Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1929, p. 8

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"1i4"2i"1'eMALA_15'1'" '\}/It_}{I3itl.;-sweet Tang ,1, ~ 22 u M AR- 25 Read and use Thelxaminer Classi- fieds. `Twill pay you. u . u . . y - auunnaumyu VAVAA 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Plowrlght and son Mervin spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. 1;r:__ 17:..- --,1 ,_,_ A. __n_:.;,, . u oA.d\aIL\4L) ALL I-UL ULLUUI Miss Nina McLean is visiting friends at Jarratt for a. week or two. r$cL`llJ\rC 3 BISCUI('1`S-- Fancy Ens- lish style box 80 --..-. vvv ..--.--vg I Sunday visitors at Mrs. E. McLean's were Mr. and Mrs. Hankins of Toron- to, Miss Selina Messley of Woodstock and Wm. McLean or Jarratt. (Va...-.......L..`I..Ll...... 1... 121.. Iran. 4-.,,,u, uuuq v nan. I-VA\t4d\vlll VA UGIILSIUIH Con'gratulat1ons to Miss Ella. Orch- ard on passing her Junior Matricula- tion examination. `,__ ,,_ .v,,, ---, Dr. H. spenceley is to be congratu- lated on winning` 6 firsts. 4 seconds and 2' thirds in the gladlolua show in Barrie. Many from town attended and enjoyed the wonderful display or glad- ioll. - `l'._ -___u qp,,, - , _.n . ..lllIVClL| H PIKE. 13 G R A` P E JUICE. Welch s. bottle 82c FISH PASTE. Peck s. for sandwiches 28 SANDWICH RELISH, Rain -1 Olin naunuc, vucu gucaua, M1`. 8110. 8. `Geo. Wilkinson and daughter Beth or Aniston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie-GIL roy, spent Sunday at Wasaga. Beach. . : ._-_----- Aug. 26-71;/I_i;s Winnlfred Orchard spent the week-end at Gormley. c4......1...- --4..4.__- _.n. 11-... 1!! C-4 - Avalo Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jebl) and son Douglas, Mrs. Stanley Halbert and son Wallace, their guests, Mr. and Mrs. (`van `Xnnrincnn and An-nnhbnn 13-51. -1 corn Huskers or Tomato delighted the dancers with their music." Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Millenand tem- lly and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rose and ramllz spent `Sunday at wasags. `Rant- nu nuvuucx , nus. vuu. I-JLIIWIKJIIV. furs. Rathbone and daughter Helen of Jackson's Point, Miss Helen San- derson and Arthur Marshall of Tor- onto spent Wednesday with Missazel Arnold. `E7 and Mrs. Stuart Dunn and daughter, Dorothy, have returned to Toronto after spending the past week with Cookstown friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jebb. their guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wice, Allan- dale, and Master Bert Reynolds, Tor- onto, spent Sunday in Midland. ' 11:..- 1w_...a___._ 9'. .._n_.,, N Miss Corinne Harrison, nurse-1n- training in Wellealey Hospital. Toron- to, -has 1-ntnrnnd a-Av damn Canal : nan. uLa:u.uu5 us vvcucmcy nuapw. `nuan- to, has returned after two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Dlnwoody. Mrs. 'R.n.f.hhnnn and :louo`h+no- `HA1... --V`: ---v -vw-.-u-cg nan aionuowldllo ` Mis: nurse-in mining in 1x7n11a-Inn n-.15-! n-1..-- SEALERS Pint doz. 98` Quart 402.. .. 81.02: Zinc Rings, doz. 18-. Rubber Rings. Ana nu.. Picnic Suggestions 0. & B. ORANGE or: LEMON CUP. ` Jottle . . . . . . . 88 PEANUT BUTTER. rntn.-an In the "nv j ` .Needs - \cE1u~o-.-mm Jen- } oaouononuoutl Vrui-1 . 2 -nun MINI-2SlNG_ u.uuucL u.u.15D. doz. ... . . . .08? Parawax, lb . . 124 c.-z'om'a BAKING POWDER Preserving "1-T15. tin 43.4.91!-C7 1%.-..n._ Orange is f 24c CB. [Ll LLIU LU] ` PATIW. 16c COTTAGE CHEESE, `hHvn1~n a nlra IRA I vv IIVIDI Recent visitors here with friends were Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson of To- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Bligh and Mrs. Tagart of Atherley with J. N. Will- ing; the Misses Jinkenson and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Bertram and daugh- ter Helen of Toronto at J. Bertram s; Miss Hewitt of Atherley with her aunt. Mrs. R. I. Slessor; Beverley Whittaker or Millikin at M. Beath s; Mrs. Meadows and daughter Helen of Toronto with Mrs. Bert Peters. Mrs. Hart of Yellow Grass, I Sa.sk., who is spending some weeks in Ontario, called on friends here last week. Is---__L -4, n Aug. 26-During a severe electrical storm, which passed over this section of the country last Friday morning, a vacant house on the 2nd concession, owned by `Jesse Bidwell, was struck by lightning, shattering the walls. No other serious damage was done. vug - Mr. and Mrs. Holmes lived in the Sllverthorn district of Toronto, as does Miss English. Mr. Holmes was a cab- inet maker. He was born in Little Hampton, England, 45 years ago and came to Canada 25, years ago. Mrs. Holmes, who was aged 40, was a na- tive of Lancaster, England, and had been in Canada for 18 years. Mr. Holmes body was taken to the under- taking parlors or H. M. Thompson, Thornton, as was that of Mrs. Holmes following her death. The bodies were identied there by T. Sumner, bro- ther of Mrs. Holmes. owsauuav a A large number of people visited the scene of the double fatality Sunday. In the morning the contents of a lunch basket, sandwiches, chocolate bars, etc., were strewn along the right of way. What was to have been a happy outing was turned into a trag- edv. -aunv uusavouu The train was in charge of Engineer William Hill of Allandale and Con- ductor Jos. Quinlan of Hamilton. The reman was C. McDonald of Allan- dale, the baggageman, A. S. Burton and the brakeman, W. F. Dunn of Al- landale. A I__._., H", - - an o V vs: 5 45:: v Auuu uuc bl H111. Arriving in Barrie the injured were cared for by Drs. Turnbull and Lit- tle. Mrs. Holmes died ten minutes af- ter admittance and it was many hours before Miss English recovered con- sciousness. l'l'VI_- A..._.l._ -7, I - ` -*' ~ --a-- -r'*"' Just what was in-Holmes head, of course, will never be known. He was driving an old model of car and the supposition is that the noise of this, with that of the truck ahead, along with the dust, confused him. An- other road intersects with the main highway just a few feet south and runs parallel with the track. Holmes could not have seen the train ap- proaching, otherwise he could have swerved his car onto the highway par- alleling the track and easily averted the accident. A car bearing an Ohio license plate was following, the num- ber .of which was not secured. The occupants of this car told those rst on the scene that Holmes must have driven right into the train R1-I-vr{v\nn lam 'l......2- 1.1.- _-,, ,-,, u (Continued from page one) rangements for admission to hospital_ and attention or surgeons on arrival. Miss English, who was not a friend of the Holmes, but who was going to Woodland Beach by arrangement with a mutual acquaintance to visit her mother, suffered terrible injuries. H:-.r skull was fractured and she suffered from concussion of the brain. The esh on one leg was torn right down to the muscle from six inches above the right knee to three inches below. Car a Heap of Wreckage Sergt. Frank Creasy and Police Constable Kelly of the Provincial Pol- ice investigated the accident Sunday morning. II-Iolmes body was found thirteen yards from the track and Mrs. Holmes about ten feet from the cross- ing. Miss English was found under the wreckage of the auto 23 paces from the centre of the road, in the ditch. The car was a twisted, mangled heap of wreckage. Pieces of it were thrown in every direction, smashing the railway crossing signal to pieces as it crashed through space. 1.--; ___1__L ._.,, -- u HUSBAND AND WIFE KILLED CJVFI VIUIUIIJQ ILL CIIIIOUULII Mm Marjorie Dunning of Toronto was home for the week-end. Elmer Fem: or Barrie spent the gs I-I I1\ll-I L: E nexuospoanug . . . . . .. $1.35 to $1.69 Children s Ribbed Hose, a strong hose for school wear, black or fawn . . . . . . . . 19c Boys Combination Under- wear in button and no-but- ton style . . . . . . . . . .. 49c Boys Sturdy School Pants in tweed and serge, long and short . . . . . 89 to $1.75 IUA ocigc ouua, LU21|., vcbt, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.55 pl`. 2 pairs pants, all sizes. Reg. Girls Patent Strap Shoes, in $12.50--Special . . . $8.95 button and buckle style, plain Boys English Broadcloth or fancy trimmed, 8-10}/2 Shirts, in white, cream, blue, and 11-2 $1.49 and $1.69 pr. etc., best of quality, sizes 8- All Lines of Tennis Foot- 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..79c wear at special clearing Boys Caps -- All newest prices. shades, best make . . .. 49c Get your Gym Shoes now. Boys Khaki Shirts and Girls Smocks, sizes 8-14 69c Waists . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69c Girls Pleated Skirts 8-14 95 Space does not permit to mention all the special values the Ar- cade Store offers. Whatever your needs in Clothing and Foot- wear for the family it will be worth your while to Visit the I!I!liI!I!EI!iI!'I!I!I!I!.EIEEIEIEIEEIEHIEEIEEIEEIEIEIEEIEEI!-liI!IH'iI A ~ -:Il:II!II:|'II:I.`.IHiI!I!I!I!I.':IiIHiI!'liI5iI5iI!IHiIHiI!I `"6013 MIDSUMMER SALE ---------.-- SCHOOL TIME SPECIALS ----------------- Egcellent values in Boys and Girls Clothing and Footwear. Here `onus:-at nI&\lJnJhJlLl Girls Broadcloth Dresses in a variety of shades and pat-- terns, all sizes . . . . . 89 Girls Raw Silk also Cray- sheen and Fugi Dresses, neat- ly made, all sizes, a large var- iety to choose from- (-1 9!! ;. $1 an ARCADE . Excellent Clothing Here is your opportunity to supply their needs at great savings. BETTER VALUES IN GIRLS DRESSES ..1_! Y1,__-_I-1,J1 I\ LOOK AT THESE VALUES AJQIC Q` L Polll ALL WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE TERMS, CASH W. A. MCCONKEY, Auctioneer 5 U5 HUI Ill DELL AG- Mm B. A. Lawrence is visiting relatives in Creemore. `III-n ffhu-new Tn]-`ls kg- and-nun-n-J Iggugg , THE FOLLOWING; 2 large quarter-cut oak rocking chairs; large red plush arm chair, black walnut frame; small setee, black walnut; small rocking chair, cane seat; black walnut sofa, hair-cloth upholstering; oak`; book case and writing desk; parlor clock, black walnut case; 3 wicker rocking chairs; 2 reading lamps; 2 wicker arm chairs; 2 quarter-cut oak parlor tables; a large number of pictures; quarterr cut oak buffet, quarter-cut oak extension table; black walnut dining table; 6 quarter-cut oak dining chairs, leather seats; 3 box- couches; 12 cane-seated dining chairs; 1 clock Seth Thomas;- large Brussels rug; 4 small Brussels rugs; 2 congoleum rug:3j- stair carpet; quarter-cut oak hall rack; a large quantity of dishes,- fancy china, glassware, cutlery and silver, ornaments, etc.; picf tures, curtains, etc.; 4 oak bedroom suites; 2 hair mattresses; toir let sets; bedroom chairs, etc.; bag of white wool; single bed; elec` tric heater; Quebec heater and cook stove combined, good as; new; Happy Thought range; gas range; 2 kitchen tables; 1} kit chen chairs; a large quantity of kitchen utensils; garden :ool5;- lawn mower; garden hose; ladder; carpenter s tools; a quantityf of dry hardwood; 200 lbs. of red lead and a large number of other articles.~ Sale at 1p.m.- All \Xlll I DC on! I'\ \xIv'r`vIr-xrvrn ru-nr-n:y.-~ _MRS. JOHN CARLEY At 4 PEEL? sTR1;1;_1j.__412R1E 'I'II\ (`THU I I'\Ir i-nu van`. 1- |rR1DA1r,4Gj " 30:1: smut`, tau v. VI. .n. no. Shanty Bay is already losing some of the summer visitors. They will be much missed as they have been quite an asset; to the village. 1\/I'v on:-1 `MI ... 1.... "|lI ....L:... ...._1` am. an . . u u uvv uu uLA\. vALLa.5\:. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. `Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crilley of Toromo [AUCTION SALE Z--Qnll IJTD. Aug. 26-Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Adams spent over Sunday at Phelpston with a. sister of Mrs. Adams. 'r\.. 7-..--- - - - an uouvvb vs. u.1.u. LLULULLLD. Dr. Joseph Arthur, mayor_of Col- lingwood, and Mrs. Arthur called on Dr. Arthur s sister, Mrs. C. W. Palk. `Kn Ila`? -11...- (N__ .... .-;u;;u:. u oauucx, J.u.Lo. \J. VV. roan. Mr. MacLe11an, Sr., and Mr. Mac- .Le11an, Jr., and wife spent over Sun- lday at C. W. Pa1k s. Q1.......L-- 1-)-.. ... -v._--.L4 ~------~ Househdld Furniture 5 W53 U1 7 CU I-II Y1 IFVLIIUL VI A M135 Tony Jebb has returned home alter visiting in Aluaton. Illa: Ilulnhuoln '\III|I\`O\lI A0 Fnunnbn 3% If Boys 4-Piece Suits of excell- ent wearing materials, sizes 25 to 34, also blue serge suits, with or without stripe- a $10.50 value for $5.75 Boys 4-piece Guaranteed Fox Serge Suits, coat, vest, .. . . 79 . . MONTREAL WINNIPEO _ VANCOUVER DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BIG SPECIAL IN BOYS . 5U`.T.5. :- Investment Service By Mail- The undersigned has received instructions from B SHANTY BAX III . ..._I an-___ -rv__ OF ANTIQUE AND MODERN We maintain a complete investment service by mail. Clients wishing to avail themselves of this service will receive the same benefits from the organization as if one of our representatives called in person. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate the convenience of investing by mail and shall be pleased to receive inquiries concerning any issue. Buy an nunun. ` Miss` Aileen Dinwoody is visiting friends in Arthur. \ 2'. Adsett and M. Sherman spent last Thursday in `Barrie. `Allan R `I .nnn-Anna In ulnlnn TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUC%ION ON Head Ofe: TORONTO IMPORTANT "2's'xa}'.;'sr2Ef ` (P1 93 Pro trimmed, clearing SPECIALS IN FOOTWEAR Boys Sturdy School Boots, also Oxfords, in black and tan, well made, solid soles, rubber heels, 1-SV2 $2.45 Youths sizes, 11-13% C1 an o. co m: _. - \/\4bll\J unuwu, 1 1`1_) ` - o u o a $1.89 to $2./2% pr. Boys and girls , 8 tom}/2 $1.65 Cirlc p0+Dh+ Q}:-nv-\ CL\l\f\I 2.. -y-.uv 1101445 umsunna. In the United church on SLind_.i.Y evening Rev. R. McRoberts preached? an excellent sermon on "The Blood of Jesus -Christ. Cleanseth Us from All Sin. After the sermon Henry O'~ Brien, K.C., of Toronto, made a few very timely remarks. Miss Viola Partridge and Mr. McRoberts render-w ed a. very tne duet. Mrs. Roy Partv ridge officiated at the organ. spent the week-end at Alfred Paws, Mrs. Alfred Leach returning to To- ronto with them. -1-__ 1.1- - v-v., _- . Use Examiner Classified Advta. Use Examiner Classified Advta. IVS E35135]. ` Mrs. Jas. Malcolm spent Thursday last in Barrie. Miss sylva. Coleman spent Wednes- day in Aurora. Illa: Annn `l`M-nnynnrlu In ululnn Thursday, August 29, 192%: TORONTO NEW YORK LONDON. ENG. BARRIE `Theodore Mcniiian is holidaying in lrin. i Mrs. '1`. li. Monkman is improving in hesith. Robert Miller is visiting friends in iroronto. , Mrs. Wm. Corbett is visiting friends in Barrie. Harry Fisher has purchased a. chev- roist coupe. Mrs. Dan. Wilson is visiting iriends In Ilntlnnv tvwv vvuywn ` in W dsor. Ralp Bro} In lflnun-lg 53 AVE URN}: ' Goo. Baker ot Ora.-nsevule was ham to: Bundsy. My-n flan 1la1nH1m nnnnf. "l"h1IruInv an-. lb. 2 p`l c;"s. CIAVIJVV I Heinz I1llI.LVl'.I. IJULLIIIUQ Bowes. in the Toy `I `n "n'i$ S" an "l"1-noun Between Torentc-3-, Barrie and Orillin BARRIE WAREHOUSE AT WARREN ORGAN FACTORY COVILLE TRANSPORT C0. l_)AlLY SERVICE v;n.nu1.u vlluuunlug 1 .`hilvern s pkg. 18 I} A D In` TITIITIB - -x ` ` Cg. . -r /` ,9` . ~ '~., ~* '1 ` - . 5%` ' `M21. '5'? ,,v. /` ' h B 1'? rk ll 7" . . e A, `.v `N` :4`. 2 Ir . `. ., ,. . 2 z - '- I 9.. ` . _ . 1 F I \. I the Colmtr T j T jc:u::y'a .. shill \_ ' ` ,\ .;`, atom _a A CATELLPS Macaroni `-_-e~ for L 553.` 13 ie, 188 : 0111113, 106 Toronto, Elgln 8891 . ciiisl sealed '1! like a a - o a nu- CATSUP from 1-1 toes, bottle . 55.: 3'22. 24 atonia ripe 8atc PINEAPP MALA 16 oz. Special! Old Dutch This Cream of the Cleanser .'"`"" "Chases Dirt" M I I I b BUTTER per c tin _ 43: CRACK- LEMONADE ORY- I JELLY POWDERS. | HORSE RVADISI-I. | SE B V I E '1` '1` E 5. vvvpvs 9. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Olute and daughter Hazel spent Sunday in Or- angevllle. Tunvu IVn`l1-unnnn AC fnnnun In I-All HI UIULIU Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coleman of Shel- bume spent Sunday with the formers mother. I'\- an-gal Ila-nu El n:-lgu--L Al "I... IJIV VLIWI 0 Dr. and Mrs. E. Hurlburt of Vine- land visited over the week-end at H. Cooper's. -ur.. .....a 1:... n I`! mine. .....a I bltion. uuun 5; Il- 1 wvv. .._- ._..------ -__- _-__.-_-_ '..__..--. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McFadden and Mrs. Ed. Lewis were in Toronto, Tues- day. ' Ilooa `Du!-an Iinwnnso AC Tlfnnfnn unani- rs. Ruby Garner of Weston spent Sunday with her father, W. J. T. Wat- ters. ' 1\.. 17 Q.-..._-nIn.- --A I-u.I- III--.I LUJULIUU, 13 VLF VLBIUIJ-la LED ]lQLLl'U9u Miss M. Carr is improving after her recent operation in Alliston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Arnold of Lon- don are visiting the former : parents. a -- -5 u- un_.n_J_1___ -_,, Vllllllls VVIIILL &V&lD lJV&UULL I'll 5 Miss Norine Baker has r;t1`1gi.ed home after visiting friends in Barrie. Iklibnn IInw1'Inn A9 1545014-nl nnnnn LIUI-IIC GI-UUL Vlilll LLIIFJJIIID ill l35LllUu Milton Marling of Dental College, Toronto, is here visiting his parents. Ilia: `Ml asnn In Inn-mnulna of!-Am haw IUILI5 KIWI HIUUCL, JVILHQ T5 UH WW3! Miss Muriel Loblaw of Toronto is visiting with Miss Dorotlw Pugsley. Ilia: `M:-min: `Dalton has -I-Ah"-nnrl Ilbl-ID WWII- Wlllll JLACIIUH LIL OVOVLJIIIII Harvey Spindloe has returned to Toronto after two weeks at home. Ronald Dunning of Toronto is spend- ing his vacation with his parents. `log (`bucking AC fihnlnnhnin In win- Ills L115 VHUGUIULI WJIILL L865 jJDLVlllBu Mrs. Claridge of Oheltenham is vls-I lting her sister, Miss Bertha Oowan. Illa: llunolai `I :-A-dour A9 Vnrnnfn Cal DLVCL VLBIUILJE LICL UIl Ill VGKVLJJUI Miss Mildred McFadden is spending this week with friends in Toronto. Y _.-a_- $._l._ A1`- L-- -nnlnuu-n-gm` LA weekend at his home here. " Dr. J. A. 0. Inns of '1`oronto via- wed hdends here this week. Lorne Mitchell or Toronto is vmtlnz I-In nun-udlnbluunn Inks: Cnn WUWETLIQ LIVLF WIFE` Ill WCVIJTO Ken. Ross 01 Mount Albert called on Frank Coleman, Wednesday last. Mrs. T. A. Jebb has returned home after visiting her son in Oakville. ling `IRMA:-n:I llnhdan In annvullno IEIIIU LVJIUUILVII UL IVIUILUU I his grandfather, John King. `Nlnvrnnn `Rwnv of `ilrfnrll HID l{LL\&&GIlLllu', UUHII 281.0 Norman Broley or Burtord spent the week-end at his home here. A. Goulding of Toronto visited Miss G. cooper over the week-end. - `IA :-as `waits and east ning AC "I"An\nh\ VJ. vvupvn Unis vuw H66.-wuuo Mrs. Kent and 9021 Bruce of Toronto are visiting at C. G. C1ute a. IlOC:-uni nlninn AC T51:-nalniln -nan} IIIIC wees-euu EU H15 DUUIU 115KB: Allan Reed or Toronto spent the week-end here with his parents. Wan 'Dnnc AC l'M1V|` Alknwf ndlha an BOW VIDIUILJS EU 90 $1 QIUUWCI Clifford splnclloe or Dundalk spent the week-end at his home here. ` AIL... 15--.: -5 rn....-_a.- .......a. u... ALIE W 7 III?! Ivan Coleman of Toronto is 11011- U50: .Dr. H. Spenceley and Claude Wood- ock spent Monday at Toronto Exhi- .I flan SPECIAL \\. aw .. 24! ?::::;:. 25 Libby, McNeil & Libby Products Llbbys mnea'ppxe zoo LIbbys' Bork &"1?eans Libby! -sauerkraut 140 Libbys Fruit Salad 37c Libbys Gheiklns 320 `.4. In no other country in the world is it more fitting that tribute should be paid to labor than in Canada-_for it was by the indefatigable labor of our ancestors that this fair Canada was hewn from the virgin forest: and to-day the same spirit of do-gged tenacity prevails-a spirit that dis- tinguishes the Canadian in any walk of life. Labor-the backbone ofthe l`|-.-..n...`.- 2- ----g-:.._.I I.-- ur.-rurulso Ar t\I'lAI Irma) .n- I An! Univ tulluulull III all vvullil Ill llla I49 *'I.llc Llubnhlllllc Ill 51!`? 7;. sustained by . . . . . "Focus 51? QUALITY AT LOW Store Closed Monday- KLABOR DAY Upwardedregiggo `people attended Jno. G1lheeney s dance in his pavilion on Wednesday last. George Wade and his \'_` ~` \. '.I RASPBERRY 16 oz. Jar uuws Lugu. VVLII. usuwuuuy. Mrs. Wm. Ferrier, Misses Margaret Poole, Hazel Arnold and sylva. Coleman lspent Friday last in Barrie. `III! and Mr... 1:n..a...1'..... -...I ..:---_L uyuuu uuuuay uuucx but: pu1`t.'l1l:a.1 I'00I. Thos. Sparks of Brampton Seed Co. spent; Monday and Tuesday in town and surrounding country buying seed. `Tun:-canon;-. Al (Inn ..__--1_ -LL- - ` ' auum uuucc wccna uuuuuyb` 111 uanlng. Lloyd Cunningham of Allandale and Miss Ruth Cunningham of Barrie spent Sunday under the parental roof. Thh Rncn-Ira AF `Brainy-ufnn G.-`AA INA uyvuv useuaq Jdll xu DU41`1'L. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and `daugh- ter Lorna. of Toronto called on Miss Sylva Coleman on Monday last. \ Sunday visitors at W. J. T. Watters were Miss Annie Ward of Lambbon and Mrs. Sam. Nevils of Beeton. `Dan `h A u7nw(vIInn-a .......I LI- ....-u.-_ auu J.u.1a. want. .|.Vcvua' U]. DBUWH. Rev. D. A. Ferguson and his mother, Mrs.-M. Ferguson, have retumed home after three weeks holidays in Carling. TJHVA Cunning-hnnn n? Arlav-|An1o and gnu; vuc evsuxcl. o palbub Knowles Harrison has. returned to New York, N.Y., after visiting his mo- ther Mrs. Wm: Dinwoody. MFR WWI `HA1-avian `Ilh-u'ns Il-.u...-..L nun vvuca. JVCDUCL u. Ululltb`. Mr. and Mrs. Merwood Bu:-ling and family of Niagara Falls, N.Y., are via- iting the farmer's parents. ' '|'(nnm1nu 'l.l'nm-ism. 1...- ....L......-.n 4... "`E33."i`&Z'>ona1d and Miss T. Wonch were Sunday visitors with Misses Laura and Clara. Jebb. Ill-.. l`I-.l_. 11-..- _-____;_u_ _, . lsuusuuay Anew an Duzxlc. I Miss Gazy Kidd has returned home after. a two-months trip to Vancouver and other `western cities. ' `III: and Its: Il............1 re.---u____ _,, ,u VGA, Mun. LII. uucuunu. W. J. Broley and son Ralph, Fred Coleman and W. J. Finlay spent Thursday last in Barrie. Illau linnvv `Plan! 1.... ....L...._.-_1 I___.__ COFPTEE tins. Y the F19.` daylng with ma mother, 3,2. 1=.| nkrnnn anon campus: ngucw U1. weauern Hospital, Toronto, is visiting her par- ents here. George Poole and son Henderson of Toronto spent Stmglay with Miss Ha- Iznl A I-nah-I SOLD llFUIJo Kai; Gladys Nevils recently under- went an operation for appendicitis in- Alliston hospital. p Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fisher of Toronto spent the week-end with the farmers parents. Ila-a TL9\v\l\I7 la-.. ....L.._.....1 4.- nn_-__ `WE-E. ie"as returned to Thom- ton after a. few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. M. Sherman. W T Enlavo and .-A- 'l_I_I. vn___.u auo Lvavsxluansc, wuu LB IUHUVLIIS m lthe Royal Bank, spent the week-end in "l"n1v\nfn VJ `IA AJVIII Mr. Mckenzie, who is relieving in has. Rnvnl `Raul: sum-at 4-flan m.mb-....a 25c| :`.,::::s._ 1scl::.d`;`z: 12 atonia PINEAPPLE MALADE tin T PEc1AL: * -I cooxsrown`

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