Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1930, p. 8

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[ANO for sale, cheap 11 taxeu walnut finish. Apply 2 C061; `MISCELLANEOUS DONE. A .nn'Iu $3.50 per , $1.00 per $1.00 per . Atherton, 4_Rn . ESIIIIDKI, ` 4-8cb i 5., U1` 2tfb urwu. | 4-81) I IUH. l rm, or 8-7p FURNISHED HOUSE WAN'1I:iu, un:-" dxum. Barrie Real Estate Office. 5p 1 -:- . FOR RENT - Two front bedrooms. well hes.ted.A Phone 626. 1'1 Poyntz 81;. ~ '41`.-tb __._.-.____:.__:.___ EOARDERS or rooxners wanted. ....-m rmmfortable home with 110; BOARDERS wanwu Au warm. comfortable with home m-lunaan, Verv central. Apply _139 $513! !/1. wan name privileges. Very 120 Bayfield st. or phone 1029W. 2-8b .._f._______________..__ FOR SALE--Young pigs. Apply W. 55 Cockburn, Edgar. Phone 9081-12. _________.______1 _ AYRSHIRE cow for sale; due Feb. 16. Apply to 24 Lount St. or telephoge 1131. p _..____._.____._____.._.__ FOR SALE-Red. Shorthorn bull, 14 months; dam a heavy milker, testing 4.5. R. M. Bell, Barrie, R.R. 3. Tele- nhnnn R99 - D. 11.. Lu. 9. phone 629. y.`v..- -_- V ______.______.______ WHITE ANGORA RABBITS. Lady Byng strain. Six months old. Does, $3, bucks $2.50. Does bred. Supply limit- ed. Sheard Bros., R.R. No. 1, Utcgpiga, ' - P Ont. A --V' .COW FOR SALE, Registered Dur- iham. Seven years old, due to freshen !_soon; will change for feeders. Henry :1 12..-1:-.m1_ Shantv Bay. Oro tele- . 7 WANTED-A modern house with all` conveniences. and garage by April. Centrally located. Apply -Box D", Ex- anninnr Of1iPP will cnange wr Lccu J. Packard, Shanty Bay. phone 159. | ____ ,__-___ FOR sALE--1 bronze turkey hen, ge; 1 Pekin duck and drake; also Plymouth Rock cockerels, good laying strain. R. M. Bell, Barrie, R.R. 3. |Phone 629,. 4-51) "" I _..________...._____.____ `YORKSHIRES, SHORTHORNS for lsale. Yorkshire boar breeding age, ; dam highest priced sow at O. A. Col- lege sale 1928. Sire litter mate to Grand Champion C.N.E.,1927. Two young sows just bred, all choice ba- con type. shorthorn bull, roan, twen- .f.v mnnths. Sire. Browndale bull, ]con bull, twen- .ty months. sire, bull, champion Barrie Fair 1926, 1927. Dam, a. dark red dual purpose Short- horn. Apply to C. W. Henry, T-ho - lton. 5-6b. j 11-IORSES 'FOR. SALE-One carload of `mares and geldings just of! city work, `from 5 to 10 years, 1000 to 1600 lbs., all colours and sizes; some matched [teams among them; 2 good mares a little city pavement sore, from $50 up to $225; also one team of dark chest- nuts. 6 and '1 years, full brother and sister, with white tails and mane, rolling fat, -hardly tell them apart, Belgians and real show team, make good team for farmer; also 5 sets of team `harness. A=1l `must be sold. No reasonable offers refused. Apply Reid's feed stable, 21 Collier St. 5p I I _ lV\l||\rn-A as: v_.--.._ -__. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of John Boyes, Sr., late of the Township of In- nisfll, in the County of Simcoe, farm- er, who died. on or about the twenty- seventh day of November, 1929, are requested to send particu-lars of their claims to the undersigned, on or be- 'fore the 15th day of February, 1930, after which date the administrator with the will annexed, will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto having regard only to , the claims of which he shall then have notice. DONALD EB`. MacLAR.EN, Solicitor for the Administrator with will annexed. Barrie, Ont. V Dated the 22nd day of January, ' 1930. 4-61)! I: a1\a.-:1 -w v_.______ _ Notice is hereby given pursuant to -the Trustee Act that all persons `hav- ing claims against the Estate of Geo. Malcolm, late of the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, who died on or about the 28th of December, 1929, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 16th day of February, 1930, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate among those enititled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DONALD F. MacLAREN, solicitor for the Executor, 3-5b ` Barrie, Ont. Dated the 14th day of January, 1930. ..'_.___------___-=_----._..____._.___ LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. _ Every Man Should Bowl ._________________.___ WAN I'ED~Pos1tion. housekeeper and: companion to elderly lady, 8 years ex-` perience. References if required. Ap- ply at The Examiner Office. 51)` '-?.._...-.._ NOTICE TO CREDITORS , _x_.-.. ._.._........4- ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having severed my connection with the firm of Geo. Vickers,, Ltd" after twelve years service, I wish to announce to the pub- lic in general that I have ac- cepted a situation with the Ex- celsior Life Insurance Company `and wish for your hearty sup- port in the future as I have en- Joyed in the past. _4-5b OPEN AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS FOR RESERVATION Phone 426 WM. PATTERSON, Manager. If you work all day you should play and relax at night. Bowling is the only indoor pas- time that permits both play and relaxation, be- sides promoting good health and sportsman- ship. Reserve your favorite Alleys for to-night. V R. H. C. Mancomsbn. BARBIE BOWLING` AGAIIEMY NOTICE .--:---.----5 gr. nr telenhone uemrauy 1UU'd.Ll: ammer Ofxice. IBIS. I2 STAYNL-:n7m-'.A1's em | BY FOUR T0 THREE` __._-.--~. (Continued from page ve) Third Period The third period was the most sen- sational of the game, and was packed with surprises. The game so far was Camp's by merit of their three goals and better team play. but in the last frame Stayner upset all the prophecies of the wise-acres who professed to be in the know. Stayner started some combination rushes that kept the play bottled up at Camp Borden's end of the rink for several minutes. Play had barely got under way before Sjtayner came through and when Garbig was at on the ice after a nice save. ; Woods, the largest and heaviest man ~ on the ice. 111st ploughed his way into ` the net, shoving the puck ahead of him and scored Btayner's second counter. The cheers were deafening. For the next few minutes of play both teams amused themselves with long shots. Camp started playing combination a- gain but seemed tired and did not succeed, although they bombarded Stayner s net from every- angle pos- sible. Stayner broke through and Meerless scored a goal -on a -pass in an offside. They pucked off on Camp s goal line and Woods flipped the puck back to Meerless who repeated the move, scoring Stayner s third goal on practically the same play as the foul goal. This tied the score again. A few seconds later Meerless was knocked out when he tripped and had to be assisted from the ice. with but a few moments left, both teams tried hard to break the tie and Sandal scored the winning goal -for Stayner when he took a` pass at Camp's blue line and bored in ion Garblg, giving him no chance to save. Camp came right back with several brilliant combination rushes that were sure headed . for a red light, but were held up by so many offsldes that the time elapsed before they could tally, leaving them on the - short end of a 4-3 score. .. `re mm mm: hp nponsuarv .fm' these front of the net, but it was called on ` snort em: or a 9-3 score. It will now be necessary {or these two teams to `play off the 3-3 tie match played in stayner. The l1neups- ` ~ Camp Borden--C+oal--Garb1gp de- fence, `Btanyar. Pa.rt/ridge; centre. La- londe; wings, Powers, McKa.skin; subs. Kennedy, McKerra1, McManus, Gould. s:+.n.vnm- _ Goa1."Nobes: defence. Kennedy, Mcnerrm, 1V.l.C1V.lH.l1Ll, uuuxu. Sta r ~Goa,1,`~Nobes; defence, Craw ord, Founs; centre. Woods;` wings, Meerless, 'Adams; subs, John- sbon, Sandal, Walker. Dnfm-nA__1\Tnv-rnnn ank. 0111113. CAPITOLS ARE ON Top TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUEI Name Bankers ..... .. Capitals .... .. Central .. Midhurst .... .. Shanty Bay . St. Vincents . Y.M.C.A. I I vuuauwu uuauu. Shanty Bay team protested the game won from them by the Bankers on the 20th. Grounds are that too many play- ers were used in the game. The execu- tive met and after looking into the case ordered the game played over. As a penalty the Bankers have to pay the rink rent for this special game or play the game on shanty Bay rink. Capitals Beach Top The Town League Hockey triple- header on Monday night resulted in some startling decisions, leaving the! Capitols in a fairly safe position as top ! enders. Shanty Bay look like real` contenders and have a game to re- play which may make things interest- ing for the leaders. The meni | went. down before the Bay men on Monday, but are still in a good posi- tion to make a bid for the trophy,| `xghile Midhurst are also right on thel WANTED TO BUY`.--- He_ hous, moveable. not over twenty- ive feet in length. Price reasonable, light and clean. Apply stating price to David Bishop, Elizabeth St., Barrie. 5p The first game of the evening as a hockey game was real soccer. Both teams are to be congratulated on their ability to show the fans how the game should not be played. Shanty Bay had been resting for a week and perhaps had kind of forgotten just how to do it but at that the Y." gang were even worse and let their opponents, Lake the game by 3-1. with `Bell out and Dobson up on the the game oy .5-1. With Bell out and up `front line and some new material in the game they made a real try but lacked the team work necessary to ' carry them through. Bell will be back for the game with Capitols on Feb. 10. Scorers: Shanty Bay, Esten, Byrnes and Ross, 3; Y.M.C.A.. 131038. 1. Tho nnnkpre hnvp nnnnrr-snv fnkpn and 11.055, 6; x.iv1.u.A., Dlugg, 1. The Bankers have apparently taken their loss of the Shanty Bay game to heart for it was a. seemingly hopeless bunch of Moneymen who faced the top enders in the second frame. Even at that they had Chas. Lower`s hired help going to get the points out of the battle. `Referee Jemmet handled this game and it was a fair brand of hock- ey. It looks as if Lower has his team working backwards for all the counters of the game were netted by his defence men, resulting in a 4-0 victo1'y. Scor- ers: Tribble 1, McKenzie 3. Tn. Han lac} hafn Han (`.nnfrn1 M514- ers: ZLTBDDIB 1, 1v1czs.enzAe -J. In- the last battle the Central Mid- gets at last found their pace and held the Foresters to a 2-all tie. with Guest and I-Ioughton scoring for the Midgets while Foyston and Torpey counted one each for the Foresters; Score`2-2. Mnvf cnknrinln nicrhf 'F`nh 1n urhnh BAorn-On Jan. 21, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bates. A daughter; Mvu W I". Rnnfinu vigifpd hm` hm`:- non, sandal, walxer. R.eferee-Norman Cook. Orllua. eacn I01` EH8 1"UI'C5L.l'5. DCUIC 4-4. Next schedule night. Feb. 10. when Capitals and Y." meet: also Midhurst and St. Vlncent s and Central and Shanty Bay. ` N1l'5. USCHT D3185, 8. ua.uguu:r. ` Mrs. W. C. Banting visited her bro- met. A. Dobson. at Utopiagon Sunday. I A .......1_-.. 5..-... 1.-.... ..u......:...a 4.1.... Lucs, (In arvu-runs. you sauvl-Ina, vu ~:uuu-no.7. A number from herg attended th party at R. McFadden s, Holly. on Fri- day evenlng and report a good time. Mr and Mrs, J W, Burton. (`.'aIg'arv. any evening anu report a guuu u-me. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burton, Calgary, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Jennett in Elmira. `l`,v-nan! 1M n4"arh-inn nf Quclnxfr-hnurnn ___.____________..___.._ WANTED-4 cords maple and beech,| 1 cord cedar, all to be cut full 2 feet long and delivered at St. Paul's School No. 17, Innlsfll, 12th con.. by March 1st. Tenders to close Feb. 7. H. E. Hughes, Sec'y-Treas., Craigvale. 5b u--- | Games of Monday, Jan. 27 Shanty Bay 3. Y.M.C.A. 1. Capltols 4, Bankers 0. Central 2, Mldhurst 2. Standing ` Won Lost Tied Pts. 1 9 n 9, In-.1-Amp W. uermen. m numxra. Ernest McFadden of Saskatchewan is renewing old acquaintance here. Mrs. W. H. Davis is not improving as her many friends would like. The Anglican church held their an- nual vestry meeting in the church. Monday afternoon. Every part of the work is progressing under the leader- V ship of Rev. `F. V. A-bbott. After the business was finished all went over to the rectory where a dainty lunch was served -by the ladies of the church. A very pleasant time was spent. Presbyterian Annual Meeting . The Presbyterian annual meeting was held on Wednesday. Jan. 22. The attendance was smaller than usual, owing to many being used up with bad colds. After the church books were audited there is a surplus on hand of $1,000. Seven new commissioners were appointed for the cemetery as all the first ones of 1868 are gone to their re- ward and an eifort was made as far as possible to put in some of the descend- ants of the old ones of years ago. The new ones are: S. McQuay. G. Robert- son, (3. Carruthers, E. Arnold, J. Mc- Lean, W. Martin and A. Corbett. All the other officers were returned with the exce tion or two managers, as two v have to elected every year. The W. "`i$s:ea G2;me l&wmaa&i&&w&a$&3' >14 >I< LOCAL NEWS E '. .3 . &&&&&mma&&$&&m&i _ _L_ -Reduced prices on hdckey boots. at Hill's, Allandale. 5b 1:--we 1: wood book from W. R. day._ .. h A` sh shanty on the ice oppositeg the `freight sheds went up in smoke on 1 Wednesday. 1 -Reduced prices on hockey boots. at Hill's. Allandale. 5bi At the county council on Tuesday, A. C. Kendrick and Dr. Tyrer were nominated for Barrie Board or Educa- Lx-_ uuu tlon. AA ,___.._______.._________._ WANTED AT ONCE. four or five battery radios. I will make you an exceptional allowance on a new Brunswick Screen Grid electric radio. J. J. Mclsaac. authorized Brunswick! dealer. 11 Tiffin St., Allandale. Tele- nhnna AQRRN I good. . Mr. McL9.gan is back again in Bar- rie and is looking as well as ever. His re-opening announcement `appears in this issue. E& (':nnran .: Allandale. Valentine` Ition. M Barr1e s big annual bonspiel is on} next week, which means a big time; for the curlers if the weather stays` good. ` i 1un- Mnfmzan again ; Lyn In next. 155118- ` -Albert; Moatt, who purchased ll-Iarry Barron s business recently. car- ..;... ...m..m fnr all his lines and wlni Harry UKITOHVS uusuxcae lcwcuuny. \.un- v ries repairs for all his lines will be pleased to look after the needs of all his customers. 5-6b A local man was found guilty in police court on Tuesday of stealing a` chain and binder from the Sarjeant Co. On account of his having a fam- n_. .: c~vv\n1` nhrirm-\ hp was Igt o C0. On ECCOUHE U]. 1115 uuvxug '5 Laun- ily of small children he was let off with a ne of $10- AL 51.... nv-n\uo1 rnnnnv Of BR!`- with nne 01 nu. At the annual meeting of the Bar- rie Curling and Athletic Association, held on Jan. 22, P. Love was elected president and Alex. Brownolee, secre-` tary. The other directors are: J. G. Scott, J. F. Jackson, J. B. Dougall and `D. F. Mccualg. an .mkh-`Inc H-ounllina at night must! D. 1*`. livlcuualg. | All vehicles travelling at night mustj carry lights. Officials of the highways department wish to impress this rule on people using the roads after dark- ness. Unless the law is complied with in this respect traffic officers will hail .. ......~.knv- nf nffnnrlnrc infn nnline In Isms respect. u`a.1.uu Uu..u.;cAb vuu new a. number of offenders into police court. ~.=n....a...:.. ...,....m rival: AM in fnum frnm Electric power was off in town from 1.30 to 3 p.m. last Sunday: The trou- ble was in the high tension line south` of Fergusonvale. With this interrup-1 tion in service the local commission had nothing to do, the orders coming . from the power plant at Waubau- shene. I am... uynrr`1"r m:n kn n-nach: nf fhn` ueaun`. 1 1 1 u phone 438M. SIIEIIC. 11 The W.C.T.U. will be guests of the la lWomen's Institute on Tuesday. Feb. 4, in the Library Hall. The regular tr meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held '_ in the Library Hall, Thursday evening. , Feb. 13. Mrs. Rosborough. County ` President, and Miss Duff will address the meeting. rw,.n:n.. e+ 1"I nin;A `nornna (`Janet 01-l me meemxg. I Collier St. United Baraca Class 01- : ected officers on Sunday as follows: Pres., John Dobson; Vice-Pres., Lewis i Merrick; Secretary, Geo. Jam1eson;' "l`reas., Harry Brother; Mission Sec'y.. ;George Caldwell. J. F. Wildman H... haanhor A vvianrnng namnaizni | LXUULEC \Ja.\uvv\.AA. . A . `ls teacher. A `vigorous campaign 3 for attendance and athletics is plan- I ned. The Baracas and Philatheass were entertained at the parsonage on |vTu_esday evening. E A Hohnrrnnn ha nnn nf fhn hnY1HPF' v: .....n.... |v.Lu_esuaLy evemug. 5 I A fisherman in one of the shanties' near Bayfield St. wharf got a surprise `recently when, instead of a herring, 3 he `pulled up a beautiful speckled] trout.. Unfortunately for him, Game! Warden MacGregor happened to be! on the spot and the lucky fisherman could not help throwing the prize `back into the water, it being out of season for this kind of fish. Probably other trout have been hooked, when`j the warden was not around. | Police Magistrate J es was the spea- ker at the meeting of Barrie Post,_ Canadian Legion, held in the club rooms in the armouries. Monday night, , Jan. 27. There was a large attendance I and the members listened with much ` interest to the very informative ad-` dress by Mr. Jeffs. He dealt with the duties of the police magistrate and with various features of the adminis- tration of justice. Emphasis was laid upon the importance of corrective ed- ucation among the young. so that criminals may not be developed. and! hearty praise given the Children s Aid Society for its work along this line. 1 I IJ\JII.lJlL1\.l &V\JLllL) I The big Commercial League got 9.- way to a flying start on the second series last week and promises to be even more exciting than the first ser- IRS, CV61 ies. xes. The weekly prize winners last week were J. O Ha.11ora.n with 899 and Miss Alice Bogardis with 620. Jock Hewlett, in two successive weeks, rolled scores of 1004 and 1040 for three games` without handicap. Thu: landing Innovlua started the 89- I wxunour. nanulcap. ; The ladies` league started the cond series last week wit;1 four teams. some games had to be postponed. 'l"hn (`.nnnf.v (`.mxnn11 now in session M.S. report was good'conslclering the small membership. At `the close of the meeting it was learned that Mr. Cllf-_ ton `had received a call to Drayton. Anglican W.A. The annual meeting of Christ Church W.A. was held at the Rector) on January ,27th with fteen present. During the year ten meetings were held with an average attendance of eleven. There are seventeen members in the W.A. ve of whom take the Missionary Leaflet, The Living Mes- sama " Page Eight some net: to be postponeu. The County Council now in session here. had a splendid evening's sport on the alleys, Tuesday night. Lunoanuuaxy LJCGLACL, LAIC n.uIpAn >-v- sage." They held 9. sale of home cooking at klcona Beach in the summer. which brought almost $30. They also packed a large bale of clothing and ser_1t it away in. December. They bought Ano- Ieum for the church oor at $31.10. also paint at $25.06 and lights at $69-- 45, all for the church, which amount- ed to $125.61. rm-m .~.4n....... cm. umn ova ac frmnwn: an to $123.51. The oicers for 1930 are as follows: President, Mrs. F. V. Abbott; Honor- ary President. Mrs. George Davis. 8r.: Vlce-President, Miss Irene Lowrle: Cor. Sec y.. Mrs. Lee Banting! R90- Sec'y.. Miss Gertrude Lennox: T1'985-- Mrs. Elwood Jennett; Dorcas Sec'y-. Mrs. J. T. Jennett: Little H6199 Sec`y.. Mrs. Thompson Jennett: E. C. D. Sec'y., Mrs. Esten Davis: F10W91' Sec'y., Mrs. W. E. M. Banting: Leaf- let Sec y.. Mrs. E`. R. Arnold: Litera- tureSec'y., Miss Elma Goodwin. . M. JEFFS GIVES ADDRESS TO THE CANADIAN LEGION Auanutuc. _,_, la. good bpok M Lending Labrary. 3 cents a_ ' Eb BOWLING NOTES x,-n v__.. ' Dvlui l -._ -_______ ` ` --In Barrie. on Wednesday. MANUEL-WHI`I`MARSI-I - In Win- 5 .HARRIS , Jan. 29, 1930. `to M1`. and Mrs. Bur- nlpeg, Man., on Jan. 18, 1930, an; ton Harris. a dauglicer. Maryla.1d Unned Cnurcn ;)a.w;;age. PULFORD-In Barrie, on Wednesday. Maybelle. daugziter ox` Mr. and `.~..'c..n Jan. 29. 1930. to .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. . Wmzmarsh of Bredenbury. Sasl<., to Pulford, Bradford .St.. a daughter. ` Itzklan _\/zigxigest` son or Mr. and: - rs. . G. anue. Barrie. ' DIE `PRICE--BLACKSTOCK - At `West- `CA5-roN_.;,g; or 1 hm-5g_ on satm-- mount St. Andrew`s United Church, ' l day, Jan 25, 133%, George C_ gas- Montreal, by Rev. W. J. Clark. Jan. ton` in his 79th yea,._ 25, 1930, Helen Jean B1a.ckstock.; l .F`0S I`ER--At Private Pavilion. Toron- dgligr Cg 1`/E:-galithflo ; to General Hospital. on Tuesday} Jan 23 1930' Sarah Ann Gillies, be- 5 Price, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. loved wife of J. T. Foster. Elmvale.` M- Price. Barrie. I `CASTON-~At Craighurst. Satur-i 1930, Cas-I lFOSTER--At * Tuesday 28, Ann E loved Elmvale.` Remains leaving on '5 o'clock train. Wednesday, lfOI' Elmvale. Funeral from the family resldence,_ 'Sat- i urclay. at 1.30 pm. Interment Elm-3 vale Cemetery. ; IGOOCH-In Kheidive, Sask.. on Jan. 10, 1930. Jane Gooch. wife of Jos. Gooch, formerly of Dalston.` u..nnm~.n.t. _ At Roval Victoria I formerly of Dalston. e t b t_ lMDoUGALL At Royal C r1\1ars.er(.::`t]JemI6:`I:\'in wishes to thank 1 Hospital, Barrie. on Saturday. Jan. mews and mi . - - ghbors for their many g 32Z`:.a`d `I McDugau In kind expressions of sympathy in her PEAR.'SON-On Sunday, Jan. 26. 1930. be"`*"em-I and 5"'- 51 at her late residence. 104 Bartlett` Mrs. `D. J. McDouga11 takes this op- Ave., Toronto. Mrs. H. Pearson, in portunity of thanking sincerely the her 77th yea;-_ mrmeuy of Eden- superintendent, nurses and doctors on va1e_ Interment in prospect came- ' the _staff of the R.V. Hospital for their tel-y. tuntiring kindness during the long ill- T'EF1:Vr._,0n p,-1day_ Jan_ 24, 1930_ at = ness of her husband. the late Mr. D his late residence, 145 .\'I:lvertoniJ- McDouga1i. 5b Boulevard, Toronto, formerly of` IN MEMORIAM 1 I Barrie, Ivan Stewart. dearly belov- ed husband of Dorothy Tefft. in his ` I 39th year. Funeral took place on|TRACEY_In loving memory r 'i(\Iond'Eiy_at 3.30 lo I-Jot;-at '.r"1,as:nt dear mother Mrs. Edwin J` ,1`. xfac"e`;F: I eme my I who rrilassed away Feb. 4, 1929. ' The Women's Institute will meet in S }v;`ty_ iZf1`e1`Z1I`e : }(fey. lingers | ,iLibrary Hall on Tuesday. Feb. 4. at There is not a dav_ dear mothgry ' l 3 p.m. Dr. Wildman is to give an ad- That we do not think of you. ; 1 dress. The W.C.T.U. have been invited -Sadly missed by "i _to attend this meeting. 5p Sons and Daughters W.C. I`.U. '1 TENDERS WANTED for Innisl Park booth for 1930. also for the barn on` said park. Lowest or any tender not! nec;,:rax'x1y accepted. Tenders to be` received by the clerk not later than? February 11, 1930. Apply to W. B. Sloan, clerk, Churchill P.O. 5-6b I OUR BEST--PALMER S HAIR TONIC $1.00 7 Five Points Phone 75 Also Pin:1uJ's Eau de Quinine 75c, $1.35 DANDERINE . . . . . . . . 35c, 60c, $1.00 LUXO ... 75 HERPICIDE ... 75c VALUE EVENTS hrlunl \.yu.;--u . -....._-, 2 In... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6| " = cnmcl-; GOLDEN ROSE ,, RICE, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . .. Ex=mEME'IimL>n>wAN BORN Look at! these unusual values and then remember that our Sales are not merely Price Sales. They are all that - and more. They are also Quality Sales, featuring the very choicest cuts of Meat, finest Groceries, Freshest Fruits and Vegetables, and all kinds of Fresh and Smoked Fish. NTED-We have been instructed to secure for a client a home with one or two acres, located on the waters of Lake Simcoe or vicinity. Must have at! least five rooms. electric light and suitable for occupancy all year round.` Write G. R. Dane, 17 Adelaide St. E. 'T`/vrnnflx i WEElK= END Douglas Brag Store I i Mrs. Whitebread and family wish to`. thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy in their re- cent bereavement. 5p Mrs. Geo. Irwin neighbors bereavement 5p - --,us,.._-n `-1.-- Luz. l\V\ --*-""' Z.C`.'CC& ' ROASTING FRESH EAMS Boast SHOULDER fjfj CARDS OF THANKS MARRIED Victory PIBKLES 41c Heinz KETCHUP VV IJLC L1. Torontn. WING ROAST BEEF PORTERHOUSE ROAST \ ROUND SHOULDER . . . \ RUMP ROAST BEEF . . chateau Cheese :=;:.,, 2 35 Handy Ammonia 3 Pkgs. 19 LARI) 1-lb. 3 I Cartons 0 Sweet Florida Navel Oranges, doz. 5 Grapefruit .. 3 for: t Lemons ._ .. doz. ; I Head Lettuce . ea. 10c Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. 25c Celery Hearts ..... .. 20c Delicious Eating Apples, dnz. 35c CANADIAN M.\ll_K ETS II\ I as un---a Ynrd1e_\"s son} Brilliamizie Ariola Solid or Liquid Brillmntine Three Flowers. Brillizlmine . . . .. I C3l ;);1| ` TEND RS WANTED on hot water heating system in Central United Church parsonage, 54 Mary St., Bar-1 rie. Plans and specifications can bef had from C. H. Carruthers. 60 Johni St. Tenders will close Feb. 7, 1930 at` 6 pm. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. H. Carruthers, } chairman of committee. 5bi Fruit `AIi*N0LD's PURE Oranges. 1101. 35c Thursday. January 30. 1930. `HAIR Fxxgl? n .:n:-__._ law- %..,,................... ygscorcnz QBAKERY | 1 In his speech before the Men's Club of Trinity Church, Mr. Davies was re- ported as predicting a daily tonnage of 16,000 tons for International Nickel when its plants reach full capacity. This was an error, his estimate being 9000 tons a day. 27: . MARRIED MAN to represent large! Life Insurance Co., in town of Bar-1 rie. guaranteed salary to start with.; good prospects of advancement, a good position for the right man. Apply Box: M". Examiner Office. 4-5p The Old Reliable Shoe-Maker of 56 Elizabeth St. zinxmounces his removal to -his new stand in the Livingston Garage Block on Bayfield St.. north of Ross DON`T FORGET! III ALI An\r\p--:- PRACTICAL SHOE-MAKER BAYFIELD ST. v ,; \V_._Al_ _n I )--- no t"I.ambu.26c Macaroni Loaf . ` Beef Bologna . . . lb. Boiled Ham . . . . lb. . Menled Back Bacon Sliced . . . . . . . lb. J. A. HUGHES J. A. HUGHES _ - .-0.-.. . ruiIl\I'| aunt}!!! l)."ll I` IIJIJLI GA: Just North of Ross St. ONE FOR DRY HAIR ONE FOR OILY HAIR "`.",.5'_`TT`i9'.`.T.3f 25 FINNAN IIADDIE. Luglcu and 1 . Mild Cured. lb. PAEIFIC Slx:IELTS. hoice '0. 1 Quality. lb. . . . FRESH ATLANTIC COD- .'.',' uii . .'7'.' 18 AGENTS WANTED-If you are look-! ing for an opportunity to better your! position, the Watkins Business will! put you in the path of success, without ` risk. Positively the largest and best line of goods sold to families. $50.00 or more profit per week for the indus- trious man. Apply now for the nearest l locality, rural or city, and start the New Year right. The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. R-72, 749 Craig West, M'nnr.1-pal Que, 3-6b I\ II I IIaI\3. Choice hnpo Cellophane ` w"P9do 4 lb Sweet ntI.....`l xliweznis. Fkning I l'IsJll9 uy piece, lb. Large Bottle Wellington Hotel Block . . lb. 35c .. lb. 3800 .. lb. 23c .. lb. 26c I-`ILLETS. 21c 50c 50c 50c lb. Uompauy. Uupt. Montreal. Que. 31c 26c 51 I< FARM FOR RENT-100 acres, lot. 19, con. 4, Innisfil. Apply to S. C. McCul- lough, Lefroy. 4-5p FOR RENT-80 acres good clay loam; soil all workable, good cement house, good barn on cement foundation on 4th concession of Inndsfil. 1 mile west from Lefroy Apply John Broome, Le- frnv 4-8b LYUHI froy. ._._._._.?_______.__ FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. 75 orl 175 acres. Wm. J. Cole, Utopia. 5-Spl 'A"A"A"A"A"A"-' - - _ .. _ _ _ _ One cent a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge. 25c), ve insertions (or the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Otce. FOR SALE OR RENT-Good farm, A1 buildings. Ivy section. Speak quick- ly. Apply Henry & Cowan. 4-5p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-Lot 56, con. 2, township of Flos, old survey, good cultivation. good buildings and water. About 11,1: miles west of Hills- dale and mile from school. Apply Jas. Elrick. Hillsdale. 4-5b FARM. FOR SALE-North half lot 4, con. 4. Innisfil; good loam, all un- der cultivation: two barns on cement foundations; large brick house; ten acres alsike, plowing mostly done. Ap- ply James F. Ayerst, Thornton. 3-5p FARM FOR SALE - 100 acres on north half of lot 9. con. 5. Innisfii, good clay loam. Ali under cultivation except 1 acre bush; large barn on stone foundation. cement floors, silo in barn, hen house, pig pen, sheep pen, cement house. Possession any time. Apply to John Mayes, 253 Bayfield St.. `Harrie, 5-6;) Appxg u Barrie. FARM NDR SALE-The Stoddart farm. about 180 acres. on Provincial Highway No. 11, at Bradford, will be sold by auction under mortgage on Friday, Feb. 7, 1930. at 2 p.m. at Bradford. This is excellent land and beautifully situated. For further par- ticulars write A. E. Scanlon, solicitor. Bradford. Ont. 5b FOR SALE-200 acres of good clay loam; 25 acres bush. balance all till- exble; excellent farm for grain and stock; well fenced. first class build- ings, water in barn and house: one mile from school and church. Will sell all in block or each hundred separate. Reasonable terms: good reason for selling. Apoly to Morley Beath, Shan- ty Bay. R.M.D. 5p FARM l"U1' A.Lal9--i.UU acres, uuc mile south of Churchill on highway. 85 acres under cultivation, balance in bush and pasture. Good house and good barn with stable underneath. Also shed. new henhouse, garage. two wells, and eight acres of wheat. ploughing mostly done. Half mile school. Hydro available, wire from 1 S. W. Watt. Churchill,"-' Ont. 55 M FOR SALE-100 acres, one 5%? mnth of Churchill on mnhway. FOR SALE OR TO LET '7.` In I; ' ADLET COLUMN E >I<>X<>I<>X<>I4>I<>X<>I<>I<>I<>I0I<>X<>I0X< _ -1. -- ..I. 1-.-nnlvlnn -r`R()_PER`IY TO LET AGEN'l`S WANTED HELP WANTED FARMS FOR SALE WANTED no fan? N11 ' _ FOR SALE-set light double slelghs. Real snap for quick sale. 134 Dunlgp P St. _ SECTION IEOREMAN `WANTED by private concern in Northern Ontario for track maintenance, job perman- ent. Applicant will be required to work in gang and act as foreman. In reply state fully past experience, age, mar- ried or single, rate expected and when avaua ale. Apply to Box Exam- iner Office. ` 5-6b .... USED PIANO sale, cheap it taken ..+ nmuv walnut finish. Apply C0_l_- UDLHAJ L `J at once; lier St. ____.______________ FOR SALE-250-egg size Buckeye in- cubator. In first-class condition. Tele- phone 79r5. 5-6b ......-.- . - , _ FOR SALE---So1id walnut bed, also hall seat. Apply 120 Bradford St.,2t%1)' nh nnn 1 004 nan seau. n, phone 1004. :-.._:. l":"' -" FOR sALE-A six-tube radio, fully equipped, batteries and loud speaker. A bargain. Phone 235. 61) -, ..,,,_. ._ _,__,T MILLER'S INCUBATORS and brood- ers for sale. Big cut in prices. A ply lta Harry Ottaway. Battle. 2-6b FOR SALE--Wh1te enameled baby cutter, in good condition. Apply to 36 Brock St., or phone 1384. 513' _---_, _ FOR SALLE`r-Dry slabs, also cedar pasts. R. D. Adams, 101: 10, con. 6, 'Innisf1l. Shroud phone 15:15. 5-9 ' ) 1 eggs, good as new, I01` 59. 4 mcuuuwra, : .| 50-egg for $2.50 each. Electric brooder ; ' for $8. Auto knltter, new, cost $90, , M for $22. At Tuck s. 5p FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Bar- .-an In-.uI `Return Office 51) 1--...- ALE-G d ooking and good` Fgnso nnloc hgoths basket. ADDIY to` ' V V -::---~ w: I FUMED-OAK CLASSIC PIANO, Just! tuned. in A :No. 1 shape; good buy for some one. 'G. G. Smith 85 00. 5b` FOR SALE-Good coomng anu guuu eating apples by the basket. Apply to John V. Brown, 'A1land.a1e. Telephone 383. 5tfb I i _ _ , GOOD MAHOGANY PLAYER- ` PIANO, with 25 rolls, very reasonable. Apply corner lcollier and 1Bayf1e1d Sts. 5b `l ';5FoR SALE-App1es, Spys. V libushel; carrots, parsnlps, bb1.. $1.25 bushel; cabbage, ; bushel, $1.50 per bag. H. D.` .,Barrie. phone 580W. almost new, with rotary shuttle, ad- aptable head for motor. Good reason `for selling. Apply 241 Elizabeth St. or, _ I phone 769J or 1128 Barrie. 5p -_~ _.___ - . ._, ,.__-u 1_.._-.1...... iF`OR SALE-Singer sewing machine, I !_,,, iNEW SLOOP SLEIGHS for sale, all hand mnn nnk runners. 21/2-1n. shoe- . lug. 1'l.'LUC -y. Cookstown. 7 FOR SALE-F1rst mortgage for $4500 on first class farm property and building. in Oro Township. Apply to Box N", Examiner Office. 4-5b! `NEW SLOOP SUEJLUHD I01` runs, an] hand made. oak runners, 2%-1n. ing. Price $55. T. L. Webb. blacksmith,` nnnksmwn. ...___...____.__________ WANTED, work by the day. A-pply! Mrs. Price. 56 Penetang St. 5p IMUST BE BOLD, one 7-tube Lyric! Mohawk radio, 1929 model. in first class condition and `one Underwood typewriter also in good cond1t1on.| lphnne 8'77. 5p] I Lypewrucr Phone 8'77. ____.______________ `PEAs-I am now taking contracts for Company Peas, in -the Barrie district, paying $2 .per "bush. `for 1930 crop. Phone or write W. E. Banting, Thorn- ton. R.R. No. 3. 3-6b I , ' {FOR SALE--Chatham incubator, 120- nn-rrc zrnnd ac nnw for $9. 4 incubators. `FOR SAL.E--Unamam mcuuuwr, Lau-1 I good for $9. 4 incubators, l 5n-egg for $2450 ' `,FOR SALE-Incubator and brooders. Famous Ideal", at greatly reduced m-ices: also Black Minorca and Brown Leghorn cockerels. I. J. Carruthers, `Duckworth St. Phone 895J. 5-6p ;FOR SALE-Otter skin lined coat, cost $250 for $20. Black fur coat for $15. Job 101: worsted yam, cost $2.00 a .pound. slightly damaged, good for fmending, for 15c skein. At Tuck s. Spl I -:-T??? __,l.__________._:____ [APPLES FOR SALE. Phone your or- der for a. basket or bushel of Spys, Greenings. Snows and Russets. 40c- :basket, $1.00 bushel. Apply to Harry `ottaway. Barrie. Telephone 739J. 2-6b 2 . :F`OR SALE-9 h.p. Lister engine, one` 3 11;. h.p. M-H. engine, one 10 in. Lister grain grinder, one power pump. 20 ft. of 1`/- _- in. shafting withhangers and pulleys complete. Innisfree Limited. {Lefroy, Ont. 1-5p --:- `MARKET GARDEN for sale. 14 acres on Duckworth St. Also one ton of su- gar beets. Apply to Mrs. J. Skelton, Barrie. 4-6p lUktN1bn1:.'1J nuuon. rie Real Estate Office. -- `STORE located 125 -Dunlop St., re- |cent1y damaged by fire. W111 sell at mpaqnnnhlp nrivp as it stands. Annlv |cenL1y aamagea oy ure. wxu seu an :reasonable price as it stands. Apply `Box 702. Barrie or phone 236. 5p FOR 'SALE-Six-roomed brick house, every convenience; good sized lot; near collegiate. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Possession Feb. 11. Apply Mrs. W. J. Bryson, 33 Sussex St., Lindsay, Ont. 3tfb OWN `AN APARTMENT HOUSE in Hamilton. We offer for sale at a. very low price, a choice of 4 apartment houses or will exchange. What have` you? We are builders and" consequent- 1y can -deal to your advantage. Corre- spond with C. Herbert MacKay, 715 am `St. E., Hamilton, Ont. 5b FOR SALE-Fra.me cottage with tw bedrooms, parlor and dlnlng room and large summer kitchen, cellar, wood shed attached. hard and soft water, two-stall stable or suitable for gar- age. shed attached. large hen house. `/4 acre of raspberry canes. This lot is 95x285 feet. New 4 years. Fireproof building. Terms arranged. Apply A. Robins, Cundles. 3-5b ?:. L0sT---A ten dollar bill. Finder leave at 92 Penetang St. or Box 1047. 513 LOST-A pair of eyeglasses. Saturday, Jan. .25, between post office and St. Andrew's Church. Finder please leave at 87 Mary St. ~ 5b LOST on Saturday, Jan. 25, bunch of keys between Dr. Wamlcals office and post. office. Finder please return some to post office box 908. 5p |LOsT-Go1den coloured Pomeranian dog; Answers to the name of S-onny". Lost January 3. For information call 585. Reward. Anyone holding this dog after this date will be prosecuted. 5b _- LOST, Jan. 8, brown collie cattle dog without tag. Answers - to name of Ted". Information leading to its re- covery will be appreciated. Reward. Earl Carson. RR. 2. Barrie. Telephone 606111. 51) .:.:?_ FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED, me- rlznrn Darrin R921 Estate Office. 51) : PRACTICAL NURSING norm. Ap- ply Mrs. H. Grant. 52 Dunlop st., or nhnne. THE ".IR.'W1.N '1'A2u." Business vuu u continuedoas usual. Their customers are thanked for consideration and '-1:1-ndness shown and new customers 1 solicited. A. M. Irwin. Sp ply mt: phone. O`!-IILDREN S CLOTHES maqe and plain sewing done at 16 Small 81:. Phnne 494. 2-6;) AIN SEWING DUNE. Unm:u'en'5 cloths a. specialty. Apply to Mrs. K. Sibley, 189 Bradford St. 3-'lp - puun sewn] Phone 494. [R.W'IN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance. night and day. 25-cent service. George `Irwin. Phone 198. lttlb - THE IRWIN TAXI" business will be omnnnnod an anal. Their c11sf.0&'8 PROPERTY FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND ._._______________ WANTED--A reliable boarding home` for a llttle girl of 5 years. Wrlte Box` 122. Barrie. or phone 1452. 5p

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