uuuzxvruwm 1-c.ERS1UENCE for sale, $3,000--'Eight-roomed brick house in cookstown, finished attic, bath room, electric, furnace, sink, full size cellar, barn, garage, shade trees and shrub- bery, large comer lot, good garden. Must be sold regardless of price. What 15 your offer? Mrs . A. W. Stoddart, Cookstown. -, 39-40p `:4 \JAuuL UL 01.16 MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE 11.Q. 898(1-19 Vol. 2 39-401) an unxvur numuxsm between me hours of 8 am. and 5 p.m. from October 15th to'0ctober 29th, 1929. The Danger Zone will be Camp Bor- den Area lying between the following boundaries:-ROAD--North of MAD RIVER; NORTH and SOUTH LINE- One mile East of LIISLE LINE: Due South of BRENTWOOD L17NE'r-I-`rom Tioga to BA3t'nzm. . ouuuu 01 brvnuV`1`W Tioga to BAXTER. . DRESSMAKI1I;3--11vI1ss Margaret Reid, 99 Sophia St. Phone 1475J. 39p WHY WAI'I` fonfhe cold weather to come to have your chimney and fur- nace cleaned? Phone 1429J for ser- vice. 39b - . J.1\JL&\JJ-El THE PUBLIC is hereby cautioned that ARTILLERY FIRING will take place at CAMP BORDEN between the hours nf R 2 m and 5: hm hm. r\-4-..1...... 1:44.. HOUSE TO LET--Corner Wellington and Clapperton; 6 rooms; all conven- lences except furnace; hardwood floors downstairs; electric heater for bath- room. Apply O. G. Hart, phone 443. 39p .___________.__.._____ PRACTICAL 7(NURSING done. Apply Mrs. H. Grant, 36 Bradford St.. tele- phone 1370M.` 36-40p MAY DAVIDSON favishes to announce Rh `IE n1-nnnrnrl fn fobn nnna in min... mus: .lJl_'1VJ.1JDlJ.lV WISHES DO announce she is prepared to take pupils in piano. 36 Tiffin St., Allandale. 35-3_9p ovauuxxlg annual`. 5011 ngm: 103.111. AD- ply to Box G, Examiner Office. 391) .__- lRWIN $ ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Irwin,-- Phone 198. 18t1'b HAVE YOUR C}MNEYS CLEANED before the cold weather. Dirty chim- neys cause poor draft and inconven- ience. Call 1429J. 39b j:-- WURS and renalred. Over Hi1rlburt s Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. 7 37tfb TO LET--A building suitable for stor- age or work shop, 30x20 with cement floor; also a man's bicycle. S. E. Tur- ner, 70 Toronto St. 39p 1-j-2:- FOR RENT-6-roomed solid brick, cosy house in Cun-dle Terrace, Bay- field St. Low rent. Possession Nov. 1. Apply 152 Bayfield St. Telephone 928J. ' 39p __ HOUSE TO LETL-Six-roomed brick house, furnished; all modern conven- iences. 46 Louisa St., or telephone 1333J. 39p .___..____._._____.___ e HOUSE`TO RENT-62 High Street. Hardwood floors throughout. Gar- age. Possession Oct. 15. Telephone 411. \ 39.tfb __ SALE or LANDS 1-`on ARREARSDF TAXES HOUSE TO LE'I`--58 Clapperton St. All conveniences, newly decorated. Ap- ply to Wm Irwin, 12 Worsley St. 39p FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, or rooms to let, furnished, suitable for high school students. Phone 299. 35-39b HOUSE FOR SALE-I-Iouse, 6 large rooms, with half acre of ground. Water and light. For further particulars ap- ply to D. Bauldry, 178 Owen St. 38-42p _.:_...____.____.______.. ___________________.________.____. FURNISHED HOUSE TO. LET-A11 coniteniences, electric stove. Apply to Mrs. Powell, 90 Collier St. Telephone 12. 39b HOUSE TO RENT, 88 Essa St., 6. rooms, all conveniences and good gar- den. Apply to 84 Essa. St. '_ 39p HOUSE To LEI` - Worsley St., 7 rooms, very `central; only $16. Phone day 153, evenings 510W. 39p HOUSE TO LE'I'-8 rooms,-' all conL veniences; garage, 78 Tiffin St. Tele- phone 418. ' 39b STORE TO LEI'-28 Elizabeth St. Ap- ply F. D. Cancilla, Central Fruit Mar- lent 99-401. U1 4 I ket. % FORD TOURING CAR for sale, 1926 model; anyone wishing a good barga.in_ in a used car, car as good as new, phone 127. . 39b V A-9` \IltU 513%? De!O}_!ES'1`-OROBLIY RADIO OR'I'HOP`iNIO A\'Il\ J. G. KEENAN '7-ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE, mo-` Ann-an nnnnnnin-nnna AV\r\1Iv Jun 01: `Dan NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS Opposite Post Office, Barrio Everything in Music PROPERTY TO LFT j MISCELLANEQUS YEOLDE FBMI. fillll! A. 111-; clan: AUTOMOBILES By Order of the r\ A-nu `-..---__._ _ NOTICE ' LU mur- 38-42b I " :s:d1}"m1ssed A by their Mother, 39pb and Dad, Brpthers and Sisters. .. ...v uuvvcnqau J l'I.'VLJ\JlV.l..E11J 1'.l\JUD1 BIJIK; DILLJLI, H10` dern conveniences. Apply to 215 Bay- eld St. 38-42p FERGUSON-In loving memory of our dear little son, James Cecil, [son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ferguson, who passed away Sept. 16, 1914, aged 5 years and 9 months. God one day was gathering owers And on His way He gathered ours. -sadly missed by Father, 39b Mother, Sisters and Brother _______:______:__ ROBBINS--In loving memory or our dear son. Leslie Ivan Robbins, who fell asleep suddenly Sept. 13, 1920, aged 17 years, also our darling youngest son, Harold Victor Rob- bins, who fell asleep in Jesus Sept. 24, 1928, aged 11 years and 10 months. `- My saviour has my treasures and He will walk with me always. jn!vv nah-unnnl .I... J-14-!-- ---1`-r a.u:a.1.v.|.rbDJ.JIv--1.11 Luvmg memory or my `dear sister, Verna Dempster, who died Sept. 30, 1927. We do not forget her, We loved her too dearly For her memory to fade From our lives like a dream. 39b ' -sister Evelyn FAIRBAIRN--In loving memory or Abigail Fairhairn, w'hn nngem-I among rzurunnxnlv--1n lovmg memory 0! Abigail Fairbairn, who passed away Sept. 30, 1922. A few more steps along life's (cad, A few more lonely years And then we two will meet again Beyond the gate of tears. 39b -Sad1y _ missed by -np-L1-_-_ .. 1 n-u_L.,, 39D HOUNSOME-4In loving memory of a. dear husband and daddy, Thomas Smith Hounsome, who died through war service, Sept. 26, 1921. 90$: 15...... .._...___-I. ____,u u_., in- McCONKEY-In lovin :- R. M. Mcconkev- wgm n.1a?5ar..3_ .unv.u:r--1.11 loving memory OI my dear band, Jos. H. Davis. -who died ept. 30, 1927. His dear voice is silent, His true heart ceased to beat. How I miss that wellknown footstep And that smile I used to greet. QOn an.-II... ....:....-.1 1... twin. DEMPSTER--In loving memory of my `dear sister. Verna. `hm-nnufnr FOR SALE-50 acres with large brick house. stable and large orchard, on highway, few miles from large town, with about two thousand dollars worth of good building gravel. Would make a good home for retired party or any- one wanting a cheap home. Price if sold now $2800. 35 acres of good maple bush, 2 miles from station, a- bout 12 miles from Barrie. $3000. Ap- ply to Box C, Examiner Office. 39p I 39p DAVIS--In loving memory of dear husband. Jos. I-I. Davin, .w`hn mm-1 unv:.o--Lu xuvxng memory 01 my clear dad, Joseph H. Davis, who passed away Sept. 30, 1927. No morning dawns, no night returns, But I remember you. Those left behind are very clear, But none replaces you. 901-\ - v1-_.-_ __, ,q , . .../_ nil-row-la]- ;anu\. t/4.115 . The New 'Liskeard Speaker in its report of the Kiwanis convention at Bigwin says:- Dr. Lewis, of Barrie, so well and favorably known amongst the Kiwanians, was the choice of the convention as Governor and his elec- tion is a most popular one to all who know the genial Barrie physician." DAVIS-InT1oving memory of my dear dad. Josenh `F-T. nQ.Vi mhn nnnunri -.....m_, u\;x_y u; a.v.u-uuuuu. 1.118 can Will be sustained by the Maitland Presby- tery on Oct. 3 when it will come be- fore Barrie Presbytery to be issued at a special meeting. [Tho 1\Tn~m :1':..1.......A cu---I---- !~ - ...y.u.us.a. ua. uuc uuuuusu rune. On October 3 and 4 the teachers in- stitutes of North and South Simcoe will meet in Barrie; the North in the lecture` room of St. Andrew's Church and; the South in the Library Hall. If, as rumored, there is to be an open deer season of one or two days tn the County of Simcoe, Game Overseer McGreg_or has not heard of it. He does not put any stock in the rumor . Xlfnrlrnr-Inn n1`n`lAA 1-. .........1 _--_u--~ vuvvsl uuu yuu a.u'_y couch 111 me rumor. Workmen, aided by good weather, have completed the work of resh1ngl- lng the church hall of Central Unit- ed Church, Toronto St. The roof of the church building is now also re- celving attention. "I"unul 1') . _ _ - -- A- V` "` nu vuLua:_y. 1115110. -11 days only and the final reduc- tion sale at Vickers' in the Frawley block will be over. Sweeping reduc- tions on the .price of everything gives you the opportunity to save on your purchase. Shop at th`is store and save -Geo. Vickers Ltd. 39b The Rev. R. M. Hanna, B.D., of Thornbury and Meaford, has been called to Ripley and Bernie in the Presbytery of Maitland. The call will hn cnc+r.n'nnA kn 4-1.... vur...-u-_..1 -I--A--~-r FARM FOR SALE-90 acres clay loam best wheat farm; don't kill out. Plas- tered house 26x36. Cement woodhouse, 20x30. Good water, never failing foun- tain, runs to house and stables. Pre- sent owner lived here 43 years. Sick- ness cause for selling. Stock and imple- ments can be taken at a valuation. Apply on premises, Con. 8, parts of lot 3 and 4, West Gwillimbury. Geo. Aspden, Sr., Bradford, R.R. 3. 39-41b V. v .5 a. v ucu mun. Trail Rangers and Tuxis groups (Beavers and Crusaders) of Central United Church had a right royal pow- wow in which over forty boys and young men participated at Sandy Hol- low last Saturday. night. ' da_vson1v and the rm] 1-A1-Inn- 396 Barrie Conservatives today held their first organization meeting of the campaign for the provincial elections. There was a large turnout of both men and women. ' 1:7 1" -n-4,. - -.ovnA $411.1!` 1' UALICLL W. W. Badgley, a former resident of Barrie, when he travelled for the Saw- yer-Massey C0,, died in Vancouver last week. He was 65 years of age and a member of the Scottish Rite. nh r\nI-nkmu O ....A A LL, A, I -.4... vv uc ua/u. .-Vickers 'Fina1 reduction sale is nearing _'its close. Bargains at every turn in both the men s and drygoods stores.-Geo. Vickers Ltd. 39b Local hunters are busy guring out how to record their vote on October 30 so as to not interfere with their an- nual outing in the northern bush. gBI1fnVY\1\nn ----I-I-- -" .....uu uuunug Lu. one I10r5nern bush. `At the September meeting of the .+'.!1ti-Cigarette League of Prince of Wales School Ted. Tyrer wa.s,chosen president and Donald Brock, secre- tarv. pg vuA\ tary. 13.. . _,.-.,,,. 390 -Remember Vickers Final Reduc- tion sale, only 11 more shopping days. Bargains for everyone.--Geo. Vickers Limited. 39b --Nei1 Yellowlees, piano tuner, will be in Barrie and vicinity next week. Orders may be left at J.,G. Keenan's music store. 39b -Friday and Saturday ends the birthday sale at the Mary Payne Shop, Clapperton St. some good bargains still to be had. 39b reduction Bargains the men : mm. Arrvnnnrh Brennan has opened an up-to-date .radio service department. \ All makes of radios repaired. 39b Walter Allan, Churchill, raised a big new modern barn on Friday, replacing the one destroy y re last month. -'Some good 1-gains can still be had Friday and. Saturday which end the Birthday Sale at Mary Payne Shop. 39b , E.`-an-....I_-._ vv:_u . -. - - u.uv\.u.V.:x.Iux--1.11 .l0V1I18' memory 01' Mcconkey, who died Sept. 27, 1926. -Sad1y mourned by 9p Wife and. Family MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with am- bition and industry, to introduce and supply the demand for RawIeigh s Household Products to steady users. Several fine openings near you. We train and help you. Rawleigh dealers can make up to $100 a week or more. No experience necessary. Pleasant, pro- fitable, dignified work. Write today. W. T. Rawleigh C0,, Inc., Dept. CN- 253, Montreal ,Que. 36-39p my .n.auu.nAu vvucglaucu -Wool dress goods of all kindsup to $3.00 on ale at V1ckers' at 98c. 39b The Fall Ass1zes' will be held on Oct. 8. As yet there are no criminal cases scheduled. -I\..___,,,, v - There are now 550 students enrolled at Barrie Collegiate. ' _ _1!Tnn'l Ann... ........1.. -4! -11 v-:_.1_ -_._ glllllgillllllljllg E - <=A1,s E >I0IIII0I0I0I0I0I0IIIIIIIIII0IIII0lu IN .-..-, -uvrivo nu, auaan -Ever remembered by Wife, Mabel, Ruby and Florence ..--_-.. - mouse -1; 6\a\4Uu ~-Sa.d1y missed by Wife `----Sadly. missed Mother and Sister. , _,-_.. -Verna and Frank DOUBLE YOUR SALARY by adding $35.00 weekly selling Imperial Art Personal Christmas Cards to friends, business associates, club and church: members, from magnificent free sam- ple book. Imperial Art, Manufactur- ers, 51 Wellington West, Toronto, On- tario. 35-39bP -:;s';;' \ I Wonder Always Goa ``I do not wish to be ray, but really I IICVCI ' so nice. Yes, it is beautift ent Wave at Paul s an myself, and I am simp There is one there fe I\....l9.. 1. cnvctucuu. 630 Geo. Usher and family and Mrs. Wilson ~ wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness, sympathy and floral tributes during their bereavement . 39b Mrs. Wilmott Love and family grate- fully acknowledge the kind expressions of sympathy to them in their recent sad bereavement. 39p Mr. and Mrs. J. A. R. Cameron and James desire to express their sincere thanks to their many friends for their kindness and `sympathy during the long illness of their daughter and in their recent sad bereavement. 39b We, the family `of the late Mrs. Janet Kell, wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for kind- ness and sympathy, the W.M.S. and others for oral tributes, in our re- cent bereavement. in the death of our mother. . 39b """'"' `" `""""" 1 I Mrs. Boone and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends for kind- V ness and sympathy, also for florall tributes, in their recent bereave- ment. 39b Mr. and Mrs. Dalton White and fam- ily wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy extended in their recent be- reavement. 39b (Eon TTa`haw an-1 Fan-N111 n' 1\.h-n IV-'IC`C`i$ MORRISON-GREAVES-At Dalston Parsonage, by Rev. J. W. Arnott, Miss Margaret May Greaves to Mr. Donaid Joseph Morrison, both `of Craighurst, on Friday, Sept. 20, 1929 KING-At Calgary, Alta... on Wednes- [ day, Sept. 18, 1929, Mary, belovedl daughter of Arthur Blake and Mrs. King of Okotoks,'A1ta. STOKES-In Orillia, Sept. 24, 1929, Thos. Stokes, formerly of Minesing, in his 75th year. 3\Il`hV HOOK-In the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, -1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hook, 5 Bradford St., 9. daughter (Betty Jane). LAVERY--At 14 Westeld Rd., Ecorse, M1ch., on Sept. 21. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lavery (nee Leila McKeown). a. son. ROBBINS-In Barrie, on Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs.l Ralph Robbins, Toronto, 3. son (Vic- 1-_m- '1`hnndm-M , "~ 19;5-;`OR.-D GOAOH, rum good: repossessed; sell cheap to clear. 1924 HUDSON COACH, .re'posoeu- ed; makeoffer. 19_23 OHEVROLEZI` SUPEIOR, with winter top. gvnu "U0U LUUIVALVLI, In 3000 condition, new top. 1935 FORD TOURING. `mlloon 1:11-an 1928 DURANT 6 AN, like new. small mileage, fully guaranteed. 1928 DURANT 1,5-TON TRUCK, in good running condition. 1927 PEERLESS 6-90 SEDAN- thls is one of the ner cars, in splendid condition at 9. very res.- sonable price. 1927 STAR SPECIAL TOURING. has good appearance and in good running condition throughout. 1925 STAR TOURING, in splendid condition, has had good care. Inna Iullnun fgujcnni 1,, SAEES REPRESENTATIVE-Toronto investment house offers appointment as district representative to local res- ident. if not experienced instruction will be given until established. Man should be well known, preferably aged 35 to 50. Give particulars of record in reply to manager, 724 Federal Build- ing, Toronto, Ont. . 38-39p vvn :192e' nan. rnmpxz ncuuuuxa, .|.U tor Theodore). manna` A an-nvu c nvunn j 5 &llI ORILLIA 17 Piier St. - Kay `I Louise Beauty Shoppe BRACEBRIDGE [Wonder Why She Goes lo Paul s USED CARS I personal, Mrs. Mur- never saw your hair look ' * `eyes, beautiful; 1 had a Perman- and I wash it, and fix it simply delighted with it. for you just as nice. mom mu -n---..--..-. FOR SALE-Clover Hill Dairy Farm, 50 acres of clay land, 13 acres alf- alfa, 4 acres red clover, 7% wheat; barn 44x64; silo 12x36 of monolithic concrete; electric lights and town water. Apply 214 Blake St., Barrie, Ont. 38-39D FOR SALE-Five acres, good buildings, town water, electric light. Box 574, Barrie, Ont. 35-39p CARDS OF ._ 1-\--..- -.__I 1-... lllllI;both;.'.'Iu-nu BARRIE FOLKS Orillia Hair _Dmsing% III 1II!l3_; MARRIED U AununA cyan-1 P(Over woolwlmi Storg) BORN _ an 1! 1'7- PEER FIT Dunlap St. ia}'66fl1w"at11{o'6fZh Irs"e`ct}3{-}S}3?f UM LC is a natural mastic coinpound, that will permanently seal all cracks and crevices about your doors and windows. FARM FOR SALE, 50 acres, all clear- ed, good buildings, good orchard, first- class water. For further information write to Box F", Examiner. 37-39p with every car sold in next 10 days 1927 CHEVROLET COACH . . . . . . . . .. 1925 CHEVROLET SEDAN , . . . . . . . . .. 1927 PONTIAC COACH . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1926 STAR COACH 6 . `I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model 25.27 BUICK SEDAN . . . . . . . . . . . 1925 FORD TOURING . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1925 CHRYSLER SEDAN . . . . . . . . . . .. --SAVES YOU FUEL --SAVES YOU MONEY. --PROTECTS YOUR HEALTH -Keeps your window and door frames Dust- ..---- \If_- --,,_ Turn the LC Compfessed-air Cut) on the open- ings around YOUR doors and windows McLaughlin - Pontiac Garage, Elizabeth St., Barrie j7 RED PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE \ja n- anuyl CUCIILIL 51 Dunlop St. embodying excellent security, attractive interest return and I`\I\/xv ...-..L.. C... - pporruniiy for aippZr_e'<:'ia- ri_0 Jr1 . Power Corporation of Canada Ltd. McCo11-Frontenac Oil Co. Ltd. . . Reliance Grain Co. `Ltd. . . . . . . . Eastern Dairies Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . FOUR SELECTED INVESTMENTS IN PREFERRED STOCKS F. J. GRACEY POSITION WANTED as housekeeper, by an elderly woman, for either wid- ower of bachelor, town or village pre- Ierred. Apply to Box M, Examin- er Office. 39p ____ 7:: Q.-nnvaji Representing Nesbitt, Thomson & Company Ltd. Dunlnn Sf, - - 31` Let s_ Go Gunning `to STOP Cold! `I00 GALLONS OF GAS FREE THE _SAJ_E_JAl:1_T CO.';.IMlTED FREE SMART BERMANEN T WAVIL9 LC CAULKING Phone 94 or write By FRED BOY, 15 years of age, with new bl-I cycle would appreciate any kind of work after school and on Saturday.` Apply at Examiner. 39b] PRICE . 100.00 91.00 96.00 100.00 September 8|, 1! V HIZO BARRIE 6.00% 6.59% 6.75% 7.00% $325 $275 $475 $375 $425 $100 $425 WANTED-5 or 10 acres of good land, outside town limits, with or without buildings. Apply Box S", Examiner Qffice. 38-39p NURSE WOULD TAKE CARE of in- valid in her own home. Apply to Box G, Examiner Office. 39b ALL KINDS of live fowl wanted. High- i est price paid. H. Levit, phone 384 or write Box 542. 37-481) EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN wanted who can take responsibility as domestic. Good remuneration it work is well done. Apply to Box R", Ex- aminer Office or phone 710. 39p EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. C. Little, 47 Maple Ave. 39b HOUSEMAID WANTED by the day if preferred. Adult family. Phone 134. 23 Dundonald St. 39p DUN. rie. COTTAGE FOR SALE, four large rooms, water and light, large garden. Apply 195 Owen St. 37-40b MAID WANTED, at once. Apply Mrs. W. J. Craig, 144 Toronto Sm. 39b --:--: GENERAL MAID WANTED. Mrs. Strother, Box 263, or 67 Peel St., Bar- rin RR-3Qn WANTED-A general maid. Apply 131 Collier St. Phone 765. 39b GOOD GENERAL WANTED. Apply to 149 Bayfield St. Phone 483. 39b Onercent a. word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), five insertions for the price of four. 10c extra when char ed; also 10:: extra when replies are rected E0 The Examiner Office. H ADLET COLUMN Fm&&&&&&$ma$$a AGENTS WANTED FARMS FOR SALE - COOKSTOWN RESIDENCE for sale, 3,000--"FH9'hf.-rnnrnnr1 I-u-{nip km... a... T HELP WANTED WANTED ru., Dru.- 38-39 CARLOAD OF HORSES for sale--A- mong them, one dark team or chest- nut, mare and gelding, 7 years old, weighing 2600, price $150. Also one team weighing 2900, 7 and 8 years old, price $175. 12 other useful mares and geldmgs weighing from 900 to 1400 lbs. One mare and colt from $35 up. Three sets of brass-mounted team harness from $20 up. No reasonable of- fer refused, all must be sold by the first or next month. Apply Vespra. House Stables, Barrie, Ont. ~39p TWO PURE-BRED Oxford ram lambs. also ewe 1am bs.and number of grade ewes. I. J. Carruthers, Duckworth St. `Phone 895J. 38-39b WYANDOTTES - British Columbia White Wyandotte cockerels and pul- lets direct stock", also our past sea- son special R..O.P. breeding pen of Canada's best. Quality only; L. W. Armstrong, Minesing, Ont. V 39-40b HORSE FOR SALE, 9 years old, weighs about 1100. Apply to Harold Hill, 55 Elizabeth St. Phone 293. 39b FOR SALE-Choice pure-bred Shrop- shires ram lambs and yearlings, also ewes, all ages. Phone Ivy-Thornton, Addison McKenzie, Thornton. 39-43p BRITISH COLUMBIA White Leghorn pullets and ~cockere1s. Confederation bred-fa-lay hite Wyandotte cock- erels. Canada Best Egg Producers. L. W. Armstrong, Minesing P.0. 35-39b BRICK HOUSE. modern convenienc- es; reasonable offer considered. Apply 73 Tiffin St., Allandale. 39-43p GOOD MILCH COW for sale. E. V. Babcock, Cook and Codrington Sts; Phone 365J. _ 39p FOR SALE-One pen of one-year-old pullets of bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. also Black Minorca. roosters for sale. Apply Harry Ottaway, phone 739J, Barrie. 37-41b FOR SALE-One Leicester ram lamb. Apply John M. Johnson, Phelpston. Ont. 39p - STRAYED-Ont;o lot letter E, con. 1, Oro, one red heifer rising 2 years old. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Roy Gough, Shanty Bay, Ont. Telephone 902r2. 39-40b ________._____.._____ BOOKS LOST-Two black leather- bound. loose-leaf note books, between or in Barrie and Orillia on Sept. 18. Reward. Finder please communicate with D. Forrest, 357 Bay St., Tor- onto 2. 39p l ._________.____:____ STRAYED--From lot 20, con. 8, Essa, about "August 10, one white Yorlshire sow, due to freshen Sept. 15. Kindly notify or phone C. W. Banting, Ivy, Ivy and Thornton phone. 38-39b ________._:_._.._._: LOST - Gold-filled watch, Admiral make, on Saturday, Sept. 14, in Bar- rie. Finder please communicate with Lionel Player, Elmvale or The `Exam- iner. 39p $5000 worth of hardware. china, silver- ware, brassware, tinware, enamelware and a1um1numware-at less than man- .ufacturers' prices. Upstairs over Eaton Groceteria. Otton Hardware Co. 35-39p FARM FOR RENT or sale, Con. 8, Vespra, 130 acres; good buildings; im- mediate possession owner giving up owing to poor health. Apply Box V, Examiner. ` L 39p LOST-Spare tire and carrier, off 1927 Ford touring. Lost near Barrie Sept. 24. Finder leave at C. & W. Motors. 39p BRICK HOUSE, six rooms, thoroughly modem. for sale, with solid brick gar- age. Apply on premises, 46 .Tororrto St.. Barrie. 38tfb| MONEY LOST--Two $20 bills, at Bar- rie. Fair on Tuesday `Finder please leave at Examiner Office and receive $10 reward. 39b n1.-rux:aD--Uurlle Wln car and. get ap- ples from an up-to-date orchard, sprayed and dusted, at the Hume Farm, Shanty Bay. Wealthy, Wolf- River, Ma.cIntosh, Snow, Peerless, Pee- waukee. 39-42p ROOMS TO LET. Apply to 17 Poyntz St. 38tfb NICE CLEAN FRONT `ROOM, over store, for rent. Steam heat. S. W. Mopre. 36tfb 1 APPLES-Come with car and get Dles from an uh-fn..dnf.n nrnhnw-`I __________._._____.__. FURNISHED ROOM to let, central. Board if desired. 76 Mulcaster St. 39p jj-: - BOARD AND ROOMS with home comforts at 183 Elizabeth St. Phone 1271 Ming `M| r-1\`l'im:n `2lL9f`-n ITWO STOVES FOR SALE--One is a. Dominion Circular heater, burns wood or coal; other Home Comfort steel range. Apply to Miss Lawrence, Little Lake, Box 1053. Barrie 39-40p` uuuuuum ab 1.00 muz | 1271. Miss McNi_ven. FOR SALE-Single bed, mattress and springs, baby buggy, 2 hanging lamps, box stove, a number of jars. Apply to Mrs. C. Neely, 87 John St., Barrie. Phone 1056. 39p MODERN BRICK HOUSE of 7 bright rooms at 63 High st., wired for elec- tric stove, has garage, new furnace, French doors. Will be sold cheap. Ap- _p1y 63 High Stxor phone; 225W. 36-40b -j-1- ad uuzun, -2 1b., ausu `Den cows '1 I17. cedar rails. Apply Ernest Tuck, tele- phone 609r33." 39b u uunus: Ur` uruuu urn! uamaracx wo_od for sale, 25 cords, 12 inches long. 25 cords, 4 ft., also ten cords 4 ft. m=_rl2.r rails Annlv my-nae!-_ rrvnnb +..1..,~ `FOR SALE-Walnut bed and springs, hall seat, ivory baby carriage with re- versibie gear, ivory, baby s cot. Apply at 120 Bradford St. or telephone 1004. . 38-39b _ 50 CORDS OF GOOD DRY tamarack wnnd fm- gnu: as nnt-dc 19 Imam. 1-..... CABINET HEATER for sale, even heat air circulating, like furnace, nearly new. Apply Mrs. McMaster, 84 Cumber- land St. Phone 1173 39b STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE:- .Lot 23 and Lot Z, Con. 3, Sunni- dale, 145 acres. Apply Mis_,McKin- `non, 617 Church St., Toronto. 39-44b WOOD FOR SALE .- Hemlock slabs, $5 per cord; hardwood slabs $8 per cord; 4-ft. hardwood cut to order. J. D. Hatton, phone 257W. 34-45p TAR BA!RxR.ELS FOR SALE-12 oak- staved barrels. Apply Mr. Gunstone, in care of Miss Brock, St. Vincent St ... Barrie. \ 38-39p FOR SALE--I-Ieintzman square piano, in good condition, will sell for $60. A bargain. Apply 31 John St., Barrie, Ont. 38-39p RELIABLE. BULBS` for Fall plapting. Prices moderate. Boul- derfel Greenhouse, phone 832. 39p -j--j SIX-ROOMED, HOUSE for sale or rent, 132 Burton Ave., newly decorated inside and out, all conveniences; dou- ble garage and stable, suitable for tourists. Apply 21 Poyntz sl:., phone 1084W. ' 32t1'b yvux ecu. , um: UL 010.61` press LIEU. W . J. Patterson, phone 63-1r13, Allandale, Ont. # 39b APPLES-$1.00 barrel; pick them yourself; use of cider press free. W. .1, `Patterson nhnnn R24:-1!! Annnrinln JJLIIV Dl'LLLl:r'-'1 5UUU. UICVCLHLIU IJLUJUIU in good condition. Will sell cheap... 57 Sanford St. Phone 503W. . . . 39p VV\J\JlJ FLIFD onu.l::-u-guuuuuy UL "LII. hardwood or cut to prder. E. T. Emms, phone 1491.]. _/ 35tfb FOR SALE-'-A good Cleveland bicycle in annr-I nnnditinn Will :91] r-`hpan 5'7 FOR SALE-Used Hoover vacuum cleaner, in first-class condition. Tele- phone 82. 391) WOOD FOR SALE-Quant1ty of 4-rt. haw-dmnnrl nr nut tn nrdnr `E! '1'` `Emma |:1v STOCK FOR s QLE FOR SALE on `row! ROOMS A BOARD BUILDING FOR SALE--Size 18x30, 12 ft. post. timber frame boarded and battened. all pine. Apply to M. 38-439p Gordon, 298 Bayfield St. I LOST FOUND J. LIULIC 35-39p Du VV . In the County of Simcoe, to wit: RYAN-.. 1.. I.-..-1.-- _:_H - _-- ---.. `vulva:-AU. u; ususwuc, UU W10. Notlce is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County or Sim- coe, has been prepared and is being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette, upon the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st days of August, 1929. nninc A? cold `Hat .4! 1....1_ ._ -1' .__--- ..-.u Va-uu uayo U1. t'.\uubl.:, 1343. Copies of said list of-lands or adi- vertisement can be seen in -my office or will be mailed upon making appli- cation for same. In default of pay- ment of taxes as shown on said list, on or before Thursday, the 14th day of November, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. 33-45b `PI `H I\I'\'l'1!IIDA\-v g. am. \J\J:J.L'.u.VJ.:LI.V, Treasurer, County of\S1mcoe. Treasurer's Oice, Court House, Barrie, Ont., the 18th day, of Augpst, 1929. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Joe. C. McClellan, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, gen- tleman, deceased, who died on or a- bout the 15th day of August, A.D., 1929, are requested to send particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October, 1929, after which .date the Executor will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. ntn o4- `Day-win 51.1.. -IALI. .3-.. -- _-- .. ..... n.ayuumuAc vu any uuucrs. " Dagd at Barrie this 19th day or Sept. A.D., 1929. DUNCAN F. Mc(UAIG, 38-40b Solicitor for Executor FOR SALE-25 acres of land, suitable for garden or chicken farm. 15 acres standing timber. Soil light loam. Ap- nlv Box G msmmimr nmm non