Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1932, p. 11

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-':'-ALESMAN W/\N'I`ED-~'I`o e;c1l (`alon- dill'S in home l.o\vm_ Liberal commis- ' 51011. News 1"ub1i.<.himr C0,, Ltd,, 'I`ruro_ Nova Scotlzn. 6-'11) . vfM\'(`,s])ra.] -------- 1 nu; 2-mout. xour years more wzzn ms unr'1r- and mum, Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Izw-v. A. F`. A. Malrrnmson, 10:-:11 pIgr-on- lrnnvlrr. madv a \`r~r_\' . . w- in : of Magpie pigmrxs at. (hr Qm~bv*: lPrm Im-121 litxhibion m. .`\1nntroa1 laxl V'.'f":k. He sent. it-n mngplm rmd in |-Iqm ex - - nml 1'\'n won r*|(.:ht "first, pri7I-'< rontk L LOCAL NEWS JI --When you have v.'1. phone The Examhwr. N0. 222 K 'n\._ n_-.__.,, - u" .`|K'1.'u1l .\[7L`Il`K(`l' I01 UN` tfdr (U1111- w`r.<,nr_\' of St. Andrm\"s Church, to bx` hold next. Sunday. Fob. '31. An important. 'mno1mcmncnl rv- unnllng C9.nad:L Dry Gingnr A10 ap- lnfars on page 2 of this is-zucx Barrio` 'Who}r*5al<~. 10?. Dunlap St... are Im-a1` `distributors for this popular bm'vr:uzr- I A-uh..- uv-...\.: ..,|.,. .vx.... .7. .......\v..- Av: uzm p-upuuu In -mug` I Arum: Wood. who rlgurvd so un-I forLun.'Ll(`ly In the Toronto Um\'or. r.\:p10s`I0n. was well known at .\1im- ;- In: in his early lx)yl1oI.~(1 days. :':pcnd- im; about four years more wi!h hls Il`:`('l\ , ..... ... -.... .............n.. nu. ...a.. .1. ....u.` --'I`hc Examiner is glad to r(`(-(~h'r~ mrsonal Items or 0t.hcr local ncws of lmcrvst, Phone 222 or 323. --Auction Sale--M0n'.< clothing and furnishings. `R o'clock. Sm.uz`day night. mu.t. be sold. Rnv `D r: \rm~m- '\l A ........ -..u... ...... \lJ ....` uxurl. DC SOK1. ll) Rev. F. G. Vesey. MA`. of Parkdnlc `Presbyterian church. Toronto. will Ix` xho special spcn.kor for 1110 83rd anni- \'(`r.<.nr\' Of St AnIh'n<\"r: (`.hnr-I-h tn AUCTION mu-gnu-r \\`Hl'|`l Hood. plain v ply Box "M. "s'i:Ls'bA' 'L`.ll'.`~lXHUl_\' (l'|]l~lI|'_'. r`(l that (lopnrnw-mu? `mm: runxrm-r(~i:z1 H :31- IL h`rrinL' Imdr-r SIX 0 an. nu: n In. 0.. SALES and Boyq I . Evcr_\`tlm~.g at, M llno` ; 71) | iof the 1 fChantler s Groceryf Ephone 407 : Owen SL3 M WE DELIVER Sauce Kippcr SI Jnhn.wIl'.~ A H. N9t_ The; Prices; Weekend Specials H;1nl Hcml |.cllucc . .. 9c each; N\L'\[. >1/.c (i1';lpc Htlii . 5c each} I I-]`l`. l'in.~ 3-H`. 1in.~ 1-lb. tins }.H_Ihll\'llll .\ I 5 `pint > 1 W/\N'l'I`.'D 'l'() IH.`N'[`---. \|H`il IN, `Gone! 2: :un:uH l\ In Hnrriv. w 1"pint . I quart PHONE YOUR ORDER The quickest way to bring back prosperity is to put our dollars. to work, sp('n(l intelligent- ly, but spend freely. Superior Chain Stores, in dependently ownvrl and opvrah-tl by local merchants, will supply your food requirements at prices that uru the lowest in years Re- ' member our slog_{an- I-llLl.CRF.SVT PURE LARD . . 2 lbs. 21c HILLCREST PEANUT dUT"|'LR, 12-07.. ____L In`. .1II"\\\` lllill`-I3 . . . . , . . CIILII BRUNSWICK SARDINES each NEW HORSE RADISH . bottle T BLUE BOY TEA . . . . . . . . per |b.I Manyflnwors TOILET SOAP . , 4 for I M SOCKEYE SALMON . . Weston's or Christie's FANCY MIXED BISCUITS l`.liF~'| (`)1 '.\l ,H'\' 2 lbs. 53 PEAS Zfor MARMALADE 1 "21"Z; PURE ORANGE 0z_ Jar -sum-r . srnrdv-n. in rvnvr ! following lines just add-f ed to our stock: I BORDEN`S CHOCOLATE MAHLTI-SD MILK Squat l inc.l _ (lurgc lin) llcrring in T` .*.x STRAWBERRY JAM - 40 oz.` Jar 29c :II-La\.I\I-.,1 I I L glass barn-ls nnvueu/um c :~'n:1cl>;.< rn'.x' Hm tins (No. 4 sieveT2'(s` ROUSE UP THOSE LAZY DOLLARS u r(`n.~`uIIuI)I l'1I.\h. AppL\' Box I . P. KEAl`?'l`\1S C. C. HINDS FREE DELIVERY TO ANY A. E. FLEETHAM Phone 145 PART OF THE TOWN Phone 164 Small 33 -~--LaTrTg(e;gI(3c .iqui\ --n_u AA`: V ` Phone 12 I |x`c.l (lhcr~ .2:ins25c! Knmt 12} W-xnznn ` 1-v "lIIAll|' 17c tin tins 25c; WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS . 63ci `$1.25 $2.20 ; . 38c; . . 63c $1.20 Thursday, February 18. 1332 ' Mrs, 1 ._ Ogdvn `.\'i.\h4-s tn thunk ho amends fur Iloxn.-xx: and klndnc |sl1o\\'n during: her r(-com 1H1m.~:~:. 7 Mr. and Mrs. CUC11 L(IInbl`!'l. wi~ =to thank rrlc-nds and 11-igglxbors ft |kin(1n('s<. and sympathy durins; thri !rr.'-om. sad ?>vrmvoIn-nt. T l.:l\.lI ux. 15: pcr|b.3lc A `nr 9Q. 15c J. W. CHEESMAN F. DOBSON nr,`A FARMS FOR SALE ems bk 'ft`1A'N i_ .I\, I u-\)a.. each 15c 5c L_lA` IE- IN MEMORIAM `dlk ' 25-: u `an -sandal: Phone 1 58 uvs sTocK17'3E__ AE- KARA COFFEE I-lb. FRUIT CAKE. 1-lb. bl SLICED I`lNEAPPl.l`. I ` ,. size, KKOVAH Hl:IAl,.'l H .':%Al.'l`S ' SWANSDOVVN CAKE I-`LUUR. POST BRAN H./\KF..`>' GRAPEFRUIT Clark s-Igenork ;:\._I1d Beans No. Zsquat 2 for 15C Carnation Milk TALL SIZE. 2 for MAGIC BAKING POWDER Cash and Carr) OZ. 34-C FANCY SEEDLESS 3 or 23 M. .1. NNNNNAN ESmaH Sausage . . 2 lbs. 25c ;Bac0n Squares . . . . 9c lb. `tn: I r. W5T>ER1"'Y'FdR SAL Chuck V I BEEF . . . . .. 10-12c lb. min Roast Pork. . . llc lb. $3.11). Pails or Easifirst or 5 Domestic Shortening, 35c 3SI|ver Bright Salmon, bypiece12c|b. I Phone 50 and 51 {Dunlap SI. : BAR 1l"nr (Lao! Supplir.-s and Coal i for (lnunly Blnildilu-gs 1 st all 310 Quality and S(`.l'V|CC TENDiERS% v. nopynana F`hone 854 T8 1-). [ins I blocks 2 for 2 for 1)[:Li\7ER FREE ADLET COLUMN I .1;,`-. Eleven Zlc `v I .s 2 for I ` pkg. nr `EXRRJE > S 39c 19c 25c ' 25 29: ' 25c FEopaE}{" , . _ ~-~`-_ OST AND FOUN 3-ROOM FLAT OIL APARTMENT wxlntod, in Bl1I`X`i('_ Phonv 24 ring 3. 7'0 'A c.`Tv7rf9_vT/X'nT5r;E;T)T" S/U:E'-Ul`|(`k hon: nrnnl-.), VVH. ml.-p I'|I`I vk7c3bE3'r"5as7xT.i~:" W/\N l'F.l.) ~ M:-. nun-hinr will l:Ika- .-nwznv u-.l iinp wmD BABY CHICK D M:I.1'riu~(l nm.n \s'll.h .\':m` xmocl. 4-Ir-an ':n' :L~.lu~.-:. u'hll- >. Phmw /\lt'.`1, l\I'r-hm . A.Rh 101'!` :m- no ('I` . gznnd r(-fa-rt-not ':Imiu4-r ()Wl(".". 'x'mn`( Am: . Om CA-PABLE W(`)M/\N (lcsirc-.s hous:c- work. By d.':',` or hour. C_ H., 30 Grovv Stronl. 6-71) I (`(1 I4 Appl 011! U `H.\ . 12110! 3-` mum- 2!-'71) -_-_ I F()R SALE--A cnnl heater and a. cook stove. Apply to 50 Penctang St... Bar- rlc. Tp FOR SAL`:-";-1`3l.\: hor.<.:.- powcr Fair- lbn.nk:; (-nszinc and saw. ncarlv now. I-`OR. SALF,--Baby's whitv clxttvr, al- so hardwood nnd hardwood Ihnmu. cheap. Phone 1173. '11')[ nessl rimzo. FOR SAI..E--I":1rn1 stock and implo- nmnts, cheap, vnsy U-rn1.<., or exchange for town pmm-r1._\'. Apply at. Exmntm.-r OlTi47t'. 3-71') HORSE WAN'I'EI)~Suitnl)1L- for farm work. AbO\'(' 13:30 lbs. Bclghnn or Por- clxcmx prt,-ft-rrc Apply Box W," Ex- mmntf Omco. 7p 1"L(_)I(.AL WREATHS AND DES] to ordcr. CuL flow:-rs and plants. ` d(;rf<\1 Gror-nhousv. Phone 832. (lr-Ii(.'(\r_\`. w TWO USED ELECTRIC iV!O'T`OR-S for 4:11.]:-, rlwup. ()nn- :1.` )1.n. :.huzl<- pl1.'n.~;:-,' $30.00; and (um 1 . hp. 111m--plJa.sr-..! $15.00. Am>`h' W. 1-1. Johnsun &-, Snum $190.00; and hp. H'II`0l` Apply Johnson 96 Rum SL. Barri:-. I-`OR SALE--SingL'r st.-wtnxz mz1.c.111.m-_ noarlv now. Will sell rm5onab1v_ Phone FOR SALE--SingL'r st.-wtnxz nearly rmxrnably. 283. Tb [ FOR SALE-1 fish house. also I l:zr:a.mnnhorr~. with N-mrrls Phrmn | run :5AL.1;--1 1` lsn house. also 1 | gmmophorc with rccords. Phone I 207M. 711 I Iron. S!\Ll9--81.". nor.<.:,- Fulr-z bn.nk:; (-nginc saw. nearly now.` Phone 739J. Ii-71) SECOND-HAND SH.AF'I`IfNO_ hang- em and nuilrms for :;:4l:. c-11.-an. Auvlv W. II. Johnson &: Son. 96 Ross 81.. Barrio. 1-tux | I Cm, flovmrs nnd 1)1nnls_ Boul- I"LOR.AL WREATHS AND DESIGN-9| WAN'I'ED-Mc(l1ux11-.si7ml h()1lS(.- and 11100 zwnrnncnl.-s. Plmrw list. qui<-k1:.'. Imrrir.` Rm} E'x'l:ll(- Office. 7b FOR SAI.E`.-1 r~Ir.-ctriv incubator wr- focl. (-onditiont I 4,-lC('l1`ic brnndor: 1 com on brondor. 23 Dundonnld Sin-N. 'I`<`I`phO11I.` 134. '71) SEED TOMATO--Enr1y Anna, 5 (`l'I1L`i IN'I` pk1.:.. Wmtzlining ononczh for 200 pI:ml:_ Bozms. Dvlroil Golden Wax_ :1! 10 (-rntea pm` 11), Phonv .1, Hutchimzx, 438.}, 71) NOTICE TO-CREDlTORSb NOTICE 1'0 CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS RI-i7sr*oN:91r3`L`EAcZi:`13s WANTED SALE---`H(-avy sot. single aL<;o incubator and bnbv .~mL.n:--m-avy SN. smglc . Apply 104': Mulcastt-r SI. 7=7)EC-SE3 .2 Son.` Mlfx` WE HAVE AN OR.I)El { for hm hund- rvd nor:-.~;. lmii.-aiii inko 51101`-~. with .'~H.ll(l_V hr-m-h and hills. List. qiiickiy. I!:u'rir- Rvnl I`.'.s'IuIr- Oivr-. 7'.) . Qua`. $3 I CU CC? I of Valua`l`>le`iarm Froperty, Farm Stock and Implements ---nnur-u...-g,-._-u -v i 'I'I{E FOLLOWING: 3 good work horses, all young.` 1 wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 Dvcring binder. 1 1)(v3rin;_; m0W('l`_ 1 Dcc-ring rakr-, 1 Decring cuitimtor, 2 double pim\'. 1 seed-drill fertilizer, nearly new: 1 single plow. Frost. & Wood: 1 set imr rows, 1 fanning-mill, 1 SM, scales, 1 SCL imm'_v i1n.rm`:~'.<. good :1 ; now, I set; chain liaruxosc, 2 hr,-:u'_v sir.-ighs, 1 5 cllm,-r_ i lmggy, 1 cream s<:1mratoi'_ 1| `|>:1.rr~l (-hum. 1'15 bus, oats, 3 imi.'~'! lmy. :1 number of hens, aiso other z1rU(-los, I Ail u~iH I1. z-nirl u-ilhnn u-n:-nv-v-n I _..____ [Tho undcrsigxmml has received instruc- [ Moms from the Trustees of the IV.. n-/\ AII ` zu'1.1\' . . All will be sold wll.l1o111 r(~. Also :11. the 3.11110 tl1n1- and pl:1M.`.i H10 farm will be onrcd for sale, sub- jecl. 10 :1 row-1'\`r~ bid. Tho farm (-011-` slrts of 120 acres of acotl land, Tl1=~1'~ Is also :1 gmxl l1o11.<.0 n.11 l)nr11 on tho pmp<>rt_v. l`m'm.-4 for (!l\nI.l1-ls; -/\'11 slnnx nf I'll LU joint n4 for cnsl auuunvcanw u-r-u--a-- `of Valuable Farm Property, Farm Stock and Implements AUCTJQN SALE uuno uvux un Lnunuxn u; nu` Estate of Geo. Alderson .` ...n In. n..I.H.. A..,.oa,... Ono com, a. word. cash. each insertion. (minimum cimrzv. 25c). five inst-rtinn for the mice of four. ioc extra when 1 charged; also 10c c-xtm when replies ; ifice. are directed to The Examiner O sATuIibA*Y;TFjEB. 2o "I"LrII` YQVWY Y (\TlT'T\Yl"_ ~ KUCTIQN SALE E.HA. Lo} :`z:%.wC..". Oro THURSDAY. FEB. 25 E.H. Lot 18, Con. 2, Sunnidale ClEDlT_1SA_LE avsunu vu vnvuu a n-uvnnv to sell by Public Auction :1: I`I' I .1(\ f\ 1` `r|_\. `In.-4 for Clmm-1::--A11 sum: J and undt-1'. wash; over (`nu M. six months` (-rndil will h._- o parties fumishing nppr l1<`\1(`!~'. 6 per (`L-nt, per nnnun Ish on (`I(`(liL sums, Snlv at 1 . (`mm-. ~. . GRAIN. A. 3. H42 1 ..v ,-!-w: L\. \lI |.| ANN .- Au:-vi WAN I'EI)-~-U prlghL piano, (-heap. Ap- ply box }'_I7XalI1Il1(`I` Office. 71) HI Ill.` ;.[lV-`I n|)pm\'r-(1 1 mnum off \nI `I\I|\ I q n. .'I\_ - hmxg ,\ hvnv` ETOWNSHIP or VESPRA I . I Many people have failed to rt-alive that here In B{1I`l`1(.' is one of tho nc-at ` and most` up-to-date FLs`h and Chip Shops in Ontario. The reason thI= Shop 15 still in opt-ration is mainly due to tlw fact that we use Hm best of matc'r1:1Ls' obtulxmblo in this line of business. c-nsuring our customers real value for their money. 'T`v-x- I cnvnn and nh-n 1'1\uv-:1-1f II h-nut. ` \21Hl(.' JUI Hll`U' HIUHVJVV. Try ..mnr~ rmd t:h'r- yo11r:~.(~1f :1 treat. Orders to mkc homo pm up in niro <-Imm box.-s nnd '01; wmpp-qd. Fried `Fish or Polatut-5 Sn1(I .w.~1>nratn}y as r(*qlliI`<'(l. MAC S 1 I ` 'I`ak(.- notice that the Tax Collector` lfor ihv 'l`o\\'n. of W.-spra will be at 31.11;: Wcllington rm-1. Barri:-. on Sat- urdn_V. Feb. 27th and Tuesday. M.ar(~h J51. to collect the 2nd intalxncm of [hr m:\';:-.s fur the year 1931. I And furth\`~r take n<)lk'0 that Hvo I |p<`-r cent. 15 com: on rhr dollar will hn sadrlml _-\H(-I` Ohn IQ? tlnv nf \Tnr(`h. `nor -0111. 1:: com: I`m- damn") wm I Dr addvd am-1' mo ls! (lay of March, 1932. 7\IJC9Nn SALE Opposite I-7-0:1 Earage Phone 1377 -6? EIu s'i"o'E:':Z' AND FIXTURES '.3ARPE'N T'I-`.R.ING--S1uir building, oak flooring. rc~m:>clr~11inu, nntl L:(uu~r::l r:~- [mir wnrk. Pm-vs. 11-:u.~`uIr.,l)h-. J. (Jmvl'- lhrd. R6: h`:mfnrd :.lr:-4-1, Barri--, pluuw JWOTV1 !{-'7n ._..- __,_.._.-.___..._-,..__...___.___._._._.._ Aug 101v%sALE7 iig'h'cIa2'13;ar}"SCC Lot 5. E:(`)I`1L.W1 1l.ml;1`I`1i`sfil sA ruii1)'A'Y',% Fi.` '27 nun nun: nun lIH.\`I'I\ vu 1'1` Estate 0 V. Lambert Elizabeth SL, Barrie \I.. .4.. Q1...... w. J. RAWFORD TAXES no-(1 has xw-4-i\'v(l in`:trur`4 {hr 'I`1`I|.sl(-M ,>f 111` .-In 1 n . A. B. COUTTS. '1`1'(~n'4\1r(-x- 41' V4 ms: nnnm zxammxn __._.....___..- -WANT`!-II) ~1c..:.T.._- u`idm\' \\'.ul(l ilk:

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