Remedy for bronchitis, whooping- cough. croup, cough, sore throats, head colds and tonsil troubles? Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis" good results or money back, you can't lose, try it. Bar- | tie Druggists. 41 and 50i vn.-uau ' ~ I But why try to steer in this hurri-5 cane? She turned her head and knew3 the answer to her unuttered question.| Ahead of them, a rod away, loomed` the terrifying bulk of the great water- spout which first had told Faunce of` itheir peril. Anal an 61-... Tu... ....._....L...1 :.-1.- LL- nu. pin 11. And as the Lucy smashed into the watery tower, her lips twisted in an! ironic smile. It was for this that she had swum agonizingly to shore only thirty-six hours ago. of the wind and hanging on with grim determination to the rail, she= saw Faunce straining at the wheel, trying to deflect the course of tha ct`-aft. 'n..A. _,,u, , SAYS DRUGGIST H Socnm. ERROR ls Emuc. Daxnrs i-'0noD AH` Annex. A\Jl- AZ 1....- 1 wvv 11]` r`l'\b" CAKE AT THE SAME M\ _A_\.'." - NOQSIE 1:: just a few days-quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonderful health building esh mating tablets called ndccoym Sod Lxver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight time one. Lffnr r-Irnnqn And urhnn fhn 1 While there is as yet no disposition t to follow the experiment in practice, officials of the Ontario department of t I qzlucation are watching results in `V .eighte'en United States\ cities where`, ikindergarten and primary grades are 3,} {allowed to use portable typewriters ini llearning the technique of writing! rather than follow the usual muscular; system involving the mastery of script. I '1"ha avnnrirnnnf um: firf. intrniinnd ` [J'd.1'b2 The results so far have been grati- fying and may in the future revolu- tionize the system of child education in respect to writing. Children are not ' muscularly adapted to the present training and the introduction of the , itypewrlter may cause the learning of script to be deferred until they are 9 or 10 years old. ' r\nzu-Hana union:-I of nnno av-D` `VH1 ITYPEWRITING NOW SUPPLANTS SCRIP IN KJNDERGARTENS sysuuur IHVULVJH5 but: uxaaaucxy vx o\,J.;yuu I ` The experiment was first introduced ? at teachers college, Columbia Uni- vesity, and an interim report says inf part: 1 ml-..:. u-ncu`l+e on far `have: hnmn crrnti. ' 5 U1' LU _YC'd.L' Ulu. Questions raised at once are: W111 `children learn to write more rapidly and better if they write on the type- writer? The typewriter, which is a machine, will insure Vlegibility and speed in writing. But would children do better if they first wrote on the machine and then with their hands made the letters? 1-\_....1...\1......:..L.. \........ I...n..~... (hue unnvc `G56. Such an experiment is undoubtedly a development of the machine age, a. carrying of the machine idea down ; into the first grades or one's`educa- i tion. A mechanical device presents; advantages of writing to children who 11104415 DLAC J-CUUCJDI Psychologists have known for years that children in the kindergarten -lhave not learned to write with mus- cular ease the complex movement re- quired in long hand. an far Han n1ni'|rlm:n chnnv o-vnaf pa- Vtllbc HLULC LLCC1_y auu nuuu [CDO DLLUL u. The outcome may be that in certain }of the schools children will be taught only enough handwriting in the first three grades -to enable them to write their names. The remainder of their writing they would do on the type- vyriter. A postponement of handwriting as a feature of their education un- der that circumstance might be de- ferred until they are 9 or 10 years of age. cnnh an Anna:-lviunnf 4: unrlnnl-\ntI1v lquucu Au AUAA5 1LCl.A1\.A- So far the children show great ea- gerness and are writing more in quan- tity than they ordinarily would do in long hand. It is rather interesting to note that they even prefer to do their arithmetic on the typewriter. They write more freely and with less effort. Fkn nut-nnvnn wunv kn Ghnf In r-an-fain ,___ , I Wholesale Distributors: Bennett & Elliott Limited, 1108 Bay St., Toronto Is Your Child Thin and Weak? For Sale by THE ELECTRIC snop, B .r}i.% !cCoy c Tablet: Put: on Flash . pad Build! Them Up .+~- I have to work in the store and do my own llhuacdork, too, and I got nervous and run-down and was in bed nearly all summer. The least noise would Inake me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Cumpound and I have taken seven l)0EtIe8. It has made me strong- er and put more color into my face. I am looking after my store and housework and my foul children and I am getting along nicely now." --Mrs. 1. Malin, R. R. No. 5, Barton 8. .5431, Hamilmn. Ontario, Canada. I I T5111 ""2 T `C - Mum ran naanese connrriEm'snoueu1' on av `ms PRESENOB ow wonult A1. nasrons 11-u=. CHILD TO noauu. HEALTI-_|_._ A NO NARCOTICS-PLEASANIT AS SUGAR . MILLER S __`!Y.9B1_Y!,:BQYPB- LJCJAI Uuu UL LILAC ouub. He could understand why man.: `frustrated in love, might sink to any` level of dissipation, to win a moment iof forgetfulness. An overwhelming urge seized upon him, to drink and drink until he won unccnsciousness. Then his mouth hardened, and his ,eyes, that had not been focussed, but ihad been wide and staring. resumed ltheir customary coolness. Lucy Hark- !ness had made a public fool of him.--- lat least. publicity could not be long lavoided,---but he would add to the lfcolishness nothing of his own. He wouldn't drink. and he wouldn't kill himself. and he'd do nothing-save find her. 77.. .....-... .........1.. _....J F\ICAr\IdI\p1 .. ...... a.A L A V uu onnus UAJ . I was married today, Madane," said Stevens. ` Modane nodded. I congratulate you; sir. And Mrs. Stevens and I sail on the `Minerva in half anhour. on our hon- eymoon, Modane," Stevens continued. Again_the skipper nodded. Our destination, sir?" I You are to proceed south, beyond Miami. Every sec3nd day you'll send a man to Miami in a motorboat, and at the post-office he 11 inquire for let- ters for yourself. For, Modane, Mrs. Stevens and I shall net be abeard the Minerva." No, sir," said Modane. But the crew are not to know this. and no one else is to know it. Once -you've started, the crew will discover bUllLylCUClJ. _ He sat down, rang for a servant, or- I: dcred a high-ball, and drank it slow-Z ly. sipping it carefully, as though he` lsought by taste to analyze its ingre-.' dients. A sudden odd thought came to` him: the liquor had no savor, and; nothing else in life would have savor` again unless it were accompanied, or `spiced, by the presence of Lucy. ! FT`!-n Ivvna `lnnn Thin vivnn nv\ nnhn HEALS PELESI IDfll\aC\.l, IJJ DLAC HLUD-ALUC U1 J-)Ll\4_y- This was love. This was an ache that distracted, that maddened, that| drove one to frenzy. No mere balked; desire this, but an overwhelming long- | I I ling. a frantic longing that, he sud- }den1y realized, was not only of the iflesh but of the soul. . 71. ..._..1_! .....1,.-...L.....1 ...l... ......_ : He rang again. and ordered a. ser- vzmt to fetch Modane, the skipper of the Minerva. The swart Levantine .arrived shortly. ' I T urns rnorrharl fnrinw .T\"\1-`aria " uu5uu Ur; UAaLl.LAV, uuu LACVCL \.U1uuJ.s.uL. It suddenly occurred to him that she might be mad. Certainly this would seem a reasonable explanation .01 all that she had done. Only, he |remembercd the cool gray eyes, the` broad forehead, to know that no in-I sanity lurked within that perfectly Eshaped head. ; Qkn Ivvnr I-hr; rnncf ~'n-v-n-\n'|ciun In-an- vauayuu AAKa4\A- , She was the most impulsive crea-' ture on earth. He knew this. And yet. though she might have acted upon ximpulse, in marrying and leaving him. 5 it would be impulse only because 11; `had been done so suddenly. She had; dane whatever she had done with de- | `liberation, even thcugh she had not. wasted much time in planning. ; `kTnunv~fhi3'|nec his nuns Hrrhfn an 11.1. nan:/cu. Lllubll. UJAALC JAL ytnuluuus. Nevertheless, his eyes lighted as hei stepped inside his patio, only to grow somber instantly as she was not re-` vealed to his eager glance. Hope- or, Irather, its pale specter -- vanished N completely. `Clo en!` rlnuvn vnnrr Pnr o Iznvuonf r\v'_? `sane. But the breezes from the Gulf; NOW GO ON THE STORY I Tim Stevens left the villa of his wife in a state of m'nd that bordered on insanity. Bewilderment, outraged pride, denied 1ove---a1l these conspired to render: him something less than Stream blew upon him; the exercise; of walking, by its very mohotonyl soothed his nerves, and by the time] he reached his own home he was ablr; to think coherently. I She had run away. No doubt of that. I Why she had run away, why she had . married him only to desert him for' all the world like a heroine of a cheap = novelette, he could not imagine. Only. it was no cheap and vulgar motive that actuated her. He knew that. Lucy might be bizarre, but never common. T+ 1-nu-Iplnnlu nnnuv-won;-I 4-A I-xiv.` Gk.-u+ -Dun: ' Lucy g:es to` Stevens to help him,] but he refuses to take money from a! woman to whom he is not married. So Lucy marries this man that she hates. and promptly runs away from him. going to her staunch friend Dr. Fer- gus Faunce to tell what she has done. Aboard Stevens boat, the Minerva. Stevens tells Lucy of his love. When she replies with contempt for him, he grows violently angry and she becomes afraid of him. He says he will never let her go from the Minerva until she accepts him. To escape him, she leaps into the water from her cabin win- dow, swimmfng a' short distance under water. Lucy reaches land and meets Dr. .':`ergus Faunce on an island. He takes care of her and takes her home. Ev- eryone is worried about her, and when she meets Stevens he is frantic, regret- ful and still ardent in protestations or 10V . .......... .x..n...._..- 1-.._-. LL-A. 1-u. .... ..- MJVC. Leeson informs Lucy that Stevens must; raise a quarter of a, million dol- lars or go to jai1--at five o'clock. I Lmy goes to her bank and raises the sum. ...... ...-_ 1... AL.._..._ L- 1__I.. L2.-- ' IV 1.1.51 1 LL34 L SMVJJLJ Jilin.` \JL\al` At a party in Palm Beach given by Mr. Cooper Clary, Leeson, an attor- ney. meets Lucy Harkness, known as Devil-May-Care because of her adven- turous, eventful life. In a game in which partners for the evening are chosen, Lucy is won by Tim Stevens. who has a great reputation as a suc- cessful heart-breaker. Leeson is a bit lealous. Tim Stevens tells Lucy they are going aboard his boat, the Minerva, and she accedes in order not to be `a quitter". Asked if she is sorry that he won her company, Lucy says she is not and that evidently Fate has ar- ranged it. Tim thereupon tells her to stop looking regretfully after Leeson. TIC _ It 5 nothing dhurt of n:.1r\'elIoua hnw guhzkly the itching stops, the pain canes bad the swelling gun`. duW., M:-,n you Apply "$oo'.ha-L~al\a" to xnanu-d 0. vtruding Piles. This new oinurzmt i.- Ro prescription of a famous ph`.'.4:z'ia'.: Ind you u.n U94: it with we: ' as:nu.m.c dint it will hcip you U) iJLliI.":'.{V get. rid of fur pile.-a :Ocul:8.Ud1`u5;;aL8. can you nothing it u do not bonut. Iulnu two boxes 0 Sootha-Salvu". H Il'9fIOC.lIHacd, jult return the ornmy IO "I'll"-I-Civil Limited. Ottawa, Ont WI will refund y-ur m-sq: SYNOPSIS WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE AL - ...-..A... :.. I-`-1... 1n..__I. ..l...... \ 7 . gut/s_rgAra av DONALD RILEY 4`:--- . uu\.:.A sumu AA Al\r'\4L uvunu. I Don't waste em, sir, pleaded Mo- `dane. Take her, grab her make her }come. - Stevens shook his head. Would you have an unwilling wife, ; Modane showed his white teeth. `If I wanted her, and could get her, `it wouldn't matter to me whether she {came willing or unwilling, I'd make iher willing. `A11 uvnvnnvu nvnv\ I- #1-an 4-nun.` urn. u.u.u.. N CHAPTER IV The Lucy was christened salemnly; the human Lucy broke a pint bottle of champagne over the craft s bows. and then another pint was opened. and the ritual was sealed by Faunce [and herself drinking the new Lucy's `health and success. ' nu-n1.....__1. ...!-_A. ..._--1._.. .--___....- _n LLLOLJ '\JaLC 111 MC; 1. uyucu J.` a4u_u\4c. I accept the amendment, Lucy, said Faunce. `Well, what more this craft can hope for I cannot imagine. "I"hnu yarn I-\r\n1'|inrr Yahsnv-zn annfh 551- I ' You don't want-he1p,s1r," asked the sailor. ' ` Stevens laughed. ; To fetch back my own wife? Not` fhelp, not even my own two hands, M3- dane. If she won't come for words, ithen-she 11 never come. I in-\-..u. .......L.. 1.... _x.. n ..1-__1_.1 up- . LICL vv.u.u.A.| I , `All women aren't the same, you iknow, suggested Stevens. Qnvn +hnu own ulr `Hiya n11 vvunnl `nnnvvv, uu55\.uu\.u AJUUVULAJ. Sure they are, sir, like all men! ;They don t know what they want. .They Wait for some stronger person |to tell e1'n what they want, and then .they jump with joy and claim they wanted it all the time. I u\'r..A. -11 ......- ...... -11 ............ n _-x.I Quick Relief From Pain anal Itching When You Use Thiu'Nuw Ointment - uvu v \.::o. `Yes. sir, all men, and all women, insisted Modane. I u . . . u _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ . ._- x_._u. L1... .u.|.uauCu 1vAUua.uE.. But suppose-suppose one isn't the ;stronger?" asked Stevens. ` Modane shrugged. In that case lie down, let her walk V on you. You got to. if she's stronger than you. But is she, sir?" In his turn Stevens shrugged. `That remains to be found out, Mo- .1...... H l .5 Au dane." uuuu/;L uenu uuuvuau. ` Though what greater measure of success the Lucy can hope for than to have carried you as a passenger-; Ac 1-: vnnv-vuknv n{-' +1-an nl-tarry" `|'1o-nr`I_. uv Lnavx. \.;u.1&n.u Juu no G yamac. As a member of the crew," [May-Care interrupted Faunce. UT an:-|r\r\.' +1:-an nvv|nr\t-`I~1nv\`- I went overboard. Mango Key or there- abouts, sir. I uxn-....1.. ..1_1:_.-.u wur,_;u-.-- c ... _,A, Iv_a.uuSu Au and V1.16 Ullllbn Not all men, nor all women, said astevens. | 417-- _:.. _u .--..._ _...s _n __._.__-._ n. Z/.AR1'+-eu oMEI2' r2"ocf+-:23 rev-aa-rah nv nnNALn RILEY hJ\-ll-`VII VA ;.uuu ;.vvu\ua.. ` "Mango Key, sir, or one of those. other keys. I told you the drift wasl inward, but you thought that the Gulf {stream current set outward where she` LI-ALA away: I You've got a way, sir, of command- ing, net asking; a. proud womax} migh; resent that, might want you to come to heel, instead of herself. EVER TRY 'I'I%IS?j I ll think that over," said Stevens. And when I bring my wife aboard- Modane, where could she have landed yesterday morning? llnrlnnn rlvnnv n no-\nI;n+ v-anon -nun J UDIASL u.a._y AMUL LAAL15 : Modane drew a. pocket map inside` his doublev-breasted reefer j et. He unfolded it, squinted at it, placed 9. stubby forefinger on a 1 south of Palm Beach. u-np_.__.. 7).... .x.. .... -..- -41 A \...uc\.| v4 5 ~JJ-y. Yes, sir, said Modane. "You should never have let her `get ashore when once you had her aboard the boat, sir." Stevens `grinned faintly. Had sh: been your woman you'd have tamed hrr, eh? Bu_t what made you suspect-' "`She s not here, sir," said Modane. And after jumping overboard-We11, a man thinks, sir. nun-...v-.... -.....c..- 1...-.. x._ ...-- -... Cl lllvll ULLILIQJ, EAL. Modane, you've been in my em- ploy several years. You know me as well as any om. [ I r-Ana nu- nu. knffah .3.-n Mm 1ur,.,. ' vvuu no any UAR. I And like you better, sir,'_ said Mo-| dane, `-`than any one else. 'I'unk r-I-\Hn-ad "|"knv\ 4-AH nan: -"kn H3515, 'hAA(LlL GL1] UIIU Clia Much obliged. Then tell me; why would a w:man marry me and then run away?" V Vn11 v1n nnlr n Iivnvv u-In A4 any-as-an.-pl JD; Null 1`: `VIII I-I5 UUV AGUC LU! UALCIJL DU gtssip. Send a. tight-mouthed man ashore for letters, one that isn't in- c1.ned ta g3ss.p." 44179.: air ea :-I 1\II'r\rlav\n "VAII it. but it will be too late "for them to I..._.I .. `;ou`Q` u~un1ub1n.-u-I -can-A .La.1v van 11.41:: LU: J. vauuuv uuaguuz. They were bowling leisurely south. ruuua, an . Much obliged, Modane. You may 0 'l`hI1rsd_ay, December 12, 1929 N`\;3T`.L":\C'."`..x r` A -7' `H W3-7.4 . W, 2 `H '\;l'Y Hang on! she heard him cry, his voice barely audible. '5 5 Q W ..._ x.'_r-\'..r-a yum.) I\4u\ ` " P M\/ Gare; `0 "H L5. I\"-..yl ._. A .I Tu..:..-.42`. 1 C-uzss THAT U.. ~"..L "(ZACH you NOT -7`... `.' '11 :" 1 `all P; V) {BL yUUl' "lUIlt`_V DECK. ' Ask Douglas Drug Store or any ,-sruggizt for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tahlets-as easy to take M candy and 60 tablets. 60 cent! ---Econnmv sizv. $1.00 9 Devil- > froml 2 jack- t, then , point]! ' 1 voice barely audible above the roar of ` ithe cyclone. And now not merely the lsal-t water drenched her, but the wild- , lest rain she had ever known came} down from the darkened skies; huge: `hailstones hit the deck, bounded` ;about, she oddly thought, like tennis- tballs, or rounded dice-Wa.s this sime l gambling demon up aloft who shaok. dice for the lives of Faunce and her- self? D The Lucy seemed to rise clear of the { water; propelled by wind and wave it shot. along like a hydroplane. Light- ning gleamed and thunder roared. Beaten flat to the deck by the force W _ ,_ ,_ I luick Pilellelietl .l`.'l.Il'l.'UlU 13 H UEIHILCSS T180185 EH85 TE` moves blood congestion in the lower bows-1-the cause of Piles. It brings ioyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing Douglas Drug Store, Cross- : lmd's hruc store and druggists every- iwhere sell it with this guarantee. 2 lJl'. L6Ull.[lBI'0V8 I1CIll'l.'|':0lCI 1! 311.15` ant:-ed to banish any form of P116 misery. or money back. It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a. harmless tablet that re- vnnuau hlnnll nnnrnacl-Inn In I-I-us h-Inns! Stl joints mused by svwains or rheu- umtiam can be r-:.lieved immediately by 1 baorbinc, Jr. Just rub a few dl"0;:- well to the aecu.-u parts with tins ngers Aomd note its d.-lightfully socthmg and | Invigorating effect. ` I Buimz a h1r..*h}\`e;1"1cie1nt antiseotir and 5 | |llV'lg9l'LiLlllg tU.CLJL: . . ` ! ` Bang :1 hx;.;11iye;c:e1:t anmepmr = germicxde as well, :3.D:.4..r`ux.".L*, jr., safe- - guards you against imustiu-1. F-.u' rheu- matic pa.ins, 5Cia.[it`\, ug. In-uritis, lnammation of the joints n .u' sirnzlnr} lruubles, use Abs0z`Lix:c. jr. It is . Nameless and stainless. S1.1`5--a.*3our3 ` gruggiatm Booklet v ill be awn itvr . E I . I LLLB one. After sickness and when the phildtcnare exceedingly puny they we especially valuable. LU nvnr Nnrth and QAIIHI Am- Fm Stiff and | Aching .?0i_zrm; C'.'g1'11D1UI1. Lucy sat upright as a cold chill de- scended upon her. Already the sun; was obliterated and a false night was upon them. The. placid ocean had awakened, was stirring, was tossing as though in agony. The Lucy rose lsuddenly, rolled sideways, then. pitch- ed into a gulf. Water broke over her .bows, sluiced the deck, drenched Lucy lstevens, splashed over Faunce at the wheel. | xrv...... ....ln .1... 1......: ha... nuvv `lnln . |lB.Cly 5118 can US. Out at sea Faun:-e saw a whirling something that twisted and strained in its effort to c1}mb higher, althougn already it reached, or seemed to reach a dark cloud that had sprung suddenly from nowhere He had never seen a waterspout before, but he needed no previous acquaintance for instant re- csgnition. Yuan an} uurntln-H4` an n nn1r1 IIHHI (`P.- auuua vcolannu ... V..- ....- -..-- Sky, atmosphere, and sea. had com- bined to 1u11 the travelers into dream? security. But in the tropics Nature is more treacherous than in the frszen Arctic. As the good are supposed to die young, their frail bodies overbur- dened by the weight of their virtues. so the sweetness of the tropics becom- es insupportabie to Nature, who when sweetness has lost its savor promptly {proceeds to show what a real wild Ilady she can be.` I f'\n- at` can Wailhnn 93! (I Wh{r1:nE across a. placid ocean, beneath a. shin- ing sun and fleecy clouds. There was the faintest swell, and along the san- dy shore, miles inland, breakers curled and broke foamily, and the murmur of their dissolution sounded like a faint chant in the distance . Dr. Leonhardvs Hem-Roid is gun-| .nt.s-ed to banish nnv fnrm nf `Dual LlUCl- `Hang on!" she heard him cry, ` `IE Cpllly Val Ulllo All over North and South Am- `mica and even in Great Britain gmd Australia tens of thousands of gkinny run down men and women nave put their faith in McCoy s-- und have not been disappointed. T1-w Fianna tr-nnrlnvfu fa}-\1n+. In\- I I115 I aaugu, LALA. :.u5u.u--- I She sat up. while something cold seemed to lay a clammy hand or claw upon her breast. The` hurricane, the waterspout, the final crash! She had been saved; bu-t what about Fergus? She seemed to remember that his! hand had clutched at her, as though to drag her from beneath the flood and after that she remembered noth- 1ng. (Continued next week) | E 5C; 3 Lu. u`.uLA\.. You'll like to use stainless Joint- .Ease for with just one minute's rub- Eblng, it soaks in through the esh di- rect to the ailing bones, joints and 11g`- aments--that`s why it succeeds--for when Joint-Ease gets in joint agony zgets out--and without any waste of time all swelling and congestion dis- appears. Made In Canada--costs only 60c a. tube. All druggists sell lots of AR l uuoc. I Ah, Fergus at least was real! Nog dream could have evoked so quaint; and lovable a character. And if Fer-i ggus was! real, then all of the mad `things that she remembered~-her swim ashore, Mango Key, her mar- riage, her f11gh1:- Qkn ~n4- nn nv1~.i1n cnvnnbhlnn nnlrl. ,J0inl-Ease. Some say that it knocks out lumbago ov- _ er night-othors I that for chest colds and sore throat it has no equal, while many insist that lthere is nothing they ever tried that is so efficient for neuralgia, neuritis and even head colds and vile nasal catarrh. ' I .........-..:..... 51... ..L...... 1--.. ..... u... | women L n. Answering the above letter, we. the makers of know that what this thriving Ottawa druggist says is true, but we still maintain that Joint- ;Ease is prepared for stiff, inamed, painful, swollen Joints, whether in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, n- lgers or spine. VnI1`l1 In: in Men cfaivncc Tn|r\f'_| 4. ALIA uuc V C115. And why, unless she had been drugged. had she dreamed such ter-' rible dreams? And yet they hadn't all: been terrible. Fergus Faunce had ap-I peared in them, dear Fergus Faunce! with his kindly, whimiscal mouth, his gentle eyes behind the green sun- glasses, his graying hair, his twisted I'\I\BI\ I EPRINT nus ABOUT} e. . . ' How much of life is real, and how; much of it is a dream? Or is it all a` dream? Lucy, lying in a berth, asked` herself these questions. This was the room aboard the Minerva. from which some time ago, she distinctly remem- bered having dived into the Gulf Stream. Yet she was in this cabin.3 dry. not soaked from long immersion, clothed in pajamas which she recog- nized as having seen in this room Just after she had shut the door upon Tim Stevens. A...1 ...L.. ....1___ -l.- 1.-.: L--.. PIIJU BUVU HUI. UCUH l.llBp]`UIHl'9U. I Try these wonderful tablets for *l0 days and if your frail. sickly hlld doesn't greatl benet you get your money bac A17: nn11a1nc' Th-no Q4-mun nu can