uuw, IIB WID n. In nyywgnvvo J. 8. Brunton is quite in at his home, but some improvement is shown. He will be confined to his bed tor some time. Ila. ling En-Iunknu annn untlnu IUI BUIILU lllllln Mrs. Geo. Poucher spent Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. S. Wootten. in Newmarlcet. Mrs. Wootten is in her Seth year. I1 I! limnhsu man! in Whrnnfn half. `U951 JUNE : G. M. Harley went to Toronto last Monday to meet his wire and son, who have been visiting in England since has November. Mr. Harley conducts 1:85}. m.;;o;.; sm. }sZZ.IiIb. Minister HORACE WILSON, Organist and Ohoirmaater "We have fellowship ........ .. the blood of Jesus Christ ciesnseth us from all sin." SUNDAY, MAY 19. 1939 11 A.M.-THE MINISTER. ' % Anthem: The Lord Is My`LIht" (Fletcher) ` lnlo (olocteda)-Miss V. strange. `8 BM.-SUNDAY SCHOOL INV ALL DEPARTMENTS % 1 r.M.-'rxm' MINISTER. ' nu-`H. ------------------------ u ` Duet: Mrs. Laldman. `A. Monkman. EVERYBODY WELOOMED TO SERVICES SUNDAY. MAY 5, 1929 11 A.M. PHILIP: mm CALCULATING" 3 PM.--'I`1-IE 3131.2: sonoox. 'rms'r BAPTIST CHURCH II AI'I'\'lI'H|3\' EITITHHHIDTI -mama Jonnmrnns wui A . mm! omuams mm Or11l1ul.mh ` """' `"4 '1 imam: comzn smm-:'r _""`_`S`_'?'__`_ `3.'!"'!`. V IIIIICl?"T.VXn C XTQXYXQ 11 AM. - `rm: 1=.3."ron. ' , 7 P.M.--PAS'1`OR nvms; we believe that the Bible is` the inspired, in- fallible, inerrant Word of God. Mankind needs a whole Bible, not a Bible full of holes. A "rumour and mzmw at 8.00- -Prayer Meeting and mb1o`stud'y.` '1'l!UR5DAY.,I.15- 1`ho nmtlul ottho "Wonderful Word; O1\lb.b IV- . my gun girl will be welcome. WE PREACH T CHRIST CRUCIFIED 7 RM. POWER FROM ON HIGH A Whtsunday Sermon *2----:w - v -Ijt` TF1 Cj V 2715702: .4. c. `wzmrcomsz, 3.4. 9.45 A.M.-SUNDAY sonoon _ PASTOR. V ,3 _1=.M.-T-1w D --T C jlj Q C? C TCCTQWTC OLAPPERTON STREET REV. ARTHUR HALE, Pastor It..- I!I.IJ.I.l_ r\--..- A...._..)-.L -w- -- - m-----; u wvwvv JW'r'.a.-112;:-it}-:.'I: .'c>we, Organist Miss M. Sinclair, Choirleader COLLIER `ST. REGULAR `BAPTIST CHURCH DAQMIID. A In nvrvvnunnnpnnv an Sill: Ties in the new stripes and checks in a great varietyof color- ings--New, good anddurable Men : Fine Socks in all of the new spring colorings, very pretty fancy stripes and checks, Holeproof make -Our special 75c line-All to go at . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. Men s'Work Shirts in blue and khaki drills, plain colors, also strip- es, Reg. $1.25, all selling for 75 WATCH OUR wmnows $&&a&&&m&&w$$g1 ALLANDALE >x< vx< >x K &; $%%%%%$%%%%$& 'I'heGrea.t Sale ltems of outstanding value will be on display in our show windows and as l quanties are limited, those who take quick advantage will prot most. Watch this store for bargains and you'll not be disappointed. 3! 0 O \-IBIUIIVI 9 Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Holman and children of Nashville, Ont., spent over Sunday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poucher. I S.O.E. meet Tuesday, May 21. at 8 pm. in the Tra.1nmen's Hall. Orn- lia members are paying 9. fraternal visit and a good attendance is re- quested. ,. -._,_ .. . ..-_-__-__ -_.l the meat business formerly owned by C. W. Poucher. ' ___ .1 1.... U\ III IIv-I..._.. -...1 Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Rosevear and daughter Leona, or Niles, M1ch., Mr. and Mrs. 0. Jackson. o! Oolllngwood. and A. L. Brunton of Toronto were visitors here Sunday. _,__n, __J Mr. and Mrs. J. Dembrasio and family. Aliandale, wish to thank friends and neighbors who come to their assistance following the recent destruction of their home by fire. 20:: Hector McPhail has sold his resi- dence on Bradford st. to William Turn-bull of Aillston, retired. Mr. and Mrs.-McPha,ll have purchased 9. home in Hqmilton and left for that city to- day. A son lives in Hamilton. ` - __ _-_.`...-.! - ..--lLl- `nag: nu wan. .-u-- --- ----- -----. A. Kelcey has secured a positlonl with the Imperial Oil 00. in Toronto and left ror that city, Saturday last. His removal is a serious loss to the local softball team. He will play for Imperial 011 team. Jack Henson is on Lian nnvunn innun onnnyvo out \rsa vvuu: the same team. 7 pm. Anthem .............. .. Bslsoted ` Male Quartetts: "Lot God. Use You-Messrs. Bryson. Guest. Irwin, Smith. ` solo: My Father Watches Over Me"- Mr. Douglas Smith. Visitors and strangers are oordislly invited to all our services. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cock-burn spent a. few days: in Toronto this week. 1 q-,,_ -1- on -n__ __I_L ,__,._; _ Fathers` anti sonsT Wilimmeet in Queen's Park at 6.30 p.m. to march in a. body. weather permitting: otherwise in church hall, '1ioronto st.. at 6.45 pm. The Minister will be in charge of both MINISTRY O!` PRAISE Mm Jessie R. Bryaon. Choirlcadcr. ll-n " I Dlnlunnlnnn` flan-nlai 11` ;:,`..J ;;.a;;;4;k `#465; ,'s?nI;uy solemn Thought." -(nowles). solo: His Love tor Me- % lAl-- 3-.. 1----- ` 11 United Church of Canada CENTRAL CHURCH (mnzabeth street) REV. A. E. BAKER. Minister. L1 A.M. - Hear - MR. 3:. P. STEWART, ;3.A.. of` Toronto. Representative 01 the Ontario Prohibition Union. Mr. Stewart V` is a graduate of MoMa.ster Un- * iversity. P.M. - SECOND ANNUAL FATHER AND SON SERVICE. The Foundations or Tuxis will be presented by Iour or our young men. ..__..._ . - - SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1929 '1=6IAL NOTICE -som: or THE GOOD BUYS IN THE MEN'S STORE- UV? OW. jf Mus Oops Brown.` G AE O. V IG K E R 3' L I Men : inc Cjshmere Socks, all J aegar make, in fancy colors, extra good qua1ities--`Pair. . . . 30 New Silk and Silk Knit Ties in plain colors to match the popular shadings in shirts, also pretty strip- es, our regular $1.00 line. For 75 Men : F in Tweed and Worsted Shit: in the new checks and stripes, double-breasted and single-breasted cuts, in both two V `and three-buttoned `styles, all sizes up to 39. These suits are priced regularly at $25.00 and $30.--A1l " are to go at~$]9_00 COME - SEE THESE SUITS ' .Zii;s'i1ig}. -;'i`;L-.*c'neonmayor Mc- Ouaig was present for the town, Rev. J . J. Black for the Ministerial Asso- ciation and Geo. W. Clark for the Recreation` Association.` Fourteen at The ilnancial report read by See- retary O. J. seltz, showed receipts of $8,377.36 and expenses of $2_,871 .67, leaving a balance of, $505.69, putting the institution in the best nancial condition in some years. There has been increased activity all round dur- ing the year. The report speaks of co-operation with the O.N.R. Recrea- tion Assoclatlon, with the Kiwanis Playground League, the churches and schools in. work among the young people. During the year 1942 beds were used, baths used 1723 times and 64 meetings or various organizations held. There were 17 boys meetings with an attendance of 308. In all the Y." contributed much to community welfare. The receipts for accommoda- tion amounted to $835.75 and was the largest item next to the railroad ap- propriation,. $1,380.00. I The marriage took place on May 8' at Central Church parsonage 01` Ed- ith Irene Trask, eldest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trask, Cumber- land St., to David Jones, of Allandaie, formerly of Utopia. They have taken up housekeeping on Essa Road. Harry Hill was groomsman and Miss Marie Trask supported the `bride. A supper was held at the bride's home follow- ing the wedding. at which immediate relatives sat down. , The Y.M.C.A. Annual Meeting ` Last evening in the American Hotel the vY.M.C.A. Board of Directors held its annual luncheon and received the yearly report. Adam S. McAlister of the transportation department oi! the National Council, under whose Jur- isdiction all railway Y.M.C.A. s come, talked on association work. He point- ed out that American railroads are putting more money into railway Y. sv than heretofore. having spent $1,500,000 last year on new construc- tion. ' _ 1:.___-_:-u ,.-____,4 _,-.__u I.-- 3-- BOARD OF TRADE ;IN A COMMUNITY "'zL4rT";:1a-"z u{.IR}};"::. iE;{:g:a;;em 9. few days at their cottage in 3:19. this week. an..- In 11--..-- -0 G--ml- Cancun` Broadly speaking, the main func- tions of a. Board of Trade are to ad- vance the business interests of a. town and to initiate support and encourage any proposal that tends to- make the community a better place in which to `lug: Barrie Organization Has Been Active For the Town. V70 Results are not always apparent in any given year but by keeping ac- tive. the sum total of efrorts over a period of years is always highly sat- istactory. Mn `I111: I-Anne nan nnrt-I /n RA ninth- ll HUUUI J o No live town can afrordto be with- out a Board of` Trade or some such similar organization. It is doubtful that a worthwhile manufacturing con- cern looking for a location would choose a town where no Board of Trade existed. It would be considered that the place and its people lacked in civic pride and aggressiveness. Nat- urally they would not desire to live in any such community when there are so many towns and cities of the pro- gressive type offering better local spir- it and atmosphere. `Douala `Inna Rana Frunfnnnlvn CH hnuna `Ram means. Wednesday. a pan. . 7 51'. ANDREWS Presbyterian Church 3399. Jo Sn Shftt, MA Edmund Hardy. Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Organist and choirmaster SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1929 T Services at 11 am. a.nd"1_p.m. sunday `Sohoolat_ 10 `can. II (IQ QUIIIUDFLIWLGO Barrie has been fortunate in having Jones-Tra.sk Men : Tilliooultry Flannel Shirts- The best annel shirt that s made, no shrinking, no fading, no tearing and the best of wear, English make, large and roomy, all sizes--Regu- lar $2.75, for the sale . . . . Men : Rayon Silk Socks in very pretty color eects, plain checks and stripes, regular 50c and 60c.--. For clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Men's Superne Cashmere Com- bination Underwear, long sleeves, ankle length, allJaegar make, reg- ular $5.00 Priced to clear at I Ibis greatest of sales presents oppor- tunities M big savings for you--take kadvantage of the mark-downs. WUVDI Mrs. R. Gannon or samia, torm- ar resident, is visiting with Iriends here. III I\ 'lLI- A` f! uuuu Anhulunu -Armani- It is necessary that this eort be continued. Opportunities do not pre- sent themselves every day and when they do, it is vital to the town s in- terest that some organization such as a Board of Trade, be already organ- ized and ready to take hold. Many in- cidental tasks, all in the interest of the town, are constantly coming up and receiving attention. a. very active Board of Trade, one that has been successful in promoting the business and social welfare of our town. ` The Membership Committee of the Board will call on you very soon to renew your membership, or if not a member, to offer you an opportunity We have just taken in- to stock a shipment of Roses, Spiraea, Wigelia, Deutzia, Hydrangea, etc.` These are Canadian Grown and of good quality. .v BROWN & 00. 521.56 fwegbhsuxrs S. . . . .' Q .' .' .' .'.1.1 .1.` . . . ..11Z.*'i5 $25.00 to $27.50 TWEED SUITS . . . . . . . . . . $19.75 $30.00 to $35.00 BLUE SUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.25 MEN'S PLUS FOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.45 to $5.65 pr. MEN S ENGLISH GOLF HOSE . . . . . . 80: to $3.75 pr. MEN'S SHIRTS-Reg. $1.50 value . . . . . . . $1.15 each MEN'S SHlRTS-Reg. $2.00 and $2.25 value $1.65 each MEN'S SHIRTS--Reg. $2.50 to $3.00 value $1.95 each BATH ROBES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4.85 each SWEAT SHIRTS for Sport Wear $1.25, $1.55 and $1.75 MEN S GREY su.1< GLOVES .......... .. $1.15 pr. MEN S ENGLISH A1lWoo1 Hose, reg. $1 value . 69c pr. MEN'S SILK HOSE, fancy patterns, reg. $1 value 69 pr. STOCK UP FOR YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE REQUIREMENTS WHILE THIS SALE or HIGH CLASS CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS LASTS. MEN S WINTER o'c0A%Ts . . . . . . . . . . . . at half price .14.. -9- n-cup:-n-Q-\ l\IOI 44:11 Thousands of dollars worth of the highest grade Men s and Boys Clothingiand Furnish- ings, must be sold in the short time of six weeks. Every article in this store has been marked for quick selling, at unbelievably low prices. ,,.~ ' ` -.';,. ,_. . . ,L`,;-, ' GOING 0UT OF BUSINESS SALE NW`. D. Little of Graven.-hurst renew- ed acquaintance in the sixth War this week. ~ illng !!aund IJII1 Al Tnnnnin In nl\AHII_ I All Clothing at Manulaclurer s Cost and Less I ALEX. MILNE & SONS Only Six More Weeks to Go I O I I I I O O | 9 n HTS $3.45to$ )SE $2 9 _,,J4- AV .1 - Men : Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves, ankle length, all sizes in stock, regular $1.25, for . . 95 Men : Nainsook Combination` Suits, no sleeves, knee length, but- toned and buttonless, regular $1.50 -For sale at . . . . . . . . . . $1_10 Men s Shirts in striped Oxfords, English make, good and roomy,_ fast colors, regular $1.75-Priced to sell quickly . . . . . . . . . . 7 Boys Tweed and Serge Suits in ` greys, browns and blues, with bloomer pants, sizes 26 to 35, regular up to $10.00-For clear- ance at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTERS THE FIFTH WEEK with a budget of bargains that none should miss. Everything on both oors in both stores is priced for absolute clearance.-Men s and Boys Wear, Drygoods and Ladies Wear, Home Furnishings, etc., are all offered at prices that spell big savings. COME, AND COME EARLY. '.' ."I'"$1 _'1'0 IKIII WUUDO Miss Hazel Hill of Toronto is spend- ing her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I-I111. Tlmn St. ,,j --u___...- 1-..- TWEED REEFER COATS, 3 to 6 yrs. . . . . . $3.55 each BOYS WOOL GOLF HOSE, size 7 to 10 . . . . 65 each Boys Wool Check Pattern Golf Hose . . . . . . . 75 each BOYS SHIRTS, separate collar, $1.25 value . . 85 each BOYS BROADCLOTH SHIRTS, collar attached $1 each BOY -S ENGLISH SHIRTS, blue and grey flannel $1.30 BOYS KHAKI PANTS, cuff `bottoms . . . . . . $1.10 pr. BOYS FLANNEL PYJAMAS, 8 to 16 yr. size $1.40 suit BOYS SUMMER HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR 80c suit Boys Tweed Bloomers, $2.25 value, 7 to 14 yrs. $1.85 BOYS BLUE SERGE LONGS, 8 to 18 yrs. . . $2.25 pr. BOYS TWEED LONGS . . . . . . . . $1.95 and $2.25 pr. BOYS BLAZERS, English Make . . . . . . . . . . $1.55 each Young Men's Two-piece Under- wear, white vests, striped trunks, regular $1.75, for . . . . . . . Young Men's Summer Weight Combinations, plain top, stripe bottoms, size 34 to 40, regular $1.50, for . . . . . ., . . . . .. Men s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, long sleeves and ankle length, our special 75c line-For the sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 [PLEASE NOTE-As this sale is for` absolute clearance, purchases are not subject to exchange. No goods allow- ed out of the store on approval. Mail orders filled only when accompanied with amount of purchase price. 4 1:: ;:t'. 57;, Misses Isab"e;le a.n'd Pou- cher were Sunday visitors in Allan- dale, as was A. W. Applegate. ,1 H ilrnnfnn In Anita `Ill 11'. his