Z Tins 29 Ital`! CHEESE Bulk LI~37c KIPPER `Q0441 A ddress... MAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY J. C. SPRING. District Manager. B31110 Send me full information about your "EXCEL" Policy. My age is ............................................ .. Name....................... .................................................... .. ooooocouooano mm <=w<== FRUITS and P E A S vsczranzss 1 Tips 5%? 23 NEW Jelly Powders ' 3 Pkts._],7c AYLME BARTLETT MACLAREWS INVINCIBLE CAMPBELL S TOMATO Limit 6 Tins to a Customer .__.._._.__..-...__.._ Pamngar Cm Form and Sixes from $675 to $2095 I.a.b.,'Lau'd:, Ont. _.$muiard Paclary Equipment` , Tam Extra For "select male risks from 15 to 45 the "Excel policy gives exceptionally all-round protection. -BENEFITS- (2 Ann I..- .I-_-L 1:_..__ ...~., A -nmVnr11a- $3,000 for death from natural causes. $6,000 for accidental death. $30 per month and $3,000 at death for total and permanent diaability-no premiums payable during disability. PEAB5 SOAP Ago 20 30 40 IJFEBUOY A HEALTH INSURANCE WITHOUT EXAMINATION 50"! 2 wins 21 3411 Sea! Continental Mata Bend}: Four-Wbnl Brain Mono Silent Timing Cbdn Fall For" I-`mi labricatioo HEAD OFFICE - EXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING. TORONTO INSURANCE gxcELsIoR rin Ii. LARGE PKT. 4o-oz. JAR 43 SPECIMEN RATES I-'C7)R $3,006 Rate ..$52.05 .. 66.00 .. 91.35 8th Anniversary LIFE: FINEST GRANULATED : Tin 29C 18c liiibiimokea 16 Y!!!!!iifISH 155 11,4 and 2 lbs. each LAKE amour 25 I-`ii.i.i-'i' 20 HAROLD HILL, Dealer 52:2: as SALADA " -[EA lb. 73 GOOD SIZE siAiiaba-mszae ORANGE-S POTATOES LUGLESS CHICKEN NEW CALI I-`ORNIA EGYPTIAN COOKING FRESH FISH Everything in Men s, Ladies and Childrei1 s Reacly-to- Wear also Men s, Ladies and Children : Footwear mark- r ed down to sale prices. FRESH NIPIGON CHOICE ATLANTIC FRESH IIADDOCK CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 2 Bunches 17 CARROTS 6 lbs. 19 COMPANY Watch for our Banners. Every Article in our store priced with red sale prices. NEW ..?3.74' .. 75.7: ..1 10.85 LB. purchased miss these 1000 Pairs Ladies Shoes CELEBRATING ouk EIGHTH YEAR IN BARRIE nucnv -nwcxs "ml; `row 1'o`m__1'o'1$: CAPACITIES.` Rue, indud, is the motion picture patron who does not manitest a keener app:-ecistion at the photoplay that is` GOODS MARKED DOWN TO PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. SALE especially for this Big Bargain Event. If you shoes, you are missing the greatest bargain feast in Ladies Shoes ever offered. s. s'rRANsMA`1~T, Proprietor e. Two Doors West Bank of Toronto `synchronized by an artist whom they can see perform. The living organist has a greater appeal--his music is clearer in tone-iivin and vibrant-- and the sound effects at his anger tips enable him to follow every screen movement realistically. It took sound `pictures and expensive unsatisfactory ` ANY factors contribute to the popularity of they Durant"4o". .. morepowerandspeed . . . more ease of control from its improved steering facilities . . ., . . . more comfortableriding . . . less elior-tind_riving.' Drive it yourself; make your own comparisons; judge it by your highest conception of automobile performance and 'acaratyourdispou.l. modern appearance. Your dealer is waiting, now; to place, Tltoztg/riif) DUILIUY nunmr MOTORS 0] CANADA um-urn JORONTO CANADA nAavo'r::-:n -ro Q UALITY :1-IE 'Im]'2rovea' H 53-55 Elizabeth 8%. I5]. L_ _ nan n A an equipment to show you the worth of the pipe organ--a. never-tailing at- traction to those who love musical perfection. For them nothing can ever replace the organ. Come and enjoy the pictures at the Capitol Theatre. at The Examiner for mac printing. Send an absent frien 9. copy of th1I_week's Examiner. _ ._...u vuunnunvuvn -vv-I-wav- The Town Hall, Cookstown. was 1111- ed to capacity on Friday night, June 7, when Miss Genevieve Jamieson presented her pupils in piano and elo- cution, assisted by Neville Jamieson, baritone. The recital opened with The Maple Leaf and closed with the Na- tional Anthem with _Miss Jamieson at the piano. who also accompanied the solos of the assisting artist. The pro- gram was as follows: 1 (a) Little Or- phant Annie (James Whitcomb Riley) ; (Yb) Muvvers (c) The Fishing Party, (James Whitcomb Riley) (eiocution), Lorene Jebb. 2 Melodie d Amour, (En- gelmann) (piano), Juanita Jamieson. 3 (a), The Fairies Have Never a Penny to Spend (`b) The Widdy O Shane s Rint (eiocution), Audrey Milligan. 4 O er' Hill and Dale (Heins) (-piano duet), Marion Beynon and Miss Jam- ieson. 5 (a) The Middle Child (b) The Proposal (eiocution), Doris Dunning. 6. There's A Land (Allitsen) (vocal), Neville Jamieson. 7 (a) Tit tor Tat (b) Newlyweds Go Marketing (eiocution), Irene Sheppard. 8 Elegie (Dupont) (piano), Mary Marrow. 9 (a) That Hired Girl (b) If (Rudyard Kipling) (eiocution), Juanita Jamieson. 10, Topsy s First Lesson (Stowe) (eiocu- tion), Audrey Milligan. 11, Minuet in G (Beethoven) (piano), Marion Bey- non. 12 (a) Entertaining Big Sister's Beau (b) Mebbe (Drummond) (elo- cution), Doris Dunning. 13, Narcissus (Slater) (piano) Mary Marrow. 14 The Two Glasses (Wilcox) (eiocution), Lorene Jhb. 15. Nnnhunn (('$nw1nn\ uuuug vuc yr nun, muss 0811111850!) was presented th beautiful bouquets of flowers from the Class, St. Jude's Church, st. Jude s A.Y.l,='.A., Thornton Twelve, Thornton Junior Institute. The owers from the class were pre- sented by little Miss Fay Dunning. June 12--M`r. Malkin, Sr., and daughter of Colungwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Malkin on Sunday. Mr. `and Mrs. Beadle and other friends, of Toronto, spent the week- end at their summer cottage. Robt. Cameron of Toronto was home on Sunday. - Mrs. J. Dodds returned: home yes- terda from Rochester, N.Y., after spen ing a few weeks with her daugh- ters, who accompanled her home. .1, T) Ttnnnn ffnlnlan +Q lII\II.:I! horn, wuu accumpanleu ner nome. J. D. Knapp attended the county O.Y.B. meeting at New Lowell recent- '.I. D. Knapp and s. Pratt attended L.O.L. No. 452 last night when degree work was exemplied. sun: J. Wu uaaaaca \ VVHUUJL} xexucuuoni, Lorene Jebb. 15, Neptune (Gordon) (vocal), Neville Jameson. 16, Ojistoh (Johnston) (elocution), Juanita Jem- ieaon. 17, Gipsy Rondo (-Haydn) (piano), Ethel Halbert. 18. Lasca (Deaprez) (elocution), Irene Sheppard. During the pr am, Miss Jamieson WAR nrasnntnd th hnnnflll hnunnahs The Junior Institute met on Thurs- day evening at Miss Tena Wonch s. Arrangements were made for the July meeting to be held on the evening of Wednesday, July 3, in st. Jude's base- ment at which the members or the Senior Institute will be entertained and Mrs. Pernal Carr will give an ad- dress. The program consisted of a piano solo by Miss Juanita Jamieson, `a duet by Misses Jean Boake and Genevieve Jamieson, a reading by Miss Edith Elson and a paper on Canadian Literature. by Mrs. Jack Scott. The baby pictures of the members were exhibited and provided much amuse- ment after which the hostess served lunch, assisted by Miss Edna McKin- non. The meeting was presided over by Miss Wilma Thompson. as acting president. ' Mica lavniocnre Anibal are uvulg in u. uying age. In the recent essay `contest held by G. A. Stimson & Co., Toronto, the three highest prizes for Parry Sound district all went to one family. Jim Taylor. 14 years, won the first prize, $10; Jean Taylor, aged 15, 2nd prize or $5.00 and Doris Taylor, 12 years, 3rd prize, $3.00. They are children of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Taylor, Mag- netawan, Ont., and grandchildren of Mrs. Thos. Lucas, Thornton. Ivy Institute Entertained A very pleasant afternoon was spent in the basement of the United Church on Monday when the Senior Institute entertained the Ivy Institute and Thornton Juniors, Very encouraging reports were given by the three branches telling of the work done dur- ing the year. Miss McGee, one or the summer speakers, was present and gave a very ne talk on "Woman and er Place. Mrs. Roy Allan sang and Miss Juanita Jamieson gave a very appropriate reading. At the close of the meeting a dainty tea was served by the Seniors. 'I.....l-... i....LI4..AA L'UB|\LUD 11 Cl." C 1 On Friday morning an aeroplane ew over from Hamilton and made a successful landing in O. W. Henry's eld, let a passenger off and was away again -before even the small boy could get to the scene. on Saturday the aeroplane returned, picked up the passenger and away again. Truly we are living in a ying age. In H19 rnnnnf. ncnnv hnntnnt halt! hu &VulIBUn Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lennox and Lambert of Ivy visited on Sunday at James A. Jamieson s and Mrs. W. A. Ja.mieson s; also M-rs. Powiey, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powley. -and Cyril Fockler at Toronto at Mrs. W. A. Ja.rAnieson's. nlnnvn IIVIIB nae` Aurnu `El-a Il`l|lI1 ll IIIHBBUII. B`. A gloom was cast over this village on Friday afternoon when the news was received that Clarence McQuay had died at his home in Winnipeg that morning. Clarence was well known having spent some time as teller in the bank here. Sympathy is extended to his brother Arthur, who resides here. f`In hddnuu Uv\nvI-n{n:u an nnsu\v\1nv\n Us uuu rreauyuenun cnurcn IIUIC. Mr. and Mrs. Mason spent Sun- day at Horning s Mills with Mrs. Ma.- som sister, who was very ill and who has since passed away. The sympathy at the community is extended to Mrs. Mason. `KC and `fun `I I` T,nnvanU and 9- QIAUWBTII 5110. 133111], I113 MID. Bennett or Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs.. Alex. Stewart. Rev. Mr. Mccormeck and. J. A. Lennox have returned `home after at- ten conference in Toronto. Mes es Linn, Grey, Webster, Reid, Hill and Jamieson attended Deanery meeting in West Mono on Tuesday. Rev. Dr. David Perrie of. Win ham. the new Moderator or the Preebygerian Church in Canada, is rather-in-law or Rev. A. G. Rintoui, a. former minister or the Presbyterian church here. Mr. and Mrs Mnnnn Annnt Ann- on-I wuooup ovnonn vvnlu Q uvvuoog Iulill WU Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and 051; or Ivy spent Sunday at Arthur '8! Thnwnnn 1\rlu>In-(nun nnn AC W`-cvn\_ BID 5. Thornton Division, sons of Temp- erance, will meet on Wednesday night. June 19. `liaagn Edna `inIunAu nun` `Anus SOUND EFFECTS T nnamnzm 33: nm Wurlitzer Pipe Organ Edna Mcxlnnon and Jean Boake spent the week-end at Olirtord wltih Miss Anna G1-net. El-an-nnn nap! Cannvv and If-u Miss Martha Elson is visiting mend: at 3:0.` `I _nunusnnA AI finvnn nnnni STIUII wuu I113 Llllly (1315- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ooles of Bar- rie 3 nt Sunday at W. E. Grey's. Al Booth or K spent the week-and with Alex. Oou tor, Jr. Mrs. Brown of Schomberg visited Mrs. Herman Thompson last week. Ross Robertson of Toronto visited his aunt, Mrs. John Patton, last week. "n A-n `I--. rig` CICII--- ---I ---g Ila `HIV. '1'. A. Lawrence of Ottawa spent Friday with his ramily here. Mr. and Mrs, Havana Gals: nf Rm-. monmon fl%%$&%%$%%%$%m rmunnmnxannxn 5119. Miss Jamieson s Recital Aalvn nu Junior Institute 99"???` Opp. Post Office. aux. nuu AVLID. otewart lV1CEU3.y. He was born and raised here, getting his early education in Ivy public school As a boy he was liked by all, he hav- ing a bright, pleasing manner, He was a good sport in all athletic games. For a number of years he worked in the Union Bank, Thornton; then he was transferred to Toronto and later to the West. When the Union and Royal banks amalgamated he went into insurance and continued therein. In early life he became a member of the Presbyterian church here. He married Miss Baker of Edmonton; His father, mother, brother and sister started for the West, Saturday night. He leaves his wife, one child, father, mother, one sister, Mrs. W. E. Bant- ing, and three brothers, Elwood of Elmira, Arthur of Thornton, and Bert. of Ivy besides a large circle of friends , here and in other places where he has lived. ' I Service next Sunday, June 16, at St. Paul's, Innisl, at 11 a.m., at St. Peter's at 3 p.m. ysuvuxg. Next Sunday is the anniversary of the Sunday School in the Presbyterian church. Willard McDonald spent Sunday with Utopia friends. Mrs. Elwood McQuay of Elmira is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bert. McQuay. Mrs, Alhm-1-. hamum -Ia nnvvvin-3 tn an a. Dc; 0. ivruvguuy Mrs. Albert Dawson is conned to bed with a severe cold. Mrs. J. Gaines is on the sick list. G. Hussey passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Banting, on Tuesday morning. Clarence McQua.y s Sudden Death This community was shocked on Friday morning when a wire came from Winnipeg that Clarence Me- Quay had passed away from heart failure. Clarence was in his thirty- fourth year and was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQuay. He born and raised hprrn ontfina hie LL vlu U wpm. Mr. and Mrs. David Jennett "and family called on Creemore friends, Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Harris mother is im- proving. Wart Qrnnrlnu in nu. .......a........-.._. -n uuuz Luruuuu Dy 1110301`. ' The Ivy Institute went to Thorn- ton on Monday to the annual meet- ing. They report having a good time 3:16 hearing a very interesting ad- ess. Miss Ivy Coulter is very sick at time of writing. Dolph McLean, Oscar Bates and E. Guthrie motored to Toronto last week to get men. They succeeded in get- ting one each. Mr. and Mrs. -G. L. Davis were in Toronto on Sunday to see their daugh- ter Helen, who is still under the doc- tor's care. Mrs. Bushby of Toronto is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. H. Reid. 9 uvu G LEW uuya` WU/I1 lvy Irlends. "1vrr.nd Mrs. Geo. Banting and family spent Sunday with Elmvale friends. "l"hg1-an Y......-4..|. 1. . _ , , V -V uwuub`. Thelma Jennett has returned home from Utopia. `Mr and `AIM: hauria -r..........u -....r ucne anu wunemune Cleary spent last Thursday with Angus friends. Mrs. Bert. Jennett of Elmira is spending a. few days with Ivy friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gen, "Ranting and vi. or-on v. aouuuaua, vu .a.u.vuua;,y A nuxber from here attended the funeral of Miss Maria Maley at Thorn- ton on Sunday. The body was brought from Toronto by motor. Thn Tvv Tnetii-.u+n m.:m+ 4-- rrn....... I Barrigqyggin House dime 10-A. Burtoh of Barrie call- ed on friends here last week. ' gi: Elliott lost a. valuable horse last w . ` Harold Broley is suering with a. severe attnnlr nf mnnshg unsvau nsvncy La auucuug wwn kl severe attack of measles. J. Lennox of Barrie visited his sis- ter, Mrs. J. Banting, on Monday. A nnnnl-mun Juana Ln..- ..LA.-...1-.s. LL- In `VF-III: Ivene and Wllhelmine Cleary I55 Thursday With Anmxs frinnrk PRIME RIB noAsr ' CHOICE M34 rs MEALED BACK BACON lb. 39 clouov v-yr - ._.__ ' FRESH pom: SHOULDER % ROAST " - 11 comm "AND. 351.13 suounnnnm nLAI)"IaT ROAST. bnucx noAs'r Beginning Friday, June 14, at 8.30 AM. I-"53F.'_;"-%_s Veal Loa Ib.z9c `VKIUIUII-II w any-av---.- BISCUITS 'ii6A'.r ROAST ` EIS .l.`lE S ASSORTED ROAST niscmom ARNOLITS BEEF PAINSWICK lb. -320 AYLMER CHERRY GRAPEFRUIT 2 . CHIPSO CLARK S ASSORTED Potted Meats 3 Tins 25c HAWES LEMON OIIJ 113%.; Zlc EIXKDIU SNACKS 2 Tins 1_c Bargains Galore -- Prices Smashed