Mr. and `Mrs. R. Jflvciiridge and` daughter Marjorie spent Sunday with friends in Brampton. Mfr and MFR `I .nno`1-nn-ad nf 'T'nrnn.. LVL. \JUU}JCl. D. `U. I Jonathan Ralney, Mr. and Mrs. W. IJ. Sutherland, Mrs. Wm. Copeland, :Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rainey, Miss [Rainey, .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rainey iand Mr. and Mrs. `David Allen and |Jim Allen attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wilson Reynolds at Stroud on Wednesday. (JHH-n a hnrnhnr frnrn fhic npiohhnr- Quite a number from this neighbor- hood attended Bradford and Cooks- town fairs lasvweek. ` U11 VV cuxxcauuy . I ! Oct. 14--Mr. `and Mrs. Stevenson of Alliston spent Sunday at W. G. Rich- ardson s. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawson of Elmvale, Mrs. Graham of Hamilton and Mar- garet and Gerard Coughlinwere Sun- day visitors at A. L. Moran s. W. D. Scythes and F. "A. Richard- son attended Cooksbown fair on Fri-| day. T . (".91-cnn {`.'|a1'p-non and Trvino- (`.cn-.. ' '114{;1&1I&;y"'FBgt;1l ;'1I:"I&1-iii` Lfna Alex. Cleland of Barrie were guests of Miss Margaret Scythes on Sunday. llltllub L11 1DJ.'d.:1u}JlzUu. Mr. and Mrs. Langmead of Toron-I to visited several days last week at, l `C. M. Cooper's. I Jnnafhan Painpv Mr and Mr: `W ison` end. `Mr: Oct. 14--4The La of Arlie Were entertained by Mrs. J. `Conn at the parsonage here on Wednesday last. "Fl-an Vnuvnn 'DAnv-\`A a Qnn4nl>u 'hn1I` mi:/ferrille Ballantyne of Barrie spent the week-endi at F. A. Richards-711's. 12155. their first meeting on- Monday. the 7th inst., and will meet every Monday ev- ening from now on during the winter months. The meeting for this week will be a social meeting. `Mfr and Mr: Gan "R-arlnar and 'F!r'Hf.h The Young People s Society held` ;'allagher's Indian Herbal Remedy comes r` ht from the Heart of ature W111 U8 3. SUUIRL u1t:cbu.1g. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barker and Edith of Lindsay motored here on Saturday and spent Sunday with the former s parents and renewed many old ac quaintanceships. L W `Rnrknr nf 'T"nv-rmfn znnnt fhn quiuu LUJIUCDLILLJD. W; Barker of Toronto spent week-end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. W. Barker. rm... L-..-..m;.m 1'r| Hm T1 J.VJ..I'$. W. DEIKEI. _ ' The afternoon service in the Unit- ed church was resumed yesterday, the |13th, with quite a good attendance. 7.... ~r......1.u.. 1...... 1.-.: - 1.-.: -4-L.-Al. avvl-A, IVAUAL saluauv U; gvuv. cnuvwA..n\a.uvu.vv. Jas. Laughlin has had a bad attack of tonsilitis, but is improving and now on the road to recovery. BALL PLAYERS ARE CONSIDERED Dune BUT we wou\.o /N"\ } BE FOR `(HE MON_EY_ `fl-\EY v .. Carson, `Clarence and Irving Car- V were in Toronto during the week- I wk Bi: MONEY riEv'v LOWELL BETHESDA . "Age 4; b 'lder. `.("_..l`nnhor Mb Euine blood enricl This and other : 111 Household `B1 APTO the and I THE OILY BIRD GETS ECONOMY By Erwin Greer You may have liquid in the base of !your engine, but is it a lubricant? ?Many times this liquid is a combina- ytion of cylinder oil and kerosene. It s `lubricating properties are poor and `should the bearings burn out through lack of oil the owner is apt to blame {the oil for the trouble. Then he im- mediately buys oil of another grade, without knowing the real reason for his trouble. I T Tnnun Fnn-n Phat ht GIRV tn` n1s uroume. I have found that -the best way to make sure of using the right grade of oil is to religiously buy the oil recom- mended by the manufacturers of the particular car one happens to drive. -3 , ,,, ,1.-__._ ......... `I..- o-..-nu AC nrunvhnn . pou.u.u..uAuu you vnav --..,.,_.---.. -- ..__._. ` Depending upon the type of engin I crank-case oil should be changed re- lgularly. Old lubricating oil should be ' drawn off and thrown away, then new `oil put in at least every thousand miles of driving. In special cases it is `advisable to renew the oil much more ;often, but this is tl*2 usual length of |time it should be lei: in the engine. ,._x__- _s........vL Mat t\ .~n I uuuc ll: ouvuuu us. Ab-V ... ...-... ...--,:,----. I If the engine doesn't get a sufficient amount of oil it. will run `Aw. If the driver does not notice that his oil gauge is failing to indicate, it is doubt- ful that he would know the engine was hot until it froze and wouldn't run any more. In such 2. case he would probably discover that one or more of the bearings were burnt out. 1'K71non Hm pnoima is not gettingi OI tne Dearings were uuiuu uuu. When the engine is not getting enough on it is usually because the oil supply has been allowed to run low or there is something wrong with the circulating system-either the pump 1S not forcing the oil to the bearings properly or the pipes are plugged, or the connections are loose, or the strainer is obstructed with foreign matter. un.,mmy.-_u- Hm a-anon Ann: nnf. funn- matter. , Whenever the gauge does not func- I I tion properly the trouble should be investigated at once. Make sure, first of all, that there is enough oil in the crank-case. Then inspect the pipe con- nections for leakage. If these are tight, A take out the oil-strainer and clean it. g and if the trouble is still in evidence I disconnect all oil pipes and stick 1 wires through them or blow them out with the tire pump. If this cannot be i done, drain out the old oil and wash ' out the crank-case with kerosene, then refill with new oil. Finally a new ad- justment of the oil pump may be 5 made to cause it to pump more oil,| provided indications point to it being - improperly adjusted. A 1\/falna a mint nf cleaning the inside . improperly aujusueu. Make a point of cleaning the , of the engine every time the lubricant I is removed. Put in about one quart of kerosene and turn the engine over | by hand, with the pet cocks open, a; dozen times or more. The kerosene will dissolve the particles of grease and drive out the dirt. It is not advisable to run the engine with the kerosene in its base. _.. I Lvvnuzgnu .- The tourist is often the forerunner of the homemaker and investor. He visits the country and sees with his own eyes the character of its people and resources, and if he later returns to settle or invest he is able to do both in a more satisfactory manner. Kruschen Salts will `give many s at ersan I joyous surprise. You can 1: pounds of! your weight and years off your age this safe and easy way. livery morning take the little daily dose ' of Kruschen in 3 glass of hot Jrater before breakfast. This will mean that every particle of poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases is hein expelled from the system. They use t e cause of all the trouble because they remain in the system and accumu- late in the form of execs, unhealthy fat. I have lost seversl pounds in less than 3 weeks. It is so safe and easy. No dleting. no drugs. I have tried several other ways, but with no good results. Kmschen is all you claim it to be." Mrs- E. H. IJDIH The steady increase in the use of power per capita in Canada is shown by a comparison of the figures for 1920 and 1927. During this period the amount of power used per 100 of pop- ulation increased from 43 to 63 horse- power, or the use of power per inhabi- tant increased over 46 per cent. U1` I.\.IVVI'JlU ALJLII \;An.n.;.-..- TOURISTS AID DEVELBPMENT , 1.1-- 4- ______ ......,. USE OF POWER. PER CAPITA :_ LL- ...... Banish Hacking Coughs that come of dry, lifeless air . . . Rid yourself and your family of the lurking dangers of im- properly heated rooms. Have warm, moist, circulatin air all over the house. Instal a Findlay Warm Air Heating stem -the first system we know of installed on approved .T.U. nv-inninlau I-up uyl-rink born I In cape nrn nnn m'r7arpr7-nM'pn.tit-rxllvl -1.118 nrsn system we nnuw Ul. mumucu uu upptuvcu .u. :..u. rinci lee by which heat losses are considered-scienticallyI is eating System starts with an ideal furnace-leak-proof, dust-proof--modern to the last degree. __ ........ -7 _ 7 Findlay Furnaces are installed under the direct supervision of an experienced Graduate En ' eer. You get a written guar- antee that you will be satised. e do not cut prices. We will not skim on the installation job. We sell more than just a furnace. e sell comfort, health, fuel economy. The Findlay saves a shovel a day. Phone or write us now for free estimate. FBIDLAY BROS. CO. LIMITED CARLETON PLACE. ONT. WARM AIR 1mA'n'mEsvs1'EM Humidity--Circulation-Warmth rnncunonnnnn nunl\ u'...n4-nn;-I nu-u-Ins: 4/Ian r1~:1nnn4- uunn 111159 I1. I10 Am: three or four weeks of the little daily dose, get on to the scales and see how many pounds of fat you have lost. Your mirror also will tell you what you -have gained in health and vigour Your eyes will sparkle, your skin w1ll clearer, you will feel unbelievably youthful and enex-getio-you will feel many pounds lighter and many yeti unnnueln" Phone 350W P. _{._ _1_\_1oRAN, B mrzr/ye: T/J rozzg/ J01zt Cmzada Local or district news on every page of The Examiner. T1'mAn' '62" Co"1?1TA1W " Head Oice: TORONTO, CANAD/-L BRANCHES: BAI{RIE--H. A. Sims, Manager A'l'TA\`l"I'\A`I I' '|'i!`|',A VA \ BABE! A auxin. yarn: or. I. Wnllwln. :`Alln.ndsle nanny-| Before you invest con-- sult a Bank of Toronto manager. He will be glad to place at your disposal the facilities of our Investment Depart rncnt. INCORPORATED 1855 This Bank is here to help you. 1 "Saves a Shovel a Day Exprgs Say This is the Ideal Home Heating System `IL -.._.-Jinn `Inn I-Lu-on naIawf:a1n `A D It supplies the threepssentiala to home comfort-~hum1dity, circulaw tion, warmth. Health is pricalesn, Health means happiness. Sickne-18 is often avoidable. For the cam of your comfort and health. ze: thn fmztn. or your c. the facts. 1"=i{i~i;._ms Book TI Not the `ordmary type of fr?-1 booklet. _' Hgat and Health with Warm Alr" 1s easy worth $5.0}. Referred t0_by experts as the most; valuable ofxts kind ever produced. Get your copy now. Thursday, October 17, `with. I WARM AIR. lieatml Health] nilh, 925 MIST POUNDS or m --in 2 short weeks For sale by Wm. Crossland, Douglas Druc Store, Monkman's Drug Store, Robertson's Drug Store, H. A. smith. Examiner Classied advertising is unequalled among the town Weeklies in Canada; Big circulation of prime quality is the explanation. Tho Womon I Department. Nuona Lnboratorles, Limited, 126 Wellington St. West Toronto. Ont. Don Madam- It I: quite Imponlblo for no to ca- uu my thanks to you for the relief mLENE has given me. I was always in pain during my monthly porlod. slnce taking Nllono. I am praccnllyfroofrom pain, and can do my work as usual` Yours sincerely, (lgmd) Mrs. M *:.f`..:u::? `LII-D l.\v|-Lint $9 (I Lb -Miss Delvena Wal GL1 % ha. Union Street, North Devon, 1 NOW Btunswick. ` I book Lydia E. Pinkham s Veetable Compound for mis- ; In la and tired feelings and 1 it gave me strength to do my ! work. M nerves are better and I feel we and strong and have ; a appetite. I sleep well ; am in pretty good spirits I end able to work every day now. I recommend the Vege- ` table Compound and you mly use this letter as a testi- janhu` j`on nn'n|anA W/A1, '--v --w-.-.., --v`.-, v--v u v--up- I Iwellingaioes down, I;-hzn you Sootha- va" to inamed or II... DI-- "FL! . _ . _ . -5_a._.-_L 3- ' COLD AT YOUR DRUGGIBT 125 Waulngxor Toronto. 82 Patricia Rd.. Toronto, Ont. I, JIIII l'OIIll'l| uu unpty ` u Lllnltod, Ottawa. Ont" ; J! T. Don't be miserable a_llWinte1_'. _if you're pubject go Broncmtia or _sm;nlar ills- 4a,pb to $31: up 9. nasty, chngmg cold'or much. aenstble. start now tahng Kavanagn. Local S.S. children and officers at- tended Minesing Sunday School on Sept. 29 where they all enjoyed very much the address by Miss Garrett, returned missionary. 1uI'u- -1-"! Mr: T. I-Tnnriv and fnmilu (Too late for last week) Oct. 'l-A few attended the Elmvale fair last week and report the show good, as is reported of most of the fairs this year. V. Tracy with R,. McKnight and two sons of Richmond Hill called on Mrs W. Knapp last week. Min: `Rnhv `Pnttenden is snendlmz stouuviue rams wees. Miss Irene Kavanagh or Penetang spent the week-end with her par- ents here. Miss Graham attended the teachers convention held in Barrie last week as also did Miss M. Torpey and Miss Kavanagh. Tnnnl an ohiidmn and officers at- Mrs W. Knapp iasu weex. Miss Ruby Pattenden is spending a week or so with Toronto friends. no-on haul: and famiiv visited in week Wltn '.I.'0ronw xnenua. Otto Davis and family visited in stouftville rbhis week. um... Tu-nun T(nvn,nn.ah of Penetantz 1'8E111'I18(1 1111551011511. Mr. -ad Mrs. L. Handy and family and Mrs. Jas. Handy, Sr., of Dalston visited at Mrs. W. Kna.pp s on Sunday. A 11- __.__. _-__- wovvvo \-v u..." . ------fr - --- ._v..._....,. A Na`;-row Escape Wallace Pattenden had 9`. narrow escape the other day when running his threshing machine. In putting on a little fixing, his smock sleeve caught in the belt and carried his arm around the -belt tearing his shirt and smock off. When his garments got to his neck he got loose from the machinery. What made it worse, the arm was the one he had hurt at the war. His arm is doing nicely with a bit of bruise and tear. !'u. C. ` ` The anniversary services in the United church Sunday were well at- tended. Rev E. F. McL. Smith of Penetang preached earnest and im- pressive sermons, morning and even- ing. A quartette from Barrie consist- ing of Mrs. Laidman, Mrs. Page, Alex. Knox and S. W. Moore, rendered sev- eral selections during the evening service. The special music in the morning consisted of an anthem by the choir, duet by Misses Orchard and a solo by Andrew Orchard. (`Poo lat; for last week) Oct. 9-E1gin McLean of Weyburn,, called on friends here one day last week. -_._1___ -_1_:L__... -1. -I-.I A I-|l-I._._A `CPD D0 E3` up I}. Lluuby, Uu.uI.u5 vuIu'I.n ,1.-ough, sensible, .Gal!a.gher s Indian Herbal Remedy. `It is com solely of healing hex"-be. A mztur remedgv. Perfect for k ' gaff a. nasty coug _ 01 cold or lyronc ' Qllment. . A genu1n_e enncher and A (kill. 1-uu`Ih-nv Thl and thf Jnuv W Dun. Sunday visitors at F. A. Richard- son s were 2' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carson and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harrison of Toronto, Mrs. Ballantyne and Miss Jean and Mr. Robinson and Miss Ro- binson of Barrie. _ up___ cut U` t~-_.A.I_-_ _._-__L A-1. Jug Ubll-ID nJua.auu:_y- Mr. and Mrs; Wilmott Cook and Mrs. -Geo. Beeton have been at Robt. Cook's recently while he has been so very poorly. `lvinndnnuv finu-an 1...! LI. `ans-g1I A-`A vaav vvvvAa* vsau can A-vavoavvn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and Miss Clara Grant of Mmeslng called on W. D. Scythes; Sunday. a It nasal `lkuxr 11111:-ugnbt I'I.\nI- A-A ilnn 315 v v Alia Annvvag a Mrs. Jackson of Winnipeg has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. W. Hamilton and Mrs. Robt. Cook. -up-.- 1-nx_1--.__1__.- __.L._.L_:,,, n u\.cuw.1 UL Luuau. \.lu;u5LAu\u.. Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed and daugh- ter Ruby and Mrs. Boyd of Toronto, Mr. and `Mrs. `H. Lougheed. Mr. and Mrs. Currie, Mrs. Gilchrist, Faremont, Mrs. Hare and daughter Marion and son Carman and Mrs. Walker of Mea- ford spent Sunday at Everett Loug- heed's. IJALADVLA UL LICIL 1. Av. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scynthes spent the week-end in Toronto. _ ___ .1 -up--- vuw_1A._._ 4uI_..I_ __._1 `-1.. yvvn a; a Murray Carson had his tonsils and adenoids removed in the Royal Vic- toria `Hospital on Tuesday and is im- proving nicely. ~ `RAH-5 '1-|In`rn1\nA Al Tl?!-nun!-can In.-an Ln-.. yuan: vaauu auvu . vnu Mrs. F. A. Richardson entertained a number of young people at a welner roast on Monday evening. Dancing was also enjoyed and an abundance of eats. a (Too late for last week) Oct. 7--Norman 'Schel1 of Dundalk was home for the week-end. 1: -I-1-_-_.__. -1 1vv_..s___ 1&1-.- 1- _.___., u .auoa4\. gun v vvvnn unsu- Henry of Eydro Glen is spend- ing some time at nRobt. Giffen s. VII.` Au-`I `fun A 7...... .II.._I..I_...._l. b nothing qhort of marvellous how llthe itghxng stops, the pain ease: Iwellxnoes when Annlv Snnfhn.. Va" tn inampd gr vaunuuu u/v IILILILL an vnanu Du Quite a number from here attended service at Ebenezer Church, it being the farewell sermon of Mr. Lehman, the Mennonite helper, who has been transferred to Shrlgley. Mrs. Rachael Brown is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Moir, Nottawa. luunk nuvv.-nni-um In nulinnplgnl `A Can LIUL \.l.J.u5A.Av\.L, &vL;u. \.A. J-u.uA;, &`\.IUUIIVVFllu Much sympathy is extended to Rev. R. J. Kirkland and family in the death of their daughter. `Ila anal war... fnuu-ulnnn:-I Anal dawn-sin an nanny- av- an.- A ferocious-looking woman strode into the outfitter s shop and made for the neckwear counter. The assistant found himself beginning to shake as she approached him. I want a collar, she thundered. It's for my husband." . The assistant gave a nervous nod. (`Yes, madam. W-what size does he take?" uclno 51-In manna!-Ari NT Ann'O- Irnnuv 1105. Measure these," she said. You see, I can just manage to get them round his throat." na:D uunnny unnnsu uu -ovvwv. yoonunau Mr. and Mrs. A. Jary, Craihurst, visited at John Forgie s. I\-db.-. A saIuvu|`At\.|n Gun... `sauna n&&au.-ind {'1 E?" Siz? she repeated. I don't know. But just wait a moment and we can find out. aka nmxnanrlnrl +l\ 4-nnv nff haw alnvne I1nSuhe`JL;l>:5dceeded to tear off her gloves. Eheg -she held out two large, rough an s. Ital: INQIQIA L1-nuns " -kn -all VAN SUNNIDALE CORNERS MINFl_N 1'_A'noN Ply "TLIITDUIVK CU UIIIBIHCU '1' din; Piles. This new ointment is mnriptim of a famous physician on can use it with eve assurance 3 will help you to quic y get rid of plleo. 50cata.l1d!1J88istI. QOCI IIOIII I! d at boticlt. ....'."... u.."`.!. .1-?`s'..`. :.'.s.n..v-. u on not entitled, just return the empty h I'ru.ll-n-than Llmltud. Ottmnn. Ont A PERI*'i3CT FIT yxnrsrnc .-..__.... .._...-l-. Oct. 14--F1rst Essa. Church, Brad- en's, celebrated their anniversary on Sunday. `Rev. Mr. Ellis was the min- ister in charge. Ivy Presbyterian choir led the service of praise. menm- in `lahnrt fnr tho Anniver- lea me servlce or prams. Visitors in Egbert for the anniver-l sary were, Mr. and Mrs. Goxworth and family of Ivy, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn of 'Al11st:on with Mrs. E. Erwin: Mr. and Mrs. IA. -E. Morrison, Olive and Mrs. Morrison, Sr., of Thornton at Elmcroft. Ill.-n `KT.-nu-nan `ungn ennui +111: ".l:i.lII1CI'0ID." Miss .Norene Brolley spent the week-end at her home here. 1!: and `Ira 1 .`l'A1-anon H21-at-Inn and Ween:-enu BE 1181' IIOIIII3 IIUIU. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Braden and! gamily spent `Sunday with friends in - vy. Miss Evelyn Carter of Alliston was home for the anniversary. M!` an!` Kira (`Inn `Paid (If N3! Tn. IIOHIE 101' M11: anmversury. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid of New To- mnto spent the week at Wilfred Broi- 1917 : DUI! LU 1ey s. 1ey's. Miss Beatrice Fraser spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. Fraser. `loch Nrnu nail. 4'ann cnnnf Ennnu HEALS PILESI J'."I`8.Se1'. Mrs. Ney and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Fraser. `HI.-`In.-'.-.4 has 'Ir\nAv| nrn'l`l soanrnnnnrfnti elf Wlbn Mrs. I"I'B.5El'. Egbert has been well represented at the fairs this fall with Herb. Grose and his road horses, Cecil Brethet with his Oxfords and J. 0. Newton and Sons with their I-Ierefords. (Too late for last week) Oct. 7-Mr. -and Mrs. J. Stewart King, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cane; and son of Toronto visited at H. Loug- heed s, Sunday. 11.. ......a 11.... m A....:......'.-... Ann!` 1'. AL\a\o\A 9, \luLLuuJ o ` Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and J.` Brown of Toronto visited with the lat- ber s son, F. `Brown, for the week-. end. _._1_ _.. 5..-.-- 1- -..- L-._I_ 1.. LL- TiLI\An A number from here took in the` Stroud anniversary Sunday. E `L1 `EDAAS.-- -0 "`o\&t\uA`ls nun` nan. ml-A I.) UL U uu GALLAA V UL can J ulutauug H. Bodian of Toronto 3113 sons v1s- i ited with the former s brother. R. Bo- dian, Sunday. , `Aka nun:-I `litmus Y 'RR'n`A'i'HnuA AF flwhmuu tnaowm, w..uauAuw_y . 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan of Gr1ms- ` thorpe, Manitoulin, are visiting at H.` Lougheed s. 3 r1-I1.-m hunt- ....,. 1...... ......-M..a..... am. auvuennuvu v. The choir are busy practising for} their anniversary Sunday, October 13.| `IA ... and `ulna I3.~#-6-nu:-an AU I-LA 1Ab1a voayaa. uunoonn - ya. -gum; ~IIALA\auIJ , \/vvvnvvn sun l Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of the 14thi have the sympathy of the neighbors in their loss. _.-_-...._-._.. vv.-- ---V---u .__ Continued progress has been made in the naming and numbering of mo- tor roads in Canada and in the erec- tion of uniform direction and warn- ing signs and danger signals. Inter-A provincial conferences have been held. for the purpose of standarizlng signs,` signals, and other highway devices' throughout the Dominion. ____- | Quick Rliof From Pain and . Itching When You Uu This New Ointment Fine jobf)r1nting of all kinds at The 1 Examiner olce. I so Joint-Ease is grepared only for_peop1e who have a. swollen, painful, creaky, distorted or stiff joint, whether it be in knee, el-bow, shoulder, ankle, neck or finger and whether it is caused `by rheumatism or something else. _ I It took a good many years to get` together a combination of pain sub- duing and swelling reducing agents: declared to be the one remedy that all- [ most instantly penetrates through skin i and flesh and starts right in to make | swollen, inflamed, creaky, pain racked joints as good as new. "l'\1nnvu nnli L1-dn -noun nu.-`I .--n....I....8..`I. SOAKS RIGHT IN AND LIMBERS UP; Phannacists call it Joint-Ease because it : for Swollen, Sore, Painful, Creaky Joints Only | VJ. was; LJOUUELLU V1LAIlII\?VVlu Ask for a tube of Joint-Ease". You can use it several times in one even- ing for quick results, because it goes right through'the skin with only a few seconds rubbing. It surely is a swift penetrator and when it gets under the skin, it starts right in to end all joint trouble. 9:. .1- ._._,-n, ),, nu ,, u , 1 u -- Jvumvv can gvvu um Anuvvo They call this new and wonderful` preparation Joint-Ease because the medical man .who turned the trick, worked for years to perfect some low- priced remedy that would really -bene-, fit the millions of people who have one or more joints that need helpful attention. .A_ u-1-3.41. 1-31---: .1- ._..-_;__._,u , 1 , Of course it can t help but quickly! put an end to such superficial ail- ments as lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, aching muscles, stitch in the side, crick in the neck or sore feet because of its penetrating action, but what it is really recommended for is joint ail- ments of any nature whatever. Indy 0.. .. b..1.- `J 167.1; 'm.....-n 19-.. `f`.w1` in vCa.nada-costs only 60 cents. A11 druggists dispense it daily, as do first class druggists everywhere. I NAMING ova HIGHWAYS Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Rronchial Tub 59_'. Paris--The Prince of Wales visits to Le Touquet are warmly welcomed by the French, who are overjoyed to see their guest's simple enjoyment of the healthy open-air life and fun of the famous Channel resort. u-n..x_--_ 1&1`- 1.... n 1.- 3- -_1'I_.1 L- tnsuvuo \JALuLAuvA Lvavs Us Prince Charming, he is called to- day in a. delightful descriptive article In the Intransigeant" by M. Maurice Verne. ((IIYI.-L LL- `I1.-I.-an 1:1--.-4 .u-AnL n.` `A ?PRlNCE IS REPROVED BY PARIS TAXI DRIVER] V Us like What the Prince likes most at Le Touquet," says M. Verne, is that he can walk about the picturesque streets of the seaside place, with its tiny cot- tages with their bow-windows an_d sscarlet geraniums, without anybody iimportuning him by indiscreet cur- liosity. Hl'l"1nn `naive I-A 4-kn nrnnfnnf 'U` {vs JUDA U] o The heir to the greatest Empire in i the world rubs shoulders in the streets, lin golf, tennis or polo attire, with .scores of visitors, and he feels quite `at home wherever he is. All that he asks for is a discreet and convention- lal anonymity and that is readily and icourteously granted him. f'I"`la.n n#'k4-no do-uvy {>1-an `Ev-1'v\nn int.-{r.~4'nR nn ' UUUL UUUIAOAJ 5A uA1vuu Ahdllln The other day the Prince insisted on ,hiring the most tumble-down taxicab `in the town, which went off with a `terrible rattle of old iron and seemed iunable to move faster than 12 miles i an hour. In this contraption he caught [up with the local dog-hounds and wanted to jump out. But he was grave- : ly reproved by the aged driver, whol said. Your Highness will kill yourself if you get out when the car is going: `so fast!" l -nu- v\__x..-_ -_.|. 1.--`- -.._I 1-....1....1 DU Laooua l I The Prince sat back and laughed and when he got to his destination he ` gave the man a 100-franc note as a tip. The first thing next morning the :driver was at a picture dealer's order- Iing a frame and suitable inscription `for hanging up the Prince's gift in his imodest home. . I I Oct. 14-The Woman's Association` held their meeting on Wednesday at Mrs. J. J. Ho1t s. ll: Iknlnabruc VG: `KT 1 T\II'n'TUTan-l>nv< J.V11'5. d. J. J.'.lU1la . ` Mr. McMaster, 'Sr., W. J. McMaster, ' .Miss Irene and Earl McMaster motor- ed to Huntsville on `Sunday. Mr. Mc- 3 Master's sister, Mrs. Bless, returned {home with them for a visit. .-.. --11-1 gbodv buuaer. `uus ancl owner tenuou- gal her Herbal Householdhemedl WV o:lAlBY A.SM!'1`E. In-I-lo ._ - nv.n._|- unlln-ul-In Dllnrlllli`