REGISTER SHORT!-IORNS for sale. One dark roan bull ready for service; also one young cow nearly due to 9. good sire and four heifers all guaranteed with cal! to our new herd bull before delivery. Geo. Crawford 6: Son, Oro station. . 8-13b uu HLUUUIII, DU.UU. , Examiner Office. 13p __: 1-`on SALE fine driving horses, heavy enough for as well as driving. , 27 Collier St. 12-13p Bar- 13b J. 1111` 8-1313 \IVUl- OH!-Ola Mc- I FOR SALE-Fifty acres; clover and wheat soil, Innisfil township, between Stroud and Painswlck. Close to Pro-` vincial highway, school, church, six acres fall wheat, ten acres-alsike, four _ hay, twenty ready for spring seeding, good water,` brick house, bank barn, lightning rodson buildings, hay track V in barn. Will be offered by auction, - subject to reserve bid, along with: farm stock and implements about Apr. 3 1st if not sold before. Applyato R. D. Kerr, R.R. No. 1, Allandale. lltfb L? FARM FOR SALE--Lot 11, concession 10, Innisfilg About 210 acres, mostly excellent soil, practically level, no stones, quantity valuable bush timber. Grand spring creek, ideal situation beside Toronto Highway and railway stations. Apply 33. F. Quantz, Barrie. Ont. . 12-16p n r'Aru.V.l run t`ALE-50 acres, Innis- l Township, close to Toronto High- way and school. Good house, barn, stables. garage and icehouse, also good well. Dairy stock for sale with farm, if desired. For particulars apply to Mrs. Marllng. Painswick, Ont. 9-14b JERSEY COW FOR SALE; fresh. Ap- ply 12 Charlotte St. 13p } FARM FOR SALE-50 acres l Townshin nlnran tn 'T`nrnnf:-\ 111-1. FARM FOR sALE--Innisfil Twp., near Churchill, 150 acres clay loam. good buildings and splendid water sup- ply, 7 acres hardwood bush, plough- ing all done, excellent wheat farm, must be sold, price reasonable. Apply Box N", Barrie Examiner. 12-14b -1 _____._..__.__.____.___..;. FARM FOR SALE-50 acres, lot 11, con. 12, Innisfil, suitable for pasture, good fences, plenty water. This pro- perty has to be sold to wind up esnate. Apply to executor, J. H. Nixon, Bar- rie. V 12 -17p _ A200 ACRES `op LAND for `sale; 70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush. Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrie, R.R. 2. ' 5-28p _________________. FARM FOR SALE, E.H. lot 11, con. 4, Oro. Apply J. H. Cockburn, Edgar, Ont. 11 13p A h COTTAGE FOR SALE at Cundles containing five rooms, two bedrooms, parlor, dining room and summer kit- chen, coal and wood shed attached, sanitary W.C., large cellar. 2 chicken houses, 1 brood house, driveshed and garage, quarter acre raspberry bush- es, well fenced, large cistern with pump. The lot is 95x285. Price $1400, will accept half down. Apply A. Rob- ins, Cundles. 13b mu-numn. r':u1.1v1 run . SALE. Apply Mrs. Walter Teesdale, or telephone 606r12. 10-15p :--- .j__.___ 100-ACRE` FARM FOR Mrs `Wu Hint! manna- 1.. . FOR SALE--Large brick house, about 4 acres of land, 29 large pine trees, 19 maple trees, orchard and other evergreen trees, numerous outbuildings. in Barrie on main highwaybeside golf links, suitable for club house, private hospital, summer home or tourist camp. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to M. Gordon, 298 Bayfield St., Barrie. v 12-13p __._._____.____________... _________._________..___ MARKET GARDEN, 5 acres, for sale; seven-roomed brick house, furnace and all modern conveniences; large chicken house and outbuildings; 134- acre asparagus, acre of raspberries. No reasonable offer refused, owner leaving town. Apply H. A. Jarvis, tele- phone 1234. 13pl ) GANDER. FOR SALE or will trade for goose. Apply Wm. Stewart, Barrie RR 1 wov- HOUSE No. 170 Elizabeth St., Bar- rie, brick veneer, 8 rooms, all conven- iences and garage; also fine summer cottage at Big Bay Point.` Apply Mrs. H. G. Maxwell, Barrie. 13-n18p ___...__.________________._._. NEW HOUSE for sale in Barrie, extra well built, large living room and sun- room, four bedrooms and bath, oak floors throughout, gumwood trim, built-in cupboards and breakfast room: close in. R. E. Tuck, builder, phone 650J. 12-17p --.: NEW COTTAGE for sale in the villagel of Hawkestone; half block from - Stone's store and P.O., to which appli- cations may be addressed. 13-18p. MODERN BRICK semi-detached house, 6 tons of coal heats it, all im- provements including electric stove, heater and fire place. Apply Boys 8; Boys, Owen St., Barrie. 13-15p FOR SALE-Restaurant and grocery near east end of bridge in good busi- ness location, flowing well, ice house, garage, reasonable terms for quick sale. Henry Freeman, Wasaga Beach, ' Ont. 12-17ptfb : HOUSE FOR SALE. Solid brick, all conveniences, on Worsley St., 5 min- utes from Post Office. Apply 34 Mary St. or P.O. Box 921. 12-17p` STORE FOR SALE at Craighurst, cement building, half acre land, at C.P.R. station. Apply to Miss M. Mc- Ginnis, Craighurst. 13-19p CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE FOR SALE on Grove St., contains 3 _bedrooms. Practically new; good furnace. Apply to 22 Grove St. 12-17p NEW HOUSE for sale with all mod- nrn nnn unnlnnnnu A n'n`lu I-n fnkna unavv nuuom Lul. BUAU 'VV1l.Il.l nu. 1110(1- ern conveniences. Apply to Thos. Blain, 196 Elizabeth St. Telephone 103717`. e 11-16p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres clay land. lot 9, concession 8, Essa, 10-roomed brick house, barn with cement foundation and good stabling, garage, orchard, fifty acres plowed. Possession at once. Apply to J. E. Feltis, Cookstown, Ont. Tele- phone 11. 11-13b ..-.... HOUSE FOR SALE--Small, comfort- able house. 6 rooms, all conveniences, gt; a reasonable price. Apply 85 Magy . 1 p BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE on Clap- perton St., conveniences, immediate possession. Apply J. D. Blrnie, Bar- rie. 10-15p O.A.C. No. 21 barley, Government Standard No. 1 germ. 99%. grown from registered seed, $1.25 bus.; 0.A.C. No. 144 oats, germination 99%. Price $1.10 bus., bags included. F.0.B. C.P. R. or C.N.R. Thos. Smith-r& Sons, R. R. 2, Utopia, Ont. 12-14p FOR SALE-Seed oats, Banner, good heavy seed; also mixed gyain, peas and oats, excellent feed. Apply J. W. Mor- rison, R.R. 2, Thornton. Telephone Ivy. 13-14p sunny unu: rum (ennui, souuu ancl plump, Banner or Sterling, 90c per bus. T. A. Whiteside, Box 21, Allis- tnn_ 1 ohm . nus. ton. SEED OATS FOR SALE, sound and nlnmn 'Rn.nnnr nr Qfnvnn nnn nun ._...___.____________.__.. HUPMOBILE TOURING CAR for sale, in good condition; new tires, new. battery, many extras. A bargain. .Phone'132 or 1428, Barrie. .12tfb :: CHEVROLET TOURING CAR for sale, 1926 model, 5 good balloon tires, 1929 licence, duco finish, side curtains and chains, in good running order`. $200. 0. D. Raikes, Barrie P.O. Phone Oro 1523._ A 13p 51:1-:1) AND FEED/FiOR s ARM FOR SALE acres, possession at culars apply to R. J. Harris, Barrie, Ont. SEED` OATS and hay for sale, also young Yorkshire sow, due May 12. Harvey Longhurst. Lefroy 13-14b ouaavn, aaxi), d1x`!.".!U. nar Elizabeth St., phone 293. USED TIRES FOR SALE-S1zes 33x4, 30x3%, 2985, 31x4.-4.0. Harold Hill, 55 Elizabeth St__ nhnnn 2.93 12h PROPERTY 1: 9R SALE FARMS FOR SLE AUTOMOBILES SALE. Apply 01` tel pnh nrm l1l1lD" 12tfb I, am 13 Judge E. J. Hearn, who died at Kit- chener on Mar. 26, in his 71st year, practised in Barrie and Tottenham forty years ago, forming a. partnership with D. C. Murchison" soon after the latter was graduated in 1885. . FOR SALE OR RENT-Farm consist- ing of 100 acres, north half of lot 23, on the first concession of Sunnidale, about two miles from the village of Angus. Apply to Geo. T. Coulson, Box 96. Angus. 10-15b auuc wmuu unrty aays tnereafter. Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon appli- cation to the undersigned. Dated at Barrie this 25th day of March, 1929. - -`Aqua .. _____. _.__._ v-- -v-V0 Bbvs & BOYS, Barrie, bntario. 13-14b Solicitors for the Mortgagees. -_- ouu,|cUl: hu :1. IGSEIVGO. D10. ' TERMS: 10% of the purchase mon- ey at the time of the sale and the bal- ance within thirty days thereafter. Further D2.1`f.1r!I11nr,e mm kn mman mun U1 um saxu Iownsmp or Innisl. On the said property is said to be a comfortable dwelling house and barn and other out buildings. The nronertv win hp nhrn rm. Bf|`l\ \ yx uplilihy . Firstly: The north half of Lot No. 3, in the 10th Concession of the Town- ship of Innisfil, in the County of Sim- coe, containing 100 acres, more or less. Secondly: The north half of the south half of Lot No. 4, Save and Except, the easterly 50 acres of the north 90 acres thereof, all in the 10th Conces- sion of the said Township of Innisl. said nrcmertv 1: mm +n 1... .. auu uuucr Ullb ouuumgs. The property will be offered for sale, subject to a. reserved bid. TF!p:M.q' 1n07. n`F 4-kn Vxliooau`-|;\-0A ----- -._ V-` - \.prn\;|..4 an-1141.`; VALUABLE PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL, IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be o'ered for sale. by Public Auction, at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday, April 6th, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, the following l property: 'F`ir.QHv- "l"'hn run.-+1.. 1....u.~ .: 1' .L \*r- - uuunu uoglglly UU HARRY W. PAGE. East Block, Parliament B1dgs., Toronto Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this eighth day of March. 1929. 1 1-13b F scu. us uuuuuigb`. The lands will be sold subject to 9. reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For fur- ther particulars and conditions 01' sale apply to TJADDV 1:1 `rinrw-in Township of Innisfil, and described in the mortgage made by Melville Marling, of the Township of Innisfil, and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Coun- ty of Simcoe, as No. 14863 for the said township. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. bid. .__.__..__.._._.._.._.._...__.._... FOR SALE OR TO RENT-House, 91 Henry St. Possession April 1st. Furth- er particulars on application to 209 Elizabeth St. 13b nmbb`, tne Iouowlng property, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, containing by admeasurement 100 acres more or less and being composed of the east half of lot number six in the second concession of the said Township of Innisfil, in the mnrtcmp-n mean my 1m..1..n1.. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a. certain mort- gage which will be produced at the ltime of the sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by W. A. Mcconkey, auc- tioneer, at public auction, Wednesday, the third day of April, 1929, at the hour of two o clock in the afternoon at the farm of WILLIAM McIND- LESS, the following property, Sil'lEll12.I` that (`.(3.1`f.R.1h nnrnnl Valuable property in the Town of Bar- rie, County of Simcoe Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Welling- .ton Hotel, Barrie, by W. A. McCon- key, Auctioneer, on Saturday, March 30, 1929, at twelve o'clock noon, the following lands and premises, the north forty-five feet of lot number fifty-four on the south side of Col- lier Street in the said Town of Bar- rie having a frontage of forty-five feet on Owen Street and one chain on Collier Street according to registered plan number 2 for Barrie save and except that portion of said described lands sold off same by registered num- ber 20085 for Barrie. Thin nrnnowd-n in .....-J.....11-- _.u._._L-,u. IJC1 auuou LU!` Da.1`1`18. This property is centrally situated at the corner of Owen and Collier Streets and is said to have a comfort- able brick clad dwelling house there- on suitable for a medical practice. Said nronertv win hp nffnrnrl n... nan: nuuJt:Uu w a. reservecl Old. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. I Wlirfhnv nnul-....'I.._... -_.:n L. , - I uayo ,uut:.l.`b`a..J. oer. Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale, and in the meantime may be learned upon appli- cation to the undersigned. ALEXANDER COWAN, Solicitor for the Mortgagee, 11-13b Barrie, Ont. ::-:-- uu. ouwauu: 1U1' H. IHECIICEI pI'a.Ct1Ce. property will be offered for `sale subject to a reserved bid. 'l`nrm.c- 'T`nn non nnvu`- Ac 5!... ...-.. uuc unuerszgneu at uoumgwood, Ont. All tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Secretary of the Committee for five per cent. of the amount of such ten- der; this cheque will be forfeited if the tenderer refuses to complete the contract if it is awarded to him. Un- successful tenderers will have their cheques returned to them. I'I'..... 1__.__L --r v----`...\... ouv\AAAAU\A vu IALJCIIL. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 12-14b Tt'\T?11' trvvv r\l'\`9 A ,_ _._--`.--_ J.a`L1U JOI-I'N WILSON, Architect. March 18th, 1929. Collingwood, Ont. ..________._.__._..___.__.__..___ LOST on Thursday, 21, on Bradford St. between Prince of Wales school and Victoria. St:., sterling silver ring set with ablone stone. Finder please return to 3%`! Innisfll St. Phone 253W. Small reward. 13p .ucu.I.J.c uuucgxube .I.nsD1BuEe. General contractors sending bulk tenders to state separately the cost of heating. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Se- cretary at Allandale or at the office of the Builders Exchange, 1104 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., or at the office of the undersigned at Collingwood, Ont. tenders must ht: nnnnmnoninrl Sealed tenders addressed to J. D. Wisdom, Esq., Secretary of the Build- ing Committee, Allandale, Ont., will be received up till one o'clock on 18th day of April, 1929, for the erection and completion of an addition to the Barrie Collegiate Institute. Gnnnrnl r-nnh-on+nm- ........u..... I_..n_ ____.______.____.____ ORO CHICK HATCHERY-Barred Rock and Leghorn chicks; Leghorn eggs from special pen No. 1, $6 per 100; Leghorn eggs, pen No. 2, $4 per 100; Blue Andalusian eggs, $1 for 15; Jersey Black Giants, $1 for 15; turkey eggs from large Bronze breed, 75c `each or $8 per doz. Howard Brandon, Oro Station. 13b $75 WEEKLY. Man or woman wanted with ambition and industry, to distri- bute Rawleigh s Household Products to steady users. Fine openings near you. We train you and help you so you can make up to $100 a week or more. No experience necessary. Plea- sant, profitable, dignified work. Write today. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Inc., Dept. CN-253, Montreal, Que. 12-13pb ._____...___.__..___.__. FOR SALE--Baby chicks and setting eggs from selected pens of Bred-to- lay Rocks; also custom hatching. Ap- ply Harry Ottaway. 10-15pI TENDERS WANTED 'l,`t\I'\ A I\I\IlIIIln`I --A- ---u-v vvnaaillndld _ "E-'51 : ADDITION TO COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE MORTGAGE SALE IT A `D1 1:! 1'!`l1l\v-runway-aw- ..____ . MORTGAGE SALE --..-._. UMBRELLA LOST--Lady s black um- brolla. with white and black handle, left in a store Saturday afternoon. Finder please" leave at Examiner Of- fice or phone 801. 13p MORTGAGE AGENTS gvmmn BABY CHICKS ucUCbbh.l'u_Y accepted. For further particulars and terms for the balance of the purchase money apply to BOYS & BOYS, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate of Charles S. Burton, deceased. Dated at Barrie, this 25th day of March, 1929. 13-14b -- LL15 uuucpucu. - Neither the highest nor any tender necessarily accepted. Fm` f1n-thnr l'\n1+in'I1'lov:- .....A +.......... Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, April 4th, 1929, for the sale of the Garage known as Burton s Garage, without the contents, locat- ed on the south east corner of Queen and Yonge Streets in the village of Elmvale in the County of Simcoe. Tenders must hn nnnnrnnonin kn n nuuvuu: 11.1 but: uounty OI mmcoe. Tenders must be accompanied by 9. marked check for ve per cent. of the amount thereof, which will be return- ed in the event of the tender not be- ing accepted. Nrnithnr 1-hn 1nn1-um-4- v\r\In Avuvt -I-----1-- Tuesday, April 2-Ernest Tuck, lot 32, con. 9, Essa (near Colwell)-hors- es, cattle and pigs. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 12-13x Thursday, April 4--Jas. Johnston, lot 29, con. 1, Oro, Penetang Road, (near Dalston)-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct. 12-13x Friday, April 5-Martin Murphy, lot 15, con. -5, Vespra (three miles north of Barrie)-Farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. 13-14x Saturday, April 6-Chas. Robertson, corner Johnson and Davis St., Kem- penfeldt Hill, east end of Ba.rrie-- high class dairy cows. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 12-14x The remen held a successful stag in the Fire Hall Tuesday evening when a most enjoyable time was spent. Harry Coleman was rst prize winner at cards and Oliver Caldwell second. Leslie Williams won the consolation. Short speeches were made by Reeve Creswicke, Ald. W. J.. Blair, Chief Shrubsole and D. H. Coleman. Lunch was served by the remen. About 35 were present. BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. steam heated, centrally located. Phone 1282 for part;icu1ars or write Box 399, Barrie. 13b avg, -v:. u. u\.\.Ax. --Easter specials at Cancilla`s Fruit Store-Bananas, 15c. 20c and 250 a dozen: oranges, juicy and sweet, reg- ular 40c, 2 dozen for 55c: head lettuce. 10c and 3 for 25c; celery hearts, 3 and 4 for 25c; spinach. 3 lbs. for 25c; cooking apples, 40c a peck. Phone your order in, 130, and you save money. 28 Elizabeth St. 13b The Barrie Boy Scouts are collect- ing old newspapers and magazines from homes in Barrie. The proceeds are to defray the boys expenses while at camp. At the Scout meeting on Tuesday evening Major Kendall gave the boys an interesting talk on gard- ening. Rover and Wolf Cub meetings were held as usual. navy; . n. J uuuvl. ua._y -By request. repeat performances at- St. Mary's Parish Hall, of comedies Will 0 the Wisp, Tuesday, April 2; and Cinderella O`Rei11y. Friday. April 5. at 3.15 p.m. Adults 25c, ch11d~ I ren. 10c. 1313 Thomas Hollands was brought to Barrie this morning from Collingwood where he was hrrested on a charge of , forgery. He appeared before Magis-A trate Jes and was remanded in cus- tody for a week. 'l7|....L.... ......._:_1_ ,; a-. nu . _. v.. vnnv -uvvvzta. The rst car from North Bay passed through Barrie on Tuesday. It was an old Model T Ford , and was going strong. There were two Ohio cars in Barrie yesterday. (- ,,,-nu V-ran . . n ~ -----A -----=-~--A ~-- - V L V u vAL -Juusauo Capt. Joseph Ganley. well-known lake captain, died at Sault Ste. Marie, Mar. 25, aged 72 years. His wife was Miss Annie Mccabe of Barrie. She died in 1921. rrn, . \aA\.\A AAA ; The sur`ho.f $1,800,000 is included in this year s Hydro estimates for the de- velopment of additional power on the Musquosh River and at Ragged Rapids on the Sew /'ern. run. an,` n -- -- - VERTISEMENT FOR TENDERS -\vunnn|Alb\4 wvnnas UULJC. --Call at the Mary Payne Shop, Clapperton St. and see the dainty spring owers in clusters, sprays and trailers for coat or dress. 13b Evangelists R. H. Whiteside and J. H. Leonard began special revival meet- ings last evening in Victoria Harbor. They closed `their last mission in Owen Sound. 11-..; v-,,,,,q A. - -~ - --v. 1.60 --Six ne driving horses for sale, j all black, some heavy enough for light , farm work. George Irwin, 27 C01- lier St. 12-13p -Beautiful Dolores Costello in Glorious Betsy, the holiday picture shown at the Capitol, at regular prices, Thurs., Fri., Sat. Don't miss it. 13x --Just arrived: New gloves in wash- able suede, silk, and chamoisette in greys, browns and beige shades, at the Mary Payne Shop. 13b This is the time of year when boul- evards suffer from cross-cut ends and careless drivers, quite a lot of damage being done. f"nI'l n4- #1.- 11---- he - -- _._--_, -nu .--Lilac Time? `showing at the Capitol four days, April 1, 2. 3, 4. 13x -Suits and top coats at new low prices, at Mi1ne s Giving-up-Business Sale. 13b Next Monday will be a legal and ba.nk_ holiday, but otherwise business will be as usual. 11..1-__-x_2,, A - 4. wt. no uouatlu -Vulcanizing-Open for business at 28 Louisa St., the old Huxtable pro- perty, G. G.AMoore. 13tfb It is expected that ground will be broken for the new registry office in the course of a week. I`|--3.... -.__ T'I----- ' WANTED-1000 women to walk up stairs and save almost one half on all staple dry goods. Come and look. 50 pair large size flannelette blankets at 511.98 per pair. All piece goods sold proportionately cheap at Hunter's, Barrie. 13b FOR SALE--Team of Clydesdales, ris- ing four and five. Chinchilla rabbits. Hatching eggs, Ferris strain, White Leghorns at 5:: per egg. N. L. Chant- ler & Son, Bradford RR. 2. 11-16pj Mi1ne s. Big savings in children's reefers and sailor/suits. - 13b -Govemment tested garden and ower seeds that grow big crops. 5 packages for 25c. C. C. Hinds, phone 145. 13 __Q-Iv nn .-1..a..:...... 1...... s._ ---A -+Sha.ppy new Easter footwear just in at Hill's, Allandale. 13b E. A. Ryan has moved to the W. H. Kennedy residence on Mary St. r-Lilac Time, showing uanv vuuzuu UL an WCCIL. -Giving-up-Business Sale, chila fin.-.........._.- L__; 1 I , -1- LOCAL NEWS K` Eilliillllllil CREDIT SALES at The frost going out has left a num- ber of bad holes that have caused trouble for not a. few motor vehicles. again l.\\I I -- yone wanting maple syrup. Phone B. B. Grose, 5r11, Lefroy. 12p ucuucu. w .u.uu. Ll]. 1.115 5210. nereavement. Mrs. John N. Hobley and family wish to express their appreciation of the kindness and sympathy shown by their neighbors and friends in their recent bereavement, and would also thank them for the beautiful oral tributes. 13p xuuu. Ulsylcbblullb U1. byuipauiiy. 1310 Bayview Chapter, Eastern Star, wish to thank Mr. Garrett, Capitol Theatre, for his kind and courteous manner to all when they put on their bene- fit. 13b Mr. Robert Martyn wishes to thank his friends, neighbors and relatives for their many kind expressions of sym- pathy and for the floral tributes ex- tended to him in his sad bereavement. Mrs. John `N , T-Tnhlnv and ....1.-. __ WANT}-?D-500 ladies and young` wo- men to buy our 50c stockings for 290, our $1.00 value silk stockings for 49c, am: our $1.50 silk stockings for 690, in the upstair department`. at Hunt- er's, Barrie. 13b -_- ...- . . .' `W Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylori the community of Shanty Bay for their kind expressions of sympathy. 13b Bavview Chanter Ftagtm-n Qtnr mick WARD-In sad and loving memory of our dear girl, Florence, who died from car accident, March 25, 1927, also her little cousin, Grace Mesley, who died in a similar way on Mar. 6, 1929, near Woodstock. For the hearts that mourn for you sincere. Mourn silently and low. 13pb -Mother, Father, Brother SAWYER;-In loving memory of La.- vnrna w'hn' dnnnrtnd fhic 1m.~. Mr...- 13b APPLEBE-On Monday, March 25, 1929, at her late residence, 457 Palmerston Blvd., Toronto, Ethel Appelbe. MARRITT-0n Wednesday, Mar. 20, 1929, at the Hospital for Sick Child- ren, Toronto, Clayton Paul, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Marritt. BE'SSE-ELLIOTT-At Westmoreland United Church parsonage, Toronto, on Wednesday, March 20, 1929, by Rev. E. Harold Toye, Mrs. A. L. Elliott, Toronto, to W. S. Besse, Shanty Bay. :3:-so BARKER-In Royal Victoria Hospit- al, Barrie, .Mar. 28, 1929, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker, 51 Park St. FORD-At the Royal Victoria Hospit- al, Barrie, Mar. 27, 1929, a son to 1\Ir. and Mrs. E. Ford, R.R. 2, Bar- r e. SUGG-At 57 Park St., Barrie, on Wednesday, March 27, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Sugg, a daugh- er. SCOTT--At the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, Mar. 27, 1929, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, R. R. 2, Barrie. MI W L znxv--.u.1 LUVLH5 uwmury UI LIE` verne, who departed this life Mar. 31, 1920. _._.n A11 ! vninannl I--o M. J. BRENNAN WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR AT THEHOER YOU WANT YOUR ORDER. NO EXTRA CHARGE. U@1 OOM AND BOARD. 12 Small St.l Phone 1359J. 13-14p ___-_ Wholesale and Retail Butcher 11 Dunlop St. : BARRIE : Phones . A phone call is as good as your personal visit to our store! Just call 50 or 51 and your meat will be delivered without delay! We save you time as well as money. A service that has already won -the admiration of hundreds of our patrons! CHOICE BABY BEEF CHOICE CHICKENS Pot Roast Beef . . 17 - 19c Rib Roast Beef . . 18 - 22c Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal. All Brands of Bacon and Smoked Hams. IN MQWORIAM YOU GET WHAT YOU ORDER AT BRENNAN S LEF ....._a. __._ --Sadly missed by Father, Mother, Brother. FOR EASIER as In-- -5 - ---- 9F3 i WANTED--Live poultry. Hens 6 lbs. and over, 28c lb. Special prices for tur- keys. Write J. E. Solway, 94 Oss1ng- ton Avc., Toronto. Mr. Solway will call for the above. 12-17p 7 9.1.5. A real opportunity if you can qualify. Snapshot and full details on above four points must be enclosed with first letter. L. I. Shirey, District Sales Mgr. RALSTON PURINA CO., Ltd., Woodstock, Ontario mjiai ` SaE.r_y: Expenses, Bonus Large F irm-Business Growing Bigger Positions Ahead To qualify: 1 Actual outside sales ex- perience, both dealers and consumers. . 2 Employed now, but seeking a better connec- tion. 3 Age-25 to 35. 4 Usual requirements as to character, industry,aed- ucation, etc. A Cit!!!` A-....._.1.....!L_, '1' W. S. ROBB, Proprietor. Phone 1045J Box 508 84 PENETANG ST. APRIL MAY ROCK CHICKS .... .. 180 150 LEG-HORNS .......... .. 170 150 CUSTOM HATCHING '50 and 51 $A;_.EsM1_:i KELVINSIDE nnrousnv CUSTOM HATCHING __--_.---_ ROOM AND BOARD by day or week. 128 Bradford St. Phone 1100. 8-13p LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES ugbur Phones: Thursday, March 88. 19!! 50-51 WANTED -- Furnished rooms. Apply stating rent and conveniences to Box F", Examiner Office. 13p >-_.-. vv nu 1.2.-u Lu n.na1VL, u. uuuse w1u1 an conveniences on or near Bradford St. P.O. Box 497. 13p 'WAN'I'ED--All highest prices write Box 542. LADY DESIRES WORK as house- keeper after Easter. Apply at Exam- iner Offlcg. 13p WANTED TO RENT, a. house with all nnnuoninnnnc nn nu nnnv `Dr-npH`r.uA (:4- YOUNG PIGS WANTED, aged from 8 weeks to 3 months. Phone 797W. 13 111136 U1 [ID U111; ment, Barrie. YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week In your spare time at home writing Ihow cards. No canvassing or solicit- lng. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- It`.- Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb SALESMAN WANTED for men's wear store. with experience preferred but not essential; also salesiady for ladies` wear department who can do alterations. Apply Box Z, Examiner Office. 13p WAN'I'ED-Protestant teacher for junior room of S.S. No. 12, Innisfil. State salary. Duties to commence April 8, apply R. W. Redfern, Allan- dale, RR. 2. 12-13b MAN WANTED for farm. experienc- ed; seven months. Apply Horace Part- ridge, Barrie P.O., Box 20, R.R. 1, phone 902r3. 12-13p CAPABLEGIRL WANTED as second cook on steam boat. wages $55 month. For particulars phone 1158, Barrie. Ont. 12-14p One cent a word, cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions for the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also 10c extra when replies Are directed to The Examiner Office. VV AL` .I. a.|J*'DULLUU1 5&1 ! DU uuuu Ullllu of three during Easter week. Phone 1029. 13b MAI) WANTED, no washing or iron- ing. Apply Mrs. Harold Dyment, High Bt., Barrie. 12tfb WAN'I'ED-Schoo1 girl to mind child at three rlnrina Wncfnr umnlr `Dhnnn ..-......-..-__-..... "LT\7E*TocK Fo-"s-XI-.I_:; SHORTHORN BULLS for sale. 1 yr. old, wonderful type. These bulls are to be sold at reasonable price. Don't miss this bargain. Apply Harold Dy- ment. Barrie. 11+.fh Ili #11 _i_ ADLET COLUMN j 1-`BR s5I1.=:7$ii`F5 IE7 "Ro6174'XND BOARD 1551` AND FOUND HELP WANTED WANTED kinds of live poultry, mud Phnma 322.1 nr auuuo U1. uvc puuxwsy, paid. Phone 384 or 11-16p fine driving horses, heavy enough for as well as driving. . 27 Collier St. 12-13p - FOR SALE--A pure bred Shorthorn bulldalf of good quality. Also 9. young gan r and choice Barred Rock eggs at 75c per 15. N. D. Clarke, Thorn- ton, Ont. 13-18p OR RENT. 130 once. For parti- Gamble, Massey- 13p u 1.13 - lltfb 1115 113p ' FARM TO RENT - 200 acres, 100 . workable land, `balance bush and pas- ture; good buildings; well watered, good stock and dairy farm: fall ploughing all done, 5 acres fall wheat, 20 acres seeded down; $6, mile from C.P.R. station, '1 mile from Craighurst, Ont. Possession first 61 April. 1929. Apply to..Robert `Graig, P.O. Box 291, Phone 55, Barrie. 11-13b FARM TO RENT-50 acres, 9th con., Innisfil, close to highway, schools and churches; good brick house and other outbuildings; some fall ploughing done, balance seeded out; possession at once. Aoply Thos. Corbett, Stroud, Ont. Phone n13r23. "' 13b j ucuuzuuy wcaueu. unmecuane posses- sion. Apply S. W. Moore's Store. Vtfb . _______..____________ T0 LET-C\ean, warm 6-room house, very central on paved street; laundry tubs, bath and all conveniences. Gar- age, vacant. Low rent to suitable ten- ant, 55 Mary St. 13-15p ...____________________. FOR RENT--Steam heated, 4-room apartment with bath, 3-room apart- ment with bath, all newly decorated, centrally located. Immedlat Annlv S. W. MnnrA n Rtm-n am. ..____.._______..._________.... `NEW SIX-ROOMED HOUSE for rent, furnished or unfurnished, electric range and grate; piano and garage. Apply 126 Mary St, or phone 1436J 13p ._:_--- FOR SALE--Six 1 `all black, some light farm work Apply Geo. Irwin, 1 ....____.___..___._______._..__ FARM TO RENT---80 acres, suitable for pasture or other farm purposes, (the old ~Elson farm, 8th con., Oro). Apply J. Levy, 178 King St. West, Toronto. 10-15p HOUSE T0 LET-No. .. 62 High St., modern conveniences, hot water heat- ing, oak floors, six rooms. Apply S. B. Hinds, phone 411. 12t;fb - `DOUBLE HOUSE for rent or sale on Gowan St., Allandale, 6 rooms, water and light; $8 month rent. Apply Box 93, Midland. ~ 13-14p __.._..._____...______.._..__ To LET--Six-roomed brick cottage. electric light and water. large garden and chicken house. Apply 79 Mary St. 12-17p - FOR RENT-Small store or barbep shop. Apply to R. E. Tuck, phone 650J or Cowan Real Estate, Barrie. 12-17p LIL} UIDIB iences. 4 run In;-.415 I HOUSE TO RENT at 14 Burton Ave., Allandale. Phone 486. ' 13.-18b _______________.__._ IRWIN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent qervice. George Irwin, Phone 198. ltfb ._.:.____._._j_.__.___.___----- _...._.___.._.____._..__._._.__ DARK MUSCOVY duck eggs for hat- ching, immediate delivery. Apply 259 Bayfield St., or phone 984W. 13b - ASHES REMOVED, gardens plowed. Call up W. Tuck. 961W. 13p .-""""'-""""""-"""""'- gnu vv 1V uunnumm anu SIX QOOG ewes for sale. Apply M. Hewitt, Craighurst, phone 905r3. 13b :- ___.____..___..____._.__._. ASHES REMOVED anywhere in 1 rie or Allandale. Phone 986r11. : rvnu.l..l.UA.l.: NURSING DONE. Mrs. H. Grant, 87 John St., or telephone 464J.- 10-15b _____________________________ ._.._____.__._.____._._.__._ PRACTICAL NURSING DONE. H. Grant. 8'1 Jnhh :4 nu +1-an- ROYAL BROODER STOVES are the only `way to brood chicks successfully. Feeders. etc., to care for them. Barred and White Plymouth Rock chicks of superior quality. Harry Morren, 8 North St., phone 387J. 13-18b _____....._..._.________...._._.... INCUBATORS -- 65-egg incubator,, 240-egg incubator, 600-egg incubator, 1000-chick brooder; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs. old, calf'at foot; red cow, 6 yrs. old, milking well. due in Aug. J. Hammond, lot 2, 14th line, Innis- fil. 13p _.____..____...__..________.._.. J.'\JI\.r onm:.-uarge pea wagon with covered top; light wagon; sleigh; single plow and scuffler, almost new; apple barrels; 5-tube radio set; 10-gal- lon barrel churn; rolled top writing desk; 2000-lbs. platform scales. Tele- phone Jarvis 1234. 13b _.__..____________._______ [FOR SALE--100-egg Daniels electric incubator; used very little. Cost, new $28.00, price $18.00. 1000 chick Roy- al" brooder, used two seasons. cost, new $26.00, price $18.00. Price for incubator and brooder, $30.00. Apply to Box W, _____Z_______ FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburtrs Shna Rf-.m-A Rlca Mr an-.. cunan :u..nmn:u and repaired. 1 Hurlburtfs Shoe Store. Miss M. Arthur. " FOR SALE--Boys' suits, all sizes, worth up to $12.50 for $6.90. Boys suits, all sizes, worth up to $15 for $9.90. Long and short pants in either quality, Come early for best choice. Hunter's, Barrie. M 13b j AYRSHIRE COW, 8 yrs. old, due Apr. 9; also general purpose mare, 6 yrs. Harry Irving, phone 609r23,Barr1e. 13b ..__________.___._______ FOR SALE-Large peddler s ton: light wn.o'nn- :1n'in-h- KELVINATOR ELECTRIC REFRIG- ERATOR for sale, all metal. cabinet, porcelain lined, slightly scratched in transit. Bargain. Fully guaranteed. Kelvinator Barrie Co., phone 186. 12tfb FOR SALE--Remember our big sale of Easter suits. Suits worth up to $20 for $12.90. Suits worth up to $25 for $15.90 and suits worth up to $30 for $19.90. Where? Hunter's, Barrie 13b _____.__._...__._.__..._. REMEMBER that J. W. Roberts is still selling A1 nursery stock of fruit, flowers, vines and shrubs. A card ad- dressed to 65 Tiffin St., will bring prompt attention. ~ 13p 200-LB. LAYMORE" meat scrap, fine; will exchange for pure bred Bantams, any variety. What offers to Bellamy and Meadows. Box 1753, Tim- mins, Ont. FOR SALE--Six : all black; some light farm work Apply Geo. Irwin, 1 HARROWS FOR SALE--A set of 12- ft diamond harrows, complete, will sell cheap. Apply 22 Sampson St., 2 blocks east Barrie Market. 13p FOR SALE--All sizes car glass, edges ground; prices the best. Robinson Hardware. Phone 1040. 13p MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE-22-foot. 4 nvnrlnr cw-no nol-n eonn Anal... MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE-22-foot. 4 cylinder, small cabin. $300. Apply to 47 Tiffin St., Allandale. 10-15p GOOD WORK HORSE for sale. Apply] to Wm. Elson, Thornton R.R. 1. Tele- phone Ivy. 13b BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE in A1 condition, reversible gear. Apply Ex- aminer Office. 13tfb SAWMILL carriage, three blocks and track slightly used. 238 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 257W. 12-13p FOR SALE--Set of two 32x4 cord tir- es with tubes, in first-class condition. Phone 868. _ 13p FOR SALE-Inva11d s chair, nearly new. Phone 1290M or apply 67 Vic- toria St. 12-13p BABY CARRIAGE for sale, in good condition. Apply 28 Mulcaster St, or phone 181. - 13p C.C.M. TRICYCLE, in good "condition, for sale. Apply 78 Mulcaster St. 13b SILO FOR SALE in first class con- dition. Apply Examiner Office. 13b EGGS FOR HATCHVING PROPERTY To LET _M-ISCl-ZLLANEOU . BROWN GOBBLER and six good sale. Armlv M T-`l'nwiH. n.-.=m.....+