Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1929, p. 9

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111.1`-9 v- PRODUCTION SEC ION 2 PAC 9 TO 16 5000 comes I The North Isimcoe Branch of the Department of Agriculture is staging a. judging contest in seeds and live stock in {Barrie on Saturday of next week, Oct. 26. One class each or heavy horses, -beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, barley, oats, potatoes. red clover and alaike will be Judged. Prizes include shield for champion, ten free trips to Royal Winter Fair and $20.00 in cashprizes. Competi- tion is limited to boys between 18 and TOIEJI7-'7TA.Rl&iE.RS TRY FOR JUDGING HONORS There will also be a senior com- petition open to farmers under the age of 26 and not. competing for the Royal trip. The same classes will be judged and cash prizes awarded. 4-c-........ua-A.-a -In Hanan mmnts will and casn pnzes awarueu. Competitors in these events will join with the young women s Judging class at the banquet in the evening. MOTOR MECHANICS LEADS EVENING CLASS COURSES Inspector J. G. Rutherford and Miss Hamel of the Dept of Education paid a visit to the Industrial Evening Class- es at Prince -of Wales School Tuesday evening and before leaving expressed themselves as pleased with the reg- istration |(79) and the manner in which the organization is being car- ried on. The `largest class is motor mechanics with a registration or 25. The instructor is 'I'hos. Shepherd. other classes with their registration are: dressmaking 15, showcard Writ- ing 15, telegraphy 7, English and ar- ithmetic 10, domestic science 7. vovnn our ..-. 21 years. Shop where you are invited to shdp. The revising oicers for Simcoe County. Judges Ross and Wismer, completed their work on Monday with 8 session in {Barrie `when 585 names were added to the lists oi` voters en- titled to exercise their franchise in the provincial election to be held on Wednesday, Oct. 30. n-.Aa ._-..._- __1.I-A 0119 caravan 66th Year. |Meeti:1g's ' Att`_ended ;| DEPENDS ON On Monday of this week the polit- ical campaign in Centre tsimcoe got under way with both Liberals and Conservatives holding meetings, some evenings two, every night this week. The Tories report the meetings well attended, a few questions being ask- ed and no heckling. Everything is comparatively quiet and` it is certainly not one of those real old-time bat- tles, not yet at least, and the home stretch is all but here. The nomina- tions are being held on Saturday, at Elmvale for Centre Simcoe. Drury to Speak Here - Premier _at Pene-. Both parties are planning a big meeting for 1Barrie before the cam- paign ends. Hon. E. C. Drury will be here. on Oct. 128 and it is expected Premier Freguson will go to Penetang also on the 28th. Penetang is ack- nowledged the vital spot in Centre Simcoe in this ght and a logical one for the Premier to `talk both the L.C.A. and language question. It is now stat- ed that on Uhe advice of his physician Canon Cody will not take part in this campaign or -come to Barrie in support of his friend and former colleague, Premier Ferguson. `It is said he will issue a `public statement, however. Rev. Mr. Martin, former M.L.A. for, Brantford, and a United `Church min- ister, may be the head-liner for the Tories. Wuncn onmnv nuns rnam In rowusmrs mas: EVENINGS _I_!.IHiI5IEI!IEI!IEI':I!-EIEEIEHIHEIHEIEEIE-HIEHIH-El! ELECTION RETURNS throughout Ontario over special C.N.T. wire, direct to `Armouries; A . VV Vaovuuwg ; v--. V. of the I585 names added 326 were submitted by the Conservatives, 159 by the Liberals and ;100 by Town Clerk A. W. Smith. Both parties have been active. There were quite a num- ber of duplications, however. - `- I -1 LI-_ 15---: Under New Management of Wm. Patterson, form- erly Manager of Parkdale Canoe Club, Toronto. Special `attention `given to Ladies Bowling" and to < Family `Parties. League Bowling solicited and every help promised in the organizing of same. i Open Every Week-Day, Afternoon and Evening MILITARY Boxmg Tournament Anmoulmas, BARBIE wznuasnnv, act. 30, am. 2o BOIITS -e come B0llT ' Ien{1s Repor? Enthusiasm. BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17,1929. of NORTH Ion 750 The wo " shot at Essa Station last week by James Mc'Bride, farmer's son, is not a. wolf. This `was the verdict- of the expert of the Game and Fisheries Dept. who was in Barrie last Thurs- day. The hide was brought here in the hope that a bounty might be ob- tained but the hide was adjudged` only one-fifth wolf, the expert giving the hide only two points wolf out of a total of ten required. GAME AND FISHERIES EXPERT SAYS `N0 WOLF lavo v. --`.-.-.-v___, _ D. F. Ma.cLaren, clerk of the Board, and his staff, are at present up to their necks in work and gures for the entire county are not yet com- plete. Over 1,000 names were added in Midland, which leads the list. Or- lllia. follows `with 600, Collingwood 600, Penetang 5120, Tiny 100, Sunni- dale 75, Innisl 65, F105 60, Vespra, 50. #_ 1.-- 1_L- J-.. -....-..... La and- The theory is still held in oicial circles that a pack of "wild dogs, now seven in number, are running in the woods around Essa Station. Farm- ers state that the mother of a litter of six has been in the bush for two years. It is grey in color and is a wolf if ever a wolf existed, they main- tain. As for the male dog they are not prepared to say, but it is thought` to be a collie. campaign from their standpoint. The rst meeting was held at Grenfel on Wednesday, Oct. 9 and on Thursday at 'Sunnidale Corners and New Low- ell. Meetings have also been held at Midhurst, Minesing, Edenvale and Anten Mills. Attendance and interest is increasing. Last night a good meet- ing was held at Wyevale and another at Stroud. Cookstown and Thornton will hear the speakers on Friday night. The L.C.A. is being flayed hip and thigh, with excessive taxation a c1ose| s_econd. Dr. lsimpson has with himl Frank Hammond, Mayor Mccuaig. A.` F. A. Malcomson, W. C. Henry of Thornton and W. J. Walker. Hon. G. ; N. Gordon of Peterboro speaks at! Phelpston and Elmvale on Monday.{ Joint meetings with -Mr. Harvie are being held at Hillsdale and Craighurst and Waverley and Wyebridge on Thursday and Friday of next week. On Oct. 128 the Liberals will stage a big nal rally at Barrie when Hon. E. C. Drury will `be the principal speaker. rI'II._ __._-_.-:_., L, ,,,,_. ,._ _`. --.__-_ The campaign, by agreement be- tween the candidates in 'Centre Sim- coe, has so far been and will continue to be a clean one. Battery of Tory Speakers The Conservatives have a big bat- tery of speakers. At Grenfel on Mon- day besides -John Forgie, the candid- | ate, there were Reeve Joseph Spicher, J. T. Simpson, county clerk. H. H. Creswicke and Bert. Ford. At Mid-D hurst and Craighurst on Tuesday joint meetings with Hon. Wm. Finlayson were held, Major Knowles and W. A._ Boys, K.C., M.P., being among thel speakers. Joint `meetings were held with Edgar Jamieson. the party can- didate in South-West Simcoe, atl Cookstown and Thornton last evening when Miss Bessie Ferguson, a relative of the Premier's, was added to the list ' of speakers. Tonight meetings are be- ing held at Lefroy and Stroud and Friday night at Pheipston. Tonight Mrs. McPhee of Orillia is addressing Barrie Women Conservatives. Noses, are being counted at these meetings.) There were 50 at Grenfel, '76 at Mid- I hurst, 110 at Craighurst, 125 at Cooks- town, 60 at'Thornton. Earl Rowe, M.P., and A. B. Thompson, K.C., are also among the speakers and the or- atory is certainly owing freely. The subjects are being divided and hydro A g-irls judging competition in household science is to be held in the I'|.-I_1.!_ 1-I-.u___,A__, -on-,1` 1-, 2, snv-Au\.AAva\.n uvavuuu :u vv Alb A\.Au. AAA vnay |Pub11c Library Hall, Barrie, on Satur- Anw I\n5n'lu-up FIR an-nmqnnninn 0.` 090 A silver dessert set is offered by Mrs. C. P. Stocking of Waubaushene, to the girl making the highest score. There will also be four cash prizes in each of three cIa.s'ses. The competition is open to any young woman in North Simcoe under 26 years of age. There is no entry fee. I A14-,1.m....1. n........ an-u;-.AL~'J~-I .-... - 3.... GIRLS ARE TO COMPETE IN JUDGING HERE, OCT. 26 [nu aav uagnu ,, ..... Although these competitions for girls have been successfully carried on in South Simcoe for several years this will be the first for North Simcoe. Prizes will be awarded at a. banquet to be held in the evening. -. uwuv Q-IAnrAuu.J `Janus, a cnL:.Au, \J&L day, October 26, commencing at At the regular meeting of Essa Council held at Thornton on Monday. Oct. 7, the following accounts were ordered paid: (`nal-at-A-u-vs... A.l-....._L.. L--- _. -L:-,_ :...-_.-..-.-_...__...__ THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION $8; D. H. Coleman, County Treasurer, re Percy Wilson. Muskoka Hospital, $23.25; Municipal World, supplies for collector, $2.10; E. Davis, gravel, lot 18, con. 7, $36.60; Howard Cochrane, clay on rd. con. 7-20, `S.D., $21.25; Chas. Hyde, work on bridge, con. 6, lot 15, $187.50; W. S. Hatton, material for bridge, con. 6, lot, 15, $548.12; Wil- lard McDonald, gravel. 15 S. Rd., con. 10, $5; Wm. McDonald, gravel, con... lot 14, $41.25; Emerson Jennett, re- pairs to road 15 `S. Rd., con. 9, $7.95; W. Elliott, repairs to culvert. con. 9, lot 11-12, $7.50: A. Thompson, gravel, jcon. 11, lot 8, $18.75; A. Bone, laying lpipe, con 11, lot 12. $5; R. Monders.l `lling culvert, con. 10, lot 2, 3103; K. Lawrence, work on culvert, con. 10, ilot: 2, $25; 1C. Prince, work on culvert. ;con. 10, lot 2, $25; Jo... Vernon, lling {in culvert. con. 3. lot 3, $112.15: R. Cole. supervisor, $98.50: S. Cole, lling lin culvert, con. 10. lot 3, 326: W. Wright, drag. 5, S. Rd., lling culvert. con. 8, lot 3, $10; W. Ruddick, spikes for bridge, con. 6, lot; 15, $5.50; W. Proctor, drawing stone to bridge. con. , 5, lot; 11, $12.50; Ingot Iron `Co., re- pairs bo grader, $7.30: Y. Fife. lling in culvert, con. 2, lot 7. $30.55: A. Tif- rm, digging ditch, con. 8. lot 26. S5; "E}5Jst'6%:' Advocate, tax notices, Jos. McMaster, repairs to bridge, con. 5, lot 31: $10.61; T. A. Willoughby, to l..--.1 ___, 1 1 A1l'|r\P ESSA TOWNSHIP COUNCIL PASSES ROAD ACCOUNTS |.._., www- 1 ' On motion of I-Iizzgim-m am. worth the Reeve was i:*.st`.`ucted to 111- I terview W. A. Boys. Twp. So1icit+o1'. rel |cIosing of 31 S. Rd. on -Camp Borden! lproperty. ('1 uuuu I\:1 I ...J:.-...........: L- ......,.a. ..+1 ltd` adjourned to .meet at` lThomton on Monday. Nov. 4th, at 10 | and lateral roads are being featuredl i over the L.C.A. I 1 H. H. Creswicke is handling hydro} [and agriculture, Major Knowles andl J. `T. Simpson the L.C.A. The latteri also discusses Old `Age Pensions and "education. J. R. Boys, who has yet to speak, will handle nances. W. A. Boys gives a general address as does A. B. Thompson. I-garry Coleman was a speaker at Thornton and Cooks- town. __.___ 4-__,, ,L 'nIr::l1._._._L __ Lu VVLA- There was some fun at Midhurst on and R. D. Coutts locked horns on the L.C.A. The latter was invited to the platform when fhe 1\/Iajnr crmcluduri and dnO11I \(.'.F!'d Uhe L.C.A. in c11w.v'9..`- `Tuesday night when Major Knoxvleslu I teristic dramatric fashion. All products such as smoked meats, cured and fresh pork, lard and sau- sage, manufactured from hogs in the: farmer-owned and controlled co-op-* erative packing plant are simply par of the country s production and what- = ever quantity of hogs handled co-op- eratively will be that many short in the private-owned plants or in other: words the quantity of finished pro-! ducts produced will be exactly the? same. Pork products have in past years found a ready market, inlfact during} the past two years Canada has practi- j cally consumed its entire hog pro-i duction, and with the steady increasci of a consuming population there is no , danger of any overproduction. On thel other hand, England is buying annu-; ally 800 million pounds of bacon, of ' which Denmark supplied 600 million in 1928, and less than 50 million pounds was shipped from Canada. U.: S.A. have of late years developed at liking for our fancy Canadian bacon, grain fed pork products which even`, increased tariff cannot stop, there-; fore with these market possibilities; there can be no question of any over- 1 production. Every butcher and groceri in Canada is our possible customer, The English market is open to us and is waiting for our pork products, as, well as the USA. and continental: markets, in other words We have the` world as our possible customer. Good ` quality products and first-class ser-; . vice are the two essentials, and as the ' * quality of hogs in the proposed. area is equal to the best produced any- where, manufactured into food pro-} ducts in the most up-to-date pork` packing plant on this continent under} efficient management and control.: I I ! i i Selling the production at favorable I prices will be less difficult than con- . vincing prospective members as to the i ' advantageor necessity of co-operative ! organizations. 42b I I Mr. F. Jones wants to know how We expect to sell 'our products against present competition. This question has - been raised on several occasions and we shall endeavour to deal with it ful- . 1y. I All nvnr'lnnf.c cur-h -2: nmnlrp mnatc Q !Fi:`st Co-operative Packers 1 I News Bullen No. 5` uwov Ivy -...-...... --, It is now too late for anyone to get his or her name on the list. A few who phoned the committee rooms this morning were told this to theirregret. One woman was quite angry about it. She said she couldn't understand how it was that she was deprived of her vote and that there was something funny. -suits and overcoats at reduced prices at Stephens Clothing Store. b W. M. DINWOODY. Clerk. Thistles Elect Officersl For Season-Tank- and Groups. ` Barrie Thistle Curling Club held an enthusiastic, well attended annual meeting Monday evening at the Curl- ing rink. Retiring President D. w.| Emms, presided. The-officers: Chap- lain, Rev. J. S. Shortt; Honorary President, W. A. Boys; president, B. G. Robertson; vice-pres., J. H. Rodg- errs; secretary, J. F. Goodcfellow; re- presentative O.C.A., H. M. Lay; al- ternate, W. C. Walls; ice committee. J. D Milne and J. H. Rodgers; execu- tive, Norman Johnston, Cliff. Elrick. D. F. MacLaren. Dr. W. R. Richard- son, R. J. Lowe; joint executive. B. G. Robertson, W. C. Walls, H. M. Lay. J. H. Rodgers, R. F. Garrett, Robt. Malcomson, J. F. Goodfellow. A. E. Whitby is captain. He presented the ounLEns Ans GETTING nmv Ford Coupe reduced from $100 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 Ford Sedan reduced from $100 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 Chevrolet 1926 Sedan reduced from $375 to . . . . $275 * McLaughlin Coach 1923 reduced from $225 to . . . . $145 Essex 1928 first series Coach reduced from $625 to $545 Essex 1928 late series Coach reduced from $725 to $635 Essex 1928 first series Sedan reduced from $675 to $585 Essex 1928 late series Sedan reduced from $775 to $700 ` Essex 1926 late series Coach reduced from $375 to $295 Also several _Touring Cars at Give Away Prices y Ellll$$5E$E$EEEEg I.JL4l.4l.4\a 1. 1.41.1 \.l \t`||\D.J I % Five Points, Barrie Opposite Simcoe Hotel {EaIuilHalesIeluiIslmnalsslsilalsiluilelslyal IJLJI-I COMEDY-- HARLIE CHASE in THIN TWINS kl ' n; ...;:. 535 mas ARE ADDED to usr MONDAY----TUESNDAY-i--`. Here s your greatest entertainnwnt thrill. An :1C{in11-piCIn:`c or youthful romance and aring in the :111'._:\'n war :3CC1`.;`\, but new thrxlls and new 1'.'1u,4'h. in A new setting`. Thursday, Friday, Saturday WE ARE CLOSING UP OUR USED CAR MARKET FOR THE WINTER Here Is Your Opportunity to Buy a SELECTED USED CAR 001.11: E ' ' BUY NOW 4. SAVE - EASY TERMS ASK THE SALESMAN TO EXPLAIN HOW YOU CAN GET MANY MILES OF DRIVING FREE VAEEEEXE THURSDAY--FRlDAY-SATURDAY WITH LOUISE DRESSER, DAVID ROLLINS AND A GOOD SUPPORTING CAST 2 Shtzwys` .Each"N_ighE, 7.15 and 9.15 -l\d\I\ At Next Summer s Price or Lower ' "'IvI7aIt]1?.1'e"s}a.'Z}Liur `aIt'2'36 ' SPECIAL AT REGULAR PRICES TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS N9. 42 SELECTED USED CARS --TUESDAY---`NEDNESDR; 2 SHOWS--7. 1 5-9. 1 5 LEM JOSEPH M` SCHENCK Pltnll club with a ne trophy, the Tip Top Cup. for competition, the nature of which is to be decided. Another cup was presented by President- elect Rob- ertson. accompanied by four 'mdi~.'id- A `AI! `Dunurninn rnnrnrnnbnd `Dnuswin '0ver 1,ooo. uu.A vuyu. Alex. Brownlee represented Barrie curlers at the annual meeting of the Ontario Curling Association in Toron- to, Monday. Barrie is grouped as follows; Tankard No. 6-A111ston. Barrie and Barrie Thistles. Churchill, Collingwood, Elmvale and `Stroud. Umpire, V. S. Hambly. 1\.'....I..& (`sun Nrn A ,,!T`hn L-nvvia uunynnu, v . nu. ..-uu..-o._,. District Cup, No. 4--The same |grouping with C. H. Beelby, umpire. u- * "r \.r Junior Tankard, No. 4;A11i.;ton, Barrie Thistles, Churdhill, Colllngwood and Stroud. A. Brownlee, umpire. A11 competitions have een eut to sixteen ends. They were formerly eighteen. RUMMAGE SALE -Remember the Rummage Sale at Vickers Store in the Bingham Block. Elizabeth St.-Satu1'day, 9 am. to 10 p.m. Many lines of goods at prices that will astonish you. 42b Shdp where you are invited to shop. uumo Aiiiisrs Plcruns H IGHIC NOAH a:ILYan?"<'3|LsEnI ROLAND ROL Z\ND WEST nnnnnnnnn nhl A_lone; Mid-

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