be of -Wonderful value and interest to the Buiring Public PAGE 3 THURSDAY, FEB Y 6 F. M. TYRRELL. Sbeub-intendent ROSS BLOCK. S'I'RET,-BARRlE, ONT. . ]NewZusin;s for 1929 breaks all former records. sight of an expenditure of nearly a million dollars annually. Enumerating some of the items, His Honor showed how $135,000 was required- for pro- vincial highways and $221,623 for county roads last year-an enormous sum for roads to be met by the tax- payer. It behooved the councillors to go carefully with future road construc- tion. They should not let themselves be carried away with an enthusiasm for good roads. Children's Aid, moth- ers allowances, hospitals and old age pensions take about $100,000 but he believed these expenditures were heartily approved by the people. These showed the inuence of christianity upon the people of this country in marked contrast to Russia where gross cruelty and crime are perpetrated in the name of liberty. In conclusion,` Judge Wismer made reference to the death of his colleague, Judge Donald Ross. . .2- Remarkable progress was achieved by the London Life in;1929, the Company s `55th year of Public Service. New Insurance `Issued. $110,387,372 Insurance in Force A gain of $55,285,554. Total Rate of Interest Vealjned on Invested Assets 6.45%. Reservgg 1 -v ____.____,, , The largest volume of __ gl... (`run nnnv : ne I'd'l'gC3l vvnu-up business in the Company's history. Include securities. I10 speculative IV IUI I van ..-..-__.-_-- 6 than required by Dominion Vium1;c 5 for Policy micg Liabilities greater by $2,980,624 ---_- A`. 1 LUI uxau. uuuuu u.L Auuuuapua. auaua. ., J. J. D. Banting opined that if earn- e estness of purpose, enthusiasm and a 1 desire to do the right thing, make for Ia successful warden. Mr. Creswicke Ex-Wardens Speak Ex-Wardens Wood, Coombs, Carter, Eplett, Gratrix, Banting and `Mayor Mccuaig were invited to the dais and each was called upon for some re- marks. ~ 11!... II1_-.1 ..-.:.1 a.I... ........l......l.:... nu- .. ILIGI ED: Wm. Wood said the wardenship was a. recognition of work well done. He understood Mr. Creswicke had been a good worker. and he had received his reward. 1 7:1 tw......_II... ........:A....-.l $1.... -u.-ulna wcuu. ` J. E. Coomlbs considered the warden-l ship thehighest, honor to be had in the county of Simcoe, greater even than representatives in parliament. 71 11-1 I-1....a..... 5`..1L ........ 4.l....& ll... 1'4..."- /Continued from page one) of warden. He had met Mr. Creswicke in various capacities, including as a curler. The new warden was a good sportsman, taking success or defeat in good part and Mr. Ishortt felt sure he would prove an efficient warden. n-.. A A fall fnnnwpd with nra.v- sung. . yr. uuyuuu u. . \/hI -.. r..- --...---..-- .. H. W. Carter felt sure that Mr. Cres- wicke had demonstrated his capacity for the position with which he had been honored." Since the speaker was warden in 1918, a. great deal of work had been done, but he believed the money well spent. Taxes are higher, but progress cannot be achieved with- out expenditure. t'| `I1 `nlnff v-nFnrrn Qn fhn imnnrl- uuu Uzxpcuuiuun C. C. H. Eplett referred to the import- ance of the county council as a school for instruction in municipal affairs. I `I 1' 1'\ `D.-`ml-{nu Avdnn +vhn -if nnr $407327.6l $57,303,154 uuuacu uuu LU but uuuuuy. Chas. Gratrix .paid _tribute to the personnel of the county council. He could not wish for a ner body of men to serve with. A brief reference was made to expenditures on the county road system. There was a roads over- draft last year and some were inclined to blame it on the roads commission. This was not correct. .Designation of special work on urban roads after the appropriation had been set was largely responsib1e-`-somethlng that the coun- cillors would do -well to keep in mind. Mayor Mccuaig, closely associated with Mr. Creswicke in municipal af- fairs for the past ve years, assured the members that if Mr. Creswicke gives as efficient service as warden as in the town council. those who elected him would have no regrets. It was an honor to Barrie to` have the warden- ship, an honor that the county town has not enjoyed since A. C. Garden held that office in 1910. V/`arden s Thanks His Worship thanked the members for electing him._It -was a high honor to be picked from a- council of fty. His earnest endeavor would -be to pro- mote the interests of the county and he bespoke the co-operation of his colleagues. He thanked the represent- atives of the Ministerial Association for the part they had taken in the pro- ceedings and also Judge Wismer for his offices and kind words. Mr. Cres- wicke said he would have something to say on`county aairs later in-the. nnaninn would fill the office with credit to himself and to the county. nu.-. r-;....o..u .-mu-I 4.-Wm!-.3 1-n thp _.__h,_ _ __ _____-_._, The Executive of the Barrie Presby- U terial met in the lecture hall of St. Andrew's Church on Tuesday, Jan. 21.] Mrs. Swallow of Stayner, president, occupied the chair and the meeting opened by the singing of a hymn while several ladies took part in the` prayers. `Mrs. McMartin read the re- port of the last meeting which was duly adopted. As this was the last meeting for the year there was much important business to be discussed. Several reports were given during the morning session and after luncheon (kindly prepared and served by the ladies of the congregation) the work was renewed. Very satisfactory results were indicated by the various reports. There was a. slight increase in the number of subscribers -to the Glad Tidings" and allocations had been met. .......-1-1I-- .!..L-....-L:.... ..___-_.L _.- A specially interesting report on supply_ was given by Mrs. Wallace of Midland which showed the immense Iamount of labour entailed and the constant efforts made to get the ba,1es in time for sorting and despatched to the right quarters. Mrs. Wallace made 9. strong appeal that all bales be sent in [by the beginning of September. `lm: Nfnlon `nf Fnllinnnvnnd n-1... BARRIE PRESBYTERIAL ' MEETS ALLOCATIONS } 1u|u_y mu: ucssuuxus UL ocpuculucr. Mrs. Nolan of Collingwood, after giving the treasurer s report, which showed a balance on the right side, intimated her intention to resign the office. After eight years as treasurer Mrs. Nolan felt, on the grounds of in- different health, that someone else should take over the work of treasur- er. Regret was expressed on all sides and it was decided to try and get a suitable successor. Q VIII---nu oovnn manual` Al-_..--x-.. __.-.. I 'WOU1G prove `an. cuu.;u:uu 'VVa.Lu\.A;. Rev. A. A. Wall followed with pray- er, concluding with the Lord's Prayer in which all joined. _ n.......... -r__ I \There was much discussion over The Presbyterial News, a bulletin of news from all the branches. A very hearty vote of thanks was given to Miss MacMu1-chy of Clarksburg in connection with the compiling of this publication. This magazine will prove most helpful to the Society once it is , put into the -hands of each member. A f special committee was appointed to meet in April for the consideration at .. the next number. Before the adjourn- 2 ment of the meeting it was decided that the executive meet next at the Presbyterial to be held in Orillia. I Over Hurlburt s Shoe Store Speclarattention given to new players. Terms moderate. _ Large range of guaranteed Clubs and Bags in stock. sou scnobl i Now OPEN mAN}< RAvmI,1Q; Instructor. can uvvva u Avguvunnab E A'meet1ng`of the directors was held `immediately after the `general meet- mg. .G. 0. Cameron was re-appointed secretary at the same salary ($200). _ .... mu , _,._-4 -_ L__,______-_ vvx_ (Continued from page one) Trea.surer s Statement Receipts Balance from 1928 ................ .. $ 1 Cash on hand .......................... .. 1 Ontario Govt. grant .............. .. 4( Gate receipts, 1st day ...... 18! Grand Stand receipts, 1st day 4 Gate Receipts, 2nd day ........ ._ 5f Grand Stand receipts 2nd day 2 Barrie Kiwanis Club grant : Federal grant ......................... .. 5 Dominion Shorthorn Breed- _....u _..._._L ; LIUIIIIIJLULI QHU1 Lilul. LA {J1 CCU` ers grant ............................ .. 40.00 Re-payment of half of loan .. 600.00 Interest on loan .................... .. 72.00 Town of Barrie grant .......... .. 500.00 Received from secretary ...... .. 1435.65 Bank interest . ......................... .. 2.62 Bank interest .......................... .. 7.77 ,Lu nun. e--- _,----V-.. Warden Sworn In After administering the oath of of- ce to the warden, His Honor Judge Wismer spoke briefly. It was, he said, a special pleasure for him to congrat- ulate his young barrister friend, Mr. Creswicke. whom he had known for years. He had watched his career and was pleased with his success. It was a great honor to be chosen by such a large arid able body of men to preside over the affairs of one of the greatest counties in Ontario. It was also a `great respz,.:1sibility to have the over- Disbursements Prizes 1929 ............................ .. Outstanding prizes, 1928 . . . _ .. Outstanding accounts, 1928 . Ticket selling ...................... .. Judges .......................... .. . Races Advertising and printing Fitting up . .. Caretaking lBands .. .. .. .. .. Rent. 1929 . ... . ...... .. Sports. attractions, etc ..... ._ Sundries ............................... .. `_ Balance in bank .............. 4l HIGHLY succssruL ma IS 1 REPORTED FOR BARRIE FAIR; , . l The Secretary's report gave details of receipts. some of which were: Spec- ial subscriptions. $431.00; membership fees, 1929, $61.00; privileges and rent of space, $735.50; gate receipts, $2,469.- 05: grand stand receipts. $100.35; Live stock entry fees, $182.15. Should Watch Fence Jumpers rectors, A. F. A. Malcomson thought that there had been some improvement in the `poultry sections, and he had no fault to nd with the way the Fair had gone, though he thought more atten- tion should be paid to the policing of the fences. He also thought that the Secretary should be relieved of some of the work in connection with the al- loting of space. The President pointed out that this department had been operating very successfully, and he did not see any necessity of any change of system. -up 1. A _., n.-.-__._L:n.:__._ Under the heading of report of di- . -.y._ 9...`. -..-..1.-.-----~- I The question of eld crop competi- tions for 193-0 was discussed and it was decided/to try these again this year, provided sufficient entries could be got before 9. specied date. This recommendation was later approved by the directors and potatoes and oats selected as the crops. ; u ,,_,, -_v-,_c L- uunuvvuwn my Ih v- ..`._. The incoming board was asked to consider the advisability of opening up the roots and vegetable sections, in place of confilning it to the County of Simcoe. This was occasioned by a re- ; quest from W. N. Gibney of Newmark- 'et, and was to be tried for one year. This also was apprdved by the direc- tors. Honorary Presidents: E. A. Little, J. Simpson, M.P.P., Earl Rowe, M. .2 W. A. Boys, M.P., and W. H. Wright; ;Pre3ident. R. A. Stephens; 1st Vice- IPresident, A. F. A. Maicommn; 2nd ~Vice-President, R. A. Sutherland: Di- rectors. P. Love, J. Wiggins, E. A. Cu, B. B. Warnica, C. M. Hickling, L. Liv- ingston, W. Kennedy, W. H. Martin, S. E. Carr, T. G. Scythes, C. Raikes, J. ' A It- -7 ..-..n I". 11 nl-show- .1 5 I D. In. \JuL'.l., L. \.x. any vuca, u. -llrclsAlx\.u, v. `A. MacLaren, G. D. Hubbard, J. Yeates, V. S. Hambly, H. F. Morren, .1110. Hunter: Associate Directors, Miss A. Booth and a representative to be named by the Women's Institute: Auditors, H. M. Lay, A. G. Macnellan: representative to Fairs Association. P. Love, representatives to Georgian Bay Fairs Association, R. A. Stephens and G. 0. Cameron. J. W. Ness resigned as treas;1Vrer: 'fIis resignation was accepted with regret and an honorarium or $25 voted him. Field Crop Competitions p 45,1; ism. Ii. cniswlciis names nu: WARIIENSHIP T0 BARBIE Directors Meeting Oicers Elected ` 19.61 10.00 406.00 . 1890.80 tn: nr: $5796.05 uu..'au 578.25 35.10 80.00 53.00 uni I/AUL1. The President, Secretary and Treas- urer were appointed a committee on nance. A. F. A. Malcomson was appointed in' his stead. l ~r.....a.._..-A.:_..- ..._._. n, Anon uuvau. Instructions were given the secre- tary to write the Joint Stock Company, ' calling their attention to the fact that one of the buildings had become unus- able and suggesting that a" new build- ing be erected in its place, and offer- ing the co-operation of the Society to this end. The President, Secretary, Mr. Cuff and Mr. Malcomson were appoint- ; ed a special committee to look after all -' matters pertaining to new accommo- dation. n-11.- 1\____:J___L n____-L_,,,, _, u -n , After the Secretary had outlined the I offer of theAKiwanis Club to erect a building for Junior Farmers section and tum it over to the Society, a, mo- tion of acceptance and thanks was passed; the Board also expressing its willingness to co-operate with the far- 'I='ou'Rh\' l/NDRED MIL\\o\\ i5K2iEXRE noun iiKi51.n smup P01` BARLEY LB. so WHEA'.l`I.E'r8* 4 lbs. 2.50 '.l.'00'.l'HPlCK8 mm. 5g FRESH SALTED PEANUT8 SILVER GLOSS 31A?` CLIANS EVERYTHING vu-ugnw ll V3505 Annnnu CHARM - "SATMEAL 3 lbs. zoo miliiicn ma. 1 19 I Lawrence; Hayes of Chicago was a Sunday visitor at A. L. Moran's; also `T. Hayes of Phelpston. 'T`hn.< `Mnm-P visitpd in Midland this 1.. .!'1i.`l_YC5 U1. I'I1.lplUll. Thos. Moore vxsited in Midland this 3 week. 'mers in tendering a `banquet to the `Kiwanis -Club. President Stephens to \ represent the Society on the committee in charge. Local or district news on every page I A. F. A. MALCOMSON` For the next few months our office will specialize on AUTO INSURANCE. We represent many of the BEST COMPANIES do-ing Automobile Insurance. We guarantee SATISFACTORY SETTLEMENTS. Call or telephone _our office for rates, etc.. There will _appear_ _Snsationa! Business Aqnognqemsnt which- WEI A1'%MOB|LE INSIJRANGE announces he is again at work and prepared to SAM SPANIS Clean _Yo_ur Hat or Shine Your Shoes WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH 41 Dunlop 80. Phone 447W On