SCHOOL TAX ON COSMETICS URGED E11110`: DB H1508 BHCYEEIWCI. Dated at Barrie the 4th day of December. 1929. VA` W 3; THEMARKETS g 1 Z4>1'.4>.F>I4>I*>I>F>E%>I4!I4%v!< MILD WEATHER FAVORS LARGE LOCAL MARKET` "Poultry, Butter `and Eggs nu 11-\ 'J.'o1ma.n W'BeB3 Pewaukee, bbl. 773...... 1-....- 1... J. T. SIMPSON. County Clerk. J. T. SIMPSON, County Clerk.` . 1.. DLLVLPDKJLV, County Clerk. it mun non no one pr venml or I H J other dlunu that hog! aurgubje? uh an 'H hwtnh mtlmonlnl In ol any benefit to you to anyone ululn hon you m at liberty to use Q lll at umv on. GM.) II. 0. \vn,uAMsoN. on Avenue. . 9u.uu ' . 30c l"saoo] 25c "3-1oc .. 606 35c . 45c 30c 60:: 28c 25c 28c , 26c ...-| vnuxunuuw uuunlc Ur` NURSES Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services may -be made direct or through doctor. Telephone 467W _______.___._.____.. DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon` Overseas Service, Captain Imperial Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical exper- ience in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayeld St. Phone 811 :_ ROBERT B. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 53 Dnnlop St.-Phone 80 Hours 9-8 Saturdays till 10 p.m.; 1 ._____._______..____._ L. J. SIMPSON, M13. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Res1dence-Col1ier St. comer Owen, Barrie. Phone 275 __:..____________Z__ un. r:.`. u. 1'u1cNBUL_L Graduate McG11l University, Montreal. Office and Res1dence--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Streets. Phone 105` Offinp hnn1-e- DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross `Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 41/_ years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Especially Office---140 Dunlop st., Barrie Phone 710 P. 0. Box 1078 I DIED. l.4l'.l"l'l.4l5 dz Ll'l"l'LE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. '1`. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B. LAST WEEKFOR Tl'IEFREE DISTRIBUTION OF 500.000 PACKETS 0F PROVENDEIHE DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner gounty of Simcoe DR. 1:. A. CUMMINGS Graduate of Toronto University i I House Physician at St. Michael's , Hospital for one year. \ [Phone 61 Office-58 Collir St. `Hours: 8-9 a..m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m.j 1 I VICTORIAN ORDER. OF NURSES Ban-In `Bram-In I I DR. C. A. ARNOTT Physician, Surgeon and Consultant Graduate of McGill University, Mon- treal Maternlty Hospital, Montreai General and Royal Victoria Hospitals. I Office and Residence: 84 Marv Q1 '|2am-1n nn+ ULLIUU 8.110 IVESICICIICBZ 64 Mary St., Barrie, Ont. Telephone 557 Special attention to Maternity work. Internal Medicines and Diseases of Children J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- gcludlng drawing of wills, deeds, ar- granglng of loans, etc. Insurance of all ikinds, Executor. Administrator and ! Trustee. Thornton. Ont DR. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third` Saturdays of each month at Queen s Hotel, Barrie PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent; Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto. Ont. \ \JL1J.UU. IXCLIU nuuuxug, 100 xonge DUI Toronto, Ont. `G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton 1 Herbert A. W. Plaxton, .B.A. uuuusuauuuuu, ucnc1'a_1 DOIICIIOI`, Notary, Conveyance)`, etc. Ofce--I-Iinds Block. 8 Dunlop St., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN ! nnnnm 1 Ln, ` Money to loan. ,____j_._ .7 G. R. and E. A. BURNS PHYSIO-THERAPISTS 60 Elizabeth St. Phone 405 [Pathodyne Blood Analysis. Pathoneur- *ometer Service. Electro, Magnetic and ;Sun Treatments, Massage and Correc- tive Manipulation. WE SOLICIT INVESTIGATION DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON 24 Dunlop St.', above Arnold's Market Telephone 378. 30-55b E BOYS & BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Nocarxes Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- ` terest. Office--13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. `Brannh f1ffir'n-`F!]vhvn`|n Lu .u:xnpAc: nuuumg, barrle. Branch Office-E1m.va1e. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R CAMERON & CAMERON IBARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. R21-I-inn K nu-mm Q!-not I ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills. guardianship and iadministration, Genera_1 Solicitor, Nntn rv (`inn unvo n r-or ah: lV1UlV Li :3. S. Cameron A. E. PRINCE & C0. BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS See us about those floors and altera- tions. Phone 115-1W or 990M. ' -j_ DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 BADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN Fun Altered gma Repaired }IP RlY"!llPf. l Ihnn fnmg DONALD F. MacLAR.EN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONFZV Tn `LOAN uununn r. mcuunuzz, 15.11. Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. /fnnov fn `Inch `Dncc `lmnnl; `nom- 5 unit TIIUGICII Illlll l\C|)I-ICC 0701' mu-1bu;t's Shoe Stowe. lass M. ucurrnun 44 GORDON LONGMAN Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie H. H. CRESWICKE Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie pnuuuru iaureets. rnone Office hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm. WILFRED E. SMITH. 0.A.A. REGISTERED ARCHITECT Midland Onlnnin DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG, B.A. Qnnr-nccnr fn f`:-nu-uvinlrn ,9 Dzxn DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE hvniniann and gllrlrnnvue n......: lmoder knows that a. hog muttering from foot trouble soon loan the advantage of weight which It took love:-al weeks to put on. `rho loan 0! time and money are wnrdod oil by using Provendelne. ` MISCELLANEOLF DR. E. G. TURNBULL ate McG111 Univm-_<#.v 1Mm LD.L1D1'VD, DULAULLUHD, Barrie: 5 Owen Street. Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN r`.an-Inrnn `II A r OPT OMETRIiST CHIROPRACTIC VETERINARY MU Ldlllpltf Duuulng, . MONEY TO LOAN LD J. L.l'(.E41J AHUH 1']. Midland, Ontario ARCHITECT BUILDERS 7 MEDICAL DENTAL LEGAL VRoss Block, Bafrie . u.Lu.L.LUrv, nib K. A. Camron \-V 1116. R. Boys vuuuuolt uu: xul LUUECCO. A new fur piece for women has a vanity case enclosed in the jaws of the animal whose skin is used. ,.J..;-u.. nun LIJC uuu-o:a.L1ug C0l1[E`.il'.. I` All garbage from Regent street in `London is now being searched for a. |$2,000 pearl lost by Mrs. L. E. Carter. (`vc-rrnqn r-h.mnc~e- ...... ,.-.~.y .- |__,._ .,,..,\..,., V.-.. ;uaL, uj mus. LA. :2. K/Zl1'LCI'. German chemists are said to have -produced sy:n'ne:i:z'.1ly a satisfactary }subs'.itute for tubacc .'\ u. A nnuv fun. KL.-. :- At a fair in C;`ick1:-xvood. Eng... John :Dinner W011 the bun-eating contest. AH D D.ht1n'o Fa-urn Dnlvnat ,....--L L- several 0! Ontario's foremost agri- cultural experts served as judges at the recent International Live Stock Exnoaition in Chicago. They included. John Miller or Ashburn (Shorthorn cattle class); H. Noel Gibson of Kok-5 oma (Shropshire sheep): Duncan Johnson of Appin (Oxford sheep); Ind W. '1`. G. Wiener, Ottawa (small stains). Ontario Agricultural College, is usual, sent a live stock Judging team to compete against the pick 0! the United states. } Funeral Director and Embalmer .AmbuIa.nce Service : Phone 431 Limousine Hearse if desired s__. Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Barrie. DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON, A.L.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theoretical sub- jects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London, (Eng.) College of Music examinations. Studio: 152 Maple Ave., Barrie VVELCH. CAMPBELL & LAVVLESS Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge, Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbe11,C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless. r: A rupu 01 32 Ross Street uuuunu nu. AJh\.l>3\}.V Teacher of Piano. Organ. Singing and all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations. all grades. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27. Bradford SL, Barrie ____j______:___.i _..,-.-v . . u ....;uu A , anus. lnuu, K` . 1 .l/JV]. Teacher of Piano, Organ. Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Published every Thursda_\' afternoon at the Post Office Square. Barrie. Subscription Price--Can:Ld1 and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most 01 our subscribers prefer not to havl their subscriptions interrupted in cast they fail to remit before expiration While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel. we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. RE.VIITTANC- ES should be made by registered let- ter. money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. .1 A `Ihfnr-T A`Dl:v1\1' v:v_:.u...- EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bauu, F.T.C.M. T`ann1-unw AF 13:.-H. r\..,_..._ vv, 7 1'f'BARRlE-EXAMNER vv. 0. ntumg, rwuucmon xsngmeer E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. _:_ A total of $7,000,000 will be ex- pended next year throughout the counties and townships of Ontarlb in the"1mprovement of sideroads. This is nearly three times the amount l.Dent during the past year and will doubtless prove or great value. to many farmers. ~ Barrie, 138 111-..-.. A Between Toronto, Barrie and Orillia BARRIE WAREHOUSE AT WARREN ORGAN FACTORY ..v-nus. vvnnauu, r`l.l\.\.\J- Organist and Chnirmaster Collier St. United Church All grades or ORGAN, PIANO and "THEORY! VOICE PRODUCTION and SINGING (all examinations) ---- ALSO -----:-- Mrs. Emmie Wilson Fnnh-nlh. v......|:..4 n__.-_..r -,_,- 1 nvnna. LJIIIIIIIWJ VVll3Ull Contralto Vocalist, Entertainer 1 and Elocutionist `Singing, Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression _________________:_. COVILLE T1SA.N"9BT|T co. Open January 6th. Day and Night sessions. Stenographic, Commercial, Complete Office Training, and Secretarial Courses. Twelve schools. Indi- vidual attention. Enrol any time. Catalogue free. Shaw Schools, Limited, Head Office, 1130 Bay St., Toronto. 'Ki. 3165. MAYDEE McAULEY. A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Orgamst of St. George's Church ` 115 Bayfleld 8t., Barrie 56 Elizaiweth St. : Phone 1131 SHAW J: _.n::cHARvs Agent for McClary s Furnaces For interview and terms, apply 16 Collier St... Barrie -.gI-..-u__..._.u..._ou_......_...- .- ......- -v-av HOT WATER HEATING A`... . :- -.a---;snn `5 \J\Io Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambulance in connection BARRIE, 0NT.-PHONE 82 1 an `AI ldlVlI.JA'\ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elizabeth St. : Phone 218 SADIE M. BREMNER. A.C.A.M. 'f"C|AI11'_1'nrr1 r\1-.1 nu-..v;-K G. G. SmithM& Co. I.'.`nOnI-.I:..I...J Ill ..--n--.n--.u--a n.- . ._.. can... u.. Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. nrnzuniaf and Fl...:...........4.... -- an Q-lnl-l\JlLI FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER f\Dl.`\Y nnv A\Y!\ uunuum DAILY SERVICE- 'l U-ICC In neoumnd Provendelne to an one feed- mum hon venm we of leg I.ll an host are subjec- V RBOVENDEINE is sold 1:: pockets at $1.50 Manufactured by : Maison Louis sanders, Brussels. ' WHOLIIALI: _ . -gnu`-nasty- _llV-_._J_I.l '9. c. LLOYD IIINTI 1 I -xu-\-w A--;\. ....... ..... .,.....unn..nw. n.u.:1 TEACHER OF PIANO Pupil of Ernest Seitz as Qtrpof - - Drw--v ~ W. D. MINNIKIN e, : Orlllla, 106 Toronto, Elgln 8821 PLUl\_ Ij3lNG MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE R. BRYSON .. A: n:...... I\, _,, - PHONES - dllltf J. A. M:1cLAREN. Editor 'W. C. WALLS, Manager FOR WHAT TRY WINTER TERM Page Eleven DUI bl: Barrie, Ont. __- was-vvu Iuvwvvu. A new development in the work of '!'huhda.y. December 12, 1929 ;-- NEWS AND INFORMATION s FOR THE BUSY FARMER (Furnished by the Ontario I PEOPLE SAY -: instead an assured success in the fattening of his animals. Two months teed! plus the assurance that young bag: will develop normally and without detriment to their health! That is what the wise breeder who regularly use: Provendeine gets out of it. No more stunted growth and l therefore no more monetary losses for the breeder, but I Hydro for the Farm I ' Electrification of Ontario farms will be stimulated during 1930 by the pro- 4, gram of expansion recently announc- ed which will result in the building of 2000 miles of hydro lines in the rural districts, as compared with 1,100 dur- ing the past year. It is also expected that service charges will be reduced and loans made available for installa- hlnl_np_| yqoI[qe_ffu_l hyepulls Economise 2 Months Feed QuinH_Provengline beautifying the countryside of Ontario: is seen in the organization of an as- sociation in Elgin County with a. viewi of stimulating the planting of nut: trees. T-his association hopes to secure` the co-operation of the Elgin County! Council in planting rows of nut treesi on both sides of No. 3 Highway from border to border of the county. In ad- dition, the annual yielqi of these trees; and their timber value merit consid-I eration. ' ` Departmenfif Agriculture) is a specially viia-{ minisgd Gondimenl Wholesale DL9tributo_rs:-Wm. Rennie co. Ltd., Adelaide; and Jarvja Streets. Steele arms Seed compan;';`Ltd., 49 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. Live stock and feed form the chief T topic of the current weekly reports from agricultural representatives. This statement from one of the reports ap- `' pears to be typical of conditions lthroughout the province. Live stock have gone into winter quarters in `poorer condition than usual. There E will be over a third less feeders stabled |this winter than is usually the case. ` The advent of severe weather and snowstorms brought fall work on the {land to a halt. However, under favor- I ,able conditions most farmers had `practically finished their fall plowing. I Corn Borer Situation | The corn borer infestation in On- ` tario in 1929 has been reduced in the infested counties by an average of 50 . per cent. over the figures of 1928, ac- _ cording to a recent official statement . by Prof. L. Caesar of O.A.C. Reduc- ` tions as high as 75 per cent. are shown in some counties, while for the first time in three years no reports of ` tion of electrical equipment on the farm. The mileage added during 1929 will serve 6700 new customers and bring the total to 5,000 miles already in operation. cc" ., , 4-.,,, 1o4o,,, A wonderful ionlc Winter Conditions forrearing and rapidly-fattening pigs 'iJIi3s fool trouble. It is an indispensable adjunclio pigs feed. IILJU 111551] UDLIUL L UIU-|Cu Terms of sale--Al1 sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount 11 months credit will be given to par- ties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum on for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey. Auct. Auulu , ETC.--Binder,Frosu 8: Wood, nearly new; disc-drill. Cock- shutt; spring-tooth cultivator, Massey- Harris; single plow, Fieury, No. 21: single plow, Wilkinson, No. 4: set har- rows; set sleighs; wagon gear. Climax; hay rack: root pulper; gasoline en- gine, 6 h.p.; 9 tons hay: Meiotte cream separator; 2 sets double har- ness; also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. '1"nrnnn AC n'ln__A'l1 nnnqa A` A1nnn ` ' <.;;;;<;1;.,;u;-; HORSHS-Bay horse, '9 years o1L "heavy; bay horse, 10 years old, heavy; bay mare, 11 years old, G.P.; bay mare, 8 years old, in foal. GA'1"1"LE-Roan cow, 8 years old, fresh; red cow, 4 years old, due in! June; Ayrshire cow, 8 years old, due in Jan.; Ayrshire cow, 9 years old. milking; Ayrshire heifer, milkingzj Durham steer, 2 years old; Ayrshire! heifer, yearling; Durham heifer, year-l ling; 2 Holstein heifers, 1 year old; i spring calf. V 6 PIGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY-.'-3. store pigs, 40 hehs. 8 Oxford ewes. Ii vnvn Sixteen girls and fourteen boys froml Ontario farms comprised the party which journeyed to Chicago during` the first week of December `to attend the boys and girls Club Gongress in, connection with -the International Live` Stock Exposition. They were the win- ners of judging contests in their res- pective counties by virtue of which; I FARM swoon AND mmnnmxrsi guusuvnuu, I-ALIL. -Ll. JHLLU '.\1Lucu UL U. D- C., secretary, points out that remark- able changes have taken place in the beekeeping industry during the past fty years. From an uncertain side line fifty years ago to a commercial! undertaking today, many members= now measure their crop by the ton in place of pounds. For instance, one` Ontario beekeeper, J. L. Byer, of i Markham, operates about 1,200 colon- ies. There was an` exceptionally good crop of honey in Ontario last year and two residents of the province took first ; and second prizes for honey at the, dairy show in London, England, while for the seventh consecutive year Ont- E ario beekeepers carried o the highest! honors. 1 The undersigned has received 1nstruc- | tions from | H. 'iiI"c6K1'R `N. H. `Lot. 20. Can. 3, Innisfil (Half a. mile from Lefroy) I to sell by public auction on ' 1 --wo-n~-`.-- 1-4 __ ` Luu WULIS 1.13.) UCUH. LLULLU All I/UBULJAE I I the baking qualities of Canada's 1929 wheat crop` at Trent Institute, the School of Commercial Baking at O.A. C. Both the hard spring Wheat of the Western provinces and the softer win- ter wheats of Ontario have been un- der test. The report on the former is mat the quality is in every way sup- erior to the two previous crops, while. the Ontario product, which is used chiefly in cake-making, is said to be superior in both milling and baking qualities to that produced in 1928. There is no evidence of sprouted wheat. which was the cause of some difficulty in handling last year's crop. on the other hand, the protein is lower, but on the whole it appears to ` be of excellent quality. Beekeeping Progress In connection with the recent con- vention of the Ontario Beekeepers As- sociation, Prof. E. Eric Millen of O. A. < IV 1 1-Ann.-\Lh... -nA:..L.. ....L LI.._J. .._..____- nu. wage: . Curbing Chicken Theft Chicken thieving is on the wane in Ontario, according to 9. recent state- ment by Hon. John S. Martin, Minis- ter of Agriculture, and the legislation passed at the last session of the legis- lature is given a big share of the cre- dit for the satisfactory situation now prevailing. Thefts are still occurring but they are scattered and bear little resemblance to the epidemics which prevailed for a time.` The new legisla- tion empowers police officers to search poultry transports and compels truck- ers and others to keep close check on the birds they are transporting. Not only have $100 nes been levied, but a total of 92 of the offenders were sent to jail in the year ending October 31st last. vn-..4n_.... 41-- IIvI.._A 1-1..-- ` Pam Jnncaoa Ont. Much. 421:. me. n h woudnful It I feed hov`orrd.ola .{' . two pm I'xmve'rut 2?i"im 1: 4| let! an could not move Around at all. I went out low on ol Mr. E. Taylor and got 8 packet Proundo no and [did not teed them but once an um any so: tho facko e no they would he a mu noon! 9; their nd. (ed them three times any and MI I at on week th:y were on their '" '.":.:'..*.:::'. .::::":.~..*."=r -..:' W: ' 3 [ VG CHOU: 0 (I m In good Inc a on their legs and run I%g III! plus. 7 are about 145 on- ads. During the recent weeks some splen- did work has been done in testing .1-.. I.._I.:..._ .......1:4.:.... _: r1......A...r.. 10470 total destruction, or even serious in- jury, have been received, and no new districts report the pest. Nevertheless, Prof. Caesar pointed out that the act- ual number of insects would hardly vary from last years estimates because of the spread over a much greater acreage. A ,un,.,, time I____ n|I._nA. MJGTIOHSALE - ..--- -4 r...--.- ~-v--v. TUESDAY, DEC. 1'7" nu. _ 1-1`--. _.... Bntao Party at Chicago Testing the Wheat Crop nay nuucnrours -roan BROWN & CO.. Barrie um mmnm zxamimg ,;Holstein cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. .1 Holstein cow, 4 yrs., calf at 1001;. r Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 24. Holstein cow. 6 yrs., due Dec. 22. jHolstein cow, 7 yrs., due by sale. II-Iolstein heifer, 3 yrs., due by sale. Holstein heifer, 3 yrs., due Dec. 26. `Jersey cow, 5 yrs., (glue by sale. Jersey cow, 4 yrs., ue Dec. 19. `Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., with calf at foot. {Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs., with calf at fdot. Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., with call at foot. Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., due by sale. Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 19. Ayrshire cow. 6 yrs., due Dec. 23. Ayrshire heifer, 3 yrs., due Dec. 24. Durham cow, 6 yrs., with calf at foot; Durham cow, 6 yrs., due by sale. Durham cow, '7 yrs., due Dec. 28.. Durham cow, 4 yrs., due Dec. 26. Durham cow, 5 yrs., due Dec. 29. The above are all young cows, in good condition and good milkers. All will be sold without reserve. Terms of Sale:--6 months credit will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint notes, 8 per cent. per an- num o for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 p.m. , 49-50b `IT A 'Rnl`.(\`KI"|'I'I`,\7 Ann? -row rnwuvu v-n -v vwv--uwu us an: -v--vvvvv-' v--v nu `-1 r6r'iii by J. c. Neelanda, Stroud; J. 1'. Jenntt, Ivy; w. v. Fry, 1'librnton; J. & M. Kitchen, Lefroy; A. N. Graham, Oro Station; I L. pBll`IIIPlI,F1ll!nIo I D Mon:-un:n DL-I_.n...-.D A t`.._... - Loss by Potato Blight - Investigations show that the farm- er may lose as much as fty per cent. of his stored potato crop due chiefly to the action of tuber rots. particular- ly that caused by late blight (the so- . called dry rot). While this rot does linot commonly spread from tuber to s=tuber in the bin, under poor condi- 1 tions this injury paves the way for or- eiganisms producing other rots that do fispread and causes heavy losses. Much - of the loss can be avoided by remov- i ing all late blight-infected tubers. 1 There are also other tuber-rotting t;fung1 capable of causing enormous eilosses The following combination of 3 precautions is suggested: (1) Prevent - Edigger and handling injuries. (2) Con- tft;-o1 late blight foliage infection. (3) lAvoid exposing potatoes to tempera- ture below 30 degrees F. and above 48 degrees F. (4) Maintain good ventila- tion conditions in the storage house or .basement. I 1 I r A book entitled Etiquette of the Bal1room," published in London in ' 1860, contains some suggestions which are in part applicable even in the pre- ,sent day, among them being tlust The practice of chewing tobacco and Ispltting on the oor is not only naus- eous to ladies but injurious to their gowns." Of course, the gowns would ,not necessarily suffer nowadays. `The undersigned has received instruc- tions to sell by Public Auctlun at ._ _. . ...._..__..____...._j. . .....__..;- -"i .::; - ' _ their expenses were defrayed lav local organizations. F. C. Paterson, agricul- tural representative for NorfoL<, was in charge of the trip and Mrs. Cook was chaperone. In Chicago they joined a party of 1,500 young American boys and girls in a six-day program which ncluded not only the Live Stock Ex- position but tours of the city and one or. two of the larger packing plants. The visit proved most informative and entertaining. 9,, . .... _-.-. .u a.uL uuuu. I Miss Kathleen McLeish of Stayner: is spending a holiday here w1th, friends and renewing old acquaintance l here. I ld\.lIJIdl\I John Downer, Jr., of Elmvale spent! a. few days with Watson Downer last week. an-:--_- II.,AI.. --..._.-. _,, 1 -n_;v. .,. n uvn. I Misses Martha Ramsay and Esther Downer spent Saturday in Barrie. "T`1'm `Mriacnu 'T"hnwu-\cnn nf nnlrafnnvn guvvucl apczlb oabutuuy 111 .D&L'11Co The Misses Thompson of Cookstown spent Sunday with Miss Ivle Brolleyp. Thne "nIIcI'o-xv L... Yunnan-1 +1.5 rrm.-u loycuu ouuuuy V\1L1l IVJJSS LVIC DIUIICX-I Thos. Cousins has leased the Kidd farm, formerly occupied by Mrs. Ter-I rv -7' A J. 0. Newton has purchased Mrs. Erwin s farm at Egbert. The schools at Bradens, Woods and Mt. Pleasant will have their entertain ments on Dec. 17, 19, and 20. ' -s1vv nusrvv The Women's Association and Young People's Society held 9. bazaar and concert on the 7th inst. in the former Sunday School building. There were many artistic and useful articles for sale and selling was brisk. A sup- per was served from 5 to 7 p.m., which was also well patronized. on the whole everything turned out`a.'sp1en- ` did success. Tn. Il__A.:_ ___1__ ,,.-, ,IrAL-! - ' ' uau nuuucaa. Jas. Martin, who was elected a. dele- gate to the annual convention of the U.F.O., left to attend same in Tor- onto on the 3rd inst. flan 'l'\u4'e ......1 15:11.. -..-..L 1__z. _--1_ vuuu uu nut: oxu 11151;. Geo. Duff and Billy spent last week in Toronto. `:3... .. - u - -- 1;4;,;;;;; "Y`.;;i;,s.m`""`-;' on Saturday, Dec. 14 THE FOLLOWING: AIIDTION SALE OF 21 `COWS getting the greatest le number ofeggs m every hen at the NEW( m. W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. EGBERT .. ..._ 1.. -1 ml 7 i "" j Have you handed your coupon to your dealer in exchange for a free packet of Provendeine ior your hogs? This is the last opportunity for lg breeders to try out Provendeine free oi charge, so don't miss the chance of proving or yourself what a wonderful preparation for igs Provendeine is, how it promotes their appetite, aids digestion, imparts heaith to t ose that are sickly and makes all of them grow faster. Even hogs given up for iosi acquire new vigour as soon as Provendeine is added to their feed. hey fatten rapidly and those kept for fattening put on more weight and are ready for market a great deal sooner. Suck ng_Figs or those just weaned develop and grow faster and their esh acquires I more rosy tint. he most Ericeless advanta e and one that as `zonishes every user of Proven- deine, is that IT CAUSES ICKETS or F00 TROUBLE to DISAPPEAR IN A FEW DAYS. phnyut& |r9i%.;;`" NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1709 ' Notice is hereby given that a. By- Law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 29th day of November, 1929. providing for the guaranteeing of pay- ment by the County of Simcoe, of the debentures of the Village of Coidwater to the amount or $26,000, to pay for the construction of certain cement pavements in the Village of Goldwater, and such By-Law was registered in the Registry oice for the Registry Divi- sion of the County of Simcoe on the 4th day of December, 1929. ` Anv mntinn fn hunch new and cabin {>1-ua -nu Q21) 01 IJCUCHIDEF, 1828. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the rst publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. . T5IIfAII of nu!-VIA 1'}-In `JOB than A? ccuwcr, umv, Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. nfkd Hf not-win Han A4-H Ann II. cannot. De maae thereafter. Dated at Barrie the 4th day of December, 1929. 49-50b r!-.... A.-. I __I_ uorpurauon 01 me uounty 01 mmcoe on the 28th day 01- November, 1929, providing for the guaranteeing of pay- ment by the County of Simcoe, of the debentures of the Town or Barrie to the amount of $55,000, to pay for the construction of a ve-roomed addition to the Barrie Collegiate Institute in the Town of Barrie and such By-Law was registered in the Registry oice for the Registry Division of the Coun- ty. of Simcoe on the 4th day of De- cember, 1929. Ann I-nnHn`n Ln nnnnk A- ..-L -..l.!- LL- NOTICE OF REGISTRATIOI-`T BY-LAW NO. 1705 Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Slmcoe or. the 28th dav nf- Nnvpmhmv 1090 UH bub` `SD11 uay U1 l.Jb".!Cl11UCl', 13:63. Any motion to quash or set asxde the ,same, or any part thereof, must be .made within three months after the first publication of this notice and` cannot be made thereafter. T'|afA.r1 of Darwin I-ha AH: Ann nf 'l'ulu'Ivusw_g no 41- auuul, IVIIIIIIIIIII-' W. In uunlpneu, DIIIIIOTI; Wu J. Jo II, Staynet; Harry W036, Creemore; G. Teuigni, Pen-I nln. - U&l.lI1Ub DC maue DIIUFBEILBF. Dated at Barrie the 4th day of December, 1929. 49-50b J. T. SIMPSON. hll fn fnv-It NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1703 Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 26th day of November, 1929, providing for the guaranteeing of ay- ment by the County of Simcoe, o the debentures of the Town of Collingwocd to the amount of $50,000, to pay for] the construction and equipping of at grain elevator in the Town of Calling- wood, and such By-La`-.v was register- ed in the Registry office for the Regis- try Division of the County of Simcoe on the 4th day of December, 1929. Anv mnfinn tn (mash nr apt aside the The motor of a new grinding mach 0 me can be speeded up to 25,000 revo- lutions per minute without the use of gears. l.|CC\-L9 UL Luxaa CLILIMGKJULA Days All pull. More money for sup'port of schools should be provided by State aid where ' other funds are not adequate. It may: be added that State aid to schools has} proven a wonderful incentive in local: communities to become more liberaii in their support of schools. I would - suggest that the school `fund might be bacco, soft drinks, gum and other airt- icles considered as non_-essentials. All are paying large dividends and a por- tion thereof could well be turned into the State school fund. We are of the opinion that an increase of taxes on farm lands should be avoided if pos- sible. increased from a tax on cosmetics. to- i A suggestion to the Provinces of Canada of possible avenues of re- venue to support both urban and rural A schools is contained in the proposal of Governor John H. Hamill of the State of Iowa, who urges that sales of cos- metics, tobacco, soft drinks, gum and similar articles be taxed for education- al purposes. The levy would follow the lines of the existing tax on gasoline sales. ?T.........:`1 2.; Al - A \ . $IAn DGAUO Gonvex-nor Hammill in discussing the needs of rural educatiop says in part: I l\UII\ vvunqnnuv `nun n1vv\v\n9oI- A` nnkAn1b LXCUC auna. JUL AU. | Eggs maintained the price of the last few weeks. The best brought 65 ..cents without any trouble and the price did not drop below 600. Hard Wood, short length, in box loads sold for $7 and soft wood for `$5.50. Apples, Snows, basket .................. .. 200! Apples, Tolman sweets. bbl. $3.00` Apples, ........ $3.00 Apples, Kings, large basket ...... .. Apples, Spies, bbl. .......... ........ .. $3.00] Parsnips, small basket .................. .. Lettuce, head .................... .. 5-10c Onions, large basket ...................... Onions, small basket ...................... .. New beets .................. 5c White turnips .......... .., .............. .. 5c- ! New carrots, small basket .............. .. 20c Turnins . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c Cauliflower . 10-20c Cabbage, each ....................... .. 6-'15c Cabbage (large ones) ............... .. 20 Asparagus squash ....................... .. 10c Pumpkins .................................. .. 10c-15c Green Peppers ...................... .. 3 for 10.` Radishes, per bunch ...................... .. 5c Marrow, each .............. .. 150 Wood (hard, box loads) .............. .. $7 Wood (soft, box loads) .............. .. $5.50 g vu--mg, !Butter, lb. Cream, pint .. Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Young fowl .. Ducks ......... .. Geese ............ .. Pork, lb. ...... .. ULAU OLULLAID U; a WCCA y.\\.\u.Iua. There was an abundance of choice fresh pork selling at from 16 cents to 18 cents a. pound. There was a large quantity of chickens, young fowl sell- Zlng at 25 cents, and choice at 28c and 30c. There were no turkeys offered} "and it is evident they are being held for the Christmas demand. some good 5 {looking ducks were on the tables and the best of them brought 28c and 30c. !Geese sold for 26c. . I am... __-.I..L..:..-.l LI... -1..- at A-ha There was a fairly large market in` Barrie last Saturday as the weather; was mild and the roads passable after the storms of 8. Week previous. Ff?!-`no-A vans nvu at-.nn;-Innnn 4-\ nlnni/no gnurusuuj uh us an. nucncn, yerroyg H. H. urnnun, Ul'O auuon; V A. Cockburn, Edgar; J. P. Mcinnis, Phelpcton; R. A. Cooper, llnvale; A. A. Smith, Midhunt; W. L Campbill, Bradford; W. I, jnlunnnn- Shvnnrg I-I-nun \Ih-uuvl ln..-nu.-.. _ 'l"...-:...: D-..