Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1932, p. 13

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Esfablisherl 1864 1 A, wr-ekly newspaper devnLe in the interests. of the Town i of Barrie and the .s'urroundmg country. !r:.ued at the Post. Office Square. Barrie. every '1'hurcda.y, by J. A. Macbnmen ' ' (editor; and W. kvnllr (nmnzxgen. ownem and publ1 _ ers. Th I-lmrie E.ta.m'ir1m' is :2. nwnxlmr of The Canadian 1 J Weekiy N< wr,p:1per:s An-".oci:mon. ` ` SUBSCRIP'[ ION RATES ~ Anywhere in Canada. $2.003 year; in the Uniwl States. 1 3. 83.50 a _v!=nr Imymble in advance. Single copies. 5 cents. ; I AVu;:<':In. H .~'npp1it'~`. D:"I. xx .5" l".rnn! I IVY Jnlllil Ill 1'TiUlCL'. r .~.(.umr lighting has ::L bring-; out the \f :`\(`VnI`\" nu-nu .\'n1)[)|i(>; l(- `.nv\ix. .,.m u. inni-. .mp- Com-I:u1cl I6:-ins -nuf when I`c`[`l`c .\ClH'.lIiVC.\ or me n1unicip:11iLie.~` _u;;1lhcr at (Znl.1w.11cr on 111:` zmh In di~cu>.~ cx- pemliunmx Inr rum}: and other purpn.~e.~, The }\:1_v mr men ;mJ Lc.un> \mrkin_; on the rn.1.i.~ should rcceivc :lH6H1iun. .\n ennrt should be nxmlc to decide upon :1 unimrm rzllc (hilt might be cnn.~iJercd lair under prc.~em crmditinnx One thing` i.\ certain Hm`. men xx-nrkir1gnn1hc(Toumy S_v.~1ezn .~hnuld nm he paid :1 higher wage 1h:1n xlmsc exugugexl nn tmvmhip ru:1Js. I1 :1 uniform pr-.uc could he agreed upon it would >;1vc -.1 Int There can Ive no .lepre.~; without :1 peak on either . an exchzlnge reminds us. I1 :11] the prccipi1:1Lim1 of Ihc 1:15: .3 mnmh~- had been in the mrm 01' .~nnw, fence tops would have been hurie.l hcfore 1hi.<. \\ih_v should $1113` Lilxcral object In having the utlerzlnces of Hon. George .\. (`mrdnn investi- ,Q:1leJ? l\1L.1ck.< such as he made on Premier Henncu and hi. l\rm11er-in-lnxv are cerminly rm CFCJH In l.iher;1li.~m. I We rcmf or :L Mind man who can 1`ccogt1ixe his l*rien.l.~ by 111: xnund 01` their 1`n-Olslepa`. l'hnL s nothing. .\ with can u.~u:11l_\' re.:0gnize her l1u>h:1nd`s mni.~tcp~. even i1 he is .~1ip1'~'n1_-(in cnr- i l`}`ilLL" his .\hm:.~. I 1 With the iI1\'C>lig':llit\il cmtthtctl to E` :ll]J crititx ticttictl cnttthcl tn |`l'if1_4'.0lI tlcncc they .lc.it'c thc (Intnttti.~~imt tn Ilydrn :rtqttit'_\' _(i\`c.~. little prnnti>c of ten tit: ttttc;t.~`.nc:~.~ itt thc public mind M the ntrtrtngetncnt mt this *\'l`L`.'l('llIi|i1_\'. lHI|I`\ I.` \L|lalIll I pnuc: he :1 -4 If ..A 'l hctuiili1_\' nl ret'u1c.\ the Men 1 the .~xvnrd. .u.II`s um tuhcrcuh evident 1' I` ,..., A CVI\|Cl|\ l|I`Il| (H .ii.~c;1:c.~. Death in 1"}! wen`: ._.:.L .\A, o t.. .4` H'.`|uuu leaning Helm Thurs4l:u'. Feln'u:u-y 18. 19:12 Szmll hi wim the curlers this season it has surely been C:1: of the winter 01 nu1'dx. Hnmiltnn i> Icclii "ice Hy.lrn p.1iJ rm r111\n\kCnn (`A '|`'\ A A III.|u talmcm TI[l7R5Dx\\', FF.l3RI'.v\RY 18, 1032 uh Slc`. Marie hezuls the 1i,~.{ of Ontario: in nnmum spent rn c.1uc;uinn in propor- In in ll`.1l uxcs, mm In per cam. l..1. ~ Ii_<;u;`c.~' mr lsnrrie >110-we`! :~ligml_\ un.1c`.r :r cc-m. l!:1rric`.< cducnxinn C.0.\Ks are ::pp:1r~ ;mmn_q' the lIi_-; I1c.~: in the prnvincc. .~.1i\1 lhzll x_ on liducnta .2. . _I . THE`.- BARRE - EXAWER Lnnxracn \\ ilh nlli ;Lrie.\ {or the .~..`hn hcing the: use it 1Cg".lH_\` pa) xhe.~e tracts c-.1H lor. It, the 1`rt`.\n1 whcd [\rc.~c-nt C(\Il.liOIl.\ nix 4 new .~.`:11e n1 xigncd uprn';1rmz -nun` , 100,000 ; M .thnu.~t .... _ .\.. \'.-'-W ac u_\.u-um. ....a ..` .lm.._~t SO`- in Lhc lame to the c.\(cn.~i\c use or chnnl age and _\-nungcr. tccltng the et'tc.;t.\ at the ttigtt ` tor the l)ntnininn Power and T 1 Co. `Inc ctttp1n_vees of the >tt C`l 3 - ltcen cut ten per cent. and the ser- t tt,rttm n1i|c..< .1 month. On mp at t is tttre:ttc-ned with hi_Q hr t':trc.~`. ~rc~cnt r;1tc ix .~:vett cent EDITORIAL nu; \|l"il|a he Jecren L raccm Jiplnnmtic nmes rrnher an that the pen is xnijqhlier than M there i\ lithe likelihnn mun reducing; >;\1:Lrie.~ _\c.n'. l'hc Hoard hax H in teachers 10 pa)` can .-, .-` ..., f.. l.. ll |\|\i ll.`|ll" | `reci and unplc:x> b|\tK`&\A ubnl\HId\\. Il|'Il| \.|.`5 nm all IHYIILN m :uberculo. 1 per 100,000 31> cmnparcd whilc the diphtheria mll xras as ;\)::liI1>: 21.0 in 1010. Re- `.. ... l....._ I: ,-_ Z. 1'.\: | l.1|u lauer .._s I l-- `K Juctimx I.Lr_uel_\' -`hil.|re:x 1.~ very. Ii1~.:.r`.- .tc -.un0n_:: in- __.-.-lAl u. . `.5-.. `.A\....... .`m;; enecx i. ac trmn these ~ 1 tube fCll10Si.\ uugeJ. vim. .19 iwn itemm mm the cvi~ m'l'u1ve, me. sellixlg :1! ind re_{:1rdin;.: Kb.` `'51; Lubcrcuh - .\. .- 1 - .-. I\\' ` .lis'.\se_ is Inn-` for the deriniu: . .2 . ~I '{$u'.L?ri hp-In me ` nl (fIo1liI1g\-.`n.'\i IV_\' the lm:11`.1 ml" 13. doing 1hcir_!:1rndc.~1 l0IiIl11llC8._\'l are l\rnu_:In race 1.; 1106 with new .!cn1;1ndc.l Lhmu_q'l1 1`c};`ul.'ui-m.~ 1'0 I the`. pn\`.'c`1'.\' 111111 he ccnlr:1lizc.1 in Q fan` Irnm the >9:-nc` ml lmtztl 1:1.\':1Lin Linn. I1 is :11! ri_::lu mr Prcmicr Hen e..'nnnrni/.in_~:. cu'.*.in_-g m1i.~rIcrI11eJ :m_\1hin_:: i~ tn he :lL"Ct)1l1[\H>]lcd he lend :1n.I lend :1 l1clpiu:` h.1nJ." The t?nliitt_(wnnd Lhtiietin thinks Ptetnier l Hcl11'_\".\`;l[`p'.1| to .~chool imztrds to cut out the frills is due in "the general reheliiun rtgaittst the ] trills the i)cp:tt'ttne:n of EJuC'.lXiun has been ` t`oistin_g .-n the 1'ru\'int`c". lt .~-.t_\s that it i: ; 4 high time the L-`duc~.ttiun Det\~.trtment curbed its CH1i$$:1l`i$. who deinttttd this. that and the 1 other thing that means expense, _\'.l. even go In the length of coupling their recommendations E with threats. Municipalities, joined, in the case \ i | The l$;lr1`ic ` [ (xi mu ml nc\\' ' for the 1.-ncm I hII`i1im1 \\"ni.'h l__-_. .. J` llt|L llll.` \vsk..\. lII'\\L\Cl, .llC _`\'lVll|f\' }'C"}`l' HI the . ccntrcs ;1n nmmr1unit_\' m" secir1_g' and exxjnyirlg mine. of the p:1imin_g`s 01` our mvn Onmrin :1r1i.~'L\`. 'l`ho.~e who .~r1w the cxllihitiml will ;1_-{rec wiih the ]\rc .\Mc`lll when he .~.1iJ hc hclicvc.| that they wcrc :1:hicvin_~{ . at :1 n;uim1;1l ch:1r;1cxcr :mJ .h'in_u :1 hit In mid In the culturc m" the cnumry. .-\rtcr >eeing the in- 1crc.~t taken in rhi> cxhihhinn. the \\'.unen'.< C:1nn.1i:1nC1uhm:1_\ pcrl1n;\s >66 lil to inclmle in their _\`e.1r'< prn_u'r.'nnu1c one or um lecturc~ on `TIN. 1 been .~cnJin_~; `.1urin_;'.11c ]`I1.\ M them pi..'mrc.\ { Ji~1inc1 .~cr\'icc` * runnnp: the m fm'lun;1Lc|_\' 111: the lnrgcr chic l here l1li.\ wcck ..H _ lllb the _: plied \;uY\' .1.` .L _;HU.`| HACA. L.i:cr;1r_v effort: b_\ proxy appear to be quixc I rcxmmermvc, lmwevcr, p;1rti:u1:1x'1y if they run 1 [O testimonials enJorsiu;_ cigxreues and the like. 1 x x 1 ` I'nlII\ jlhe J Hu. `and L- ._ Canada Carries On :I.Aruy,.xI Ill I:u:L' UL \\u|'Lu-\\1ut' (`.:}):'L.'$1Ull. U118 .~u-lklng fan`! 1: xhut the tide of C:1.n:1d1a.n xnlgrzuion to the United Smtez; appears 10 lmvc .xtopps In- deed, there seems to be u very sub move- ment of Arneri;-auxs imo Camxd-.1, more than 10.030 having migrated there in 1931. '1`h(~.~` mox ezmxns`1nuy1'e2-Ltexnpor My economic conditions rather than permanent trvnds. Btu ah: population of Caumd-.L is snmh in proportion to the extent cl lhv .;md and ii. r.*source.s. .~u that. it hvu`.`.h5' ;.'ruw`.11 in popul-.ni')n .shmml be 41` :L1mo.~(. us`. urvnx :uh:Iv`I:1-r.- m n. -u m r`..n...a., 'l_'cH` It is po. an cxaggcraiioxx to say that Can- ada. is in :1. rola.ti\`o1_v better poshiou t.h:'m any other nation today. but surely she will be in the forefront Of 0-HY general return to prosperity. Can-.1d:L is young, and youth is always condezxt of the future. Canadians are born oplhnists, and they have the right 1.0 133 such. 1'h1s country is forttxnzzte in11a\`- ingmuch u vigorom zuld hopeful neighbor, and when Lhe re ~ource.~' and pcr2ml:x1ltie..< 0.` the United Stat- es are considered, the essential clmracter of th'- pmple and their nppart1u1i`.is.< In the gr?:n verritory 1.0 the north .s1'.oul('_ ntwer be overiccked. -.... , pen.~c `.L.Nc`.". dnllrlr :mn1bl~- .- .,. ...u..-..:u. Like the rest of 1115- world, C-.m:ul-.L hag; its troub- les. The milrcads are proving 1; serious problem there as here. I-`-.u'm prov;luct.< and m=\\'sprin`. ll'.lVt' _ .sutT:red. The <-ounlry has` large foreign obligations. and her dollar d.~px'ecl-uisd when Great. Britain was impelled to suspenc` the gold S2`.)I`l(l'.lI`d. But the- Dominion has had nmrvelous sticcess .3.` 2:119 in floating :1 lurg: nzuioiml-service lmm. the proceeds of which are nuvxled far iim.-xnployineut (.]i`:U'l`.~'.\ :1`; wel`. :1.-: for 0I`(Hll:lI`_\' .servicc.s. TilL".~`-L bonds were siibscrilysd for by the public lo :1 grntifylzig cxlent. p;\rLicu.l~.irly in Vvcsxem Canada, despite two you:-.s' oi` lO\\'-D1`i(``(l crops. The su<:ce,<.s' 01' the loan in (-ons'l(lered :1. national cloclurxulon of 1`:1.lLh in im- fulure and eviclenro oi the ability of mu comm-_\' tn nance itself. nu A The Camadiun Lumkmg :~'_vslz-nu has proved seound thus far, and there is 1'(=:I.1 evidence of inherent :'trr=ng:h in face of norld-\\lde <`;- `.;sicn. One tlrlklng fzu-1 Hm: the Iidv 01' Czumr \ mhrrzuinn An Editorial from the S:1tur Ev:-ning Post. I-`hilmlelphia, Pu. .\.\( )TlHl{ l)(')(} }HEI\`O .'. IHO ' L11: I \l I \\ |x'lHil\'.\ .\()\\ \\ Ill .l.\.LU.|ll_\ \\lJ`xC but Lhcir I1'.Ullc`>. mplc. pugi1i.~;~ :1 1'1} ,-\\-an |\ndv\.-.; an; H! l.l\& \I\II IlL,\\ L..\l'L|l\IllUlC.` mu;;'l1 |'mn1ul:ucJ I) nu he (:)ueen's l :1rk. .\Cc l)t` xzxxatinn mr c.1u::1- riaylu Ilcnrg.` m lillk of `1riil\`, hm if - mu.\1 jqixc :1 \\'. \\'un1cn'.~\(Z.1n;l.1i:u1 (Iluh l~1';1n\:I1- I '1iI1n:.\.Lhi~~\\`c`c`k \\`ill] ii pI'e.\c1Hc`d ' i 0! ihcciui/.cn.~111c' 1r:1vcIlin_-4 cx- ! n Ihc()n1.1riuSn:ie1yat /\rii\i.\ 1:15 i 1. \';1riu1I~ [`11TI.\ or the pmvir1cc <. Iivc _\'c:1r.~. In :lI r`21lIf.Iin}.f Ln have ; ` .~l1m\n in Harric, the kllul`. dixl :1 I c 10 the mwn. The l~'inc .A\r1.~ are ] 10.: rc!ini11:' inIh1c'nCc.~`, but un-: c lve~1 in art is l:1rg:l_\ cnm'inc.1 in I 9.`. Suclx :\hihiiinn.~ :1 Ihru >hm\'n 1 R. hm\'r\'c`r, .H'c` _-giving pc-Wple ul \ '.--:\Irr-< `HI rH\HnrH:nH\' m uA.x?n..- The Ilmn. Ix . H. Henncu has .icc1:u'cJ hinncll ` in l.lV(`vI' 0| cmllpulsnry vmin`-4'. I1 . coupled with this, is were cnmpul. In p11l`Ii. .\llh.~Cri]`tIu'\I1\ in Jctlil, \\'c \\'0l|M lrrne :1 Int cheaper ;m.l cleaner clcctinm. ug':1i.~;~ and 0 l\u. men. AL`: l:'.\UuI'UI'-\., .` Minn .s' to C`.LH'.L(i'.1 I uninen: men is : `.lriiC1c`:5 and M x in thc case fl other spurt n, the :1;tu:1l E ionzxl. Kllu\\`I1 in ION`. l. I S The incident` \\'hi?h cullsd for :DZl.I".lb1L` on Ln": rich m.m rcve ':|.LL1t,\ule 0: Jtsus to the soul` iWl~.o nuuic me 1|. ju(l'.;`; or :1 amom; _\0u')" Our Lsul hud c f.:n.ve souls. and to that, work metsrmined to apply llimsslfz `would nut -.131 as arbiter in th: ._- r\l' ...p.. ll ..-.\.I,l .`:.unI.. '|U\.`.','l'lllHll`LL LU 'n|[)1J_V llHll.`9'.`H. IJI 35 of men. 119 \\'o.1Id s`unpI_v 2: Ilin1selt (.0 the work \vhi'ch His 1 h:ul given Him (0 (IL). llvnce. H : ithls 1:-arubls. " lhv 3.',l'Ulln(l of :1 man brouggm forth p'.emiful1_\'.' lindk-axing Lm 12111-.1cv of puuin .nnI'.. .-nnn...nn u .. ` On the hue oflthi` [AN :1 few sinlplc trullr lstnnmccl up in an \\':)1'd 1.. cl. !_n0L. S\lf(`iL'l1{ in hit` V\\U\llu HUL ll'.,'L 2ll'UllL'l' Ill (UL uAc|.uu- ' confine tuinmself f:1Lhe-.' {had 1-1': spake rich man pIshlifulL\'." Me. lknllzugv putting` the` .~;oul'x :suprcme trust either in self or; Hun riches. I ofllhis p:u'.|bl.~ tllvro ' ' ixnplc truths \\'l1i('h can be ...1 ... v \lun in 'l'Ill'I .\I.\.\' GOD (`.\I.l.I'.`l) .\ I-`('H)l. Lulzu X11221) Read the &d\`erLLsem;n&. .-nun ms. cilic~ mm ninn nu _\'c.1r'.~ Ii_;u;'c -$5 `per cnll_\' ;mmI1;;' ANGUS . t...'AL I\\1Lh. |.|lu mg expressed their; . and hoped it before they would) us-.1m an afternoon. { IlIll>I\'ll` unu Ihv -.\buncl:\nc [)JS.\L'SSL'|.h. n u-h-H In 1.- l`lI|-I I`-.-\l{RlF. E?\'A;Vll.\'l-TN 1.`(l l`J!'lll Luna 1 reveals the soul's need. an .. :HurInI~ w...c He \\`ns! 1 but He` .' disput- '-r\nfinn y \`...`!`sll L` }H`.\. 311 L: JIL` Bill K Pnsbyierutz. Rev. A. W's.-I. -.u 7.30 ; hm. SL. Jolmls Sullday Sc11oo`.. 10.15: service. Rev. W. Newman. at 11 am. 151- Jaxnes`. Crown Hill. 3L 3 pm. 3 Y.P.S. one evening IHTXL woo}: 4:! Mrs. E1lsxnere's. (1 pm. All ynun-,; v people are very welcome. STROUD my ACU3A1`i . _ l 1n the . n'cqunt1_\' xnudc` by municip:11 cnunci1>;mJ l~_\ prnvinciztlzlnd1`e.i- ` crul g1\'cI`I11ne:11x` mm m::_\ cannot reduce ex~ hec-.1u.~c ~n man_\' itcm~ are uncnmmH- \ the l:il1:lHCi;l1 l n>lpnin1.\' mm mm ever ' 1' or um wry controllable at me mm: b ' 1 y.-.._.l..L I.. ` ;SPRlNGTlME A CONDIHONS FLOODAREASN: ]Ul'L'KlKILlInl., \'.Hh.` ll ]J"l` .b}' a. clock. is d:c:.~;LL. .\`l'G(Iu ICSTS l~ZLI(7 l'Il I(` (`ll.\ I ll mum; the zdvcs. m Droliblc. THE LETTER BOX _ OTOPIA 11710:; Council Wants No More Division Courts at Craighurst LEFROY MIDHURST l.`H LJ`: ll ;n'UIl`.~ ABM?!" a much n.~ll'.uu.`o: on makeup. I I-|ll`|ll|.`.\l*'| r:.ilw:1_\` have I vice rcduccd ll1i> the city Ihmmh the pr

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