One com {L word. cmaln, each insertion. (minimum ckmrxze. 25c). five lnsertmx; lor the price of four. 10c extra when charmed: also 10c extra when replies are directed to I'hn Examiner Office. The Coal and Dr(:ss Shop Barrie Firms Get 1 Gaol Contracts HM London 1 I Company `ill HM` 1~.l1i<>1n Life policies. you place An sum-.: security which kin gm; `llinll \\'c VH1 *-1<)I\'L` 1c lnxu-sl thin}. .2 silk `HUI l`nx:v~ Elnvnn PROPERTY SALE ADLET COLUMN 1>R6FER1`\' TO LET 7.&N'i5"E6uB` * mus ro.s}.1: HELP WANTED AUTOMOBILES 1;A.;+ me.< HOUSEKEEPEP. W/\N'l"E1 ) --~ Middle` Emged lady. F:1n1Hy of two. Good 11,-- Ierexwcs I'l(.`(`df'd. Apply at, Exmninvr Omen 9p TTIEEE r CHOIR-LEADER. church, ulongz, with rmcos; and sulnryl H-vvlvotl until ! wed 1111111 . PzL1`Lrid-gv. 8-91) L1 9]) `FLORAL WREATHS AND DESIGNS 1 to order. Cut. flowers and plants. Bcu1- ' dorfel Grvcnhousn. Phone 832. Town dc.-livery. 6-101) ALI-`AI.F`A HAY FOR SALE--I\pp1_\` i 110 Codrlnglnn St.. or phone 1119.}. 8p 5 FOR SALE--Singer scwmg m.'Lv.l1!no, I nearly now. Will sell reasonably, Phone | 283. 9?) i FOR SALE--TcIo<,; poles and cod- ar posts. in any quzmtlty. Apply 48 Langley Avc.. Toronto, Ont. 8-9b FOR SALE - Remington portable Lypowritcr, latu model, cheap. would exchange for radio. Apply Box "M."l Exammor. (lb I FOR. .` bout 1 dor. A Ont... RESPECTABLE WOMAN wanted to act as compzmlon for CO!1V2l1(.'~'.Cf'nL in good home. Small rmmmerzttion. Ap- ply Box "W" Exztxnlm-1'. 9b PEEL COUNTY ALP`AI..F/\ SEED.` Govcrmnunl, <,,vr21d:- Nu. 1. $6.50 pm` |bus. Bags 250. Wnllurn Simp.".0n. R. iR. No. 5. Brmnptuu. 0111.. 9))` ---T . . I FOR SALE--New D(.- L:w:11"(-ronnx | sepnmtor No. 12. Golde-n Series; model. 1 Reg. $110.00 for $80 if ml-(cn`nl, on<`(-. Robinson Hardwzuc. Op. I FOR. SAIJ~`.~-Atwutm`-K0111. radio. \ lspcakc-1', .scven now tubes. l).'1l.t(*r_y chino, good order. Chvup. I... F. 1 104 .`3opl1lu Sl.., Barrie. 1`IlRESHING OU l'I?`I'I` (`I-$'Ol`Kl` Whilv b`v1)m`:1t0 l-,uLl.m' nllnr-lnnc-nl. "FI`m'I(:1' I 'C:1l(lwuIl, 314. IFOR SAI.E- ~'1`u latest. nmdvls. bar;.zuin fur quic used ('n1's, Ar Abtx) Y WOOD I-`OR SALE--l'.2-11 xvnnd and 1'. -inch lun`d'\\' ; cut. In order. Sl().l)(l 1| truck . Ffnnnx l\hnHI- l: NI TIVESWET K. SALE--St:\ck of alfalfa hay, :1- . 12 tons, also 2 geese and I cum- Apply to John H. Pratt, Bnxrh-. . RR. 1. 91) AT ONCE-- l`\\'o men own` 21. for per-l mancnl, work. $22.50 weekly average tn start G1'o(:L-ry :.`Lorc experience nss;-L. Aclvnncmnent, for the qualify- inq. Apply J. Norlhy. 88 W()I`.`il(`} SL.. between 7 and 8 pm. 9p WOOD FOR SALE INNISFIL TAXES MlSCEL.LANE.OE-_ FOR SALE A K-J m>1:v nmvnl. Apply ml`: I3 -E 11:1 rd- nht: nr ' mu.- I run] 91) I BABY Cums APPhICA I ION.5` for for Central Unltvd C quallf1cnl.i r(-It.-r 0xp:rct,c(i. will 11'- 8th of Mzm-h. Acldrr 10, Dmmltl SL. Pm`: `I LlL'gI'l3L`.') HUUVU UIU i|\'lTI".1gL'. Highest, temperature -17, on the 11th,l with :1 minimum of 34 the night I01- lowing. The lowest tempcm.t1m~.s \\'m'o 3 be- low zero on the 16th, zero on the 20th. and 3 below zero on the 23rd. which ` was also the coklc-st, day, with :1 ma.\:- lmum tcmpcrnturc of 8 do;,rx`c'.*s. I'om-J . ht-rnhn'n: ahnvn Hux I'vnn')h1u- nninf ebruary Weather 5 Four Above Average} 1 Moan temperature 23 dzrgrcc-s. being 4} dcgru;-s above the nvvrago. Hlrrhrvzt, ft-mnnrnfnrn 4'7 nn Hun 11th uuuux LL'lXI})l.'A2IvLLll|.' UL O u\.'}.',Xl."'.`>. Ll'U|` pm':1u1x'n>; above the freezing point, were roglscr.-rccl on 12 days. ' Snowfall for the month amounted to 29`; inches of which 8 inches fell on the 14th, and 10 Inches from the A-".nd. m n... r.-an. 1.cnths c "Ruin Itcinh-; 4 17 ' :....h.. JIHILQ lllh hlI`IlL'I, JVIIB. 1ll(Jh. \ Mr. and I\/Ira`. W. Lcnnnx of ited with Mrs. Wilfred Brolk-1 i th.- wnvk. 'r`I.. ..-Eh... hr .1... 1),...< I "l'}IR.EE APAR'I`MENTS SPOKEN I zP`OR in Bu_v\'ic:\\' /\|)`.lI'l.ln1`l||.`. ml! 11-\\` _ |lH)-l0-(l;|!z` :mm`m1r-m, house an tin l lilllll Mr. |itim: I `NOTICE TO CREDITORS! Kelvinside Hatchery H. J.-xqggms . P;-N;-.. Lmfu TRUCKS VVANTED 10 Apply C. H. .`_$(-nit. pl1un Barrie Real Estate Office; NOTICE TO CREDITORS \ \'l| 1 \'I'11l.-Lu: NOTICE TO CREDITORS BAi2REi5`ii(5`c1 1'\\\1 'z`.;\':-EH\\\ S.C.W. LEGHORNS nu, sun 1` `2'4Lh. nfall. v- nf` :. n A kll lIll.'H zicntr-(1 by '<`:1ulkon(-r 1 XS sister, 3 l\tl 7\.1o- IX) Ed3'::ii`rV t llIAl..\' . Tom- CARD OF THANKS \ VAN'I`Is7I) '10 BU (-hit-kt-n:.. Writw (` Harrin- IN MEMORIAM MARRIED DIED l'IlI". I3ARRvlE 1 xrd:L_\'. oil- ll` LOCAL NEWS Ji . XAMINIEB. ---Spot-,L'1.1 otfcring in Womc-n'.<. silk. Hose n.L Vickvrs`. 91) -~-J. G. Kc-onan is now selling; West- inghouse Mazda. Lamps. Db ~W<\stingh0usL- Maydn I.:\m;x~; .'\1'(' now sold by J. G. Ker-nan. 91)` 'l).\....:.. ... .... ....._. -1 . ..:. :. 11.... H. .4, v. V. .-.g\....... B:u~ri- curlugrs 1-xpom. to visit Stmthcona Curling Club, Toronto, mnrrntr nloht |\.1lIL'UlHL \4l.ll'llHg \/IUU, LUYUHLU, L1)` morrow night. The G badminum club pm - I`~d in Orillla. Inst. Wodnvsdmv night and wu,-r<- (l('f(`l(`d by 18-2. 1H..I-.-....-` r,._ .4 VV/\N widu` lmvn Ill llld.(ll` \lhH)Hll_\ \L`l'_'\ ]t.unatn1y was only of 5:1 : .Vla:`,iSH'L<:` Compton Bradford \'(`s1vrdn_\' MI | ..:..v ....1 lllllllll illlll l\|l `cry poor but. short. dura 1.. .-r.. _..._ mx gn--1- %Y:Visit Our Apparel Shop and See the New ;M S pri ng D r esses and Coats 3:`; Tu we the lmcly tl1i11;q`.< 1m" Spri11g'i5 tn wzmt to mzlkc _\'<)111` .\`c1ccti()11 immcdi;11c1_\'. (Emits mt` tine l';thric.\` disp1;1_\' the Iwwcst .< tcmicllcics, s u m c fur-1rin1- lncd. ntl1c1`.\` with in11;n`.\` u1".\'c11' {:1- lwics`. Tho l)1'cs.\`- as ;m` shnwn in m;m_\' C<)l<)I`.\` and dcsi_$;`11.\`. The Big S1I1`p1'i.\`c is 1 11:11. 1hc.\' 111` priced cx11`cn1vl_\'1>\\'. At the Sign of the Bear Slum.` :1 :\`c\v S1_\1c 'l'1'uml l<-1`Spri11;:_. HR ll inliIu1h;11c<>un1 nlmin 1l1cI11.'1llur`I ;|~ cmttnxm`. I1`_\'<>ul1;1\'c11`1 1;I.kcn1l1i.\iIHcu1 ZH1`-/i*'t.` _\<>11 i<>cn|11c 1n.\'i11nmn1\ .`\" (V in. u:]1cn~ _\(:t1;a.`ccs.\`<):j\ pmlwlcln in :1 ]1;1pp_\ m;1Imc1', p1`icc>. '|`h;11 is, I.;1dic:;' Spring llutx, l ull-I l!r>. \\';L\}1;lh1c Kid (}lm'cs, and ahc I ANGUS SlMMON BETHESDA Thursday. March :1, 193. ! Smart Acces5m*e2:s2; `Case Withdrawn I When Dairy Sold` Diminggufashiha = Chm*am:v'a:2mistics When you buy L< back of your hm chaI'actL-rizcs this Fads from the /Xna'sLm1 Report 4. _., FRUIT AN1')'[Ti)VEi;a 1`ABLuS