He did not shout out or make any noise; he simply lessened the distance between him and them by increasing his pace. The two stooping forms, casting long, oblique shadows across the white, hard road, were almost le- vel with. their intended victims. Now the shadow of one of them crept a little in advance of the ladies, and Adrienne Cartuccio, seeing it, stepped suddenly back with a cry of alarm. uonu-__- U. igvanni! There are! |robbers! Ah!" | They were passing him now so close that he felt impelled to hold his breath. He had only a momentary glimpse of them, but it was sufficient. A few yards behind, a sullen-looking servant was `trudging along, looking carefully around. In the white moon- light their faces, even their expres- sions, were perfectly visible to him; Adrienne s rapt and absorbed by the still restful beauty of the dreaming night, and indifferent to all fear; her companion, whose dark eyes were glancing somewhat anxiously around her, and Giovanni s,* whose furtive looks, more expectant than apprehen- sive, marked him out to the English- man as an accomplice in whatever deviltry was afoot. Unseen himself, he watched them pass, and listened to their voices growing fainter and faint- er in the distance. They were out of sight and out of hearing. was the somewhat fearful a.nswer.! Why would you not let poor Leon- ardo come with us? Because I did not want Leonardo, cherie. Leonardo is very good, but he wearies me by persisting to dwell upon a. forbidden subject; and as for pro- tection-we1l, I fancy Giovanni is suf- ficient." , V iDU R The total passenger traffic on the Atlantic in 1492 was 88 persons, but now east and westbound, it totals over one million one hundred thousand. I LIULULU AL-ID \aGUtlU\-Ila The Englishman's grasp relaxed, and taking advantage of it, the man sud- denly jumped up, leaped over the wall, and disappeared in the plan- tation. Pursuit would have been im- Ipossible, but none of them thought of it. ' 1|-re- L- __,,L;,,,,, I\ one wuu. upen mp mu Dqttle tint. put it to t test. and thezmf not cntu-eln. yinced that nuchen does eve him: we c m it to do.th_n cular ottle is stil _u good u now. Take xt ack. our dru met xs authorized to return grout 95 ltmpodinte y and without quutxon. on luv: med Kruschen free. at our expense. t could be inter? K - 5.6. en $0/1: ._- G|J.IU|I|J`U|l uuu ,. ':`:: domyw have ""` ` takenthreebottles mdlunlndonwworkwithout m hwdghtmd Itrazgthlvill reeommendthn Vg npound to anyone."- (Igs.F.8uI1vuI.Box220.Mit. [HAROLD HILL, DEALER ii upon the road, and fell on his knees` .before his captor. I Tkn 'II`v1n-1~:1~Innnnv\7n n-1-nu-an uninuusd n..A MOTHER 0F TWINS HELPED j% -.-j:-.--- gtwo TO QU.AI_.t"1:f% DEV Red Sea! Continental Motor 3 Bendix Pour-Wheel Brake: Morse Silent Timing Cbain `full Force Feed Lubrication Four: and Sixes from $675 to $2095 I.o.b., Leaside, Ont. Standard Factory Equipment 1' axe: Extra Passenger Car: f!.,_._. __ I l'OI,,,_ Abaorbine atope lameness caused by 3 bo Q vin, ring bone, splint. curb. side bone. cl milar troubles--and gets your horse 0 hound again. This powerful antieeptic lin men does not blister or remove the hair and tho horse can be worked during txentment. $2.50 ----et druggiata and general merchants. Booklet on the horse cent free. 75 II. F. Young. Inc.. Lyman 31:13.. Mont:-eel (To be continued) nucnir TRUCKS IN I/, TON T0 11/. TON CAPACITIES Drive I t Away If you do not take first class ac- commodations on Norwegian trains, you will find the second is exactly the same, except that the first class pas- senger buys a. two-passenger compart- ment for his sole use. Second class sleeping cars correspond to a drawing room on the Canadian Pullman. `I'..:-.8... 1.. 4.1.... ..........I:__ .c 1.1.. 1___v_ Provincial police are again hot on the trail of Orval Shaw, who is be- lieved heading back toward his old haunts in skunks Misery. March 19 an emergency call reached Bar- rie that Shaw had been occupying a cottage near Orillia and officers in the police car were rushed to the scene. Shaw had departed but he left conclusive evidence of his visit, a packsack. T\Tnvf: n'ia"hf: fhn nhncn no-gin `lnrl i-n The open air Parliament at Thing- valla, Iceland, is visited every year by thousands, because it is the oldest in the world, having met first in A.D. 930. puunaaun Next night the chase again led to 'the east side of Lake Simcoe. By day Shaw goes to cover, carrying on his depredations after dark. So it is by night that the officers press their search for the man who has eluded them for months. (111,. `1\n1v ) -1.-I T....n....i.._ 1-s..L___. nu IUUIS, balu ulspecbur rumam late on Mar. 20. after his officers had covered a. lot of territory-from Or-I illia to the Severn." Shaw, said the: Inspector, is the hardest man to trail` I have ever had anything to do with. He believes that Shaw is attempting to work his way to Kent County. People wonder why strangers always feel at home in Paris--more so than in any other city. It is because after midday it has no home life. Parisians do not even need a living room in their at for they live outdoors in the park, on the street, at the cafe. av 1 VA; tuna \.Iu:A1aauJa4L1. L uxuuau. Leipzig is the paradise of the book- worm. It has been selling books for two centuries, and the streets might have been paved with the total sales. I IUI Ii lus.55E30/is 'oRvAL SHAW WAS SEEN NEAR ORILLIA, Close examination of any model will reveal the reasons for such strong public condence. Your dealer will oblige, at your convenience. You know that its Red Seal Continental Motor will supplx all the speed and power you can use and the renements and thoughtful improvements are additions to the Durant principles of quality. R2111 1U]. 111Ul.1 D115. No luck, said Inspecor Putnam fn nn `llar on nfhar hi: nffh-Inst: haul OU could walk into any Durant dea.ler s showroo and drive the new Durant "60" away knowing you are buying an honest-value automobile. T Vacations abroad - for less than. the usual trip here! On any of our 15 great St. Lawrence llncrlo With the comforts and nlcetlun required by professional and edu- cational people. No extra fare. for outside rooms . . . but they uof: fast. Secure yours now, with & small deposit. Apply Local Agents of I. B. MACKAY, General Agent 1:. -212- IJLI... , Buy Advertised Things. 53-55 Elizabeth St. Phone 293, BARR] -..-_v_-.__, --__-___ _ Canadian Pacic Bldg Toronto " "' " ""l.'.I"" E;% as well as anyone H I 4.I..I. )4 ...I-. .._-..n.. 4- 1-. _.__, 1.---.. Thursciay, March 28, 19 .__.-----n (til 1 Had vnnsnnr fnunr in II haul A-gi.'zaz.;i.'z.now'"' Iahzkdybenet my wife has your Kruschen Salt: `She wav a crip1_)je_ h @A Anna , nnn 4-. no xar yoguaprove our cunm tor urun`. Aakyoux rugmat (pr thenew "GIAN " 75 pncknse. ll mnmta of 091' regular 75:: bqttlo togethu th 5 ceparate tnal bottle-sucnent for about on wank. Open the tn-id bottle m. put It to entirel convinced runchen does avervthina mu n aim .'nT..-1.-. n-.- - at: Qnnwu h I If you have never tried I{_rua.ci:1en-try it Now I! am` ex enln. We have dxstu tpd I great many acin "GIANT" packages which make it my to 2 la` f 1:. A a'i5.'3.`i e.`. ."ZK.'3.`i." -c`*.`h`i -13. .....'.`..`.'.`,"" `yr vvvv- cw... g.g5.,.m.., a.i..m ' i.` A: 31.... n -o- `basin: -0 `Ila, . ,'-""tT1_ar".h Sold .a othe_r Gallaghiar nouaehondhemdseu nanny ul _ __-__ - 11-. - 4_.'_ SW06 I-IHUH. Jun ouuuauluo "It is wrong or me, Leonardo. Yet, 5! you will promise me to say fare- well. and farewell only-" "Be it so! I promise!" "Well, then, each night we have walked past the Marina, and home by the mountain road. It is a. long way round and it is lonely but we have Pietro with us, and on these moonlight nights the view is like ra.iryland." llA__.I _..|u _.-.- _-...- LI.-- _...-. `-Anna pong:-or-r u---1 v-v --u u-.-V ----9-----. And will you come that way home tonight. after the concert? HYes'!l "It is good." It was almost midnight. and Paler- mo lay sleeping in the moonlight. The concert was over. one by one the promenaders had left the Marina, and all sound -had died away. One man alone lingered drinking in the sweet- ness 0! the night. The Englishman sat on the last seat or the Marina. in gm shadow or a cluster or orange ees. 11:; `and anus: 1-once nnnlvl _v\ncv vvlnua Lame Horses! vvoooou --c.- us --u- .--_ -_-._ Palermo is the scene. There an} exile, Leonardo di Marioni, has come` for love or Adrienne Cartuccio, who spurns him. He meets an Englishman, Lord St. Maurice, who falls in love` with Adrienne on sight. Leonardo sees| his sister Marghaita, who tells him his love for Adrienne is hopeless. But he pleads with her to arrange an acci- dental meeting, to say farewell, be- tween Adrienne and him. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY She laid her troubled, tear-stained Iaee upon his shoulder. 0011- in nn-nna nf mn Tpnnardn Vat, U9: He had seen her a.ga1n-nay, more,` he had heard her s1ng-th1s girl- ntghtingale, who had taken the world by storm. `D : anf rirnurnln nvN'1n n ImnvnnrI_r\I11-. py nwxsuo He sat dreaming, with a bumed-out cigar between his teeth, and his eyes idly wandering over the blue Medi- terranean. suddenly the stillness was broken by the sound of a. soft glid- Stops Indigestion. Tone: en tire system. free Trial} 0ff_er% Inn Fons-teen There are no mineral drugs in Gal- lagher : Tonic and System Buil Itla entirely herbs. _Netura.l. Ama.z1ng- ly healing. By'pur1fy1ng the blood and gently stlmulatmg bowels, kxdneya and var, this reliable old remedy clears nn lth! rnllhll. Pfft fOl' Inditionn -- 2. T.Iu.'..} Ia;1...E...e . 12.; um nnd I'\-no. Roman. nl `IE. - luu` FTIHI I0! l1IIl"I'\oUIII I ' and Dept. Store: at 75. a 1 mad bv E. GI-lmthn Rnnhu it (10 Jun Orlglzul Iomnon Mo to: hlpootloo BEFORE . an wuuu uu suyuuys The Signor is a prince. Listen! A- long. yonder road, before many min- utes have passed, will come the Sig- norina Oertuccio with her friend, at- tended only by an aged servant. Men are waiting for them in the grove of orange trees above the Villa Fiolesse. Their orders are to carry oi! the two ladies to the other side or the island, where a. place has been prepared for them. For an hour I have searched for the Signor, that he might procure aid, and so encounter these brigands, but in vain. I was in despair." T Illilf. nn I-\n1nl `Inn! rnnnn AC I-Inn W'.I`w'<;`t;\l'd';1 ;l:a;"ec:11yone else here tor the world. the Englishman said, shaktnghlsst. m};`v;.nt` n'3u;1l`;3!u;;g;u1any of the blackguards are there? IIIIAIIII Elan-nun In HIIUVIIQUGIHD DIG UIIUIUK "Four, Signor! Natives? Yes, Signor." "And cowards, I suppose? The man smiled. They have not much bravery, sig- nor. 1 know the men." (I 7 -nuns!-Iggn I.--.4. -.._-__ -I_- L--- llly uuuuumuug uuvvwua, BILL!-IUJU uuu V0 r, H up skin troubles. Perfect for Indigestion, wn conditions, nervousness, coughs oreolds. Sets you on your feet and keep: .101! there. Sold, as other Gallagher __l_-I !1____.I..I.I `I)...n..Iln-` own In! an IIIIHL UH- '1`hat s all right. Tell me what to do. and I will give you fifty pounds- anything you like. Don't waste time. speak up!" 'I"kn Imam : QIIAQ Inns- --ILL an-l.IlL_` w'f`?1; x;::n's eyes shone with cup1dlty He went on rapidly: WV!-In lavuw C: - nolnng !l.5...| A , -Ia aunts avvvauangl .n.J.AULa is 0111515 UL 5315' nor. I watched his face when the Signorina, pass by, and I say to.m`y- self he. has the passion of her. If I show him he will be generous. He will win the lady. and he will reward poor Andrea." TI:-Lb -II _I..I.L 1-`! _.-_ _,I_,A J U uuu U I aquuay . yvn This evening I heard by accident of 9. plot to carry off signorina Oar- tuccio by a rejected suitor. I hasten to inform the police, but on the way I pause I say to myself, what shall I get 101' my pains, and for the risk I run? Nothing! Then I think of Sig- nor 1' um.f.n'hnrI hi: foam mlnnn 4-ha UUUUIU I QHIUD I The man held up his hands and spoke more rapidly. `WFHIG nuanlnn 1' `annual kw nnnlA--.J- 1-uuuu The Englishman beat the ground with his foot. IIVII-._1-.`4Ll-.__ L- J___-___.!lII I--. -__ `V I VII `GIN IUV U0 Explanations be damned! he ex- claimed. Where is Mademoiselle Gar- ltuccio? Quick? The vnnn HATJ urn `lnln Lands and Do you see that belt or white road there, leading up into the hills?" Yes: what about it? Have you noticed anything pass along it? i There was a heavy cart or carriage and some mules. I think, went by half an hour ago. A The native shrugged his shoulders. It was an hour, Signor, but-no mat- ter! Step back with me into the shad- ow or those olive `trees. That is better. Now we cannot be seen. and I win ex- plain. VFKA Englishman lanai O-`Inn p-cannon.` IL}! llllll UAUUVIJI . "I will tell the Signor. Is it not that he has an admiration for Made- moiselle Cartuccio, the singer? Well, she is in danger! It is for the Signor to rescue her. mpg Eh.-nll-I`-.._.. -_..-.._ --_ __1LI_ UV LUDVUU lU$o The Englishman sprang up with sparkling eyes, and pitched his dead cigar into the sea. TI! tlnvunnnl `Ia manna`-AA has-uni-Ia The Natural, Herbal Goodness Of `Gallagher s% Clears Up Eczema wi`x1.`::iJe. n|`ge`;'!:::=ui1e repeated breath- lessly. Quick! Tell me where!" The man pointed inland. VVIIWII WE UIIW IILUEIIIIIE UL III` Well, and now you've found me, what do you want?" he asked, watch- ing him closely. u-r mm +.11 +1.. away.)-m 1-. 4+ .....; UUDQLUM - The Englishman looked at him with suspicion. This change or dress was doubtless for the purpose of disguise. What was the meaning or it? ' M1173 and man! wnnhvn -lnnn cu-A ULIULMIU WW5 UMUUIU D lllluuiu I-Iullo! What are you doing here?" he demanded. H? ..u.- in -an-Ala Al `Ian {nnaA-I" ll? UUIIIWCIUUUI I was in search of the Signor! was the nasty response. For an hour I have sought him everywhere, and now it is by chance that I am suc- cesstul." III.-A `Ill--uilulacnnnan Inn!-anal nlv 1:8...` unit`; ` D6370 Naturally the Englishman was a little surprised. I-Ie half rose from his seat, and then resumed it as he recog- nized the dark, swarthy face and black eyes or the waiter who had told him - Adrienne Cartucc1o's name. IIUT-.IIAl "I`_-L -an -c-nun Anlnnau `annual!!! 1. mg footstep close at hand. He had -,heard. no one approach, yet when he ilooked up quickly he found he was i no longer alone. A man In the garb or In n`aIuA magnum` tuna cl-nnlnn kn hi: nU JULIQUI uuvuc. 1 Illll ILL VIII; EGAN UL IRA native peasant was standing by his` '.~"o ' DANCE "n-us `HM; f` I` DON'T MIND THAT G-UV, Feu.~.ows... Now WHAT I D/SAY IF we Do A SONG AND \ .1 ~ ;*_**m$.i'1a..".,,'..":.*"2:.%'.'...*.*."t"~ 756 mu vuy3m..ua..1u'at-. Tmuxxue HE HAD SCARED THE. CA'r$ AwA\/, M \<...'rER. TEN PI NS GOES BACK A _-4; 9-: I-2% \J\v--a - TO $L.EE.P. .T In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonderful health buildin esh creating tablets" called way : Cod `Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. AIL-.. ..2-1-_-.._ __..I _'L... 1.1.. LU CE!) C1511 VGLUGUIUI All over North and !South Am- erica _gnd.' even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skinny run down men and women have put their faith in MoCoy s- and have mot been disappointed`. Pvt! +l`nnun. nynnzln-It-F111 4-n1\1AI-a -FA-no auu. uavc uluu uccu ulaupyulllbcu. I Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child dosen t; greatly benet you get your mane back. Ask Douglas Drug Store or any SVU your LIIUI-KC UCUBI Drug any dtruggist for IMcCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets-as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 centl --Economy size. $1.00 ` 2 IIUDIU unc- After sickness and when the children: are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. L rnrnso [KTn1oI-11 nvu-I IQ:-uni-'|| Ann- Is Your Child ' Thin and Weak? W "neum 2?'c"}`e`$2r`;`:"i911, hjt a cripple by it till 1913, when lnfaduad to try Kruschen. I thought aware of money at the time as I had almost everything. I got a bottle cur dmggist. ` Within a month she was better, and 3 now walk as well as anyone. This hmlazm, as all people in this place . Azedzared Aalrnyays telling people 1 60 McCoy's Tablets Put: on Flash and Build: Them Up - DUKIJ HULL VIII; I-ILUIIIUIIWQVI Tant mluxl" was the light answ- er. Is it not to escape from them all, that we came this way? The stillness is exquisite, and the night breeze from the sea, after that hot room, is divine. What a view we shall have of the bay when he get to the top or the hill." "I'W-envy 1-nu! I-Innf O-lulu I-dang Cs Cvrufnnl-ad l `-Tnixy Eizr Aari&;;e,"a;x;?'5u"i};:nkI we were a little foolish to walk home so late as this? See, there is not a soul upon the promenade. `"'l"nv|I- 9v|In'nuI nus: fhn Ia-H` nI\I:nv__ VVIIULI IIIU EDI! Il\J UIIU UV? VI VII LIIJIO They say that this place is infested with robbers, and it is terribly lonely," U111 ULUHAI DLlU|Al\JULDo I think they win run away tram the Signor when they see him. he whispered. "But let the Signor re- member this: if one or them thrusts his` hand inside his coat. so, do not wait one moment-knock him down or get out of his way. He will have the knife, and they know how to use it, these brigands. "l`n'I1 nan hn manna AC lvhnlr Inn:-Inst CU, UIIGQK7 HIIBZIIKWI I `Tell me the name of their leader -I mean the fellow who is trying to carry off the Signorina. Will he be there?" The man shook his head. I cannot tell the Signor his name. I dare not. I was once in his ser- vice, and he has powers-hush!" Thu {runs nnnn v HA1!` $1113.!` `\IVA&+.\ V IUC, uuu LIU nae RU W Fl Dillllll I The two men held their breath, keeping well in the shadow of the or- ange grove. They had reached .the road,` and in the distance they could hear the sound of approaching voices. HT `In.-nus unn vunnv Glnnnu nvhinnav-_ JIUNL ULIC auuuu UL Gllylhllilllbl VUIVUUQ "I leave you now, Signor." wh1sper- ed his companion to the Englishman. I must not be seen. Tomorrow. at the hotel. 0?. _1.IJ_.I .._I__`--_I_- -.-._-- I111-A Englishman scarcely heard him, he was listening intently. Light root- steps were coming along the winding road toward him, and soon 9. laughing voice rang out upon the night air. IIIU IIIUIVIICL; JUHH GUI The man loo ed up admirlngly at the Englishman's commanding figure and broad shoulders. - uv 4.1.1-]. 4.1.... -.{II nu... --o-- I--.- Does the Signor want a knife? asked the man, thrusting his hand in- lto his inner pocket. ' uxv.-.6 1' fun rInv\ I' nnrlnvnfnnrl that W 1115 111115]. JlUUBCVo Not I. We don t understand that sort of thing in our country, my brave Andrea. Flstlcuffs will settle this lit- tle matter, you'll see! fhn rvlnvs Innbnrl nn ndvnhdlnnlu at III: LIUIIUL He glided noiselessly away. The ' 3&I'\ l'\\V\-I H\S GANG- Aaa r-AG2. FROM SCARED. Htae we see. THEM $HOWlNG' Tl-(BR ll-I-. A -a-r- vv ouvaa Illlv u; A V VI Auzu U111 U W11 Upiillu This way, Signorina," he said. It is useless to struggle. We shall not harm you." 'uI... .1...-1. 1...... 1.--; ...l..1-__:.1__ ___.-. CO3` Ill JUKII [She shook her head violently, and with a. sudden effort thrust his hand away from her mouth. `\n` An -nu. .......Lnn _I__ ___x_,u 9179] Al Ulll. 11151 LIIULLDLI. What do you want? she cried. Who are you? You can have my jewels, but I will never step inside that carriage. Help! Help! T-Tn uynnru-1 his ovw-no nrnlunll 1.-.. ......: vnunv was A M1156. 1.1611) 3 11611): He wound his arms around her, and, without a. word, commenced dragging her across the road. Van: mg-.. ..1.....-a. -_ ..-.-_I- -- - r-- nuuu at uuzx V GLJACJIU IJU W AUG]. . The man who was holding Adrien- ne polnted to the carriage, the door of which the driver had thrown open. 'l"h1: nnny Qiannwlno '1 kn amla mn- ulvwu-v-v`- vuuvvurrvvv Kn _ 0 mm dnnguewrythim gnu ggist. 5} as in pc We are alwa N o""'Eo A0 Lo Olhll me nova wvavu VLIU LUGU` You may shout es much as you like, he muttered. There will only be echoes `to answer you. A mu-Inn Inuvninn mm ......... ....a. wv UUIIVUD U UIALDWCL yU|Ja A sudden warning cry rang out from his companion, and, with a. start, he released his victim. T-he English- man had stepped into the middle of the group, and, before he could spring back, a. swirling left-hander sent him down into the dust with a. dull, heavy thud. an ... 1.1. -v-...--...s nu I- - A-V - - The cry became a shriek, but it was! instantly stifled by a coarse hand thrust upon her mouth. At the same moment her companion felt herself treated in a similar manner. They could only gaze into the dark ruffian- ly faces of their captors in mute ter-, ror. The whole thing had been too sudden for them to make any resist- ance, and Giovanni, their trusted es- cort, seemed suddenly to have disap- peared. As a matter of fact, he was watching the proceedings from be- hind a convenient bowlder. F111;. -~..-.... ...'I.... ....-_ 1.-1.n_... n_L_.n-_, You blackguard!" he thundered out. Then turning quickly round he faced the other man, who had sprung across the road with bent body, and with his right hand in his breast. There was a. gleam or cold steel. but before he had drawn, his arm was grasped and held as thoughby 9. vice, and slowly bent backward. I-Ie dropped the weapon, with a shriek of pain, He waited till they, too,_ were out of sight, and then stood up with tingling pulses, but quite cool. Moving on tip- toe, he stepped lightly over the low stone wall into the road, and gazed after them. I The ascentwas steep, and the road curved round and round in zig-zag fashion. On one side it was bordered by a thickly-growing orange grove, whose delicate perfume was sweeten- ing the still languid air. On the other was a stretch of waste open country, separated from the road by a low wall. He chose the seaward side, and keep- ing under the shadow of the trees, followed them, his footsteps sinking noiselessly into the thick dust. I\__.. LI__ L_._ 1, _---.. ....v .....u.. \Au|uIIu Once the two ladies paused to look back. He stopped too; and the two bending figures between them drew closer into the shadows, and waited. He was some distance away, but the sound of her voice floated clearly down to him on a breath of that faint night air. ` Again they turned, and again he followed. Suddenly his heart gave a great bound. About fifty yards in front of the two girls was a rudely- built country carriage, drawn by a pair of mules and with a single man on the box. They had paused at such an unexpected sight, and seem- ed to be deliberating in whispers whether or not they should proceed. Dnnun Ulnnuu Lu-A ...._... L- ____- _1__x_x, vu uuu nun. ;uc_y uau. puuacu am Before they had come to any decision, the two men had crept out from the shadow of the wall and trees into the road, and with bent bodies hurried toward them. He was preparing to follow them, when suddenly another sound broke the stillness. He held his breath, and crouched down, watching. In a min- ute, two dark forms, keeping carefully in the shadows by the side of the I road, ' crept stealthily past. ;'..:L.-&u".3"a` b` ' 6} 1'x:u't:.'.'1:`` `"125 name: Enkland " hymn: Mcduumy Bro... Lbd.. Toronto.