BJCE I Twilight Iieague `No More After an existence of several years the Twilight League has suered an eclipse and the pleasure of enjoying a hardbfought game of baseball at home will not be ours this season. The gathering of representatives from the various teams which comprised the league, called recently to Beeton, consisted solely of members from the local club and those from Bond Head, and naturally no move to reorganize was made. 'I"h-an 4`.-...J....... ...1.:_1. 1_-_s , , ,,s,,-"V W no Jtluut. Three factors which had a decisive bearing on this situation were rst, the shortness of the season, secondly, the expense and thirdly the absence of daylight saving. The rst is the greatest handicap. Baseball can sel- dom be played in the evening till the 24th of May on account of the cool temperature which usually prevails and from ` that time forward farm work becomes more and more stren- uous with haying coming on in the latter part of June and harvest often early in July. Many of the players are boys from the farms who cannot well neglect these pressing duties in order to nish even a moderately short schedule of games. The second, the question of expense, is a matter which cannot be ignored. Replacements or equipment along with various other expenses necessitate good gate re- ceipts, something which losing teams often nd don't materialize. The third, the matter of light to nish a seven-inning game, is also important. Baseball is a fast game and close de- cisions inevitable even in broad day- light, but when it comes to nishing in semi darkness even handed justice is impossible and the natural result is ill will between players and com- munities. With daylight saving this last problem would not exist, but it will be many a long day before farmers see t to adopt it. NEW LOWELL HAWKESTONE 39 HEAD UTOPIA of Bank of Montreal, is home on his vaca- D1111!/11'. Jr. II-Margaret O Rie11y 84, David Smith 84. _ _ Sr. I-Dorot.hy Finlay 79, Dorothy Willis 7'7. Jr. I--Patricia. Dwyer 82, Cliord Pogle 79, Adrian Wallwin`. D1` .:'IKoI1A1a. I1:-nnnn'.A-u B1 ruuu: I a, :Lu'.I. 1uu VV uuwur. Sr. Pr.-Made1eine Greeniaw 81, Harold Spence 71, Dolly Hewitt 60. J1`- Pr_-.Tnmp_c. Finn-A Vin1a 'Rn1n_. suuulu upcucc u, uuuy .l1eWl13li DU. Jr. Pr.-James Pierce, Viola Bow- dery, Edna. Hewitt. ` than nfna ohunn on what it VV 511 Will 70. Sr. II-Marion Spence 80, Arthur Greenlaw 79, Ernest Bowdery 73, Bob- by Martin 73, Wm. Carson 59, James Smith`. 7- Y1 It-u.........L r\rn:..11__ n1 -r\-__-.1 U111 63. U0. Jr. III--Dorothy Pierce 77, Kath- leen Smith 73, Helen Finlay 63, Eve- lyn Finlay 57, Clarence Gill 54, Oliver 0 Rie1ly 49, Leo O Rielly 46, Alfred Wallwin 42. Q- 71- 1ur....:..... c........._. on ._u.___ J.` Lllly I VJ, JNLUJ. IUH. Llflg U I . Jr. IV-Char1es Wattie 80, Harold Wallwin 72, Dorothy Poole 67, Vera Poole664, Mabel Gill 62, Wilfred Her- mon 1. vQw TY1 `I341-`A1 (`min in on fin ...s1:.. .. IIIUJJ U 1 . Sr. III-Ethel Craig 80, Caroline Smith 79, Anita Greenlaw 76, Archie McGinnis 69, Leona O Rielly 68, g1arles Greenlaw 63, Oliver Carson . -.v- v, u... Sr. IV:-';7'1orence Russell 83, Mary Dwyer 82, Mavis Greenlaw 77, Alex. Finlay 75, Marion Craig 67. Jr T'V-l"2hnr'Inc Tllntfin an 'F?nrn'l IJ1. J.."`.IJ.u\L|C LIULIJHD. Jr. Pr.-~Cecil Hickling, Mabelle Dobson, Johnny Campbell, Kathleen Wallwin, Elsie Patterson. No. on roll, 29; average attendance, 2'1. M. ACHESON, Principal. Lila \J'd.ll11JUC1-1, \.Jld1'I: IVCIJIIJUIX. Sr. III--E1sie Rennick, Michael Collins. ` Jr. III-Wi1lie Clarke. Sr. I-I-Bi1lie Patterson, Charlie Hickling, Marion Campbell, Vina Clarke, Tommy Thompson, Lily Mun- ro, Irene Murphy. `- Jr TT-'|\lfn rip `Ppnninb l`.rn-Ann L u, 1.; C115 mg U1 yuy. Jr. II-Marie Rennick, rordon Hickling, Johnny Patterson, Jim Mur- nh v '1'. R. COULTER UGICLI U DILU W1!- A semi-final debate of Simcoe Pres- bytery Y.P.L. was held in the United Church here on Tuesday, June 4, between Alliston and Newton Robin- son. Geo. Scott, Alliston, president presided. The subject, Resolved _that the Invention and Development of Mechanical Appliances has Resulted in a loss of Spiritual Faith and As- piration. The subject, a hard one, was ably treated by both sides. Af- firmative, Angus Banting and Gordon McLean, Alliston. Negative, Lloyd Connell and Nellie Stafford of Newton Robinson. Both sides were ably up- held and the affirmative won by a few points. The judges were Rev. S. G. Mccormack, Messrs. Hugh Banner- man and F. K. B. Stewart. After the debate the visitors were served re- freshments by Cookstown Y.P.L. ~-~- - V, . _..-.p. g... Sr. IV-Ve1ma McKee, Leona Mur- phy, Nora Thompson. .Tr T`7.._A1rna Mfnnrn Wna 'Thnw1r\_ puy , n U1 `:1. L uuxupauu. Jr. IV--Alma. Munro, Edna Thomp- son, Ethel Murphy, Jean Pratt, Ber- tha. Campbell, Clara Rennick. R1 TTT__.FY1cin Ppnninb 'l\II'in'han`l LLUIII I."!.11llU1Dl:U11 lilbll WCCA. Wale/,Ir. and Mrs. Frank Agnew of Col- lingwood spent Sunday with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew. r1__I-_L--_.__ tN:..1_ '!_'L`l__`II rH...... ..1_.. 1d`U. Mrs. Firman, Mrs. W. R. Clements, Misses Irene and Hilda and Mr. James of Toronto spent Sunday at the par- sonage. T\/ficcnc Annn hinxirnntr and (".n-r-vino auuasc. Misses Aileen Dinwoody and Corrine Harrison, nurses-in-training, in Well- esley Hospital, Toronto, spent a few days last week at their homes here. 'T`hn vnnna non'n1n nf-` Q:-hnv-nhnv-n~ uayb ldbb \VCC.|`. db LHCI1 IIULHCD LICIC. The young people of Schomberg Presbyterian church very ably actei the play, Welcome Home, Jimmy", here last Wednesday night, under the auspices of Willing Workers of local Presbyterian church. Many attended and thoroughly enjoyed the splendid talent shown. A any-v\ Cir`.-\1 :JI\InI\`A A&` B.'.......-.. 11...... -- .. I... v---.., -.-_. _.--.. _.__-. Cookstown Girls softba11"'I:eam play- ed Thornton here on Thursday last. The local team won, the score being 15.0 - -_g_-- .. . Ll`ctW5U1.l. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman Toronto spent Saturday last at Coleman's. 111.. .....~. .-.-um." Ms `I-`Ann 1\l v-c '1" UUICIIIRII D. We are sorry to hear Mrs. T. E. Monkman is confined to her bed and hope she will soon recover. 1\Ih- and lrc ('1 `A/|'r~T.nnnan nf T.n.. IIUIJU bill: W111 DUULL LCUUVCL. Mr. and Mrs. C. McLennan of Le- froy called on friends in town on their way from Palmerston last week. `Mfr and `|\/Ire Wren]: Aannm nf (".n'|- OI Baxter spent ouuuuy an n. ucuu a. H. Forbes of Toronto spent the week-end with his sister,.Mrs. Jas. Dawson. `run. .-..-..-I `Also c`1onv\17 (`n1nv-non nf weer.-cuu at. 1113 uuuu: ucxc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Copeland of Tor- onto spent the week-end in town. `Mfr and Mr: `Mnrnhv and fnmilv UHDU SPBIIL L118 WI'.'!'.`.IS'C11U. 111 UUWLL. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and family of Baxter spent Sunday at H. Jebb`s. `LI 1-Frmhnc nf 'T`m-nnfn cnnnf. fhp Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lewis of Toronto spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Germaney of London, Eng., is visiting her niece, K. Brand. R. Dunning of Toronto` spent the week-end at his home here. an ... and 1\II'uu~ T Fnnnianrl nf "l`nr_ L can, no-B . . . . .- Potatoes, bag .... .. Asparagus ........... .. Spinach, 6 qts. Radishes, bun-ch a. vuu-n _ Butter, lb. .... .. Cream, pint Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. ...... .. Prospects are for a bumper straw- berry crop this year, unless unexpect- ed heavy frosts kill it o, n;arkc~t gar- deners reported on Saturday morning. It ;is years since they have seen so heavy a `bloom and the same applies to almost all small fruits. There was frost every night last week, but no damage of consequence resulted. 'T'kn. nu-.uA....... ...... -4. 1---; 4...- _...-v_- my now" ntvonla :uu:\L\.. There was no change in prices Sat- urday morning. Eggs were unchanged at 25 to 28 cents, butter 40 cents and potatoes at 75 cents a bag. Asparagus sold three bunches for 25 cents and spinach 6 quarts for 25 cents. There was the usual abundance of setting- out plants and vegetables and also of cut owers. Vendors at the market are getting everything in readiness for the opening of the tourist season, which is expected about the end of the month. Carrots, 6 qts. .............................. .. 25c Seed onions, ...... ..6 qts. 40c 11 qts 75c Turnips, bag .................................. .. 75c ................................. .. 75c ............................. .. 3 for 25c ................................ .. 25c .............................. .. 5c gwmwimwmmmwmmmg NOW Chevrolet a"ords you the ,, opportunity to indulge your preference for six cylinder perfor- mance . . makes it possible for you to get the full enjoyment out of motoring that only a six can give . . and all without going outside the price-range of the four. ' Find the Outstanding Chevrolet does more. It provides the distinctive au- thentic styling of big, roomy Bodies , by Fisher, nished in the season : smartest colorings. It oers a com- pleteness and quality of appoint- ments in keeping with its external beauty. And it gives you, in addi- tion, the safety of sure, smooth four- pvheel brakes, the easy-riding com- fort of resilient, specially-designed shock-absorber springs and the de- pendability and economy for which past Chevrolets have been so justly gnu-:MAaKI-zrsi an wmmam&$mmm&&m$m PROSPECTS 1-`on BUMPER IIFIIIIH I `III\lHI\l\I! 1\I\1\I\ uunaaubv ua. Lvuuuquutxvc auauxbcu. The gardens are at least two weeks behind schedule this year and un- less we have unusually hot weather crops also will be delayed a similar length of time. Many gardeners had not yet nished planting last week- end. However, `in a few days there will be little else to do but sit back and wait, so the Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association have planned their annual outing for June 19, when they will visit O.A.C., Guelph. Plans are now being made. "`knun wanna mp. n`In-....~... .'... ...._:...... 11-4. COOKSTOWN T $ >I<>I0X<>X<>X<>X<>I0X<>X<>X<>X<>I0X4>I< as `I4 K1 (4 .\':1`y, nuna newxw. denotes albsence. `I . If iumumuuuwmaanai E 1 -uy. Sr. Pr.-Birdie Collins. Tn `I3-no _, t`9nn`I `L76 n1u1:. ...... ....---__ Poultry, Butter and Eggs an 11-; s.s. N0. 6, vi-zsrm '1 -EI1-____,-. S.S. N0. 5. VESPRA "f1`zXviri3'i:'R1'ii'r"'1i'<'$p Ilet your Chevrolet dealer arrange a demonstration . *. and learn what it means to own and drive a six. ateachers. Iv e are AILAAVAIIIJJLV Funeral Director and E sinner Ambulance Service : F one 481 Limousine Hearse if desired Ger. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Burl UOIJ Hours 9-6 DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Especially Ofce-140 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Box 1078 L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and R.es1dence-Col11er St. corner Owen, Barrie. Phone 2'75 . DB. E: G. TURNBULL Graduate McG1ll University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Streets. Phone 105 Office hours: 9-10 3.111., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 pm. uno. 1.411 Inn at h1'1"1'hl`J Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.-47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W C. Little, M. B. u-oau DB. W. H. CARSON Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 omce-5s Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 p.m. DB. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases 01 Women Associate Coroner County or Simcoe DR. 0. A. ARNOTT (Mr:Gi11) Physician and Surgeon Office: 97 Elizabeth St., Barrie (Formerly Dr. Arnalrs Office) A Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.30 1-2.30 6-8.30 DR. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays of each month at Queen s Hotel, Barrie m.uJ.Vu:ix `.I.`U LUAN R. S. Cameron \ K. A. Cameron J. A. UUISDIS'1"1' NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- rnmzhw nf Inn-nn atn Theiirohnn no -11 .c1u(ung drawing of ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont Barrister. solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardi hi d administration, Generalansscicigr, Nntnrv rfnnvnvnnnnr nfn n u. a nun, ucucrax 501101301`, . Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Ofce-Hinds Block, 8 Dunlop St., Barrie. Mnmav -rn 'r.nA.'n uu.auc-nxuus 51001:, 5 uumop BL, Barri . MONEY TO LOAN III!!! 18. 1929 DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell ZBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie PLAXTON as PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, K.C. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. boys .2 BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. Office--13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple` Building, Barrie. Rrn h Off! nn_T.'|`l IVI `In In CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen Street, Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN R. R, sunnrnn F A l``---------- DR. N. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary st. Phone 101 BADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie V. MONEY To LOAN SHA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE The progress of the Shaw Busi- ness School graduate is logical and sure. 1. SCHOOL 2. MODEL OFFICE 3. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 4. POSITION The student pays for the first in tuition fees. The last three are free. Let us tell you how to prepare for one of these posi- tions. Write Shaw Schools Lim- ited, Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto. noNA1.b F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN H. H. CRESWICKE Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY To LOAN Ross Block, Barrie GORDON LONGMAN Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block, Barrie SIX nns. nlfirin & LITTLE hvclnlnnn and Qlilunnnnn 13-..: ROBERT E. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 53 Dnnlop St.-Phone 80 n 9.8 Ratnn-lama Mn 1n Lupxc nuuuulg, baffle. Branch Office--E1mvale. `I `D Rnvg xzr-. MD OPTOMETRIST J. A. COIIBETT `DTI"D`l'_'I'(` (W nnnnn ... MEDICAL M up aw.-rnune GU - Saturdays till 10 pm .VGlCn J. R. Boys , DR. A. S. BLACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Overseas Service, Captain Impennl Army Veterinary Corps Three years post war practical exper- ience in England and Scotland Office and Surgery: 48 Bayfleld 81. Phone 811 's"E"'-".i'i-"-'1 .-v..uuu-uw ununzc UR NURSE Barrie Branch WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services be made direct or through doctor. / IILII-l\Jl-lg \/[IlVI.l'l1l$l.1lJ & Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge, Torontd H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Ca.mpbe1l,0.A. W. S. Hulblg, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and Efficiency Dam. uuzmmon Land 133 Blake St., Barrie. DOROTHY A. JOHNSTON, A.LC.M. Teacher of Piano and Theoretical sub- jects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London, (Eng.) College of Music examinations. Studio: 152 Maple Ave., Barrie. { A. E. PRINCE & C0. BUILDERS--CONTRACTOR8 See us about those floors and tlona. Phone 1154W or 990M. Published every Thursday afternoon Subscription Price--Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (In arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most 0! our subscribers prefer not to ban their subscriptions interrupted in can they fail to remit before expiration While subscriptions will not be' ctr- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber wishel the service continued. R.EMI'I'I`ANO- ES should be made by registered let- ter, money order or cheque payable at par in Barrie. I A `Klan? Anunv -_u;,, JESSIE R. BRYSON Teacher of Piano, Organ, Singing and all Theoretical subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory or music examinations, all gradu. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 Bradford St., Barrie EDMUND HARDY, Mus. Bac.,F.'l`.O.l. Teacher or Piano, 0rgan, Voc|l and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmasner or St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. _--_ _.:_..._ VICTOR AN onnm Ra FI"n D..- .. ,{:__._..i WELCH. CAMPBELL & LAWLESU Anllntann Goitre in lambs, Joint ill in colts, sickly calves and hairless pigs-all of these bitter spring disappointments which many farmers face year after year can be easily controlled. Scien- tists have discovered a sure preventa- tive for all these troubles as well as other ailments in the re lar feeding of potassium iodide, espec ally to pr - nant animals. It may be mixed wit meal or salt, and a little or it will lower to a minimum these losses which were once considered inevitable. In, certain areas of the country where there is a marked deciency oi iodine in the feed and water, the re ular use of potassium iodide in minu e quan- tities in the water or food by both humans and animals is recommended at all times. These areas are known as goitre (belts on account of the pre- valence of this disease. When taken in time iodine brings all cases under absolute control. H74 in Avdu n vnaifnun AC lvnn nib cu I=.vR0lIiiI . ......5m5, Dpeuxlng, Hubuc Oratory and Dramatic Expression For interview and terms, apply 60 Ross St., : Barrie : Phone 14! --mg;-c-cu:-gna--In-:ll-lIu:II Mrs. Emmie Wilson Contralto Vocalist, Entertainer and Elocutionlst Singing, Speaking, Public Oratory W Exnresslnn r.:_.._..__.._..n.._..n.._.._....-..__..--- Horace Wilson, A.R.C.0. Organist and Cholrmaster Collier St. United Church All grades or ORGAN, PIANO and THEORY! VOICE PRODUUTION nd (RH nvnrnihafln-`--` ; L1nur& 1 I and SING vumn: PRODUCTION ING (all exanunatlons) ALSO ___._-) -- -.m~ um, . uarrle I rnone II.` OFFICIALS of various or- ganizations and societies can get their message home by publication under Com- ing Events more effective- ly and economically than by any other means. The Ex- aminer goes into 90% of the homes of Barrie and district. Ask yourself how much would it cost to send the same message through the mail. use EXAMINER COMING EVENTS - EFFICIENCY ECONOMY V- .. ..__.__--- we \/\IO Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMER_.S OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambv-lance in connection BARBIE, ONT.--PHONE ll HUDUIUIM LUHDIUI. "It is only a matter of time until every thinking breeder and owner of live stock in Canada is usin potas- sium iodide in the feeding 0 his fe- male stock," declares Dr. Lione1vStev- nncnn ` nfnrin Qnnlnuiuf and `Mfr u. 1s. a: 19. BURNS (Over F. Dutcher s grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapist: Spinal Adjustment and Massage Electric, Vibratory and em Blanket 'I`reatme1i Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405J for appointment --.._;__. I II IIJ IAAVIIJFLIJVIIQ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT (7 Elizabeth St. : Phone Ill G. G. SMITH & CO. 3_J.-`I_I1_I_ - J an... --tur--uaJ\JllJ FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER f\'I3Ia`\T I\ A 17 A \'l I'\ `van.-- for your announcements. WILFRED E. SIVIITH, 0.A.A.` REGISTERED ARCHITECT Midland, (Info-In Dominion Land Surveyor Blake St" Barrie. DI-mu. non p. c. LLQYD_ l'I`l'| I I r` as-- -1 UCU. D. nuuiwcu, IJUHIHHUH lullll Husbandman, adds: Speaking strict- ly as a practical stockman it would seem that in this drug We have, not a panacea in any sense, but an agent of preventative and curative properties. that makes its consideration one or absorbing interest. ` A mixture of common salt and up to one per cent. of potassium iodide is usually used, which means a. very cheap insurance indeed against the live stock losses mentioned. There is plenty of literature on the subject of feeding iodine to stock, which can be obtained through the nearest Govern- mnnf: narrir-n'Ihn~n'l nlnn H1-n6Fii{cTF G. R. &/ E. BURNS .' F. 'Dllf.r-hczvr-'u av-nnm... MUSIC Lesson? W4-q j_j.;:..___..__...._...._ VETERINAR us J. nruuu A.rcun.l.'1 Midland, Ontario ARCHITECT nunpgzns oul 51:1) : `HS Phone 811 $.35. MacLAREN, Editor: W. C. WATJS Ila!-Inna: L. R. OED TNWDD f\ HLEHU UDUUIS, UCUIKICB IJI. J-JLUllCL'9UUV" enson, Ontario Zoologlst. and Mr. Geo. B. Rothwell, Dominion Animal Ifnchontiwunn orlrIc- nnablnn ad-vinf- AUDD ! LL11- Page Eleven v Cy U1 Phone 61! UULCLILICU lalH{ULl511 LIIU IIC` ment agricultural office. WYOUNG srocx LOSSES % ? -`WY _P._'5YE_"T'?D `I A'N"I?1 Phone 138 in:-I`-un UUHUVUI lllll DIUUQ UUHSUSDIUII anu stre hens the affected parts. Hem- Rofd a wonderful record for quick, safe and lasting relief to Pile suffer- ers. It will do the some for you or men back. Douglas Drug Store, and : Drug store and druggists everywhere sell Hem-Rold with this -u--up-gig- Ii Pile eutrerere can only get quick, me and lasting relief by removing the ca.uee-bed blood circulation in the lower bowel. Cutting and selves can't do thle-an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Bold, a harmless tablet. succeeds because it relieves this blood congestion and at!-nnathnnn tho nffnntnd nun-tn `Ham- _S:D%I3l`is_p LVU 5GB UL` vauuyuuxg. Don't `be sklnny" or weak any long- er. Let Ironized Yeast give you a real man : arms and legs, and arclear, rud- dy complexion. Ask your druggist to- (19. for full size treatment. If not de- 113 ted with quick results, get your money back. If inconvenient to buy from druggist, send $1.25 direct to Canadian Ironlzed Yeast 00., Ltd., Fort Erie. Ont., Desk 255-MS. INO More Pilesl HOW HUUB J.L`UJ.uzaI:u Lcaau wuus bu Luau. Ironized Yeast is two great tonics in one. Weight-building YEAST treat- ed with two kinds of strengthening, blood-enriching IRON used for years by highest medical authorities. The Yeast is also treated with Violet Rays to increase its effectiveness. (hu nrhnn Vnucf in Ty-nnimarl 'Ic:.'H',. VHIMUD UL l.UU:b'U- Pleasant tablets. No yeasty taste. No gas or bloating. 'nnn'f. xhn n1(Innv" nr mnalz gnu Inna- Men and women everywhere write that Ironized Yeast added 5 to 15 pounds often in few short weeks. Rounds out muscles. Gives manly color and clear, robust skin. Builds strength and energy. Makes real men out of skinny weaklings. They ask- how does Ironized Yeast work so fast? To-nnhlnr-I Vnnnf in I-urn rrvnaf fnninc VU IIIUFCWSU NIB CLLCU U1 VC1lFBb. ' I Only when Yeast is Ironized is -it most effective. Iron is needed to bring out the weight-`building, strengthening values or Yeast. D1nnunnI- fnlrlnfn RTA unnai-u 4-an-Inn lNew IRONIZED YEAST adds pounds in few weeks. Results Guarantged - or pay nothing SkinnyMen! Gain Weight Quick pun; wen. Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baynes of Coulson s H111 spent Sunday at How- ard Allan's. (Nu nd-III:-`Inn nirnvnrrlo Tnon-no =t\ HIE nuuu 3. ` , On Saturday evening a league soft- ball match was played between Le- froy and Churchill. t-he latter Wm- ning by 9. score of 9-8. Mr nnd.1\/Tr: J F! T-Tndcrqnn and illsfandlii LT. -j__ L gjj H1115 uy H: DUUIV: UL 3'0. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hodgson and Marion spent Sunday -with their nfece, Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Kincardine. Dnu Inhn 1\I| nF?un:n nine in finfnn J.VLr5. Ii. LVL. VVH.U11, IXLIIUIIIIIIIIU. Rev. John McEwen was in Clinton visiting his mother, who fell and hurt Ann an-n `Inst wank vmsuug um uxuuucx , one arm last week. away D1113 WUC5. The play given by the Cookstown C.G.I.T. group was enjoyed by those present, each of the girls doing her part wen. T Mr and '|\/fr: Wnlhnr nf "l"rmnnf;\ 'i"11e Women's Missionary` (Society sent two boxes of hospital materials away this week. The nhur uhmn hv Hnn nnlzefnmn WIN. J.V&lDq .l.uUDo -'l.ll'd411. T. G. Reive took some of his friends go the horse show at Aurora on Satur- y. Th: Wnmnn : hiccinnnrxy` Qnninhy (Too late fox: lash geek) June 3-Thos. Reive is spending his holidays on the farm. M1,ss'I-Iorner was home in Sutton for /the holiday. Nls Lillian Sloan of Lansing spent Sun ay at home and Kathleen of To- ronto is also here. mrms\ urw. D.-.44...-.m. IIVII` tun... 1:- a LULJ UU\ J UIIUU 1151 C. I Mrs` Wm. Patterson and Mrs. Pat- terso , Sr., of Stroud spent Thursday wit IL:/Irs. 'I`hos. Allan. '1" `Dnhyn fru-\`7 onvnn Al-` kin I-`unn:-lo WIUH LVLI. azuu J.VL.l.'a. 4. uuruuuu, D1`. Art. L Esperance was taken last week to Penetang Hospital, where he is seriously 111. House Destroyed by Fire The solid brick residence south of the village owned and occupied by Joe. L Esperance was burned to the ground Sunday forenoon. Fire is thought to have started from a de- fective chimney. This home was for- merly known as the Shortreed farm. With the strong north wind Sunday it was impossible to ght the ames. Willing helpers managed to save the barn. It was partly covered by insur-_ M109. Plullaly Ill. rcucbuzxg. ' Lloyd Jamieson, Grand Valley, vis- ited his father, Wm. Jamieson, on Sunday. Mr and Mrg . 'Dmxmnv and `Etta {DUKE lb 1.. JHIIUUI Miss Gladys few days last friends. `HIV! and III: LUI UIH/U UVCI Dill`: uunuuy. Mrs. Elrick and Jean of Ferguson- vale are visitors at Jas. E1rick s. `III! and `Eve Tlfvn llinnnin and VHIU I5 VIDIUULD El! U4. IHLAUIX . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glennie and daughters of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ca'lvhoun, Sr. Art 'I'."|l`.cnnw:nnn um: fnlzan `lad- (Too late 16: last week). June 6-Verle Rumble and friend of Orono spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Rumble. Rnv Mr Rrnnm Midland +nnlz the parents, J.V_I_11'. ano. .lVL1'S. '1'. 1-numme. Rev. Mr. Brown, Midland, took the service in the Presbyterian church heig, Sunday. 1'`l- Mrs 11 Jnrnioann 1:-nnnt LIUIU, Iauuuuy. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson spent Sunday in Penetang. `l'.1nvd: .Tn.m1n.cnn Gr-and Vn'|'lnv viz- Duuuuy. Mr. and Mrs. Downey and Etta Salisbury, Toronto, were recent vis- itors at T. Ea.ton s. `Ill an Iilnrhya "l"|-snvvn-\:-run vie-at-I I: &L'LCll\lu Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, Gravenhurst, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. King; Tho innlnr :t{fthn11 fanm man!-. nun!- HUGO ULIELI. JUILIULB uy & h\JULC UL LU'J.6. Mrs. Tough, Miss Q. Tough, Mrs. Macklin and Reg. Cole visited Mrs. J. Cole last week. `RIM and `love `IT 7 uf\1VV|Ab IYIAI\A {V1 UUJ-C IHDIJ WCCl8o Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holmes were in Toronto over the holiday. Mr: F!h-ink and .Tnmn nf `F :-ro`n.:nn- LVLL Eu Sill]; u The junior sdftball team went over to Phelpston Saturday evening and beat their juniors by a score of 16-12. Mr: Tnna-h Mic: (J "|"nnah 1\l| 1-c Q1@:T_0!/3/_7QQ@ qaiciily disappear `after a few applications of Cil-l.URC7HILL H-ll.-LSDALE u'1ompson visited a week with Midland The Examiner thoroughly covers Barrie and district, Advertising in it reaches practically. all the people who shop in Barrie. ti `AWL HUIIO Mr.,and Mrs. Gordon Switeer of Los Angeles,, late ef New Lowell, are spending 9. holiday with the `form? er s, mother in Creemore and were in town last week visiting-old friends and (acquaintances. nooucr or asmznax. Morons oicauana. Manila awn. MAIL wvs nun: o Mrs. D. S. Kee and Miss J. Coulter of Toronto and H. Fockner of Calgary motored from Toronto and spent Wed- nesday and Thursday with the form- er s mother, Mrs. Jas. Duff. A 1--main n I-LAun.l-A ..... .... 1.. _-_ aavau CID!-V VII U559 vvu A1150: Mrs. McLaughlin of Calgary has ar- rived " here to spend a. holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W`. Hen- derson. , '- Il.. -...I CD..- A-._.I-_ 4n__.IA.____ _; c - IIULIIUJI V11 .l.AIu&D\.uiJ, U115 U061 1119!! Miss Zelma Mumlberson of Toronto spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mumberson. `D..- 1': (1 7)-- _._.I ID.l-_ II au_._IL_._ `TX `i1; ;i3, E%Z'n3ZE' `sifiixier in con- nection with the Orange Lodge was held here on the 5th inst. Ilonn `Inf Aqua-`la-18.. Al I'I_1_._...- I.-- -.. June . e10-The Z Vgfomenje` Institute met at the home of Mrs. Frank Mum- berson on Thursday, the 6th inst. .`IK{aa '7n1nn.q 'IKI1v-n\Aou~r\In AC "fin:-A-Ln DUII `SW55 VII LIUIIIHGJQ Richard Jones and Cyril Johns of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of J. H. Mocann. vvvvvv vaa uu asuu a.vLu\.IcltLAA1 0. Mr. and Mrs. Luck and son Harry of Crown Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford of Grenfel and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe and family of Barrie were Sunday visitors at Jos. Jennett s. `Kiss `I391: D RT AC Danni.` In `nus-nl...a_ uuuL4uwJ vauavvsu um Uuao UVAILIDUU Ur Miss. Fry, R.N., of Barrie, is nursing Jos Jennett, who is very sick with pneumonia. `Kr hurl Ilia Tun uuuunin nvupl `IA -n `I519 uulvulnln Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Currie and Mrs. Coulson of Bradford visited the latter s son here on Sunday. ` `Dinknnd `human and flu-ad` Ynknn at vaaavuu LJUUUUJI Jmdcnluo U11 uuuuaq. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred MbMaster and family spent Sunday with friends in `Barrie. 11.. ___.1 1-... run... cx_,,,.,,g , u tbost delicious `form. Toasted bubbles of avor. Children love them. Extra good with fruits or honey added. Order a red- cnd-Ircen package from Your grocer. Handy to use II candies. acaroon etc. Made by e ogg In on- `gun 5-5-`... `vs VALVU nsaul-u Alb nsau an yuouuull. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones and family visited Beeton friends on Sunday. `Mfr and `|\'v~a u1i'Iv-ad 1\mnmr.-..+.-u. ......: aatb 5 on Mr. `and Mrs. Theo. Dempster made a business trip to Whitby on Wednes- day last. 1!! I.` Tlinnnnu cunt -4` L1... rum-rva uuv _, ....... W. E. Weegar, Supt. of the C.N.R., Mrs. Weegar, V. R. Meeking and Geo. Fricker of Barrie spent Saturday af- ternoon at Fred McCann s. 11.. .....I `IA. 7...`. ._._s _-.- vv______. ooh: vu. o..auAu.Au:_y umau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Clark and son Donald and Clare Fisher of Bat- teau and Mr. Clark of Collingwood vis- ited at W. J. Miller's on Sunday. T31-nonlr 1:I1n1-.;..1. 1,. .. 1ur....:.... 4--.. avv . J.vLA.|AuL 0 U11 1.Juuua;_y. 1;`.r2:rU1k"]'i}1;3hick_1eft on Monday for Toronto where he has a. position. `REV and `Also `I! `I Tnvuna and 47.--\u`1u vu.vuumv;; vv LAMA: IJULIIJUI MAUDCD. M1`. and Mrs. Garnet Joslin and family of Orillia. spent Sunday at the former s home. 'In....:.. _p -r\,,,|_ 1- -- . - Ul\lIlo Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Miss Myra Reid of New Toronto and Jack Reid of Toronto spent the week-end at Robt. Reid's. ' 11.. _._ .1 at... :-n,,,,, _ :- ~ - Avunlvo Avvau Mr. anduf Mrs. Cruse of London, Eng., are visiting their son at the par- sonage. June 10-Mr. and Mrs. Calvert of Toronto and Bruce Hall and friend of King, visited at the home of Jos. Tif- fin on Sunday last. Ivv nvspl lnn T `TIA!-an t`11....I. ......:l `3}'5{n `Leigh . Little Current, bion. HERE'S a breakfast treat that's IO crisp it crackles in milk or cream! Kellogg s Rice Krispies. p-ullav anus u wanna Va/uauluu. Mrs. St. Clair Hurlbut and children of Toronto are spending a week at their cottage. ('11-aavo Innund-nu nvupl 1\7............. n1__I-- uscuns vuv queu- Charlie Boynton and Norman Clarke of Peterboro were home over Sunday. 1\/rfnn and `Dnv `Dnncn rd-` `I'\o+ws;+ u; 4. yum. nun: wcu: uuuu: UVCJ. ouuuuy. Milton and Roy Rouse of Detroit were home over the week-end. |'I"`hn an.`-...1 ..u..........,... .........1_ _-._..- _L W van. AIIJAJ-II. UVDL ULAU Wl:Cn' The usual summer people were at their cottages over the week-end mak- ing final preparations for the summer vacation when school closes. `Inn; and 11.... r~....._-4. 1-__u:_, ,,, -. uuaau Elmer O'Brien of Collingwood is home for a week's vacation. 1!... BL rI`I...'.. 1-1....1|...L -.-_1 _u_n,u 4. saw v: v us: n.& I. LU1 UJAC ouuuucl. . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crawford and family, Miss Edna. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Boynton motored to Cannington and Kirkfield on Sunday. ' nlncc T.nn n.m.n.. .......+ n..- .......1- um; an;n:.Auau ULI uuuuay. 1;/`Iiss Leo Priddle spent the week- end in Toronto with Miss Doris Ken- dall. 131..--.. I\IU,,l , n ._ n-- - uuuuuau. Mrs. Pugsley and sons Harold and Albert, accompanied by Mrs. Pugsley of Sutton, left; on Monday for a trip to Montreal and Newfoundland. 1\ h. nv\A Ikun T,`l'A......... 15-11 -1 ;1_, ' vv a.v\.IAAuA ya: auu ucwxuuuutauu. Mr. and Mrs. Harman Bell of the West are visiting among friends and relatives here for the summer. '|\'vv nvurl an ... A 1'? rq..-___:_.._1 __. ,1 June 10-Mr. and Mrs. Weaymouth and family and G. Noble of Toronto are spending their vacation at their cottage. `l\'-a 13n~.~'l.~.. .....I ......_ v-r-.4-`IJ ' IYIIICU II amvu don, Ontario.