Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1929, p. 12

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uuuus an a LCLIIUAICAUAIIVC bb.1.l'y. He is at present at Charlottetown, P.E.I., but we are emphatically assured that as soon'as a sufficient number of contracts have been signed to assure the erection of a plant that he will be with the producers of Simcoe Coun- ty to remain. Signed in behalf of the Directors, G. R. MCWHIRTER l".n1hnnIr l'\n 00 1mm kl . 1.1!- Colbeck, Oct. 22, 1929. uuauu auaux. ;uc xuux-:1`u Lanes place at 2.30 p.m.. Nov. 1, from the resi- dence of her son-in-law. Nat. Dyment, to Barrie Union Cemetery. Rn!-n of 'T`v-nnfnn "It: An... ...... LL- .......u,, Lu ncw uuxauu, LWU UFULIIETS. Dr. H. B. Thomson of Detroit and. Harry Thomson of Barrie and onel sister. Mrs. Henry Ma:-donald of Bar- rxe. u\.uuu icounuus uuul cancer. Elizabeth Gray Davidson was born in Carleton Place on June 13, 1874. As a child she moved with her par- ents to Brentwood and had resided in that vicinity since that time. Thirty years ago she married John H. Bishop who survives her, as well as her mo- ther, Mrs. R. Davidson, Brentwood, and the following brothers and sisters: John Davidson, Allandale; James, An- gus; William, Angus; David, Brent- Ixvood; Robert, Duval, Sask.; Mrs. D. McDougal1 and Miss Margaret David- ison, Toronto. '14\~ 5 . . _ _ _-I ,,,, 1 1 1 A - - ! R. v. HOSPITAL XT~1_NuAL TO BE HELD NOV. 5 run, uuu a. vI:L_v uuaxavaulc uawure. Her husband, who was a well- known lumberman, died fourteen years ago. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. N. Dyment; one son, Archie, in New Ontario; two brothers. Hr 1 -T 12 '1"hnw.,~m-. at *n-s--=L ~-~-I MRS. JOHN H. BISHOP The community of Angus lost an outstanding citizen this week in the death of Mrs. John H. Bishop, who passed away at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. D. McDouga1l, Toronto, on Sunday morning, October 27, from an illness of several months duration, death resulting from cancer. F`.H'7a1'\nfh r1-an rm.-...:.a....... ...- Ln- SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES nun u AALGBLIAL um uuua we ask for your heartiest co- Inn Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, -A----L-- 10- IKE BARBIE EXAMINER um um: 33-45!) An 1. I \.aIalJIrBI/IUII A very tting presentation was h.'=.`,d on Monday evening last by the Ang`.i- can Young Peooie s Association in the basement of St. John's Church for three members who have left the con- gregation: Miss Josephine Robin- son, past secretary: Miss Clara Jebb. ex-secretary and George Baker. hast president. Miss J. Robinson is to live in Barrie with her sister. Miss Clara Jebb is in training in R. V. Hospital, near xnornton. The Junior Tecwing Institute held a most successful dance in the Town Hall on Fridav evening last. Beatv orchestra sunplied the music. A large crowd attended and everyone report- ed a good time. Mi<< .`l ncnn`hinn Dnhincnn IWAII` .-. 1'nv<~- Q 1\I.I'S. J.1.lU5. uray. I Mrs. J. R. Bell has returned after; spending two weeks with friends in Kingston and London. , Mrs, Dnunrlas Tew of Tornntn sneni. U p.m. Ll]. hut: 1.1'a.u.uucua n.u.u.. I Superintendent Way of Allandale Division of the C.N.R. and Mrs. Way. are spending 9. week at the Soo. I Mr. and .Mrs. -Robt. H. King hav.. pubhul, ncv. A. A. Wall. ""' "`""7( _ "7; 7 ii Vi V` I The Presbytery of Barrie will con- Manager A. A. Smluh Of the 38 vene in Allandale Presbyterian Church Q Telephone Company. announces that TueSda3 ;1m`1') 1n Pd afte n`;;m- Thege ' conforming with the `general custom of is consi era e usiness on t e agen - . ' E v -1 1; 11 that must be disposed of at this ses- I observing W0 mm 65 51 ence a sion There will be conferences on the` 3-m` Armistice Day the telephone Op- ` ments. - church budget and on the general`e1'3tT5 'i11,SuSPend the_ answering work of the church. of calls until the two minutes have Guides Hallowe en Party elapsed- The Allandale Girl Guides Hal- ' " lowe en party was held on Monday ev- Barrie. and Mr. Baker has be-9.1 mm`- ening in the Memorial Hall. After theied from the local Royal Bank to 0?- usual Girl Guide games a contest of ` angeville. Each one was presezized guessing actors and actresses names with a beautiful Common Prayer- was won by Eileen Holden and E. Ste- Hymn Book with a very tting adci1`:'.~"~' wart. Bertha Hogan kindly donated the read by Velma Bateman. Rev. B. At- prizes. The wardens were the judges kinson gave a very tting speech. The of the masquerade. The prize for best ; programme was nished with a read- couple was awarded to Phyliss Stew- g lng by `Miss Lorene Jgbb, a 501% by` art and Theresa Holden who repre-`Miss Mary Hopper an _a piano uet. sented a flower girl and best man. The ' by Misses Myrtle Rankin and Velma best Halloween costume was awarderliBatema,n. `This was followed by a to Bessie Matthews, the most originalidaintv Hm- to Victoria Barnard as I-Iiawatha", and Hazel Thompson as Gypsy. An- - other contest guessing names of au- tomobiles, was won by Winnie Blogg. Very useful prizes were given. After more games and songs the evening closed with true Hallowe en refresh- Cu a. goon E11119. Miss Josephine Robinson held a ver:-.' successful sale of -house furnishings 0*` Saturday afternoon last. She will leave next week for Barrie where she will live with her sister. Mrs. E. Fe!- tis. Her many friends will be sorry to see her go. Pro-:5-n btnn JTIIII5 UULAIAALIKI nuulvsnnw nnvun, per pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c Pure Maple Syrup, per bttle 35c Swansdown, Cake Flour, per pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 Roman Meal, pkg. . . . . . . 29c New Smyrna Cooking Figs, 9 11.- . 0:- Iltdr. ahd Mrs. Cam. Gray of Orilliai spent Monday with his -parents on Es- ~ sa Road. 1|/rrc (1 Trnngidps and nhildrpn nf nmgswn H.110. nuuuuu. Mrs. Douglas Tew of Toronto spent the week-end in town, the guest of. Miss Ross, Burton Ave. 9 Dnmnr mnntinv nf than QDF! mill: M155 muss, Durbuu Ave. 5 Regular meeting of the S.0.E. Will be held on Tuesday, November 5, at: 8 p.m. in the Tra.inmen s Hall. Sunerintendent Wav of Allandale mgwu, lJ.\.J., 8.110. 1:.uwL`u Dl:.lat!5. Mrs. R. J_. O. Nichols is home a- gain after vlsitlng friends in Toronto, Detroit and Sarnia for two weeks. `Alice Iifh lnnra A ? `I-Ian-\i'Il-An `ho: LJEDIULL uuu. Duuuu 101' laWU WEEKS. Miss Edith Moore of Hamilton has returned home after spending two: weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Gras. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Gen, 0, Ahhnf.r. nf WEEKS Wlbll. LLB! klullb, .|.V1J.'. 1.1105. LITE). I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Abbott of Toronto spent Sunday with the form- er s aunt, Mrs. H. A. Gibson, and Mrs. Thos. E. Ritchie, William St. Qnnarinfnnrinnf `XI '5` Tlfnnanv nf fhn JUL}. 991) ; The Young People's Society of A1-| landale Presbyterian church held a Hal1owe en social in the basement of "the church Monday evening. There` was a good attendance and the affair! was successful from every standpoint. Members of the Orange Lodge, True Blues, Orange Young Britons and the Black Preceptory will attend divine service in Burton Avenue United Church next Sunday morning. A spe- cial sermon will be preached by the pastor, Rev. A. A. Wall. The Prpchvtnrv nf Rarrin min nnr\,, mu-: xzuter S Iamer, W. J. `J.'. WREIFEYS. Edwin Lewis has rented his hofel. The Travellers Inn." to Mr. Martin of Mono Mills. Mr. Martin takes pos- session on November 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will reside on their farm near Thornton. 'T'hn TI1n4nr "rm-.m:.... 1'...~4:;.... L.-1.: .. Miss D. Edward of Toronto is spend- E mg a. few days at her home on Bur-. ton Ave. Mr and Mrs Gum, Grav nf nrinia. Ltoau. . ! Mrs. C. Ironsldes and children of Orillia are visiting her parents. and Mrs. Thos. Gray. . Mr: .1 `R. `R911 has rptnrnpri aft:--.-. Old D:u}cT|Cleanser CHMQIRT 2 for 19 are speutuug 8. WEEKS an M16 D00. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. King have: returned from a motor trip to Wash-` ington, D.C., and Eastern States. Mrs. R. J. G. Nichols is home a- 11105. 11:. rubuxuc, VVHLLBUI. Db. Superintendent W._ E. Weegar of the Stratford Division of 'the C.N.R. and Mrs. Weegar attended the funeral of the. late H. E. Jory in Barrie, Thurs- day. Nremnrial I-Tall, A11n.nda]p nndpr mm- nay. Memorial Hall, Allandale, under aus- I pices of St. George s W.A., concert fea- turing Susie s Kitchen Band" and other good local talent, Tuesday ev- ening, November 12, at 8. Admission] 25c. 44b; The Vn11na 'Dnnn'ln'c ,Qnnin1't1 nf Al, uuy man. W1LIl Her parents nere. _ Mrs. Huston and Mrs. Mcclazn Qf Toronto spent the week-end with than sister, Miss Josephine Robinson. Mmw npnnia fv-nm .*nu'n offnnc hr: 3 mswr, wuss Josepnme 11.0D12`.SCIa. Mrs. Theodore McMillan under- went an operation in Stevenson Mem- orial Hospital on Friday last and is doing nicely. Mii `Ruth lrnninoham vnn~cn_i-\_ uuuu; xuuexy. Miss Ruth Cunningham. nurse-in- Waining in R. V. Hospital. Barrie. Miss Winters of Barrie and Lloyd Cunnir~g ham of Allandale called At J. A. Cun- ingham s on `Sunday last. MT, and Mitt Whifn 7\/Tr: `Rabat- uxguanl S on bunuay last. Mr. and Miss White. Mrs. Baker and son. Mr. and Mrs. Browning and family, Miss Ward and Mrs. Rvhy: Garner of Lambton spent Sunday with the latter s father, W. J. T. Watters. Edwin T.nn7i= hoe .-;m+nA ha. 11,.~,.I Ud.l'tHLb. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed visited their son George in Bradford on Sun- day last. 1\/| 1'< hnwenn and can '|7`v-ari nf f\1~- uuy IESD. Mrs. Dawson and son Fred of Dr- angeville spent Sunday with her son, T. J. Dawson. 1\Tny-man 'n.m1n.. nv-\r' 1.... 11...... .-.4` \vt:\:l&'CI1u H1 I.U\VI1. , . Miss Clara Jebb. nurse-1n-training in R. V. Hospital. Barrie. spent Mon- day last with her parents here. Mrs. I-Instnn and Mr: Mr-main nf [QUAKER OATS axaun, wuss uusepnme rcomnson. Many people from town attendvd the anniversary services in Newton Robinson United church on Sunday. Mr and M -: `EH-nan nunnnn ,-.4` vim, n.uu.L11U11 uuuea Cnurcn on aunavy. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Banting of Wes- ton spent Saturday last with the lat- ter s sister, Miss Josephine Robiztsoa. Mrs. Thpndnrp T\/|'n`l\/fi'Hnn nndm-- &&&m$&a&m&w $ mummg. & m&&&m&%ma&E C. Couttsyof Thornton spent Sun-i day in town. I Harvie Corbett spent Sunday at lwasaga Beach. i Miss Ruth Rainey of Toronto is *:is- iting with friends in town. l Elmer -Feltis of Barrie spent the; week-end at his home here. F Allan Reed of Toronto spent the Week-end with his parents. Elsmere Lewis held a successful sale of farm stock on Monday last. Arthur Coleman of Barrie spent the wee`;-end with friends in town. Miss Agnes Wilson spent the we-elr-I end with her parents in Beeton. Charlie Russell of Toronto .=pe`~f the week-end under the parenfal r-oof. l\/fies l\/I :-xrv Drphmzn nf Allicfrm is \\ l:'t.`.!\'CUu LLHUCI Lllt.` parex:-211 1'-U111. Miss Mary Drennen of Allistnn is visiting her sister. Mrs. L. Mowrzman. Mite Svlvin (`.nYr=mm1 nf 'T`m-rmfn \'1a1La11g I161` ZSIELBF. AV1!'5. LI. lVlU'iK.'Il'.H. Miss Sylvia Coleman of.Torom0 spent Saturday last with her 1not`.'.er. George Baker of Orangeville spent the week~end under the parental roof. Miss Agnes Flynn of Belle E'.':a1"L spent the week-end at her home here. \I:.... \r._._:_1 Il_A__ _p r-n-,,,,,., 1-7.. 4.-.... ....\. VI\/\alh win; .4. no. ;.uuu. nun. Miss Muriel McAfee of Toronto Un- iversity spent the week-end with her narents. `.\/I 1- and `A/I've `Lfnrn-xv `Dnno-I 1v;r\'O-rt-1 1.. u. ua.\v:.uu. | Norman Broley and Jack Dunn of Burford spent the week-end with the former s parents. Mr and Mr: Pnnah-I hnnnina and J.U1uM:'1'b ]Ja1'IlL.S. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dunning and daughter Marie of Toronto spent the week-end in town. `A/rice ("Slot-n Tnkh r\I1v<':-n .'.. +....';...:.....| V. l"I:I:x:e'-`I-4; ~ Jas. W. Cheesman Phone 158 Presentation Bell` observing minutes` silence at * Day, erators will suspend the I __ fed M "Rev. kinson speech. ;programme with ilng Jebb, a solo by :Miss and a piano duet. 'Bn.t.pman, This was followed bv :1 _ T . '_"" ~ Am_aoLD s ALL-CANADIAN MARKETS 33` TWO MINUTES OF SILENCE ' `* `:-:' "":. . "M"-_\-'...:;.r5'. ~` - S110 ULDER Roaseef lb-13 Prime Ribs of Beef lb. 250 Chuck Roast Beef lb. 17- Porterhouse Steak lb. 350 LAME was ib. 29 FRONTS :17. 16c 31/ ' A stupendous effort on the part of our managers, buyers and manufacturers to make this the biggest week of salesaaand to give you sound economi- cal reasons to buy freely at your Arnoid Market this week. FRESH PORK Shouldersu Vet-iy Choice Smoked Bacon SLICED lb. 31 Pm-ePorla Sausage i'{`,:`,P lb. 26 Cooked Ham - lb. 49 Fray Bentos Sliced lb. 250 COOKING Onions - to lbs. 390 Oranges - _z Doz-33c FANCY .0 Q- _ A 4_n` -51":-rp'efruit - 3 for 25`: QUEBEC HEATERS Largest Sizes .' . $1 7.25 and up Medium Sizes . $15.50 aid up Liquid Veneer Mops 75, $1.50, $1.75 and. $2.00 C/`xv I2'1n.-..- (.4 ARMSTRONG & RAINFORD Opposite Brown's Feed Store Phone 705--BARRlE REMEMBER-- Only 45 shopping days before CHRISTMAS SPEGIAL 0|l'|' PRICES IN SILK MID SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY BLANKET8 AND BED THROWS WE INVITE YOU TO `COME AND SEE Selected Fruit ' HUDIISDIAU ::;r l0Ibs- 56c lMm;emeat Zumzsc COEEAGE ROLLS O CEDAR M0155 $1.25 and $2.00 Such will be the weather on the whole for the next five months but with one Of 0? JEWEL Heaters or Cook Stoves in your home you won t need to WON ?- av, xyasouv, vynacu cull: upa.u For, Floor and Ceiling SPLENDID VALUES Asphait Roofing $1.75 sq. and up PERFECTION MOPS 75c and $1.00 CEL-O-GLASS_ A4 4-: KRAFT MAYONNAISE 3535 s;z-;I~E Canada Bread, Wrapped 10c Loaf FAIR and COLD FRESH HAMS lb. 23 Auction sales in town or c0u`1tr;.' toi Coming Events" in The Exzmzzner be a success should be advertised in are widely read. Thrge CF`.'1f.`~' a v.'g.:'c `The Examiner. _, with 50c minimum. * ` HAMPERS $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 A $4.00 and $4.50 ;.l81 STOVE PIPES 20c SALT is-3:223 2 Boxes 1 7c Yearly Evem Dp_oR lV_lATS c9_AL I-l_ODS -w__-- --"-y- 650 and up '6'5Z'aIx{i'{1{{ - `I HOMEMADE Oysters .;,,`?.,;`,?:,F` Large Jdr 38 Codfish 32. lb. 1 so Fresh Fillets % .`."., lb. 260 Smoked Fillets }E'., lb. 26 Herring: "33" 2 lbs. 159 Perch m.;c:,,.. 2 lbs. 15 VV'o;.>liS(t'c>v`e; .. :'s4:2,`$:4.9S, $5.25 Heinz Ketchup Large 2220 Domestic Shortening lb. zoc Prunes Med. Size 2 lbs. 270 SNOWFLAKE MMOl`l_l_\ Peaches 3 5:3,: CHOICE T`!?3E`!$9.?iST% 7% HEAVY SYRUP ELECTRIC HEATERS _3._6_5, $3.50, $9,E$1o, $11 --__. A-A_n A-puu Assorted Except Chicken SELECTED REREE PINEAPPLE USUAL A1'L.\II-.R HIGH Ql'.-\I.lT\' AYLRfi'{.ER FINEST QUALITY swims 6 n unnnvnn . . o o . . . . - o Tudhope-Andrson Verity . . . . . . . . . . National Gang . . . Oliver 101 wide . Oliver 101 narrovu; Wilkinson No. 4 . . Percival No. 12 . Fleury2l Fleury 13 . . . . . M Fleury Fin . . . . . ` Imperial Junior Cockshutt 21 . . ` Cockshutt Kid . . Hayden 21 . . . . Punch '$LEIED FISH PLOW POINTS Tins SINGAPORE 23 The New Fashion In Shopping! 31 56 75c 55c 70c 50c 55c 65c 60c 70c 50c 80c 75c 50c 65c % Special Cut Prices on All H631/ery Pat1_'_i_ck K_e_arns Bingham Block, 53 Elizebeth St. Midway between Maple Ave. and Mary St. lav-av-wt - w-- :3 pkgs. 15;: . _c_. H1}1_15s The1:e Is A Superior Store Near You-Use your Ph ne-We Deliver a. A I II\I I'\C| . -mm Fisher. :.nnnn-.., - 1 Door West of the Bank of `Nova. Scotia at the Five Points E-lllillIEEIEHIEEIEEIEEIEEIH-II!-EIEEIHEIHEUHEIHEIHEIE ' WEEK Thousands of Ontario's housewives have found that the daily trip to the gro- cery store is unnecessary. They simply phone their nearest Superior Chain Store and are relieved of all the worry connected with shopping, they are as- sured of the widest selections-highest quality-lowest prices-guaranteed sat- isfaction and prompt delivery. - V13; SELL THE BEST FOR LESS THE DRY GOODS STORE - Phone ` 12 oz. for 25 THE MEWS STORE BK-END sracms FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PURE LARD per lb.17c HAM; c1.}:_AN13 "."i?iEfEE"sfEi i3 9 a.m., ll a.m., 2 and 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday jjn an IQAAI `One of Hawes Quality Products- .----, - ---my vvv-wvvvval W. Iuchams, bnwennnu J. E. Boyd .3 Son, nnmmnn Jones 6 Clemenoe, staynu W. J. Snelarovo, Parry sauna W. A. Bowl. n1nn'l'In- Pictorial Patterns and Magazines FREE DELIVERY u. In nuns, muuanc A. Sutherland. Bradlotd an E0 A. Snnmnnmi. III-ndlnn 2 for 196 for fine fabrics LUX OUR New LOCATIONS 1- - j:j All flavors except chicken `I QUICK OR REGULAR .- LARGE l_ KG. 25 ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH Per bottle 15c 1 - lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5-lb. tin Pure Clover Honey 57c Choice Dates . L 2-lb. pkg. 21c Gold or Comfort Soap, 7 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7bars ...J.....'.'.'T.. McCormick s or Christie's Sn.-lg. 9 -l--- gr-vvvn uuyn 0 UK UK Sodas, 2 pkgs. . . . .. Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. . . uumy still. 15 vlslnmg ucr axawx, mun. u. vv. ...\......,,. Mr. and Mrs. Lansdowne, Jack and Harold Wallis of Toronto spent Sun- day at John West's. I m..,......,... Yunlrnc Tnafifllfn mm mppf. Inn-Q-`@- Thanksgiving services W112 be held in Lefroy United Church, 11 am. and 7 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 3. Rev. L. Pick- =ering, the pastor, will be in charge of both services and the church choir, assisted by others, will furnish the rnncim THE FINAL Ribiion SALE CONTINUES DFUDHCI ab Dracuuru. . The farmers have been much ass1s1_;- ed by the recent heavy rams. Previ- o1:]s11y the fall plowing was at a stand- st W. J. C. Boake spent the week-end with his mother in Toronto. gu v...:..v.. urA mill man} at Mrs. With. 1115 mobile: Lu LULUHUU. St. Jude's W.A. will meet at Mrs.` Arthur Reid's on Tuesday, Nov. 5. nf "r':u-nnfn l`LI'1'Jll.lI rwxua uu. Lucaung, nun u. Miss Laura. Thompson of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Henry. 11.. ..._.a 1m... Ynnadnnynn .`I n,t-1! and uuy all uuuu vvcovu. Thornton Junior Institute will meet on Wednesday evening, Nov. 6, at the home of Miss Wilhelmine Cleary. am. ....A `Alva A MnI(nn-zip and Miss 8.110, 1V.l.1`3. nuucxu J.VL\;L\cu.au., .u......-... A typographical error in last week s correspondence credited Miss Mar- jory Marrow with winning the ora- tory contest. The Winner was Miss Marjory Moore. Suncta.y last Wlm ner parenus new. A. Trombley, who has been ill in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, for some time. is reported to be considerably improved and expected home soon. Mr, Dnnnell of the Bank sta has rmprovea and expectea nome 50011. Mr. Donnell of the Bank staff been transferred to Aurora. and is re- .placed by Lloyd Sawyer. I Mr. Bell. bank manager. has return- rplaceu Dy uoyu oawyer. Mr. Bell, bank manager. has ed home after a fortnight /s holiday. WiI1inm Rrnwn has rpturnpd hnme (`X1 1101116 8.11.61` 8. 1U1`uugu|.b uuuua._y. William Brown has returned home after spending some time with his brother at Bradford. Tho fay-rnnv-c hnvn `hnnn rnnnh genial-_ _ [ SLICK % - A an home 01 Mlss Wunemuue uxcmy. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie and Miss Eleanor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McKenzie, Mimico. - A-.._-_.___1.x....I .....uu- in 1n=+ mnnk : music: } Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tebo of Ham- iilton spent the week-end in Lefroy. A Kirknamck and other local Ma- ' ilton spent the Week:-enq Ln Lacxruy. A. Kirkpatrick and {sons attended the Masonic luncheon -held in st. Andrew's Church, Barrie, `on Tuesday of this week. I Mice uplpn Nnlsnn of Toronto snent Tuesday ox urns weex. Miss Helen Nelson of Toronto spent {Sunday last with her parents here. I A 'T`rnmhlPv. who has been In Al'l;t;1'c-lllle ' W. J. HARRIS ' Phone 164 F. V\_/`.1 iDQ_l_3:SON `IPTQIIE GEO. VICKERS Limited luv jaalll Phone 854 LEF ROY rnll nuhlu . . 253 . 25c ' D. H. COLEMAN. V 'I`rea,surer, county or Slmcoe. Treasurer's Office, Court House, Barrie, Ont.. the 13th day of August, 1929. my gun. It has been customary to have these meetings in the afternoon, but this year a night meeting is being tried in an effort to secure a larger attendance. The hospital is a public institution and `any citizen is welcome at this an- nual meeting when reports are pre- sented, directors elected and the af- fairs of the year passed under review. ___j All one uouncy ox mmcoe. to wn: Notice is hereby given that the list. of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of sum eoe. has been prepared and is being Published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette. upon the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st days of` August, 1929. Copies of said list nf mm-1.: m- ml- civil and eust days or August, 1929. Copies of said list of lands or ad- vertisement can be seen in my oice or will be mailed upon making appli- cation ror same. In default or pay- ment of taxes as shown on said list, on or before Thursday, the 14th day or November, 1929, at the hour 01 two o'clock in the afternoon. Ishall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. 33-4511 W pay SUCH 31781 charges threon.r _ _ ._- __:-- -.ww- The annual meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital will be held in the Police Court next Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. T has 1...... ...._A.-_.__..__ L- 1_-__, LI_-__ In the County of Slmcoe. to wit: Notice is herehv qivpn that tha FIRST CO-OI -ERATIVE - PACKERS OF ONTARIO LETTER NO. 6 What has gone wrong with the Co- operative _Pa.ckers? Why do we hear of no more meetings and what has be- come of the manager, Thos. Olsen? `l:1n`I`Inn1 Cow-I-new-o An vunf Ga-'nu~& 51..-; bvutc Va. 14559 unaasagun, J.uua. vxacu: Fellow farmers, do not forget that we, like you, are at times compelled to attend to our own affairs, and to take off the harvest, thresh and to do the fall work. We were obliged to call a halt. Be assured of this, however. that the issue, is yet very much alive, and in a. few weeks the work will be resumed with renewed vigor and deter- mination. We are greatly encouraged to do so, as with the passing of time there is a. much greater interest in the movement manifested. up-.. _.- -_1_ 2-.. ___.___ 1_.,, nan; WI: non LU1 yuuu LACGLUICBD CU- operation. Concerning Mr. Olsen, I am at liberty to say that the sacrifice _of a half year's salary and the cost. of travell- ing during that time placed him in an embarrassing financial position and he was obliged to seek a new job. Thin ha ha: hnnn cilnnnecflvl {sq .. JAMES BELL After a long and lingering illness - James Bell of Angus passed peacefully away on Wednesday evening, October 23 1099 `Ho mac RR vnnre nf an-n 1.1.` a. u4vvuI_y uu nv..u.us:aua._y IIVCJLHJE, UULUUBF 23, 1929. He was 85 years of age. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Adams, who resided with him- The funeral, which was largely attended, took place on Saturday, Oct. 26, from his home on the fifth line, Essa, to Ivy Pres- byterian church and cemetery. Rev. E. S. Clifton of Thornton had charge of the services assisted by Rev. W. M. Morris of Toronto. ` The pallbearers were John Annet. Jas. Miller, W. A. Miller, Mark Mc- Master, Wm. Higginson and Jas. Mc- Master. MRS. MARTIN BURTON Mrs. Sarah Emma Burton. widow of the late Martin Burton. died very sud- denly at ten o'clock, Tuesday night, Oct. 29, 1929, at her home. 105 Tor- `onto street. She had been apparently quite well and was stricken with a [heart attack. The funeral takes place at 220 nm Nnu 1 frnm H. ..n..: nu a..:u.;Au. uxuuu \.4CuAC'hC1_y. Born at Trenton, 76 years ago, the daughter of Archibald C. Thomson and Maria Strohn, she came as a child to Barrie and spent practically all her life here. Her family was one of the most prominent in Barrie in those days. Mrs. Burton was a woman of ne character, kindly disposition and a very charitable nature. `Lfnw tun-H...-.A ...w.- | DUAL, LUL ULLIAJ. ' The funeral was held on October '29, to Angus Cemetery, services being vconducted by Mr. D. Lavis assisted by Rev. Alex. Shepherd, Burgoyne, and ,- Rev. H. W. strapp of Angus. The pall- |bearers were Lorne Davidson, Wm. :Davidson, Chas. Miller, John Wood, ,David Davidson and Wm. McKinnon. `Beautiful wreaths were received from Zion Presbyterian Church and Pres- byterian Ladies Aid of which she was a devoted member and worker. was vuuscu uu ouch an AICW JUU. This he has been successful in se- curing at a remunerative salary. T-In is at nrpgpnf. at r`.hm-Inna;-........ I `V II 1.0111 1 1111 \.i\l\Il\IlI5 1 15, 2lbs.-., . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Kkovah Health Salts, 2 for 35 Lily Chicken Haddie, each 23c Crispo Fig Bars, per lb. . . 19

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