To Ohetbourl-Southampton June 18 July 9 Empress of Scotland July 2 July 28 .. Empress of Australia July 80 Aug. 20 Empress of Scotland Aug. 18 Sept. 8 Empress of Australia Apply heal Agents or J. I. IIAOIAI. General Aunt. Pagile Bldg. ur In-V -vs Univ DIV-Ivuvw won www- "ts; Mary noyea of Toronto ;p'e'nt Eundoy. the 3nd. at her home here. Ila: and Ila. B 1 "Austin Al 3...!- 1.13: In vainly; UIIUIIUI DUFIFUXIIWIIIVC I'D! I55!!! - Ol loiggump u Av Amt; Gould Bhsnahan is on the not list. L J. I-nlkott called on his friends hm recently. M18! MI Hall was home 10: 9. few Ann: wumnt u `I D FUCUIW r. and rs. D. Buckley are visit- inm Gun! 1:. r. and 5. Buckley have return- ed from Gun! h. was Dom Hayes left Monday of thaweek tor Toronto. an Lawn: Ylamn hen rail"-nu! WVOV III VIIU VOOIV Ivuou at Miss Adelalnd Keane; Bndtord Um home tor the holiday on June 8. Illa. "A-nu Hang. 4.0 "'01.-nnnnlvg ---uh MANUFACTURERS LIFE VHF`: David Kenny of Detroit has return- gulumuuuuguulug E E PH!-ZLPSTON llllliiiiil 1 thousand miles commences with a single step. Financial independence for later years begins with one single step:-Thrift. Let us show you how to start with a Double Maturity Endowment maturing at age 60 or upwards. " i nu nuuvurp June 22 July 18 Aug. 15 July 2 Aug. 1 Aug. 29 To llunburz June 26 Julv 24 Aug, 21 THE Chinese say a journey of a miles commences with a fiou Momw When Do You Start? Branch omoo-nonk of Toronto numung, isomo. w. J. wanxnn. msmoc Manager -. AME n. can ` !. nnhnI|s1l. Aranf. ilgwhgft '10-- FROM QUEBEC _ INI. __.L ______. Ii A . . . . . - . - . y - - . . . - . . . . . . . - no 'UIyvvn ........... .. +Montroyal Duchess of York . Duchess of Atholl .................... .. Mellta Thinhnma AC `Paul.- Enquire today Met am Mon lure Monticalm . Montroae IIIIIIIDIIII June as Julfgc Aug. 21 July 10 ............................. .. -, -..r....u new-Invvolbhna wvun. vuuwu Pat Keaney. a nearby neighbor, who has been a hard and steady worker for years gast, has acted on a. little advice an ~ departed recently for a. trip to the western provinces and the uuuubv wclgnn, D01! 10!` `COD. -1 understand there is not much work being done on the telephone system, the newly hired line men not taking over the work till July '1st. some times the lines are working sat- isfactorily, but there are times when it is impossible to get a call and that is the time one feels like cussing the system. We should not expect too much in a short time. but we certain- ly expect something some time. `Bat fInn_A.. - ..--._I.-- -- -l_.L --L- meat: uuue ammals do each season. Tom. O'Neill, mill-owner and lum- berman. and family of Craighurst, who have been residing in the village during the winter, have moved 0 their summer cottage at Oraighurst. MI . O'Neill has alreadv ninhnrl his UHu15b wui De (1. complete 18.110738. The little cotton-tail rabbit that got in his work on fruit trees and shrubs last winizeris makin his pre- sence known by nightly vis ts to the gardens. It is too bad more of the cit- izens do not give a little aid when they already realize the destruction these ittie animals do each TOH1. (YKYDHI rnH1-nnnnnu and hum- W181!` summer cottage at Oraighurst. Mr. has alread nished his cut at the mill, and wn . no doubt, be _soon starting operations in the woods for another supply. 8. Plant wlnhnn tn thnnlr 4: +1.. .14. nu` uuuuier supply. 8. Piatt wishes to thank all the cit- izens ,who so kindly gave him their support and condence in securing them their winter's `supply or fuel for the coming season, and he wishes to emphasize the fact that he has eu- deavoured to secure the best Iuel on the market at a. fair price to all and honest weight, ton for ton. - I lIndRTf.,hl` Ghana; '5 van` nnugh ouuucaa 111 um: unuertaxlng. Such a streak of continual north wlnd has not been experienced for many years: and with frost several nights last week. and no rain, most of the crops and fruits are showing the results. The ground is very dry, and 11 rain does not soon arrive many things will be a complete failure. Th!-I. HHJA nnH.nn-+al1 wnkkl 4-1...; uuu um uuo uuy 1530 WEEK. Two cars of stock were shipped from here on Monday; Mr. Scott nishing one from Minesin and P. A. Couch- lin and Cameron twins the other. A fine grade or hogs was shipped. Friends here were sorry to hear or the serious. loss by fire or the barn and contents of Mr. Cox oi the re- forestation plant at Anten Mills. A child with matches is given as the cause. Another meeting was held in the Hall here last week by the leaders or the proposed acking plant, when they _ stressed the mportance or each and nuns-u fauna;-u nIn...l..... ..... 4.- ---.-..- _ l vuv pavyuacw unsung yllllcp WHUH Hwy fmportance }every farmer signing up to assure 9. success in the undertaking. ` Such a streak nf nnntlmml nnrth voovoo pwouvoou coop nice U av VIII] IUOIFIUCI` able to ex ect that those hav :1: hens loose won (I shut them up? - ` Miss Mae Mcoarnen. who is en- Jo he a. rest on the farm {tom me cl y me, for a. whlle, gave a. few or her glrl friends a. pleasant atternoou and tea mm dmr last. man]: av ulvuljnnu June 19 July 12 .............. rMontroyal June 27 July 19" . ..... .. July 3 July 26 ...... .. July 20 Aug. 17 .......................... Aug. 14 Sept. 4 ...... .. Duchess of York `Calls at (John t From Quebec To Glasgow-Ballast June 22 ................................ .. Metagama July 3" July 26 Duchess of Atholl July 4 Aug. 3 Aug. 31 ...... ., Mlnnedosa July 12 ................................ .. :Montroyal July 20 Aug. 17 .......................... .. Mellta. `Does not call at Belfast trrom Quebec ~ JU Jug u. may un me Iarm mgy and tea one day last week. Tmn now: A! cfnnb llnnvn glad IVMUVHII ugcuu. The summer hands. 3 are close at bend. one of the tea signs being: few hours of school on Saturday pre- paring lor the exams. Nnw that mnnt nf thn Mtlvunn I-mun H31! 101' PRU exams. Now, that most 0! the citizens have their gardens In, isn't it only reason- having loose won (I shut them um! IIU Mrs. J. Kin and son Mack. Tomney. and; e Misses Reta an E. Mtaoornen were here for the week- en . Mrs. W. Henry and Mrs. M. Mec- Millan oi Toronto are vieitin their mother. Mrs. I. Leaace. Miee el- eo is home. . , Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly are enjoy- ing their annual holidays. The eta- tion is being looked after by I". Lover, relieving agent. Thn summer `hnlidavn urn nlnn At. H0!` 101' I IEW WWI! P. J. Hall of the Bank of Toronto sta. Toronto. is enjoying his holidays with higuparents here. `In : A air: nvkn urn: In Q0 VVIVII nova wutvvop OVQGII Us `OHIO! Miss Eleanor Hws has accepted I position in the O a Hospital, where she intends to train for a nurse. .'I\.. Irv I 0.1;... .1 1-; -n_Lu.-__n___ IIDUVOI& VV UOIIII IVE 3 OGCOUUO gzuw. J. dLotusMo1 it. ogtgutzzs` . an an . V urp y 0 Falls. were visitors here 0. tewhsuys urn A ed utter a few days visit with his mother. Ilmnnnla Hanna A0 uvnncfnia. TH kn: ""i3r"ax1s mm, or zvmmn. 111.. has returned home am: visiting relatives here tor a few weeks. B .7 Hall A! Man `Bank Al Vnunnfn WI-loll HID DIUHIJB H6176: Mrs. . A. Ooyne, who was in St. Oatharlnes ror some um?! 13 `again with her sister, Mrs. ".1. Ho. . III-n mndnlam 114-... I` ` - - . --.aLA.I A J.i`&U6 WHUUVU To Plymouth -June 26 July 24 Aug. 21 Montcalm July 10 .................................. .. Montrose III. A _A._-.__ {.;..;;.;.. r $8. an thn maul- vvuuwr or. uwyner Visited. Mrs. Ii. I31 - wln on Frida A. W. Morrfs and Mrs. Glass of To- ronto 5 eat Sunday at Elmcrort Farm . and Mrs. Ayres of Wye- vsle and John Downer or Elmvale at Henry Downers: John Purchase or Alliston with his sister,` Mrs. Angus Edgar: Mr. and Mrs. G.` H. Johnson or Golunzwood, at Jss. McEachern's.`_ uuu. nouv. A. W. uowner OI mun. Mrs. Herb. Dickinson and Mrs. E. Walker of Stayner visited Mrs. 3:. Br- win an F1-idunv uuuau uu, D1`. Mrs. McBeth and daughter Florence of Toronto visited on Sunday at J. Fo.ragher s; also Mr. and Mrs. Jory of Midland. -H_ll1sda-re softball team were defeat- etti absg Mldhurst -Thursday by 9. score a - . Miss Esther. Downer 1; spending the week-end with her brother in Toronto and Rev. A. W. Downer or Erin. MFR. `I -Tm-h ninblncnn and It-pa H! HIVHIK HE!` UUIISHB removeu. Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph attended the Medklcal Convention In Hamilton last wee . Mrs. Little, Toronto, spent Sande. with her mother, Mrs. M. McDona.1 . II-. -_A ID... ID A` UInIx_;; _LL-___I__I Iva Inuvvouvnj nvoclll `YO! OVQIIKVIIEIKI and Mrs. M. .1. Elliott attended the funeral of the formers uncle, J. Argue or Allenwood, on Monday. -11 : and `Icon ulhillinnnun -0 !--d.-_ -_. . -u v. nucovna vv vvu, Una avovsnuuq 1 `Mr. and Mrs. Bowman or Beeton and Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, Bar- rie, spent Sunday at the home or E. Calhoun, Sr. . MFR Mhunfh and Aausnknn Iilounnvnnn June 1-1-T-;Mrs. A. Thompson has returned from Midland Hospital after having her tonsils removed. Dr, II`!!! `III : 'P.IllInInI-I affunrlgal 'hn UMBER uuu uuuguwucu. It is not necessary to again men- tion or draw the attention or council to the certain roads that require re- pairing, etc.. as I am sure their trav- els would bring them into contact with most or them, but surely some- thin is going to be done soon. We do not ice to hear repeatedly that nut township has the poorest class of roads in the county and I am sure our council does `not care much to hear such reports either. Shot 20 Groundhogs in Two Hours I notice in the news items that some of our neighboring townships have ad- opted the hunting scheme to rid their elds from the ever-increasing groundhog, and to make it interesting have chosen teams, the losers, bearing the expense of a first-class spread. This is what your scribe has been ad- vocating here for some time, but a number of the farmers do not seem to get any closer to getting busy on this scheme than talk. Nevertheless, it we had _a few men around that could perform with a 22 rie like Mr. Laver, c.N.R. relieving agent, we i would not require any organized clubs, for he has already got nearly 100 to his credit, having killed 20 in one ev- ening in two hours. '13 -(')l;erbouu---SVo;1t'hampton June 26 July 24 Aug. 21 Montcalm July 2" Aug. 1 Aug 29 .... .. Montolare July 5 uchess or Bedtord July 10 ................................. .. Montrose July 18 Aug. 15 ........ .. Metagama Ana. '1 Aug. 27 .................. .. +Montroyal ' Cans at (John 1 {ram Quebec. To uvu-pool Jnnn 10 .7111 19 -I-'llnnl-annual coast, where he will have 9. cha e 0! climate. new scenery and surroun - Inge and 9. rest to his body, which should have been taken long ago. No doubt Mr. Keaney will enjoy the trip and I am sure will return greatly ben- eted and enlightened. T1 . in not nnnmzcnrv fn noaln man- L I-1_1iu.sDAu: l:`._GBERT M` COI.I.~FR01VTEN AC y can... - vs V OQIII van nvnnvllo B! I "53; United Ladies Aid and w.M.s. met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Clark. The principal business of the one uuJ.vcnsu..y UL .l.UL`Ul.l|:U. Mrs. .103. Sampson is spending a few weeks with .her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Vining, Port Huron. Mich. Hg- Y1'..lL...l 7-41-.) 11.1 ___.. coy:-an UlU ZIUIIU USE. The pulpit of the `United Church was filled by a. representative or the Lord's Day Alliance in the absence of Rev. B. Mcnoberts, who is attending Conference in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker and famil motored to Toronto last Friday to at end the graduation exercises of the University of Toronto. Mr: Jnn Rnrnncnn 1: cnnnn-lino 4: June 11-Congratulations to Miss Mary Walker, who was successful at the recent University examinations in obtaining her B..A. degree with rst class honours. l'I'!I-.1. nulult .& cl... 'r'r...u...1 ru....-..1. McgpLL-F3QTENf\p 91L gioMp_ANY LIMITED .. _..J "II_,, INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE . . TORONTO, CANADA GUTHRIE -_ -.j__ -7-.-_..-.-w--3`a.&VJ- JJLLVLLL` Oices and Plant: at Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Distribution warehouses at other convenient points. G. G. MOORE, Barrie Dealer. 223 Louisa Street. Phone 1219. Ladies Aid was planning for then garden party. . WCIL UVCI. Iauuuuy. A shower was held at the home of Jas. Cerswell under the auspices of the girls of the community in honor of Miss Marion, who is to be married shortly. NIH: .T T Qtnnn nffnnrla o In- D `Yo LIUA Ill Mrs. J. W. Stone attended a Wo- men's Institute convention in Shel- burne on Tuesday, one in Chatham on Wednesday and on Thursday is leav- ing for a tour of the West where she will attend a number of gatherings of the same nature. | wccn-cuu GD 1115 IIUIIIU IIUIU. Miss Velma Abernathy of Weston was a. visitor at the home of Jas. Gers- well over Sunday. A ghnmnr mac HA1!` cf fn "I-nnrnn nf Wm. Reynolds of Oshawa spent the lweek-end at his home here. `Ale: T7111:-nn Alrunuovupd-1... Pu: 1l'r....J-A... BOND HEAD TORONTO, ST. THOMAS, WINDSOR, LONDON LINDSAY, KITCHENER, ORILLIA, PETERBORO Local Office: l20wenSt. F. G. OKE & CO. MINING STOCK BROKERS Inside Stuff" Davxug ptuuuptc cvcr appucu 10 IELIOOH tires. Thousands of car owners are end thusiastic over the added strength and shock-resisting qualities of Gum Cushx ioned Tires. And the price is no high: than for ordinary tires. Go to Gum` Cushion Tire Stations-they ll show you: "Built Better to Wear Bette:-" Gu"ttaPercha&Rubbe1-,Limited,ToroIA1ta The largest All-Canadian Rubber Company. - - Founded in 1883 HE construction of this wonderf tire is no secret. We are proud Gmn Cushions--the most effective tire saving principle evetr applied to balloon 4.2--.. 'I`L......._.J.- _ ---- --- --- -A- AA- - B,-,- Phone 1440 ":15." ' 'n2i'ia.".'i=."3."zIio;}i"5:"ESSA. visited with P. J. Mcainn-is on June 2. Miss Irene Toner of Toronto was the cues: of Mrs. Jos. O'Neill last wank . GP"PuroGIun`l'uIIl GP Tubes made of Pay Gun fnlzlrn Janos moluulnd Thursdti. June 13' -u-.-; "j" I9-160 NIH! WEEK SUI 'I'0l'0IlI0u Miss Loretta Hayes has returned tram visiti in Toronto. Mr. and I. 0. Memo oi stayner were in the village Sunday. nu... 1.1-1-1--` 9-.-... -0 -a..-.u--.|