Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1929, p. 11

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Duluc xtuuuus uu. $5.00V--Ontario Bakeries, W. L. Bren- nan. C. H. Beelby, Barrie Creamery, C. & W. Motors, Alf. Hamlin. Queen's Hotel, W. L. Reeve, F. G. Oke & Co.. D. M. Stewart, Sunrise Cafe, Alex. Milne & Sons, Simmons & Co., Sar- jeant Co., F. H. Hurlburt, M. J. Bren- nan, 0. K. Cafe, John Saso, G. M. Wiseman. Geo. Vickers, Thomas Cafe, 1-.` 1-" I-tr.-...1....\..l1.. n (`N-n rvnh. TJnnn-`c VV1bt:1u'd.u, Lxcu. vzuzxcxo, .Luu:.ua.a \.Icu.w, F. W. Woolworth Co., City Cafe, Hong s Cafe, V. S. Hambly, Albert Moffatt, D. `If! 1l..rI....:.-.. `D A Qlrnnkn-no 'l'\v-n T.~H*_ \/d115, V. D. 1.J.a.1uIJL_y, IILUDLV AVLULLKAUU, a.z. F. McCuaig, R. A. Stephens, Drs. Lit- -tle & Little, V. E. Knight, E. A. Little, W. A. Turner, Drs. Richardson & Richardson, Dr. L. J. Simpson, J. D. Wisdom & C0,, Robert Graham, Liv- ingston Bx-os., Judge Ross. $3.00-A. H. Felt. $2.00--Harry Twiss, F. C. Lower, Dominion Stores, W. A. Lowe, H. E. McCullough, H. A. Smith, Jack Monk- man, Geo. Livingstone, A. Singer 8: Sons, J. G. Scott, J. F. Craig, F. D. Canciiia, American Hotel. Additions to Prize List Best collection of garden vegetables, (ten varieties) in plant boxes, 1st prize, $5.00. H11`- nknun An-nah! luv Anrnmc a.uu. The above donated by Andrews Mountain Seed C0,, agents for Carter's Tested Seeds, 133 King St., E., Toronto. I\_... L- ...........\-.n~u- nl `nrvoln `Yuan- .LC5l:I':u Dtcua, Loo xxung um, u., J.\.u\.IA1vv. Open to members of Barrie Vege- table Growers' Association" only. -r_.1.'....) -r1:...`I-. T~nvv\r\ I12 wanna and unuer)- 1'!-`=5 $1 on. auu wu- Ladies Open High Jump. Prizes, $4, $2, and $1. em. 1nn__:Rahv'q nmn1 iankef. and B81018 uruwcrs naauummxuu Usuy. Ladies High Jump (16 years and under) .V Prizes $4., $2, and $1. -r-.n..-) f\u\I\o\ `l _`nn'h Yunnan `Dr-Inna (A | bootie, unv- I 50c. Ian DUO. In section 51 (applique quilt) the `prizes are $1.00 and 50c (instead of $2.00 and $1.00 as stated in the list). Notice to Teachers Free school children's tickets are available for all school sections in the surrounding townships, upon appli- cation to secretary of Barrie F'air,= Box 1031, Barrie. Phone 33, evenings 54, or at secretary's office, 93 Dunlop St. Please apply promptly. Thlludois` Smcmber 19. 1929 \a\a-4 . . . . . . , . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Pou.ltx-y, Butter and Eggs u-`Ila A U. $1. 100--Ba.by's wool jacket and $1.00 and 50c. , V 101-Baby's bonnet, $1.00 and "i6"iij;"'a"":6'2`si` ................... .. 10-15c ......................... .. 15c ......... .. 35c 3 for 25c . . . . . . . . . . .. DU . 2 for 25c 65-75c . 10-15c . 1|l"SUU .... H 30c 40-45c .... H 40c 35-40c on- "'2Ub 30c A. E. PRINCE & CO. L BUILDERS--CONTR.AC'rOR8 See us about those floors and Alton tlona. Phone 1154W or 990M. - DB. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON 24 Dunlop St., above Arnold's Market Telephone 378. 30-55b BOYS & B0_YS Barristers Solicitors, Notaries Public, .nn vnvnn mar: 'li`.'l'1v DI.l{IlB|l{, DULlUl|oUl.'B, l.\UblI.I{l% FUUHU, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates or ins taerest. Off1ce-13 Owen St ... in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. `R1-nnnh ('\ff<|r-g!`|vnvqlA [U J.C4I.I.l.}JlC l3u.I-llLLl.lE, DULLIC. Branch Oc%E1mvale. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen Street, Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN ` `E `D H (`an-an--A-. A I`:--unQ-AuuI| ALEXANDEB. COWAN Banister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, General Solicitor, `Nlntnrv (`inn unun n nor nfn D|.l.I.l..I.lL.I.lD.l 50101.1, LXULLUL III DUMUI DUI, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Ofce-H1nds Block, 8 Dunlop 812.. Barrie. MONEY T0 LOA-N IDIIIVSELD J. IIIV, DLIIJJUL J. LIIV, In .|. \J. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRIS'I`ER.S, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, K.C. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyance: in- cluding drawing or wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont I13. QLLVDIJIIE 1'. lIl'.|alJ'l\lll SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays of each month at Queen s Hotel, Barrie The Ontario Forestry Branch wants large quantities of Red or Norway Pine cones. Only full grown, closed cones as pictured above are of use and should be gathered during the month of September. Bags will be supplied and railway freight paid on shipments of 10 bushels or more. The price is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per bushel measure.AFor particu- lars write \lo lb: 3 la. DUIDLVD (Over F. Dutcher s grocery store) chiropractors, Drugless The)-spun Bpinal Adjustment and Massage Electric, Vibratory and Magnum Blanket Treatments Patho-Neuxometer Service Phone 405.1 for appointment DB. 0. A. ARNOTT (McG1ll) Physician and Surgeon Office: 97 Elizabeth 812.. Barrie (Formerly Dr. Arnall s Office) Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.30 1-2.30 8-8.30 DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner gounty of Slmcoe _.an .- DR. E. A. CUMMINGS Graduate of Toronto University House Physician at St. Michael s Hospital for one year. Phone 61 Of1'1ce--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m. IADENHUBST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN DES. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 pm. 7 to 9 p.m. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W C. Little, M. B. ZIULVIJIIAV I`. JVIUIJIJIIIIJ, D-[Ia Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Knnnu fn Innh `Dncu 'R'lnr-It `Rnrr DE. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Rosa Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Iunnnlnnv \Jl.l.lUC- Phone 710 DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN L. J. SIMPSON. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Res1dence~-Col11er St. comer Owen, Barrie. Phone 275 :S soy]; HEM; .n np.. as 13.3- DI. E. G. TURNBULL Grsduate McG1ll University, Montreal. Office and Residenc%Cor. Elizabeth and Bradrord Streets. Phone 105 Office hours: I-10 o..m.. 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm II uumop Dl.--ruuuc CU laurs 9-6 Saturdays 1:111 10 pm. UVEI'3% DUIVIUC, Uuylounu uuyusla Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical expat lence in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayrleld 31 Phone 811 DE. A. s.n1;cx Veterinarian and Surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Imperh An-nu vnfnrlnnrv nvnn VICTORIAN ORDER OF NUISII Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Pridny. Application for nurse's services an be made direct or through doctor. H. H. CRESWICKE ' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block, Barrie DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics` Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 aoniion LGNGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY To LOAN Ross Block, Barrie DUNCAN F. McCUAIG. B.A. Hnnnnucnr fn (`moat-rrlnlrn 27 "Ron IJUIICIIII D llrgcl _y auu V uuvcu; Iv- Especially Off1ce--140 Dunlop St., Barrie Inna '71!) `D (] `Rny `| ONTARIO FORESTRY BRANCH R- ANGUS, ONTARIO R vlji. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH QTTD (1`Gf'\\T cHmornAcr1c_ a. is Tjnftiiixs n `I! Inlnhnoln nun:-nun-an 3031` E. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST I3 Dunlop St.-Phone 8| 1 0-0! Rnf.n1-dam: till `[0 ARCHITECT MISCELLANEOUS 3un.Dns_ T)FTQ1m1sT DENTAL VETERINARY CHECK UP, pointby point, the qualities you want in a tractor-- you ll nd them in the Model Ten--the new, small size of the Cater- pillar tractor. MEDICAL ` .|J\J1J.` K. A. Cameron ,1 0b., pm 3 1: ' P. O. Box 1078 VDJC % 132. Boys Published ev Thur arternoon subscription ce--canad and Great Britain $2.90 per year in advance (II arrears $2.50): United States, $23!! per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most OI our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in can they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended por- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber wighel the service continued. REMI'I'I'ANO- EB should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J A IKnnT.LD`E'\T Ii-Ilinl r upu U. 32 Ross Street JESSIE B. BRYSON Teacher of Piano, Organ, singing ml all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations, on grades. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 Bradford St., Barrio xjn EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bao.,F.'I'.O Teacher of Piano, Organ, Voc and Musical `Theory Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON. A.LC.M. Teacher oi Piano and Theoretical sub- jects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London. (Eng.) College of Music examinations. Studio: 152 Maple Ave. Barrie. _p_-I: : BARRlEZ_-_EX_.AMlNER _ Il_I_ .1 _...._. nil. -1.4- _oo..:...: CATERPILLAR ugud--In--n--uI--..1..;gp:u;..;..- i Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. n--onlul noun` (`Iqal--anal.` :1 u -rs an-gvgv-an-.av Funeral Director and Embsimer Ambulance Service : Phone in Limousine Hearse if desired nu II... ._a t.*II....I..n. no. --..a- LJHIUUBIDC IICBIBC 11 0381130 `CC. Mary and Elizabeth Sta. Blil SADIE M. BREMNER. A.C.A.M. Pupil of Ernest Seitz `2 `Fine: Rtrpnf. Dhnnn nanu MISS MARJORIE CRESWICKI 190 Bayfield Street, Barrie TEACHER OF PIANO Class reopens September 1:5. in ! Organist and Cholnnastcr i Collier St. United Church = All grades or ORGAN. PIANO md ITHEORYI VOICE PRODUC7I`ION- iand SINGING (all exa.m1na.t1onl)E AT_Qf\ --up-w-vv I v lnwvnn rDol\o\vc\-In ` I I I vvutnulru vucaual, nnwnunar and Elocutlonlst Singing, Speaking. Public Orntory and Dramatic Expression Repairs on ntllvmnkeaowf` PENETAN G ROAD Ll. Glorgiannl : Phone MAYDEE McAULEY. A. l`.C.li. Teacher of Piano and Theory Organist of St. George's Church 115 Bayeld St., Barrie MOHAWK RADIO SALES AND BERVICI T _ 4% \II\\I warrant-w Sept. 16-The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ross spent a very enjoy- able evening on Monday, Sept. 8, at their new home where they gathered for a house-warming party. After a happy, social hour an appreciative ad- (Iran: was: read and many beautiful. For interview and terms. apply 16 Collier Street, Barrie ?..__..:..-._.__T.__ _, , _ _ n 11.7 n-nInn.an I-JV 0I;E.}N DAY AND 1:!-l`(-}`HT 47 mixabetn St. : Phone us IIIJDLI Mrs. Emmie Wilson Contralto Vocalist, Entertalnat and plnnilnn`-` P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER t\*l||-Ilv -\ - uru . `vU\ up-as-on Estabshed 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEBS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambrlance In connection BARBIE, 0NT.-PHONE II G. G. s1_v_1_1_T1_1_ gr; co. A specially organized Employ- ment Bureau. Actual office ex- perience for graduates. Courses that meet all independent tests. Records instead of opinions for your guidance. Everything for the convenience of the student-- Day. night, and Mail Courses. Free catalogue from Shaw Schools Limited, Bay and Char- les Sts., Toronto, Ont. SHAW 511.-IIIIID ISJVIJ CHI-I-V VL\/I foronto Garage IAIIQIDJ an all nnnga -C A-an PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE us A CALL social hour apprecxauve au- dress was read and many and useful gifts presented. Geo. Craw- ford supplied the music for the ev- nnh-mi MUSIC LESSONS SPECIAL FEATURES $UJ|all Phone 890W llll LUFLI 3` ening. Sept. 16-aSha.nty Bay was pretty well lled with cars on Sunday. Most of the summer people of Toronto came up for the week-end. Miss Payne, R.N., of Orlllia, is spending a `week with Miss Gertie Adams and Mrs. Adams. mr... -:v....A nf fnnrrin mnnt Mondav at Adams and Mrs. Aaams. Mrs Ford of {Barrie spent Monday at the home of Wm Adams. xtu and warm '|:`nnnr nf T-IaWk&StOne the home or wm Aaams. Mr. and Mrs. Fellows of I-Iawkestone visited in this village lately. mt" 1-.1....A `haw ha: hem snendlnz a isited in tms vluage xanezy. Mrs. Fred Day has been spending 7:9 5 _l'_A`l'lON S}l_N1Y PAY` 297 Campbell Ave. KESWICK MAN ACQUIRB BIG BAY POINT HOTEL (Newmarket Era.) Cecil Grant of Keswick, who for a. short time owned the King George Ho- a.-I 1...... 1.31 nvaalv nun-nhocn 'DAn`in- 3110176 nun: uwucu. `but: am; ucvsgc nu- tel here, last week purchased Penin- sular Park Hotel at Big Bay Point. This hotel is a large structure of some 60 rooms and when the extensive al- teratlons, both to the exterior and in- terior. as well as the grounds, or completed, Mr. Grant will have one or the finest summer hotels on Lake Slmcoe. He takes possession the 15th of the month. couple of days in Toronto. `Mr `and Mrs, Harold Max couple or days In Ioronw. Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacLe1lan c-1 Barrie spent` the week-end. at C. W. I-`a.1k s. Annhym-ens-u cm-vi:-pg will he held in e or Mlnesmg will preach. PBIKT. I Anniversary services will be held in the United church here on Sunday next at 3 and 7 pm. Rev. A. M. Pope Sept. 16-Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Over- end, Miss Elsie and Harry Overend of Orillla, Mr.-and Mrs. Jas. Campbell, Mr. and'Mrs. Gordon Campbell of To- ronto vislted at Robt. E1dridge s on Sunday. `Mr (111!-nnrp and daughter. Mrs. unaay. Mr. Gilmore and daughter, Ruthven and son Donald of Alliston spent Tuwday with Mrs. Dwight Nel- ann uny Wllall L&A\.LAuu 4;; adnuumva . Geo. Baker of the Royal Bank at Orangeville spent the week-end at Mel. Marl1ng s. 1\A'r and Mr: "l"hnrnnn and fam- son. . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rainey and Miss Rainey spent Sunday with friends at Big Bay Point. 11.. ......l 1!... `l\ 'KTn1:-r\v-\ ahnhf nn-. L155 I-IBIJ aunanun I Mr. and Mrs. D. Nelson spent Sun- day wlth friends in Bradford. I~-_ .'l5-I--.. -3 51... `Do-val `Dam! of Me1. J.V1a1'11ng'S. _ , . Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and fam- 'ily visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mr and Mrs J J-Tn1t vnrv kindlv bunuay. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt very kindly lent their home on Friday to the Wo- men s Association for a social in aid of the society. The evening was spent in progressive crokinole. All report a good time. . Mr and Mr: ('2 Unit and mm nieces Igoou time. Mr. and Mrs. C. Holt and two nieces of Stayner visited on `Sunday at J. J. I-Io1t s. `Ilsa and `lm: T VLTAH uff-onnz-I on- Oib`. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holt attended an- niversary services at Egbert on Sun- day. Mr sand `Mfr: .T `Pinharrk nf Acrin-a vvu-u we-.a.u\..s.. lav .-.V.. ..v... u .4`. -..-.....\.u.._,. Mr. and Mrs. L. Quesne and son Donald, Miss Ruth `Coulter, Miss Mary Parker, all of Toronto, and Mrs. L. Sturgeon and baby Mary of Gilford spent `Sunday at Chas. Parker's. 1') IN lV..11A.....1_.... ... ................... -1---o av`-r~.-.y -....--.....J u... v........ ........-...- .. R. G. Gallaugher is improving-s1oW- ly at his home after his recent opera- tion. `MIDI: T-T T-Tinrnn AF 'T'hnI-hf-nu `Hind Most digestive suffering is due to too much acid-" in the stomach caus- ing gas, heartburn, stomach pain and other distressing symptoms. By taking a little Bisurated Magnesia after eat- ing `or whenever pain is felt, you promptly remove the cause of the trou- ble. Bisurated Magnesia neutralizes excess acid instantly. The digestive organs are soothed, healed and streng- thened in a wonderful way, and nor- mal, healthy digestion results. Because it is so quick, so safe, so sure in end- ing digestive troubles, doctors recom- mend Blsurated Magnesia and thou- sands use it all over the civilized world. There is no better indigestion remedy and food corrective. You can get it in either powder or tablets at the near- est good drug store. If your stomach troubles and torments you, get Bisur- ated Magnesia at once, and again en- . joy the pleasure of care-free painless A i n-Agti rm 251 I uuy . Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards of Agin- court visited at Me]. Holt s on Sunday. nt__ _.__1 ll..- 1' t\..._.._ ____a ....._ LLUII. Mrs. H. Hindle of Thornton visited on Saturday at Chas. H!nd1e's. Juy om: p digestion. ' `Quick Pile Reliel\ IO 0111155 In muur, one was uuc ua. c the `pnclpalamin a very interesting event, particulars of which no doubt will be available later. `Illa: `M anti (3 Rm-mm-mn.n left on Ur. ueunnuruua ncxu-nuxu us guns- anteed te banish any form of Pile t misery, or money back. It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases. Hem-Raid is a harmless tablet that re- moves blood congestion in the lower bowel-the cause or piles. It brings Joyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing. Douglas Drug store, Cross- land'a Drug Store and druggists every- where sell it with this guarantee. 2 If Dr. Leonhardtrs Hem-Raid is sunr- nbnn ha I-mvvlnh gnu fnv-in nf PHD Do This for Quick Relief Your Stomach Torments You =21?-sva- noosr TIIIEVES FIRE ON POLICE Operating at Tottenham; Jokes (iive Cops ! Tottenham chicken thieves and al- leged jokers gave Provincial Officer Robinson some hard work last Friday morning and while the chicken thieves got away the Jokers have been appre- hended and will face a serious charge. Should the chicken thieves ever be ap- prehended there will be an even more serious charge than robbery of hen Iroosts since they pulled a. gun and fired some three or iour shots in Con- |stable Bradley's direction. I 1-4 um. mi..- H-an :1-uni-e 1-sari hnnn fir- -fl` D Mr. and Mrs. L. O. McLean, Reta and Jsck motored to st. catharlnes and spent the week-end at the home or .105. M01.-eon. Miss D. Carter held a. sale of her household etrects on Thursday and 1028 shortly "after for Toronto where. according to rumour, she was one of ma `nrinnlnnlh in n verv interestlnz I SD30: Druulcy B uucuwvu. It was when the shots had been fir- ed that a hurry call was made for the provincial officer who reached Totten- ham shortly after twelve o'clock. Twelve thoroughbred fowl had been stolen from Sam. Hastings and Mr. Hastings having been aroused sum- moned Constable Bradley who when following the thieves, came upon them and was greeted by shots. The 'not- tenham constable returned the fire. When the provincial officer arrived a search was made for the thieves who were known to be afoot and while making the search the fowl were found in Constable Bradley's yard. One bird was missing. nncfahla Dnhincnn hat! inc? 1-nonhnrl W 313 1111331115 . Constable Robinson had just reached home when he was again summoned to Tottenham where a car was seen to rush through the town at a high rate of speed. The provincial constable followed it as far as Schomberg where he was told by the telephone operator that the car had roared through the village. A phone message was sent to Woodbridge to stop the car, but it did not go through that town. Later Of- ficer Robinson learned that this run was a hoax. He learned who the driver of the car was and has laid a charge. apcuuuig u uUu.ua._y '40 1113 LIUULU 11515`. The local branch of the Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Davidson, Tiffin `St., Allandale, on Thursday, the 12th inst. Quite a few from this dis- trict attended and a. very enjoyable afternoon was spent. A lunch was served at the close of the meeting by `Miss Noreen Knowles, Mrs. Jno. Ma- lther and Mrs. Jno. Davidson. Miss May Swigzer spent the Week- end at her home here. Duuunn 'E'nt-xnnn A? .'Dr\v-f TJAYIA `it: cuu at: 1161 .l.lUluU 11611:`. . Bruce Knowles of Port Hope 15 spending a holiday at his home here. T`ha 1nnn`| hrnhnh nf H-an \X7nmnn'c I'd: LUW uuya U10 LIULHI UZIIIILIDBII 5. Mr. and Mrs. J. Canning and fam- ily of N. Orillia visited at H. Pear- sa11 s the rst of the week. `llrr on:-I Mlva f1 Dnlinn and Rain Ddllb bill: JLLBI; UL D115 WCCK. Mr. and Mrs. G. Rouse and son Billy and daughter Lilly attended the Oro fair and renewed old acquaint- ance. ` I Tan! ....A `land-.... \R'..'I' ....L.. .....z _:-;.__ Mrs. O. Jackman of Tbrotor spentl a. few days at Colin Campbell's. x `Mr and Mr: .1 nnnnina arm! +'am_ ' UJ1UCu Jack and Peter McLarty and `sister Bella of 'Sau1t. Ste. Marie attended Oro fair and also visited at Colin Campbell's for a few days. I Mrs. u'Kensn1n., Mr: 19.9.: and Mr: Iuuaupucub LU]: 8. LCW Gays. Mrs. vKensela,, Mrs. Rae and Mrs. Hart of Buffalo visited at Colin Camp- lbel1 s recently. `WIN DU EVIHBDIB ABBEY. Miss M. and O. Bannerman left on Monday on a motor trip during which they will visited friends in Western Ontario and Michigan. Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Haig of Victoria uare and Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Morris 0 Toronto visited with friends over the week-end. `My-_ and `Mrs. 1!}. Brooks have the Sept. 16-'Service will be held in Clowes church on Sept. 22, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Both services will be con- ducted by Rev. Beecher Parkhouse of Fergus. Morning subject: He11; ev- ening subject: Heaven." (En;-en-A Danna- 1....L _ -.-1....L1.. \...-.-D uutvavvua AAVSAIVUIII George Rugmarr lost horse last week. 'lUI'v- rand llfuo Au-Elana" `D LAULDC ldblz WCCA. Mr. and Mrs. Aubery Bateman and three daughters of Burwash are holi- ldaying at J. Bertra.m s. 'Rnm:ni', viclfrwe horn urn:-o '|\/Hen An- uayulg El; U. 1351. D1 6411! . Recent visitors here were Miss An- derson with Mrs. Edward Kr2rr':dge and Mr. and Mrs. George Bonny and children with -Mrs. Fra k Madden, all of Hamilton; Miss K. ichardson and Mrs. Cavanagh of Toronto with Miss Ellen Thompson. A new trunk rack has been devised which slides under the body of an au- tomobile when not in use. "THE CONFEDERATION" OFFERS PLEASANT TRAVEL TO WEST You'll enjoy your western trip via The Confederation. The high `stand- ard of service, the modern equipment, the famous cuisine will make your journey long remembered. HFFTQA nl\v|`AI'p\cInAuA" `Antwan 111.`...-.... J uun. nu; n.uu5 ;. \.uu.uLu\.s \.u. The Confederation" leaves Toron- to every evening at 9.00 p.m. for Van- couver, stopping en route at Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmon- ton and Jasper. It is equipped with compartment, observation, library car (radio), valet service, standard sleep- ing cars, tourist sleeping cars and din- ing cur. `P1111 infnrmntinn -rvncnv-11 HA1: :5 oh 5 VII - Full information, reservations, etc.. from any agent of Canadian National `P.a`|1mnv.c 99_'!Ov 1111111 a.u_y Railways. me weex-enu. Mr. and Mrs. 11:. Brooks have sympathy of the community in the loss of their home. It `was destroyed by are on Thursday, but quick work on the fart of the neighbors saved practical y all the furniture. MITCHELL SQUARE NEW T LOWELL (Allisbon Herald) _'-9` a. valuable ICMJLULIUA 38-39x Vendors at Same Table Fight Over Display Space. LIVELY scan AT THE MARKET The best way to get a crowd around your table at the market is.to start a fight. Two old-time vendors proved this Saturday morning rto the king s taste. They occupied the same table and one, on arriving late, found the other had occupied the greater part of the table. The one arriving late immediately proceeded to shove the other fe11ow s vegetables around, some of the tomatoes being precipitated to the floor, and the fight was on. Thorn nine o lnf nf .'|n11 fnllrino and ULLC LLUU1, auu hill: 115110 WGD U11. There was a lot of -loud talking and plenty of threatening gestures as the two squared away for action. Business was halted and the crowd formed a ring, there being a big push for ring- side seats. No blows were struck, how- ever. One of the combatants, shouting at the top of his voice, said he would run the other out of Barrie. That, of course, remains to be seen. The belli- gerent pair finished the morning side by side at the same table and while sly glances were exchanged nary a. word was spoken. T`hn vnnvv hoffln nv-nui:-Int? Hr-no cninn E25 ;Wo,i:Q.Q?2. U]. U WED D}J'UhC1l. The wordy battle provided the spice for an otherwise somewhat dull mar- ket, although the reaction following the cessation of the tourist business was not as marked as vendors expect- ed. For a half hour or more business was real brisk. (`Ann uuvnn v\t\" v\nnvI`uv an v-.1nv\+q'Un`I An was ltdl uums. Corn was not nearly so plentiful as last week. At ten `and fifteen cents a dozen there is no money in corn, a market gardener who sold bushels of it this Fall explained. We stop bring- ing it; in this .time of the year, he said. There was, however, plenty of corn to go round. Riittnr r-nntinnnc er-arr-p `hut the nrimn UU1ll `DU gu xuuuu. Butter continues scarce but the price remains the same, 45 cents. There was not an over supply of eggs at 40 to 45 cents a dozen. The big ones went first. Chickens were picked up early at 35 to 40 cents a. pound. The nharnnirvn n11rnnLiin hie Imalzor E10 00 DU `RU UCHl: 3; puuuu. The champion pumpkin pie maker, whose recipe The Examiner printed last week, is going to show a sample of her wares next Saturday. To avoid a crush, the location of the sampling table will not -be divulged. There is nothing more delicious than good pumpkin pie with plenty of pumpkins and the champion recipe available there is nothing to prevent every home in the community enjoying this well known delicacy. Potatoes, basket, 11 qts. .............. Asparagus .............................. .. Spinach, 6 qts. ................................ .. 25c Radishes, bunch .............................. .. 5c Lettuce, head .............................. .. 5-10c Onions ................................................ .. 5c New beets .......................................... .. 5c New carrots ...................................... .. 5c Turnips .................................................. .. 5c Tomatoes, 6 qts. .............................. .. 30c Cauliflower ................................. .. 10-25c Cucumbers .......................................... .. 5c Dnnvtn an- 1.4- 9 law Olin I vunun; Butter. 1b. .... .. Cream, pint . Eggs, doz. Ducks, 1b. Chickens, lb. Fowl ............. .. Dcaua ...................... .. um ql Cabbage, each .................. .. Squash ................................ .. Pumpkins ........................... ._ Cantaloupes, each, small Cantaloupes, large ............. .. Gherkins, 6 qts. ................. .. Corn, doz. .. LIST or CONTRIBUTIONS T0 BARRIE S BIG FAIR The President and Directors of the Barrie Agricultural Society acknow- ledge with thanks the following con- tributions from the business men of Barrie, towards the prize list for their forthcoming Exhibition. :. .w.`lu kn punk nunnrniic nn_nn- LUL ULIUUIIIAAIS uuxau unuv... It is only by such generous co-op- eration from year to year, that it has been possible to maintain the high standard set by Barrie Fall Fair, and it is hoped, by the management, that this year's Exhibition will fully war- rant your generous support. $500-Town of Barrie. $50-W. H. Wright. $15-S. Dyment, Barrie Examiner, Geo. Bakogeorge. 4:--in D.-.1, n4-` rm-man!-n `I2-nnlr nf Nnvn U !'.'U. Danugcuigc. $10-Bank of Toronto, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Commerce, Royal Bank, S. W. Moore, Hubbard s Hard- ware, Robinson s Hardware, Bryson Bros., Bryson 8: Morley, Clarke 8; Clarke, Wellington Hotel, W. A. Boys, M.P., Northern Advance, T. R. Coul- -ter, Barrie Bargain House, Burton & Gribble, J. G. Keenan, Armstrong & Rainford, Urry Bros., A. E. Smith, Sin- ger Sewing Machine, C. M. G. Smith, W. J. Richards, Ball Planing Mill, Barrie Planing Mill, Walker Stores, | Barrie Tanning Co. as An n..+-..:n Dnlyoy-inc TU T. 121-n~n..

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