IIAU G I-Cal 111511: Tell him it s the only way to take those grave-like hollows from his cheeks and neck. m-11 Lz... .l.L_J. .L1....--__.1:_ - LL.'_ Ill uccuuu uuuuuug Cllllllo Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- cract `Tablets. Douglas Drug Store and every druggist sells them-60 :ab1ets-60 cents---economy size 51.00. Almost any thin man or woman can put on ve pounds of healthy esh in 30 days or your money will be refunded. nun nrnvnnn vn-|4~ An 1.: 1\nI1 Sn gi&&w&m$%%&&&w: [Gas In Stomach Hurts The Heart Don t suffer from dangerous gas pressing around your heart, from sour- ness, bloating or pain of acid indiges- tion. Stop worrying. Your stomach simply needs an alkaline. For safe, speedy, certain relief take a little Bis- urated Magnesia-powder or tablets. It quickly breaks up the gas,. neutral- izes the acid, stops the pain and keeps the stomach sweet and strong and digestion perfect. It is doing this every day for thousands-it must do the same for you or money refunded by lreliable druggists the world over. 229 You can only get quick, safe and lasting reliei by removing the cause-- congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this-that s why cutting and salves fail. . Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harm ess tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form or Pile misery or money back. Doug- las Drug Store, Crossla.nd s Drug Store and druggists everywhere sen it with Who Is Your Skinny Friend, Ethel? A |Pile Sulierersl WASTE FROM AUTOS FILTERED _ ___.. ___ _ .., _- Municipali y of Vespra COUNTY, OF SIMCOE For a speedy return to the peak 0! egg-production Feed Blatcbford s now! ' A Poultry, Butter and Eggs A. B. COUTTS, f`1nv-1y AF Tran .... ..45c .... H 300 40-45c 35-38c cmn `(JUL- 30c BWJIII: B11036 X10013 BIIC D% B tlonn. Phone 1154W or 990 DR. B. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON / 24 Dunlop St., above Amold s Market Telephone 378. 30-55b A. E. Pnmci C0. BUILDERS--CoN'I'RAc'1`ORB See us about those floors and anon tlnnn `Dhnnn 11:41:: M. nnnu inors & BOYS Barristers Solicitors, Notaries Public, .nI-nin-an 71 mar: `FEM- 13911150615, DUHUIUULB, LVUDQIIUG L !-IIJLIU, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. O1ce-13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch Orce-E1mva1e. W. A. Boys. K.C., M.P. J. R. Boys CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen Street, Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY T0 LOAN I. 8. Cameron K. 2!. Cameron nrnxy vtwennury Uorpa Three years post war practical expat tence in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayeld 5% Phone 811 vlvzunruxn Unaulzalla U1` LVIJDDII Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Pridsy. Application for nurse's services ms: be made direct or through doctor. Telephone 467W VVl'llJI.Illg' IJl1VI.l .lJl.'1IJ.l.l Z A IAIIVVIA` Chartered Acountantl Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge. Toront H. J. Welch, O.A. G. D. campbe1l,O'J W. 8. FIIIIMQ, Drniintlnn Indiana! ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate or wills, guardianship and `administration, General Solicitor, Nntm-v nnunvqnnnr Aft- vcvctluurluu `lllll DIu'[$l Overseas Service, Captain Imperu Army Veterinary Corps Th)-on vears nmt war nrnntinnl annou- DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie J. A. CORBETT NOTABZ PUBLIC, Conveyance: in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and Tlf Thnrnlnn n} I559: villi-In Iuv bu; unu- algwunmhmmwhmawv Ilnnglvubirthtaoherrstchild, DB. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON ' EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays of each month at Queen s Hotel, Barrie U0 IJILIIIU DIn*'I.'l.IUIlC 0' Hours 9-6 Saturdays 1:11! 10 pm. au.Lu.u.uau.L uuuu, ucucrzu DUUCIDOI, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Office--Hinds Block, 8 Dunlop 815., Ban-`la. 'Mn1\1'1:!v 'T`(\ Inna PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, K.C. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. Physician 4nd Surgeon Office: 97 Elizabeth St., Barrie (Formerly Dr. Arna11 s Oice) Telephone 557 ` Office hou;'s: 8-930 1-230 8-830` \ LVLULIIU. ) . DI. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Res1dence-Cor. Elizabeth Ind Bradford streets. Phone 105 Office hours: I-10 s.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. DB. W. A. LEWISM Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner gounty 01 Bimcoe D E I lI'YIl'I."I'\Yl` I5 --uuu- DR. E. A.CU1\ VIINGS Graduate of Toronto University M House Physician at St. Michaers \ Hospital for one year. M Phone 61 Office-58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a..m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m. DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Rosa Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4174 years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Especially 01ce-140 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Bcx 1078 Una. h1.l.'.I.'hn Q hl.'.l"1'Ll'J Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.--47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 pm. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W C. Little, M. B. 3571:: Hunt: vv nu Lunv uuuu, nvunanreacheanddle age. &thnmLyd.iaE.Pinkha.m s Compound helps to re- Ilnonnnl L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Omce and Residence--Coll1er st. corner Owen, Barrie. Phone 275 vv. u. nuuug, rruuucuun '1'. E. Lawless, O.A. < Mantle: Cost and Efficiency Dept VICTORIAN ORDER OF` NUIBII `no-In nbdhiladn WELCH. CAMPBELL & LAVVIJSF orfnmn I ninnnfn Iu`Q IADENHURST as HAMMOND BARRISTERS, -SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ' MONEY To LOAN DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phnnn `I01 G. & E. BURNS (Over F. Dutcher's grocery store) Chiropractors. Drugless Therapist Spinal Adjustment and Massage Electric. Vibratory and Magnum Blanket Treatments Patho-Neurometer service Phone 405J tor appointment DONALD F. MacLAR.EN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY TO LOAN H. H. CRESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie IJUISIJUN l1UlVl11V1!llV Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie Don`: he an mon1t'dz-nun, the vitality of raw bbdl. Provide extra vitality Ml! Quinn I quick Ind even menu: by vIAnJ`na mnnhltuvvn 1?III_+hA_Rnuba6" DES. LITTLE & LITTLE, hwnfnlnna noun` Q-.-nag... 1J.._-.` ROBERT H. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST I8 Dunlop St.-Phone 80 I Q..R Rah-rhuvn Hi] In MISCELLANEOUS CHIROPRACTIC GORDON LdNdMAN vo Gnlinln-n 'k'I`n|-A-u `I DR. C. A. ABNOTT -BFFOMETRIST VETERINARY DB. A. 8. BLACK AQI-nonlnn . ans` Q-u-an BUILDERS Iuluxv I uuws Ina even mum: ny lulu fouling Bistahiou-d`: Fill-the-Basket" `aw `Mani- MEDICAL ' DENTAL IUCDLLICLIUC . 3. Phone 101 Luun, 0 uuxuuy Dlh, MONEY TO LOAN 1111113 II]. 501.11 ELILI Thornton, Ont l Dlllllll LVIo I)I\:I`41V1.LVI'4Du Ila`/' Pupll of Ernest Seitz 32 Ross Street Phon uuenr auusunpnlons mnerrnplsea In one they fall to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears overan extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to an- cel, we assume the subscriber _ the service continued. REMI'I'I`ANO- E8 should be made by registered let- ter. money order or cheque payable at put in Barrie. A Ila:-1'.ADI!Nl Collin- JESSIE B. BBYSON Teacher of Piano, Organ, Singing uni all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Consernw tory of music examinations. an gndel. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 Bradlord St., Ban-to FUUIIBI-ID UVGI -I-Ll|l_-IBIID DUE! Subscription Price---Canada and Gin! Britain $2.00 per year in advance (II arrears $2.50); United States, $1.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given wb change of address is requested. CAN- OELLATIONS--We find that most CI our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in can thev fail to remit hnfnrn nvnh-nnn j EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bac.,F.'I`.0 Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal and M mz1r-311 Thnnru It contains 28 tested ingredients includ- ing I nnnv-nan AI nnlvnnl nnnfnin__mnnO- scucucr U1 rluuu, urgun, V008! and Musical Theory Organist end Cholrmaster .01 St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON, A.LC.1|I. Teacher of Piano and Theoretical sub- jects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London, (Eng.) College of Music examinations. Studio: 152 Maple Ave.. Barrie. III Ar: Aun.l..L1A1l&l.I.1` linen! Director and Embaimcf V Ambulance Service : I-`hone ll! Limousine Hearse if desired `CC. Mary and Elizabeth 8ts., Burk _1_1-:r:- aARRu:-EXAMIRIEF I-II-I-`J A-nu--u fkucu-4..-. -o`___.....: 0vM`N0OlO~iO700-Il 1 SADIE M. BREMNER, A.C.A.M, pnnil nf `Flt-nncf. QM!-:1 -uillulwir vvnncvll, l'IoI\-\/o\It Organist and Cholrmasta 1 Collier St. United Church . Au grades or ORGAN, PIANO and] ITHEORYI VOICE PRODUCTION 7 31nd Rmnmn lull m......4......u....-\ I l.'a.INi L] I. Glorgiannl 4, uvuuuuu vuuuusn, nnrersamer I L and Elocutionlst lsinging, Speaking, Public Oratory I and Dramatic Expression MISS MARJORIE CRESWICKI 190 Bayfield Street, Barrie TEACHER OF PIANO (`Jana 1-nnhnnc Qnnfnnnlmu. 1- ll unulnn 150 X100 1nKnau.1enus xncIuu- lnu 0 sources 01 animal protein-meat. nh, blood, bone. milk and buttermilk. When fed according to direction: mzsximnm CI-production is a. certainty .._nb6I|AI1~-n& I ;..unu::vx 1 vuxuna 1:'rcUuUU'.I.'1UN ' `and SINGING (all exa.m1na.t1onl)i ! ALSO II_.. I ! :1 1-I MAYDEE McAULEY. A.'1`.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Organist of St. George's Church 115 Bayfield St., Barrie MOHAWK RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Toronto Garage lepalrs on all makes of an PENETANG ROAD I, lm--In-.-.I . nu... "-1 For interview and terms, up 16 Collier Street, Barrie 2nu:nn__.._..___.__.. T __ Harry Barron Phone 180 nanvAnJrllVlIJI\ 01;!-11`Iu'DAY AND NIGHT I7 Elizabeth St. : Phone Ill For those with Matriculation standing, or better. Opens the way to position as private secre- tary. A recognized course meet- ing the best independent tests. Instfuction by the plan that meets your convenience-Day, Night, or Mail Courses. Parti- culars from Shaw Schools Ltd., Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto. -1--u|---.|;|p--.||--.Q;..pj||--||-..-n-- Horace Wilson, A.R.C.0. I-on'aC no-J f|I....l_......4.. , V ._._.._- wc mru ;:s:a-blished 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambt-lance In connection BARRIE. 0NT.-PHONE II SHAW A 'munnum SK-plvuucuon In B cerw --thllowdfeedoostperegg} IILJDKJ Mrs. Emmie Wilson Oontralto Vocalist, Entertainer ant` I."lnn-.6!-glad v tr j--`I -I I-`U-NERAL mm-zc-'?on AND EMBALMER l'\I)l.`\Y I'\ A 1'7 1. \v1\ nvutw ---- Lnnunzarn Ur I:'1ANU Class reopens September 15:. ' G. G. 1}{1_1_m_5 co. PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL g. C_._LLOYD MUSIC LESSONS W. D. MINNIKIN I I-\n__,4 _, Secretarial Buy B1a.tchford s Today I'II'Il\I`1QI 3 I` COURSE II\JlLIJ Phone 1101 A GUI UL Phone 890W 31391 in `bunny. Soptelnbet 26. 1929` Hens bothered with Lice are too busy to lay Eggs"-- Klll the Lice with Sold by all dealers WI!!! lor Putt : Poultry Book-Freo PRATT FOOD C0" of Canada. Ltd 328 Cukw AV.-0 Toronto 8. Ont. I-----:------------ pa J.D.KE__{..LO GG s_ A 8AFE'AND EFFICI IT IECOMPOSED FUM 6 INHALED J9 1.Jo.IJoz\r.o.I_na.n\I\I\.:s: ST:-IMA Rsmany price, but of the same quality construction as the bigger "CATER- PILLARS. Dependable--enduring-economial in operating and upkeep costs; Sure-footed--snft-treading--chort-mming. Smaller-therefore extending to new thousands of power users ghc "CATERPILLAR S ability to save _men, money, minutes. Ten horsepower at the drawhar. Little brother to the larger sizes 2. `L- (Qf`A'I"El)I'|'I'TY A-I`!!! l----2I__ ____II__ !h __ _-, II_.. 2-- -- --cu-vvrw vv :- to ---- up--vv -rtuuu 1-on-w surname. our an anonavn up-otv 5: the "CATERPILLAR ami1y--suIa11e: in sil, smaller in __.!__ `___A. _f4L_ -4..- ..___I34__ --,__...__4--_ -_ .`I_ -I !__,_._QQI`A'1WI'!I'I- BROWN & CO., Barrie ONTARIO TRACTOR COMPANY, LINIITED 297 Campbe.llAye. - - - Toronto 1. When Fred Penley s six-ton loaded truck got out of control on McLeod s hill, north of Bradford, Aug. .30, it crashed into a car and drove it upon another that was close behind, the truck ending up in the ditch. O1- cer Buck, who prosecuted in Friday's traic court on a charge of reckless driving, testied that there was no emergency brake on the truck while the service brake was so poor it would not stop the vehicle in less than 65 feet at a speed 011 20 miles. . _.. ,3 13.4111. _.I...__ On... instantly. Higgins sufrered terrible in- juries about the head and when taken from the truck was unconscious. One horse was killed outright and the farm wagon smashed to pieces. `nwnuinnni DAHAAI-nan '1" v'Ml' Mn- uuy. York was 21 years old and leaves his widow, to whom he was married a year ago. Hewson has a wife and two children. Higgins is unmarried. ' Nature-tinted maple leaves, numer- ous bouquet of beautiful owers, a few selected fruits and vegetables together with strands of golden grain gave an old-time atmosphere to Harvest Home services at Central United Church last Sunday. uuuuu nnnp\v\-:1 humane nu:-I nhnhv _-_- _. - _`.___ - 7*, Noel Marshall of Orillia, where Pen- ley hails from; defended the accused but Officer Buck -proved` his case to the satisfaction ofthe magistrate am a ne or $15 and costs was Imposed. wusuu Bluawucu vv yauubcn Provlnclal Policeman T. M. Mc- Donagh went to the scene and with Dr. Shaver of Stayner, coroner, em-. panelled a jury. I-Iewson left the scene shortly after the accident and went home, but reported to the police Sat- urday. ` ";\OI`n Quinn :01 Ivnnutl Ab! and Innuna hie I HARVEST-HOME SERVICES | AT CENTRAL CHURCH uuuuay . Congregational hymns and choir numbers expressed the joy of Thanks- giving. The evening anthem Praise the Lord, 0 My Soul was most ex- cellently sung by the choir, while Wil- fred Robinson, in his sweet tenor, in- terpreted The Lord s My Shepherd." Douglas Ismith sang with spirit In the Harvest Fields. Turner's Great and Marvellous was the choir num- ber at the morning service. Miss`Aud- rey Partridge sang at this service very helpfully He Wipes the Tear from Every Eye." ` DA" A .13` w'Dn`rt\w vvulvuic-6-not A6` {an mucx SMASHES 2 cans; mwcas BAD, FINE $15 l.`lVU.l.`y' a.`.l_y\n Rev. A. E. Baker, minister of the church, addressed both congregations. Under a committee of Session, the Wohelo Class had charge of the decor- ations. At a regular meeting held at Thom- ton on Monday, Sept. 9, Essa `Council ordered the following accounts paid: S. -R. Morrison, dragging 5 S.-R., Con. 3 and 4, $7; Hubbard's Hardware, wire fence, $66.95; H. (Bell, dragging and repairs, con. 5, lot 16 - 20, $14; 'I`hos. 'I`ruax, gravel, 25 S.R., con. 5, $11.75: I H. Ownis, cutting weeds, con. 5, 30 S. . R., -$4.50; T. Smith. cutting weeds,.: Sunnidale road, $6.63; D. Coulson, buildingroad and fence, con. 3, lot 29, . $109; J. Fife, work, con. 2, lot 7, $52.- 1 75; W. U. Dempster, work, con. 8, lot 26, $5; Chas. Haugh, work, con. 8, 5 . and 10 S.R., $70.75; R. Moore, cutting weeds, 10 S.R., $12.75; S. Carr, lling I washout, 10 `S.-R., $3.75; H. Hayes, 2 work, con. 6, lot 11, $19; 0. ussell, ' gravel, con. 9, lot 10 and co 10, lot 2, $29.80; I-I. Jebb, gravel, con. 11, lot 6, $28.50; M. Baker, gravel, con. 11, ` lot 6, $5: F. Grose, putting in culvert, 1 con. 11, lot 10, $8; D. Ross, grading, . con. 10, lot 1 1- 5, $5; 8. Carter, cutting ' weeds, 5 S.R., con. 7 - 10, $10; S. Cole, cutting weeds and drawing cement, 4 lot *2, con '10, $21.75; B. Cole, super- * visor, $224; -R. Manders, filli cul- vert, con. 11, lot 6 and 5 S. 1%., $191.- 25; J. Vernon, lling culvert, con. 11, lot 6, $116.75; 0 Bates, lling wash- out, con. 9, lot 21, $3.75; Geo. Pur- chase, repairs to culvert and washout, con. 6 - '7 and 10 `S.R., $13.50; J. Tif- n, cutting weeds and repairs to wash- out, con. 8, lot I25 - 30, $3; W. Cleary, dragging, 20 S. R., con. 7 - 11, $12.25; R. Beattie Estate, cement, $108.10; H. C. Scott, cement, $36` S. P. Wilson, I-luff-inn` nrnnl: nnn R f 1 .. 3 Q7 Rn- Ml FFARMER LOSTSIIEEP T0 VALIIEOF $215 U. DUUUU, ut:uu:1.n., qaou, D. r. vvuauu, cutting weeds, con. 6, lot 1 - 5, $7.50; W. Proctor, ditto, $6.25; D. Smith, dragging and lling washout, 10 S. R., $1.0; S. J. Halbert, lling culvert, 10 S. R., con. 1, $70; Thos. Miller, lling washout and cutting weeds, con. 5, lot 1 - 5, $9; W. A. Hughson, bridge, con. 9, lot 9, -$209.50; F. Addis, digging ditch, con. 3, lot,-5 *- 10, $15; Geo. Dunn, drawing gravel, con. 3, lot 7 - 10, $111; Clarence Cole, repairs to culvert, con. 7, lot 31, `$5; R. Arnold, repairs to culvert, 20 S. R., con. 8, $2.50; Jno. Gains, cutting weeds, 20 S.` R., con. 8, `$11.25; Cecil Brethet, sheep killed and injured, $215; Chas. Blackstock, valuing same, $2; Enter- prise Printing Co.. Voters Lists, $249.- 90; Cookstown Advocate, posting Vot- ers` List, $2; Barrie Examiner, ditto, $3.36; D. H. Coleman, Muskoka Hos- pital. Percy Wilson, $23.25; Geo. Banting, equalizing school and Police villages, $20.00. 119.-- -I-\_-..-- __.__ _._.._1.-A._.1 __`I--L__. Ronald Tideman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tideman, cadet on the steamer Canadian Mariner, had an ex- citing experience recently When his boat was beached after striking an unknown ship in a fog. A._ -r1I....1x..1. .._................... ...........L.. -LL- The lifeboat found the Canadian Steamship Company's Canadian Mar- iner (5,384 tons), bound from Quebec to London, off Beachy Head. She sig- nalled that she was not in need of as- sistance but that she had been in collision with an unknown steamer, that she was malging water, but was able to cope with it with her pumps. AA. LI... L:...- -1: 1.1. - ....11x..1.... u._.... ..-.-y v\J ..,..,_...., ..-...- _. .-..-- --y- `.........`..~. At the time of the collision there was a dense fog. The lifeboat search- ed a wide area for the other vessel and was joined by the Newhaven lifeboat and the Newhaven Harbour tug Alert. Then searched for two hours without resu . ! _- . . .. _ y ....~u\..-.., V - u . v vo Wm. Pearce was appointed collector by bylaw for 1929. Council adjourned ` to meet at Thornton on Monday, Oct. 7th, at 10 am. u nnnnn ovvvnn name`. can at ova: An English newspaper reports the affair `as follows: Thousands of hol- iday-makers at Eastbourne yesterday (Aug. 28) watched the lifeboat launched after the coastguards had picked up distress signals from the Channel. nI' . n a .. .. ~- Canadian Mariner made for Dover Harbour later under her own steam with a Dover tug alongside, ready to give assistance if necessary. She was beached in Dover. BARRIE BOY S BOAT BEACHED AT DOVER ljknxvcaunt A to Cecil Brethet. Paid arr BY ANO1`-iuak can ` CREEMORE MARKS AUTO GOF5 OVER EMBANKMENT nu...--.-- .. --....u-._....- - _v - V`:-4 Invented by a blind man,`a camera which takes pictures and makes prints at practically the same time, has ap- peared in London. It has two lenses, one being the ordinary camera eye, and the other admitting only ultra- violet rays. Films and paper are in- serted together and whenever the shut- ter is opened a secret ``gas' is released from a. small cylinder to develop, fix and print the exposures. When the spool is removed the photographs are unwound at the same time. JClSIl SUI U118 uuuug. The accident occurred at the wind in the Toronto-Barrie highway at Hol- land Landing. Carlton, driving north on the curve, suddenly realized an app aching `Nash sedan -was out of con ol and was going to hit head-on. Mr. Carlton's car was knocked over the guard cables taking off a couple of posts and after a. complete somer- sault it stopped at the base of the em- bankment. The other car went some distance before it stopped where it immediately -burst ito ames, and was completely destroyed. The occu- pants barely escaped the flames and `so quickly did they envelop the se- dan that one of the ladies could not reach her purse containing $85 which was on the- back seat. `Koo fin:-Hr:-unis non an-in n nnnnv\`Ini-A .(Creemore star) When driving from Toronto to Cree- more Tuesday afternoon D'Arcy Carl- ton, accompanied by two Lyons Bros. of Toronto, figured in an auto mishap that carried sufficient thrill to do at least for one outing. "l`hA nnrvlrlnnf. nm-JIM-pd at the wind uuuxcu. ' The owner and driver of the Nash, which is said to have been the offend- ing car, was a Mrs. Harold Chambers of Walkerville. Insurance was carried by both cars and a settlement will be made following investigation. Mr (Eat-11-.nn um: ahrnn 4: Iiff hv -:. What UH. hilt? UHUA BEEN. Mr. Carlton's car was a complete wreck, but the occupants got off with a good shaking up. A Mrs. Fred Milne in the Nash car is said to be seriously injured. `T`hn nmnnr and 1-`I1-ivnr nf fhn Mach u` IOQJ WWVLJ) CJIILGJ LIISLIII, SE11` `wmblf 30. Edward York, farmer, la dead. 11133111: is in Coliingwood hos- pital in a. serious condition, and Hew- am. also injured,` in under arrest, charged with criminal negligence. j__ __-lJ___J_ `,1. IHEUC LUHUWHI5 u.1v::au5u.uUu. Mr. Carlton was given a lift by a passing motorist and completed his _gourney arriving at Creemore about p.m. ....-- \aluI4.nI \JIAA J. London-Sir Leicester Harmsworth, who, a few years back, made a gift to Canada of valuable manuscripts, in memory of his brother, Lord North- cliffe, has now presented to H.M.S. Victory a collection of documents as- sociated with the history of the ship. The collection includes the manuscript Journal of R. F. Robert, who served as 2. mlrlghinmsm in thn vi.-+m-u a+ rrl.-..,, Juuuuu w. 11:. r`. rwuuu, wnu served as 9. mldshipman in the Victory at Tra- falgar, and the naval signal book formerly in possession of Mr. John Scott Purser, secretary to Lord Nelson who was killed in the battle. Tho nun 1.... 1.-.... .~....:.. L...`m.. WJLU Wilb suucu. Lu U116 UHIUDLU. _ The gift has been made by Sir Leicester and Lady Harmsworth as an expression of gratitude for the recov- ery of the King and has been grate- fully received by the Board of Admir- alty on behalf of HMS. Victory. Vespra Council -met on Sept. 16 inst. with all its members present. Communications were read from: W`, J. Bell, Deputy Minister of Health, approving of the appointment of Dr. L. J. `Simpson as Medical Officer of Health; R. Armstrong, re underbrush on Budd's Road; I-Ion. Geo. S. Henry re Midhurst gravel pit; Chas. E. Wright re drainage and bridges; J. J. Inkley, notifying the township to clean out its portion of the Hy. Stokes award drain; Ernest Mowforth, ling affidavit re sheep killed by dogs; Wm. E. Brown, applying for the position of Collector of Rates. "l"'1n 6`n11n-uni... .-`Annual-n nu... es.-........-J. hunt a. uu:uu1a.u course an uuexpn. Will. and Hugh Conn spent the week-end with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Conn. \JU1`1CUlaU.l' UL 1.1/d.laCb. The following` accounts were passed: D. E. Tuck, Work opp. lot 21, con. 7. $16; Ernest `Carson, grading sideroad 5 and 6, con. 5, $37.50; Pedlar People. culvert for sideroad 5 and 6, con. 10, $50.76; A. B. Coutts, Sec'y.-Treas. Tel. System, loan, `$800; Jas. Craig, oper- ating grader sideroad 5 and 6, con. 5, QR` Rnrf R/I'1n'r\hv rm~o1n:'l Q1 ) 5-'\!\- Dnkr |JU|)lJo James Mather left today (Monday) ` to take up studies at Toronto Univer- s ty. Mice T-`l ih-Ia `I\n'o+km. Inn 1-..; ...-..1- 4.- any . Miss Hilda Mather left last week to take a dietic1an s course at Guelph. W111. and Hugh Cnnn gnpnr fhn HD1115 gxuucl bluC1UdU U uuu U, UULI. J, $6; Bert. Murphy, gravel, $13.50; Robs. Lightfoot. gravel, $18.40; A. H. Tuck, gravel, $1.00; Arthur Brown. gravel. $9.60; A.`|B. :Coutts, gravel, $23; Jno. Dunn, gravel, $4; Hy. Cole. gravel. $14.25; T. F. Nelson, gravel, $4.50; Stanley Dunn, gravel, $9.75: John Mc- Bride. gravel. $5.10; Eitle Bishop, gra- vel, $30.75; M. Seadon, gravel, $2.40; _Jas. Hogan. gravel. $14.25: North Am- erican Life, premium re Webb, $15.65; A. B. Coutts. drawing deed Foyston to townshipand registering same, $7.55; People's Co-Operative, supplies for in- digents, $3.00; Bell Telephone Co., moving poles sideroads 5 and 6. con. 10, $5.70; Isaac Carruthers. repairs to Steele St., $1.00: D. Coleman. hos- pital fees, indigent, $23.25: Irwin Knapp. Work on townline, Flos and Vespra. $10.50; Ernest Mowforth. sheep killed by dogs. .5320: Jas. Muir. Work on 9th line, $8.80; Ernest Car- son, work opp. lot 5, con. 6. $215: Jas. Doran, services as Reeve, $20; Albert Ford, services as Deputy-Reeve, $20; Roy N. Hlckling. $10; Walter Downey. $20; Daniel McLean, $13. services as Councillors; A. B. Coutts, quarter- yea.r s salary and expenses re Coloni- zation Roads. $228; A. A. Smith, care- taker of hall, $6. "l"lnn r`1nIn1r Vtvnn ha.-.l......L...: L- --..L:1:_. Fttllity Near Duntroon When Truck Hits V J ~ Wagon. ~ LGACL UL llll, -DU. The Clerk was instructed to notify Dr. L. J. Simpson to purchase a dis- infecting pump for the Townshin of Vespra. and to write Cavana & Wat- son, of Orillia. asking if they would he at liberty to take levels for ditch in the township of Vespra. at once. as the Council is considering having most of the work done this fall. A 1-ur1a~m Inna n-hvm... H- u......,. .......a.-...... U1 06UU.UU. The `Council adjourned to meet. on Monday, Oct. 21. at 10 am. A. B. COUTTS, C1e1'k.| LUHLU was uuuie lot we WEEK-el`l(1. The young people gave a most successful corn and weiner 1'oaS'L last Tuesday night when over forty gathered at .the home of E. Carson. 6th line. It being such inclement weather the affair was held indoors and the evening enjoyable spent in dancing and the eats. Everyone Went home voicing hearty praise of the splendid time given. Sept. 23--The local branch of the L.O.L. met in the Town Hall here on the 17th inst. A supper was held later in the Sunday school building. The Women's Association did= the catering- and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Tho Tlfnrnnrc Acanm'.-.h.-.u .: H..- opcuu. The Women's Association of the United -Church held their monthly meeting on Sept. 18 in the Sunday school building. Quite a number at- tended and a lunch `was served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. H. Bark- er, Mrs. G. H. Du and Mrs. H. Cor- bett, :1; , xv bett.J hut: wunx uu-11!: LUIS xau. A bylaw was given its three rea dings and passed appointing Wm. E. Brown Collector of Rates for 1929 at a salary of $200.00. PHI...` `!'I........:1 -.1:-._._____u 1 Sept. 23-Miss Orma Scythes of To- ronto Wa-s home for the week-end. Tho \7f\I'lY1n` r\nr\r\'ln rrnv-A .-. ........a. CAMERA FINISHES PICTIIIRE ADMIRALTY GETS GIFT ._..s-__ Through a. head-on collision with a, motor truck driven by Cliord I-Iewson gnd carrying William Higgins of Southampton. and 9. team of horses and hay Watson. Friday night. Sep- 1 nnnhnu 90 Ilrltnvn u-A Vnpb Cay-van: VFSPRA COUNCIL NEW LOWELL _ AI_ TO Saturday s market gave evidence of two facts: rst that armers are busy with fall work and second that the tourist season is `over for this year. There appeared to be more buyers than vendors, and one lady remarked that such would probably be the case from now until Thanksgiving.` 13u.L&n- --I_:_\_ ..._I.`l -1. A: _-._J... ....._ Butter, which sold at 45 cents. was very scare, there being little left on the tables at 10.30-a.m. Eggs ranged from 40 to 45 cents and there were not enough to ll the demand. ru_:_I_____ __1.:_1_ ____, _, ___- -__-_.u__ .. __._ ---- _v.....--... Chickens, which were not numerous. were not in demand either from in- dividuals or butchers. No ducks were shown. The answer to queries regard- ing fowl was that they are being kept for the approaching holiday seasons. `Tan-n+n'l-\1n..< -C-.. ...........'.... ...-.._ _m-..___1 . . . . _ V . . . . ..-D\. not-suanvuhl uvau av; `luv. Farmers reported the fall work in the surrounding country as being well in hand and muchlwheat sown. Crab Apples, 11 qt. ................... 50c Apples, windfalls .......................... .. 25c Apples, picked .............................. .. 50c Pears, 11 qt. .................................. .. $1.00 Peppers ................................................ .. 5c Potatoes, basket, 11 qts. .............. .. 40c Spinach, 6 qts. .................................. .. 30c If-`cadishes, bunch ........ ................... .. 5c ettuce, head .............................. .. 5-10c Onions, large basket ...................... .. 75c New beets .......................................... .. 5c New carrots ...................................... .. 5c Turnips .................................................. .. 5c Tomatoes, 11 qts. ............................ .. 50c Cauliower .................. .............. .. 15-25c Cucumbers .......................................... .. 5c Cabbage, each .......................... .. 15-25c Squash .......................................... .. 15-25c Pumpkins .......................................... .. 25c Cantaloupes, each, small .............. .. 5c Cantaloupes, large ... .............. .. 2 for 25c Gherkins, qt. . ................................ .. 20c Corn, doz. .................................. .. 10-15c Marrow, each .................................. .. 15c Sage, bunch .............................. .; ...... .. 5c .v. ....s. u.a,a.vu.vvnao.Ab AA\/AA\JltJ uvu-JULAU. Vegetables` for canning were offered in large quantities and found ready sale. Tomatoes, green and ripe, were 50 `cents for large basket. Apples shown sold readily as did the few crab apples, plums and pears. `DI\`l\`f\\l~ -A..- L...:.._. I.-....1-; -4 AI 1-A THE MARKETS - 'A`FI<|I0I1PI1>I0I1[I|!I1|I1FI4'I||I|lIl BUYERS OU I'NUMBERED VENDORS A_'I` MARKET FAIIMEII KILLEE II A coulslon --...~ ....,.`..\..a, 3......-u uuu yuan) Potatoes were being bought `at $1.50 a. bag for the American market and those in large baskets sold for 40c. `In............- _.__-__L_ .1 LI, HUME VVLIL U0 Lluuuueu. One woman put on 15 pounds in six weeks. Children grow robust and strong-feeb1e old people feel younger in a few weeks. 3 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office, at Barrie on the 19th day of September, 1929, the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said mun- icipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. I Anti T `haw-ahv n-311 nnnn n11 uni-.-n-,~ `IJB ULICCBD CIILU HOUR- Tell him that thousands of lthin, puny, peaked, scrawny men all ov- er America have improved their physical health and appearance and bless the day they rst heard of these wonderful sugar coated tablets.so full of weight producing and health building essentials. Am`: -Fnr Mnf`n1r a D.-.A T_:rn-us. Ev, Butter, lb. Cream, pint . Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Fowh ............. .` -_....__. _--v.~.. .-v-v-4 AA-aL.41U-ALI Oil burners have been designedto use waste oil from the drainage of cars, says Popular Mechanics Maga- zine. The equipment includes a filter to strain dirt and water from the waste, and the burners are used in both heating and cooking stoves. The heater is intended particularly for economical use in garages and work- shops where such fuel is plentiful, but heavy oils such as those remaining after the extraction of gasoline or ker- osene, also may be used in homes. VOTE_R_S L1'5$, ;929j IDyCLJblU11. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 10th day of October, 1929. A T) tNI\`r'rr'nrnr n. .D. uuu ; .LD, I Clerk of Vespra. Dated,at Barrie this 20th day of | September, 1929. 39b Tell him to take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets for a couple of months and get enough good healthy esh on his bones to look like a real man. ' 7'I'\-'l`l `L3... :1.7_ LL- -_'I._ -..._ L- The accident happened on a. stiff hill, near Duntroon, six miles south at Ooiiincwood. The truck was com- in: north and crashed into York and his team on the incline, killing York