Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1929, p. 2

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Wheat snnibnnn ORANGE and 1 Packet of I 12-ounce Jai- 23.-~ 6 portions to cartcn 3-lb..Tin . . . 74c 3-Pad Pkt. Per Pkt. X-I he Enpl Toronto oyment Service-Cont to Cut! . in June and will inimed1ately.sail for Great Britain with other delegates. They expect to be present at the great Belfast parade on July 12th. ` Tin if 24 Pkt. :22` 35 " WAS KNOVWNTIN NORTH ._ I- .I__I_1__,.u up 1 -- `Wm 29 Pkt. 30 17 14 12 . 23c ' mond wedding anniversary at Barrie, i recently. Mr. Sibbald was while here, * employed by the T & N.O., later being moved to Porquois Junction. He was a familiar figure to travellers in the ear- ly days of Cobalt, it being his duty to tap the wheels of the train while it was stopped at the local depot. It is ` reported that Mr. and Mrs. Slbbald are both hale and hearty. . Wrigley's whitens teeth, sweetens the mouth, clears the throat and aids digestion, while the act of chewing calms and soothes the nerves. An antique shop has been unearthed among the ruins of ancient Pompeii. How can tourists hope to bargain with Italians who have evidently profited I "IN|"'l|"'l|'48"l|"'l|"'l|"'lIm'4|"l|"0' The people of Athens still have the old historic names. Your barber is Thermistocles, your. boot-black Alcib- iades, your taxi is driven by Xenophen and the traffic policeman is Thucy- dides. % I? cnossn AND 5 ~ BLACKWELUS Raspberry, Black gt '4 K` and $3 Currant g. Closed All Day Good Friday - -- `j J ll-J`\lJ I I the greatest Throat, Cough and Ton- sil remedy known. It works wonders and is guaranteed. Good results or money back. 'I`ry it. Mrs. Sybilla Spahr s Tonsilitis. Barrie Druggists. ` Dry mouth and parched throat are grateful for the refreshing coolness of Wrigley s Spearmint. at this business ` for two thousand years? and Strawberry Thursday, March 28, 19!! Oro Station Women's Institute and Farmers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. W. Walker, Friday night, ,April 5. Growing circulation is the best evi- donut: or the quality or Examiner ser- vice. Last Sunday Rev. R; G. I-Ialbert spoke on Jesus' cup of suffering." Next Sunday the theme will be Jesus Victorious." Service at 10.30. S.S. ses- sion and communion at close of ser- vice. Mar. 25--V1ctor Collins of Trinity College, Toronto, will hold an Easter service in St. James` Church, on Sun- day evening at 7.00. , U _._.___ . V.-- u...-.1 vvvvao Brennan's hill is again in very bad condition and cannot be repaired too soon for motorists as the cars are get- ting quite busy again. o . n.u.u\JAuu5 uu uuuuruuy Mrs. W. Hamilton has `been in Bar- rie for a. few days. J. Smith of Barrie is cutting wood at J. Cumming's. Mr. and,Mrs. .105. Johnson moved to Fergusonvale this week. ......uu uuuuny uu uuuu uunusozrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scythes visited F. Mcclung on Saturday. MP8, I T-Inmilfnn ha-an km... 1.. -n..- viuovulu nu LI. UHIBUXI 5. Mr. and Mrs. O. Snider and-son spent Sunday at John Johnson's. Mr And `Also m n :4....n..... -.x..u.-.s n van uyuuuv Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Muir and Miss Dorothy or Fergusonvale were Sunday visitors at L. Carson's. III: and It... Is n__1,u,,, - Mar. 25-Quite a. severe electric storm passed over this locality about I a.m._today, leaving the ground cov- ered with large hail stones which did not disappear before the morning was well spent. II: n-.A 1:... rs... u...;__ , - --- Cor1:1' stock was loaded yes- terday, realizing good prices. ,)VR|GI.EY'$ BROWN &c0. VI-up; Ala Th roads are drying up fine, no water in cellars this year. Traffic Is brisk. tI..._..1_1-.__LI V an-.4 vuty Luuuu czuuycu. Sid. Battersbv is making more im- provements, putting in an up-to-date dltern. nvI...; ._..-_I_ -~- au I-JIIILJE "CU. Several social gatherings of friends have been held recently in this village and very much enjoyed. Rid RnH'nv-chu in vnnblnn -...-.. -I-u WWW`! Be Prosperous and Happy . . Cf . 0"` 5335:" 731 :r;':'n-u-ucun book; povvusn Mrs. Robinson's little daughter, who was operated on for mastoid some time ago in the Royal Victoria Hospital, i doing well. Qnunu-I nnnin` .....LL....:._..- -1 Ann, .77- ,_v..-..u~. no-ma ooldbo Glh. Brown, son of Wallace Brown, who has been ill for some time, is im- proving. `llvnc D.-.I..l..........-.. Iu.L1_ .:-....I.L--, V I wuuuuvu vault}. Mrs. Dodds, who spent a few days V In Rochester, has returned home. Mrs. I. Garvin returned with her. 1-I4, Us _.'_.--:--uv Mar. 28-Miss Lena Knapp has gone to Toronto to visit; friends for an` in- definite time. ll-n v\...1.1_ _.I-- -- A - OR0 STATION CROWNA` grit. c':uNm.g-gs vi -- pit CVKVU CV`-I D`9mPl.0N CHARTERED SCHO.2.l.. tract Wat - '1' . us Employment Service--C:-nut Ill: 0.1.13 izieli (31.18 after suuyus vucu. UWII Cause. , Then the announcement came that they had appointed Mr. Olsen as their manager. I felt doubly sure that their new venture was going to be a success. Mr. Olsen knows the pork business from A to Z. If every member of this organization gives him loyal support, depend upon it success is theirs. l I am .yours truly, . _ . JOHN H. MARTIN. . Mldhurst, March 25. - --- juun - Av nilidbbdbll 0 Dear Sir--A1low me a little space in your valuable paper to congratulate the Farmers Co-operative Co. in se- curing for" their general manager, Mr. Thos. Olsen. It was my pleasure to work under Mr. Olsen at the I-LA. for a number of years. I can say with- out fear of contradiction that "Gen- ial Tom," as he was,.known, is second to none in knowledge of packing house work. When I read in yourpaper that the farmers intended to start a pack- ing plant in Barrie I thought that they had made a great move towards helping their own cause. Than +1.. .. .... ....-.....-~L -- VALUABLE` TRAINING The importance of a knowledge of rst aid among workers is being stead- ily emphasized by leading corporations throughout the country. The Bell Tel- ephone Co. has been a leader in pro - moting such knowledge amongst its em- ployees. The annual report of the Co. states that of its male plant employ- ees, over 5,100 in number, seventy per -cent. are qualied rst aiders. This is an enviable position and one.,of which thecoinpany may well be proud. As a result, Bell employees have` been able to render aid, in critical cases, not on- ly to their fellow employees but also to other victims of accident. 13b THE PACKING PLANT To the Editor of The Barrie Examinerw `l"\n.-H. 6:. An_._. - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 4.` V vv IIIGIL l\U|h Quite a number of farmers from this locality attended the milk produc- ers banquet in the I.0.0.F`. Temple, Barrie, which was a, great success. Rnv T-Tinlirmv nnn+ n A... 4.. rt-1-..--L- aauusau, WJIIUII Wd Hr g'1't:8.D SU.CC< Roy Hlckling spent a day In V this week. ......uu,y uuucl uuc puwclluul I001. Mrs. G. Wingrove attended the fun- eral of her aunt, Mrs. J. Black, of Newmarket. I\u-I4... - -----~A' - " ` -aa----n ldllVI-1, Vl'AJIl\l'| Mar. 25-Allan McDouga1l has gone to Detroit to work. Miss Mary Mc- Dougall of the R.V. Hospital spent Sunday under the parental roof; Mrs G Hnu-rnum n++m...1...: +1.... c--- 4.-.uuuu:u no .l..'8iJ 11.111. Sterling Knapp has been given the position of foreman pipe fitter at the Midhurst Forestry Station and a num- ber of men have returned to work. tanauv U1 1LLU_(l4lls Commencing on Easter Sunday, United church Sunday services will be resumed at 1.45 p.m. Qtnrnu Tfnonn knn Ln-.. ....x-.-.. LL- `av; vuu. By the amount of cattle. etc., being shipped each week recently from this locality, it looks like a reduction in the price of meat. I'!.-........... -1.-- -, - . A. gun. uuu aucauuy ll}J1'UV1Ilg. A severe electric storm passed over here about 1.30 Monday morning, ac- companied by severe wind, hail and rain, although no damage has been re- ported. 13- 4-1.. .......__AL -I' ' uurvus wulv. Elmer Cole had the misfortune to meet with a. painful accident while piling wood in the shed. The top pile falling, struck him on the head in- flicting a severe scalp wound requiring several stitches to close it up. Dr. Kearns, Phelpston, attended the injur- ed lad, who is improving nicely. While J. Priest was logging in his yard a log rolled on his foot crushing it severely. He is still confined to his home but steadily improving. A SBVPTP nlnnh-in efnvrn nnvnnl-3 A--An uuuuuuu `uL5. Sugarb making has begun. Several of the farmers are in full swing tap- ping and boiling down. Reports are favorable. 1111...... .1. 1 u .. - - ua.u.u.Ap v\:L_y uuuuuw. Recent sickness in general has al- most disappeared here, reports being encouraging. Rncrov wunblnm 1.-.. I. .... ._ --Hr - ; ray 5`! T5? v ` FIR DAY ` Lear: and Enrn \\ n 1' II e on -... 1 at or M 0 ch - Q INC, Buttery. Welding, Vulcnnizing and House Wlrix, also Brlcklayinx and nearing, Burbs!`- In and Buuty Cultun ` ark. .n. \ll uuouu JWDU WCCl\n Mrs. R. Maw and Mrs. Wm. Maw and daughter are visiting with friends in Toronto. $1-A- LL- -.A---- " ` " u.L ;. u1_ULl. UU. Since the snow disappeared the roads are in bad condition, making motor a traffic very difficult. 'DnnnI-If nlnbnnnn J... ......-_..-I V gnu on V VI cu uayo. Miss Reta Scott spent a few days in Toronto last week. fun 13 Iur- ... -.- .1 q p,,, ... _ _ `AIS Wan) 01.161.10- 'i`\/`I`rs. Ed. Garrett was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Garrett, Barrie, for several days. Rlficc Dnfa ,QnnH- an.w.l- .. a..... 4---- -L- yew UL l.lULDUDo Russell Knapp entertained a num- ber of his boy friends to a weiner roast. A very sociable and enjoyable evening was spent. '|\/frc `E1:-I (In:-m-.H~ ....-... 4.1.- ...--_L -1! :10` undo` IVIIIIJIAP Mar 26-L. L. Scott purchased ten western horses while in ,Toronto. Bringing them by motor truck to An- ten Mllls he disposed of them all at a fair figure, these being a fine sam- ple of horses. 13 n.-.....11 72--.... ---4._..L-n.~ - uwauuwuu. ua. sueusauu 13 db UCIIDIHI. The choir of the `Anglican Church ' will hold a social evening in Parish Hall on Monday, April 1. `Everybody welcome. Admission 250.` (AdVt.) The Chevrolet Co. put on a demon- stration last Tuesday evening in R. P. ' Burton's garage when a number of ' lantern slides were shown explain- ing the different parts of the new Chevrolet; also three reels of moving pictures on a trip through Canada ` from New. Brunswick to Vancouver. These were greatly appreciated by the large number of people present. Ball-Harman At the United Parsonage, Elm-vale. on Tuesday. March 19, 1929, Walter Edward Ball of Wyevale and Miss Merle Harman of Allenwood were un- ited in marriage by Rev. A. Rintoul. -auvvw .o . zgauuuu. Miss.Edna Ball, who has been op- erator at Telephone central, left for her home at Victoria Harbor. Miss Johnston of Midland is at central. Thu nknhc A6` I-la... A......n--.. I-n--_-4-L . . u o - o v A6034 Anal U. Fred Drysdale has improved his butcher shop by installing an up-to- date Frigidaire. `Elem `l!!.'l..... 79.11 _.1_. 1 vvvvv an Miss Ruth Bowman returned to Bar- rie on Saturday after a few days at her home here. 111..- .1 sun-.- .1, u Blntchlord I Calf Mal Co.of CI-min, Ltd. West Toronto, Ont. ' uwgu nun; ;&4a uausuucl. All LVLIUIHIIU. Geo. McFadde'n of Cookstown visit- ed friends here for a few days this week. 11.1.- vs, n ._ - - - - ........ nu asuvuuv ulna WCCR. Fred Ritchie spent over the week- end with friends in Toronto. A"-\r-nci TTAIISAI- ..._-__L - H.` - I \....-4. vuvu unuuua ILL 4.u1.'uuyu. Albert; Volliclg spent a couple of days with his daughter in Midland. (`Inn 'l\Kn!:1nAAn'.. .-.5 r1....1....L........ -.a...u SIXTH LINE4V`SPRA 'l n.r '25._A11on mrn nn.....11 1...... ._ ua-.uA4s45vvuuu UJIID WEEK. uM1ss E. Foster spent a few days with friends in Toronto this week. F"-mrl `DH-ulna- .-........a. --.-.. LL- ----L n uwoov can avqoubwblo Miss Pearl Train is visiting friends in- Collingwood this week. ltlrm D tI.....L.... -..-..L - n---- - `Ferg. Iowaf. vreturned honie last week. A_ - 111-- o_.;n `- u uuaou Miss Lottlevsmith `is spending a. few weeks in Midland. III... M] rn___x_, 1- ,,:,u.n .. . my Advertised Goody EIIIIIIIIIIIIIE : HMVAIENEWS. ii wuuwwiuimuummws Vj (NEW Pnocnu) STARTS-- RIGHT GIN) WS-RAP[DLY MA TURE.S`-EARLY LESS CHICKS LOST LESS FEED cos? ,;j; i.a Write for FREE copy of "Poultry Guido, ;vuus.7o L Toronto --_.. _-.~w not AIUAIILJL -_...._v-- .7. now vvvalu Orange Lodge to be held in Scotland The Kirkland Lake Northern News, in July. Mr. Hunter will attend the , Cobalt section, last week said:- . Grand Lodge of British America which 3 and Mrs. Thomas Sibbald, former -_re- holds its meetings in -"Montreal late sidents of cobalt. celebrated their dia- . _. - v -ovwroansnwll J. J. vl-I'u-nter of the Kincardlne Re- view-Reporter, ex-Grand Master or the Grand Lodge of Ontario West, has been appointed to represent that body at the triennial council or the World to in Julv. "Mr `I -Tlrrntnw uni nun; 4.1.- GOING TO scormxb` I or. ___ Bake:-"s Premium Chocolate EL : I 31 For. Frying _ % 6-Pad Pkt. . . . . ` Sunlight Roman Meal I Quaker B1-and Corn Flakes 39 Swiss G1-uyere Kellogg's % B1-an Flakes 2'5 Healthful Grape Nuts Pk: Dr. Jackson's YOUCANIARN g `A man` The Brealdast Cereal Muffets nu- For Breaast Try Wheatlets 4 Cream of MARMALADE S`hirriff"'s Sample Packagei 0`) l'|.-.. -- Lusmi 7ii::LL1r %%. FREE! .cl'iS0. 14$. ' saap 5 29 Cleaner 3-: Chese :5 :;"sra` DID DAV

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