\l'l1lLl'd EJUCILUBJ . Best three spikes of light violet, D. McC1oskey (Muriel). Deaf fhv-on cnilrnc nf 1n'n'|nf D '|\lI'n- \J1UDlSCy KVCLLULJCLLUAGUI, Ll. l3u`:'./. Best three spikes of -bronze. copper, smoky or ash, Geo. Brown (Romance), C. C. Marshall (Romance). `Dru-0 4-1-n-an :-vvlbnc nf n1`-nb xnifk nv-corn J.VLH1.|{bl1U411, lV.l.1b. VV. :1. L/'c1:1.'H.b1C. Best collection of 15'sp'1kes. 3 each of 5 varieties, in 5 vases, Dr. A. T. Little, Geo. Richardson. E. Skelton. Dan} nnl1nn(-inn n4-' now vnruon I-Innn 1n JJILIIIC, LWCU. I\:lU.l.1i11\1DU1l. 1. IDACILULL. Best collection of not more than 10 vases, Major Kendall. Best basket or vase, Geo. Robertson. Best 8 spikes, one varlety, two vases, W. G. Marshall, Mrs. Mays. `Rad vacn nr haciznf nf nnf rnnrn SO11. Best three spikes of purple, D. Mc- Closkey (Chas. Dickens), A. 0. Elliott (Anna Eberius). Dncf fhrno cnilznc nf 1ia"hf vinlaf 1'3 Lvluuxuancy \J.vJ.uL 1:1) . Best three spikes of violet, D. Mc- Closkey (veilchenblau), L. Butt. 'Rn:1- Hn-an cnilmc nf -hrnnzp r-nnnpr U. U. J.Vl'd.l.`bl1'd.u \1`\:Ul1l'd.11l2C). Best three spikes of pink with cream or yellow, W. A. Stuart (Jenny Lind). H. G. Pickard (Break O Day). 1'!....L LI.-....\- nnilpnn at .. `li~1.L ,v.'|n-uu .l.VCb. Best three spikes of orange or yel- low, Dr. R. E. Ives, W. H. G. Mar- wood. ` `nnef Photon L-r\Hrnc nf 1I1\"'Q Av nvnavys WUUU. Best three spikes of white or cream, Dr. R. E. Ives. n. `V VD y\ '0 '1" Sweepstalzes, for the exhibitor ob- taining the greatest number of points, Major Kendall, Dr. Little. `Rock r-n'|h:r-finn nf R0 cnilnac R nnnh VL'd.JU1' xx:-:uua.u., 1J1. Lubhlt. Best collection of 30 spikes, of 10 varieties, in '10 vases, Marshall, Mrs. W. J. Carlisle. Duct nn1'lAn+nn A6` 1|-'.' anilrna V&CD, VV- K1. J.VJ.'d.l.D1lk1AL, LVLJD. 1VJ.d.yD. Best vas_e or basket of not more than 25 sp1kes, more than two colors, and \J. A. A\1l\(l.L\.4 \4.u.\.u.sx \.I A4u._y/. `Best three spikes of a light colour with dark throat: or blothh, H. G. Plckard (Yvonne). Hugh Gray. `Rout 1-hrnn snn:-q nf a mnilvm nr J'.'lUl$U.l.'\al \lVU1U.lC), nugxx uxuy. Best three spikes of a medium or dark colour with a. darker throat or blotch, Hugh Gray (Bobby),- L. Dunk- leman (Orchid). Best three spikes of any other col- our, L. Dunkleman (Couena), Dr. Spenceley (Tiger). Primulinus Section Hooded Bloom Only, Class B Best collection of 12 varieties of primulinus, W. Patterson. `Rncf. haelrnf, nf nrirnnHn11c `W T4 (7. lPile Sullerersi [J1 uuuuu ua, VV . FGUUCL BULL. Best basket of primu1inus,`W. H. G. Marwood, I-I. Thomasson, Dr. Spence- ley. Rant`. fhrma gnilzpv: nf rnrl nr r~2*.'h>f. ingest three spikes W. A. Stuart. 'Dnc~- I-1n wan anilrnc W. A. Dbuul. L. Best three spikes of orange or yel- low, H. Thomasson, W. A. Stuart. Best three spikes of white or cream, F. W. Warren. Best three spikes of any color, Geo. Vickers, W. A. Stuart. Primulinus Gfandiflora. Section of Class B Best three spikes of pink,`Dr. R. E. TVA: You can only get quick. safe and lasting relief by removing the cause-- nnnanntinn nf hlnnd `In that Inumr hntmal F0! me Desn cuueuuuu, Luvvu am. 1st ed by boy or girl, W. Fahren- m%`%. For the exhibitor, who is a member 01 the American Gladiolus Society. obtaining the greatest number or aims in the show, Lane 8: Son, Mrs. . Patterson. Best; specimen spike of Canadian or- igination, E. F. Palmer. Basket of nrimulinus hybrids, W. H. . 13501115 ICIJUI. uy rcuxuvung hue Ulhl.l.5b" congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can (In f.hk.._f.hn+.'n whv mlttino and nnlvnn INUIILUIIK Hub Ell. 1Ll.|aC1'l.ll 15511160.] can do this-that's why cutting and salv tail. Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely. banish any form of Pile misery or money back. Doug- las Drug Store, C1-ossland's Drug Store and tlnuoaintq nvnrvwhnrn mall it with ma urug nwre, urussmuu 5 urug DIAJIU land druggtsts everywhere sell it with YOU POOR KID, WHY ARE YOU SO SKINNY Doesn't your Mother know how to put pounds of good healthy esh on your bones in just a few weeks? "I-'I'l `L . _ A w A -1: o'9I1lIlD:+ hon Mil- weeks: Tell her every druggist has Mc- Coy : in sugar-coated tablets now so that in just a few weeks she can help you get back your appe- tite--make your body stronger- our feet nimble and your mind eener. Tell her if they don't help great- ly in 30 days she can get her mon- ey back. 'l'.11 hm +1nn+. Mnnv : Pad Liver ey Dacx. Tell her that McCoy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets are full of weight increasing and energy creating substances and! are the most'suc- ceuful esh producers and health buildereshe can nd. ., I\ ..__'__ vu(;;1:;`i<:1:1;r, age 9, gain- ed`12 pounds in 7 months. m_- .....-;. -..1. -n-.....1....v n....... VII LII `yvun-nu 54- u v..-__.. Sha must ask -Bouglas Drug Store, or any good druggist, for McCoy's -Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets--60 tablets-60 cenrts--econ- omy size -$1.00-as pleasant to take as candy. 5 send a. copy or this week's Exam- iner to some absent` friend. Dr. Spenceley. For the best twelve spikes, one each of twelve varieties in twelve vases, open to lady members only, Mrs. W. J. Bell, Angus; Mrs. R. Patterson. M185 N. M. Stocktord. sum rm best collection. grown and 3. ~ basket of not more than 25 more than two colors, Dr. R. s, Geo. Vickers, H. Th0m&sSCln. basket, Geo. Vickers. Qqor vase, not more than 30 A1. Spenceley, F. W. Warren, mn runu avvvn Class C-Novice s>;Jlge)s' of orange or or- Dr. Spenceley (Orange Dunkleman (Orange Jsxey. . not more than 25 ` F. W. Warren, Geo. of VCD KL` A1111 uu.) 0 of salmon, H. Triumph) , Geo. red or scarlet, 3 each f` _ `X7 Farmers a.re too busy to bother much with the market theserdays, but the gardeners are having their inning. The fact that there is other and more important work in hand and that pas- ture is not of the best has boosted the price of butter to 45 cents. Even at that price -it is none too plentiful. Eggs, too, continue to go up, the spec- ials selling for 45 cents a dozen. There was not enough to go round, although there were some small ones left at 40 cents. n'n`lnn`|p irlnnson vnnn r\r\11y rvna mnatlon, E. 1". rarmer. Basket of primulinus hybrids. G. Marwood. Best group of oral designs, Mrs. R. Patterson. Harry Jones. Rant nnllpnfinn nf varieties originat- =|II|I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I< 3'1`!-IEMARKETSE |I0I0I4K0X !< HORSE WAS KILLED IN ELECTRICAL STORM OF FRIDAY MORNING UEIILS. At :11 o'clock there was only one chicken left on the market.` The res- taurants are buying the most of them and as long as the tourist season las-`s this demand will be good. The prices paid were 38 to 40 cents a pound. Old fowl sold for 30 cents and was in fair demand. These are considegied excel- lent prices. Wririnv mnrnina : hnnvv nlnr~f.r1r-A1 LUUL yucca. Friday morning's heavy electrical and hail storm was general through- out the country surrounding Barrie, but there were no farmers at the mar- ket Who had heard of any damage. a- part from 2. horse being killed near Dalston, belonging to Harry Perkins. Harvesting is too far advanced to permit much hail damage. rru... .. ..... ..A -6` .-.u.v.nh:.-..- nu:-I ,a\........ ...\.y.. --...-. ......---...5... The presence of pumpkins and squash on the market was a reminder that autumn is knocking at the door. Pumpkins sold for 25 cents each and squash for 15 cents. Both looked as though they could have waited an- other `week before making a trip to market. ~ Dinlylinn nninna n! on nnnfc o nnarf II).'(lI'KCL. . Pickling onions at 20 cents a. ouart. made their bow of the season. Black- berries, on their second week, are very plentiful, a bumper crop in fact. They sold for 25 cents a quart. Corn was down to 35 cents a dozen. It was again the most popular commodity on the market. Potatoes, basket .................................. .. 40c Asparagus .............................. .. 3 for 25c Spinach, 6 qts. ................................ .. 25c Radishes, bunch .............................. .. 5c Lettuce, head .............................. .. 5-10c Onions ................................................ .. 5c New beets .......................................... .. 5c New carrots ...................................... .. 5c Turnips ........................................ .. 5c Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 lbs. for 25c Cauliower ................................. .. 10-25c Cucumbers .......................................... .. 5c Beans ...................... .. 10c qt., 3 for 25c Cabbage, each .................................. ..15c Squash .............................................. .. 15c Pumpkins` 25c 'I_..ILj n-C` A vulva; Butter. lb. Cream, pint . Eggs, doz. Ducks, lb. Chickens, lb. any foliage, Geo. Robertson, Kendall, Miss M. E. Campbell. `Dnc+ Q cnilznc nun nanh nf R Lsenaau, xvuss M. 24. uampucu. Best 8 spikes, one each of 8 varie- ties, in 8 vases, Dr. A. T. Little, L. Butt, Mrs. W. L. Johnson. `D.-udr nnnlrnu-rdnno fnr o Iiininrr f-2I'\'ID butt, Mrs. W. La. uuuubuu. Best centerpiece for a. dining table to be made from gladiolus tips, W. Patterson, W. H. G. Marwood, Mrs. Carlisle. Tndhyiuunl ervnrn `IT `LT ('1. T\/faruvnn . 13611, (D. 1.1. Dllhlll. Three spikes salmon, C. R. Kendal} (Giant; Nymph), Dr. Little (Evelyn Kirtland), W. H. G. Marwood (Hal- Patterson. harry Jones. Best collection of varieties originat- ed in Canada. Mrs. G. A. Bonisteel, Campbell Bros. Grand oor vase sweepstakes, Al. Spenceley. . Best collection of 25 varieties, 25 gpikes in 25 vases, D. W. White, Hugh ...... NI! 7 Enkunnknnk JUL], lV.l.1D. LJ1'l.15CJ.1 K121. U. k311U._V1U1). Three spikes mauve or mauve-pink, Dr. Little, E. Skelton. (both J. V. Bei-v 'T`hvnn cnilrt:-c r\I1rr\1n T1-r T.if+'.o Jclie spikes purple, Dr. Little (Charles Dickens), Geo. Brown. E. Skelton (latter two Anna Eberius). 'T"nunn anilrna uin`ln4- TN`: Til !-`In (171151, DACLDULL \L'1LLC.|. LWU llllllkt. .l.`.AUCiLlB). 'I"nree spikes violet, Dr. Little (Veil- chenblau). Geo. Grainge (Muriel). Mrs. E. Caragen (Violet Glory). 'T'hron cnilznc nnnnnv hrnnm: cnnnlzv J.VJ.1b. I11. \4'd.1"c1gr:u. KVLULCL \J'1U1_Y}. Three spikes copper, bronze, smoky or ash. Dr. Little (Rose Ash), C. R. Kendall (Romance), Hugh Gray, Jr., (Romance). Thvno cnilroc nraorn_r\nIr !\Y` hinb \.l'VU111'd.11U|:"} . l Three spikes cream-pink or pink with cream or yellow throat, C. R. Kendall, Dr. Little, W. H. G. lvlarwood (all Mrs. Dr. Norton). "l"kv-nn z-nilrnn nf Any-1; nrdnu nvitln \L1'1'd4l1l: 1V_yu1pu). Three spikes of `white or creamy white, one variety, Dr. A. T. Little (Albania), Mrs. W. J. Bell (Albania). W. H. G. Marwood (Mary Pickford). Three spikes, yellow, one variety, Dr. A. T. Little (Golden Measure). W. McQueen, E. Skelton (Golden Dream). 'T'hrnn cnilzoc urn-innf nr hn T\/Tic: `F! c ,_,:L._ ___11__-. ___- -. tau uxzuxgc \qguccu;. Three spikes red, scarlet or crimson, Dr. Little (Crimson Glow), E, J. Dib- be'n (scarlano), A. E. Whitby (Crim- son Glow). 'T`1-n~nn on-`nlrna vv\n\-r\r\v\,,rn1-3 nw Irdnnlr, DUU \JlUW). Three spikes maroon-red or black- red, C. R. Kendall, Dr. Little, E. Skel- ton (all Purple Glory). Thrnn cnilznc Hcrhf ninlr nr Wcrhf LU. \E11L ruxyu: \JJ.UL.Y). Three spikes light pink or light mauve, Dr. Little (Gertrude Errey). E. J. Dibben (B. L. Smith), Mrs. W. J. Bell, (B. L. Smith). 'T`hvnn aniline cn1rr\nh f` D 1 Innn'r.li uampucu. .DL`UD. swee ' lkes ` rey, W. '1`. Fahrenbach. (`Inga A Dunn \'d..l.J. 1V11b. LJ1. J.VU1l:U11}. Three spikes of dark color with light throat, Mrs. Spenceley (Attrac- tion). 'T`k-can :-nilynn `linlnlv nnb-nu uyH-`A A-`vb IAUHI. Three spikes light color with dark throat, Dr. Little (Mme. Monet-Sully). Geo. Graham (Capt. Boynton), Geo. Richardson (Capt. Boynton). '1"hv-on cnllrnc rnnrnrn nr at-Ir r-nlnr J.VLU\ogLlCCl.l, Ill. IDXXCII/U11 xuruxucu. .lJLC'1ulr. Three spikes apricot or buff, Miss E. J. Dibben (Golden Buff). 'I`1nnn c-nrnc nvns-an-n nr nv-n~nrro_no1_ U. JJLUUCLI. IKJUIUUII Dull). Three spikes orange or orange-ye1- low, Dr. Llttle, Geo. Brown, Mr. Ward (all Orange Queen). 'I*h-ran cnilrpe rod r:r-at-Inf. nr r-rirncmw my). I Three spikes rose. W H. G. Marwocd (1910 Rose). Geo. Brown (E. J. Shay- lor). Mrs. Craigen (E. J. Shaylor). Thrpp cnilzpe rnanvn nr rn-2nvn..'ninlz I.1:l(JIl'ci1'UbUI1 \\Jk11JL. .DU_y1HzUl1I. Three spikes medium or dark color With dark throat, E. J. Dibben (Mr. Mark), Dr. Little (Mrs. F. P-rncteton). "l"1n-an onilrnc nnu nfhnvo nn'ln-- 1!? `L1 LV1.a.l'l&), 1J1 . LJLMJC ILVLLD. I`. F-.'J1u-t`.LUl1}. Three spikes any other color, W. H. G. Marwood (Bordeaux), H. Skelton (Gay Boy), L. Dunk1eman( Red Cop- per). Winn-r VQSP Mr: .T 'T"av1m~ (1 `R Uaru.s1e. Individual spike, W. H. G. Marwood (Giant Nymph). T`hrnn cnilrn: nf `whih: nr M-pnmv per). Floor vase, Mrs. J. Taylor, C. R. Kendall. "F1-.-on. evlrnn 4-`? n 1vr\vv1'A`v ;nu'n-q'n..4.-u-I zxcuuuu. Three spikes of a variety originated in Canada, T. Pontech (Unnamed seedlings). ns: crvlluzs nf a xrnripfxr nrio-in-nfpd ir. $5`); `IV; bu our nnnnnnnnnn -- Class A Open Sweepstakes, for the exhibitor ob- taining the greatest number of points, Lane 8: Son, Mrs. R. Patterson, H. L. `I -`huff. bccuuuga). One spike of a variety originated in Canada, C. R. Kendall (Majestic). Primulinus Section 12 varieties, 3 of each, W. H. G. Marwood, Owen Anslee. = Basket, W. J. Carlisle. Vase of 12 spikes, one variety, No rst, E. Skelton, 2nd. Gin n-dlpnn Ann sun-dntvvv `IT `L! I`: llfhla, 4. DISCILUH, Auu. Six spikes, one variety, W. H. Marwood, H. E. Skelton. , Three spikes, red or scarlet, Ward. rrvL....... ...-.:1..-u- nvnirv Av xm1`lnn1 (1 Ansxee. _ Three spikes, any other color, Mrs. Taylor, Owen Anslee. 'T'hrAn cnikp: anv other color. '1'a,y1or, uweu numcc. Three spikes, any other . color, Grandlorus, Dr. Little (Queen of 01'- ange), Mr. Ward (Orange Queen). HELSINGFORS TO IIVTIPROVE Helsingfors, Finland, has just out- lined a. program of municipal im- provements entailing the expenditure of more than $20,000,000 in the next ve years. New hospitals, schools and other buildings will cost $5,691,000 and extension and improvements, of streets $7,375,000. Other city im- provements, public services and main- tenance will require $7,301,000. some absent friend would be inter- ested in this week's Examiner. u.\AL1u . V . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Poultry, Butter and Eggs n1Iv\ ~ 4 2 spikes. orange or yellow, Geo. 1 (Souvenir). 2 spikes, white or cream, Owen .01` 0; scar1e't, Mr. umw I-Iutt. `Rn: f43-45c H. 30c 40-45c Ann '1U"'.IIJ\4 .... .. 40c 35-40c A. E. PRINCE as CO. BUH..DERS--CONTRAC'I`OR.8 See us about those floors and Alan tions. Phone 1l54W or 990151. DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON 24 Dunlop St., above Arnold's Market Telephone 378. 30-55b BOYS as BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. 0rrice-13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. 12!-onnh (\ffinn__.F!'lwnn:In LU J.CLLl}JlC Duuuxus, DGIJJC. Branch Office--E1mvale. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen Street, Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN B. 8. Cameron K. A. Cameron ALEXANDER COWAN Banister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wins, guardianship and administration, General solicitor, Nate 1-!) !".nn vnvo n nnv ah- UL DIILULL, LICIICL G1 DUILUIIIUI, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Oft1ce-I-Iinds Block, 8 Dunlop 813., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN ZIIJLVIJILLV I`. JVIUIJUIIIIJ, I)-[Ia Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie Butt. Best display of 40 varieties, Lane 8: gon B. W. Balfour, W. '1`. Fe.nren- ac . Best display. any type, Lane & San, Mrs. R. Patterson. ' Beat ddsfrlail. any type or types, by any Hort cu tural Society, stayner Horticultural Society, Hespeler Hartl- cultural Soclety. ` Rant lhnnlznf. nf not. more than 25 PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, K.C. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. J. A. CORBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging ot loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont DR. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH V SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays 01 each month at Queen's Hotel, Barrie DR. 0. A. ARNOTT (McG11l) Physician and Surgeon Office: 9'? Elizabeth st., Barrie (Formerly Dr. Arna1l s Office) Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.30 1-2.30 6-8.30 DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women lAssoc1a.te Coroner County of Simcoe -and._. no I` A l`|l T1|Il'1IKI'\Tl'1Q 1u--- DR. E. A. CUMMINGS Graduate of Toronto University House Physician at St. Michael's Hospital for one year. Phone 61 Otf1ce--58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m. DBS. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W C. Little, M. B. DR. FRED. A. Boss Formerly of Drs. Ross & Rosa Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Especially Office-140 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Box 1078 D I 3LLILl'Il` IIAVIJ D UI\a\Xl\l1V 0L1"ce and Residence--Co111er St. corner Owen, Barrie. Phone 2'15 In Do `In LIJIDLVIDIJIJIJ :1 Graduate McG11l University, Montreal. hfnn and Dnwldnnr-ng.(`!nr `lifliznhnth cumuras Iaocleuy. Best `basket of not spikes, one color, 0. C. 3. Patterson. `Rm!-. hnsknf. nf not ,.V.`.- n`...`~r : v. UIIGUBDB mcum Uultcralby, xuuuunrux. Office and Res1dence-Cor. Elizabeth md Bradford Streets. Phone 105 Office hours: I-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm B6BER.T E. SMITH EYEBIGHT SPECIALIST I8 Dunlap St.-Phone 80 Hours 9-6 Saturdays till 10 pm G. E. & E. BURNS (Over F. Dutcher s grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists Spinal Adjustment and Massage ectric, Vibratory and Maznetu Blanket Treatments Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405.} for appointment JDDDID u .I)lIr.I.D\JLV Teacher of Piano, Organ, Singing ma all "I"1nnn1-M-.'lnn1 mihinnizn ltuuuer U1 rusuu, vzguu, Dxugtuj nun all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Churel Pupils prepared for Toronto Oonserva tory of music examinations, all grade! Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 Bradford St., Barrio BADENHUBST & HAMMOND BARRIBTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bao.,F.'1'.O.l Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal and `llndmal "l"`hnrn-I DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 J{I`3W3I.II3I' UL JTIHUU, Lhlillg VUUCI and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservator: of Music and University of Toronto 113 Worsley St. DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON, l!|._-L__ `R 1'51...` A-pl l'l'V$u1u\.n*H y A 1929 NASH `i40os Now"s e11in*g'at Reductions as%High as UUIIaU'1`Ill [Io JUIILVDLIJAV, tmuvun Teacher of Piano and Theoretical sub iects. Pupils prepared for Tororntt Co rvatory of Music and - London * (Eng.) college of Music examination: Studio: 152 Maple Ave. Barrie. DONALD F. MacLAR.EN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN H. H. CRESWICKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc. MONEY TO LOAN `Dans `Dinah 13!-1-`In DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG, B.A. Qnnnncnnr fn (`!rncn'rlr-Ira Rv `D911 L. J. SIIKPSON. MJ3. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON filnn nvu-I `Dani:-InnnA__l".n'I'HnII f `9"5`E_ __oP1_'oM'rR1s'r JESSIE R. BRYSON n A` `Diana f\IInnv\ Qhnl Anculmgj; Dc DLVLI Ill, `I011: ISTERED ARCHITEOI Midland, Ontario 1.V.l\JJ.VIl LL) DUAL` Ross Block, Barrie i ySlC LESSONS _wu-v{+=s: DENTAL MEDICAL ' .VlUa R. Boys pi:iuiFaea'"ev2:r'y `Fnur?{a Subscription Pr1ce-Canada. and Grant `ritnin (000 nor van! in nunnna (In Dl.llBUI'lp|llULl l.'l'lUl7*\.Ilil..lDLllI uuu IJIXI Britain 32,00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States. $2.30 per year in advance) Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most cl our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in can they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber menu the service continued. REMI'I'1`ANO- ES should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. .'I A lknr-T.A'D,'l!Nl IAN-nu VB Illll surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Imperial Anny Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical exper- ience In England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayeld BI. Phnnn R11 Mas N. M. swcxzora. For the best collection, rown maul I-w `hnv m- girl. W. . _'_Q-IE- BARRIE. - EXAMINER - Ia.I.-.I -.._: I-I-n..-_____ _a.__...._ VlI:`.I-\IlIIl.'l.l` Unulal U1" RUBBI- Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Fridsy. Application for nurse's services be made direct or through doctor. WELCB, CAMPBELL & LAWLIII Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge, Toroml H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Ca.mpbell.O.L. W. B. Hulbig, Production T. E. Lawless. C A, u 4.-auuv;va.An.|AI Funeral Director and Embslmer Ambulance Service : Phone ill Limousine Hearse ii desired 001'. Mary snd Elizabeth Ste. Burk VICTORIAN ORDER OF NUBSII Rn!-rip Rrnnnh vv. 9. nuxung, rruuuuuun T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. PENETANG R0 * `B. Glorgfannl : _ Phone llilj L, VMOHAWK RADIO SALES AND SERVICI Toronto Garage lanai!-n nn all moi... .0 ..._ mi nuavnnlrll-V.llal\ DAY AND NIGHT (7 Elizabeth St. : Phone Ill - ____-to burn vi:s?ai'ushed 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEBS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor unbt-lance in connection BARBIE, 0NT.-PHONE II `lhlnlay, August 29, 1929 nor WATER HEATING II lllnboh It : `Pills llll yy; J. RICHARDS I let loO1ary I Fumuol Opens August. 26th in our 12 Toronto Schools. Secretarial, Stenographic, Commercial, and Complete Office Training Cours- es. Individual attention. Rapid advancement. Employment Bureau service for graduates. Prospectus free from Shaw Schooh Limited, Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto. --ts-nna\IA&I FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER l\`l)I.`\Y I'\ A `-7 1. xv:-u go-.. --- SHAW EFFICIENCY ECONOMY G. G. SMITH & C0. ll_A_LIn_L _ 1 up.-- OFFICIALS of various or- ganizations and societies can get their message home by publication under Com- ing Events more effective- ly and economically than by any other means. The Ex- aminer goes into 90% of the homes of Barrie and district. Ask yourself how much would it cost to send the same message through the mail. . __-_ vvhlv amo mail. 5- FBIDEFHUXI. Best basket of not USE EXAMINER QOMING EVENTS" MISCELLANEOUS for your announcements. P. C. LLOYD `TQITUZAI -5-1:41- PLUMBING VETERINARY ` DB. A. S. BLAC; n-Inn-I-- n-.2 u... LIC- J. A. MGCLAREN, ECHO! W C 3AT.T.Q Ilnnnnal uu.|.5c1'y; 2 0 Phone 811 l'0I NW The quick relief for all Sprains and Bruises A good thing-Rub it in. Page Eleven FALL TERM `Gladiolus Show Prize Winners This is the time to buy-here is a golden opportunity to own a Nash 400" with the Twin-Igni- N OW-today-you are o'ered the greatest motor car buy in motor car history- new Nash "400 s at reductions in price which range up to $465. Only a limited number of these ner motor cars are available at these reduced gures, To be cer- tain you get the model you desire, you. should make your selection at OIICC. :. R; PALMER non, rowu nun` . more than 25 ' more than , Marshall, Mrs. spikes, two colors, Lane 8: Son, Mrs. R. Patterson, F. W. Warren. I_A__`_AL -1 ....4, .-nun than `)5 Hn FBLUCISUXI, L. W. Vvcuscu. Best basket of not more than 25 spikes, more than 2 colors, Geo. Vick- ers, Al. Spenceley, Mrs. R. Patterson. Best basket, Lane 8: Son. Best oor vase, one or more colors, not more than 30 spikes, Geo. Vlckers, Mrs. R. Patterson. Best 12 spikes, Mrs. R. Patterson, C. C. Marshall. Best 6 spikes, W. C. Glaspell, Lane & Son. G ' Best 6 spikes or one variety, Mrs. R. Patterson (Purple Glory), Lane an Son (Crimson Glow). Best individual spike, E. F. Palmer. Best 12 spikes, three each of tour varieties, H.L. Hutt, Campbell Bros., Mlss N. Stockford. 13.3 elv anrnc rmp pnnh nf six var- MISS N. SDOCKIOIQ. Best six spikes, one each of six var- ieties of Canadian origination, Camp- bell Bros., H. L. Hutt, J. W. Crow. -._-_ -..u-_.. -5 .....- u....h;I-u nf UCH. D1U., 11. Jul. Lsuvv, an IV: `town: Best three spikes of one variety of Canadian origination, J. W; Crow (Sultan), Campbell Bros. (Armistice), W. C. Glaspell (Bon Echo). `nncf mum nf n. varietv orizlnated W. C. Urlaspeu (non mono). Best spike of a variety originated in Canada, E. F. Palmer (seedling. unnamed). Best three spikes or white or creamy-white, one variety, A1. Spen- celey (Milady Tunoque). W. C. `Glas- -pell (King Pearl). Best three spikes of light yellow, one variety, B. W. Balfour, Mrs. R. Pat- terson (Golden Measure). nnf fhrnn ahlnt (`If DFRHQE OT 0!`- EEISOII. luulucu LVLCtlDuLCl- Best three spikes of orange or or- ange-yellow, one variety, Dr. Spence- ley (Orange Queen), Mr. Ward. `Rant 1-.h1-an nnikes of anrlcot. or buff. rmerson (COTYDHGEJ. Best individual spike, white. W. C. Glupell, (Lindenon). Mrs. R. Patter- son (Mrs. I-Iomberger). `Best collection of hundred origina-, ley (orange Queen), Mr. warn. Best three spikes or apricot or buff, one variety, L. Dunkelman, Mrs. R. Patterson (Nancy Hanks). Dnaf Hvnvnn unilina nf 1'Pd_ S(`..I`1Et Or Patterson (Nancy name). Best three spikes of red, scarlet or crimson, Lane 8: Son (King George), B. W. Balfour (King George). 1:z...+ fh-ran cnilrnc nf mn.rnnn.red or: B. W. Balfour (Kmg ueorge). Best three spikes of maroon-red or black-red, W. A. Stuart, Mrs. R. Pat- terson (Purple Glory). nnct +.hw:p gnikns of licht nink O1` terson wurpxe uxory). Best three spikes of light pink light mauve pink, W. C. Glaspell, IJ. Davis (Giant Nymph). um.-+ +1mm: cnilzoc nf gunman. W. ' J. Davxs (Uuant Nympn). Best three spikes of salmon. W. Fahrenbach (Richard Diener). W. Glaspell (Pink Cloud). `Rack fhrnn gnilm: of rose. W. Glaspeu V u'1nK umua). Best three spikes of rose. W. Glaspell ( Dr. Nelson Shook), Mrs. Patterson (American Beauty). `D1156 O-he-no cnilmc nf mauve ra1'.t.ers0n \nu|c1`1L;uu. Dcauuyl. Best three spikes of mauve or mauve-pink, B. W. Balfour (Berty Snow), Harry Jones (Herada). nan, H11-an anilmq nf rmrnle. W. C. snow), harry Jones (neruuu). Best three spikes of purple. W. C. Glaspell (Purple Queen), W. W. Lane (Violet Beauty). Best three spikes of light violet, Mrs. R. Patterson (Muriel). Dncf 4-vu-an cnrnc nf vinhaf Mrs Pat- me bmes). Best three spikes of bronze, cop- per, smoky -or ash, W. W. Lane & Son (Smoky), W. C. Glaspell (Copper Bronze) . -n...+ H-n-o._~. aniline nf nlnlz 1n enm- Bronze). Best three spikes of pink 1n com- blnation with cream or yellow, Mrs. R. Patterson (Gloriana). 'W. A. Stu- art (Glorlana). Dost I-`kw-an av-dlrnc nf . B0101` 93 HULK! In Upwu yum-2, v-av. v-.._---. To the exhibitor, resident in Slmcoe county, who received greatest number of `points In Amateur Class, Geo. Vick- UJI. terson (Uapnaun boynwm. Best three spikes of a. medium or dark color with a darker throat or blotch, Lane & Son (Marietta). nan irhrnn cnnac nf anv nther col- Mrs. H. ranuerson U.v1u1'1eL). Best three spikes of violet, Mrs. Pat- terson (Veil), W. W. Lane (King of the Blues). um-+ 4-human cnilznc nf hrnnzn nnn- |b1otch. Lane (2 son uviarietna). Best three spikes of any other col- or, L. Dunkleman (Loella). Primullnus Section of.Class A hooded blooms only Best collection of 12 varieties of primulinus, three spikes of each var- iety, Lane 8: Son., H. L. I-Iutt. Best basket of primulinus, Lane 85' Son, H. Jones. Best 12 spikes of primulinus, Mrs. R. Patterson, Lane 8: Son. ans 5: cnilrnc nf nrtrnnlinns. W. C. art (Glorlana). Best three spikes of a. light color with a dark throat or blotch, J. J. Davis (Seedling 504), Mrs. R. Pat- lterson (Captain Boynton). `Roe! H-n-pa gnikes nf a. medium R. Patterson, Lane as Don. Best 6 spikes of primullnus. W. C. Glaspell (Copper Bronze), H. L. Hutt (Nydia). V `Flncf. fhrpp mikes of nrimulinus `ins (Nycua). Best three spikes of primulinus in` red or scarlet, W. W. Lane, (seedling 52), A1. Spenceley (Fire Queen). `Duel Hanan gnikps nf nrimullnus 1n 2), A1. bpencexey u".u'e IcuI':cu). Best three spikes of prlmunnus ml tion motor, Houdaille and Love- joy hydraulic shock absorbers, Bijur Centralized Chassis lubrica- tion and many other `advanced features,found only in cars priced higher than the "400 prices- prevailing prior to this big reduc- tion._ nunuummmumMmnuuuuIllllnmmuululltmmnllmum Specials Grand sweepstakes, for the exhibi- tor obtaining the greatest number of oints in all classes in the show, 1, . W. Lane & Son; 2, Mrs. Robt. Pat- terson. - Exhibitor obtaining the greatest number or first prizes, 1, Dr. A. T. Little; 2. Lane & Son. . nmnn basket sweensvakes. for the WINNERS or-' Tiioplzs AT GLNDIOLUS `SHOW Lieutenant-Governor's Cup, grand sweepstakes, won by W. W. Lane & Son, Valentia. Runner-up`, Mrs. Robert Patterson, Guelph. Gro Trophy, sweepstakes, in A nine: nmn bv W_ W_ Lane 3; ` Best group of oral designs, won by ` Best display, forty varieties, 3 spikes ' Best display for effect, not more than , Sweepstakes in Amateur Class, great- Ulass, Won uy VV . '1 s (luv uv son. Mrs. Robt. Pat rson, runner- up! Best seedling, of outstanding merit, won by E. F. Palmer, silver cup by Kiwanis Club of Hamilton. Best seedling to be called Lady Bar- rie." won by Geo. Vickers, Barrie, silver cup by Mayor Mccuaig. Best seedling grown and exhibited by member of C.G.S. in county, won by Geo. Clarkson Hotel. Grand Basket sweepstakes, Queen's ` Hotel, Barrie Cup, won by W. W. Lane 85 Son. Best individual spike in show, Wel- lington Hotel Cup, won by E. F. Palmer, Vineland Station.. Exhibitor in Simcoe County receiving ` greatest number of points in open class, won Silver Cup by W. E. Rowe, M.P. Exhibitor of County with greatest number of points in amateur class, won by Geo. Vickers, silver cup by Keily-Smith, Toronto, per Gordon Stevenson, Barrie. Exhibitor in County with greatest , number of points in novice class. . won by Major Kendall, silver cup ' by Orillia Horticultural Society. Sweepstakes in Primulinus Class,_won - G. Marwood, Barrie, Ki- ` by W. H. wanis Goodwill Trophy. Sweepstakes for floor vases, won by L. Spenceley, Peterboro, silver cup by American Hotel. Barrie. Best collection varieties originated in Canada, won by Mrs. G. A. Boni- _steel, Beileville, cup by Bank of Nova Scotia, Barrie. Patterson, cup by Mrs. R. Royal Bank of Canada. = of each, won by W. W. Lane & $on, cup by Hamilton Spectator. 200 square feet, won by W. W. Lane & Son, cup by Canadian Bank of Commerce, Barrie. ` est number of points, won by Geo. Vickers, cup by J. B. Holden, Esq. : Best display of 45{spikes, won` by - Sweepstakes I Harry Thomasson, Hamilton, {cup by T. Eaton Co. A in Class C, exhibitor with greatest number of points in novice class, won by Major Kendall, cup by Underhills Ltd. Vickers, silver cup by 1 by Geo. Vickers, Barrie. J orange or yellow, A1. Spence1ey( Bud- dy Worden), Miss stockford (Orange Queen). \ Rant thrpp snikes nf nrimulinus in meet). Best three spikes of prirriulinna grandiorus in red or scarlet, Mrs. R. att)erson (Oame), H. L. Hutt (Ar- en . n.,._-+ +'|r-nann cnuma nf m-imnrms Queen). Best; three spikes of primulinus white or cream, W. W. Lane (White Buttery). Mrs. R. Patterson. `Rack 1-Jmap anilms nf nrimulinus. in buwernw, J.V11'S. rs. ruu-crwu. Best three spikes of primulinus, in any other color, Geo. C. Brown (Maiden Blush), H. L. Hutt (Ruby). Primulinus Grandlflorus Section of Class A ` Best three spikes of primulinus grandiflorus in pink, W . C. Glaspell 1(7$`r1e%c)1d1e Boy), J. W. Crow (Dr. Van ee . nag-+ +1-mm; cnilznc nf nrin-in'l1n'!n ucglst three spikes of primulinus grandiflorus in orange or yellow, H. L. Hutt (Ming Toy), C. C. Marshall (ranan (hunch) hJbbuAALA5v For the best seedling 6f outstand- ing merit, E. F. Palmer. Rut gpndling to be called Ladv g menu, 31.`. r`. raum-.-r. Best seedling to be called Lady Barrie, Geo. Vlckers. 12.3..-+ cnrn n1 mmmno arnwn and Little; 2, Lane a 50:1. Grand basket sweepstakes, but basket. Lane 6: Son. Best. individual spike, E. F. Palmer. Best individual spike, pink, Mrs. R. rmerson (Coryphee). mm. individual spike. Barrxe," ueo. vxcxers. Best spike of seedling grown and exhibited by 9. member of the C. G. S., resident in Simcoe County, Geo. 'V1ckers. III, __ uiln A...-...._ L1. nun: uvuug 4 (Orange Queen). E.-. iron: 'n'opny, sweepsumsca, an Class, won by W. W. am Mr: Rnht_ Patterson. runm LUACL 6: Class B Amateur Sweepstake, for the exhibitor ob- 59E|inI:othSt. Hone 739, Barrio msledlings _1. ....`III...._ Inomasson, 1.1. 1\(l.U\Jl.UKUy. Best collection of varieties mero- duced 1n_;925 and later years, D. Mc- Closkey. A _ npet Ragknt nf nnt more than 25 581111115 but: 51 Geo. Vickers. Dank 4-licro Uxosxey. Best Basket of not more than spikes, one color, Geo. Vickers, Dr. E. Ives, D. Mccloskey. oat hnalrnf. nf nnf. mnre thin Ii Lvca U. 1.vu.\.u.u: 'Best ba.sket of spikes, two colors, Vickers. 'D4aL~ kn elves? nf (Mrs. 1-Iomnerger). Best collection hund 10115, W. W. Lane, Dr. R `Rut. collection of vari red origins-I . E. Ives. eties listed in V IUBCL D. Best basket not spikes, more E. Ives, Geo. Best Best oor spikes, Dr. Spenceley. Best dining table decoration, made from gladiolus tips, W. H. G. Mar- Wood, Miss M. E. Campbell, C. C. Marshall. Best three spikes each of two var- ieties, originated in Canada, F. W. Warren. `nan Hm-an cnilrnc nnn marsh nf three I taining the greatest number of points, than Vi:-_1mrs_ UGO. VICKBIS. Best display of 45 spikes, Henry Thomasson, D. Mdcloskey. `Daub nnHnn1'*Inr\ nf vnrintins` mr,rn- warren. ; Best three spikes, one each of three varieties of Canadian origination, F. W. Warren. and nu-an cnilznc nf n vm-ipfv nr- 1g1I1B.1'.CQ 111 ua.11auu, 1'. W. W 211:. :11. Best individual spike of a variety originated in Canada, F. W. Warren (seedling 2550). `Rncf individual snike, L. Dunkleman W. Warren. Best three spikes of a variety or- iginated in Canada, F. W. Warr :-n. Rngt individual snike of a varietv usmue Aunrun). Best six spikes, one each of six ar1et1es, P. Barrett, C. C. Marshall, `DnH* vtu 4.cu<:a, L. Butt. DA:-+ {W `Best fhree spikes of white or creamy white, one variety, Geo. Vickers, D. Mccloskey (La Beaute). `non fhrnn cnilmg nf Iiahf. vpllnw. kseeuung Aaou). Best individual spike, L. Dunkleman (Emile Aubrun). 1:ne1- civ cnilrnc nnn nanh nf six W. Lane, Dr. rt. :5. Lveu. Best collection 0: varieties came a. Mrs. Bonisteei. H. L. Hutt. To he exhibitor, resident in Simooe County, who received greatest number 01 points in open class, Geo. Vickers. an. n... .u1.m1+m- wagidnnt in Slmcoe MCU10SJ_ey (ha. Dcauw). Best three spikes of light yellow, Geo. Vickers (obelisque), H. Thomas- son (Golden Measure). 12.3.4 +111-on cnilrcxc nf damn vn1'|nw, 5011 (uumcn LV.u:u.5un:). Best three spikes of deep yellow, Hugh Gray, J. B. Clemens. `Rout thw:-A gnikpg nf nnricnf. or buff. nugn uray, d. 1:. uxeuxeua. Best three spikes of apricot or bu, Dr. Spenceley (Apricot Glow), W. A. Stuart (Ming Toy). `nod H11-no nnilnaa nf n1'q.no'r-I nr or. D hunt I: \ LVJJL15 Best: three ange-yellow, Queen) , E. Queen) . `Rout fhrpp QUBBIII. Best three spikes of scarlet, red or crimson, L. Spenceley (Joe Coleman), J. B. Clemens (Dr. F. E. Bennett). `D;-_u.-4 1-My-on cnilznc nf rnnrnnn nr J. D. uxcuxcxla u.J_J.. 1`. 1. Dcuucuu}. Best three spxkes `of maroon or black-red, Geo. V1ckers (Purple Glory) D. Mccloskey (Purple Glory). `Flncf fhrpn `QYTHIPS nf Hcrhf. nink 01' uuory) U. J.VLULA.Ubl\C_Y uruxpu: Uauzx/. Best three `spikes of light pink or light mauve-pink, Geo. Vickers (Giant Nymph). Dr. R. E. Ives (Nimrod). `Rant H11-pp gnikp: nf sa1mnn_ H. .LV_yu1pu}. Lu. 1:. Lu. .|.Vl Best three spikes Thomasson (Pf1nzer s Brown (Los Angeles). 'l2n:+ Q-ha-no cnilrnc .DI'UWl1 \l.JUb nzxgcu-:5}. Best three spikes of rose, J. Clemens (Dr. Nelson Shook), W. Stuart (Peach Rose). `Dank Hanna cnilrnc nf rnanun Dl:Ll'd.l'|.~ \I.'C'ctU1l IVUDC). Best three spikeg. of mauve or mauye-pink, Geo. V1ckers, W. Pater- son. `D}un+ 4-lav-on cnibnn nf rrlvrvxha TW 1\/Tn- am . To the exhibitor, resident in Simcoe County, who received the, greatest ` umber of points in the novice class, 31 Me or Kendall. or the best collection of pr1mul1n- us hybrids exhibited by a member re- aidant in Simcoe County`, no first; Spenceley. `Far the best twelve snikes,