/Continued /ram page one) Christian heart. He pictured a dis- gouraged sinner seeking comfort anti inspiration at a church service where this kind: of thing prevailed and_ sug- gested -that he would probably go away more disheartened than when he en- tested the house or `God. Lacks Former Fire Dr. Gordon thought it would be a. good thing if some of_ the re and en- thusiasm of worshippers in bygone generations could be rekindled. He would like to see more of that spirit exemplied `by (Charles Wes1ey s stir- ring hymn: "Oh, For a. Thousand `Tongues to `sing My Great Redeemer's Du..Iu.'- "I"!-v2.0 mac. H19 hind` nf cpnti- uuwy. At the evening service in Collier street church Dr. Gordon spoke on The `Church and the Purpose or (1.4 It The Woman's Association of Gen- `Iml `United Church presented their play "Aunt Ma.gg1e`s Will" on Thurs- day and Friday, Nov. 14 and 15, no oapmlty audiences each evening. on... mad-. urn tn hp ham-HIV nnnarntu Qpwllly lib-llC11UC CKLULA CVCIlI.|l- The cast are to be heartily congrat- ulated in thelrebllity to so ably put on 9. play or such interest anditun with a good moral. Little more 'could be required from the most exacting critic. and the long had hearty applause was well merited. 'f|\.n nun` AC nknrnnfmn-a ran no In`. AUNT MAGGIFIS WILL WAS GREATLY ENJOYED `u `|Ul VJ Q}l!llCl\4|C WGIO WWII IIIWIIUULM The cast of characters was as fol- iowst--Mrs. Sims. Mrs. P. Parr; Ma.- daiine Gray, `Mrs. `C. Sparrow: Bess! Thorn, Mrs. H. E. Mccuilough; Minni ' Wells, Mrs. C. McLean: Julia. Watson. Miss W. Applebyz Henrietta Clark. Mrs. E. -Henson; May Bell, Miss Jean Wobb: Jane Scott. Mrs. L. Rankin: Priscilla Parsons, Mrs. P. Jones; Delia, the maid, Miss A. Hook. Pkg vnunrn nvnrn nuulchul in 1411:. VH5 lllusu. uvuoo n. ssvun. The players were assisted in the program by Miss Bryson. Miss A. Luck, Miss L. Paddison. Miss Margar- at Rayner. Miss Stella Cooper. Mrs. H. Mcculloush. G. W. Jackson and Miss G. Jackson. Proceeds totalled $146.75. I"LOS FARMER S LOSS Pu-o destroyed the bum on the Isnluh `Wyant farm. lot 26. con. 7, F103. formerly the property of William Oarruthers. It `was a, frame structure. forty-ve Ieet wide and seventy feet ion: with fourteen-root posts, hip roof and stone stables underneath and was raised about twenty-eight years ago. `I'he.d1-ive shed. which was also des- troyed, was about thirty feet wide and fty feet long. No person has been liv- ing on the farm for several months, and the cause of the `tire is unknown. Loos partially covered by insurance. Joseph Cunningham combined a lit- tle psychology with 9. sensebf humor in holding up three Buffalo stores at mu point of a glass toy pistoi and col- Iootlng a total of $50. Being caught him`. the judge failed to see the Joke gnd gave Ounninghum I sentence of mm in Mteen vents. ,: enumaay. November 21. ms Ill [Ive vunnmgnu one to fifteen years. IIUWUILHI Au Lb: wuus auu. upycau. At the outset of his sermon Dr. Gordon explained that his message during the week was addressed prim- only to the church itself. Naturally he would be glad if lt reached and beneted those outside the church. 8 1: it was with the idea of rousing the c urch that missions such as he was engaged in had been organized by the United Church General Council's Committee on Evangelism and Social Service. In this connection he quoted what St. Paul said about his mission being to the Ichurch of God. Christ was likened to the head of the church and the church itself to the -body- both making one living factor through which Christ, though absent from us. is operating to save the community ' and the world. .7 Iulvlvivvn sauna H`-QIIOIAJQ pu- WIUK VIIU WVB 1- -Lukewarm Churches Dr. Gordon quoted the Divine mess- ue to the church of Asia. in which it A wu reproved for being neither coid nor hot. but lukewarm. While no great aim were charged against this church It was ineffective inasmuch as it lack- ed enthusiasm and produced: negative ruul-ta. Such a. religious organization \I! this was poor in respect to God's -AI T9 hail O\I\`\`V\I! in (viva 4-Mn -nibn-Iv .lunu\7a IIU nuns J.u._y \.au.\.u:v a.v\.u\.\.uu.A w -'I' at was the kind of senti- meat whic permeated {he congrega- tion of a church that was active and powerful in its work and appeal. A9 +1-uh nntcnf n! his: gprmrm nr IE villa wan yuun Au. acaycuu UU uuua `you. It had nothing to give the weary sinner and `was nonproductive so far al lpreadlng Christianity was concern- ' C ctmmscnuncn Is com um .,__ . The church that was really active and performing the work set aside for it was the one that was wealthy and had plenty of iGod's- gifts for those who were in need of them. Dr. Gordon insisted. The sinner who entered -the church -oi [God ought to feel like a frozen man who had suddenly reach- ed a `place of grateful warmth and comfort. If the right kind of spirit prevails. in a cangregaition such a sin- nor will go away with a full heart, but it it is a church of negations he will leave more downoast than he entered. In this connection the church should be God's almoner. but it could not oc- oupy that role if it had nothing to give to those in need. ' V'|-unlnynnl-ea Vlqln can-.L Al 1.]. $1. Au...` IIU lou'U=u: Lu u\.\.14. Developing this part of his theme the distinguished speaker declared that the church should 'be full of beautiful people in the spiritual sense. He pointed out that people with beau- tiful souls showed it in their faces. When a man of this kind was met in 9. business way he radiated confidence and an assurance of straight dealing. A congregation of folk like that was what every church should have if it was to become an effective agency in God's work. `II....L vv--._ -Iu_:___ `JV!-A :1 vvva-cu Must Have Vision Finally, Dr. Gordon held, the church should have vision. ' At the present time the wise men or the world are all milling around the great problems of human life and destiny and are unable to nd their way. The Christian church should be so equipped as to be able to step in at this point and say "Come on. in. `we can show you." Ilia 1.:-n if`./\rl'c wnH_Hn:l.nuo:-" nah-i guv uu: un. vu. uuu. uuuvv _yuu. We are God's trail-nders." said Dr, Gordon. We are supposed to be polntlng the way to God and\the Heavenly home. '11` we are not doing so we are 1 a111ng in our Christian duty." At 0-ha nvarwina cnrulnn In (".nIHnr