131:. Plmyslclnn. h (.il`I\dlmt(` of treul Mum-r (itmoral and Office and 1 Bnrriv. Onl. Bpevm! ML.-I Innvrnnl B BARRIE, A. E. 11p 1 `op Ulotnes M . ,. .4:-" ,' `r._'\LA ` :3. 1,, , .5, f .`t L` V E I I K Come in and inspect them to- mm'row--you will not he urpterl tn buy. Remember, Easter is but :1 `few weeks off and early selection en.~:ure.' early delivery. Furthermore, we have taken zH]\':1I1f.'1m\ of market conditions to bring our ulrt-zuly ne ('ln1h('.~: to the highest, quality .s`tan(1zu-(I, not only in the exclusive all-wool fabrics, but in the i1npol`t:mt, unseen parts as`. well. Absolutely correct style and porfor-L itim: ('lot}w.\' are 1,-:uz1rzmteed every man. }`()llIl}3[ or old. who purchases Tip Top Clothes tirst by Lhu swive- tion of authentic styles in New York anal Lznldml by our own Style C0rnn1itt(eo-~:1n<! s(*(:(m(H_\' by the twenty-one personal mea.s'uren1ont.< to whivh <-wry Tip Top suit and coat is skilfully tai1or-(I. - -n-2:-2, 1-II j 311$ &|_|MuE CANADAS GREATEST SEED HOUSE " TORONTO- HAMILTON-WINNIPEG -t'-'tEGlNA- EDMONTON ' `=--rzzaux? 5T'.5.!:.~.3R'GG$.E;E.P_%m ' IJPKEATDUIV? NORFH SUNANIDHALE ONTARO JAMES 12. THOMPSON i Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada > Policies : Pension Bonds : Annuities} Moderate Rates --~ Mxncimum Rt-Lurn.-, Collier and CI:u)m.~rlrm Sts. Phone: 107` McCOY S Cod Liver Extract Tablets FREE TRIAL OFFER 79, WWH E 517;} ?.5,.s"r}}Eg IAIKIKY" EGG MASH ` Git. y:z-u the benal 5 of 27 ingredients and 3 MORE EGGS AT ; LESS FEED COST Why nolfoed thebcnl C-Vain 5 Pounds 1;. 23 Days or Money Back BROWN & CO. MEANS FEW INGREDIENTS AND LOW EGG YIELD :4 - g _. ~ l I-LAx'l`oN an l'l..'\X l`()N l BARI{.IS'I`ER`.. SOL.I(31'I`0RS. ETC. ` Offices: Kent 'BuHr1lup,'. 156 Ynngo SL, 'l`m-unto. ()nI.. ` (3. Garden Pluxton, James O. Plnxtnn }Ie1'l)erL A. W. Pluxmn. B.A. ! `IO v LIMLYED G. R. and 1-2. A. BURNS PHYSIO -'J EH ERA PISTS 60 I-llizubvlln St. Phone 405 ` Pnbhodyne Blood An~ulysi:;. lubhoncur- I ometer S:1'vxce. la`J('cl,1'n, MuL;`m-Llc and ! Sun I`1'e:1tmm1Ls. Mus.-;zLg:: and Corr~c- ; tlvu Manipulation. 1 WE SOLICIT INVESTIGATION : Al 1.\/\Nl)l'2lL C1)VV'\N I Bo.1'rlst(-1', Solivimr for nl)t.n.lr|lm,'l probate of wills, guwclizxmrhip and u.(lminIsLrut.im1, (`yr-,n(erul :~;nIi<-ll.m', Notary. Cm1v(-,vmm*r, Mt`. Of1'i(`.0~1Iiml:; J.'.lm'k, 8 Dunlap St, Burrlc. MONEY I`0 LOAN bl'6H.l5'1'l.1i., :;um<.;J.'1'uH.. nzwu. Money to loan. Russ Blotrk, Bsu-1'10 w DR. R. W. IIUGIIES . DENT/\L SURGEON 24 Dunlop Sh, above Arnold's Market 'I`oIvphonu 378 ! BUYS & BUYS ; Bm'x'lsl,ers, t::nli(:it.or:;, Notaries Public: Coxlvvymnm.-1'>;, Etc. 3 Money to luun :L lu'.\'(-st rates of In-} tercst. Offitre 413 Ow!-u St,.. in M:u:rm- 1 1c 'I`umpl~ Building, liurriv. ` B1`zn1(:h(`)l'l'in(- I-llmvnln, 1c 'uempur ummmg, mu-m-.. Br:m(:hO1`fic(: Izllmvnle. W. A. Buys, K.(J. J. R. (,`AMlu`lH)N dz (`V/\Ml'Jl{()N BARRISTERS, S()LICI I'ORS, ETC. Barrie: 5 Own] .S'tr:vt. '1`(-ltrphume 406 MONEY To LOAN R Q (".nry1nrnn `II A f'nnnnu-nu JVIUN Tolephono 69. Gmdu.1Iv ur Phunv G1 Huur:;: B-11 :1.m.. R. E. TUCK, Builder, Barrie New Houses and Summvr Cottages Rcmodellimc. R:;puirin',r. Oak Floors Estimztres; fn,-n. Phone 65()J !VlU1`lL'4 R. S. Cameron a. -- --- nu-v\I\u.4 hdl\l'\l u- \-an Published every Tnurscay afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most; of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit: before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car-- ried in arrears over an extended pr.-r-_ iod, yet. unless we are notified to can~ eel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANC- ES should be made by registeretl ll-ta ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J. A. ]\/l'fl(!T.l\Fl`.TT`.N' Flrlitnr ` RADENHURST & HAMMOND BI\RR.IS l`I*}R.`-S. SOI..1CI'l`ORS, ETC. Masonic 'I`vmpl:- Build`mg. Bm'r1e MONFY l`O LOAN DUNCAN 1-`. M('UlIAI(i. ILA. Successor to Cl`(`. ~`.Wi('kt' & Bell BARRIS 1`ER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Mlnulv tn Innn Hrmu Rim-It Rnrrl DONALD E`. Mzu-,l.AR.l-IN. B./\. BARRIS'1`ER.. SOI.ICI I'()R. ETC. Mmsunlr 'I`ompl(- Building-,. Barrie MONEY 'I`() LOAN uum.w.m LUiV(ilVlI\N Burn.-;l.cx~, Snlicitul`, Nut.:1r_v, Etc. MONIEY TO LOAN Prune Rlnr-L' 'R:n'rin \A\1lvII\IA1 nu. n II-Illtll Bm'I'i:;t-1'. Suliz-Hm`. N()m1'y MONEY TO LOAN r\hxnhnna- nu (`hm--u Q1 Tlnwsday. .Tk';n'ch 12. 15.". ROBERJI` ll. .\`Ml'l`ll E\'ESIC`uli'I` SF'EC`IAI.IS'I` 53 Dunlop .\`t.-l hune- 80 '5 9-6 Snturdnvs till 10 DRS. l.l l"!`l.l". 1% l.l'l"l`l.l-I Physicians and .\`ur;:`n~um. Barrie Offh-v and Hus. 4 -` .\l:1plv Aw. Offic-tr lmurs: 1 lo 3 p.111. '7 Ln 9 pr an lw nI\nniv\(InnI\! DI...n.. `H LIFE ASSURANCE GORDON R. I '().*'l`I3'. II..- ....x..s.... c-..v:. \u.. .. I\LI'IXANl)l'IlL C1)VV'\N km`, Hnlit-if.m` fur nhl: G()R.DON L()N(iM2\N 'I'i.-:l.r-r S`.nlirit.m' Nnl.nrv 1 cHi<>RAcT~1c v1-:1'E.R1NAm_r MUNISY TU LUAN Russ Block, Barrie :1 . 'l'(`lt`[)llulH` . >7 tvntinn to Mute-n1i'l.y wm-k, 1\Ivdi:-inns and Di.s'ousn-s. of Childrvn. -MEDlCAL L. J. SlMl S0.\'. MB. PHYSICIAN AND .\`UR.GEON Offivv and Rr`sldt'l1<`` Cullnvr St. corner O\v`n. B:u*rh~. M10110 `.2 BUILDERS .1. A. Ma(:LaAH.EN, Editor W. C. WALLS, Manager DENTAL D.l`l'lC J. A. Ma(:LAREN, Editor W. C. WAT.1 ... M'nrmrrr-r "LEE.ZI sp s:.-rnune an , Saturdays um.` nu unxvvx-srLy. Mon- 3 Hospital. Montreal] all Victoria. Hnspimla-. ` \IH`l` ` I14 Nlnrv R1 lV'xllL'. Boys; Woman I Slmm Funeral I 1 .-\mbu1:\m-e l I.im.\... DR. E. G. 'l`l'R.\`Bl`Ll. Graduate Mvt`-ill Uu'm~rs1ty, Momrvul. Office and Residvucv-- -(`ma Elizabx-111 and Bradford Streets. Phone mi Office hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 mm. 7-8 pm. 'n:.'1\u1~1 Pupil 32 Ross Sl.rw~L ` .`\m)H4 hr 11 JIC .\`llC R. IHEYSKDN 'I`cm:hr=r of Pizmu. Orgam. Sinpjng mu} all 'I`l'n-rn`vI.i(-:1] .'~'IIb_iN~I,s Pupils pr:-.p:u'1-d for '1`urunLo Cunservn.- Lory of music vxamin:1t.irm.s. :11] graclos. Special ntLvnl,inn tn A`T.C.M. work x ["l't't-1|-nun-v-4: in T'.h~IvI:--Hvn~v I'l.m..... n-vrl V1("l'(~)-l-U.-\\' ()l{l)|CR (H-` NFRSI-IS liurriu Bram-In (\l`l~'.\' l).\\' :\.\'l) .\'l(`ull'l` -I7 l~`.li`I.Ib-lh SI. 2 l'h0Iu- R11 4 \AVLJ |_.AVllJf`Il.alVIL4I\ I p: x'1m\Ir< X! \ U1| {and SINGING I . ... ...- ....- ..u.. u-\-nu; Mnlnr ambulance in connection .H'2\l)lF. NI. BREMNICR, A.(}.A.M. 'J'I5I/\CIH?Tl?. (`H-" PIANFI _Eurs Altered and Repaired- C)\`r".` H1H`ll)ul`I'.< Shn.` Stunt MISS M A RJOR I`!-I (1. . mu. 1. ('RlC{\'\Vl(`KE DR. W. A. l.l-2\\`l.\` Surgery and Dlsmsn-s of W` Assmthuc (`m'mu~r County or 3 o \/I LJI4\J I 1) FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER l\lI.`\' l\|\' .|\'n \`lI`II'I` \'VlI.l"Rl".l) Ii. S.'\ll'l'll. 0.;\.:\. R.E(T[S'l'ERE1) /\13.CI{I'l'I')C"I' Nlilllnlnl, Hnlnrin I'R.()l-`. I). Tmwhc-r ml` Pm Drnwn v HA I! R I I5. ux nun 0N'l`.---l'Il(')N E 82 \JI \.JI I.4lllnI.lI \X. \J\I Established 1865) Fl'.\'l-IRAL l)lRli(`TORS AND l`)MB.~\l.1\Il-IRS 0! !-ZN DAY AND .\'l(`-HT ...y.v u...u..;\:n--. uvnunnvv I\ n\| ()x',::1ni::( 'I`1'iniI.v Churr-h TEACHER. OF PIANO 191) B. 1.Vli(.(l St. Phnnv 310 nun-ultn \'......li.-o I.`..I...- .. AI 50 Mrs. Emmie Wilson 1EEEEX~IEE)TJ` P. C. LlTrQYDV 1 `t`P|`I\r \\ A Lnutuull A nnuv DLMH Ml.\`.\` M. Mt`.-\R'l`Ill'R. 5Uh .(?l'lUN EYE. EAR. NOSE vnd THROAT May be (-,m1.~:11lu-(1 on first. und thirdi SuLIn'(l:1y.v. ul` mu-11 month at ` Qlu't'n':: Ilntul. B:u'1'ic ; MUSIC -LESSONS % (3-..%`.?..*..".. C0- Illa: l-IlllIlIC V7 l|3K rultu \'m':|lisl. [inter and [Elm-ulimnist r 'Qv\n.|L-vnu Dnhlwu 7?. D. MINNIKIN ...I I\:......A.. ..... `.._|.,.u._. lb ! l`.'H.1`.'l) /\ln'.Ul Hfl I\1idl:uul. Ontario ARCHITECT i IV]:-AUl.l'IY. /\.'l`.(?.M. 01' Piano und Thvory 11` SL. (`n*m`gt":: Chl1I`Ch i;1\.'1'i(`M S1,, Rnrrin I L I A I ll\Il I and limb-.\|nmr nx. n. c uu'u I IIIIITXI \ I`-AN. PIANO and! c PR()I')UC I`ION IH n\~-nvninnlinn.-\ 1| .\ ft" apple ` (`nun-0-i 53 D ' Hours Illll>Xl D!` Hill nfuL< La) ':uL`ll md adequ.me, `.._,.2 Satisfaction E k f" OBITUARY 1 \\'l1l((:l` (L'L`U`l. The best chewing`? gum that conscien- 1 tious men and ma- i V` chines in duyIighI factories can produce. l wnnx and avor` and chewyness. I Calmcr nerves-\ better dige.-:tion-i fresher mouth--` whitcr teeth. Tl... u...... .1. WEET and avor 1 .wn V ' ' \`"`"I I I wish from my heart," writes Mrs.; Luuic Mltrhcll. of Uuk! Point. Manitoba. I could persuade un-n I person who Ls run (luwn I V in health to gi\'(- I)r : ! Williams` Pink Pill; a trial` About :1 yvzlr fzuzu I \\':.L: ~`uiiering from :1 run-down. 7s)'.~tcm. .-\n_v little rxcrtion would Cause `my legs to tremble and my heart mi illlrnh vial:-nvlr I rnnl.l ma L-........` ..T `m_\ lugs to tremble and heart ml lthrub violently. I could not swtcp al lroom or walk fty feet without beinu lcxlmusled. Then I began taking Dr.` \\'illiam.~" Pink Pills and after taking only ,sL\ boxes! am as well and strong Lib ever." The irnn and nther plans.-nu in h.- *LEes"`1iiEi `[En; T , HEART _'[H_ROBBED ls Now Well and Strong as Ever ' --Helped by Dr. Williams ; Pink Pills (Tonic) , DE. A. 5. BLACK Veterinarhn and S rgeon Overseas Service. Capmlx Imperial Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical oxpor-` lencv In England and Sv,ot.l:u1d Omcu anu Surgery: -18 Buyfh-Id St phone 811 1 I BARRIE EXAMINER | Poultry, Butter. I-Iggs, lilo. lI3ul`L:-1'. H). iButt,m`miIk, qt. I Flags. 1107.. 'PulI-Ls` eggs. (hm. r.h=.-Lwm H. vs That spring is already in the air is ?Vl(l:'li{f?d- by reports obtained an U18 lfzirniers` market Saturday nmrnlnf: I that many maple lrcos in the clistmcl have been tuppscl and the: lnxckcis an ::nl,\' auvaitirig the first upward unwo- mzmt of sap which `Ls (*.\([)IL'i;L`(l at al- mnst any limv due to M::'v1)L mild \\ ( Cl.lhL`l`. F'anne~:'s \.\:l't' l'lCp('flll. haw- vw-r. that the snow will noL go iu:> quickly as it will cause an early cosm- lion the work. Since Sunday lL look; as though the snow might be lu-rv ls)" In while yet. With idml we:1tl12r conditions S:1llll'- rlu_v's lIH1l`k`l as:~;um0rl lurgci` pr:m.'n`- Hinnu HI-.|n H hue l`:n- Cl IIIAI Oilnn D.-. E Market Attendance up; {Farmers Preparing for An Early Sap Season THE MARKETS I; H31) H11 hhllll` lIH!{'. 3'1 )- nllmerous z1ntl' some quar- :1:n~k0t hulldhvr \\':*rr- nr-!'u- I. I`ht-re- \\'.'L.s' n:p]m1'(-ntI.v . in L.--nn 1.. \n\C`. nl IIJ. J 1!). 1|). 1|: family : (`(1 H F ..|. .. Greater Value ~Than We Ever Dreamed of Tip Top Clothes; J. A. (tuIusr:'I"1` I NOTARY PUBLIC. 3unv:-yuncer in-E eluding (lnnving or w1ll::, (l(`L`JS. ur-` ranging of Imms, 1-m. In.~:1n`um-c at all kinds. EX|'l'llL()l'. Admiuistmlor uml 'I'1'usLuc. 'l`hornl.on. om