uuuuunuuvw - .... - A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square, Barrie. every Thursday, by J. A. Mn.eLm'en (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager). owners and publish- ers. The Barrie Examiner is :1 member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. GfY.Df"D'Y`3l"T(\\T D A I"EVQ Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials I 5 I NS 2 lbs. 21 E CE Blue Rose 4 lbs. 25c 10 lbs. 25c Steak or Roast lb. 21c CHOICE ROASTING PORK FRESH--HALF OR WHOLE The F:1rmcr`.~' cuuncilIm1 nu} _\'c:n' will he \\ idc1_\* nmuxxting` l:lXC.\ i> Inixluhlc," it sn_\;~. HILLSDALE Fillets lb. 16c Finnan Haddie lb. 14c FRESHLY SMOKED ;NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO FANCY QUALITY FANCY QUALITY THOMPSON S FROM THE CHOICEST CREAMERIES CHEESE, New-lb. 21c WE DEL1v}:R-ExT1_2A CHARGE 10 PHONE NO. 186 fins: itS`..%.'E` A'l`l..~\1\"l`lC 41- I .-\(`I1F!C 'E`m; (*0; ROLLED OATS 6 lbs. 19c 5... |\LB`\.` :11`ccu_s;'x1itim1 ml" Izlilhl in Hull had)` :15 well :1 l:u'ily with llw nwmhcr M :m & l . S1 :n'c zlsstulul u1`s\vil'l. C(>1I1'lCull.\` scr- \ iCL` :11 ill] iil11L`.\'. NH Hood In SL`:l1`Ch L`I`<>W'x1L`a1 .H|1L`lV L'.\` IR)!` ynur 1`cquirc:11c111.\`. \'m1rs11nppi11g`limc ismnl in l1:1lI`,;1.\ _\"()HC:l11 1\LI_\" IIH _\`()ll1` l`<)<>d llL`L`x1SIll HUI` Sl(H L`:;. {Store Address) 18 Elizabeth Street, Barrie Vleat Manager: H. Beeforth Grocery Manager: 1'. Bolingbroke RUMP ROAST lb. 19c PEAMEALED BACK FINEST QUALITY DALSTON l.l.\ll'I`ED 04'` (,`.;1.`\'.-\ DA; JUICY CALIFORNIA FRUIT OUR OWN SILVERBROOK \\'c read that H n1cn'.~ .\'m`k.\ will sh cnn, \\'rc'n, m'c`.l1M. sultnun rcul. The I. .....,,.... LI.....I l..` BY THE PIECE OR SLICED FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BARRIE. ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 3, 1931 A. F. A. MALCOMSON 7" '. .'.'.'.',',`.'.`. 3'; WE PLACE YOUR AUTO INSURANCE IN HIGH CLASS COMPANIES JAM, Compound, 4-lb. tin 43c REV. J. K. HOLLAND OF ORILLIA Will give an Interesting Lecture in Special N\usiv will hc1`c11dcrcd h_\' the ()rcl1cs1r:1 mt` ()ri1li:1 Baptist (Ihurch Uptown Ticket Office Canadian National Railways (()}"l"l:`l l\(i |\' l\'l'll< l.\"|`S ()l -' THIS l'.H()l|<) SMOKED \.|'1l, \\lL|I. |'|\.||I\ The thankful,1m\\'cvc plain black with. Ca doz. 20c ALL STEAMSHIP LINES lb. 19c lb. 32: lb. 32c Pa go I-`.l-ven . I the Slinlsml clmrga p:u'ln1cnl will nut l1undrc.l.~ ml" invcslm --in M11110 c:1sc.~ 1` failure nu Ihc purl l lng;'i\'c.`ll1L`[\ul\liClh la I l`\' IH`.`l I l Illmn Thniisday, January 29, 1931 -- H (Z:mdlcn1:1s hc. lu`if4`l1t and clam` We'll have Iwu winters in the _\'C:lI'. (Zhccr up! Tho .\`CCxlCZll1l]lI I'I'i\III It is sehInn1 ll1:ll (lac Iuun1_\' is zlccnnlcd by ac ... .. .... I A. I)......,. I vv L'l.'nl_y nu. wnyuyuu .....m.,.....u... SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere In Canada, $2.00 a year; in the United States, $2.50 a year payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. The \l:|_vs 'l'lmsc (MS dL*.~'cri Inns! make one In` \-~- ..- Vcxpccl. Th: .xn:u1l\}.'{l1cn:I rdcn ml" Yurk. \ nce his nzlmc. -n hc`.< un the ....!. 'l`IiURSDAY, JANUARY 20, W31 -THE - BAfRlE. - EXAMINER I`.-Inhliohnrl MIRA EDITORIAL NOTES EDITORIAL L-Ill \I \u-a an: :4 Established 1864 (JANDLEMAS DAY AND THE WEATHER OI` all weather siipcmliliniis, perlizips mine has hecn mnrc wide-spread than that 1lS.\`4)Ci:llCLi with Cnndiemns l):iy, Fehrmiry 2. Acciirilingr In a hclief held `hy m:m_\'. the 1`:ll' eincrgcx {ruin his winter liihcrnzilinn uh i11u1d:1_\':ind if he . his slizidnw hc _${U(.`.\' hack him his hm-ic fur II'\1|ll\/ll` xiv urnnlm lnrinnr xlrliinh 'l i`iinIiiiii4H\i'1- the mu .\'hul`ll_\` ._, ' rcscnlcd. ljwccunling ;'il;7i*12g` the ml.l|1i.s'hrc /\.l\-'uC:1lL` L\L' \lI|I |:liIh|lll: ::ulil_`,' 1cng`ll1cI1i11g' mt ihc `Klcpa'cssin11" cuinll" n|\\'nu-unc |1\ H1 lI|V| :1l1l_\ nhn h: 1 |,.. .`1llll.` H13 .Vlll\l|IW IIC gilt.) Iut\.r\ null Ill.` another six weeks, JLIrix1g which :1 can ul` winter weather m:1_v`hc cxpcctml. II`, on the nlhcr hand, Fc|m|:u'_\' 3 ix` the unimzll will rcnmin nulshlc, which nl an early spring . Ind hum H11 hr-qr L'IlPl1\ lr'I;'l.' 1|"'11I" |`Jt.`l\.\hip .... 4: ._ '\ I CH in` idcncc in the 1:1) `The row I r\v\\ IN" vill Iv.` _iU\L :lI'L` \`tzn'liI ; hccn clcc . I. ... I .. I\rL \ 1 lhci \II when hillilu an an Ltlllj .w}rnn_g. Just lmw the hen Clmling` the extra I plztincd, hut n1:m_v :1 ( H11!-r 'IlIilY1'll\ HI 1| |II (Ill. he lvIc.\'.<- .\`.\`()CiIllC\l :1Ilri|ml- I rl1_\'mcs plc hm ' until |lIl|' the 1,.. the {mm ll1cdepres. w hclieve that when mm the cuunlr_v will he an lwelhre. That will cer people will llecd the l :1vr`i\lin_g' speculzlliun pmclicc the 1lul]1Cl_\' thrill. The s:u1ding' ml" the provincial l1igI1\v:1_vs, while upprccimed h_\' m>1m'isls is nut su :'eg:1z`Lie\l by the fzmners who have tezuning tn dn. It is not unu. lwzulal >1eigI1. the sand- cuvcrcd surface. If it is nccc_<.<:n'y In put sand m I I .. .I.~ .`..A`..,. A ..... 4 A....A'A'I. uh.` .. . sanil lhc ra-:ul.~* fur the .~1:1l`cl_v ml mnlnr lr:1l'l`ic slmulil he I c:i; -10 leave :1 strip wide enn fur:1.~'lcig`l1 track. In this wziy the ilzinger In I l(ll'S {rum slippery m:lds wou1d'he nhviztlcil, : car will selllmn Skit` ll" the wheels nu one * are in lhc .<:1ml,:lml the l`:trmei's will still `he: in make use ml` lhc l1ig'li\\':l_\' wilhuut .~Crinu~' '..n|rnn:nv\.~.x lI.\ llll. V. last week. Ihcir nlusl up ncwapn purmnily \ iuux Jcpzn uni!/I um/' Sumo '.l)H&.\` Izllk: il 'l1L-c.nnc.\ zm nl I\\:n'y.\ .lnuI'I121l-/\r_q1 Iu||\I \r\LI l 8 the .\l1)Ckhl l'r:unlin_g' in I....l I".-H. \v\LIk 1:1 w.~ 'll`\ll| Iu >l' nlhcr vulling' i |\\',1 mu 1 nssilwle. n\,vL,I, ||| 1l.`LL| mc cxmttly wlm much murc In ....` A I :'cmier Hcnncl1': :1iceu1' pr.vidiny' ... ,.....` 1` ,, _ I.` run I H11 IIVUII \4|IlI|I\.lI III I ll||l`7l\I llnl.` llll "H H lcn, znnl ix cn.lc;1vurin_q1nenli>1 the znlll ' n1unicip;llilics llmnugll the country in ll in cllccl. The lllcu is 14) gel the ()n- vcrnmcm In Iukc zlcliun lcmling In lurcc klmnkcn zunl IIll1,`l`.\ luuml guilty nl dc- ; snack xcllillg la) pay back what lhc_v un 'Il1c public. This wuulll he line ll" it Zl.\llll(.`. ll wuulll lwc almusl impn.\.\ihlc, r. In 2l.\L`Cl'lZllll all the lcnsscs and dolor- :ut1l_\' whznl \\'crc LIUC ln lrzluxl. ll \V'llU]\l M I1 Ihc pninl if ll1e;;':vc|'nl11cl1t llirccl il.~:Il1cnli4n ln >l1'c11,{ll1cx1ll1g the [hat .~ucl1 l 1':lu.l.< \\'lllll\| `he well nigll im- . . , , l dczuh ml l).(i.l%c1ln1 the Stnyncr bun \ . Sin1C:>c(Inunly pul\lishcr.< lusi -vnc nl` ` st cslccxncd mcmhcr.\. '|'l1uu:{l1 taking \:1pc1'- wurk hllc in life, he lust nu up- I' :lL`qlIi1'il1};` inlm`n1:11im HI] the var- :n'tn1cm.< ml" his husinc.<.x and proved .'cc.<.xt'ul, g'ivin;;' Stzxyncr prnhznlwly the ~p:1pcr service in the tuwn s ]1i>InI'_\'. llc I .. . ...I.. A .... . I .. ... Li. FAII ... .. ,|_II L _ OPINIONS OF OTHERS /\ wcslcrn paper rccuxxls Illcd hy cmning inlu cu-nI:u l n.\`.xihly :1 lin:>1_\'pL'r'.\ L`l'l'Hl',_' hzlppcxucd. THE FARMERHS` BEST STOCK UNSOPIIISTICATED DAYS 111~lin-Tho chzmgvs of :1 quar ..u nuo I~..- run 11 nI....I. II`;- an will `he slmv, many lczlders um-mzll times do arrive again 3 :1 smx11'derr1m. thzm ever certainly lhe true if all "the 1e>`_ of recent months, ` inn and nlher exce.<.~e.<, and .e1_\' virtues` HI` indu. and |l|\' .7ld.YHLl l'|`7| |||'l~\ (III. `cinthe1u\vi1 sl1i>1ury. min his icllnw ]3HNi.\hCl`S :ikin;;' the mutual rcl:Ilinn- his lawn he plztycd :1 l:u`g'c rcincinhcrcd fur his .~`crvic- * has been enough money : by ni1y-ton_r.-;1u`d stock salm- h higvln-class mm`-bred bulls. .s and stock 1-xchangr-.< should run iw Ihn Hvr. I vnnvbnt \ >.s;11 In :11: linI:1iI1in_Q` L` Jnru -:n.| H nld 11:15 hi! rzlffic. nu l4)u_Q'h . n-\.. |l'_\'nu lmv-`:1n_\' cnn. the _q'mul ml` the Imvn 4-1' surruum write :1 letter In 1114: cdilnr. up this kind ll1:lk(.`.\|HI`l|1L' In-st wh .\'iLiC aljle the That crashing noise {E \ coming over the radio since Jmmary 1 is simp of New Year's rc-s0111t1r):1 1ll1'('d. HHJVHIE5. Ill imrseshocs. Rock-slide makes 1 (-rican Fulvls." W1-11, L ists think spending is hard times. If they g i moving. nmybo t11<`_V`ll 1 2. ,...,~.\..hn..: Nexvmarkers ancient -byIn.w .<=a._v: vehicle shall be parknd on lhv stm.-M. unlc-ss a horse is atlm-h<~d." will cause many :1 lmx-.=::--l:u1zr,11. Iwm... m...m- m.,.o...-hm Tirv .-:.1 "Anot hm` rd to bv nf Guux "Phn A Pmricl-I I-Ioalcy Them All Lum-h" i In `\:.nl ...\ rm. l\) l)l"rll ll]! HHI bwtn thinking: Wlwn I 30011 in :- uvihl '1-in-|\ An Arab. vd Stntos. has just ` returning; to 1 1 Vr|nLrc nmmm \ W :1 [How lY1}Vm9;RL!?W5`| Ul llll fight n- nI`|< 711 ill: --v--..- u... By that Ancient Mariner DEAN D. HURMDY ` Sum: of :1 Gr "STHANTY BA`:- HMIDHURST THE BARRIE 1'-ZXAMLNTIR lulu .~:.1 sixnply nHnn< h HIKE \ K lIL_V. H. A. LFINNOX. `I [ Ja;1.'l2'7--M1`s._\/ 1\`Iai1day in Midlau I NH : -'1` I3nnn'\n `I HHIIIIC when lhmu;