for the big buying swing to -Essex the Challenger. &:wa&iam&a&amg `g COOIGTOWN _ : mwwwm&%*xmxw&aw Dick Potter )3! Arthur spent Satur- day in town. Ross Banting 01. Detroit, Mich., is visiting in town. ~ George Baker of Orangeville was `home over Sunday.` ' . H. Jenkins of Everett spent Sun- day with H. Watson. Cameron Loblaw spent Sunday with his parents in Toronto. `M :-9: nlnments nf Tm-onto snent the ms parents In '1.'Ol'0l1D0. Mrs. Clements of Toronto spent th week-end at the parsonage. _ - .-_,, -u.__1-_. -...1 _-.._ xv--_..... Arno` WCCL'Cll|L GD 0541!; ynawvuuavu Mrs. Broley and sons Norman and Ralph spent Sunday in Aurora. . 12;... 111 In LnnItinIIC- has 1-Ah-nan-I a.vnq.uA uywuu wuuuuq gu .--...-- Mrs. W. E. Stoddart has reufned to town after wintering in Toronto. _ 9.1.1. _.._I IIIxQ-..A Q-ml...-I IIU UUWLA IILIIIFA wsuvunnua and ovnvnavvu Clarence Jebb and Clifford spind- loe of Beeton spent. Sunday intown. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oouse of `Toronto speint Sunday with the farmer's par- an S, . apcuu _ents. `low _enus. Mrs. R. Dutton and Miss Clara. Jebb` spent Wednesday of last week in To- ronto. `Ala and Inns linr Wichnr nf "I"n- 01150. Mr. and Mrs. Cliord Fisher of To- ronto spent the week-end\ with the formers parents here. mnu Jnggip Mnmain nf Toronto xormers parents nere. Miss Jessie McClain of Toronto spent the week-end. with Miss Eleanor Armstrong, Clover`!-I111. Mr and Mr: `Frank Atznew snent Armscrong, uxover run. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agnew spent Monday with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Agnew. `Inn. ...-..-1 Mr: Mnnnnn,1d nnrl dsmcrh-. Mr. and Mrs. duo. Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and daugh- ter Lila of Thornton spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Wat- son. Mrs. Forbes and daughter Thelma and ' son Howard of Toronto spent Sunday with the former?s daughter, Mrs. T. J. Dawson. Miss Eva. May Law died from heart - trouble on May 10, 1929. Her death was very sudden and came as a shock to many friends. The funeral was held at Bond Head on Monday. mr. and Mr: I! `M ' nf London. at Bond Head Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ross of London, Ont.. announce the engagement of their second daughter, Beulah Evelyn, to Karl William Kidd, B. 00111., youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Kidd, formerly of Cookstown. The marriage to take place in Tor- onto in June. Mrs. Ed. Burling, who" has been ill with pneumonia, was taken to Allis- ton hospital last Saturday. Merwood Burling of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Karl of Detroit, Mich., were called to see their mother. A slight change for the better is reported in her condi- I Inn DHC UUUIJUL JD Avpvavou one ---- --.._.._ tion. ' Mount Pleasant ball team has again presented the play Civil Service" in Cookstown. The play, followed by round and square dancing with Jack Doyle's orchestra in attendance, op- ened J. Gilheeney s dance pavilion for this season. Despite the fact that the play had already been presented in town a large crowd attended. Tecwing Institute On Tuesday evening, May 7, the Tecwing Institute met at the home` of Miss Irene Harper with twenty-two present. After business was disposed of Mrs. D. Hopper, president of the Cookstown Senior Institute, in her ` usual capable manner gave a help- ful talk on the arranging of the pro- gramme for the year. Thu nrmrramme consisted of an in- ror me year. The programme consisted teresting talk on the history of the Ma.cFa.dden Family and 9. much ap- preciated plano solo by Miss Glanville Harper. One of the pleasant features of the evening was a geography match conducted by Miss Edith Beatty. Roll Call was answered by a proverb. At over the dainty tea. served by the hos- the close a pleasant time was spent tess. 7 - WW: 11 th 1 ft!-81,16 mi... `.1; mi Ins cunts whole wheat _Nature s sunshine `food-crisp avorv shreds of baked whole wheat:-V-Delicious for any meal with milk or cream or fruits. LSV. to %think-Easy'i to wbrk" After` this light, nourishing meal Save the paper inserts in each package. This neat Findlay model gives clean, quick, de pendable service in the small home or apartment. It has special speed elements-open type-the fastest, most durable and least costly to repair. Besides, it has many other valuable features which strongly recommend it. There is a Findlay Electric Range to suit any kitchen or pocketbook. The Electric Shop, Barrie `I'.Ec'rn_I_c_ _EKiuaa: Motorists by\f housands are switching from past favorites, antiufrading in their present cars for the big value 1`..;s.~v the _Cha_l`l`e`nger4 , I I -s,- gives. Big values, easy to see, easy to buy, easy to maintain, are responsible for the greatest `popular preference Essex ever enjoyed. ' FOR INSTANCE, in this city your first payment; with your present car included, may be as low as $322. and your monthly payments $53.67 Your present car will probably cover the entire first payment. The H. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest terms available on the balance. $965 -u- _ v `V 7.. v._.___, ,, A well balanced investment account should include some govern- ment and municipal bonds. some leading public utility and indugtrial issues. and preferred shares which. in addition to giving a higher, yield. have an attractive conversion feature. TL- l`-lI-u.nn "gt IuoA\::Ah 1+1! nnnantihl featus ` --F;I~I~I_)L;Y- 1;1{6s.'cd. LIMITED Carleton Place, Ont. E/xsv '_r_q Buv AND UP-F.0.B. BARRIE Ash abbut Payment `D1 __ yield. have attractive conversion wacuw. ' The following list fproyides the essential feggures of of sound investment--security o pi-mcipyal and ma.rketability-combmed to. produce an attractive average yield. secuamr mca _ YIELD ` '"'I3Je"1'M. Ts' CITY OF EDMONTON 5% Bonds. Ill DOMINION Sl`:c:&Um'r1n-s conromn 3...m.1...n um ~ WINNIPIG [ll UHHUU an arm nun v --v---.- ,.-.... secum' ' PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 5% Bonds. THE T. A:?o"r 'I'ais'Ai.'1;r' i;:'o'IfL1MI'reD K07, =:-of Marianna Randi. Sfil A BUR?~1'.Te7 C')..ALlMlTED- 5"/6% First Mortgage Bonds.` Due I June. l948........... Toarzfrb vix/'A6k'. Vl`.MlVTED. an-I D__._._-.I Ca._-I. Diversification in Your Investments V lvnvuuv --.-u.. 7% Preferged s:o'ci{." . T Convertible into Common Stock. . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 _ 7.90% UNITED FUEL INVESTMENTS. LIMITED. . .Aporox.A 6% PrefemdStoek..............4...At Market 7.32% 1353' 1 '3Z{a'.'i I ' Due I June. 1949.. . . .. = '0' :I'\I\I|V l\IuI1hl 0 via -II I 5% First Mortgage Bonds, Series .A."- DUC I April. |IoO0IO0OlIOIO.Ol vvvvq I I-u-u-w Ill-cl oa:;"7on'om'o. as tuna. I. At the end or a aays wuus, rcuwvu nervous tension before eating. Wrigley's will refresh and tune you ` ...._.n that vou re readv to enjoy - 1$1- V Bmhllshdl90I A . I.n.w.._.a. Praline T May 14---Rev. .1. w. Fdx at Ravenna. visited at R. West's last Thursday. ---_I.-- a.........In A0 Whnndnra Rnsk__ VISIUCII I! IV VVVBU D uwlv ooououuuugv Forbes Bproule of Theodore. Soak is visiting his mother. um and Mrs. J. W.` Thompson vis- visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.` Thompson ited in Aurora last week. i turn nnhnm nmenf. the week-end last. week. Mrs. Denham spent the _w with her garents at Nov . 1: .7 an and stlrllnlz an eek-end ent rents at Novar. V B. J. arr and Stirling spent the week-end with Mr. Carr's sister near Kitchener. _ ` am... Want nmmded the Central v Mrs. West attended the Simcoe W.M.8. convention in Guth- sday. Miss Oheiiie. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Murray. has returned to her home in Novar`. Irene Fisher; daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Bert. Fisher. was operated on in Alllston hospital on Monday. - Rev. A. E. Baker of Central Church.` Barrie, will conducted Sunday School anniversary in -Trinity Church on June 9. ` V Mr. Buckingham (oi the `Royal ` Bank), Mrs. Buckingham and chii _en have taken up their residence in rs. Boake's house. which was vacated by Mr. Wigie. - \x7nni(.n=md visitors included: Rev.` Week-end visitors B. J. D. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson of Toronto. Dr. L. Simpson and fam- ily of Barrie at J. R. Jamieson's: Mrs. J. Thompson and Jack and Laura .Thompson at Mrs. J. W. Hen- ry's: Mr. and Mrs. W. 1!. Thompson of Dunnviiie at J. W. Thompson's: Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stewart or onto. at.Mrs. J. Stewart's. . Trinity W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. West on Wednesday afternoon. The treasurer reported that the Eas- ter thank-offering had amounted to over fifty dollars. The Heralds gave very interesting news from Africa. China and. on temperance. Mrs. Mc- Cormack, Mrs. bell were "appointed delegates to the conference in Bond Read on Wedne~.- day. The devotional leaflet was taken by Miss Doane and Mrs. Roy Allen `took the chapter in the study book. Mother's Day service Mother's Day was fittingly observed in Trinity Church on Sunday. At the morning service the special program was carried out. The pastor spoke on tour scenes in the life of the Mother nf ,Tn:nm._.f.hA birth Of JGSUB; when Miss` Mason and Mrs. Camp-` Tor- ` Z0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I|I0I0I0] '- I Wrigley : W111 ten-can mu was yvu up-ao that you're read your food. _ I - II7_!..I _..J- L-`nu four in the me or we Lvluuuus of Jesus--the birth of found in the Temple; at the wedding in Cam and at the Cross. His even- ing` subject was`. Deborah. a Mother in Israel." Deborah. said -the speaker. was the first woman we hear or-who entered public life. There we! `a. time H. mm: a. debatable subject uvln on public lite. Tnere was a. hunt: when it was a debatable whether women should enter public ilfe. but women had taken it intortheir own hands and the world was very much richer because of the part wo- men had taken. The world would have been much poorer. in moral reform. literature. art. music. education and missions it it had not been for the women. The choir at the evening ser- vice was composed of mothers and their singing was very much enjoyed. u sun; Market 97 .94 97.53 [96 . 00 94.30 ', vmoouvgn 4.95% YIJIQO swun- Then, after meals. Weigley s helps :11 estion, cleanses the teeth. removes ` traces of eating or smoking- sweetens the breath. - # -- h 5.20% 5,20% 5.33% 6.00% -?-- ["1011 had performed his duties in that cap- g4'acity. There were ax_1_umber of h_a.p- F`. Vince and family of Toronto were Sunday visitors at John Pratt's. Mrn Marv Givens is the guest or at John Pratt's. Mrs. Mary Givens guest Mrs. Robinson in Barrie for .9. few days. Mrs. Laughlan, Jack and Audrey. spent over Sunday with. Toronto friends. my... Ta Jnhhitf. and Mrs. F. Rich! E smoup mwmmwwmmwumwmmm Sum hf?!` SEUCHEB. A number of the United w.M.s.| members from here attended the Pres- byterial divisional meeting held in Bond Head on Wednesday. 131.... am: hnlnrr mn.dn fnr the town? I ` . Mrs. F. Jobbitt and Mrs. F. Rich` attended the Anglican W. A._1n Tor-I onto last week. \ Yhflne Laura. Rnrnule left. this week: onto last. week. ; Miss Laura. Sproule left this week for Brantford General Hospital to re- sume her studies. A runnhnv nf H113 United w.M.S. D `T What are YOUR eyes saying today! Your eyes have no voice, but the speak -- they show moods an temper. They do more they show your physical co ition. Are they clear. bright, sparkling with health---or dull, with a yellowish tinge to the whites? This yellowish tinge is the signal of intestinal slug shneso-- auto-intoxication and liver ttou lo. Don : neglect this warning of poor health to `nllnw. , D ` ening session. Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Orick" , mt on in Community Hall here by` Bradford Anglican Dramatic Club. on _ Monday evening. was very heartily en- ' ioyed by a large audience. _Door re-_ oeipts. $57.00. a A vm-u hnn.ui.lfu1 and imnressive VSeaV.sona%bl; Sug/gestionk from _ The Green Front Hardware tsona new On vvuuucauuy. 1 Plans are being made for the town- ; ship annual Sunday School conven- 1 `ion to be held in Stroud Presbyterian ' church on `May 28. afternoon and ev- : ening session. Am-nn sunk from Pumnkln . oeipts. sown. A very beautiful and impressive Mother's Day service held` by the Un- ited W.M.S. last Sunday morning was ' attended by a large congregation. The . order of service arranged by the 0.1%. = E.O. was followed throughout. A -, splendid address on "Golden Glimpses ' of Motherhood." by Mrs. Mclllwen of Churchill. was very much appreciated by all. The orchestra addedszreatiy to the musical part of the service. - ~ Gordon Family Re-union The home of John Gordon, Oraig- ` vale, was the scene of a happy family reunion on May 12. it being Mr. Gor- don's 85th anniversary. The follow- ing members of his. family were pre- sent: Charles and Samuel Gordon of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gor- don and Jean. Miss Ethel Nugent of- Lindsay, Mrs. Thos. Gordon and children of Allandale, Mr. and Mrs. 2 Chas. Robertson and family of Craig- ' vale. Mrs. Matilda Robinson and Jno. I!--In-uuu1n `In flnann 3: nnnvuv MOWEIRS-14 16 in. and 18 in. cut; 3, 4 and . S knives, We only sell machines -that we can honestly recommend and the prices are right in every case. - SCREEN DOORS and Windows to suit every requirement :` LAWN and GARDEN T0.0LS'for all purposes. y ARE!-`RIGERATORS-_-RUBBER HOSE and SPRINKLERS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS and VARNISHES for , best results on all kindsof work. ` : % A raw or out! sracuus 11-us WEEK: Large Size Galvanized _ -98 FLOOR WAX I WASHTUBS . . . . . . .. __ |perlb------` '. _ guru`-IA\1IIIIlIl'\Ih ELECTRIC moms... %: Guaranteed for 1 year Vl|Vp J-Vul-LE iuwvlluw allvuoanwvoa woos. Ironw- of Oraigvale. Mr. Gordon's many friends here Join In wishing him con- unued good health such as he now enjoys. . ARMSTRONG& }AINF__0R_l_)_ Next to Que'en s: Hotel Juuu n .ur-uuuuouu nu--y yr--... Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie 84 Co., Limited Toronto B24 ~ May 13-Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood and daughter Jean or Buiialo and Mrs. Austin and son. George and daughter Kate oi Niagara Falls. spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mills. a`... -...n 1:... ur Ilinainnnn and 135$ WWII MT. ENG IV-'5. Uuua. nun. Mr. and Mrs. W. I-Ilgginson and Frank visited their daughter -Jean. who is 111 in Orillia. `-1-- 1!........ `Inf9nnn"hn 1-purngd who 18 111 In Uruna. 7 Miss Verna. Mcoann` has returned home after a few days with her aunt. Mrs. T. Mcoann. Angus. In. ...A `fun `lhvnnlr Rnwn and lillhlvnutov v u.-_ -7 .. , _ rest Monday. ' , Fred Reader or Gravenhursi: visit- ed his sister. Mrs. Elphick. on Thurs- day- A. H. Outiie ofA'roronto preached in st. George : Church on Sunday night. Rev. A, R. Beverley of Barrie will anreach in st. _Geor:e s Church next "Sunday morning. \\TKfiFi=on GRANDROPENING or cEj{I_'|}AL FR;|T%QlARKI"' _ "Inns 1! St. Mary's Church. Barrie. came up from that town on may evening to present. the three-ant cqmedy Oin- darelh O`R.el1ly."` Rev. 1'a.t.herTBron- nu was the instructor and the uninh- .. ...---... u. wjgh mg ,1 n ,3. FIVE 1>o1N'rs ASPHALT and METAL ROOFINGS " '-5.3.3-".41 At the end of a dew) : work, relieve .-......... one-unlnn before eating. , DRAMATIC CLUB PLEASE!) Free P;'eaa_-_-'1fh'e Dramatic Club of III-..-IA Anna: UTOPIA . s,29/ BARRIE Phone 705 uwu pcsluuucu nu: uuuvu an uuwu vwlr acity. were a number he. - .py incidents, Miss Aileen Mcoonkey as Maggie O ~Reil1y. 9. roguish Irish maid of sweet 16, being responsible for 9. whole series or them. Lunch was served `before they returned to Barrie. I -The Otton Hardware Co. are dis- posing or the balance of their stock at bargain prices, upstairs over old store. Walk upstairs and `save dollars. 20b aSmas|1ing Public Conviction behind the big Swing to |E|EXnII: CHALLENGER Hear the radio. program of the Hadron-Essex Challmgerx -..-.... l`..'.lmu 4`vm9n'1n1 V uhort ' } ;c:;,rLi`orcls.eYo(:x:oa)'eowill A I?e%`u 3 tell the story. '9 W-'3 I Read about Character mm the Eye: in 1 future Beecham A vermements. ` - < - ' . II,,,-I.l D IIXJALIA II (`A A win; (Home or colon: A1` mo EXTRA cost Kuuf smop RAZORS BRYSON & MORLEY The smashing conviction of greatest value which Essex the Chal- lenger gives on sight is borne out in Performance of brilliant range and smoothness, and a wealth of ne car detail, never before asso- ciated with this price class. Its smooth and dashing power, its large, roomy, ne bodies; its 76 "outstanding new features; ..its Speed challenging up to 70 miles an hour; with Reliability that permits 60 miles an hour for hour after hour; and Economy of 18 to 20 miles per gallon and up- ` ward-all these make Essex aformidable challenger of any car the market oers. . Essex challenges too in Completeness of Equipment, and on the basis that no othercar gives you so much for every dollar invested. *1-'. D. CANCILLA l`uaJ'07l'l5JJ(JF unuur u5 I wary Friday Evening A big, adult-size Six. Fine to look at. Roomy and comfortable. Rich,` handsome upholstery and appointments. A Super-Six motor and all Super-Six advantages. A car that in looks, action and every aspect of operation aords owner satisfaction and pride of ownership. These are` reasons. 29c