PICKLES Softens Water 39 . -Al--I , (Sweet Mixed) 0 3 Rice. Sliced 33 Blue Rose 10 _8atom`a AIIVIFALUA; - I Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Black and Miss- V as Evelyn and Betty spent Sunday in- Toronto. ` Al... -...I 1-.__ u--_,, -- ` - --- I for IIIIAIIBIXAIINII 9c! 17: vulva A H. H. Creswicke, who appeared for Graham, asked if he would allow the twenty days term to begin Thursday, Nov. 14. His Worship assented. On being questioned by the Magistrate, Graham said he was 49 years old and had been convicted on two previous occasions. Mr. Creswicke asked that the Bench be as lenient as possible be- cause Graham had a family to sup- port. He pointed out that the reason the motor was roaring was that the accelerator stuck in the oor. Chief . nu AU u-My . In his evidence Thompson said he heard the gears grinding and fearing ` that the machine might back up into 3 passing traic ran over to turn off the motor. He found Graham behind the wheel. He was quite intoxicated as was indicated by his appearance and speech. Two cases of beer were found in the car with three -bottles out of one. \ I-1'-pv 41,, ,1` . -- oauc W GAL V furiously. Tn I-ale uvuvu. Graham was arrested by provincial and municipal police last Thursday afternoon when he got into difficulties with his car at the corner of Dunlop and Mulcaster streets..Wm. F. Thomp- son, traffic officer, noticed Graham's car rst. It had struck an obstruc- tion placed ovr an excavation in the street made by the Bell Telephone Company and then pulled up on the sidewalk Where the motor was racing fllrinlmlv vnlwll wax . In addition to the jail sentence im- 3 posed on Fraser the magistrate cancel- led his driving permit for three months and sent a recommendation to the Highways Department suggesting they cancel it for a still longer period. sentenced and Fined William Graham, 4 Essa" farmer, was sentenced to 20 days in jail, last Fri- day, by Magistrate Jeffs when he pleaded guilty to a charge of drunk driving, in Barrie police court. In ad- dition the Bench recommended that his driving license be suspended for three months. Graham also pleaded guilty to illegal consumption and on that count was fined $25 and $10.50 costs. tN..-I._._. 4, . ~. . . . - __..._ .. I.-- .....u. Mr. Anderson and his wife testied as to the accident which damaged their car. 7.. -.1_1141, . .- - -- up wuuuny . Mrs. H. Camahan spent a. few days with friends in Thombury and Mea.- ` lord recently. avv uuuuu. The Crown told him to be careful as he was prepared to contradict this statement, but Fraser assured him he could not contradict the truth. After that Officer Thompson swore that Lamb claimed to have paid for the bottle so Lamb was ned as he has no permit to purchase liquor and did not secure thislbottle in a legal way even if he had a. permit. fII._ A_._:, __.---... .~.._, unuun._y. I did not put` the mm with the wine, he explained to the court, be- cause it was more valuable and I fear- ed it would break. I had it. on the seat and when we collided with the other car it rolled off onto the oor. I told Lamb to pick it up and that is how he came to have it when the pol- ice came. rnu,, nuguu; . Neither Fraser nor Lamb were re- presented by counsel. Fraser argued that he had a right to consume liquor in Lamb's home as he h a standing invitation to stay there enever he wanted. It was my room," he insist- ed. Lamb backed up this statement on the stand. Fraser said he bought the rum and the wine. Replying to ques- tions put by the County Crown At- torney he was emphatic that Lamb did not pay him anything for the rum nor did he owe Lamb any money. T Am ....a. ...... L1,, _ __-..c,...- r..uu\.uu:v4n. Irlad` No Counsel The officers found three bottles of wine in the back of the car and two bottles of some kind of medicine on the person of Fraser. The medicine did not enter into the case as it was not liquor. \TnU>k.\.. 'n......-.. ...r v (Continued from page one) costs which was the ne imposed on him Monday for illegal possession. 11.4 1.1. n,,,, - >.;u.nuLA, AJL baushene. I , , JJJLAA I an. Indicative of the respected place he held in the community, there was a large attendance at the funeral on i Nov. 17 to Elmvale cemetery. Rev. W. . c. Stubbs read the burial service oil ` the Anglican Church and at the grave the funeral rites of the Orange Order were observed, the mem=bers of L.0.L. and L.O.B.A. attending in a body, and also sending floral tributes. Six neph- ews acted as pallbearers. These were Leslie, Wm. and Arthur Ritchie, Har- vey and Howard Rowley and Robt. Graham. Friends present from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. Clute, Allandale; Mrs. Fentsn, Midland; Mrs. ` Twillinger, Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Ray Saxon, Bradford; Mrs. Reveo, Wau- hanchnnn DRUNK RIVERS GWEN 210 MS \LlUI.l- Deceased was born Nov. 11, 1875, in Flos and spent all his life in this neighborhood. He farmed north `of the village until removing to Elmvale eight years ago. He was an Anglican, a Con- servative and a. member of L.0.L. 991, Elmvale. He is survived by his wife; four brothers, W. D., Harvey and Zhomas, Elmvale, and Norman of Wyevale; and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Greenlaw and Mrs. Walter Rowley of Elmvale. 1-...1.-__A.:_._ -3 n, - - W reath of Joseph Ritchie Joseph Ritchie died. at his home here on Nov. 15. For several years he had been in poor health but took 9. turn for the worse a. week before he die . ` .... .....I ...__ n.____. sq, -- ____ . __. --_.. ..v v....- ..au.uwvvao Vidqand Mrs. F. 0. Bishop spent Sunday with friends in Barrie. I Q... ;__.s --,, _ e ter and family gathered to have a. social time and show their friendship. and the esteem in which they are held by the neighborhood where `they have lived and proved themselves worthy citizens. Dawson Ansley called the gathering to order and invited Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and family to the ` ' platform when Wesley Langman read 3 very suitable address and Geo. Lang- ` man and Cecil Kidd presented them with a beautiful, writing desk and ~ handsome clock on behalf of their ` frien`ds. Mr. Hunter, who was taken ' very much by surprise, thanked the { friends for their kindness and said they would always remember the t 1 thoughtfulness and good will of their Flos friend-`s. After a dainty lunch the evening was brought to a. close by an wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and family the best of luck in their new home in the Creemore district. Al- though a loss to this neighborhood they will be a gain to their new neigh- borhood. .. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly and family of Midhurst spent Sunday at Michael McBride s. Mr. and Mrs. Eu- gene McBr1de and family of Grenfel also visited there on Sunday. j_j_ ,,,g .. -_._ .._.__. -..-......\.... A companion of Graham's, charg- ed with intoxication. admitted taking a pint "of beer at 2.30 but denied that he was intoxicated. Evidence of police and defensevitnesses was contradic- tory. This man had never been in trouble before. He was ned $20 and nnnlvu __.______________._____ Stewart, who prosecuted, told the court; Graham was utterly incapable I of handling a car when arrested. f/ea/' lz`%7 0daJ/.-. UTOPIA "MIGHTY MONAVRCH {OF TH{Ev-A;l`{" HAVE THE BEST; rr PAYS! 2-.493, "!`;'-$?;E9'l 152:9? was Ivcwn-cuu wwu ucr parents. ' M158 Jean Christie spent the wegk- and with her sister in Toronto. Illa: Lllv `l.Nn+m.. l\` .~uu..n.._.: __-_.:. (1__-z'gcrkIi 5740/0 Thursday, Novemlpet 21. IO .,....._.., ..---- -..v.u.uu u; lJlllJUo -Mr. and Mrs. R. A Cooper visited friends in Toronto on Sunday `"3-An 11-1...- -...1 --4~--- -vuu wwu ucr sxswr m '1'Ol'0n1'aO. Miss Lily Hinton of Midland spent the week-end at Wm. Andrew's. Inn- __,.n _- .- -WJVLI IIICLIUD 111 LUlUUMJ.- Dan. Thomson of Buffalo spent the Jock-end with his family. Mrs, "l"hn= Fxmnnr and .T\rnvh_- noon _JI0lFLI\ulCl ux Ivy U11 uuuuay. V ' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hisey spent Sun-- gdsy with friends in Midland. ! .1 fl Efnarf run in Dnnonu ..._ 1-4.... I : pmcuzs 4 in heavy Choice quality. No. 2 size tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. vuuvnug um mau.:.|' ah .|.vy. I Mr. and Mrs. John Gracey visited lrtends -in Ivy on Sunday. Mr, and Mr: Ahyin 1:4;-r_m .-s-.....L cu... . 9..., vvluu uuzuua L11 xvuuxanu. I J. D. Smart was in Beeton on Sun- day to see an uncle who is 111. Illne Ilnlnnn Y!H1..n.. .: 1-n.....-..A._ _._-._L : Mrs. E. Simpson is in Midland for a couple of weeks. I I'll-ulahan .*|.rnr;n1 .....a.......: .. a-..... .:......I "'VVWBTI4l:| VVAULA tub Auuauy. Mrs. Thos. Cooper and Doris are visiting her sister at Ivy. Mr. and Mr: .`ln1-an r~.u-nan" ..a.u..a wvuyuc UL Ivvcnn. I Douglas McG1ll enjoyed a. few days mth {ends in Toro'nto.. INA ll'11-..u........_ _: 1-n.-np-1- -_-__; 1.1.- -_=__-8PE cm. .-.-.-_-= gatonza cUnnAN'rs-1n bulk clean and fresh .......... .. 2 lbs. 276 Baking Powder You can depend on it for mcceu baking ; Fancy Quality, English style biscuit I particular hostess is proud to serve - ---'.:'-.'- I - gatonia N John.on't -n- 4m: LIIICIOIIB Jelly Powders 22 38,64] .iHlRRlFF S NEWS OF ELMVALE` Luscious ' s _ . No. 2 `.". . raisins that make Lbsg a delight .......... .. ` for ` C E sPz~:cu5._T l?iscuits the 1 lb. \J|OLlIlIl5llaIIll all .l.LlU1'.ll l/U11. Mrs. Robt. Balnes and Mrs. A. Har- rington nave gone to Detroit to at- vuu. av 14. L1. ncatuauxx 5. , Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dutcher and Jas. Patterson .attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Cunningham at Thornton. ; REV-a Dnk Dnlun- .._.i an... A ovmr \aAvo. Wallace Beardsall of Buffalo, Mrs. .Beardsa1l of Oro and Miss Hilda. Beardsall or Barrie spent the week- iend at D. G. Beardsalrs. 1\A'v- and at... an 1'! -ru_\..._ -2,. .-- - __-_ ..---- _.-...-..u. 4. Misses Marjorie and Velma Beard- out-AUIQ .sa1l and Fred Oakes of Toronto spent !thE Wk-End Ithn fnrrvinl- n v-far, ,-.. .-_, _-. ---uvu -v. John Dean and Mrs. Stevens and Betty visited the farmers son at -Collingwood over the week-end. I .._ -- _ ___ _-_. -...- any vvvybh -ouuo 7 Mrs. H. R. Warren, James and Donald of Clarksburg spent the week-end with Elmvale friends. npx____ .. - -_ ...._-__.., . Mr. ant; Jas. E. Beardsall and Paul of Toronto were` the guests of re- latives over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cooper are mov- ing into the house on Stone St. recent- lly vacated by T. R. Mccaw. wA`(as1Arr's nnnmnua JELLY : Rich, fruity home baking deli; and Mrs. R. Burton, Charles and Francis were the guests of Brad- gford friends on Sunday. - 11. ....x up..- u ` 4.: auu.u.a All I. ULULLUU nssnunu Uu Iauuuayu ' Mrs. Wm. Kelly returned home sat- urday after spending the week with `friends in Toronto. ' .11.`. ......I 11.... vs 1-: -n..__L__1 .-o_,,,., G. L. Usher, Ross, Harris and Misses `Verona. and Vglma visited friends at Alliston on Sunday. `lhfr avuh MA :-c fan llnltuuiinn i\` rt-uluvvu. Vu ululluajn Mr, and Mrs. Jas. _McMu11en of Toronto were the guests of Mrs; John Arnold `on Sunday. MFG n `|'(nHn.rnhiI~nnpI kn-an GAL $UN7G:ig6fB'ifi'_i"I::n SPECIAL ! yuuawlvv Valencia ' -'r. ;-:A'_Ijc__: g: ' Phone 685 cornuaks A CHRISTMAS succnsnou '"J.'3.,.!?:%, EAT1Y,_E?*?'2g.s*e 2.. .1 II____ I. - E DELlCIOU_ ; Acu vunca UL LUXUHUU Sptlb k-end with the former s p'ar- 4 Q 1 ' I ` Z ` (Xi~!I"'.7Y_! ('!*`!<`|( `Ii YOUR STANDARD or Qunfff nz--__.: _- --- j.: j- - - as v vino`:--1':-aw ou Will Find Many Valuable Gift Suggestions for All the Family.- j :'u'?J:>Eb2 EARLY - The Cream oi the Crearne.I:y".v Packages for iiluuuuuuuuuuuuuunvuuuuuilluuuunu-nu-u - A-ratonia luminlnenvy syn-nip QnlityNo.2SiIe&.... z 25 smacw. g_ This line white soap is the world : largest selling soap The 1; sh Hall, Elmvale, was the scene 0 happy gathering on Friday qrvvv uvaru vn nus In the grading last week at the Un- ion stock yards, Toronto, where loads from various Ontario shipping points came in, Wm. Whitton of Elrhvale had the honor of winning first place with his load of 84 hogs. Bible Sunday Observed The three churches in. Elmvale ob- served Sunday, Nov. 17, as -Bible Sun- day, and told of the great work done by the Bible Society. It was announc- ed that the collectors will make their annual call shortly. A generous con- tribution for this worthy cause is ask- .F L. Coe, Misses I F. Manning, E. Montgomery and E. Foster were in Barrie on'Tuesday ev- ening attending a. conference of C.G. I.T. and Tuxis Leaders and Y.P. presi- dents which was held in Collier St. Church. I-:_.4 w___1 ,3 -,, _- -..-- _. _.__..9.__.. __v...._. The -twenty-five-acre farm just east of Elmvale, formerly known as the - Chas. Clarke place, was purchased last week by D. W. A',tdrew from Geo. Argue. I . C. E. Dutchex, Jus. Patterson, Fred Ritchie and R. M. Black motored to M Toronto on Thursday to attend the 3 first professional hockey game of the . season. Mrs. M. Train, Mrs. R. P. Burton` and W. A. Malcolm assisted in. the bazaar concert under the auspices of the -Presbyterian church at H11lsda_.le on Sazturda.y`n1ght. tend the mzierel of the former's's1s- ter, the late Mrs. Margaret Hooper.` _ L.__-__A__ An--- --__. __ x__,;. ,__.|. auvnuuuu. lit. and Mrs. Wm. Terry and Miss. Mabel `visited friends in Newmarket on Sunday. Jlra Y1 [Wan-....I....... .........:. _ _-- 4--- 4 M Reception for-' Bride and Groom '"o"Al" PLUM s` QUAKER . A iatonia TOMATO CATSUP Made fx_-om fresh ripe Tomatoes and pure % .?;,..:e .......... 20 .a.~Uluu CHOCOLATE BARS - A treat I-.. LI... l_.'..l.l2-- -._A . 4-.. -any vv BUG an ULLULC W110 15 111. I Miss Velma Wilson of Toronto spent ` I-Jhe week-end with her parents. hi Jh hricfin ennui 51-. -.....I_ , %I`I\I\v\II.nl'IIl'< IJIIISD 4" U ! for the kiddies, and you, too. 3 $53 "In- TA_PlOCA--in tbs. bulk, fox L u A L I A c n I u u I c : , I nu 3- evening when about seventy-five -friends met and presented Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ganton with a miscellan- eous shower of gifts. Games were played and after a lunch an hour's dancing was enjoyed. S.Y.P.A. The Senior Young People's Assoc- iation of St. John's United Church met on Monday evening under the Christian Citizenship Department with Miss Edna Montgomery in the chair. The theme of the meeting was French- Canadians. The Bible lesson, John 15: 1-7 was read by Wilma Montgomery. A paper on Henry Drummond `was given by Ada Bell amd Orpha I-Ilckling 5 read one of his poems. A very inter- ;. esting lecture _on The Challenge of . Quebec," . illustrated by some sixty- _ three. beautiful sl-ides, was given by . Rev. A. Rintoul. ' W.I. to Buy Wo(kmen s Hall The Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the Parish Hall on - Thursday, Nov. 14, at 2.30 p.m. with the president, Mrs. Jos. Adams, in the chair. The chief business of the meet- ing was a discussion on the advisabil- ity of (purchasing a hall.` It was fin- allyfdecided to purchase the Work- man Hall, and a committee was ap- pointed for that purpose. The presi- dent then` called upon the Medical Health Officer, Dr. W. L. Tyrer, who spoke on matters of public health. Community singing and a `lunch brought the meeting to a close. Farewell for Hunter Family At Crossland Community Hall a very pleasing event took place on Fri- day evening, Nov. 15, when friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hun- `nu vvvvn unonuu] A zestful relish for you-nr ' 'meals , T. J - CHOICE BANANAS 35 0.02. Gilles ,,.,_____ .. _..-...n: on. AJI-LAAIAQJ Misses Velma. and Margaretta Terry 1 visited friends in Barrie 03 Sunday. _ san 1:: Miss Susan McG1nnis was the guest i the week-: week-end .0! Hlllsdale friends for a few days ents. uccntly. Wallage IA : and `MI .-a D `II -n1..-I- ....I -n._