29 inches wide. Nat small oral patterns, rosebuds, etc. All new stock. During C Clean Up Sale, Per Yard ...................... .: S1zes_3;;-1n;11-e;,v1-r-1's;v_e;'a; s`piei{cua oxor- XII inns and Alnnnnt nail-nuns Btu-unluc- LACE IITAUI llllillcg ILL BUVULGI D]-IACLIBCAEL VUCIJL` ilgs and different patterns. Ruzular s1.oo quality. During Clean Up Sale ea. C Here is a splendid selection of House Frocks in newest Prints and Broadcloths, with dainty trimmings, Buttons, Belts, Organdie, etc. In all women's sizes 16 to 52. Specially O priced during Clean Up Sale, Each Just received `in stock, of Polret Twins and Tweeds in newest models. All must go dur- Eigchthis Great Clean Up Sale, at New stock just received in Poiret Twills, Trico- tine and the much want- ed Tweeds and priced to WOMEN'S NEW SPRING COATS Come Early For These TABLE OILCLOTH SQUARI-3 ,_ __ .11.! _ G. c. MOORE, Barrie peale.-.23 Louisa Street. Phone 1219. $3!` I f'IIlV h7I\II'l 32 inches wide with 3% inch woven stripe openwork bord- ers. A regular 15c quality. Burinfiglean Up Sale, A LINGERIE NEW MILLINERY AT ALL PRICES COATS NEW HOUSE F ROCKS EWF-57 "R!"T5 suit you. FANCY PRINTED CUSHION COVERS You will be surprised when you see these. All new and select- ed designs all ready for filling. Worth 35c. A?-I:I:ingE-Gjeat Clean Up These are in newest stripes and checks. Good quality silk and colorings. Regularly sold at S 1. During Clean Up Sale, . Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I69 i36 inches wide, in colors of Rose, Green, Copen, White, Sand, Maize, etc. Usually sold at 30c. ' l?;`u`??.`?`? .S.."`f . . .23 Fine silki webbing in new striped colorings, cross back style. Regular 75c. During Clean Up Sale . -49 Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size 20x40 inches, in fancy Jac- quard patterns and color strip- ings, in Gold, Pink, Blue, etc. Usually sold at SOC. During Clean Up Sale. .E-_L - - READY-T0-WEAR DEPARTMENT Artsilklin white only. All new stock. '{ "`;i.`s:`..`. f .S.`T'?. 5 .25 { WHI}TE`. Ausplendid cloth for all uses, 27 inches wide. Reg- ularly 20c. ?.`lf,%e$'?, ? .13`/2 You will be surprised when you see these at our prices wEATE1is" HOUSE FROCKS REAL VALUES HERE! DRESS BROADCLOTH MEN S FINE BRACES SILK DRESSES Famous Lavender Line. In all sizes for women. Opera styie. Imperfections hardly noticeable. All coiors. Reg- ular rst quality price $1.35. .i"`Y ..'.T".`f .". .sf`7. .69 NEW TIES AT 69 `A-IN(_:H ELASTIC P. .15 Your splendid welcome to Walker Stores Limited was greatly appreciated . Our aim is to make our store YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE AN APPRECIATION A`CQI_IIV Several neat checks and color- ings to choose from at this very low price. During Clean Up Sale Per Yard I o o A o o u n - a 9 0 A heavy weight Drill in Khaki, Butcher Blue or Navy. All sizes. Military Flannel Work Shirts, well made. You will be sur- prised at the quality. During Clean Up Sale, . 1-`Jen HEMMED CRASH NAPKINS Measure 13x13 inches, good quality Crash with woven col- ored borders. Hemmed. Handy for regular use. Regular 10 quality. During Great Clean Up R p-o v-av: ouvb Iii WIVC `II: best of attention arid service. ~ % T L ' Endin Saturda 1:031?! FAVORITE CONTINUES ALL;32><'l;tV*:'a!;a's ma Thousands of dollars worth of t e aYJ'eantT `"3 5 1 e P goods coming in every day % and marked at BARGAIN PRICES. BE SURE TO CCJME! } In plain Grey. a1`1_\;ovo1v._~Just 7the right weight for now. Reg- ularly 30c. During Clean Up Sale, . Per Pair . . . . . . . . . . . I Fancy Broadcloth Shirts In stripes and big variety of colorings. All sizes. Regular- 1) 52.00 to 52.50. `s aIiZ`f`acie?"?.`. .` $1.49 V navynn \/nngnv and A large variety of new colors and patterns to choose from. Usually sold at 30c. During Clean Up Sale . I=e?'Zni ` Two W071; Shirt `Bargains V` "19I'I'i.'I.'I1\J'E:'l2-if V Corsets, Corselettes MEN S WORK SOCAIKSK SPRING COATS 36-lNC_H` CHENTZ SOMETHING NEW EVERY BM? YOII BAN SAVE Saddle s+itched styles. in colors of Mode, Sand and Grey, sizes 6 to 8. Regular 85c. During Great Clean Up Sale, Pair . . . . . . . I A-"<':1LI. Uie, . . . . . . . . . . . . . I c;Ng;Hp.1vi .21 BARGAIN moon UPSTAIRS r7u}ETHREAp s1u< HOSE 10 of this season's newest color- ings. Regular $1.50 value. First quality goods. Specially secured for this. Great Clean Up Sale, Per Pr. I FUGI SILK SPECIAL 20 newest colorings to choose from in this splendid, useful silk Darin Gr tC1ean Up Sle, e`;ard I49 A Whole floor of clean-up stock and priced ridiculously low. =IlIII|Il||l|I||l|I||l|l||l||l|I|III Mn. Frank Gibson of Trout Creek .,is visiting Mrs. P. W. Scott, Miss Yvonne Ayerst of Ivy is visit- -ing her grandmother, Mrs. Easton. Mrs. Wlgle and Bobbie are spending she Eute: holidays in Klnssvule. qr Jude's W.A. will meet on Tues- WOM!-`.N S susma FABRIC cLovI.;s FANCY WI-l_lTE_T(_)WEL_S best to serve you on. our Opening Day. We regret if any did not receive the best and % AN APOLOGY put Thirty Clerks did their READ THISLIST REMNANTS UTILITY COATS MEN'S WEAR ' -1.-- --.!.l- _-.!LI- -5.; 7; f:iIui"lJ"p'aIe, ; v I 9 O I O I I I O I 00' holidays m mngavmu. St. Jude's W.A. ,,day. April 2. at Mrs. W. 11:. Grey's. '1`. A. Lawrence of Ottawa. recently spent 9. few days at his home here. Mrs. Mccormack is in Toronto this `week owing to the illness or her mo- Mr. and Mrs. fr. B. M. Campbell of Toronto spent Sunday at R. D. Henry's. St. Jude's Ohurch sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea; Saturdflsyi). Ila I-AH S` WIN]; 13b IOWBCI Dy nmy uuuuuuuiuu. senior Institute met at Mrs. Wigle's, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Maiel, District Director, spoke of the coming musical contest for rural schools and choirs, which is to be held in cooks- town in April. It was decided to en- courage the schools to enter. The im- proving ot the cemetery. which the In- stitute undertook last summer. will be continued. Nominations for the elec- tion or officers were received and a committee was appointed to allot the -amen In thn nlnv whlnh will be nut on Mrs. Wiikinsen :r.XnTgus spent last `week with her sister, Mrs. Mark Mc- Master. - - Jan. Stewart 0! Angus spent Sun- day with his sister. Mrs. Robt. Ellis. The W.A. or the Anglican church metat the home or Mrs. Weston Mc- Osnn. Tuesday evening. ` ' u... mm nnmmtm-_ is under the d I V octor `a care. Xvocc 1'18 on monuuy. Trinity Young People's Society is working on a play to be given next month. Watch Coming Events for an- nouncement ot date. mhnm mm ha service in St. Jude's OOMIDIUWB WEB uppuulwu w nuuo unu go.:'ts_ in the allay which will be put on the Inst! te in the near ruture. : vhann mnmhnrn were nresent. After D H18 Lnsuww In uuu uuur suturc. 8 xteen members were present. After the close 0: the meeting a dainty tea was served by the hostess. Ulcuuuru. Dwluv. ruuuv on 0. Trinity w.M.s will hold their Apr-I ll meeting next Wednesday at 2.80. A special Easter program will be given..' Mr and Mrs. John A. Corbett and. 5980181 IIRSIIUI` prusnuu win In: gavuuy. Mr and Mrs. John A. Corbett an Mrs. J. D. Stewart attended the fun- eral ot the late Mr. Loneman in Bar- rie on Monday. ' 'l"rInH'.v Vmmq Peonle s Socletv is nouncemem ui uuw. There will be service in St. Jude's Church on Good Friday evening. Mar. 29, at 8 o'clock. Easter Sunday ser- vices in St. Jude's Church will be fol- lowed by Holy Communion. mminr Institute met at Mrs. Wi2le's. Ma 3.. in Mrs. M. Patterson is spending` butcher ot Barrie. urn. Grant 15 at R. D. Henry : 1 attendance on Mrs. Gllpln who is progressing favorably. p"5p5:'5i'; f'm$.-`'"s`3%'&:ces in Trinity church next Sunday. Special music by the choir assisted by others. -Do you want to make your old clothes look like new? See Wright Cleaners. Barrie. Phone 577. rn.I-din mat: mill hnhi thnlr Anv-- A splendid assortment of new checks and colors to choose from, but come early for them at our price. During Clean Up Sale Per Yard . . . . . . . . . . . .I *_'-W .!Y`T` `?':9.F.5 Famous Lavender Line. With large double gusset, elastic at knee, all of the newest color- ings. (Substandards), but see them at the store. Usually sold in flrst clnallty at $1.75 to $2: I .-- ll- Cg`- Q` u- ----3 v-w Price All new` styles of turned cuffs, with embroidery, in colors of Peach, Mode, Sand, Grey, etc. Sizes 6 to 8. Regular $1.25 tu S 1.50. During Great Clean Up Sale, Pair . . . I Sixe 24x48 inches: With fancy printed .ends and fringe, Reg- ular 65C. `;'.f1`....'T ?'.`.`. .5`T'f i .49 Blacik top_w-i; anilse} and ferrule]. (l3)o1ored gtlncy handles. Specia . uring ean . .98 Up Sale, Each . . . . . . . any Advprundmmnga. P3? WALKER STORES LIMITED 2.?i?u'& ma Ltd. BARRIE `3. E 3?: first cglality ring lean Up Sale FANCY Tsxuc GLOVES UMBRElfAlfAT BARGAIN 36-inch White Flannelette A splendid firm quality. Usuallysold for 25. During'Clean Up . Sale, Per Yard . . . 3'32-[SCH GINGHAM IVIORE GOOID NEVVS FOR YOU TheGREAT CLEAN-UP SALE UNDERWEAR MILLINERY CORSETS A5 W"? BARGAINS GALORE ALL OVER THE STORE Every Tuesday during March and April we will sell 100 bush horses. Horses are in excellent condition owing to favorable weather conditions this Winter. These horses are right out 0! hard work and anyone requir- ing seasoned horses ready to so right to work should not this opportunity, to an their re- quirements, as each and every horse will `be sold by auction without reserve. - 2 , _y cu yplolu nu we... I Sale. '9 ncv. H. :1. Scxguauu, R1155 141111511 Cunningham and J. D. Kenney were in Barrie. Monday. attending the run- eral or the late Mr. Lon Thu Tnnwino Tngtitvntn mm magi Ulfl UL VIII: 1506 J-I`. IJUXIBIIIEIL The Tecwlng Institute will meet at the home or Miss Dorothy Pugsle on April 2. Visitors welcome. y Thn fnllnminn nnnnf. Rnhu-Ann Incl` runs: .516. Dranu arm the uouse children spent Monday in Alliston vis- iting Jean Couse, who is making a favorable recovery. Surplices for St. John's Choir The Easter Day services to be held in St. John's, church will have a spe- cial attraction this year as it has been decided to robe the choir in cassocks and s lices, the robes made by the` dies or the choir th the assistance of Mrs. Prank Coleman, Mrs. R. Dutton and Mrs. Dick coutts. The choral celebration will be at 9 am. and testal evensong at 7 pm. when special music will be rendered. Old 11'! ds invited to visit" th?chur.:.h corditltilsyday. - 4 ttunuucuc. J. Cause and R. J. McAtee, Geo. Baker and son Clarence spent Satur- day in Barrie. JR 11!! monk n rnobn Inuit: add UH] NI J3lll'l`lCu --.Do you want to make your old clothes look like new? See Wright Cleaners, Barrie. Phone 577. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Rev. D. A. Ferguson, Miss Lillian llnnlnchnm and .1 h Yunnan IIIAIIA uu (spin a. vunwra welcome. The following spent Saturday last in Barrie: Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. Ed. Lewis. Miss D. Pugsley and Mrs. J. A. Gunninn-hm-n R. Coutts or Dorset is home trom Camp. Miss E. Allan at Churchill is visiting `Mrs. C. Nixon. `flag `I A Annnuu l\. FHA-Again annul- v-_-v vv vvuu vvv -av. novooov olwov Mrs. 01;; Nelles or Fesse;'ton spent the wegk-end at F. Coleman's. T --.... 'X-I-___.. _....I-._____.L . _ A _ -_ ..`-v-_- v--- uvv-- --.- vvv an vvuvouowoo -n Lynn Coleman underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis on Saturday last Aliandale. 7 (`Anna anti I3 7 IIAAOAA ISA- Lllvla Us l` 1351). Miss M. A. Agnew or Toronto spent `the week-end at her home here. E cooxsrown FIIIIIOIUIUIUIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of Canion Crepes; VG;oSrg&tes and Flat Crepes, ` in colors of Navy, Rosewood, Sand, Black, etc. ` 2,111. sizes. Regular up to $25.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. All br-t;o;ver;. H sol up to 60c. Secured for this great sale, each ~ WOMEN'S `$PRIN_GWC_I0AT SPECIAL 25 'o;1Vl;Vo7f7 i-hTeZse Zsplendid Crepe S111; Dresses on sale, andwill not last long. Newest color- ings and styles, in sizes 16 to 42. Usually sold 8.1:. $10. $ During Clean Up Sale, Each Just received in stock this week, in reliable Polret Twill Cloth. Several styles navy and colors. An extra special value. 4 During Clean Up Sale, Each 0 GOME! SEE, EXAMINE BUY AND SAVE IT WILL PAY YOU A BIG SPECIAL FEATURE `NEXT WEEK April _4th, u. a55._c1_ egh will be TH13EE_ 11_q_`D5_gs_-an I lV'l\I'9l'I`lN T,` K ' ""e7;tal"al'}v'ii'1Tin' iie"(-ii2E:}\'i'"(":1._1:_A17JIl3P'SX1.'E. W Special Golden Sheets will be sent to you and hundreds of real bargains in addition will be on sale DURING THREE BIG DAYS, APRIL 4th, 5th and 6th. _CR_EPE s1u< muasszs AT $7.49 NEWEST DR;ss__1-'L_QwERs in triangle, squares and long styles Pure silk in fu11-fashion- ed, all the newest color- ings as well as regular makes of Silks and Art Silks, vat pleasing prices. See Thes at Our Store NEW GOODS SHAVE JUST ARRIVED TO HELP YOU TO COMPLETE YOUR EASTER ENSEMBLE KID GLOVES NEW DRESSES FLOWERS KYIFIIT IKII I I`K1'I'.`I'I\I Fe; myr5f ALL NEWi SILK DREF._S _ EASTER GOODS HOSIERY 'n?f".moo1'h ."a`?a'_'E`.?}'rZ'u:.nc.'"u` ._.. -...I L.;_!-l__. 2-1-- on, -1- _ strains and bruising jro`Ii:-.:-h`g (ha cud-don Inn-31-un3uu`A Olunlu an--_ 5 - (N. g. l'S.__. high speeds-- suddep s_tops! 1 1 J\j4\un Ulullllj UllU*Il" `I13 VIIIUIUII ;;;t`1:;pY;that saveI them. Go to Gum Cushion Tire Stationa-they'll show you. Built Better to Wear Becca Guna Percha 81. Rubber, Limited. Toronto` '11:: ` All-CanadinnRbbcC:mym1L Poundedin18u83 Z90 `