HAS IT ; HAPPENED TO YOU 9 'l`() (`()Rltl-JSl'()Nl)l`lN'l`S 'l`1n- Exmmxu-1' \\'\.-.1105 L0 mukv undvr mud fur the bmu-Ht 0! .... ..n....n- vv1unl' nl `G D_\' (`ULKHIH III KKK] UUI U1 bc- very cxpcnswe in both I my and human miaery. by P.C.l Hm\(i21s Hlghurl ' `. Dundas H\gln\`a_v i .4: nn n m Run. ` man TAXATION IS CHARGED T0 CONSERVATIVES Liberal P-ienrc Speakers` Condemn Increased Burdens HIGHWAY TAXES 31 l"..\'v\.\lI.\`-\Tl(l\ RILSI l. l'\ \a;\' RL I \'l }' _\\\'\ |' smug;mgi+;;o:gsm, JULY 30, 1931 `Toronto Man Is Killed And Companion Injured In Automobile Accidellt 1 COMING EVENTS ll ` -Mother Attends Bis|ey Rifle Meet '1CHlLDREN S AID`; %1D0lNG FHNE ms. ;-%l`lNSlMCOECO. Saving Child for I'Imm-1` STICIKING l.I:I'l"ll~'.RS and Nulion, Says Secretary Prince: George: Inspects Troop. `I/\t Present Market Prices Hogs Are Good Investment ` Declares Copaco Manager (N%EARDROWNlNG\ us AVERTED BY` [AMOSMILLER I Motorcycle Vrytinshes inlol` Car on Highway Near Guthrie Young Jack Mi||or Found at Butlmn of 7 I300! 01' Water SI .Il `Pl-llf) ()N ST()NlrL _Man is. Severely Cut ` About Wrist, Hands With Broken Glass! Does Not Know How Long Silualiun Will Cnntiume `Cilos Cmnpvlilivo Figures in Bacon Market in ` Britain Head Thm Windshield Elrnvalu Man Injured H|'l'S AT RUSSIA Change in Cheque Tax None on $5 and Under SECTION 1 PAGES 1 T0 6 N H` :1` .mm' In\\-. H. (`um N0. 31 nl- p: n -_ mght-r mr run I lllll' HI {I Dim. mu llue and 1 Al O In` .-. Kll'Il V\ Dart \\ bile Hw clear 0 Au.-nun. ll ll?` burnt known as! th .\ Big Honey Find By Officer of Packers 11.1; v.... RIDING PILLION