Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1929, p. 13

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25 $1.50 .256 IJ&I\lI BEBE--At the R.V. Hospital. Barrie, on Tuesday, August 27, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bebb, 43 Brock St., a daughter. MADIGAN-At the R.V. Hospital,, Barrie, on Tuesday, August 27, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Madigan, 99 John St., Barrie, a daughter (Clara Patricia). ` ' MARTIN-At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, on Tuesday, August 27, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin, Craighurst, a daughter. MARR-At the Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Lindsay, Ont., August 23, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Marr (nee Alberta Morgan), a son (premature) . PLANT-On Thursday, August 15, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plant, 89 Essa Rd., Allandale, a daughter, (Roberta June). WRIGHT-At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, on Sunday, August 25, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wright, Shan- ty Bay, a daughter. , MASON-ROSS--On Saturday, Aug. 24, 1929, at Holy Trinity Church, Hamilton, Ont... by Rev. G. M. Thompson, Olive Mildred, eldest daughter of" Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross, to Arthur Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mason. ORROCK-SRIGLEY--At the rectory, ' Bradford, on Wednesday, August 21, 1929, by Rev. T. J. Dew, Clara Phy- I H: Anna-`ntnr M Mr. L. C. Sriglev Mrs. Morris is visiting in Toronto. F. Williams of Toronto spent Sun- ` day with Harry Wight. L. J. Gervais spent a day with` friends in town during the week. Mrs. Frank Whan spent the week- end in Orillia. L1 .-a A r"_m-mo n? `Ram-in cnnnf H13 WEEK-110. Wll .Lv.L1'b. M/tux u11.:ac. Rev. and Mrs. Ward of Bala are holidaying with the latter s mother, Mrs. W. C. W. McCullough. I \r,......:.-. 1:).-\:A *:r~ xicnr: nu wax?` ': 8110. H1 Uruua. . Mrs. A. Grose of Barme spent the week-end with Mrs. Iv-an Grose. `Dr... r\\n1-1 1\/rm- 1x7.-narl nf `Ra!-:1 arr: 'J.V.L1'b. VV. LI. VV. i\ J.U\JLUAULA5Ll. Morris Reid is used up sprained ankle having fame} vsorking on a building on 1. shore. Thomas Donnelly also led severe injuries,a: thv: sat :-and is conned to his home. I 7\.1u:- `l3nnQ-11-xn AF f`hr~r\nr\ szmu Lb CULILLLLCU. LL) 1113 uuuzc. 1 Mrs. Bentley of ChiCz;;.;o 11-1;: 1'-e-- turned home after a holiday; at Kil- larney Beach. W `R Wnv fhn mau/1v gnnninfmi with her aunt, Miss Mary waw. Mrs. Aikins and children, Elva. and Harry Coughey, have returned after three weeks in Plaster Rock, N.B. 1...` n Ammnd. Chebovaan. Mich., 1a,1`uey ncauu. 3 W. B. Way, the newly appointed ` Supt. of the C.N.R. at Allandale, spent ` a. short time in Lefroy last Monday. 1-?nh'Hn `$\/1 i'|na nf` Tnrnnrn it hnlidnv- 111 Wlhll lllb yd-LULLLD LICLC. B The following Toronto folk were ` week-end visitors: Miss Mary and Earl I Brown, Miss Eleanor and Ewart Ral-1 ston, Howard Noble and Miss M. Wi1- i son. 1ur...- rummxa. A4` AY1nnIln1n av-any-+ . 21 bU.U1`b mun: 111 .L1t:1.l.U_y last: J.uuL1ua_). I Roblin Milne of Toronto is holiday- ing with his parents here. ` 'lm= fnnmxrina "Pm-nnfn f n1!: \vm*n sun. 1 Mrs. Couch of Allandale spezzfl Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and` Mrs. C. Pickett. 'T"kn `pnwvmnvn nun vnnlrlnnr n-nnr` Han:-`_ .LVJ.Lb. L1. L'LUlS|'a'l4l/a The farmers are making good head- way with the harvest also preparing_ the land for wheat; seeding. The wea- ther has been very much in their fav- or during the past few weeks. If-A .--.l `R... IV...` `R111-.. `I'll!-&..1-u..-.. ..u..-... gun. `.1 uv . Mr and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Pittsburg, ` Pa., have been visiting the formers} uncle, Audus King. They were ac- ' companied by Mr. and Mrs. Pegg and 1 son of Hackensack, N.J. ' K9! OVIII lnn KT fl. 'I'4Vlv\n nl-I-A-n:-Ind 1929, Dy 1-cev. `L . 0. UUW, umxu. .L'u._y- lis, daughter of Mr. L. C. Srigley of Holly, to David Robert Orrock, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Orrock, Thornton. uu. UL LLGVAGAADHIUB, 1.1.0. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. G. King attended Labor Day Specials at The Walker Store vrsrr nun STORE THE WEEK-END AND sPEc1ALL){__c_>1}J_ 5'_I'_l_gl3_l?_._\{_FOR {law days wlth Mrs. ueo. rarxs. Miss Norah Heppleston has returned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Horn, Toronto. (`thou nrnssland is spending 8. few I I_-lllnunn-av---__...._ 32 ins. wide, in a large range of beautiful patterns, light and dark shades, guaranteed fast colors. Reg. 59c yard. Be sure to see these .Sa1e Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 yd. 36 ins. wide, all dainty patterns and`fast colors. only, Saturday, at this price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALL 32 INCH QINGHAMS --L E- Checks arlci plain chambrays, the season s best w: brics. Saturday only. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PLAIN VOILES AND RAYON GINGHAM,` VOILES \QQQ V Q9-n -- ----, V __7?, _ 36 ins. wide, ginghams 32 ins. A rrery large range of colors to choose from. Saturday only . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 23 yd. II\I .55 Vnn j-----w- V--_:_ :1 Something for the better dress coming in combination of sand, blues, browns and greens. Special Price . . 98c yd. LVI.-IVV ln\r-up-a-.--_ _ -__ ____, in every new shade for fall. Sunlaronze, Sntan, Aloma, Merida, Alesan, Romance, Seasan, Leido, Sand, Shell, Grey, Gunmetal, White and Black. Price An- no. no. as. $1.49. $1.59. $1.89 Pair The Walker Stores Limited PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS NEW Hos1_E1_2Y go}: '_rH1: HOLIDAY Mrs. '1'. W. 1-iorn, 'J.'01'uuLu. Chas. Crossiand is spending weeks at his home here before resum- mg his studies at McGill University. Mrs. Alvin Cunningham and baoy Twyla of Ivy are spending the week `with Mrs. Hugh White, Bayeld St. Mrs. H. -Wa-llwin and son Henry of Toronto returned home on Monday after spending a week at Little Laxe. :1. ......a Mr... A'I1nn nnrnnnfer left LEFROY ,7, Uurlmtal, vvuuc uuu uxaux. 1 mm. 49c, 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.49, $1.59, $1.89 Pair `J\4\JL|A\JLA'aJ-I. \\`1=.h 3 fallen v."mlc ....'x ,_,, -_ . ..::..,.. y 11` \.lr:.\ LABOR DAY SPECIAL IN BOPEEP PRINTS ` 36 INCH DRESS Es % A SPECIAL LOT FOR SATURDAY, just what you need for Labor Day and the little cooler weather-Crepe-de-chine and Flat }Crepes, just the proper weight, nicely trimm- ed with combination effects, blues, browns, sand, green, red and b1ack--mod- $ erately priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PETER PAN RRlISJ_'_I'_S LJIJCLICLL Lxxu \Dl\.Ivvv n\r- .. ..__ Fancy cuffs, browns, sands and black. Reg. $2.50-Price . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.98 Pr. U11 '..A'. -re --nn-.,. NEW DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY FOR`FALL__ _ garner spenclmg a, wccn. an ..m....... .......... Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carpenter left last week for their home in Little Rock, Ark., after visiting relatives here. mm: .M'n.rv Annand. Cheboygan, Special Kid Gloves for Fall ---- ....c:.. L...m....a comic and Manlr RA .~ 1', _._: " 1..- ,~ ; \ A ~. .,<,. * EXCLUSIVE DRESSES Ithe Westinghouse convention, held at Case. Lorna Hotel, this week. Summer visitors at Killarney Beach included J. S. Irving, Harry Hussin, ;Joe Kirkpatrick, R. Loverock and ]family, Wm. Altken and family, Wm. Irvlng and family, R. Lough and fam- llly, Harry Lamson and family, A. `Martin and family, Arthur Wooding and family, F. Ches.er, Gordon Ron- th:s`esZ);1_ snbest wash fa- . 19 yd. WASH FABRICS TO CLEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES Showing all the Styles and Shades of the Coming Season and priced so reasonably. YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THIS DISPLAY! A Representative of this well known High-class Exclusive Dress House will be 111 our store Tuc3sd:1_\r. Sept. 3rd, dis- p1Zl}'l1'l.g_` all hilt is new for A1"temoon zmd E\'-ningg` \'\'c:l_1`. COME EARLY! Tuesday, S%e;pt.A3r1. D% jRE.SdSES by SAPfER:A:_ W'e.invite you t; inspect the F-inest Array of . _j.._n.:` A .C1'6. Miss -Mary Phone 74 First Showing of EXCLUSIVE FALL FASHIONS DRESSES, S0ATS%a9dATS BARRIE S EXCLUSIVE STORE 1 A VERY COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY OF THE VERY NEWEST THAT ARE REALLY EXCLUSIVE (NO 2 ALIKE) Phone 25 ertson and family, G. Feigan and fam- _-1__ `rs 'I')n\`u4\o nut! (`E G MC ertson ana Iamny, U. rt-:n5'a.u auu. ;uu.s ily, R. Baker and family, C. G. Mc- Conney, all of Toronto, and Harry Rowen and family of Minesing, Wm. Reive and sister of Churchill, I. G. Gibson and family of the Soo, Ont., Robert L. Coffee of Cardinal, C. R. Armstrong, Mimico, E. L. Priest of Ni- agara Falls and Thomas Barry and wife of Chicago. Saturday only at ;his ` price Consisting of one table, two dozen in the lot, Misses and Matrons Velvets and Felts combined-Prices were up to. $5.00--Saturday only, each . . . . . . . . . . . .' 39 Just arrived f-or~f;11%wear, Worr1en s, Misses in a good range of shades and prices. &Jn-1:7--1--v - -.___ The celebrated Terrier Brand, strorig and durable, coming in Sand and Black, all sizes. Prices . . . . 39c and 49c pair FANCY BATH TOWELS, large size with combination colored borders. Par-excellent values at . . . . . . 49 each FANCY EMBROIDERED PILLOW SLIPS 42 ins. and 44 ins. wide, embroidered with beautiful design and hem- stitched. A real special at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79c pair PLAIN 42 IN PILLOW SLIPS, good quality cotton at each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 72 in. PLAIN WHITE SHEETS in fine quality cotton. Sat- urday . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.19 each 36 in. PLAIN WHITE COTTON by the yard, excellent 1 r... ml. .50 ID. WI1llE KaKJl IKJIV U) L119 jcuu, vnuw nnnn in. quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 yd. 17 in. CRASH ROLLER TOWELLING with gold border stripe, good Weight and quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 yd. SPECIAL %; INCH SILK ELASTIC, reg. Sc yard. Our price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 yds. for 25 27 IN. PLAIN WHITE FLANELETTE, a real good weight and quality. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c yd. 36 IN, FANCY CHINTZ DRAPERIES, beautiful COIOTS ._.1 .r....:....... -4. 101- in] J\J lAV|' lALA\\JA `,- and designs at . . . Millinery SPEClAL STAPL_E DEPT. --_-L!..- . NEW SILK AND wo_9L HOSE. CHlI;DREN:S SCHOOL HOSE $19.00 for . $21.00 for . $14.50 for . McCALL PATTERNS MISS MARJORIE CRESWICKE 1nn 'Ruv`Fip1I" Qtft. Bm A114": 1. IJIJIA .v-v.- .. .__ _ . __ Teacher of Piano and ;I:f1<;ory Organist of St. George's Church 115 Bayfield St., Barrie MAYDEE McAULEY. A.T.C.M. .1 I-n1_........ IUU bylllu Dldccb, .DnLL1u TEACHER OF PIANO Class reopens September 1st. [SS lVl.Al{.JU1Lu:. bnnovvuu: 190 Bayfield Street, Barrie "rI:"A(".1'-`[`F4'Y'R OF` PIANO s -z;n'd Qhildren s ."'1Z` LAWN MOWERS $11.75 for $12.50 for $8.75 for . ;&%%%I&%%l ill ` PERSONAL E K1 %%$%i$%i$l Three-bumer, for $1 9.95 'FlfIiREE-BURNER ELEC- TRIC STOVE, with oven, Special . . . . . . . . $19.95 White Enamel Pie Plate; 5 for $1.00 _sg;n-;ad Boards No. 21 Fleury Plow-points ARMSTRONG & RAINFORD HARDWARE, PAINT AND CHINAWARE Phone 705-B_ARRIE ` Opposite Bra ::ixLVANIZED T % w { :f3ARBAGE CANS 3%`: Miss Tanis MacLaren is home from Toromo for a week s holidays. Mrs. G. G. S. Lindsay of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. H. M. Lay. Miss Muriel Smith is visiting her gousm, Miss Eleanor Smith. Mr: S, G. Smith has returned to Refrigerators ---a A-.. on. STOVE, 7 n---_ , WE ARE R`EADY TO-S'ERVE YOU. wrrn A COMPLETE LINE OF BIG VALUES IN SCHOOL BAGS and a splendid variety to choose from P~IOW is the time for ROOF REPAIRS. Let us help you with your problem. BEST VALUE IN SCRIBBLERS IN TOWN I913 13.51? Weulxcsuuy bu V1010 ` ,v,>n routge to the Pacic coast. Miss Genevieve Watt 0: We have in stock every book required in the schools Annand, $15.50 $16.50 $12.50 . $9.75 $10.50 . $7.00 15c Mich., has returned after a couple of months with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Dr\n~rV Tuvvinn :4-1 Inn...-... 141`:-`an 1')...-.8...` an Ross Twiss is home from Regina on a. visit to his parents. He is recuper- ating after a recent operation for ap- pendicitis. 1\/Fr anti `|\/Tvc I`! I Tflnvrl anti pcuuuu LLD. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lloyd and daughter Marie of St. Thomas were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marr this week. 'l'\u and 'l\lI'ua '1" '11 `Ill uuuu u and L-1115 W CUR. Dr. and Mrs. T. T. Murry and daughter of Albany, N.Y., were week- end visitors with Miss McManus, Mul- caster St. Mn. .-..-.4 `Mr... f\ 13 1ur..-I7.-... AHA Udbbcl DU- Mr. and Mrs. O. R. McKay and daughter Anne of Detroit are spending their vacation at J. Elliott's, Kempen- l feldt St. 1\If-no A1r\!r `lnundna Inna vnf-nu-nor} 50115111, Miss meanor Duuuu. Mrs. S. G. Barrie and vicinity for a while. Mrs. John Stringer of Oshawa spent sast week the guest of her brother, Ed. Shuter. Father MacHenry of Toronto has been appointed curate of St. Mary's '5r`:sr1z;h. Mrs. Wilson of Lucky Lake, Sask., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Ijarpenter. Mrs. Mary Murphy is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Hinds, Sault Ste. '1\/farin T\/Rh, LULQI4 Db. Mrs. Alex. Douglas has returned home after two weeks visit in Valpar- aiso, Ind., Hammond, Ind., and Chic- ago, Ill. 'T`hn nnonmzrnpnt ie ahnnnrmnrl nf ugu, 111. The engagement is announced of Doris Opal Tuck, to Kenneth William Reid, the marriage to take place qui- etly next month. 1\/Ti:cn:"|-'\ .if.n Rvnn and M'sa.rv Mn- CU) 11651; IILUHLII. Misses Rita Ryan and Mary Mc- Kernan of Toronto visited this week with the latter`s aunts, Misses Mc- Kernan, Small St. 1|/rm nnrl 1\/rug 1\Iraum'r-n Dhvrnrnnr anti Lsernan, DII1'd.u Db. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Plummer and daughters of Tunbridge Wells, Eng., have been spending a week with Mrs. Jerey McCarthy. `Mfr and Mr: P. F! Grppnwnnd nf Jenrey Mcuarmy. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Greenwood of Sault Ste. Marie have returned home after a week s visit at the home of W. C. Gates, Bradford St. I 1urm- 1\/r `I:'Ino+hm-a+nnn `A/rice Mahnll U. uanes, .bI'8.(1IOI'(1 Db. ' Mrs. M. Featherstone, Miss Mabell Featherstone and Harry Featherstone of Elyria, Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper, Sanford St. .. .1 1st... `I1! A 13nLL1n nl-' '|\'n-r\I>_ auu J-VLLD. ucvu. vuu_,.au., -..n....-v... -V... Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Battle of Mont- real and Mrs. T. Simon of Duluth, Minn., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. O Connor at M1net s Point. v-.v.!_.:._ Elhnuunut (man LVJ.1'b. LVL. \J\lU11LAUL aw a.u....u.uu .. ....... Mrs. Arthur Edwin Stewart (nee Mary Louise King) 46 Clapperton St. will be moving to 26 Bradford St in September and will not be receiving. Miss Almeida Lewis and Mrs/J. C. Elliott have returned home after spending a couple of months touring in Europe with the World Travel Ser- I vice. Mrs. G. H. Watt of Ottawa and two daughters, Jessie and Alison, accom- IALUMINUMI Preserving kettles, covered saucepans, double boilers, potato pots, saucepan sets of 3, covered round roast- ers. Tea kettles, teapots and coffee percolators. lhursday, August 29, 1929 HIGH GRADE ALL AT ONE PRICE L, Barrie 60c \ A Real Good Lantern for. P.O. Box 32 \vI\r I9 and) Brown's Seed Store English Cups and Saucers, 7 for $1 and 8 for $1 Hot Galvanized PAILS . . . . . . 4 5151,61`, J.VLLa. uuuu :.:.u.a.uu, -.au.u.u Marie. Mich. H. B. Jeffs of Toronto spent the week-end with his brother, Magistrate qjompton Jeffs. T`hn: Sutton and daughter Lizzie Fly Spray . . 39c and 59 __--_-..:.__.-.:-.?__ 4-ft. Aluminum Rules 50c Heavy Tin Pails 2 for $1 Hot Galvanized WASH Tuss . . 98 RUBBER JAR RINGS . . . . 4 (50c quality Zinc Jar Rings, doz. 15c SIEIRT OR PANT HANGERS . . 3 forZ5c_ Aluminum Pot Cleaners 5 panied -by her sister, Miss Taylor, of Timmins, are visiting Miss Mary Watt, this week. Mr nut` '|\/h-c `mranlz Trish and Jetts. Thos. Sutton and daughter ieft last Wednesday to visit relatives m .-.~.u+.; tn the Pacic tms week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irish and daughter Kathleen spent a. few days with friends and relatives around Newcastle, Cobourg, Centreton and Trenton last week. Ixrw. `Dan-.4-`u-of t"1\T`D nvnrncu nannt '.l'I'I1EOI1 13.513 WEEK. Wm. Pomfret, C.N.R. express agent, with his wife and family are away on two weeks holidays, 2. motor trip to Hamilton and Detroit. Wm. Gates is the relieving agent. `A/l v and Mr-: Wm Jermev nf Shan- the reueving agent. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jermey of Shan- ty Bay announce the engagement or their daughter Muriel to Mr. L. C. Jensen of Detroit, the marriage to take place early in September. 1\ll'1~ and Mr: `M , 0. Engleson and take place early in ueptemoer. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Engleson son of Williamson, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Adams and daughter of Fort William spent a week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cowan at their cottage at Big Bay Point. `l\/fr and Mr: George Bannerman cottage at 131g Day rmuu. Mr. and Mrs. George Bannerman and little son Ronald, Hugh Banner- man and sister, Miss Mabel, of Bond Head and Miss Anna McKay of To- ronto were guests at Ald. Cra.ven s on Thursday last and attended the glad- iolus show. 1\lI nnzl `l\Ir-c \X7m Rraihzv Ardf.V'R._ 1o1us snow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brailey, Ardtrea, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Hattie Ethel, to Mr. Wilbert Lloyd Rachar. elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rachar, Utopia. The marriage will take place quiet-ly early in September. Mr: Jnhn `Rnwman. D.D.G.M. for ear1y 1n bepnemoer. Mrs. John Bowman, D.D.G.M. lsimcoe South, and Mrs. Ed. Reynolds, _W.M. of United Allies No. 337, left on Monday for North Bay to attend the fty-fth annual session of the supreme grand lodge of the Loyal 'I`rue Blue Association. `Mr... and `llkua T3 'l\II nor1n\11c and nhilu 'lTl18 151118 liSSOC1B.L.lUIl. Mr. and Mrs. F. Meadows and child- ren of Woodstock and Mrs. Hopper and children of Washington, Penn., have returned home after spending the summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meeking, at their sum- mer home at Glenwood Beach. '1ur.. and 'RKno `Inn A f",aI~cnn TTfnh- |m_er nome at Ulellwuuu Dvauu. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Carson, Utop- ia, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Grace, to Mr. L. B. ]Bury, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, son of Mrs. Bascombe, New Westminister, B. C., and the late Dr. Charles A. Bury, London, Eng. The wedding is to take place Sept. 7, at the United Church, Angus. Mr and Mrs John `H . Crawford of gus. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crawford of Oro Station wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Thelma Victoria May, to Mr. John Harold Morris of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John George Morris iof Manseld, Nottingham, Eng., the `marriage to take place early in Sep- ltember. 1m ... and `hzfwa T. `D nv-A and fan-I- weeks 1n master mocx, mp. Jno. D. Annand, Cheboygan, and Paul Hoy, Toledo, Ohio, spent a. days with Mrs. Geo. Parks. Minn Nnrah Hermleston 18111081 . | Mr. and Mrs. L. R. 0rd and fam- ~ily leave next week to reside in Tor- onto. They will be much missed. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ord have been public- spirited citizens, Mrs. Ord serving on [the Board of Education and Women's Canadian Club while Mr. Ord was `secretary of the Library Board for several years and also served on the Parks Commission. Mn. -...A n/r.-a `D1-run-1 an;-m1\/rr and rams UOIIIIIIISSIOII. Mr. and Mrs. Proud and Mr. and Mrs. Allan and daughter Viola or Cleveland, Ohio, were visitors for a few days last week with Mrs. Knox and J. T. May, 48 Louisa St. They were very enthusiastic in their praise [of Barrie and have planned on an- other visit here this season. Mr. Proud is a `brother of United States Senator I Duruuvl '15 3' U1` Proud. The'f`a-1ntl_y of the late Geo. Cooper wish to thank their friends and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy `shown during their recent bereave- i ment. . 85p `kkw and `RAN-Q `X7 ,7 (`A13 nriah +11 51116116. cup Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cole wish to gthank all those who helped save their gbarns when their straw stack was `burned; also the special help render- ied by the Reforestry Department of Angus. 3513 Mr. and `Mrs. Chas. McQuade and family and Miss Laura, Tomlinson wish to thank their many friends and M `neighbors, for kindness, sympathy and ,oral tributes in the bereavement of Robert McQua.de ; also Burton Ave. United Church choir. 35b ems or `-4.1 doz. . '5 for} -4 for $1 Ijollte to me ra,c1uc uuuau. Miss Genevieye of Long Branch is spending a couple of weeks aunt, Miss Mary Watt. llf-an Ailzin: and nhildren. Elva.

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