Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1929, p. 3

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(Continued from pane one) their entry into the hau was greeted. W. H. Roach, chairman for the ev- chins, briey and happily gave a. short address of welcome to the honored guest of the evening after which he introduced the . various ' delegations who made/the presentations." f\an KAMQIC ac +1-H. 1......-.u-..1 I......-.: -0 396 emm 32" SPEL4L- I.IPBLAW Bfeiicimls Cherry SPECIAL- Pued Wheat (mlucmz Brand . _ _ _ . _ Pujfed Wheat ` 250 QUAKER Brand ............. ..2 Pkg5- Domestic ShorteningAPkg. 170 I/[nlvnn Ti ahnnr pnntrv---1 .'\, punks: In-. _ D . t' Sh t ' 1V(I)al :Z} ifbt 1'cPastry-91'-'lb.eI":l c::: ;g: . P kg` Aylmer Pork and Beans :-, n,,_u:-_ 1n- nc:__ in... n '11:..- 09.. Red River Cereal The Natural Food . . . . . . . . . . . . Pickles 1 vnnvan `rI',A,, ..-_J_ n-_l- Ma_tches MAPLE LEAF or s1LEN'r-4oo'..3 B0305 230 Lobster Fanc Quality---Packed on t a North Shore of N R, nndnr Government Fruit Jars f`(\D(\\7 A `I!-.....I_ Fruit Jars . CORONA Brnnd-Small Size. . . Parowax . IMPERIAL--1-lb. Package . Zinc Jar Rings Good Heavy Quality . . . . . . Certo SURE I ELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubber Jar Rings Extra envv nnnlitv , _ , _ _ _ . . . . . Pickling Spices . W]-mle Mixnd-SdenmHv Vinegar XXX-Blemled or Spirit--This vin- mnuv in nnecinllv nrenu-ad for nicklinl A Preserving Supplies ,3, , Choice QuaIity-No. 2 Size Tin. L I \JIIII \/IJ LIBBY S Home-made Style-- LargeBottle . . . . . . . 'S.0.S. Cleanster urn. __ .I_:..... l....!, !.!...-L-.. Q Fruit ars coRoNAJB..na--Medium siu.D0Zn $1-09 Ls:/v\J\Jn/I `Iona: .- Extn Heavy Quality. )5.2L)L-me_1mea apmt--um v_1n- egar is specially prepared for piclnhng 1 I'IlIfDOCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - u . u L III1IIIWI/I I45 kl I/I/K/K Whole Mixed-ScienticaIly Blended. C`9_mf\Q_rt_ The services at Clowes church on Sunday were largely attended, the seating capacity being inadequate to accommodate the crowd-' at the even- ing service. Rev. Beecher Parkhouse preached very tne and helpful ser- mons. I-Ie~was assisted by Rev. Mr. Arnott of Dalston. Edgar and Dalston choirs provided excellent music. The services were much enjoyed by all who attended. (`Ian 'Fh1-un-M-nn nf Qnvrnrninn Qaclr EDDBIIQCQ. Geo. Thornton, of sovereign, Sask., formerly of this place, has returned home after a very serious operation in Saskatoon Hospital where he had been undergoing treatment for many weeks. The Examiner for fineprinting. Ilia-any. u-nouns. mo HI wt, wuvu vv 2 Tins 230 Bottle 246 Dozen 930 Dozen 130 9 Gallon 40c Bottle 290 Dozen 8c 'Pk5` _Pkg. 120 Cliipso Oninlc Suds. Lb. 25c ray. vvAL~U\\.L Mayor Arthur of Collingwood brought greetings from that town where Mr. _Weegar was held in affectionate esteem for what he had done. Several instanc- es were cited by Mr. Arthur, including the beautification of the soldiers memorial plot and the improvement of the harbor. Collingwood had one of the first elevators on the Great Lakes, built sixty years ago. Recently the town has opened a large modern ele- vator. In this scheme and the accom- panying harbor improvement Mr. Wee- gar and the C.N.R. had given splen- did assistance. ~ A- _ A.-1__,, -5 , -n :- - V-.. u-...D . Service His Motto On Mr. Weegar s first visit to Stay- ner, said D. G. Bell, he told us that he was there to serve. His personality was so strong and pleasing that we followed the interview with a letter in which we said that if he was typi- cal of the C.N.R., its success was as- sured. The C.N.R. is composed of liv- ing units, each feeling that he is con- tributing his share to the progress-of Canada, the whole actuated by a splendid espirit de corps. Mr. Weegar, said Mr. Bell, had done much for Stayner and his assistance was highly appreciated. A `|\Kn.n.... A...L1....._ -1.` 1-q..11:__ ___,.__ ,V v uua. urban: Aav n \.A\. V uuvt u Speaking of `Mr. Way, Mayor Arthur said: He has already found the path- way to our hearts. Mr. Moodie `Presents Gift On behalf of the C.N.R. I wish to express appreciation of the kindly references to the System, said Gen. Supt. W. T. Moodie of North Bay. Those of us who make this railway our life work regard it as a great un- dertaking. In a town such as Barrie the C.N.R. is bound to play an important part. The kind words to Mr. Weegar are appreciated by the officials of the Division. Mr. Weegar has met with great success in his efforts here. I endorse fully the kind words and good wishes for his success. u1ur._ `IV--- _ (Continued from nage one) ac1e, said Hon. E. C. Drury. A con- glomeration of railways has been weld- ed lnto a great system of which Can- adians may well be proud. This has been brought about by a great family of co-laborers, from Sir Henry Thorn- ton down through all the various branches, each working for the better- ment of the System. The men of the C.N.R. deserve the thanks of the peo- ple of Canada. `Aka Tnnnnu `land an.-...n.l $1.-A .... `-4- _. u I-uuuaw uu-u:v x. As a token of regard from the people of Collingwood, the Mayor asked Mr. Weegar to accept pictures of the har- bor and new elevator. (V..._..1-:.._ _c -an-_, v'vv,,, -- R. D. Keefe, in an eloquent speech in which he stressed the value of friendship, testified to the high place Mr. Weegar held with the people of Penetang. ' HQ.-uun`....n 11:- 1r-LL- vu.--`.u~-.J u -aunvvvwwo Mr. Cooper is a former resident of Barrie. He is a son of Arthur Cooper. Though he left Barrie 37 years ago, he has always been proud of the town and has followed the progress of its prominent sons with intefest. 13 n rr....c.. .-... ..._ ..1.__..-..__; ___-_u_ FRREWELL GIFT. I0 W. E. WEEGAR `had earned the respect. and friendship of those among whom he moved here. He had been an out- standing man here and would be equally so in his new field. `El.-u. an..- ..A...... 11.. 1\....._-.. 1.- .1 (zgczb Meat 7.. f\._ _l:... ,,_`'n: \rI1Ia|AAJ uu an; `an: asvvv aauau. For some years Mr. Drury had known `Mr. Way. Kindness, courtesy, attentiveness and being always on the dot with his work were among his characteristics. The same high place he has occupied in former locations, Mr. Drury felt sure, would be won by him among the people of Barrie and the Allandale Division. Barrie Old Boy Speaks Arthur Cooper, Supt. of the Stand- ard Chemical Co., Longford, speaking as one of the largest shippers on the Allandale Division, said that the as- sistance given by Mr. Weegar had contributed in no small degree to his company's success. 11.. n............ :. .. 4--_._...._ ._--:.a__.;. -1 ....--v.a . .;a.; uuuvuoa. Mr. .\`? Vay will be well received for the fine gentleman and competent of- ficer that he is. u Au. :0 . On behalf of the officials and em- ployees of the Division, Mr. Moodie then read an address to Mr. Weegar and presented the grandfather clock, D. J. Quinlan, chief despatcher and W. J. Blair, chief clerk, removing the flag with which the clock had been veiled. e In acknowledging the gift, Mr. Weegar paid tribute to the efficient staff of employees on the Allandale Division. Special mention was made of the sectionmen, whom the public see little of yet whose work is of para- mount importance to the safety -and comfort of. the passengers and the running crews. He believed the track on this division to be among the best kept on the System. Other men en- gaged on maintenance of way did their work well. Agents, running crews and other employees were efficient and al- ways on the alert to promote the wel- fare of the System. Mr. Knight, man- ager of the restaurant, was compli- mented for the quality and service of the banquet. 'I3nnm-:....-.. 4... 'l1..-_.:-_. v\___1, up -- unnv IvuILL\.`\AI. :4. Referring to Bayview Park, Mr. Wee- gar said it was _a pleasure to see this beauty spot replacing stagnant water and tin cans. He hoped to see it fur- ther beautified. Away from Barrie, he realized more than ever how beautiful the town is. Particularly he missed the view of the bay from the office win- dow. When the time came for him to `be pensioned, he hoped to come and spend the rest of his days in Barrie. He had at kindly feeling towards all the towns on the division and found it hard to part with such good friends. Tho knnnf-Ifn1 ninnb Inn -an-L'l_ -- n: AAuuA.\A uu pauu vvxux auuxx guuu uxcuua. The beautiful clock be greatly ap- preciated. As its hours_chime out it will bring to Mrs. Weegar and him- self very kind remembrances of the Allandale Division. Supt. Way , Supt. Way thanked the chairman, the Mayor and other speakers for kindly references to himself. He realiz- ed he was following a line of outstand- ing superintendents who had served at Allandalez James -Webster, W. R. Tiffin, P. J. Lynch and Mr. Weegar. While he was glad to be back in older Ontario, a land flowing with milk and honey, this was no disparage- ment to the territory he had left. That is a land of great opportunities. Its agricultural possibilities are tremen- dous and its forest and mineral wealth enormous. Exports through North Bay Mr. Weegar Replies vv \lL Au- Concluding, Mr. Way said: This re- ception from railwaymen and citizens has been most cordial. I am going to try and become a good citizen of Bar- rie and fill some of the place occupied by Mr. Weegar. UT `I-`nun lqnnu-A A6` A'l`Inv\:-`ln`In -nn~`:`InnA u_y a.v;a. . vv \.\.5u.a. . _ I have heard of Allandale r'ai1road- men long ago and they have always P`)Zst s Brian F lakes- u\? ....... ..'lI l:l.- `D..-an 7 ran as high as $50,000,000 in one year. Along the Transcontinental Railway there are 40,000 to 50,000 people, in- cluding some of the finest in the world. " __ ,1.-.. __ ":4 v1v__- _-.1_1. urr1l.:.. __ |MonnAv, Iulasnnv, WEDNESDAYI Liberal Leader States His Platform THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA T_he temperance question, defined Mr. Sinclair in his manifesto. as he defined it at Fort William, and later at Chesterville, in any form should never again be made a political issue. Whenever it is shown that there is a considerable body of thought desiring a change in the method of controlling the sale of liquor, those desiring such change should have the right to demand and have a vote upon the question. The Liberal Party stands for the strict enforcement of the Liquor Control Act while the people continue to approve of this meth- od of handling the sale of liquor, and acknowledges the right of the people to change that method whenever they decide to do so. lLPUII__ ___-..v, .... . . __ .._._~~._..__. .. ..-- -_....----. ....--.r.._-.. While the Province remains under the present law, there will be amendments strengthening the act, and the enforcement of the same will be vigorously carried on. The present partisan method of handling the act will be discontinued. Establishment of a new Department of Public Safety and Traffic Control; formation of a Council of Education to aid, in an advisory capacity, in the schools administration of the Province; abolition of the office of Civil Service Commissioner as expensive and unneces- sary"; wider powers of self-government, where possible, for municip- alities; and a` survey of the general field of taxation, are the brand- new features of_ the manifesto. . ._7... ___V.__... ..--..---...- ----_, _ V V . _ . . V V . v. The people are entitled to a. plebiscite upon this question. and the submission` of the temperance question to the people will be granted when demanded. In such a submission the will of the people can be expressed apart from any political or party feeling, and at a time when there is not the undue excitement of an election campaign. 1.,-1, LL- v-u_.___.~,,,, Elmvale Fair Cream of Barley M wk A`1"S-Cnukn in Three N SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1-2 In the election manifesto issued by the Liberal Leader, William E. N. Sinclair, K.C., makes a very definite statement on prohibition. The people, he states, are entitled to a. plebiscite and he promises that if the Liberals are given the` reins of government that the people will have an opportunity of passing upon the question if they so demand. `|' 3, ,. . . . . .. . urn-1.- L,__,__-_______ _j.___L:-.- n .1_4-:l-_.1 -3.. ~ Other features-- stressed repeatedly by the Liberal Leader, in the Legislature, and on the hustings since `the present campaign was launched, and even before---include assumption by the Province of the entire cost of Ontario s end of old-age pensions; reduction of the gaso- line tax; budgeting of all Northern Ontario development expenditur- es; insertion in the Public `Accounts of statements of revenues of ex- penditures in connection with the Timiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway, the Hydro-Elec'tric Power Commission, the Liquor Control Board, similar to other revenue-producing departments of the Gov- ernment; assumption` of the entire cost of Provincial highways; and a fixed election, at every four years, to be held between June 1 and Oct. 15, for the convenience of rural voters, especially the women. Capital $1o,o.oo,o(-ff % T. E. SMITH, Pres. JAS. MCDERMOTT, SeC y. THE BEST YET THE BEST OONOERT OF THE SEASON We can t tell you all, so just come and see. will be held the evening of the last day. COME AND SEE THE BOIINIJING JOYS AND LAUGH Cake Flour ` . QUAKER Brand-For Lighter Cakes. 0x0 Cubes A rI..L. .. .. (`...-._.1l'|_nuh- `Pg:-Iran J. A. McLEOD, General Mlllglf, Torah I,\J\.I\I \J\J\I l\4s1wA we Total Assets over $265,000,000 _ REESTABLISVI-IED 1832 1929 been spoken of very highly. Our prin- cipal object is to make the C.N.R. a. paying proposition for the people of Canada. I look to all the railroadmen to assist in maintaining the high ef- ficiency of the past. Our aim shall be to give the people service, speed and satisfaction. uuuuau.-.u. unven. Interspersing the speeches were solos by W. Bell and Arthur Jay and several choruses with E. A. Ryan as songleader and Norman Clarke at the piano. I-191 Reserve $20,000,000 t\/\/\ Ann Co ee L6E4AW'S HIGH PARK Brand- % Lb` ` '1`-um `Rh-H Flnvnl--Cround T L g'3W`13"0'5i:'I:;_ UCIW `IL CQULL UHI|ILUlIn _ On behalf of the hospital board, of which Mr. Way has been chairman for the past nine years, the vice-chairman presented Mr. Way with a go1d-head- ed cane, accompanied by an address in which it was pointed out that dur-' inc his regime nineteen thousan-1 lol- lara had been raised for the institution which had been put on a sound finan- cial basis. While this hospital has many iriends who have always gladly helped in its advancement, said the` address. it cannot be gainsaid that a large measure of this success can be attributed to your able supervision and careful management of the Hospital aiiairs. We know that you have given or your valuable time, experience and energy unseltishly to the noble work the Lady Minto Hospital is doing. We know that you, as well as other mem- bers of the Board, look upon the im- provements in the aairs of this Hos- pital not as a mere matter of nances, but as a measure of the greater ser- vice this institution is now equipped to render the community." JIGIIII/VI/III) ul. IIDBI TEXAS-DeIicioua an appctizing-40-oz. Glass Jar. &ll I/I1hrIJI.r Quick Suds. Jlvvryun -vvvu sa- Dninty and Delicious. the norm anorc 01 N.S. under Government approved conditions. . .. L4! lit! .Lv.l. I,u~u Fancy Quality--1 apanese-Hnl\'ca . L11 Uuallv u nawu V1.4`, MAcKAY'S-Cooks Minutes. JIIJ 0x10 xavvwvnuuvu When things look bluckest use S.0.S.-6-pad Packuge. I. IJUIJ U :1: uv-v -. "Now you'll like Bran L. A II `J I4: I.) v u A Cuba to a Cup--10-cube Package. sun. w. B;w%Av; Is elm slam LOBLAW's uluu rA1u\ x True Rich Flavon--Ground I`:-nah nlv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . True men rla Fruh Daily. SPECIAL- ;` Fry 93 Breakfast 4*` 41 4`! 4'1 DELIVERY--You can arrange to have your parcels delivered tor ten cents. General Delivery calls here at 11 9..m., 4 p.m.. Saturday 10 a.m.. 2 pm, and 6 p.m. STGRE HOURS: 8 A.M. To 6 PM. WEDNESDAY: 8 A.M. TO 12.30 NOON SATURDAY: 8 A.M. TO 11 P.M. _Christiefs & lvenlcist `i':Tf135 14-16 DUNLOP ST. 2 1' Halves-- (6 oz.) . . . n. u n u-nira... Lge. Pkg. 19c WE SELL F01: LESS 2 Tins llc X. 2 Tim 33c\ 2 Tins 251: `Pkg- `Pkg- _Pkg- Skinless Figs TI` Y A .'---TWnt-inxun and `Pkg- yin \ ii}; E516 Tin 330 Jar 79c ' Lb. WI! I UUIIIH-I-lug liljv rusnvs nun. mu- The address expressed regret at the loss otsuch aliighlyfvalued citizen and went on to say: During your\iour- teen years residence in Cochran: you have always shown a very keen and fruitful interest in the advancement and progress of the town` and the_ whole district under your supervision and you have at all times willingly assumed your full share of the work which the Board or Trade attempted to accomplish in the endeavour of furthering a policy of an aggressive and painstaking development of our good town and district. This found - particular expression during your two year term as president of the Board or Trade in the years 1927 and 1928." Car from Railwaymen Last came the presentation from the heads of departments and other employees of the C.N.R. Accompany- a..... u... 'uv...w Mann mm: on ad:-`iv-Ann ...;.1,;;u%.1;..1. me Parker desk set- IIYI-; -.lA_..- `cu-nunnoa. OAaIIAf hf fh UUIHIUNCCD UL MIC 'U.n.v. a'u.A.avuAyuu;' ing the Essex `sedan was an address in which were expressed deep regret at Mr. Way's departure and high appre- ciation oi him. In part, it read: During the period that we have serv- ed the Railway under your direction you have not only been a superintend- ent, but have consistently been a true friend with a sincere regard for our best interests in any project that we submitted to you. .......... ,. `We assure you that we will always retain the happiest memories of our associations with you as our Superintendent." Ila `llfatunnae Anm-u nnnund hv H1`- W10. yuu QB Ulau hiupcinuvwuuvuvu Mr. Waywas deeply moved by the expressions of good will on the part of the community in general and ex- pressed hls heartfelt thanks tor all these tokens of esteem. .Iviipper Snacks Real Tasty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28c 23c 12c 23 29c 57c Use Examiner classied Adm. I I IlPeanut Butaer |r7IBB Y S g Dill Pickles CA TEi II sT ` Macaroni 2 Packges 230 {SPECIAE-T Skipper Sardines Dnintv and Delicious . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL- JACK and JILL Makes Hard Watef Sift No. 2"/2 Size Tin 0XYn0L Years ago Old Mother Hutton brewed such a curative concoction that many a doctor sought her formula." Eventually the secret was discovered. Of the twelve ingredients--eleven were useless, but the twelfth was the Purple Foxglove, containing the precious drug digitalis; this was her secret of success. . . ` It has been our aim while building success, to nd and distill only the Purple Foxgloves of the grocery food business, presenting you with the very essence; brilliant airy stores, no wasting of time, modern refrigera- tion, fresh clean stocks, no clerks suggesting substitutes and, best of all, the Loblaw savings that count and amount week by week. A... 1` . A" wIvt;r1n~s"MarkeU(l Special on Sale Sept. 27- to Oct. Large Package TOY PAIL 24 Eva omfed M .2319 N155 LE':: - The British Mill-:--Tall Tin . . . The Health Drink ROBIN HOOD PORRIDGE 0 A T S Lge. 60 I `he. "' TODDY "137.-;. 1 -lb. TIN. 17 51 General Superintendent, Northern! District, C.N.R., who made the pre- sentation to Supt. Weegar, Saturday night. man 0116111131.}. . An improved method of extracting gasoline from coal is claimed by a. scientist of Budapest, Hungary. `r.1'mnn1 efnnl nhnnn nnrlrln fnr onm. '"'ci=1m{ aI6$.'}"3iV'719rade The gift from the Board of Trade SCIBIIDIBD 01 auuapcsu, .n.u.u5uL'y. Heavy steel shoes, padded for com- fort, have been made in Germany for prisoners wear to prevent escapes. Natural red dye has been produc- ed from a species or cactus by a Ger- man chemist. An (pan:-mun`! mnthnd nf Asrtt-n_nf.lnrr ; Orange `II ' - Y'MO(z.2"malade 4-lb. TIN 49 {{ F luid Beef 2-Oz. W. T. MOODIE Zebra Liquid Stove Polish V Bottle 14c

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