Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1929, p. 3

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vuu v vntuzutz. Mr. and Mrs. George McFadden.! Misses Myrtle Greenlaw and Hazeli Bell and Alvin Simpson spent the! week-end with friends in Toronto. | Among those who attended the Roy- al Winter Fair this week were: Herb. Ritchie, Thos. Miles, W. M. Bunt, Lawson Robinson, Alex. McGrath, Ed. Carnahan, Sim Cotton and John Kidd. . -VAR: vlln I 1;/Fru. Sim. Cotton and Miss Libby` Kidd of Crossland are attending the Institute Convention in Toronto this week. r'r11:.x.. ._.-_IL 13.. -___1 gp,,_ n IA -.-u D This week Mr. and Mrs. S.`A. Tip-I ping are in.'1`oronto_ where Mr. Tipping is attending the annual Creamery, Ccn\'e:1tiop. , Mrs. J05. Adams and Mrs Guam-ma .Britton'Be11 has sold his property! on nbrth Saurin street at the west ofi the village to Bert. Black. who will, :take possession about the rst of March. I A..___._ ;1_-__ ___v__ -1.L_.. _1__u u,, c-.,,, CLEANSER pfgd 23. ferredto Midland, which point will be I his headquarters in `future. Mr. Train will be missed in town, but expects to make a. weekly visit to 1111 up the oil tanks. T 1:... nu..- p..;L,,, - --- - .. . \auu.v \..:.va\.us. Mrs. J65. Adams a11d Mrs. George Bauldry are in Toronto this week at- tending the annual Women s Institute! Convention. `run. .....1 1:... na_..._, up,u-.-,s,s_..| A writ for unstated damages has been issued against the County by - Ernest Swan and Alma MacGregor of Midlandfor injuries_bo plaintiffs and` to Swan's car owing, it Is alleged, to a hole in the county road in Tiny bei- . tween Elmvale and Wyevale. Swan is a radio dealer in Midland. The ac- , cldent occurred in August. . `MIDLAND `PAIR ENTER surr AGAINST COUNTY r~---., ---y.- I-nnannbnnvvn ... --.....--..---~ - Mr. and Mrs. Ansdell of Guthrie} were the guests of their daughtexnl Mrs. D. C. Harvie, for a few days 1ast| II1AnIr A YLMER DICED A--_- W. Lou `Gardner, son of Mr. and: No. 2 Size Tins LIBB Y S s. `0. s. IFSPECIALIPEABL wmrn " NAPTlElA A s0.@%91mars35* }spm:mL- 1_.0BLAW9sl `Brown Label, (Black &'Mixed vnax; WCCh"CL1\l HI; 1151' LYJLHC. I Miss Martha Drysdale spent a fewi days with friends in Toronto. 1 In 1.1 u-n.u... _...a 11: chow-m'n-un 18 21`l Dainty Puddings HARRY HORNE S-- -. Assorted Flavors . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Rfzd vgr Ce}eal Pearl Barley. Mm-K AY'S MEDICA1 Peaches A `rt II: D 1)-- Natural Figs Finest Quality Cook'ing.. Shelled Almonds 'VALENCIA-3 Crown . . . . . . . . Shelled F ilberts Spinach AYLMER Brn uyuuu uu: wctzcs-euu Lu uuuuw. Miss Florence Manning enjoyed the : Week-end with friends in Toronto. I `hlnb D..1..x..x.... ......: As-I-Ivunv minim nf! Asparagus Tips DELMONTE or LIBBY Brand Qnunrn n , , , , , , , _ , , _ . _ _ _ , _ _ Asparagus Cuttings Exncntimial Valu&- 9 Mince meat M us. H A~MILTON S- Choice Quality . . . . . . . . . . Nlincemeat 'lY`l'!I'!\7V|_` n:____. (L... Tabfe Figs Cann ed Grapefruit It n Dc`-ivinun" each tin contain: Nature : Food .. DU`:/'7UII I-IIIIIIIC \.lllI\I' Delicious Assortment of Hard and Soft Cenu-ea-l-lb. box. . .. I CIDLI I/W AYLMP R Brand`-Choice Qua|ity-No. 1 size tin . . . . . I ';`ll' W IJIIII WC. M KAY'S MEDICATED- ` 11?: Standard of the World. . .. Lb- 70 Queen Anne. Chocolates - n,I:_:_..` A _______ ... At` II...) 7` A '!.FFlS'BX1(1 WIEII IIIBDGS 111 Luluuuu. `Dick Robbins and Arthur White of Alliston spent. the week-end in town. Mice vm-.-mo nnrl Dnuc TT snr-nt V 7 (3 SMYRNA-5 Crown. .1 III U1:-1: v Brnnd--F:mcy Quality-No. 2 size tin. . . . Ul:.LMUlV'l Square [in . flulltbl I05 owl) kl Exccptimial Valua- No.2aizctin. `.71. Ill III.I/III!`/IOU LIBBY'S Finest Quality- Rovnllar . . . . ..... . . . . .... Large and meaty . LIBBX '5 1` Royal Jar. LAIJII/In--IA xru IJIIILJI vvvv It s Dc':' ions" each tin contains ve servings. No. 2 "size tin. . . . . .:<.2..26" :...51z| wna DWU ycuxa U1. 21,51: Luau mruruu. The remains were brought to Elm- vale by the noon train on Monday to !the home of his `grandmother, Mrs. S. Kerr, and the funeral was held from there to Elmvale cemetery, Rev. W. C. Stubbs taking the services. Pall-bear- xers were Will. Campbell, Will Tubman `and Gordon and John Daly of Toron- 'to. Among the friends attending were [M12 and Mrs. J. H. McCaw, Barrie; gMrs. Herb. Kerr.,Sta.yner; Misses Lil- lian and Violet Daly, Mr. Williams and Erle Copeland, Toronto. I Lloyd Copeland and Elwood Simp-! son spent the week-end in Toronto. I WUIL LIL $76!: Little'Boy s Death Oscar John Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johh S, Kerr, died on Friday, Nov. 22, 1929, at the family residence, 135 Hastings Ave., Toronto. Death was due to poison spreading from his ton- sils and he was 111 only two days. He was two years of age last March. Thu v-av-no{~r\e H-nun 1-..mnn1n+ 4m `mm- Mrs. Stephen Gardner, Barr1e,.former- ly of Elmvale, has ,_been appointed manager of a. new branch of the Na- tlonal Bank.of Commerce of _ Detroit. NIr.`Gard1ger was formerly with the l'Sta.nda.rd Bank of Canada. - , Card of Thanks Mrs. Joseph Ritchie wishes to thank her many, kind friends and neighbors for their kindness in per re- `cent. loss. I 48b II".._ GI..-.. IV-g- Iacxtu Avon. ' "" , Wins Silver Cup Mak Rowat,` son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan.` Rowat, Elmvale, won the silver cup donated by the T. Eaton Co., To- ronto, for the highest number of points taken at the Flos School Fair. This is Ma.ck s second cup, he having won in 1928. L I snnu, Ih-__l_ I\__1.I_ I Welland Board of Trade is seeking authority from the Ontario Govern- ment to sell automobile licenses in its gdistrict. The city council endorsed the vBoard s application. i We Sell For Les '_3 Pkgs. 230 Mr. and`Mrs. A. c. Bishop are x-is-f ltlng their daughter in Richmond Hill. 1 `In- _.__u up"- ..___q_u _: rv..b\...n` __2 Tina 29c 2 Lbs. 25c Pkg. 24c vvv vvu Tin`: Tin I V Tin 23c Lb. 23c W111 campben spent sunday in To-: Mrs. 'I'heo. Terwillinger` left on rang.-,_ \ :sunday for her home in Lansing, Mich. Georgie Dickie enjoyed a few days` Miss Margaret Smith of Uxbridge is `in Toronto this week. fvisiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Midd1.- Miss Helen Christie pf Toronto spent ; mm the week-end at her home. Miss Susan McGinnis is visiting 'IA'.~.. It....A.I__ 1\.......:_1.. nvsnvi` In four .- - Lb. 16c Jar 29c . 55c , Ilc .`24c L 290 16c tutu. vo ..vv any ...--...- on`. .. .--....., babies, or twins; with two garages, so that they could carry the whole fam- ily without crowding. And 11 they had a. blowout or puncture on the road and discovered that the Jack was left behind, they would not seek asslatance, Not much bigger than a go-cart, with a. wheelbase scarcely more than half as long as the smallest car now being produced in this country, it will fit nicely into narrow openings along the curb where no other car could be parked. And if we are to believe its inventor, James Martin, of the Martin Airplane factory at Garden City, Long Island, his baby will not consume gaso- line much faster than the average human baby consumes milk. It will do fifty miles on a gallon of gas. ,,_ _u,n_ __, .1 g._ An a11-t;;171;3l$i-17e:7 $200. At such a fi` four or five might 171.. ._ L......._ ... `'uYD Wlbll ITICIIQS ll]. LULUHLU. 1 W. E. White and Vin. Shanahzn, spent the week-end in Toronto. ! I Ill-.. 1:'n....-..__ ut-....-:..... ...-..'nu.-`A Who` By Erwin Greer The Baby Martin automobile, we are told, will be sold by mail and will come in 9. weather-proof packing `case that can be used as a garage. _,L Rev. J.` J. Black, pesto; of the church, expressed the appreciation of himself and his congregation for the services conducted by the distinguish- ed preacher. He felt that much good had come as a. result of them and was pleased with the attendance that had been maintained throughout the week. Dr. Gordon expressezi his thanks to the choir for its excelfenp work during the time he had occupied the pulpit. We, who are Christian people 'are in God's fa.mily-sons of the Heaven- ly Father, said-Dr. G`ordon, He de- pends on his family so to work'that `it will be easy for the lost boys and girls to come back home. It was a wonderful opportunity for the sin- cere christian. The speaker declar- ed it was that which kept him in the Christian ministry although he had had opportunities of making much more in other lines of endeavor. The World has a lot of people in it who need to be told about God, said Dr. Gordon. You are the people to ;ell them about this great Father and His marvelous ways with sinful men. He concluded by expressing the hope that Collier Street Church would be a. great agency in bringing glnners in- to the Christian life. THE BABY MAl_I:TlN AUTOMOBILE wAa\. AJAVAAAC yxugialll. The elder son was the real cause of the parable being spoken. He was typ- ical of the scribes andb pharisees of that day and of many church~going people of the present time. This class did not indulge in open disregard of life's conventionalities. They attended church regularly and yet they are not true Christians at heart. The elder brother was angry because the father welcomed the prodigal back `to his home. Nothing ever written so well reveals the heart of a man who was not a true son of God. He" complained ` that he had never been allowed to cel- ebrate with his friends. In other wcrzls `ha run a nknnnh `M-.. ".1... .:.-_1 ..-L _-L uuuuu. vu.r.An run asscuub. 1.11 U|.l1C1' VVUTLIS he was a church man who did not get his real pleasure serving God. but went outside the family of God for his am- usements-a man who drew his plea- sure from sources remote from the Deity he was supposed to serve. That kind of a man is down on the sinner. He is not particular about redeeming him. In our day he wants to` see the criminal receive harsher treatment rather than an attempt made to re- form him. There are many of these in the church, the speaker declared. uv~:v_ __1_ _ , ,_., -...-.. IVAUAAECLI. And yet," said D`. Gordon, if he were your boy he still would be of some good to you or if he were mine there still would be something good about him in my sight." And so it was with God in :1 much greater degree-no matter how low we sink in a moral and religious sense the love of God con- tinues. The speaker raised the old question, so often asked. as to why God permitted sin to enter into the life of the world. That was a query that could not be answered because no one was competent to fathom the mind of the Almighty. But anyone could un- derstand that man had been creafed a free agent with power for -good and evil and that was in accordance wnth the Divine program. The nlrlnr an un... LL... ..--1 ----- " aking Powdf TI (-81 an n-.....9n-_ 1.-..-- -u.\.uu.3C.' men 2; vmam must have some good point and this chap had none; He landqd at the verybottom of the social ladder where such men be- long and in the end he had to go back and seek refuge under the roof of the father he had wronged. HA...-J ....;n ,, v -V ,.,.....u_y u: uns con`. evidence that we 1 spirit of God. "Fin. 'n..__u. ,- urn. Al) U1 UUU The P1'odig.1, as he was called, had no redeeming feature about him. He was hard. cruel, selsh and foolish. It- would be hard to write a book about him because even a villain must have aood hninf and Ha. ..I..-- v-~` Dr. Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Con- nor) concluded his mission at Collier Street United Church, Sunday night, when he preached on the parable of The Prodigal Son. He began his series of services on Sunday, Nov. 17, and continued them each week night except Saturday. The attendance was satisfactory throughout and Sunday night there was hardly a vacant seat in the church. "Finn ....._n_u___. .. . . .. -- an uuc UHUIUH. The spe'aker thought the parable was misnamed because the prodigal was not the most important gure in the story. He was an insignicant youth without any redeeming trait. All through it the father held the centre of the stage and the moral was woven around the jealous attitude of the elder son. It showed the undying love of the boy's father which was Dvunn-`L . Shows Father as Leding Figure in Story of Prodigal. ._ .. ......\.. auxx. u, auuwvu. L118 unaylng meant to typify the all-forgiving at- titude of God toward members of his family. The wonder of all wonders, Dr. Gor- A-.. LL - ,,.-u-nu: r. ner. Only v-n.......x- -, nn.c. w.eonnou cLoss MISSION I3r-1"b-.0 Cleanser II_.--..-J _-_..:_II.. C... `I.`___.. -.___ -_ .. U-.,--__ 7- ,,,._, temobile and a garage `for V figure, the family of lve adopt two of these v garages, I nnnh-I nnrvovv +1-In I-n`hn`Ia (nun- -`AA\a\4\4|JL.l was but: Ulfblz - needed the forgiving '-":"j'j' I Examiner Classied advertising is; unequalled among the town Weeklies? in Canada. Big circulation or urnn. quality is the explanation. .._--r_ ....a .. -.,--... The wheels ye kept under the con- trol of power and steering mechanism by universal joints in their hubs. `H in nah-I H-an IPD.-.1-u. 1\/r.-...4-:...n ...:n. I i i nu; uunvuiual Jvunuo Au vucu. uuua. It is said the Baby Martin" Willi make 60 miles an hour. I U1. uAAC WUL u. Neither are there any springs. Rub- I ber aviation cord" is used in the sus- 1 pension of each wheel instead. This is the cord, made of rubber under ten- sion, which is used for the suspension of airplane wheels. It permits each wheel to take the bumps independent- I 1y of the three others. Thus road I shocks are not imparted toPthe body] itself. In technical language it means a the elmination of unsprung weighti rr-11... ._.1.-_1._ _.__ 14-.-; ._,, u The car, in effect, consists of a? body with an engine in it, and fourl wheels. There is no chassis or chassis i frame. Each wheel is independentlyf mounted in thereinforced body, and; there are no axles in the usual sense of the word. x-r..:u...... ...... 1.1.--- -.4_. _.-n2,~ - -- - FOR THIS but lift up the wheel of their infant while the tire was being changed. nu. , , _ ,, rr - Golden: Syrup T LYLE'S IMPORTED- 2.lh. Tin . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ _ Wholesale `Distributors: Bennett & Elliott Limited 08 Bay St., Toronto _ V ` F or Sale by THE ELECTRIC SHOP, B arrie FOR THIS CHRISTMAS ' Me_lbourne-'1o show his contempt ;for chain letters, Rev. Father Mc- |Grath, S.J., parish priest, St. Ignatius .Church, Richmond, in the pulpit re- {cently tore to pieces a letter which ;had been handed to him by a par- gishioner. He denounced the move- ment in strong terms, and appealed to his listeners to ignore such letters. The letter Wm said to have started [from an American army officer, and iwas intended to go around the world y I0 K00OUvO0 N\f-CO`! CONDEMNS CHAIN LETTER Ht: l.v.HC VLCDHII U1 Hl"1uC&. As he tore up the letter Father Mc- Grath declared that people who kept them more than 24 seconds were sup- erstitious fools." Molasses 'A nuvr nnv AH The pantry of a large steamer cross- ing the Atlantic often possesses 5.000 chickens and 35,000 eggs for the meals of its passengers during one voyage. \ three ti es. Any person who received :1 copy nd failed to send it on to someone else within 24 hours would be the victim of ill-luck. Ac ho fnrn |Ir\ fhn 1nH>nv TI`n{>hov- `AK:-u- Jllolaskes I \I'\lIl\T (`l'\ I)... Sedless Raisins CAIJrORNlA-- Fancy Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pciel I ...... Mixed Pee I __..._ I'\....... .....I I Gywludcc-2 Cizerries T l|-...... t'\....l:...__ X Coooanut Baker : Snowdrift- Finn: Quality-Shred . . Cake` F l;)ur f\I"l A WED D-.._A , Raisins VALENCIA S Ie-B ' ll . Australian Lexi'Zs-C|:: Sttoc! 2 Lbs v(EA'I.`lVl`_(')VRVl\I'lA:-"-'"v .. 2 Lb5- : Golden Hallowi Dates I -_-- .._.I ._-..o..__ Currants l`,T!`l4`lI`I"_. Golden Sultana Raisins AIYETDAIIARY A -- I` Currants AITQVFDAIIARY ' ` '1`hni-sdsy."'November 28,1929. -T_: These Specials (in Sale For Week of Nevember 29th to December 5th llllivtvoot/0 'AUN'l` DINAH Brand-- Fluent New Orleans . . . . . . . LI vvvvv \Jl vv F |' F:::(i1?l`l'l:)l):`:;l.. ` IIIUIJ -I.r \JIII/Ill wool _P:-opuu-ed specially for Enamel- somelhing new . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I/I/V Lemon and Orange- Duined Caps . . . . . . . . LHIIMIII/Iuv 1 vvv Luann. Orange and Citron- Fineit Qu|lity............... `ID!!! I I-luau GREEK- Fincn Quality Pntrn. IJIIIBUIJIII savvy: Luge nnll menty- NcWaXo\.k.........` l.Jl.0l I vvnvvo A USTRALIAN-Rot-.lcnnel- Excellent Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L I. UIJ4(/III LJlAIIl AUSTRALIAN- Tho World`; Best. . SPECIAL- AYLMEIT 44%.` 4-1 -jjj L4 [FLGUB QUIIIIJ .1 IIIIIIVI QUAKER Brand- Mndc from nes! Ontario Wlkng A , SPECIAL-F0r All Baking 3 Tins Except Chicken and Chicken with Rice S`i'1I`J` PS` NEWS OF ELMVALE PURITY 1/4-Lb. I '.2'i.s. sunvvvu vu 2 Lbs. 27c Pkg. 230 Tin 14c- Tin 9c We sen For Less Tin 210 Tin 26c Tin 220 Lb. 21c Lb. 18c s. 230 . 27c . 22c .241: VJ. llI'IaIIJuI/0 DOMOLCO Brand- Decidedly the nes! made. ` . 14c ' u u Slllbll wv\lu- Mrs. Robert Storey and Mrs. Wm. Hunter are visiting friends in Toronto `and Claremont. v\_._u. 1.-_.._-._ 4.1-- u_,___,. ,,,_~. _-u_ m. . joyed : ronto. I1- I vuvv. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beardsall and rPhyllis visited friends in Barrie on !Sunday. - - I Elva `EV Ch-vane-no-. cu-.4-nwunA In.`-an. c..L' Wilma Montgomery spent the `week-end with Miss Orpha_ I-Iickling, lat Allenwood. l at... 1'x...1.....L cu.....-.. ___.I 11-... 1uv_- I n.Juuu.r._y . ' 1 Mrs. E. Simpson returned home Sat-' iurday after spending a. few weeks in {Midland um`..- 111.11...- In-_.-.L_.-._--.___ ___-_-; LL, - uvnx. , ,friends in Torontoduring the Winter i'F`-niv Mr. and Mrs. Preston Doan of Cross- gland - attended the Winter Fair this `week. . I .._ --,, -., ., . .. and Mrs. Verne Beardsall en- a` few days with friends in To- f iii 6- ,[ R0 L!..EB* }?:`:iiX: 0ATs 33 1 Sl _ECIA'L-Robin Hood, Quaker SH IRR I FF S SHREDDED ORANGE INGERSOLL CREAM or PIMENTO "1ii&}'5{aViEJ _',f.;"= 1 7 SPECIAL-For Frying Shortening j1cIf;`; .',`. ," {I 7 (3 R1 g @ A %3'.'. f 22`? %i'.'."' 2 ]lI!:`D. PROS. 25 CHEESE Dllllilrilvs IUDUUCT In CRARM Branr5For better - u|Ifuction-l-lb. tin . . . . . . . . Domestic You can arrange to have your parcels de- livered for 10c. Gen- eral Delivery calls here at 11 am. a1_1d 4 p.m.;. Saturdays, 10 'a.m., 2 pm. and 6 p.m. 14-16 `Dunlop STORE HOURS:' 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY L A.M. to 12.30 noon DELIVERY `i)7cE'a"-.'25>..m7 V 5 `grant l!!QL!Ir$FLF If SATURDAY -11 n-us 11 1 mpmzzml CL4"i%fR6Ts aaulllll apcuu um: w\:z:n-cuu Au uvvun Miss Verona and Ross Usher spent Sunday with their sister in Barrie. . vu_ . ,- o-x.___ I

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