l"UlVLV1DI.l.l!IlJ ~U\lJ-&l1\JJl6D M) 100 55 Woodland Beach, Georgian Ba . 25 miles from Barrie. $15.00 to 25.00 per week. Good sate bathing. States. dhumh and mat office. Annlv tn .1 MISCELLANEOUS L UAW` 24p COUL'1`ER-At- in: iooya.1 "Victoria. .Hosp1ta.l, Barrie, Wednesday, June 12. 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. coul- har `Plan!-n'fnn a sign CAVANA-GI-I-TLUK--At 92 wof-sley Sh. `Barrie. on June 2, 1920 hv Rm: Ull V I'll` 1\X1'ul`-`Ll U U315 ll 36 W Ul'lUy St., Barrie, on June 8, 1929, by Rev. Neil Campbell, B.A.. Kenneth John Cavanagh of Barrie to Clara E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Luck of Mitchell Square, COCKBURN--EMMS-At 92 Worsley st., Barrie, on June 8, 1929, by Rev. Neil Campbell, B.A., Wilfred Laurier, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coclcburn, -to`Hilda Eden Pearl, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Emms, all of Edgar. VALLIE-McKERNAN -- On Wednes- day, June A_5, 1929, at St. Leo's Church, Detroit, Mich., by Rev. Fr. Jas; J-. O'Mara, Anna Alice, eldest daughter of Mrs.` McKernan and the late Daniel Joseph McKernan, for- n_ierly of Barrie, to Mr. Willard Val- lie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vallie, of Detroit, Mich. jj_j j : FOR SALE-1 tent 30x15. 1 tent `max 9; Snow-B1rd electric washer, good as new, for half price. At Tuck's. 24p -_'jj Jmau Din UUAUSI. 10055 uuu runs splendidly.` 1919 DODGE TOURING, make good truck. _ _ FORD 1-TON TRUCK with stake body; Price $85. Luau FULVLLAU J.u'1.l.VlJl1U niuau. glood appearance. runs splen- 1028 ESSEX SIX OOAOH. 1923 STAR TOURING, cheap for quick sale. 5 '8%RD TOURINGS from $50 to 2 FORD OOUPES at $75 each. 1925 STAR COACH. looks and rung gnlnndidlv` TO LET reasonably. large furnished cottage at Oawaja Beach, 8 miles rrom Midland, Ideal beach for children, cnlnnrliri hnC'.hhU a-nmi dfnun and Chan- 193ElJR_XI`I-T 4, convertible road- s er. 1928 FORD MODEL A SPORT COUPE, with rumble seat. good tires and good condition throughout. 928 DURANT $5-TON TRUCK. in splendid condition, balloon tires. 4-wheel brakes. 1927 STAR FOUR COACH. in good condition throughout. 1927 STAR SIX CHASSIS. run `small mileage and in exceptional condition: make splendid truck. 1927 FORD COACH, runs good, has 5 wire wheels. 109') nnvumvan tnxrnnnv can-en`! llh D WIFE WHUCIS. 1927 PONTIAC LANDAU SEDAN. nnnd nnnnnv-anon rung nnlnn- 1.0, Lilli. IIU H11`. uuu Ml `ter, Thornton. a son. CONCERT` _ IN _ Agricultural Hall, Elmvale Monday, June 24, 1929 P_ROGRAM1\/ml ---- THE MCGREGOR OLD TYME CONCERT PARTY Marjorie Stevens. Vocalist. Ethel Clowes, Violinist. Hazel Buchnan, Reader. Jimmie Fax, Entertainer. Jessie McGregor, Pianist. Admission 35c. I121`! I`I CCIIVI Derr-13x;strator at the leading Canadian and American Hairdressers Conventions Irrvv 9 ---un unu - unaunvndhl """"" ' BBB: . Mrs. Amold s Parlour 21 COLLIER ST., BARRIE June 24 to 29 Phone 1147W Phone 387.! -- 8 Nofth Btzagt BARBIE, ONT. H559 CABS. '!\vvv-| A `sun ; yAR13Y F. MORREN Midland, Ideal beach tor children, splendid bathing. good stove and fire- place. Apply 164 Bayfield St. V 241) Baggq and White Rock com: AND HEAR NURSE HUXLEY IIAIIOLII mu Permanent Waving ELIZABETI-i ST., BARRIE (LATE OF ENGLAND) Saturday, June 15 3 AND 7.30 O CLOCK. Bryson & Morley IYOI.`I\ .lNAI'I I l\FIV U's'I7:1'5'c3.1'2"i.c'>'1 * BABY cmcxs 25th Anniversary Highest quality 18 each FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, central location, all conveniences. Apply Examiner Of- fice. . 24b MASONIC :1. uuu 1'nvu:.' ` ens. :, an, Entertainer. yor, Time 8.15 LOS'I`--on May 30, lady's wrist watch. Kindly leave at Reeve s Jewelry Store and receive reward. _ 24b POSITION WANTED by two Scotch girls as help on farm. either together or separate. Apply at Examiner Ot- oe. ' . 249 MRS. EDWIN INESON Death came to Mrs. Edwin Ineson, Donald St., on Monday, June 10, 1929, following a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Ineson had reached the advanced age of 82 years. A native of Yorkshire, Eng., she came to Canada in 1901, re- siding in Toronto until she came to Barrie five years ago. Her maiden name was -Mary Ann Pickersgill. Mr. meson died 22 years ago. The following fam- ily survive: Mrs. Fred Clark, Vancou- ver; Mrs. Frank Mashinter, Toronto; Mrs. A. A. Thomas, Toronto; Mrs. Ho- viard Welch and Norman meson, Bar- r e. `Alma Tuna-an wins I\ vnnunknu AC H`nIn_ 116. Mrs. Ineson was a. member of Trin- ity Anglican Church and the services at the home and Barrie Union Ceme- tery` were taken by Rev. A..R. Bever- ley. .Three sons-in-law and their neph- ews were pal1~bea.rers., viz., A. A. Thomas, Frank Mashinter, H. Welch, Albert Thomas, Harold Thomas and Jas. White. mi!-`In an hnln nn fnvmn .nN-haw nng-ha: Vavvvblv QAVLJD (all: Ipuonlvu -special for Saturdgy, pure ground rice cake, 25 cents. Bryson s Bakery, phones 26 or 56. 24b TA ntnrui `nnrn vnncnnn QCQIAQ instants A` AAUAAV I VIII -`aw glblvalv UV UL UV. d`lH -A good lawn mower gives years of satisfaction. Ours are guaranteed and the prices $7.75 and upwards. The Green Front Hardware, 98 Dunlop St. 24b -special for Saturday, pure ground rice cake, 25 cents. Bryson s Bakery. phones 26 or 56. 24b in ' lV1m:s.nv\nr\vIA An Tuna Q nvndn u,u_yuuu15 CADC yuu gcu Juan wuuu you pay for. Harry Morren, 8 North St.. phcine 387J. 22-24}; OBITUARY Ul':1l!'.'U. BCIVLUC. a-zu -Better values in metal and as- phalt roofings at the Green Front Hardware. Consult us about your roofing problems. We're here to serve you. Armstrong 85 Rainford, 98 Dun- lop St., phone 705. 2411 -.a v \rn1 -.1\rn1 5.: While'-o'n a visit to Barrie, having `come to see her brother, Robt. A. Muir, who is a patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Mrs. John Hirons, former well-known resident of Gren- fel. was taken with a heart attack and died at the home of her nephew, W. H. Black, 156 Bradford St., Tuesday night, June 11, 1929. Mrc T-Tivnnc nrhncn rnoirtnn name uzsuu, uuuc 1.1., 1.348. Mrs. Hirons, whose maiden name was -Agnes Alice Muir, was born at Georgetown, 54 years ago. In 1880 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Muir, moved to Grenfel and there she mar- ried John Hirons in 1895. Ten years later they left Grenfel, moving to Barrie and later to Toronto. For the last few years they have been living in the neighborhood of Orangeville. Mr. Hirons operating a sawmill at dif- ferent places. Mrs. Hirons was a faithful christian and took an active part in church aifairs. She was a member of Elizabeth St. Methodist Church (now Central). when the pre- sent church was erected. In the church at North Runnymede, Toronto, she was president of the Ladies Aid for several years. Mr T-Th-nne cnrulune mi!-h -u: IPnl1n\n.. nu acvcrm. years. Mr. Hirons survives with the follow- ing family: W. Earl, J. Norman and Elsie May, at home; Mrs. D. Johnson and Mrs. Samuel Wolfe of Mono Mills. Her brother, Robert Muir, is the only survivor of a. family of thirteen. The fllnnl-1:1 tnlrnc nlnnn nn I`!-{Ann autvxvui.` U1 a. iumuy OI mirteen. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon to Barrie Union Cemetery. Rev. A. E. Baker and Rev. Mr. Shan- non of Rosemont will have charge of the services and six nephews will act as pail-bearers. _ Additional obituaries on page 2. Vvu Ill aailllnovo -Don t miss "Tommy Atkins at the Capitol next Mon., Tues., Wed.- A special production at regular prices, 10c and 25c. 24:: -Don t let your food spoil. Use one of our guaranteed refrigerators: prices as low as $14.50. The Green Front Hardware. ' 24b -Airp1ane battle, cabaret` robbery, wild chase, thrills! see Rod la Rocquo in Captain Swagger, Capitol Thea- tre, 'I'hurs., Fri., Sat. 24:: -Sale of electric hot plates at the Green Front Hardware; $3.00, $5.25 and $7.00. No special wiring required: electric irons at $2.2\9. Phone 705. 241) I_...l-I A-.. 5-l.u_.1--. nnnnnng __--n_.1 KJOIIUVULJC Local police have been asked to keep a lookout for Margaret Aldous -and Helen Boyd, 13-year-old school girls of Orillia, who ran away from home last Friday evening. "l"knnn-wyl Inn A uh-uu KY1; "Frag- Luau -I LAu.u4J V V\4LALIA5u -'I`here'wi1l be a play No Tres- passing," given in the Hall at Crown Hill by the young people of Shanty Bay, in aid of the Anglican church, on Wednesday, June 19th. 24p --Brad1ey s Barber Shop announc- ing a three-chair service, each oper- ated by skilled, competent and court- eous artists (not students). Visit our shop and be convinced of this unex- celled service. 2413 `Dn6-On unluna In. 1-nnln-:1 and an. lJllUl.l.U GU UL UUo `TU At Creerhore on June 3, Barrie baseball team took rst place, beating Port McN1co1l 7-4 and Creemore 13- 4. Emms and Thompson were the battery. `I I\t'|t\` unilnn 1..-.uu~ Innnuu nalrn J-A Innnn YOUNY LAD (18) WANTS WORK; can drive car; willing to work at any- thing. Apply Examiner Office. 24:: unuuo C'lU It is expected that a contract will be let shortly for an, extension to the present building of the Bell Telephone Co. in -Barrie. 1-\_..u. .__.1_.. nu-u_..'_____, .u-n___u -4 sauna av Liming \.IlGAlGIllD VIA VIII] LU. U -Just arrived, a shipment of lad- ies over blouses; reasonable prices; at the Mary Payne Shop,` Olapperton St. 24b The Citizens Band gave the first of the season s concerts in Queen's Park last Thursday, playing 9. good pro- gramme. 13..-.& -._.I Il_....-I _._.I An. IIIEICI . ~ -Yours for service at Bradley's`?-` chair Barber Shop. 24b l Bloom on the spireas is exceptional- ly beautiful this year. county council meets next Monday for its regular mid-summer session. Tenders are being called for im- provements 1n- Masonic Temple block. 13 RKAT .1: an is Ennfnh has has in rnvn go Inouunvu ---Sugar Beet; and Mange! seed, 40 1b.; Turnip seed, 50c 1b.; Shady Nook lawn grass, 50c lb. 0. C. Hinds, Phone 145. 24b -'I'elephone 240 for the Rawleigh man. 241) TL in -u...-..A....1. A.I.-L - --..A...--A. _.nI ""3-r7reZ'ror-A11, 2.30, 2.13 and 2.50 classes, for pacers and trotters and`a.ll kinds athletic sports. 24-26b ---For plumbing and heating, ring 214. J. J. Neelands. 48 Blake St. Prompt attention to repairs. lstfb _'I'W-In annulnl nnonvknnuu Cnnilon-:1 AC ` T1 -'n"e ";1;I`1I;`i`;tZm7:'s?`iest1vE.`i"B? Guthrie Presbyterian Church will be held at Alex. Graham's on July 16. b _`I'nef arrival! as aklnvnan A0 `Ind- y. \l V VOOIVCCIIV ll RIQCUBIIU & CIIIHIW XIUUQI D. McLagan, Scotch baker, moved into his new store next Hinds Grocery this week. ' 1-1.... 1A., :1: nan A-A _,, n An. 2'y........ -Telephone 240 for the Rawleigh 24b la-_ _.-..--l.. .4. E--AI-_l- O WANTED TO RENT--From 5 to 10 acres with good dwelling and build- ings suitable for poultry, preferably convenient to schools. Box 500, Bea- vercon, Ont. 23-24p ----_... MRS JOHN HIRONS Mr. Q53 _1:rs.'13. viranwm aiia Mrs. Boyce, Midhurst,'w1sh to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and nvmnnthv 1-umivmi (luv-lmr their tenant IIIUUQH and IICIIIIUUFB JUL IJLIULIUBB Gulll sympathy received during their recent sad bereavement. 241:1 HIRONS-In Barrie. suddenly, on Tuesday, June 11, 1929, Agnes Alice Hirons, beloved wife of John I-Iirons, aged 54 years. The funeral will take place from the residence or her nephew, W. H. Black, 156 Bradxord 817., on Friday, June 14, at 2 p.m. for interment in Barrie Un- ion Cemetery. MAR;ROW--At Lot 5, Con. 9, Innistil, on Thursday, June 13, 1929, John Luke Marrow, in his 62nd year. Fun- eral trom his late residence, 2 pm. Saturday, for interment in Thom- ton Union Cemetery. McQUAY--In Winnipeg, June 7, 1929, R. O. McQuay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mcquay, Ivy. SWI'I`zER.-At the Toronto General Hospital, Sunday, June 2, 1929, Alice Florence Meekum, beloved wife of Ila ml ml I-our DUNSMORE-In` loving memory of our dear grandma, Mary Margaret Dunsmore, who Jesus called into his` arms. June 13. 1927, `Dear Grandma, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. -Lov1ng1y remembered by 24b her Grandchildren -2 CLARKE4-In fond and loving mem- A... no Mania mhn dim! Jun-m 1n` 1922. CLARKE--J.n Iona anu. ruvxug unnu- ory of Nellie, who died June 10, 922. Seven years have passed And still we miss her, Loving hearts alone can tell Earth has lost her, heaven has `found knot J.uuy WUIU hut! ucov wuuux uuuu vuuau send, Faithful parents and true to the end. In silence they suffered, in patience. I-In an hrn-A IWU Auucxy ycaua uauvc yaaocu, ucuul mother. Since angels came for you, Yet through the mist of these long years, 0 Your face comes smiling through. Each lonel hour that we have spent, Is woven hrough and through With golden threads of memory`, Deer mother, Just for you. |.._.I1.. 1......` ._.1 .I_-_1- IJIIIIUIL nun AUBU M65, uwuvuu any as her Jesus hath done all things well. I-LL_.. III.1II.I_ -...I ' YOUNG MAN, school teacher, desires employment during July and August, cm` driver, understands typewriting and bookkeeping, Harold I-I. Pearson, Box 11, Barrie. 2413 UBIAE LABELO uvnav wag vonqgoau u .- 24;: -Mother, Willie anc-1' Vina DICKEY-In loving memory of our dear father, John M. Dickey, who passed away June 16, 1925, also our dear mother who passed away July 8, 1923. They were the best whom God could :nn :1 All aucuuc DISC] DuLJ.ULUu, Au ya4vu;L.|v\'- they bore. T111 God called them home to suffer not manna 24b ' DUNSMORE-In loving memory _of our dear mother, Mary Margaret Dunsmore, who suddenly passed a- way June 13, 1927, at Toronto. Two lonely years have passed, dear m nth M- -W. mvvm-- I;"<;1:n_:l1;r'io:'e deeply 24b mourned by her Family FIUIUUUI: JNLUCI Earl Swltzer. I \.nIV\A vwanw no more. ::%`TSaturciay. June 15th. to Saturday. June 22nd (5 Successful Years inBarrie) GARAGE TO LET-PhOne 453. 24tfb Five Points Toilet Goods Specials 7-oz. Silk Bags of St. Denis Bath Salts ...... .. 25 2 drums 1`:/Iinty s Perfumes, fancy vial (5 odours) Reg. 25c dram .............. .. 29 :`?g`.J?2 T` . . `L .... ... " ... M ........... . _ eg. 25c ......................... .. TOILET WATERS Reg. $1.50. ..................... .. 6 oz. M1nty s Cocoanut O11 Shampoo ................. .. 6 oz. M1nty's Pine Tar Shampoo ....................... .. Three Flower Vialettes 3 Bottles of Perfume 6 Cakes ierigen wBath Soap and 18 x 36 Huck Towel (2 Reg. $1.00 ...................... .. 4 Cakes Jergen's G1ycer- C ine Soap. Reg. 3 for 25c. '3 Cakes Blondeau Bath C Soap. Reg. .2 for 25. 8 Cakes Castile Soap Reg. 6 for 25. .............. .. 25 4 Cakes Manyowers Soap._ Reg. 8 for 250. 25 `(Three 7FZ1owers Face Pwd. $1L0i0 Three Flowers Perfume .25 DOUGLAS DRUG STORE [Douglas Filf Year Sale Week Modess and Kotex Now 49 per doz. pads HOUSE TO RENT. 100 Collier St. Ap- ply 9 Market St., Barrie. 23-24p Both for $1.00 CIIVI V0 -sadly missed by Daughters Iy MEMORIAM Guess the number of pieces ofvMint Nips Toffee in our Window Display. 2..-: I1.-__ 5-- ,_9 II (`I I - up I A- -- In appreciation of the support given us by ou r many customers and friends we "are putting on this Anniversary Sale ` ""`"""1=im Prize--Ganong s Box Chocolates, Value $6.00 Second Prize--Ganong s Box Chocolates, Value $4.25 Third Prize-- Ganong s Box Chocolates, Value $2.50 ALL PURCHASES OF 25 AND OVER ENTITLED TO A VOTE DIED "7".9.3."".!P9"`9$' SOAPS AND HAIR DRESSING PARLOR TO RENT--Offlce room and bright living apartment. S. W. Moore. 24tfb [IE1 WUVIE UUUU BWIU Ulalllllsn UPUT35. church and post office. Agfly to J. Webster, 100 Owen 312., Bar e. 24-29b TO SAVE `YOU MONEY 562 50c 25 {IE WELLINGTON HOTEL BLOCK Phone 75 Gonesponder;c and Box i?.`Z. ......................... .. 19c Ne1lson s Bulk Choco- lates, 55 lb. ...................... .. Chocolate Bars 6 for ................................ .. Mint Nips 1/ II. ..._.v..... v-......`, _.__v.. :4 lb. .............................. .. Glenda Rum and Butter Toffee, 17$ lb. .................. .. Lined Envelopes and Colored Paper, Reg. 75c 49c to $1.50 .......................... .. APARTMENT FOR RENT. with or without lawn and garden, rent rea- aonable. Apply 73 Tlffin St., Allan- dale. 20-24p ECLIPSE FOUNTAIN PENS (guaranteed). Gold-lled points, $215." .` ...................... .. 89 16 oz. RBSSIAN OIL, 8 SEIDLITZ POWDERS (Boxed). Reg. 25c ...... .. 1 VB: 5 BULL {Elli ` LVFl\ VANILLA at`; SILVER TEASPOON .................. .. No. 2 HAWK EYE cAM- . ERA. Reg. $1.25. ...... .. A No. 2A HAWK EYE CAMERA, Reg. $2.50 _._...-.. _ --`.... `:6 lb. .............................. .. Nei1son s Creamy Toffee 1/ II. 1.11:. E01 cnomr-:s A. E. WHITBY A. F. A. MALCOMSON EXTRA VISIT BRICK HOUSE TO LET, comer Essa Road and Burton Ave. Apply to Leigh- ton Emma, M1net's Point, telephone 104r15. ' 22tfb TIP TOP T AlLORS Saturday, June 15 WITH COMPLETE RANGE OF More Cars _ More Tourists : More _ __ .. -v-w- w - uwc-1::-or Consult our office for a of Auto Insurance offering the most protection at the lowest cost. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Box STATIONERY IOU, .......................... .. II (Extra Heavy Grade) of MR. A. Z. GARNER, representing CANDY! wE REPRESENT CSMPANIES OF UNDOUBTED FINANCIAL STANDING LAUNDRY WANTED. Rough dry. Called for and delivered. Apply 62 Owen St. . 23p 98 $1.89 59c aI14:x\ `35c 25c 25c 19c 19c 25c 19 iFAi3Ri"S"' ' ALL ONE PRICE TIP TOP TAILORS, the largest one-piece tailors in the world, have brought made-to-measure clothes within reach of all. TIP TOP TAILORS will make a suit to your own individual measure from any cloth you select at one low standard price. Why not let the world's largest. one-price tailors make your new suit to mea- sure? Mennen's Talc and Shaving Cream -Both for ...................... .. co1gate's Shaving Cream and Coleo Soap --Both for ...................... .. Rubberset Shaving Brushes, Reg. $1.50 ...... .. Auto Strop Razor and Strop. Both for .......... .. Minty s Witch Hazel Shaving Lotion, 6 oz. LIVE POULTRY WANTED, all kinds of live fowl. Phone 384 or write H. Levin, Box 542, Barrie. 20-25p SHAVING SUPPLIES M1nty s' Speci Lotion, 6 oz. Dupont French Brushes and Case, Reg. 50c ...... .. Tooth Brushes Reg. 35c ..................... .. Tooth Brushes Reg. 250 ................. ...r ..... .. Dr. West Tooth Brush Dr. West Tooth Paste Squibb s Toothpaste .......... .. Squibb s Milk of Magnesia 5 x 7 Enlargement Mounted. Reg. 45c . Both for 43. Both for 50. {room BRUSHES Have your favorite Negatives Enlarged STORE TO LET. 56 Bayfield St.. rea- sonable rent. immediate possession. Apply Jas. Cheesman, phone 158. 24-5b 33 Elizabeth St., Barrie :*;:?*i.f??T%fi%f%% 50 V'1'||lIlI!oJnnIl8.1lII 41 Dunlop so. Phone 447W 39c 19c 33 50c 25c 756 45c 25c 70c HOUSE FOR RENT--62 High St.. hot water heating, hardwood floors. Apply Phone 411. ' 24b HOUSE FOR RENT, 26 Bradford St. Apply Mrs. Wilson. 386 Harbord St.. Toronto, or 104 Elizabeth 815., Barrie, Ont. 23-25p BLIUVV UEFUB. LVU UGXIVNBDLII5 U1` EUHUIIF lng. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Mennon- Itt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb vv an ; .n.u-o-nu; at:'pUWCL' gun` cuguw. W. J. Goodfellow, Stroud. Telephone 11131. 241) YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- lna W5: Inntrnnt vnu and nnnnht um: ORDERS will be received for four months old Leghorn chicks. J. Bir- nle, Barrie. 23-24p ROOM WANTED by gentleman. Ap- ply to Box B", Examiner Oftlce. 24p WANTED-3-horse-power gas engine. I .1 (F.-nnrifr-\HnuJ Qtvnnd 'T`n1nnhnnn GIRL WANTED to help with house- work; plaxin cooking. References re- quired. Apply, giving full particulars. to Box P" Examiner Office. 241) EXPERIENCED SALESLADY and stock keeper wanted for silk and dress goods department. No other need ap- ply. Walker Stores Limited. 24'b WANTED--Young girl to help with light housework, preferably one fond of children and who can sleep in her own home. Phbne 1141. 24b W113. 1' L DOC] phone 987. EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL wanted for downstairs work and plain cooking. No washing. Mrs. Hargreaves, 65 Peel st. 23tfb COOK-GENERAL--Good wages to ex- perlenced maid, nurse housemald kept. Mrs. Fraser, 101 Clapperbon St ... tele- nhnnn ORV Qdn ;;Em&w%&$m$ DI! ADLET COLUMN g :>I 10X<>I0X<>I<>I<>I0I<>X4$ one cent a word. cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 250). six insertions tor the price or tour. 10c extra when tharged: also 10c extra when replies nun (III-anfnd tn Thu lfvnmlnnr Offl. EXPERIENCED MAID wanted. Tele- phone 1264. ' 24tfb I have stopped pedigree hatching the chicks from my high record R.O.P. hens. For the balance of the season all the chicks from my choicest foun- dation stock will be mixed and sold with the regular (Superior Quality) chicks at 18c each. In chicks as in anything else you get just what you nav for. Ham-v Mnrrpn R Nnrth Rt MAID WANTED AT ONCE. Mrs. Stro- ther, Peel and Wellington. 24p GIRL WANTED for florist shop. Apply Powell & Hook, 161 Dunlop St. 24p MALU WAlV1'ni1J, uu wumuug UL` nun- ing. Apply Mrs. Harold Dyment, High _St; 24tfb MAID WANTED for general house- nvnhlr Annhy I/fr: TI .1 1-Tnath 194 NIALLJ WnLVJ.nau LUL scucuu uuuac- work. Apply Mrs. H. .1. Heath, 134 Owen St., Barrie. 24b MAID WANTED for light housekeep- ing. Apply Arcade Store, Barrie. 24p z:--jju MAID WANTED. no washing or iron- Int! Annlu Mn: `I -Tnrnh-1 hvmnnf. Y-Huh MAID WANTED for small family of two adults. Phone 799. 24b ROOMS AND BOARD PROPERTY TO LET FURNISHED \CO'I`TAGES to let Ilfnntllnvul Ilnnnh (`lulu-clan Dan 30; 8130 IUC 3301' Wllll FUHHUS rected to The Examiner Otce. _AuT9MoB1LEs HELP WANTEF wANTE_5 UULC` 24p FIVE ACRES for sale, good buildings; town water. Electric light. Box 574. Barrie, Ont. -21-2-ip HOUSE FOR SALE, 6 rooms, cottage. 86 Peel St. Light: and water, fruit trees, and small `fruit; good garden and garage. Apply 31 Vespra st., or phone 805.}. 23-28;) AT MIDI-IURST VILLAGE, two acres of good land under cultivation, suit- able for gardening or growing straw- berries. There is a good orchard of apple and other fruit trees; also good stable and garage and other outbuild- ings. There is also a good dwelling house and store with contents and fixtures, also gasoline tank, This is a splendid investment `for anyone wish- ing to keep store and grow strawber- ries. For particulars apply at property to Mrs. H. J. Boyce, Midhurst Post Office. - 24x uuu Uu IBHIBDBWI DE; COWGSGS 1'01` or rent at 313 Bay and all no: shores. T : FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED - small, comfortable, furnished or partly furnished house, central location pre- ferred, by Sept. 1st. Term of 10 months or more. What have you? Box M" Examiner. 24b PULLETS FOR SALE-A number of bred-to-lay Barred Rock pulle-ts.. three months old. Apply to Mrs. Roy Part- ridge. Shanty Bay, Ont. Telephone Oro 16r26. 24p FOR SALE-Modern bungalow, press- ed buf-f brick, five rooms, good sized hall, pantry and bath room, oak floors and trim including doors; hot water heating, large garage, everything in good condition. E. Painter. 51 William St., phone 823. 24-2513 v __v._-_- uwvuun jwvvvvv .&IIICV Mrs. Mao Creswicke. Five Points. Barrie Two brick houses tor sale including furniture; twenty-rive dollars a month without interest buys a new brick house. bath, furnace; good live and fitteen acre properties for sale; some good old homes tor sale. with lawns and gardens; -stores to rent. a good one on Elizabeth St: cottages tor sale rent at 319 Bnv and an nnnrhu PAINT YOUR HOUSE at reasonable price. Expert work. Phone 1002. 23-2813 1 CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES, the kind to grow, yield more and demand larger price. Certified Dooleys for sale; Every bag tagged. J. A. Ryan, Alliston. 15tfb FARM FOR SALE, concession 13, In- nisfil, one mile from Allandale, good barn, stone foundation: small house. John McG11l, Blake St., Barrie. 23-24p xj-j TWO COWS FOR SALE-One Ayr- shi1'e with calf at foot; one Durham, due to freshen immediately. Apply 206 Bradford St. or phone 420. 24b SEED AND FEED` 1-'oRsAu:| 200 ACRES OF LAND for sale; 70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush. Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrle. RR. 2. 5-28p FOR SALE-Fox hound puppies. Late A. Morten breed. Isaac Aconley, Shan- ty Bay. 24-26p FORD one-ton truck and Reo standard sedan in first-class condition. Bar- gains. Otton Hardware, telephone 123. 24-291) POTATOES PLANTED with `Hoover planter for three dollars per acre. J. Hammond, Allandale. 2413 LOST:-One Goodyear cord tire, 32x4, and rim, new, between Barrie and Hanover. Finder please call 1220W, Barrie. Reverse charges. 24b IRWIN S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance. night and day. ggscent service. George Irwin. Plhaxtzg : HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER sharp- ened by machine. Give us a trial. Call- ed for and delivered. Ed. Zeihr, phone 5971, 114 Sophia St.. West. 23-25b FOUND-A sum of money. Apply of~ fice of Fisher Mills. 24p LOS'I`-A ring, garnet and pearls, last Friday, between Mary St. and Mul- caster St. Reward at 94 Mary St. 2413 LOST--Moore motometer with radia- tor cap, on June 6, from King Block, on Dunlop, Elizwbeth or Bradford Sts. Finder please notify Examiner Of- flce. 24x ' EURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburtra Shoe Store. Miss M. Mo- Arthur. 0'7"`- ruuuuur I Arthur. -ww nova: and-I I\lVV _6V lJ\lIVII NOTICE is hereby given that the or- flclal "Town Dump" is in the Agricul- tural Park and` that the Sanford St. Dump" heretofore used has been gllosed. All interested please take no- ca. ROOM TO LET, wit or without board. Apply 15 Bradford St. 241) UlUUu By order or the Board of Health. 24b JOHN BOWMAN, Inspector ...._________.___..__.___._ NOTICE RE TOWN DUMP? Y\Yf\"l`TI':| a ......l.-.. .. ...... 'A.n.-:. UZUBUI tlce. FOR SALE-Beach Composite range, nearly new, wood grate, burns any kind of fuel. occupies small ,space; also white steel bed and springs, 3 ft. 6 ins. wide. Apply 132 Bradford St.. phone 914.}. 24 FOR SALE-Wood cut; any length, 80% maple and beech, balance elm and basswood; also a. quantity of hay. De11vered'by truck. Apply to Fitzger- ald Bros, I-Iillsdale. Phone Moonstone central. 21-32p SPECIAL BARGAINS `in fishing tackle, tennis racquets, Whiz fly and moth exterminator. Butter crocks, 5 gallons, for $1.10. Otton Hardware, upstairs over Eaton's Groceteria. 24p VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS, all kinds. Special price to gardeners. Babcoclrs, corner Cook and Codring- ton. 24p FOR sALE-Large refrigerator; 2 marble topped tables, 12 ft.; platform scales. 1,4. 11.1). motor, 2 square meat blocks. Apply Box 386, Barrie. 20-25p WOOD FOR. SALE-Que.nt1ty'o1' 4-rt. hardwood or cut to order. E. T. Emms. phone 1491J. . 23t1 b FOR SALE--One Robinson Grinder, heavy duty, ball bearing, double head, ready to operate. Box 138 Richmond Hill, Ont. 24-31p FOR SALE---Ba~by chicks and setting eggs from selected pens of bred-to-lay Rocks, June $15 a 100; also custom hatching. Apply Hy. Ottaway, Barrie, Ont. V 24tfb GELERY PLANIV8. H. M. Lay. `phone 832. SHOW CASES, set scales, confection- ery bottles for sale. 0. C. Hinds, tele- phone 145. T 24b fJPR.IGHT PIANO for sale, in good. first-class condition, cheap. Apply Douglas Drug store. 2443 TI-IRESHING MACHINE for sale: also Waterloo separator, will sell cheap. Apply Herb. Linn, Ivy.` A 24-25;) FOR SALE-Sma.ll gas stove and oven, also sewing machine, good as new. Phqne 198 or apply 27 Collier St. 24p Barrie Real Esuggpaice II-a II.` II... LIVE STOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY 1-`on sgg-: LOST AND FOUND FARMS 1-"on SALE- ORO CHICK HATCI-IERY will hatch chi-cks until June 30, last hatch. Bar- ron strain White Leghorn chicks $12 per 100, laying strain Barred Rock chicks $15 per 100. Howard Brandon. Oro Station RR. 1. _ 24b