URRY BROS. uucu Us The local committee has com- pleted all arrangements for this big event. Major Kendall, as se- cretary, has already received some entries. F. W. Warren of Hamilton, president. of the Canadian Gladiolus Society, when in town conferring with local officers regarding the big show in the armouries, August 21 `and 22, expressed himself as much pleased with the efforts of the local committee and when shown the trophies said that he had not seen such a collection at any Glad show on the con- tinent. '7'-an `l\nn1 any-unngid-inn In-.. an:-nu-an BARRIE mopmas ARE UNSURPASSED. SHANTY BAY (7 ' V ' '1 7 ate. Their unique construction has established a new standard for quiet operation. This design, however, accomplishes something even more important. It makes possible the top - unit at- rangement-a distinctive feature found only in the General Electric Refrigerator. Placing the unit on top makes it possible to enclose all when the proud owner of :1 Gen- eral Electric Refrigerator takes her friendsintoseeigtherstcomment is apt to be Why it's so quiet- you can` barely hear it." The thing which seems to impress everyone is the extreme quietness with which these refrigerators oper- -._- "l"I_ .`!, ' i WYEVALE GENERAL @1ELn~: Refrigerator `Easy terms arranged 'Detroit where she has-a position in 9. by Toronto people at Wyevalo Beach. hospital for the summer months. Wm. Prince was in Allandale on Several new cottages are being built Monday. Two biscuits with whole milk and some fruit, five energy for the hot days and are so easilv digested and so full of real nut:-iment-for breakfast or lunch. SHREDDED Have the children save the paper inserts in each package. Good Health So Cheap And So Pleasant To Take the _machinery--together with a pen- manent supply of metal protecting oil-in an hermetically sealed steel casing`. More than 250,000 Gen- eral Electric Refrigerators are in use today, and not a dollar have their owners spent for service or repairs. Quietly, economically, the General Electric Refrigerator gives you perv fect refrigeration. It has an easily accessible temperature control for governing the speed of freezing ice cubes or frozen desserts. See the new all-steel cabinets that will not warp and learn about our conveniently spaced time payment plan. Come in today. EI-lIII With all the bra; of the whole wheat Phone453-l HEAT - T-his is a sweeping state- ment,` but which can be fully justified. The clarica- tion system makes the uid pure, sweet and water white. Not only are the clothes uninjured but the material is assured longer life and restored to original newness - practically new suits and dresses. Clothes do not wear out as _ quickly as you imagine. They merely become soiled and lose their shape. 36 Bayeld Shoal. ER-lllll Limited Powered by the famous De Soto engine, it -is fast in get-away, rapid and remarkably smooth in acceleration, quick in response to its powerful four-wheel hydraulic brakes found on no other six of its price. In every detail of `appearance and per- -formance, the De Soto Roadster reveals the master hand of Chrysler. Darting through city traffic or taking the hills with a thrilling uninterrupted ow of power, it exhibits a brilliance of per- formance unmatched in a low-priced six. We Have The Only Chemical Clarifying Continuous System NORTH OF TORONTO AND WITHIN YOUR REACH LOWER %scHo`oL RESULTS FOR BARRIE COLLEGIATE 109 Dunlop Street, Earrie. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Van Patfer"s Garage 43EliubethSt . TBARRIE Phone278 W. FIRTH CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT lJ'1:ll.) . `The following will repeat their year: ! Florence Broley, Ross Dodd, vHan'y; Smith, Gordon Srigley, Jean Switzer, M Laura McKever, Carl Jennett, Aletha Miller, Wilma Parr, Delphine Robin- son, Charlotte Scott. FOR1Vf `[C First Class Honours: Lorna White-' law, Mary Neelands, Florence Hinds,` DUIIUUI L_at.). Tho The following will repeat the sub- ect indicated: Fred Campbell (B.H.),l Ralph Goessell (B.H.) George King, (B.H.), Harry Rooke (B.H.), Beatrice Strachan (Geog.), Clark Ayers (A1g.), Victor Goring (B.H.). Thu fnllnurina nrH'I 1-nnna+ Han bum at. u, uuula xruuzs, uuuu '.lVL11I1B VIUUUL \JULlLl5 \D.I.l.I. The following will repeat the two subects indicated: Cora Quantz (Agric. Lam. ' I ` you First Class Honours-Henry Sims, Richard Abbott, Alfred Crossland. Second Class Honours: Ida. Rose,- Mary Shaughnessy, Lawrence Davis, Eugenie Webb, Ruth Quantz, Miriam I Coupland, John Cole, Gilbert Horton, Frances Anderson Jack Barron. Third (`Joan I -Tnnnnv-no (`haw-Ina 11311:- rxnuuca nu.uc1'a'uu dams narrun. 3 Third Class Honours: Charles Mills, Georgesmith, John Swan, Elsie How- ard, Louis Truax, John Milne. ' Tho fnnnnrina nri wanna} 4-kn e-u`k_ The following will repeat their year: Winnie Looker, Margaret Martin, Ver- non Mumberson, Joe Shauglmesy, Hazel Thompson. 11113 NEW ROADSTER nI'sT1NGu1sHED IN ANY GATHERING COMMANDING BY ANY COMPARISON `FORM n3 The De Soto roadster with its slanting, one-panel windshield and wing panels; with its luxurious seating, wide and deep; with its neat top, wood bows fold- ing closely into nickel-plated sockets; with its brilliant color combinations- it invites comparison in appearance and behavior with any on the road. A demonstration `will prove why the De Soto Six roadster has broken all rec- ords for a roadster of any type or price in its -first year. Come and drive it. ' .IJCV1J.L.l. Third Class Honours: Lloyd Thomp- son, Bessie Matthews. Credit: Robert Urry. The following will repeat the sub- ject indicated: Blanche Banting (A1g.) Charlie Danvers (B.H.), Tom Hare (B.H.), Vera Wiseman l(Geog.). . 'T`hn fnllntxrino ~u1i'I1 rnnnnf: 4-Mn hnrn ] \J3.r.l..), VCLU: Wlblllrll '\\J'UU5.)u The following will repeat the two subjects indicated: Kenneth Chantler (Lat. Fr.), Elaine White (Alg. Fr.). 'T`hn f'n11nn7'ina` nri rnnnnt Hwnir vagr- ludb. 171.), .Ea1'(l41.l.ll'. VV'L11lIb' {115. IP13]. The following will repeat their year: Frank Devlin, Chester Lavery, Edna. Jennett. f'l1`l.-`A ;\11;.--1.-.. an... .111 L-uL nu... a-luna- U CLILICUU. The following was 111 but was given standing in year's work: 2nd class Honours, Kathleen Johnston. FORM 2A First Class Honours: Leila Carr, Iso- uuuxu n.c-ppxcnuuu, vcua. 1.1.'uruc,y. Second Class Honours: Jack Doran, ;Irene Dunsmore,_ Beryl Wolfenden, j Arthur Webster, Irene Wiley, Kitty i Devlin. "Fla!-A mnnn Hr\v\I\II0n0 `I 1.\conl '1A:-anani-\ D.1'1.). Thefollowing will repeat their year: Edgar Carpenter, Jack Carter, Jack Garvin, Erma Rowe, Gordon Rowe, .Dor1s Wintefbotbom. FORM IE First Class Honours: -Maurice Kel- f' land, Isabel Davis, Edwin Shuter, R1- ichard Heppleston, Vera Tracey. Rm-nnri (`Jane `F-`l'nnnnrc- Jar-It hnrah 1VL&1'JU1'LC \J'1Cllll.1U . second Class -Honours: Gordon `King, Evelyn McDonald, George Poole, Fred Kelland, Stella Caldwell, Bert Hoop- er, Charlie Luno, Donald McLellan, Victor Guest, Ethel McQuade, Gladys Raymond. ' Third Class Honours: Borden Hurst. ' The following wiu repeat the subject indicated: Norman Hooper (Alg.), . Edith Leslie (A1g.) Royce Little (Alg.), .Owen Madden (Agr1c.), Evelyn Peck 1 (Agric.), Hazel Richardson (BLHJ, IFe1ix Loftus (B.H.), Stuart St. Clair i (B.H.). Thu Fnnnurinm r! vunvuanf `HA +~un\ II 9 JLl{`1'U|J IJHLIXUIIK. XI Third Class Honours: Bob Dyment, Victoria Barnard, Jean Bebb, Esther Tordlff, Bernice Thompson, Cather- ine Brown, Marie Battersby, Bert Cook Credit: Evelyn Hill, Georgie Brown. The following will repeat the sub- ject indicated: Gladys Leslie (Latin), Jean Minnlken (Latin), Agnes Rey- olds (I_..atin), Kathleen Marley (B.H.),- Pearl Biggar (Latin), Dorothy Bry- aon (B1-I.), Allan Clarke (Latin), Eleanor Brawn (A1g.). The fnllaurina mill 1-nnmaf. .4-.1-m If.-urn \D.l. 1.}. The following will repeat the two subjects indicated: Norman Hardaker : (Alg. -F:-.). William Hare (Lat. Fr.), Stephen Hines (Alg. Lat.), Kenneth Hough-ton (Lat. -F12), Hazel Hunter ?](3.AI_lIg). La.t.), Ina. Istoneham (Geog. 'T"'\n*(\1`r\vv1v\rv nv{I'I unnani I-kale unnu- zuuuua u:a.n.;, M.a.nuu opcuux u.na.u.), The fdllowlng will repeat -two sub- jects indicated: Grace 'E1son, (Alg. lB.H.), Evelyn Mccann (Geog. Lat). 'l"hn fnllnmina mill rnnnnt f.`hnh- unar- .l3..l.1.], EIVCLJH. rvxuuuuu KLYCUK. Lilla . The following will repeat their year: Jack Anderson, Trueman Anderson, Frank Bray, `Thelma Graham, Keith gIcDermott, Emily Meredith, Helen arr. t1f'\DIk 'I'l'\ Quota now First Class honours: Reta Murphy, Albert Wallwln, Margaret Osborne, Marjorie Glennie. . n:-And (Thane .`| -T.nnnn1-a- flaw-Inn fflna puzuu-:_y, uaun u.v1.u1'puy. The following will repeat the subject indicated: Rosebud Ardell (Lat.), Ed- ward Turner (B.H.), Clarence Baldwin (B.H.). Maitland Behb (L1t.), Gerald .Loftus (B.H.), Marion Spearn (Lat.), Tho frmnminrr mi11 rnnnnt tum nnh- ucuu 1V.ld.1 &b'. . , The following were 111 and unable to write the final examinations, but are given standing on their year's lwork: Second Class Honours: Marie Bonney, Jack Murphy. I 'T hn fnllnmina 111111 -rnnnnf +11: anhlnnt UGO-11 n.a.uu_y, ELULG XUUIJE. I Second Class Honours: Edward Shortt, Marie McNiven, Jack Hanmer, Mossie Mccutcheon, Mary Lang, Rus- sell Addison`, George Osborne, Doris I Simpson, Margaret White, Jean How- ard, Ray Livingsto . ' Third (`.1-nae `f-`l'nnnnre- Dana `I -Terrie zuu, IVE] JJLVLLIEBUULI. ' Third Class Honours: Ross Harris, Gordon Amxstrong, Lucy Pomefret, Jean Marks. mp... .-m.....a.... .m..... an ....A ......1.1..' ,Evelyn Buchanan, Orval Fleetham, Jean Handy, Flora Young. I Rat-nnd (Tine: '1 -Tnnnnrc - `li'.1-lam 1-ti 11115 UL IIHC 3|ILUUUB UL kllillll U] young men in search or girls willing to go joy riding is to be severely discouraged in Orillia. according to Chief Church, who will arrest any one found guilty - of this offence. The habit, it is alleged, is widespread in 0ril- lia, and is indulged in every night; by young men. HJUHILUI JDLUVVJJ. uug. 0 The following will? repeat -the two subjects indicated: Kenneth Elliott, (Ala. Int.) . (orillla Neys Letter) 7 ' Curb cruising" or the patrol- ling of the streets of Orillla by vnnna mnn in gnaw-nh nf oh-1: Favorite Spbrt FORM I'D 1\I.l(l(.l1E DUILUUL sbuueuos WUU WC1'U carrying second form subjects have passed in the subjects indicated: Mary Patton (Geom), Ruth Smith (Geom), George Jamieson (Geom.), Isabel Carr (Geom. Fr.), Margaret Coady (;Arith. 'Geom.), Jean McKenzie (Geom. Lat.), Lorraine Mcxever (Geom. Lat.); Reta McVeigh (Geom.). Norlne Rowcliffe (Geom.), Sandy Ness (Arith), Lillian Robertson (Arith.), Wm. Bray (Lat. ~Fr.), Gerald smith (Lat. Fr.), Helen Arnott (Lat.), Dora Rowe (Lat). Robt. Graham (Lat.). Wallace Hedger (Fr.), George Hook (Fr.). Jack -Rumble (Fr.). - The following has failed in the sub- Jeet indicated: Tom Hayes (Lat.). JUUIIHE LVLULVUUU. `IXLLUIS \\JUULl.|. Bil`-I o The following will repeat tgii` year: Enid McClellan, Donald McLean, Flor- ence Plant, Earl Profit, Flogence sea.- Ann 113-65 \J1&1'&U, IXCIUIUDLL LVLIIICL`. The following will repeat one sub- ject: Jack Birchard :(lLat.),. Frank Hargreaves (La.t.), Howard Morrison (Lat.), Verna. Turton (Geom.), Sydney Patterson (Fr.). George Kennedy (Geom). Alma Tyrer (Geom). . The following win repeat two sub- jects: Morton Knox (Geom. Phys1o.). 'l"hn fnllmxrina will rnnpqf. thcvlr van-9 ulauys 1v1a.1'1'1up \I".l'. :.'u_y5.). The following will repeat their year: Rex Ansdell, Eileen Armstrong, Jack Coleman, Elsie Harris, George Robert- son, Mary Thompson, Jean Webb. FORM 2D First Class Honours: Herbert Smith. Second Class Honours: Charlie Don- nelly, Madeline Osborne, Maurice Stransman. Orval Arnold, Jack Craig-, Ernie Baldwin. l'I'|I-Jun-I (`Inna `Lfnnnsvrau l`.Anuu-Iva 'I TwIIn lafllll`: nauuwux. Third Class Honours: George Urry, Jack Clarke, Kenneth Miller. 'l"hn fnnnurl-no will rpnnnf. nnn nnh. Uxara Uampoeu. Third Class Honours: Phyllis Smith, Elizabeth Huse, Gladys Luck, Harold Blngham, Agnes Cameron, Bob Orok. Credit: Violet King, Esther How. The following was 111 but given year's standing, Second Class Honours: Emory Nelson. 'r'hn fnllnwina will rpnnnf. nnn sub- H5011. Second Class Honours--Max Brooks, Patricia. Myers, Lluella Srigley, Dor- othy Brereton. Ed. Tordiff, Joe [Hip- n, Margaret Canning. Thlr (`Juan `|'-Tnnnnre- Rah `huvrnnnf J.` \IL IILVJ. Q \J Second Class Honours: Norma. Cub- it-Nichols, Harold Meredith, Dorothy Teasdale, Dorothy Price. Harry John- ston, Earl Marshall, Chrissie Scott, John Ord. ` "l"|kh-A (`Inna 1'.I'nnnn1oa- T.nnl: `Tah- ZJCHI18, .l"l.lI'VlS lk1'BUIIl.). The following will repeat two sub- jects: Lola Fisher, (Geom.. Phys.), Charlie Hepburn (Geom. Lat), B111 Little _(Geom. Phys-.), Marian McLean (Geom. La.t.). Bill Marks (Agrlc. F12), Gladys Marriot (Fr. Phys.). Thu fnnurinir rill rnnnnf. H1917 V0311" (LIED. IT.) . The following will repeat their year: Gladys Brown, Muriel Felt, Verna Green, Ida Handy, Dorothy Johnston, Mary Johnston. Jean Lay. Laura Mar- tin, Jack Rogers, Hazel Story, Mar- garet Jones. wnn.1\n' 9!! donn Ufa. Third Class Honours: Louis V9.11 , Jean Srigley. The following will repeat one sub- ject: Annie Clarke (Geom.), Charlie Jacobs (Geom.), Helen McBride (Ag.). Zelma Purvis (Geom.). |'l"1-so +'n'llo-snrinn nyill v-nnndf 0-mn Huh- nzmory JNBXSUII. The following will repeat one sub- ject: Norine Firman (Geom). The following will repeat two sub- jects: Jlm Cameron (Lat. Fr.), Cletus Hinds (Lat. Fr.), Elliott Reynolds (Lat. F12). 'I"hn fnllnmina mi rnnanf. fhnir man?- brown, J.V1a.lll'1Ce L)'d.V15UI.l. Second Class Honours: Violet Ord, Wilda Carr, Irene Middlebrook, Beryl Jones, Mary -McDouga.11, Ruth Brother, Clara Campbell. '1"hh-A (nee `I -Tnr\nnrc' `DHVIHA Smith, Deanne. VlU1'd. ]."2t1'l:1'1UgU. The following will repeat their year: Jack Cochrane, Elma Henson, Bruce Johnson, Grace Little. FORM 2B First Class Honours: Catherine Brown, Maurice Davison. Gunny`:-I (`Inna `L1'nnr\In-(U `nrdnf f3?!` K1-lltll. slog) . slog). The following were ill but were given standine on their year's work: First Class Honours. Francis Firth, Jack Beattie. Viola Partridge. 'I"nn fnnnniirurr H11 rnnnnf +159`? 1796? DB1 lV1U|qguH..V. vJ'dJlc'la rbusacu. Second Class Honours: Jack Smith, George Potts, Mary Jordan, Billy Gird- wood, Minnie McDouga11, Ethel Mc- Master, Georgina Spearn, Velma Chapman, Crompton Lewis. Third (`Haze T-Tm1mn-v:- Mnrinrio `Pat. DES 010 SIX. gar (AI'E| nelen ~1'1('.'(1S81' \LJU4lI.). The following will repeat two sub- jects: Norma Poucher (Geom. Fr.), Jim Webb (Lat. Fr.), Bertha Garside (Lat. Fr.), Eva. Barnard (Geom. Phy- nine-o\ Unapman, UI'UIIl[.)bUI1 LICW15. Third Class Honours: Marjorie Pat-_ terson, Ruth Johnston, Gladys Free- man, Maurlce Park. Credit: Ilene Fell. The following will repeat one sub- ject: Gordon Jamleson (Fr.), Bertha Bovnton (Phys1og.), Kathleen Reid (Physical. Clarence Graham (Fr.), Norma White (Geom.), Margaret Big- gar (Artl Helen Hedger (Lat.). Tho f.n1'ln\-ulna nri`|1 rpnnnf. tum Anh- CEHIJIVQL` 11't:l.l.C U1 uunu. Anyone who does not believe in miracles his receiving set is out of tune. Miracles as exquisite as the com- ing of spring and just as beautiful are being enacted round about us every day. If we would but lay up 9. little upon a little of the homely virtues of the mind and soul our capacity for those virtues will never fail." ` Uuuu D l1VlLl5D IJGLIL. Mr. Tudhope told how he had de- veloped an interest in birds compara- tively late in life and the pleasure and help he received from it. He spoke of the glorious heritage of the English language with all the great writers of our race con- stantly at our disposal. He mentioned Shakespeare, Dickens, Scott, Burns and others, quoting lines and verses from some of the poets, including Bryan-t's Waterfa1l" and Browning's Night and Morning." If we wanted to get some of these treasures which are around us everywhere our mind and soul must be prepared to receive them; we must, above all, be in a re- ceptive frame of mind. Aruvnnn urhn Ann: uni`. `hniimm in bel McQuav. Janet Russell. anon-no-I (`ees `l'-Tnnmn-c- .1`-2! dd. U UJLU. 1105]. Urbul. U. The mind is a great receiving house. It is like a radio receiving set, equipp- ed to pick up impressions of beauty, wisdom and holiness. God is forever broadcasting to every human being on earth, but if our minds are not properly tuned we cannot gather up the beautiful things in life, little by little. like the accumulation of a. child's savings bank. M ? "I"nI1hnnA l-nlrl hnm ha `hurl An- UQJULIIC 51 CG U. People too often look for a. deep explanation when the solution of the problem is the simplest of the simple. It s a fine thing to save even such common things as dollars and cents: it s a glorious privilege to be indepen- dent, but money is not the real sav- ings bank in life. What about our health? One never hears of people making a savings bank of their bodies, in the storing up of health and strength .. ., .. but the real savings banks are those of the mind and the soul. our pathway through life is strewn with the ricl'i`est of treasures and all we have to do is to reach out and make use of these things; the tragedy of life is that we do not get sufficient pleasure and benefit out of nature, the flowers and birds, out of art and literature. `"'I"I-`A calm.-I. in 4. .....`..L uannxud.-_ I.----A LUM- Middle School students who were own-nine: annnnrl CA1-vn cuskinnfn `Hana Some of the trite sayings of to- day are not new at all, said M. B. Tudhope, K.C., before the County W.I. on Tuesday of last week. Ancient philosophers said much. the same. Three thousand years ago," continued Mr. Tudhope who was speaking on Savings, Hession wrote: `If thou should st. lay upon a little, and do this often, then even that little shall become great. DAnn1a tnn nff-an 1nnIr P:-no n `Ann Trite Sayings of Today Are . Old as the Hills, II B The following students have passed into the next Form at the Barrie Col- legiate Institute. The students who have a subject in brackets after their xame will be required to repeat that subject next year, unless they have successfully written it off at the De- artmental examinations. Those who V ve failed in more than two subjects must repeat their entire year. III. B. Iunnora 1 AT comm w.I. TEIBAIIIIIIXAEII 2C Dl'&UDl.'.lU. Mr. and Mrs. F. McMahon of To- ronto spent the holiday at H. Clute's. A. Smith left on Saturday for his home at Selkirk. Miss J. Launt of Cornwall is visit- ing relatives here. `IN! and I/I've Dnhinann Fr-nun `Drud- LL15 L'EllI|alVQ': 1H':1'b`. Mr. and Mrs Robinson from Port Hope spent a few days at E. Va,sey s recently. Minn ('9 Rmifh and `Alfie: `|2nH-an- cceuuy. I Miss C. Smith and Miss Bottwright of Selkirk spent a few days with Miss Vera Clute last week. `lfian `Tau-A `I3.-an-us1An Ln- .-........ 4... n ...5 --.-.-a gnu. Iuaovvonvn, `UV. . uu nu. Auau. Shanty Bay was a busy place on July 1st, full of cars and people. The tea room had a very busy day and al- so the stores. It is nice when a holi- day is as it was this year, people have such an opportunity to fully enjoy it and: the memories will no doubt re- main for some time. July 2--Miss McN(i<;e/has gone to spend her holidays at her home in Bracebridge. `MI ? and Mrd W Rnlohnn AF '1".-\_ \J1LU1U.'l5l: 5. ` Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sutton of Hami1- 1 ton spent Sunday and Monday with his mother. 1... -.__s Ip.__ o-u-n,.,,,, u... o. q FORM IA First Class Honours: Gilbert Pur- vis. Frances Berthelotbe, Verna. Fer- ounnn . A4151 nnv vnaun. Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas White and son of Orulia spent the holiday with Mrs. James Hart. . Mrs. R. J. Turner entertained some friends from Toronto on Sunday. 1'!-. fin-...I.\.- ll.-.I..AI_. _.-_I- _ _1-___A. .-...-- .. ........, ---.. _----v-, -..u\..._y. Mr. Holland of Harriston spent the holiday with Wilton McGil1. Wm ('!nmnhn1'l and cnn Arnhin aru-I LIUIHJGJ WILLA VVLLUUII LVLUKJLII. Wm. Campbell and son Archie and Hovey Adams were up from Toronto seeing old friends. Mia: `Dori-_r-hit:-A nf `|'\nnn1n'1Jn in cl-on- 5631115 uxu llilcllb. Miss Partridge of Dunnville is stay- ing with her brother, Roy Partridge. Q1-mambo. Ban uunnn .. Lu--- -1--- -_ anavnnuunl ..vn.- -u- \lAAV\l us: -Junnuug. Dr. Gordon Malcolm made 9. short visit to see his father, lately. Ila. Y_`l A11.._.A. Al 11 .-......'..L . _ _ _ _._L 1.1.- July 2-T-(Jno. Capel and family 01' Owen Sound are visiting at Henry G11christ's. fvn an:-I loua Dav cII`1\v\ A4-` T_1'na~uI Guaranteed `by CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., 'C1'4 UILIDU $8450 WUUK. | Miss Vera. Reynolds has gone to You can barely hear it! SUITS $1.50 PHONE 229