Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1929, p. 6

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Frei Stuart nf Niagara spent several days with his sister, Mrs. Robt. Mosely. Wallace and Lester Wood have re- turned from sailing during the sum- rn nu- wvaa any AUL UAAC W_AA1uoL. [ Bobbie" Peacock is again back on ' the job after his prolonged illness. The boys sincerely? hope Bob will im- prove steadily from now on. Qnunrn nniplte nrn `lnifhnn G-`kn n-or-xrrl "The recreation club is again con- templating running a skating rink this winter. \Y...__-.__. -.__._-;x_,,, v, ,, 1- _-n,. Lug uu UC uuuc. ' unuvuu |a\l vvuv\.;Acy. Mr. Searl and family have moved into residence formerly occupied by Mrs. W. Hazelton. 1ur:.... 7; -r....\. -4 rn-,,_,,._ ,,-,-. u L;auAA\AL) AIVLU luau wuvn. Miss Margaret Preston of Wyebridge spent last week with her sister, Mrs. E. Vallentyne, who is under medical care. ` -rv____ n._____ v,, ,A- --u ,, ,,, Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Midland have moved to Waverley. Mr Q... .-..-.A o-..w.n.. 1...... .....,......a nan-2. vv. a.:.wu\.Avu;A. Miss K. Lamb of Toronto visited friends here last Week. 11:-.. 1ur-_._.-__-;. v-n_.__L,_, ,1 10v 1, - u \4vt_V -v4uu LVLAAJ. .\.'uuuu.o. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil French and son Howard of Elmvale spent Sunday at F . Archer's. I 1`_-_.L 1 _:u,_.__, u 1 Ann` _ Q ILAUAILI 0. Albert Leithwood and Clarence Ban- nister spent the latter part of last week in Burlington and Toronto. Smith Campbell and George Bam- hardx have returned from the city af- ter spending a few days at the Winter " The play My Unc1e's will which featured the concert given on Friday night, Nov. 22, in the hall at Midhurst in aid of missionary work, sponsored by the Royal Road Builders Society, was declared a success. The characters were Miss NI..I....Smith, Hunter Rus- cn11 and: `III A `flan-can-Ito Maw an... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and daughter Marian of Orillia spent Sun- day with Mrs. Emmes. I Mn. nu.-1 Mr... rw..,.:1 m........u.. ._...: _.__. vv\.As; sugoa uv;..u..uuuuu, Lsuuucl J:uua- | sell and W. A. Kennedy. Other con- .tribut.ors to the -program `were: Miss V. Walt, elocutionist; Messrs. Smith, Day, Coutts and Kennedy in a. male quarbette; J. H. Martin, song, Miss L. M. Mistele, accompanist, and Mrs Handy, Miss Florence Russell. R. D. Coutts and E. Kenton in a very hum- orous dummy" dialogue. T1` In nvhilcnnrn Who! n'lvun-n`h hall.- Nov. 25--Mrs. Fred Elliott eral days with her brother, stcn, Midiand. 11-1--.. 1\-`-1... 1--- ,,_L_,,, u-u, uuuxauu. Nelson Darby has` returned from vis- iting friends in Toronto. u us up nu u.u.:u.sA nu uvcx uu lull]. auux my. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hewitt and fam- ily spent the week-end with friends in Midland and Port; McNicoll. xuau UV LCvUVU.l._y. Much needed road work is being done on the road through the hol- low' but it is a question (from a mo- torist s point of view) whether, owing to the frozen material used, it is better at present than it was before. an", - . --uu . vv 9 Aauumu. Nov. 2G-S1;anley and Reg. Dunn have returned from the hunting grounds with their supply of venison. I (Thu: Thaw hoe knnn ennninl-up-I up-ml vlvuo uuullblly uuuusu It is whispered that church bells will soon be again ringing in this neighborhood. Old Dan Cupid" has certainly been a busy worker around here this fall. . `ll-.'... 13.--`- r\........ _.-L_ I.-- L--_. Aunt; ulna 50111. ' Mrs. Frank Orser, who has been confined to 'bed during the past week, is progressing very favorably on the road to recovery. llrlnln 1-uanrlnrl 9-nn:-I nvnv-Ir la 'kn-no Shop where you are invited to shop. r___-__- ._____ _- W- _-_---.l Mrs. J. A. Mills mother is in the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, as a result of a very painful accident received while -she was doing her household duties at her home in Lovering. Sincere sym- nofhv in nvh:-nr~'lnA Q-n ml`-a mn'I1. 4":-Ana I Ull.| UUllllLlUL1L`U_yo Work at the propoed fish hatchery on the fourth concession is rapidly I l making -another beauty spot for Mid- I hurst. ' E A ._.....a__.. p.__._- L1-l_ _'Ix_L._.!_L ,;L, 1 IIIILLIUC ' A number from this district attend- 5 ed service in the Collier St. Unitedl Church on Sunday. The speaker was Rev. Dr. Gordon (Ralph Connor) and a. beautiful and instructive sermon was heard. in... no n.L__.1___ _,, ,1 - -_ |5LvuLAua vuuu oucuv bupply U1 vcxusuu. Chas. Day has been appointed post- master for Midhurst post office which will be transferred over to him shortly. ` .T\/l r and M1-2 Jae 'l'-'(muiH and ram, Gill LAC]. LAUIIIU Ill LBIVCL I115: QIILUCLC _y11l- I pathy is extended to Mrs. Mills from this community. map of 4-`ha nnnnnkna ca. 1....+.-.1...... I - Coming Events" an The Examiner vb mhinln mu: nm... .....a... - ........I MIDHURST FOREST STN. HILLSDALEW ers fo'r_ `branch. WAVERLEY THEBAEBE zspent sev- , H. John- La uu ne eiecbnneu In apaln. g Two aviators on the Pacic coast; recently reported seeing rainbows 2 which formed complete circles. One Chinese province is spending a million dollars; on_ new automcblle ; roads this year. . Iva|aI4\4A VVIULI Illa]: nun. ul. Avxunzuu. I Miss Bessie McArthur visited friends _ in Midland. ) I vv ALL ucl. . The Ladies Aid of Central Churchi met at the home of Mrs. Wallace Gil- christ, Thursday afternoon. I Mr: `D1nnIrrv|nv-A3 -1. ...-.m.An.. 6114: l/Ull- I T. H. Crawford, Mrs. Bert. Graham,_ Miss Day and Miss Jones attended the fair in Toronto. ' 11.1-- -rsn___:_ 1-u___-I___.-n -__1 It..- 1 ouuu. ua a.\.u\.u.Avu. Miss Flossie Breakwell and Mrs. I Mitchell have gone to Toronto for the; winter. rrn._ 7_.n-_a AIJ _p :~_..:...-1 ru...._-1_l '-*-""" I About 1,400 Imiles of railway 1ine is to be electrified in Spain. Twn av1n.tnr.v: nn thp `Pnr-if-In anger ` A Savings Account started in this way and added to on birthdays and on other occasions throughout the year has started many a young person on the road to success. Give a Bank Account this Christmas. Seasonal cov- for Christmas Bank Books may be obtained at this `branch, The Euchre Club met at the home of H. Swan on Wednesday evening to; present Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnston with a miscellaneous shower. They re- - `ceived many handsome and useful} presents. The evening was spent in the usual manner and the first prizes were won by -Mrs. Wm. Cumming and Robert Johnston" and lone hand priz- es by Mrs. Jos. Hall and Will Thur- low. All tendered their good wishes to the bride and groom. A lunch was served by the hostess bringing 9. most enjoyable evening to a close. Nov. 26--Mrs. Brandon entertained a. number of friends and relatives on Friday evening in honor` of her daugh- ter Ruth, who W_as married on Wed-i nesday in Toronto to J. I-Ieatley of Ac- J lrnn U1-LL IDU, I. 11 Ill DLLCWIY an. IIUI LIUUIL ] Mrs. Blackmpre is spending, the`, winter with her son in Toronto. i 111-- 1-u__-x_ In-_n._;.v_.-_. __.|_:;-.1 :__x-._.I- `Miss Lizzie Thunlow is spending a few days at H. Thurlow s. ` Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie of Anten Mills spent Sunday afternoon with: Mrs. Geo. Muir. Mrs. Nicholas Wice, Thofnton, is visiting her `sister, Mrs. Wm. Grose, Churchill. sun..- \t....... 1ur..LA.1. ...-... ..:..L...I 1.-.. .,....,.. \.lV\4L UALI. ...\...-....... The sympathy of this community is with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Allan in the loss of their youngest daughter, Jean.` Mrs. J. II-Iodgson is spending a few days in Toronto. I Arnnnrr 4-km.-.1 ..++m..u.. +1-M ur:..+....l sun uuga JAA &ULVLLVU- Among those attending the Winterl Fair from this place are J. B. Law-t rence, Lambert Wilson, Mac Stewart, Robt. Boyes, Eben Todd', Lorne and [Edgar Matchett. Tony `Q+nv\`1nv\|~ `Ann l\0-\"f\rl Pk.` 45...... vuu: uaun. I Miss Mary Matthews visited her _ sister over the week-end. n-11.- ......_..__L1... _: L1-_ -...--....._,:A._- :_| . " ' ' 7 . I l Qulte a number from here were xnl `Barrie to hear Dr. Gordon during the Epast week. `!\l| vve `I1 ID Elna Sn vyiniinn l`..:n.-..-`la The ever perplexing problem of what to give for Christmas can very appropriately be solved by giving .1 Christmas Bank Account. As a gift from Father to other members of the family or from an employer to an emp1oyee---what could be more practical, suitable or lasting? A n yuan vvccn. Mrs. W. B. Sloan is visiting friends lin Toronto. at... 1- .13 "vY...1.___._ :_ _.__.-.u..._ - - auubuu AVLCNVUAABVU. Lew Stephens has rented the farm owned by the late Noah Grose and lwill move onto it in the spring. ,Tr\hr\ Dnvync 6: Ha +1-un Dar:-{n 1 .1'nnn-N-n1 "I41 AAIUVC ULLIIU All 111 VIIC Dyllllsu John Boyes is `in .the Barrie Hospital having had one leg amputated. Nov. 25-M1ss Myrtle Snider spent i the weak-end. at her home. `r- ~- -- V-w--un-nu W 1 1 T1 T % sonable merchandise at cut prices OPPOSITE POST OFFICE FEciUsoNvAu-: OR0 STATION Last Cal for Lighthouse Overalls and S-moncks, A Z" \ \/ ., V 1 - -1 ' ' ' ' ` 13,... H- { F. M. TYRRELL, supinteqdenc % ROSS BLOCK, DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE, ONT. zuaam \..uu: gun l...!gIEl1'.`.0u$e uveraus and I.`.`l'n'!OC.k-":3, Reg. 52.50. Your last opportunity to purchzzse at $1.95gar. Ladies Underwear, ,w001,and mixtures, heavy weight. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c gar. ----*- Ladies -.lB(:_tl-;.~`Spe':-iz-1`!-.-.-.{/el;et and metallic trimmings. Reg. $4.50. Extra Special . . $2.95 Child:-en s-Reg. $1.95-Special . . . . .. 98 j LADIES COATS-A few of the season s up- to-date models-V--Sa1e Price . . . . . . .. $14.50 Ladie Silkand 'W;ol.Underwear, Standeld s and other brands, sizes 36 to ,48. Reg. up to $1.95. Sale Price , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95 gar. '-"`*'j-"' Ladies Cashmere Silk and 'Wool Hose--- Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c pr. . Men's Blue Overeoaics, plush satin lined, well made, all sizes. Sale `Price . . . . . . . . . . `$14.50 These lots are `worth seeing; the prices will as- tonish you. Ladies Standeld (Combinations; wool and part wool, Reg. $22.95. `Sale `Price . . . . $1.69 Boys Fenman s F lLeece-LiTned Underwear- Sale Price . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . 49 gar. Boys Fleece-Lined Combinations, sizes 24 `[0 32. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ` MITCHELL SQUAF-ii -___1 a~-__.1-_. v_- Men s Overcoats, `Reg. `[0 $25.00, :11] Shades and sizes. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11095 CHURCHILL HATS - HATS - HATS I muuux v. 3 5 Terms of 'Sa.le--A11 sums of $10.00! . a.nd under, cash; over that mount :11 months credit will be given to; = parties. fumishing approved joint not- 3 es. 6/9 per annum off for cash on cre- ` dlt sums. All will be sold without re- `serve as proprietor has sold his farm. .sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, Aucg Llvllu I IMPLEMENTS, ETC.--Binder, Mas-` sey-Harris, 6-ft. cut; McCormick disc E drill; mower, Frost & Wood, nearly} gnew; spring-tooth cultivator; 2 sin-| Pgle plows, Fleury No. 13; Verity 2- lfurrow plow; set iron harrows; wagon, _ complete; scufer; set sleighs; milk. wagon; buggy; cutter; set scales, 20001 :]:bs.; fanning mill; set slings; gasoline! engine, 2' h.p.; cream separator; seti breaching harness, heel chains; set iback-band harness, heel chains; set single harness, light; set delivery har- ness: 10 cords of dry hard wood;, `quantity of hay; quantity of oa:s;| `quantity of spelts; Mcclary Quebec` icook stove, new; heating stove; dairy! pails, etc.; 350 milk bottles; `bottle; :fi1ler; quantity other househ >1d fur- `niture. I n-1-...-- _r .n-!_ .11 ....___ -1 Adnnni ` "nun v1n,nL. Mr. and Mrs. H. Aslett of Toronto; `spent Sunday at J. I-Iawt,horn's. L. Srigley is in Toronto attending; [the Royal Winter Fair. ' Mr. Lucas is sporting a new Ford new The following: ? CATTLE--Ho1stein cow, 6 yrs., due ;Feb. 20; Holstein cow, 3 yrs., due Mar. 17; Holstein cow, 6 yrs.,` due Apr. 11; I-Holsteincow, '7 yrs., due Apr. 20; Hol- `stein cow, 7 yrs., due Apr. 14; Hol- stein cow, 4 yrs., due Mar. 30; Hol- stein cow, 6 yrs., due April 28; Ayr- shire cow, 3 yrs., due April 16; Hol- stein cow, 6 yrs., due April 27; Ho1-| stein cow, 7 yrs., due April 2; 3 year-I ling heifers; 3 spring calves, heifers; Nov. 25-Mr. and Mrs. P. Glenn and! family of Stayner visited with Mrs. Glenn's mother, Mrs. Kell, on Sunday. ; Miss Irene Kell returned to Stayner` with them. : 11.. _...1 up.,_ -v ; 1 .. .. ... IE`he abov cows are wellabred, high} testers and good milkers and have been T.B.'tested and all are milking well at present time. ` i The ROW}! Bank of Canada ` ' I I-IORSES-Bay Percheronimare, '75 yrs. old; Clyde mare, 8 yrs. old, 1400- : Ikc ` Ava. I PIGS AND POUL'I'RY-Yorkshire ; sow, 7 small pigs, 6 store pigs, 40 good 3 hens. I .-..-an-_....,..m... TUPYVIH --,, ; or High Class Dairy Cows 1 IFARM STOCK AND HVIPLEIVIENTS: The undersigned has received instruc- tions from TlvJVE_Sl-).KYr,l~)-_(-2i-2'l'\;l'l-1-Zvl-i '3 AIIGTION SALE WlLlJI:AM"I_..AMB Lot 21, Con. 7, lnnisfil (NANTYR) to sell by public auction on HOLLY Barrie Branch ` - J. R. Diet, Manager Thornton Branch - R. H. Buckingham, Manager Phone 1030 1; MOTION SALE yAuyL4uuUL uao aunu 1115 1`a.1.'ll1. I Terms of Sa1e---Fowl, grain and all ?sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over {that amount 11 months credit will be 3g1ven to parties-furnishing approved Hoint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. This sale will start at 12.30 sharp. X]! A Ilnnuly-" A.._a.x--_,,, luvby H uuvno auu 1 uxanc. l I IlVLPLEMEN'I`S, ETC.-7-ft. binder," :Massey-Harris, nearly new; mowe;-_g [Massey-Harms, new; manure spread-`I ler, Massey-Harris, new; set scalesf; `Z000 1bS.; sulky rake, Massey-Harris. lnew; 17-tooth spring-tooth cultivator-,2 iMassey-Harris, new stiff-tooth ;,-um- vator, International; 2 root pulpers, iFleury; 13-disc drill, Cockshutt. near- Ily new; set. disc harrows, Massey-Han ;r1s: set disc-harrows, International: ;2-furrow plow, Cockshutt-Kidd; single |plow, Fleury No. 21; single plow, xvgm ilwheels, 11=`leur13:r`1 No. 21; wagon gear; smge pow, eury No. 13; set -_ grows, 5 sections; ctitter; wagon :ar:d' `box. complete. Bain, nearly. ne-.v; truck wagon; set sleighs; 2 water bar- rels; buggy; extension blower pipe, ,16 ft. long; quantity of lumber; Ford isedan; wheelbarrow;` cream separator, lRenfrew;v set breechmg harness, long- itug, nearly new; set single harness; 2 sets long-tug harness; also forks, chains, doibletraeshlneckyokes and a arge num er 0 0 er articles. V HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE--Sidc lboard, churn, range, heating stove, chairs, tables, extension table, 3 hang- ing lamps, 3 bedroom suites, luanti got stove. wood, many other arjticlesty - All will be sold without reserve as `proprietor has sold his farm o l Taryn: A? 6:11;: 1:|n.<.'l ......--_. __. ,1 _u gnu uumuuaxuu LLULDC 6. cu. J I I CATTLE-Roan cow, 6 yrs, due in` Feb.; roan cow, 3 yrs., due in March; black cow, 6 yrs., due in Jan.; red cow. 6 yrs.. due in Feb.; reg. Hereford meow, due in May; Ayrshire heifer. due: I in Jan.; pure-bred Hereford bull rising I '2 yrs.; 3 Hereford heifers, 2 yrs. old; 5 4 Hereford steers, 2 years old; 4 spring `calves. v-1-:-urn ..\ . I FEED, ETC.-10 ton`s timothy hay, 20 tons mixed hay, qua.nti`.;: of ours, quantity of turnips. R1 -'l T4"Ji`,'D Drrzc A'P.YT'\ nrxn--r rnv-:17 quuuu nu VJ VA ubu xxlya. I SHEEP, PIGS AND POULTRY-a 10 Oxford ewes, sow and 11 pigs, 50{ `Barred Rock hens, 2 geese and 1 gan- ; lder, 2 ducks and 1 drake. ' `l'\rD`I `l:I`n/r1:!1.1v'nr:~ nrnn - (L I The following: I I HORSES-Grey Percheron mars, 7! Iyrs., 1500; bay Clyde horse, 7 yrs.. ]1400 lbs.; matched team grey Perch- rerons, 12 yrs. old, 2800 lbs.; bay 4 :horse, 5 yrs., 1400 lbs., by Pearl Fin- g1 lder; grey Percheron mare, 3 yrs. old; LI matched team bay Percheron fi11ie:~.| rising 2 yrs.; spring colt, Percheron'a filly; chestnut horse, aged. ' | {`.A'T'T`T.F`_.13non nnwn Q Ivunn .1..- 4... - . :FAR.M STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS I q . , n :The undersigned has received instrixc- tions from _:________ -__4_ EGBERT _ __, `__..._. .........-v . \I THii1iDAY, DVECEM.BE.Z.R 5 sTANLi`"3ELAND N,H. Lot 13, Con. 3, Innisfil {nnn miln nmcf AF (*1-nn-nhilh Boys Heavy Boots, 1 to 5, Reg. 33.95- C,.1- lint- - .- Sral `Pr Men's Heavy Mackinaw Coats, limited quan- tity. Reg. $8.95. Sa1e1PriceA . . . . . . . .. $4.95 Ladies Rubber Goloshes, v-elvet tops, Reg. $2.50-Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._,$1.69 pr. Ladies Goloshes, black jersey Cl0fh-- Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Zipper Goloshes in Several Shades and Sty1es,--Reg. $4.50-Special Price . . $2.95 Men s Plain Over Rubbers, Reg. $1.00, all sizes. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c Men s Goloshes, Zipper fastener, Reg. $4.50. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3.39 Youths Rubbers, sizes 10 1-2 f0 1.-- Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 pr. Chikren s Rubbers, 6 to 10 1-2 sizes- Speciul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c pr. These Ru?:=bers are_Gua.ranteed as to Quality. Prices Cannot be Equailed Anywhere. Boys Sweater Coats, checks and p1li I1S.- Sale Price { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . Men s Heavy Vilork Rubbers, 6 eyelets, Reg. $3.03. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.49 Boys Heavy Gum Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5- Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1; Boys Rubbers, plain over, sizes 1 to Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nyaao I4`-I5 Au, \rI-Illa U, llllllal I (one mile west of Churchill) to sell by public auction on u-u--5.--`._- ________~ .-u :.u.uv oAAqAy. W- 13- MCCOIIREY. Auctioneer.` Two Doors `West Bank of Toxonto ALLA .u.uu, A`: uldll plgs; 0 lat . n0gS- GRAIN-1000 bus. oats, I000 `O?-15 mixed grain, 250 bus. buckwheat, 25 bags potatoes. TIFDT `Ill'l:!\1-I-new v----- - - 'l_IET11-an+c;Eo_;I1pany "'Cunnda's 1udnu:n'al-0M'ur7 Company" BIADOYFIG 0 IDNDOMCANADA nu; uu VVCJJ l/U H:bbCI1u LUIS Sale`. Terms of Sa1e:-11 months mtiif will be given to parties furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Six per ce;1t. 7-L`-1' annum off for cash. A11 mm 1-\:\ --u.v The following: STOCK-Hereford cow, 4 years old. fresh: Hereford cow, 3 years 01 fresh: Durham cow. 4 years, due Nov. 28; Hereford cow, 6 years, due Nov. 23; Durham cow, 8 years, due in Marx Durham cow, 4 years, due Dec. 25: Durham cow, 9 years, due in March: Durham cow, 4 years, milking: 3 yearling cattle; 5 spring calves; Veal calf: Durham cow, 4 years, due Jan. 29; furrow cow; registered Shorthom bull, 2 years; 3 Yorkshire sows; 100 hens; 24 small pigs; 5 fat hogs. GRAIN--1000 hug Tim "M" nnfu ;The undersigned has received instruc- ' tions from . I rot-It-\ 1: 4~.g-...-..-..- I --v-i--2, TLITI `I ' THE FOLLOWING: ` 4 Hereford steers,'rising 3 yrs. old: 4 Durham steers, rising 3 yrs. old; 5 iHereford heifers, rising 3 yrs. old; 6 }Durham heifers. rising 3 yrs. old. I The above are all in good c0:idit`.on 'and are good short.-keep feeders. 2 fat nnm: 2 nlixvknvm .~o,.,...-- Au- uuAu (1.: x. 5mm ouux u-rutcp Leeuers. 2 fat cows, 3 Durham steers. ris- `ing 2 yrs. old; 1 Durham heifer, rising 2 yrs. old; 6 Durham steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 5 Durham heifers. rising; 2 `yrs. old; 4 spring calves. I Anvrn-no Itrnv-10-3-can ..__.: 4-_,,v., ..AU- uuuuuu uu LUL Cdbll. All will be sold without re: `Sale at 1 p.m. a ur A qp_.-.,\..-...-.-. 4,, The undersigned has received instruc- ; tions from J. T. Emms, Bailiff. to sell iby public auction on the farm ocru- pied by JOHN ONIS `At Lot 32, Con. 5, Essa `WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 '_,.u. vnu, -x ayxuxg uaxvcs. I Anyone wanting good.feeder mttlc `will do well to attend this sale. Tnrrnc nf n`nI 11 __,_.u,,: _...A:~ AUWCTION SALEM LFARM STOCK AND GRAIN `nu. navau nu \t\ll|o `I , \Il\I known as the Thos. McCuaig Farm to sell by Public Auction on AUCTION SALE OF 40 CATTLE ULUHD LIUHI GEO. H. CAMPBELL at Lot 15, Con. 4, Oro rnnurn ac fhn Thna n/r..r....:,. ~::I,.-. FR1AiE,'"b'E:"" `I'L1`l'4" `DAY T r\ . Thursday, November 28, 1929 ii AAA: W. A. McCONKEY. Auct , 65c pr. $1.69 $1.9s 3.-Binder. near- an 4-ant-In -..u..I.... , [ hen the Market Life Insurance is the best known plan of providing for your family, and at the same time for your own . future. These two ser_vices--protection and invest- ment-have been ideally com- bined by The London Life in The Enhanced `Protection The Earning Power and The Jubilee policies. As}: any of our representatives for particulars or write to the Branchor Head Oice of the Company. _ ' ` Play safe. Make Life Insurance the backbone of your estate. HE man who invested in Life ' Insurance is not disturbed, Although sorry to see others lose, he reects with satisfaction on the sta- bility of his holdings, for Life Insurance is always at par, never subject to fluctu- ation from any cause what- `Ann-an vu.\:n"uuu vvuau sxncuuo Au LULUAILU. One of our local young men motored to Thornton on Saturday night and after entering the garage there, Walked around his car and discovered that he had unknowingly given a surprise ride to two chickens that were perched on the rear bumper. How the birds man- aged to stay on was rather unique as the road is not a paved highway. NLed- less to say they were caught and transported home again in a diffoi-ent manner. WEEK. Jas. Dixon of Westdn and son Frank of Cherrywood were visitors at R. H. Miles last. week. 11:..- 1-u._n_ t~._--.-- -.:-xL__1 3.. A-.. UAAIIU LUI at uuuylc U1 uayo Luau wccn. The people of the United church held a meeting last night in connec- tion with the Christmas tree to be held in December. little pay. Cent 9. word. Examiner Classieds work hard for and Mrs. Orton Crawford visit- Ad {ends in Midland recently. Ilr an:-I `RI!-n `IF I `lknvau av-url'Innn_ Misses Mamie McNabb and L1a. Culham are attending the Women's Institute Convention in Tgronto this LVLILCD %DU wccn. Miss Stella Graves `visited in Allan- dale last week. 1:... -r1-._..__. ~r-_._n _..-._L - o-_. A...... UGIC Ll-I460 vvccn. Mrs. Harry Rowen spent a few days recently with Barriefriends. .D `H 1511.3: nun: n nlnlfnr in 'T'nr_ (From another correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Banting visited in Barrie on Sunday at A. S. _Burton s. up", -- Mrs. Hussey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Banting and Master Mervyn spent the week-end with friends in Toronto.` A..- ..c ...... 1---: ............ ..._.. ..._;_.._.: L ISUIILAUAJ WIULL JJIIA L AC _ LL Lcuua. R. H. Miles was a visitor in Tor- onto for a. couple of days last week. "Who hnru-do AC fha TTnH-cpl nhlnvnh Evnwveret what Shall Give? M5 IIIFLIEIQ Ill LVLIIAIHIIIL JCUIFIIUIJQ Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McKay and'fam- y visited at W. A. Johnston's, Up- terzrove. lately. Miss 119. Gillespie is not quite so well and has gone to the Memorial Hospital for treatment. Miss Dorothy Barnhardt is visiting friends at Tlllsonburg. ' MIC! and Illtn LI T 'Dnnn'lann4I6- nun wwcsx uu oycuu uu: wuuI':l.`_ 111 -purrle. The young people are enjoying the skating alone the lake shore. In... D 1-.-v....n......, .....:..._.-.u ;..__. .u,_ i="I...wi:o1:l';>esi returned `from the R, V. Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday ac- companied _by a. splendid infant daughter. A ' uuuaugco nu auuuuci.` .l.U.U. Last Wednesday evening the B.Y.P. U. had the pleasure of having Mr. Pike and Mr. Ineson conduct the meet- ing. Mr. Pike's brother also took part in the singing. Mr. meson took for his text: Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ." At the close of a. very inter- esting service a. lunch was served. Mr. Smit was the speaker at `the Sunday evening service. `In .439`:-I `Inc `I : 111 ru....I- 1_::. 1-_; -uuuus.-,_y uvuuaug ecnvusc. Mr. -and Mrs. H. W. Cook left last lweek to spend the winter in -Barrie. 'T`hn wnunar 'r\nIw-HA awn 'nua...I..... n... Mrs. E. Quanfz is in Toronto for a. few days. (`nuns-n+n1-H....... 1.... 1n.._._v_ av , - an. vv um; J: Congratulations to Frank Lamb, who recently took to himself a wife. Mr. Reddick is very busy building cottages for summer Yolk. Tn:-6 I`l7nA......A.... _-.-...1._.. LI . V - - -- uunnuay . _ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martain and son Arnell, Penetang, are visiting the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berthe- lotte. Nov. 25-Chas. Cerswell spent part 01' last week_ at the Winter Fair, one of the five hundred boys who were guests of the government. Wm. Watt: attended also as spare man with thr. South Simcoe Judging team. Jn: `Rnf.'lm-Io-A huh-I n .-.1- .4: a........ vu vuc c4-n.cyuuuu,u_y uuiu Wt!8.DeI'. Roads, since the arrival of the frost, are like pavement and many are taking advantage of them to mo- tor to the Royal Winter Fair. The wonderful display of flowers seems to be calling `forth as much `favorable comment as the exhibits of live stock. wnvvanus , :41. . a.u.\.J.uac|.-CL , no 'M;HC1. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Dempster and family visited Collingwood friends on Sunday. _` - `Mfr on:-I `lms Aka. *n:....L..:._ _...v _~4. ;ub vslu .I.vv_ynL. ,Bre.den's Church had a very suc- cessful fowl supper on Nov. 20. The audience, which filled the church to capacity, enjoyed the program put on by the Ivy young people and the mu- sic which was supplied by the Beatty Orchestra. -uvuval vuuuvc -_|uu5Lu5 ucuul. Jos. Rutledge held a. sale of farm stock and implements on Tuesday, Nov. 19. Mr. and` Mrs. Rutledge and family are leaving this week for Tot- tenham where the former has secur- ed a position with Mr. Braridon. Wn`|1 n'lnnnr1~ninn- nV\9\nn1nn J... 1..--.- 1.-- uu ca. yumuzuu wwu. .|VJ.1. Druuuun. Fall ploughing appears to have been. brought to 9. close by the severe frost. of Thursday night. The frostsof pre- vious nights interfered very little as a light fall of snow protected` the fields to some extent. Fall wheat, whichwas very backward in the early fall, has made splendid progress of late due to the exceptionally mild weather. Pnnrlu cinnn {>1-an nun-{u..'I -0 LI... vvuutx"cuu vuuu. Dunn: u'1cu_u5. I The school children are starting to prepare for the school concert which is expected to be held on Dec. 20. lr `IT T.'l'~in-ru-ivuuus :1. .....4..._I.-:._:._._ an unyxnaucu uu uc LACJU U11 LIEU. ZU Mrs. W. Higginson is enterteining the W. A. this Tuesday evening. Edward nprmnv ic annmum. .. en... uuqu ua. :.\.u.uuuu. Mr. and Mrs. Elphick and son Frank visited Baxter friends on Sunday. Miss Ethel MnMnxtpr 5: vlcifina hm- umucu unnvca xucuua UH Du . Miss Ethel McMaster is visiting her brother, Dr. McMaster. at Ethel. 1\/he urn! Mn... rt.-- r\-_..__L_.. ----1 vvuau uuvyla. ulcuua. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McCann and family visited with Cookstown and Thornton friends on Sunday last. Nnv 95_Mr and 1\/rm mun. nun .n.u.\.uA.|uuAA uncuua uu Dulluay last . Nov. 25--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dory and daughter Leonia and Eric Wells and Mrand Mrs. Geo. Warner, Tor- onto, spent Sunday at W. J. Mi11er s. `Alfie: Mnrmn 7n1`*nv\ ..n.....L ..-..._ 1.1.- uuuu, nyuuv uuuuuy uh VV. 0. 1V111.lEI"S. Miss Norma Walton spent over the week-end with Barrie friends. Thu or-hnr nkllrlunu an -4-- _,.. 1.- Inn; vv. a. tuna ;ucaua.y cvenmg. Edward Denney is spending a few days in Toronto. `In none: 11.... 11u_1.:-v.. _,_,u ,, .. - M1`. and Mrs. Norman Coxworth and family of Ivy spent Sunday with Mrs. Mooney. Ilr non-I mlvn Tl! `lnonliun Ac IV.-an; Nov. 26--Miss Verna Pratt of To- ronto, who spent_ a week with her aunt, Mrs, J. D". Knapp. returned home on Friday. \ , . W. G. Storey and daughter Annie were in Torontp, Tuesday.- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Knapp motored to Toronto on Saturday. Clifford Baldwick, who has made good in the judging contest, is a. resi- A.m+ in C-kin Aiu.-;n4l mu: mnnf +5 Q.-.'hnn1 n4uA1uu_y vuuu uxauzuxu uxcuus. Jack Curry has returned home to Bradford after visiting for three weeks with Utopia friends. `lUl r an:-I 1\A'v-a `tint.-A... 1ur..ru....._ -...'I 51545.19 uvuml ;.u55-uxouu. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams of Shanty Bay were Sunday visitors at Mark McMa.st;er s. 13......` r1_._1_-_, 7,, I LVLVLVLGIO USA. 3 Fred Codlson and two sons spent Sunday with Bradford friends. Tanlr f"II\nInvv In-.. ....L.........1 1.-..-- L- acvALA\a U: u\u.ALA UULAIICDU. Mr. and Mrs, W. McFadden of Bar- rie visited with the latter s brother here on Sunday. Mr and mrva Tan:-an :vm11 A: n............ uuap uu uuuuay. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell of Orange- vllle visited with the latter s parents here on Saturday evening. M"i:: naninlc m-m .1\nn_~ rm..++ A4` n... uc:.c uu oauuluuy cvcuxug. Miss Daniels and -Miss Trott of Or- lllia. spent over the week-end with Miss Jean Higginson. 41\II v- and `nrc Tn Aanw... -0 o\......L.. DU uL\JLUIl|AJ ULL uauubuay. is dent in this district and went to school here. His many friends congratulate him on his success. A. Robins, who has been putting down a. well, has met with good suc- cess, getting good water at forty feet. Mr. Evans, Government inspector of work on `the highways here, says that when the road is completed it will compare with any road in the pro- Vince. `I1 ' 1_._.-I_ _..-_!__S 'I___ Nov. 18--Mr. and Mrs. John_ Mc- Knight and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cun- ningham of Baxter were Sunday vis- itors at A. E1phick's. .1\A'rc `IN `I 1\A'H1ns- m-.nn+ rl'\L......A.... wuul ruucuuu LLJCLIUD. Miss Dorothy and Mercer Irwin of Barrie spent; Thanksgiving day at the home of John Jennett. `In. .......I xx... 111 1:--rn__1.1__. -.- - ,, XIII : FLUUIIUJ - Mr. and Mrs. W. Jardine of Cree- more and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Parker and Harold of Bethesda visited at Elm- croft Farm during the week-end. (`AMI Rrnfhnf in in 'T`r\rr\vu+r\ nu-....A ----- --... -.--._.. ..-...-w-., The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fisher, December 10,` at 2.30 pm, The roll call will be an- swered by Ideas for Inexpensive Christmas Gifts. A very pleasant hour was spent -at the home of Mrs. Chas. Miller on Friday, Nov. 22. for the purpose (if or- ganizing a. Women s Institute branch. Mrs. Sutherland, County President, of Stroud; Mrs. Singer, County Secre- tary-Treasurer. of Barrie; Mrs. R. M. Black, District President, of Elmvale and thirteen ladies were present. Mrs. Sutherland presided. Qinnrc ninnl-ad uuuan An &`n11;uvn~ - vuul/An;L Aaxlu yn CDAUCLI. Officers elected were as follows: President, Mrs. F. E. Fisher; Vice- President, Mrs. J. D.` -Knapp: Secre- ' tary-Treasurer, Miss Reta Hamilton; Branch Directors: Mrs. H. Baldwicki Mrs. H. A. Pearson; District Director, Mrs. Thos. `Wilson; pianist, Miss Lightfoot; assistant, Miss Helen Fish- After the elect-i6n Mrs. Black gave a, very enjoyable talk on the duties of the W. I. and some very helpful sug- gestions on the work. Mrs. Singer and Mrs. Sutherland also gave some valu- able hints after which Mrs. Fisher took the chair and c1osed.the meeting. A very dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Orser and Mrs. Bemrose. p... avvsu am 4:. ;uAyLAAun a. Mrs. D. J. Miller spent Thursday with Alliston friends. vurz-.. r\-....u..-. ._...a an ____ __ -.-Hm} _. ~3rio;i' where you `are Invited to chap. ` WWI. Bkanch Organized Here BELLE EWART BOND HEAD `#9`? -3* vnvsu EDLLLL uutuxg hut: wccn-cuu. -Cecil Brethet is in Toronto attend- ing the Royal. I2Inrlnv\ a I"knun`Ia `had I` -nu... ....;. UTOPIA I vvuaAu5 nvcuva uu 118 zmuuuucx re whiely rvad Three cents a word with 50-minimum. Au JJL uuuc. The Ladies Aid of the United Church entertained their friends to a social evening last Wednesday. ussu. uuun, D1. Miss Luckof Orillia is visitng Miss Luck of the, village. Th T.nr11'an' .A AC .l- `h-\Hv| e- 1 uni: V 11155 C. , The Ladies -Aid of st. John s Church intend holding then` annual bazaar this week. _ Wm. Davenport and son William arevlslting the farmer's son, James, in Bronte. IHL- r__u__- .ou - u -- -- - Miss Velma. Reynolds is holidaying with friends in Midland. Former Resident Asphyxiated Word was received here Thursdayi from British Columbia of the sudden death of Leslie Darby, a former Wav- I erley boy. Mr. Darby while looking over a; house after the tenants had moved out was overcome by escaping| gas and unable to leave the house be- fore being overcome. m.;I ursery eperations have practically ceased for the season and the seed beds are all getting their winter blan- ket of straw. ' unuu uu a.uuuua_y . Miss E. Kent of Eady is visiting her . uncle, R. A. Kent. Mrs. J. Kenwell of Wasaga. Beach is spending the winter months with herson Alex. of this village. 'Mi Wain IKn?nu hon rnfuuvna of- nu.` . Mrs. Wm. Snider of the 2nd of Flos Wand Mrs. J. Johnston of Craighursp spent Sunday with Mrs. Colgan. -{v-___- Melville May and Gordon Jermey visited their sister, Mrs. Roy Lang- man, at Goldwater the first of the dank .4; uuu. rsnzn. UL D1113 VHJGBC. Miss Kate McKay has returned af- ter a. week s visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Rix, Crown Hill `I `I 'l -.....x........ n-I_..-__.|._ __1v-.1 -.. .u.u1Au.3_ u. uuc vu1a.5c, Duuuruuy. Mrs. McGill is visiting her mother, Mrs. Luck, Sr. 7 ' lth-n `l'....`l---1: p\_nu- 1- __x_x;_,__ u-1_- It i expected that hydro power will be turned on at the station during the first week in December. | NA, 1:-`--_.. v.:, __._._ 1.-.... nun. AAADV vvcvn JLJ Llcvulnuuuo. Stan. McLean and his gang have completed the job at Hendrie Forest Station. Mr. Cox now thinks that with the new barn erected in place of the one burned down he is pretty well set for the w_inte_r. uv3..I.\..:..n -n...._.....I- x. _....x.. |_....l- A... ! |\-VVD DUUKWQIIJ JLUIII JIUVV Ulla ' E Severe colds are hitting the gang pretty had these days. A1. Bishop has been confined indoors this week and at time of writing is still on the sick } Hat ' list. Gill Ill A thaw is anxiously looked for at the station as there is still some seed- ing to be done. ~'f`hn `0(|n\I\r\n`1'r\Ia -1-`.1. .'_ -~..:... nan. Nov. 26-Isa.ac Nelles left for Tor- onto on Monday. Mncc 1:` rzmw A4` 1:1...-1.. e. ..:..u.x..- km- u. a.v-4\, suuwu ruu. J. J. Jamleson, Toronto, called on friends in the village, Saturday. MP3 '|VI .n(":i11 in uicfhncr `Innr rnnfhnr unuu. Herb. Swan. Jr., of Fergusonvale spent Sundzay with his cousin, Geo. Brock. 1-11--.: nL.._..:. -:-1-r2,.___._ ____,,x 7 ,7 VI Jllvbbulu Du A.Lua\u.nJuA5 Mr. and Mrs. H. I: Earnhardt are attending the Winter Fair this week.

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