 1 l)l/\M( )Nl) Mlil(Z|-I/\N'I`S I BARBIE EXAMINER, BAIIRIE. ONTARIO _ 3 rolls for 21; 72 Owen 51. I at. h1(`)c.jaAI"5 u Eiischool Fair Dates North Simcoe ` prxzc. .:nu by Paulir PERSONAL MER DRESSES VOILES, 49c Yd. 19c, 39c, 592, %5c `yd. Women's, Misses and Children's Swim Suits SUMMER WASH GOODS VS/EEK-END SPECIAL-WHITE PANAMA HATS;-$1.98 The Greatest Selection of Guaranteed Q Washable Dresses We Have Ever Shown `S m VOILE DRESSES `$1.59 I 2-95 I` .\|\l'n\:\ l"|| Special Musical Service HY XIII`? ('H(Hl\' 1.98 H 1 IS! V - 0000000000OIOOI0000O0000000090ODOOIOOIOIOOIIOOOIIOOOI.) V 0000000000 JOHNSON Outboard Motors and Boats FOR SALE W.L.BRENNAN BARRIF. Phone 89 : Bayficld 51. ---.u-- ---.-I ,~ n 13,] 7 Wlncn yuur uppcn lm)li.\h. /\ lair pl vquipnlcnl and lul nut Eu` U>ll\M('l'L`\1 Dem: W.`.Y. $3191 Assortment Washabh: DRESSES WOOLLEN BLANKETS smut. Hull). and In-:m1i1u11_\' iinixluwl, ;m` :1 ivlijqlxl \ \ c dn lhcm 1h:11 W:l_\' in 1`;1in-mil \v;IlcI`. MEN S SOFT SHIRTS I )r mu ST. ANDREW S Presbyterian Church yuu $2 $1.98 Reg. $1.25 Crepe Phone 74 \\'I{ l l(IK ll! .\.\I) l)|{l.l\'lil\ ().'\' MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS T CO.l;WELL Delysia, 75c Yd. , . _ ` 288--72 Dunlop Sl.--Ovor Robl. Simpson Store (Z()NSU|. I` (um Phone 366 QUALlTY`3f>c -zm (I1u1}1c.\' arc Hc:111h`.\ S:llrjLI:tl'l. \\'l-I l .\S'l`!il)lI/.li 'l`lH-QM. ..w. MOORE H1()l|f\"1H 1`().\.\H`]L`. price, cxpc-xiv: .|'n..n u 1-\`.n|\II MESH DRESSES Purv Silk Wanhabltr ALlTYs;b0tlSS LAUNDRY, LIMITED PHONE 366 J M 264 Years is Total Age of 3 Brothers CREPE l)Rl:'::S:-5118: 495 \ll\Il\\.\ scnliul. qm" nu;-n_| Silk Hose, 85 my Mesh Ankle Sox upcl ztlnr jlw:|]w1' iX| I `.lx"|'S Thursday. June 16, 1932 OBITUARY 29c` to 39c pair. :. BARRIE, ONT. in-11v1`ll1:II1 L\Ir|I IIIL` $2.19 mu >lll_\ L` |`L`:~| -vuld `.`<.`.. P;.. x\".u'.- there om.mnn;: nor .-\..1crw.u; Cmmcxl. .-\1".er two years. Phone 407 she traxzsferreci to Laurelton State} ._._______ l.:\Wl{I-'.N(3I-`. 'I II ... |. _ N) nun