rarmca up again. " On Friday a goodly number braved he cold and attended the social cv- ` nlng at, Mr. Dx'1n y`s. A pleasaiit ev- nlng was enjoyed and it is expected " nother social will be held in the near ' ubure. A nirn sum \\'n:<. realized by he Women's Ixistllulo In finance their rork. Everyone altvmling the beef-ring iyster supper held at Jas. Rix`s 3, week go reported it me best yet and :1 dc- lghtful evening. 3 n Txnncrlav r-vnninu lhn zuinnnl n~_<- Total Imurancc in Fm New and Rcvivcd In-cu Paid to Pnlicylmldcrs Total Asscu - _ - - Every one who ronsitlcrx Ijfc Irmmmrc as an lnrcslment sbould bave a copy of our Ammal l\'r.'[10rl. W'w'te today. A New Record Made in :1 Year of \X/orld-\X/idc I)cprcssi0n WCLOWES 3 Incurantc Ismcd and R4,-vi 011 nnnrl --,. ...._-__l_..,.l $23,29`),931, as Cut!` in 192`)--a gum of S The gtlrc lwclw continued progress ` EXEEIS I AA R INSURANCE comww :11 r`. "A Strong Canadian Con1[mn_-y" HEAD OFFICE . . . TOR0 J. C. SPRING, District Manager 51 Dunlop St., Barrie -THE--- F. J. GRACEY .u ulnu n\\. v Iv\.` nmpnrod with $2 .{ 111. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY ..-....o,..l no l,Inplu_ reveal the solid and tho (Iompany: A. A. SMITH 'l I{.v\|)lC .\`('I|()()l.S. I/I'D. L(|(|llLlI1"I ., 'i!) Qm-on West, 'l`uru| !n `TO'R()NTO Mzmaget `d tnhlncd ,I0,(`)7,6}3 1930 $100,021,408 21,299,931 On the New Pontiac _1:4b:9$i 17,459,227 'l`hings 1 n -.1-u Arr`: wn wmxtvd L uhxlc nulnlmz (inrnuu lurk Ilmruu 1:51- \,-imz, Plus- unrl Hall'- ur am)li('.n- lnr inlnrm- SlE'|`HlS l%l/\UTIFUl.Nl:'\\' (I/\l\ ()i\.` DISPI .A\' IN OUR SI IOW'R()(_)M SERVICE DALEY & FEAVER cful P O N T I A C 1.11 R14! CROWN H11: PONTIAC AND BUICK SERVICE Telephone ---Day 919, Night 931W Jan. 2G-~After the delightful won- 'her the intense cold of F`riday and `` '-aturday last was more noticeable and ` veryonc breathed easier when` things rammed up again. " On `Pririav :1 anndlv nnmhm` b1`:1\/Cd ...a fine car, a modern car, a great value AT OUR SHOP Jan. 26-Rov. J. A` mm visilx-d in 'I`homhu1'y last, week. Mr: J. Snrinrt snout. 71. fmv da.v!~: in . Tnomnury last, wccx. I Mrs. `L. Spring spent a few days Midland last W(`(`k, I `K141: 1:1.-N1 some Ifikiflifl with hr-rl Lvumana JHSL WCCK. Mrs. Fred SLOLL \-'i.~.itod with her daught,m' Annie in Tmomn 1'om>z1I1y. `Mrs. F. Hill and Vvaltcr spout a day last week in 1`0mnl,o. Rru M` 'LI(\o'inc nf Allmnunnrl wzls l3.SL \VCOK ll] '1()I`(lHl,U. Mrs. N. Hodgins of Allvmvoud was home for the weekend. ';('L` vm-nn Dnvnnn uvivh \`1i<-we nnmc 10]` Hit: v\'\'I:nl:nu. Miss Verna, Pnmoll with .\`lis:~:`:; Burke and J. Parker of Midla,nd~ \'i.~iI- , ed with Mrs. T. Parnell last Sunday.1 -_ l St. Jamos` rhurc-h ` C1(`(3Li0l1 of officws VI.-c Slnliclxlllwv I Don't wait until your :~ tatinm\ all gone before ox'dcrim,r more The Examiner. Phone 222. CU`Cl-IUH (H \HllL'! lh Mrs. Salisbury wiLh blood pnimni lglu-lul Cvcnnlg. 7 On Tuesday c\'onin;; lhv mmunl Yos- ` ry meeting was held at tho humv or 9 01m Kenny. Aftor lull justice was me the bountiful L-hickm) xuppm` ! Irovided by the ladies. the business of 1 CE 35 E` RAL YHOTORS - WYEVALE I W d3 `ll is held. has bu 1 was dealt, with and (4 ludrl ml thc .1! -\1\` dnvc it. l`urch.1.~`c the new Pontiac on tzmc }`.m1\-:x`.z.< through GI\1AC. Protest yuur.`~:It` wxth the lxbcml pr0\'1sion.~` of the L}:no:ml Motors Owner Service Policy. Jam. '.2'.2-The January meeting of the Mount. St. Louis branch of the W01'n(`ll'S Institute was held at the home of Mrs. George Bumfield on Jun. 15 with an attendance of 22 members and visitors present. A re- port of the Toronto convention was given by the delegate. Mrs. Richard F`r-iuvley. and this was much enjoyed . by every one present. A recitation was given by Mrs. E. Heaslip and there was czmimunity singing. The hostess sm'\'Nl :1. vnrv riainiv lunrh fnr uzhir-h u_y l.'\L'l) UHL` plL`:( 1lL. A l`L'l,'AuluUIl was served zm very dainty lunch for which she was given a hearty vote of thanks. The February meeting is to be held at Mrs. Richard Frawloy's, the roll call V to be answered by a comic verse with four lines. Rinnm-n cIvv1r\I\nl`nvv :.A ..-om.a...a 4. 4|... 1|)lIl lllllfb. Sincere sympathy is extended to the friends and rolzxtlvcs of Miss Mary gmfillor of Barrio. who was a. resident nf thin ninrvn fur a 1\IIn\hnv- nr Iv1\nvL' `AV/lllH,'l Ul Di|l`l`l(`. WHO W35 11 I'(.`Sl(lCHL lot this place for a number of years. Shn died very suddenly last Wednes- day morning. LVHQV4 Y.iHi:1n Wnhnrimnn nf llnlxnv-f u-I._y nivilulu-4. Miss Lillian Robertson of Hobart spent. a few days last week. the guest of Miss Phyllis Barr. Wm. Moore and Miss M. Richard- son of Craigliurst spent a. day last week at Mrs. S. Moore's. Mr. Gordon and Miss Isabel I'homp- son of the Toronto teaching staff at- tended the funeral of their aunt. Miss l\`l:Lry Miller. Walter Amos of vcraigliurst called on friends liere ln.t(`l_V. Reuben Yates of Vasey spent: :1 day with friends in this vicinity. Miss H . B. Yates has gone to spend .~xnne time with friends in Toronto. Arnott Miller has taken another at- tack of cold and is again confined to bed. u....i. v..i.....i-.... t\: n....v.... 1.. ...... ..v u....... Gonrgv Paddison in on the sick list. Thn .~ of the community is vxtomlr-d to Mrs. Conn in the death nf hnv v\1r\! hau- Ul l|l'| lI|\ltIlL'|. Rm`. J. Conn is suffering from :1 `cold and no church service was held ` lwrv on Sunday. A .~:hnu'r\I3 u'ns hold :10. Man hnmn nf I Ul'\l. I-Ivrb, Johnslmm of Carley is cm- `p1nyv(1 wilh Wm. 'I`homp.:0n for the remainder of the winter months. I Hl'll' UH Dunun_\. A ::lmwm` was hold at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lzuwencc on Friday. Jun. 23. in honor of their daughter 1<`Im'a. who is now Mrs. Perry. There `\ms .1 largo number present and :1 very vnjoyablc evening was spent. A 1 dance followed. I 'm... .._....1 .~.mnn~.1u I\\r\nliI\rr nr um Aim Th-: 174 Elizabeth St. Phone 919--BARRlE MOUNT ST. LOUIS_ ~1;W1z;*wu_L . n..,:..|:.. .. Pistons are electroplated. on And a closer r. The I strengthened. Lovcjuy ough< mdard I Lu an ':thLL'Hu'clIl|.'L` U1 1d Ill Hnlnnnn RAH-~ Dlnlu ,~ : of bothersome Chas` there are -13 points out the car. 2.11 features, incIud' _ gquip makc cannot squc. smooth ridix James Nellon of Penetang received a thrill that comzs probably once in a life-time. but ma_vbe a few more times to ardent big game" hunters. when he brought down :1 large black bear in the vicinity of Lafontulne on Tuesday of last week. The l)e-.11` weialied more than 200 pounds and was in a. thin condi- . tion. lnw Hu-nn rlavc Hun -.:nin1nI um: frank- I200-Po;r:cTBear Shot . In Lafontaine District tlon. For three days the animal was track- ed in the vicinity of McGibb0n's slash by many hunters. Of a group of hunt- ers on Tuesday. Neiion and his com- panion. Joseph Brooks. were hot on the trail of Bruin. Fifteen minutes after they had parted. the bear came out of the bush a scant twenty yards from Neilon. The first shot entered his head and the second missed him when he jumped. I.nm-ninrr Hw sn1n'(`u of his troubles. Jumpea. Locating" the snurcc of the bear decidvd to investigate. Three more bullets smig in as he raced to- ward :1 small tree behind which Neilon directed his shots. As Bruin reared M. the hunter thv last and fatal bullet. went through his heart and he fell :1. row inchrs from tho nnr/.1.?e of the gun. In all clown shots were fired, eight of which found their mark. It is peculiar that tho boar should be rozuning zibnnt." Gaunt: Warden Jns. iV[cGr:`gm' told Tho Exmniner. "Usu:11i_\' they are hibe1'n:iting. but the fact that this one was (mt. and (`specially since he was in .1 thin mndition. it may havv been that ho wzis either ill 01` was aged. Rn! wn hnvn 5! hour (`\. (`n (`i0SL`1' L0 aged. But we haw :1 max` (`VCR home. His L1`acks \\`(1'(` seen only rc- contly between a\Iincsing` and Alliston. Why he should not be S1(`(`.piI`Lg. I do not know. Bm it is quite possible he may 130 in : slmits as the one H131) U! III Fl shot in Tiny.` `WARDENSHIP T0 NoTmv_AsAcA (Conunued from page one) the new warden to you and of ud- niiniralcring the oath of (.)ffiCL`. I had ll01)(`d. whilo u lll(.`l1lU(`l (ii the council sonic _vo:u`s '.l{. ,`(). that I might be 1l(`l'(` myself. but it. is an h0n~ or for :\ vcr_v low. altliongli all look f0l`\\`Z1l`d to ily. It. is (1. signal honor to our good friend Mr. Glover to be 01- octotl by ncclniiinlimi. It is a tribute to his good work and one which hc can look lmck on. At. this jllll(`1lll`(`. C\Illll('il10l'.<. Mc- Leod and Spiclivr c. Ml . Gl0\ <`l` in the dais. \\`hL`l`t` the oath of nflicv \va.=.` 1dn1llliStCl t`d. the 103 wu... uuu Church and State Rev. J. S. Shormy. representing the Barrie Ministoriai As.~oci:\tion. brought the best, \\'is1ws of that, 01`;ranizat.ion to the council and hoped that jts work would be lmrmcminns throughout. the year. "It is no Iongzor :1 tvclmical rc- h1tio11s11ip that '0 haw` botwcvn tho (`hurcl1 and .'~'m.u\" mid Mr. Shortt. 'I`1wrv was a timo when quostin11S l.\.\L- -. Tnnu (ivnn fur rU\'{-Il`<\iI\l1 hi`- THE BARRIE EXAMINER ;1;;sEwAR or IMITATIONS. AcF_%%.nd IIIIIHU IIIKVI url.` (II of salicylicacid. IIIII ll .` Ilxlll ho l;1_vvr tn rake them \ \\'h<-n 3-ml 1.1L-p Raj." .u.:..m. `I-r\ .-.....-. .J Ilo.n1.u`l I `,.l.-I _ LIUNHIIU IIl'| 1 whenever 5 X\hny MSTAYNER yhcs Evenfng mics on "/Inynm"' (station-to-srarirnl) mil. nut." begin at 7 [;.m. 1\ ig/AI n.v'<'.\ begin at 8.30 12,711. ]u.\ ! 5;} "Long Dix/ante" S/we num- ber you mmI-ir .s'[u. L`11_s up the service. If you dun ! know we dixlaul mu.-/.'u~r, "Information" will look it up for you. -mark of Bayer narcticacidcstcr (?("`l".',\' Bu1`nh:n`t has returned home {mm the Orilhn hnspitul uftcr spend- 111;; :1 IA-\\' \\`(`('kS then`. .\Ii.~s 1).mri.~; Wx'i;;hL of Orilhzx spent the \\'(-vk:-n(1 :11. hm` homo. M1~>. In-.11`! Hutchinson and Archie wf Orilhu \\`(`l'(` home for the weekend. .V1i.xx:-s Muriel and Myra MacArthur ui B.C.I. .-.pcnL the weekend at, their hnlnn as .u \:InL'u vu urcnuac U1 is czuuter. I125 Hutchinson and Ernest Ash of . Ed9,a1' spent a few days last week with . F-`rori Harris. In addition to its big list of sub- `, scribers. The Examiner has the largest counter sale of any town weekly in . Canada. 45 L'UUHLL`l` ~ Canada. MINESING STATION CENTRAL rubber l~u.~hmgs GRENFEL Betty was greatly enthused z1b0uL the dance her mother was giving hct. But she was worried, too. "1 do want to ask Janet", she explained, "but it will take three or four (lays to get :1 letter back and if she can't mine it will be too late then to ask someone else". So Betty called after dinner that t1i_s_;|`.l and _|;mt~t mi-.l ")'cr`" right away. It was all .-settled in three nnutcs, and ;U!()(]]L'1' )t>un;; hostess had dis- covered how easy it is to use the tclcphtmc fur uut~ul'-ttm`n invitations. "\\'/hy not telephone her", suggcsu-d her mother. "It won't cost much. In fact", -- as she found the out-uf-m\rn mum in the from of the directory _ "if you call after eight-thirty in the L-\'cnix~.;; it will he (mly 45 cents". is attending 9 weekend at underwent In the R.V. F Qnnelle In Jim. '24-:\(, 1:. s1)t-ciul llH'('ll the trustees lust wt-vk 11 was (1 Ln pm\'id(~ hot. lunvh Int` thw nu] No. 15 school (lurinu lhv months. under the :~1n>:~rvi.-.1011 ` teacher, G. Pcaru-. Mrs. Janlcs McI.t-am um-mlv r`nnnv\\1n]`_KlIwT n4|1\ u-nrlrhnn v.0 Ll'i|.l`lIl.'l, \_1. l'\'U|L Mrx. M Campbell-M<-1,:-m sing. on Jan. 20 :1... I- nl.L .; `/"lo ASE \\3*af 1930 Thursday, January 29. will