Vnrd off all the cold weather ills. Get -mlrself 8. bottle of Gallaghcr s Indian ., Rcmecly. It will make and kmap you l1e_althy--~l1eal u inamed iismlcs and glve your bloc and body nuw vigour. ' . K001) this good old herbal `remedy al- ways in the houso. Toke It aftor ex- posure to wind, ram, c`h1ll and crowded, germ-laden laces. You can get tlus and other allagher Herbal Household Remedies now from 86 lIMIRYA.SMlTH.BIrr|o mu-can AAA nova. uuuuo. I cannot imagine. Perhaps they were brlgands, and intendeii to carry us off for a. ransom. -gum A auav HUAH5 JACA C 1' He pointed along the road. Already the clumsy vehicle had become a black speck in the distance, swaying heavily from side to side from the pace at which it was being driven, and almost enveloped in a cloud of dust. Illinnrsn nknnlp Inn. 1......` In-_....l.-_ wuvusuycu us v Luuuu UL GU50. Adrienne shook her head. Ma.rghar- ita. had turned away, with her face- buried in her hands. HT nnvuuan W U IIUU; J.V&CIrl Elll JUN I "Indeed, indeed we are. The Signor had saved us from a terrible danger." "If. `R nnthina Tho fannvuu uvznvn uwu nwvvu uo nun; a. ucuuulc uungcr." "It is nothing. The fellows were errant cowards. But what was the carriage doing here?" 11:: nnlnfnd nhwn. 4-1.. ........I AI..--.u-- u an wen: uuuuugcs You are not hurt? he repeated. "I am sorry that I did not get here sooner, before that fellow touched you." she held out her hand to him with 3 little impetuous movement. "Thanks to you. No. Signor." she said, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. oh, how grateful we are, are we not. Margharita?" "Turing:-I in:-inn.-I Ivvn nun VH1... 51-..-.. ynuuuag nu uu: uutn UAHII cyan. You are not hurt, I trust? he ask- ed, his breath coming quickly, for he was in a towering passion. He was not speaking to the darker or the two girls at all; in fact, he was unconscious of her presence. He was standing by Ad- rienne Cartuccio s side, watching the faint -color steal again into her cheeks. and the terror dying out of her eyes, to be replaced by a far softer light. Her black lace wrap, which she had been wearing in Spanish fashion, had fallen a little back from her head, and the moonlight was gleaming upon her ruddy golden hair, all wavy and dis- l arranged, throwing into soft relief the outline of her slim, girlish figure, her - heaving bosom, and the exquisite 3 transparency of her complexion. She 4 stood there like an offended young ' queen, passionately wrathful with the men who had dared to lay their coarse hands upon her, yet feeling all a wo- man : gratitude to their preserver. Her eyes were flashing like stars, and her brows were bent, but as she look- ed into his face her expression soft- ened. Of the two sensations gratitude was the stronger. . uvm. awn ant 1......a-an 1.... .........-A..._u 53517 UU Iishman L...l..._ _. Pin Fourteen rightfrom the Heart of Nature uuu guns I HI I She had found her way into a lonely corner or the villa. grounds, and, with her head resting upon her hands, she was gazing across the blue sunlit wa- ters of the bay. Below, hidden by the thickly-growing shrubs, was the white, dusty road, and the voice which disturbed her thoughts seemed to come from it. She pushed the white flower- nav uauvsn UV UJWHIUF Good night," he said. "Good-night, Slgnorlna," he added, bowing to Mar- gharita. I shall come tomorrow af- ternoon." rnI..... I.- L---- ~ 7- Illii lUUIlo Then he turned away. and walked with long swinging steps back to the hotel. oacabl Va He let her hand go. If he held it a moment longer, and a little more firm- ly than was absolutely necessary was he much to blame? Hflnrul nhuhhn-1.- _.x4 -1-- vvuui I-VA It DIM!" inc aslied eagerly. We'll talk about it tomorrow, she laughed, holding out her hand. Good- night." `Lfn I35 luau. I_..._.I ..- -n - ----- guy--v ooh vnav IJGILIUIX '~eI {I you mean the Pandora, she's mine. Do you like sailing? Will you come for a sail?" he asked eagerly. "We'll about tnthnrrnixv 61-In '*a-nnu BU: I-VlIuIlUVo" Lord St. Maurice! Then are you not the fortunate possessor of that de- lighttul little yacht: in the harbor? H\ an- ID -.-.. ..---A- A something which you have forgotten? He divlned her meaning at once. Of course, I ought to have told you my name he exclaimed hastily. How stupid of me. It is St. Maunce --Lord st. Maurice." Ynm-I at `Al.-.....a....| --n--., Margha.r1ta!" Qhn Innpl lnuud --.._..u.. vv wva a.uL. ii/I"a.y I call on you tomorrow? he asked, trembling for the answer. urn ..-.. __-..--.- --- yum on my uomacn, and I could get no relief. Rapinniny the use of Kruachen I improved shoddy, and new never have a pain. In fgct I am as well that I can scarcely remember w I} nered. I take Kruachen every morning. and `due it the entire credit for makin me no well, and just hope other eimilar eu erm will act the use benet." ` ---Jessie G. Original letter on lo for Inspection. Irunchen Salts is obtainable at drug and Iopsrtment stores In Canada at 75. a bottle. A bottle contains -enough to last for 4 or 5 loath:-good health !or half-a-cent a dly. ._ ._.......-..a gun UAAG GLIDWCIR "If you would like to. yes," she ans- wered readlly Come early if you have nothing to do, and we will give you at- ternoon tea. a. l'Anglaise. By the bye, she added, a. little shyly, is there not van: All A149 1115. It was she who talked most, and he who listened. Yet he was very happy; and when they reached her villa. and he left them at the door, she gave him 9. white ower which he had found courage to beg for. lllkn-. V --II _., - wuuu: u.u.uu'." She shuddered, but made no reply, walking on by their side, but a little distance apart As for the English- man, he was in paradise. To all in- tents and purposes, he was alone with Adrienne Cartuccio. listening to her low voice, and every now and then stealing a glance downward into those wonderful eyes, Just then very soft and sweet That walk through the scented darkness, with the far-off murmur of the sea always in their ears, was like the dawning of a new era in his life. 74- nu... -1..- --I-- L-- at with gll-SODIUM: There is no danger now, Signor- ina, he said reassuringly. To-morrow I will go to the police, and I dare say that we shall get to the bottom or the whole affair. cl... ..\.....1.1-..-.1 I ----- -v----woovw- The Englishman looked at the other girl, almost for the first time, as she came up and joined them. Her dark eyes were full of tears and her face` was troubled. There was very little! relief or thankfulness for her escape I` in her expression. The Englishman was no physiognomist, but he was 9. little puzzled. ur1'\1u.m..\ 1.. .... 4-..--- -.-~ -- no I vul Iwilnuo Not he. I shouldn't say that he was very badly hurt, either, the Eng- lishman declared. bending down and listening to his breathing. More frightened than anything. He'll get up `and be off directly we leave. You will let me se_e you home?" he continued, [speaking to Adrienne. Qhn Innbaa-I IIv\ at kl... ...u.l. - _1-___, valv- I He touched the prostrate figure with his foot, and the two girls shuddered. He is-is not dead, is he?" Magh- arita. asked. Il\Y.-.4. 1.- 1- _I.-..I_1__u_ .,_,, Au - - Margharlta, I was desperate, he cried passionately. And that cursed Englishman, he has become my evil genius. It was 9. miserable chance that enabled him to become your pre- server. uu-L ___ , _ nun v us It `was a very fortunate one for you, Leonardo." II71nn4- A.` u... 1.- WA, I DU 1T? ZZITC W. I! you havo never tried K.rus.chen--try it Now at our ex ense. We have dxambut_ed 9. greag many specia "GIANT" packages whxch make It easy {or yap to prove our clmin forv` urself. Ask your dnxggut for the new (JIAN " 75c package. This consists of our regular 75c bottle togethet with a 5epnmte trial bottle--suicient.or about one week. Open the trial bottle rst._put It to the test. and then, xf no_t entirely qonymced that Kruschen does uveyythxng we clalm It to do.thp vegular bottle is Still. as good as new. Take It back. Your_drugg1st1s authorized to rqturn "our Sc immedmtely and without question. 01: Va ti:c1&Iu_{3_:chen me. at our expense. Who Jvu, A.JGU&J.l\.lU. What do you mean? he cried sharply. Tell me, has he been here? (`Yes-H He seemed to calm himself with a. great effort. He was on the thresh- ma uuaa , LASUAJGL MU. You must not tell her, he mut- tered. Swear that you will not!" She shook her head. There is no need. I am not anx- ious to denounce my own brother as a would-be abductor._ way into the interior, so that they might hold us and demand a ran- som. It was her own idea; I said anothing. I feel as though I were de- ceiving her, but I cannot tell her. She would never look upon your face again, Leonardo. uxrm. ........L ...J. A-1u 1_,,.-- I auvw 6 None. She does not suspect me at all? No; she thinksthat it was an or- dlnary attack by robbers, and that the carriage was to take us a. little \III 1 V UlICCo You guessed then," he said. Tell me, does she know? Has she any idea? uuuu uuu VVIAUIUI AGING. Have I not tried?" he answered bitterly. Tell me, do I so easily re- linquish my great desire? Why am I here? Because I have said to myself that I will not be denied. Adrienne shall be mine!" She looked at him steadily. We have not met, Leonardo, since the night after the concert. Do you know that we had an adventure on the way home?" `"7":-\'l1 nu... -I_---L .1; u u - vv wg guuuc ' Tell me about it, he answered, looking away. ~ ' Is there any need, Leonardo?" A faint tinge of color stole into his olive cheek. "1nIu -_._..___I AI. _ nu - - - __-.._- ...... -0.... nun` va. gnu]- "I;:onai'oio, I am sorry," she whis- pered How is it, I wonder, that all through life you seem to have set your heart upon things which are impos- sibie." It is fate!" Fate. But you are a man, and man should control fate. t`l'Jnun T .....4. L._.l_.1nu 1-, - IMIU {U W puuug, uuu, pusmng DRCK UVDA : the boughs of the shrubs which grew I > I M childhood. I I between them, made his way up the` bank to her side. Have you been away? she asked. Yes, I have been home. Home. he repeated bitterly. I have wan- dered through the woods, and I have climbed the hills where we spent our I have looked upon the old scenes, and my heart is broken." Her eyes filled with tears. For a moment her thoughts, too, went back to the days when they had been child- ren together, and he had been her hero brother. How time had chang- ed them both, and how far apart they had drifted. They could never be the same again. She knew it quite well. There had grown up a great barrier between them. She could not even pretend to sympathize with him, al- though her heart was still full of pity. "Tjsnvlnvltln T an... _A...... II _I._ yuuL uu ULLL uusu. Leonardo! she exclaimed. Leon- ardo! Are you alone? he asked. Yes. Adrienne is in the house, I believe." Then I am coming in. She looked troubled, but" she could not send him away. He clambered over the low paling, and, pushing back the bouehs of the ghrnhc nvhlnk ......... Head Off Colds, Cmzgils, Bronchitis Wiiia This Fine Old Herbal Remedy .QLLlVAN.` He was no coward, but he, gave a little shudder as be examined the thing, and felt `its bluish steel edge with his finger. It was by no means a toy weapon; it had been fashioned I I Maurice came on the day after our ad- I I The next day we went yachting with . him. Yesterday and today he has new V1 VU GIVE!- ----g -gnu vv Leonardo," she whispered, remem- ber our watchword, `Endurance. I will tell you everything. Lord St. venture. He stayed till evening, and we walked with him on the Marina. spent nearly the whole of his time here. I believe that he is in love with Adrienne, and as for her, if she does not love him already, I believe that she soon will. You have asked for the truth, my brother, and it is best that you should have it. Forgive me for the pain it must cause you." The Englishman sat quite still, hold- ing in his hand a long, curiously- shaped dagger which the first gleam of moonlight had shown him lying at his feet. .....u .u aural; uuuuus wucu & uuuu nave no more favors to ask you. Will you remember that you are my sister, and grant me a great one now?" If I can, Leonardo." It is good. I shall not ask you anything impossible or unreasonable. Tell me the truth about Adrienne and this Englishman. Tell me how you have spent your days since this affair, and how often he has been here. Then` tell me what you yourself think. Tell me whether she cares for him; and: he for her. Let me hear the whole' truth, so that I may know how to act." ll? .._.._._.1- n -1- , . n BRYSON & MORLEY ofd or what he had come to know. He must keep cool, or she would tell him nothing. 'l\lam-1-I-nu-N>n H `I..- ....o.1 -1-_.I._ uLL- Lav Auuaa `."Ma.rha.r1ta," he said slowly, the time is fast coming when I shall have nn rnnrn fnvrute 1-A nab um. nun .._.- can aoyd biliounwu alo I nuffZrad' a}i'>}iy"f'r37r0 pin: m my stoma . and I could get relief. A Bggimuna of imnrmmi the &&&ElWGER Above we show some of the local records, oicially observed by news- paper men, which Essex the Chal- lenger established during Nationwide Challenger Week. Owners here, and owners by thousands all over the country, have duplicated these tests, or, at least, veried the capacity of their own Essex the Challenger to re- produce any or all of these proofs. SPEED-Attained 70 miles per hour and better without perceptible sway, or road motion. RELlABlLlTY--Highly efficient in all re- spects, positive cushioned braking effect, ability to maintain high speeds with ease, and perfect control throughout entire speed range. ACCELERATION---Flashed from 5 to 50 miles per hour in 15 se- conds. Carrying 4 passengers accelerated from 5 to 30 miles per hour on steep grade. ECONOMY--Averaged approximately 22 miles to the gallon. _ _.__ _-`.... -...~u Avail uu.UA.L UULUI. "Aiweek ago, Signor, he remarked," we occupied these same seats here. I remember it," Lord St. Maurice replied quietly. (f".nr\f-1'v-inn.-I ......L ._...I-\ quay VAJ - The Sicilian leaned over the table. There were gray rims under his eyes, and even his lips had lost their color.` MA -5.1. _..- r~:-.,,- - Ivuua Iuuuuzc UU UUIIIC. Good evening, Signor, quietly. i Tho 1..-..-.- H, I I can; 555155 c I Lord St. Maurice made no sign of recognition. On the contrary, he turned his head away, preferring not too be seen. His nerves were already highly strung, and there seemed to him to be something ominous in this second meeting with the Sicilian. If he could have been sure of being able to do so unnoticed, he would have got ' up and gone into the hotel. Good evening, Signor! Lord St. Maurice turned and looked into the white, corpse-like face of the Sicilian. It told its own story. There was trouble to come. (land nnnui.-..... 1-.'...--.. -- - UGIAQ By degrees he came to himself, and leaning forward took a match from the little marble table, and re-lit his cigar. Then, for the first time, he noticed with a start that the chair [opposite to him was occupied, too, by ,a figure which was perfectly familiar. I It was a. Sicilian who sat there, quiet- ly smoking a long cigarette, and with [his face shaded by the open palm of 1 `his hand. I 7--.! (`L np___, musty yaar_n'1 wen a perfect martyr to tick head- and suffered agony from pain: in my . I could act no mm, and meant for use. What use? Some- how he felt that he had escaped a very great danger, as he put the thing thoughtfully into his pocket, and leaned back in his chair. The shrill voices and clatter of glasses around him sounded curiously unreal in his ears Use Examiner Classified Advts. / Fora. crzyuxl _ ou-r \.os_>c>`. THOSE. iNt= Er2NAl- C/-\T$ ARE AT vr H \ AGAIN .. `nay I11] - (Continued next week) IN FAST GET-AWAY- 1"-r nus-n--w\ ,i__--_------- I I `Ur IV` smartness with costlier cars. IN EASE OF DRIVING - note __-_.. `,4 .IJA\LVJ1`\.J LIULC smoothness of motor-ease of steer- ing-roadability and effectiveness of __..... can 4 v-5;; AIU \.a1 _ia_| TeJ;ceptcd.vIN SI;EED-anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour. IN HILL CLIMBING- against any car you choose. IN A11!TAh Axfrwrs - rr`1~2:t::\i1mit I he answered I _` Never a Pain now ('-no car for One million owners know the spen cial advantages of the Super-Six. They are best qualied to compare the Essex the Challenger. To them we offer first opportunity to test the most powerful, the largest, roomiest, smoothest, easiest riding-most com plete Essex ever built. But all motor- dom must be astounded that even with seventy-six notable improve-- ments, the price is the lowest in Essex history-a price but little above the lowest-priced car on the market. THIS OQGHTA KEE` QUIET F052. A CO\ \-&ouQ<..!!...I :SusT \ **93f?" .(\_" ` brakes. IN ENDURANCE - 60 miles an hour all day long is well within its range. DISTRIBUTORS and DEALERS Bradford St., BARRIE. Phone 845 .Ers9-ILrial 0&5-=r% KEEP 'E'.M 7Qu\E_T <:ouPa.A' .....--1 T T T " Barrie | Coach, $965; 2-Pass. Coupe, $965: Phaeton, $965; Coupe (with rumble seat), $1010; Standard Sedan, $1095; Town Sedan, $1170; Roadster, $11705 Convertible Coupe, $1225. Standard Equipment Includes: 4 hydraulic shock absorbers-electric gas and oil gauge-radia!or shutter: -.saddlc lamps-u'indshii>ld wiper~ ' rear view mirror-elecr'rolock-con~ trols on steering u heel-all bright parts chromium-plated. l'4Allll\JUDl AND .96` 5 up nu-n Wide Rang; of Colors at No Extra Cost 17$ 973/ the handy pack ugffive Bachelors Thursday, April 4, 192' ' GOTTA ~ SOME ,RE;$T`__ lalmddlilutolet kn how Mn] N0 bawmd by the ua`am`af K?achen.mwFor Mill! Warp ! Perfect M0 bthounwu. alas I nuffn-ad mnmu (mm