ROBERT B. SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 58 Dunlop St.-Phone 80 Hours 9-6 Saturdays till 10 pm. _._________________ DB. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence---Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Streets. Phone 105 Office hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. _______________:_ L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence--Collier St. comer Owen, Barrie. Phone 275 - DR. FRED. A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross Late Surgeon specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics Especially Ofce-14O Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Box 1078 ` DES. LITTLE & LITTLE Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie Office and Res.--47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. or by appointment. Phone 213 A. T. Little, M.D. W C. Little, M. B. um. W. 11. CARSON I Graduate of Toronto Universit `Phone 61 Office-58 Collie: Hours: 8-9 a..m., 12.30-2, 6.30-8 - DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner gounty of Simcoe ruysxclan and surgeon Office: '97 Elizabeth St., Barrie (Formerly Dr. Arnall s Office) Telephone 557 Office hours: 8-9.30 1-2.30 6-8.30 j DB. AINSLIE P. ARDAGH SURGEON EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT May be consulted on first and third Saturdays of each month at Queen's Hotel, Barrie ' DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention to Obstetrics Office and Residence: 50 Mary St. Phone 101 MCLAUGHLIN` BUICK J. A. UURBETT NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer in- cluding drawing of wills, deeds, ar- ranging of loans, etc. Insurance of all kinds, Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Thornton, Ont ____________________. PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Kent Building, 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, K.C. G. Gordon Plaxton, James O. Plaxton Herbert A. W. Plaxton, B.A. SPRING DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Ben BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Ross Block, Barrie : ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, General Solicitor, Nntarv, nn vnva n r-nr nfn cuuuuua u. uuuu, uenerzu 5011011201`, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Office--I-Ilnds Block, 8 Dunlop St., Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN I CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: Barrie and Orillia Barrie: 5 Owen Street. Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN B. 8. Cameron K. A; Cameron - av ;.uup1u nuuuulg, name. Branch Office---E1mvale. W. A. Boys. K.O., M.P. J. R BOYS as BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, . Oonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. Ofce-13 Owen St., in Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Bf Rh ffinn-_!lrn no In nAnENnUnsr .2 HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY To LOAN ' F. J. GRACEY DONALD F. MMLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie -MONEY TO LOAN -j GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY T0 LOAN Ross Block, Barrie - B. H. CRESWICKE Barrister, solicitor, Notary, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Ross Block, Barrie orromzmzsr uuculu) _ Physician and Surgeon ice: 9'! Eliznhnth m 12.. DR.73. A. ARNOTT (McGil1) Phvnlni-an a and e............. J. CORBETT .vnn'r.1'r~ rs ..... ... MEDICAL % n. n. 1;.`-IISDUN University Collier St. am,` 19 2n-9 Roma In-an runeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service : Phone 431 Limousine Hearse 11' desired Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Barrie l________________, Associate Dealer--W. Hunter, Allisfon. W. 's. Hulbig, Producion Ens T. E. Lawless, C.A. Manager Cost and 'mm..a..--- ~ from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. s services may be made direct or th rough doctor. In..- '1'. E. ] Manager Cost 4_____ WELCH, CAMPBELL & cham-mt A-------* 4 ;___ VICTORIAN ORDER nm-.-:. 10-- um u zuuu) Y, Mus. Bac., F.'l`.O.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ, Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choirmaster or St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Conservatory o1'oMusiAo_and_ University of Tnrnnfn meaaust c and Univ Toronto Con: ersity Pr an '1'neoretica.l subjects Choir Director Central United Church Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of music examinations, all grades. Special attention to A.T.C.M. work Studio: 27 Bradford St., Barrio nu-n-r---- > L EDMUND HARDY, ; Tennhnr n4! na- .. . JESSIE R. BRYSON Teacher of Piano, Organ, Singing and all Theoretical gholr Central rrn+..a rn------- uuuuge U1 auaress is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be car- ried in arrears over an extended per- iod, yet, unless we are notified to can- cel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMI'I'I`ANO- Es should be made by registered let- nzuanllhlllllnll VUC2!/USE, Enter and Elocutionist I lsinging, Speaking, Public I and Dramatin 1:~w---- _ -cu adv vv I130 11, AJK ocnvl aster Colller St. United Church - LLIDUHX! VOICE I and SINGING (all TQl\ arrears $2.50); United States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old an new addresses should be given when change Of address is Tniinafn run 75} Alia 40 UU W chang auuresses snou e address Id wiien is find that I-nan` 4-I -- -u.-no um, jljljujljni at. (X; In (Over F. Dutchcr s grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugleos Therapista Spinal Adjustment and Massage Electric, Vibratory and Magnetic Blanket Treatments Patho-Neurometer Service Phone 405J for appointment _________________? 3|--a|----35`: Horace Wilson, Ofanicf on-3 1'- III! as lallnle Contralto Vocalist, and I:'l......u P. C. LLOYD I\l*I\-n :_ Ml`NESlNG .. . u. .u.a..nnl..lL.lJ.V Director a Service - bin... 10` A. E. PRINCE & CO. T1 J1-nu-D G rqrss-nu-cw. . - VETERINARY Thursday; March 28, 1981 ARCHITECT `BUILD:-:35` L. R. OED Tkmmrp , A Far surpassing any other ne car in total volume of sales! Winning more than twice as many buyers as any other automobile in or above its price range! Such is McLaughlin-Buic_k s phenomenal record. And this same overwhelming buyer-preference has greet- ed McLaughlin-Buick year after year for more than a decade. The public knows what it wants. The public denitely settles ne car leadership. by selecting McLaughlin- Buickl u-23.3.23: ua wu:;b'b', U.A. and Efficiency Dept. , an zunge, '.l`01'OntO G. D. Campbe1l.O.A. roduction Iitnain-n .u. 4.v\J1J U U LLUN examinations) D W Wilson I.V-A A--` ` "Ontario and SI lrvnvnr QIICU LAWLESB taut: . V cy U1` Phone 623 Nuacx vuwry Toronto. Phone 663 Oratory zsinn 1) ob lqads in ne car sales W V! In action in res and cloning oh. The second half of the evening was given over to a series of friendly con- tests in which the groups vied with one another in displaying their talents in public speaking, music and art After prizes had been presented to the winners a lunch was served rounding out a very pleasant evening. Young People's Joint Meeting St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. and Trinity Y. P.S. held a Joint meeting on Monday evening in the basement of St. Jude's Church. The opening devotional ex- . -w-av enjoyable musical and literary pro- gram with the prelent, John Hen- derson, in the chair. Vocal solos were sung by Mervyn Corbett, Gordon Henry and Bert. Horton. Miss Mc- Kinnon read a paper on St. Patrick" and Miss Laura Halbert gave a hum- orous Irish reading. An amusing and clever tableau, Wanted, a Wife, was done by Misses Lillian Thompson, Dor- othy Maiel, Olive Mulliss, Bernie Speers, Annie McEachern and Win- nifred McDonald and Hartley Barlow. The social committee of the A.Y.P.A., Mrs. A. Reid. Miss Juanita Jamieson, George Creighton and Neville Jamie-' son, then introduced a program of games and contests, a stunt march- ing game, to music played by Miss Muriel Jobbitt, followed by a treasure hunt. This was won by__ Henry Lynn, the prize, a handkerchief. A family contest came next and then a potato race. The prize for this, a box of chocolates, was won by the team cap- stained by John Henderson. A lunch was served by the A.Y.P.A., followed by short speeches by Rev. S. G. Mc- Cormack and Rev. F. V. Abbott. There `were about 75 people present, almost the entire membership of the two `societies concerned. ercises were in charge of the A.Y.P.AI after which the Y.P.S. gave a most J 74 Elizibethy Street Phone 919, BARRIE ' (Last Week s Correspondence) ; -Anyone wanting maple syrup. Phone B. B. Grose. 5r11, Lefroy. 12p St. Patrick's Social The wearin' of the green" was much in evidence on Friday evening in the Sunday School room of Trin- ity Church when amidst decorations ,of gay streamers, shamrocks and Iharps, a large crowd gathered to en- joy the St. Patrick's social held by the Woman's Association of the church. With the audience sociably arranged in twelve groups the Rev. 8. G. Mc- Cormack, as chairman, presided over a short but excellent program in- cluding: solo. Mervyn Corbett; piano duet, Misses `Helen Boake and Lillian Thompson; reading, Miss Genevieve Jamieson; saxophone and piano selec- tion, S. Maiel and Miss Dorothy Maiel and solo, C. W. Henry. The chair- man also gave a short address on St. M I Patrick. I-23-3-29 "rHoRN'roN You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause-- congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this'--that s why cutting and salves rail. Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form or Pile misery or money back. Doug- lasanrug Store, Grossland s Store an drusgists everywhere sell t_ with this guarantee. V 4 I Pile Sullerersl KEEP Your HEALTT-I` TO-NIGHT TRY Minard s Liniment for that cold and tired feeling. Get Well-Keep Well. Anmowa Are Bun: - Md-Iushliu-Buick wan Build Them . j .......u ucalx ua.1'uuu s C031 SIIBCIS 3 day or two after the cold snap when the thermometer dropped to zero. Some of our naturalists may explain how and why they came there and if they escaped death by freezing because of their fur coats. They appeared to bc. quite gay and sporty and as pleased at the prospect of an early spring as we r humans are. ' THREE `GAY AND-S`PORTY CATERPILLARS ARE FOUND (Stayner Sun) Last week Wm. Robertson brought in three caterpillars which he found crawling along on top of 9. big snow drift near Ga.rtlan's coal sheds day the cold shun nrhnn Mm vu suaaavvli U115 LIIIID. Hon. Mr. Martin said in the legis- lature a few days ago that it may be necessary to enact legislation to bring the potato industry in Ontario out of chaos. After our visit to big kitchens and city warehouses we can see noth- ing else for it, especially after hearing four men discussing the potato situ- ation in the local mill Saturday after- ; noon, oneof them declaring the agri- < cultural representative does not know 1 what he is talking about. In times j gone by this man made money out of , Eurekas and he is going to grow Eure- kas again. ' I yuuuwuco cut: nub wantea. In a dealer's warehouse The Herald uunaua. ' was shown thousands of bags of po- 1 tatoes. From one pile a bag was tak- ' en and emptied into a box. Every tuber was the same size and not a bit of dirt adhered to them. These were New Brunswick potatoes. In contrast, a bin of Ontario potatoes was pointed i out. ing grading by the dealer. At the back of the warehouse was a pile of dirt which came off several carloads of Ontario potatoes. Not only does the dealer have to grade and clean, but he must pay a trucking company to remove the dirt. Ifnn `Aka 1\n'....L.1.. .A:J ! All these potatoes were await- ` auuncwssuccu IN UK: an U1 U118 variety. The heavy consumer knows the var- ieties just as well as any potato grow- er knows them. He has his prefer- ences too and so far as The Herald could gather the Dooley is the potato that gives the greatest satisfaction. It cooks up firmly and when it is mash- v ed it is as our informant says mash- ed potato and not mush. He says that even adding a little milk to it does not break down its firmness. These consumers are not averse to any variety of potato so long as the ship- ment is all of one variety. They like the Cobbler, but state that it is not so firm a cooker as the Dooley. The M varietiesthat are liable to go to piec- es in the well under the weight of f other potatoes are not wanted. Tn 1 nalnv-'5 nynunl.-......... n-111.- -v... - - KILL FLU by using the Old Reliable! Mina:-d s Llnlment Co. Limited Ya:-mouth. N28 ' be all of one variety. These big con- nu. avuuv yuuauuco Uul. cl. uuy graueu. Potatoes for hotel consumption must sumers cook their vegetables in deep wells in electric ranges. They put probably a bagfui in a well and turn on the current. When the top pota- toes aro cooked the current is turned off and the water drawn off. The potatoes on top are firm and nicely cooked through. Below them is a mixture of mush, firmly cooked tub- ers and some half cooked ones. This ` is what comes of mixing varieties. The f big consumer will not take mixed var- ; ieties and not being able to get On- ; tario potatoes of one variety he takes 1 maritime potatoes and gets them 1 guaranteed to be all of one variety. 1 The heavv nnnsnzmnr Irnnnrc 4-ha m... vvauvaavli ua cuuacuuuis i' WTODE. To discover the reason for the pre- ference for tubers from the maritime _ provinces a visit to the kitchen of a - large city hotel is at once convincing. ; The Herald was shown how potatoes are cooked in one of the down town r hotels in Toronto. They are peeled by a machine that takes the hide off a hundred in a minute. The machine is adjusted to peel a potato of a cer- tain size and if a small potato gets in ` it is not peeled. If a large one is fed in J the peeling is very thick and much of j the potato is wasted. Here lies the 4' reason for grading the tubers. The Western hospital uses a car load of potatoes. in a few days. If they are not graded there is either a waste of time sorting them and adjusting the peeler or there is a great waste of po- tatoes. Large consumers insist on ac- curate grading and not being able to get Ontario potatoes graded they buy maritime potatoes carefully graded. Pntatnns fnr hntnl nnnclnwunflnn wu--L A(Al1iston Herald) Simcoe county newspapers are dis- cussing the potato situation which is causing grave concern among the agri- cultural fraternity. That Simcoe County growers have to take 30c a bag today when potatoes from New Bruns- wick are selling at a dollar a bag is evidence of something radically wrong. discover the reason fnr H... m... w1oT9.1E1 MIXED romozs am to sm. g .Consumers Have Shipme UTOPIA E Shipmen t# ` One Kind. Want of _..___ -.. v- w ---u .41 VLUIJKLLIIJ A net -gain in telephones, for the past year, of 45,862 as compared with ` 38,222 in 1927, is the statement of steady growth contained in the an- nual report of the Bell Telephone Co. 139,001 instruments were installed and 93,139 removed to provide this. net gain. Further, the fact that over 65% of the 714,245.Bell Telephones are in service in homes gives some` idea of the substantial progress of the com- I pany in providing service in spite of ; changec of location. 13b ; v-nyannv ___ _.._.--~ -.1 Three man, all fluent talkers, said to be agents of a Toronto land com- , pany, have been calling on the major- ity of the farmers in this district, try- ing to persuade them to list their [ farms for sale with their company. All they ask is $20 or $30 cash, ac- cording to the value of. the farm. - They put up here at the hotel for a few days. It is said that one day they collected $300 from 10 farmers, not a bad day s pay for three. One man is from Stayner and well known here. Another is an Englishman who alleged to have said he had $40,000 ready to buy a suitable farm for him- self. But even the best farms in this neighborhood did not exactly suit him. They informed those I whom they called on that it was their inten- tion. to bring out big monied English farmers who were quite ready to pay a- good price for the farms and all the is` nus auuvauau uuluyatuuu SCU- In the address read appreciation was expressed for his services to the club since it was reorganized 18 months ago and good wishes extended. __-..- -.yv-uu VJIIIIIII March, up to the present, has been a fairly decent month this year, con- trary to her usual behaviour. With 3 the majority of days having warm sun- ' shine, the snow disappeared rapidly, causing very little ood water, and no damage to report. The wheat is look- ing good, and the majority are look- j ing forward to a good crop, under , right weather from now on. And tak- ing into consideration the belief that a poor maple syrup season is good for the wheat, why everything is in its favor, for according to a maple syrup authority close by this has been a poor season owing to the snow disappearing and an absence of frosty nights. Up to the present very ilttle sap has been `_ gathered and some have not even tap- ped their trees. to Damage by Rabbits The little cottontail rabbits did , much damage this winter to the small _ fruit trees and shrubs. They certainly _ are becoming a nuisance. One of the :' local sports spied one of the large- ~ sized jack rabbits last week, the rst to be observed as far north as this, a sure indication that they are also mul- tiplying rapidly. When we pay $2.00 and $3.00 for fruit trees and have them destroyed by these pests, it is high time a general hunt was organ- ized. It is hoped that next fall local sports will get together and have a genuine hunt, the losers to pay for the eats. ` now TELEPHONES INCREASE A _.J. ._-L, ,_.__. ...,.... uuu uauub were are I10 % towns in the United States according to size having a more promising ap- pearance of prosperity. He also states that on the whole, Ontario is the on_-_ 1y place. ........ uuxa revenue is being used for. It appears to your correspondent to be completely out of the question for - anyone to imagine that the liquor f commission would even consider plac- ing a liquor store in a place the size - of Elmvale, when it is rumoured that even Barrie and Penetang are not making much over the overhead ex- j penses: and another thing, they are not placing these stores every place I they are asked for; the people must be satised. But one in Elmvale might ` help business on the whole. Harry Loftus, who has spent the ' winter in Chicago, returned recently and states that things are very quiet over there owing to the late elections, but that there is a good prospect of better times ahead. Mr. Loftus thinks Windsor. Ont., a most wonderfully thriving town and claims there are towns to promising ap- in this district have been and are too high without adding any more burden to be shouldered by the taxpayer. The Gov t. should surely go 50-50 with the Federal Gov t. with such a big liquor revenue they are receiving and no statement to the public as to what this revenue is being used HDDRQYS tn vrunv nn.m------- ~`~ ' ` -.....s.-:5 ULLU pl.UpU5I'.'U. ZU per Cf the Old Age Pensions scheme? a hih nlifhnual .-.A.H.... --- ` a-nu auuuuu. UU ouubury. Wonder if the township fathers have sent in a protest to the Ontario Gov t. regarding the proposed 20 per cent. on AER pphuinnu cnkn--- ""- ugu ihe send your news items to The Exam- iner. Phone 222 or 223. -....... u. uucu. puaiuulls. Joseph Lot`-tus has purchased the house and -property from D. Buckley, recently occupied by Mr. Tarrant, which is situated directly opposite the garage. Mr. Tarrant has been in Tor- onto during the winter and Mrs. Tar- rant in Sudbury visiting her mother. It undrtnli fhnn vnlll ..`l:..._--_ " ....... ... uuuuury vxsmng her is understood they will dispose of most of -their household goods here, and return to Sudbury. Wonder if H-an 4-.-m.....L.a.- A--u- IHUUAKI I! 111511 c Francis Loftus, who has been em- ployed at the R.C. parish during the past 18 months, has resigned his posi- tion and has accepted a position with the C.N.R. at Allandale. His successor is Mr. Hammill, who recently moved into the village. Your correspondent wishes both of them the -best of suc- cess in their positions. .`I'nm.n-uh `r ..N..... 1- - . _..- .....u..uv-uu. uru.. Dudllan nas 3. new man from Toronto this season to assist him. I.._.._-?- "` ` -..u Lsacuua ul':l.'U. Both the mail route carriers, Ben. Toner and P. A. Coughlin, have re- ceived the contract for another four years, which surely indicates that they have given the P. 0. Dept. absolute satisfaction during the past four years. Th gnrnan in nhnn mu... .t.. :..n The garage is once more in full op- eration-a little earlier than usual- and it is quite surprising the number of cars that are calling daily for spec- ial attention. Mr. Shanahan has `new man frnm 'T'nrnn+n "`r\:- .------- A ,,___g - .......--u vu on; ULIC uungc. Mrs. Tarrant has returned `from vis- iting in Sudbury and is disposing` of her household goods this week, prior to her departure again for the north where_she will reside indenitely. Terrence O Neill has moved to Pen- etang, having passed over the farm property to his only son Joseph. who was married a short time ago. Mr. O'Neill has the best wishes of all his old friends here. `Dal-L. 4-1.... ....-H - - `iJ1}." c. McLaughlin` of Penetang, some time ago a resident of Anten Mills, is visiting relatives in the village. R/rt`: Terran} 1-.-. ....L......-.- '- - . CVLICI \u itlng he Quebec. `IR..- giiimiaiiiiaaig Presentation to Mr. Lane 1 On the night of March 18, the Vespra Soldiers Club members and Iamllles met at the home of Howard Priest, Mineslng. The party was in the form of a farewell to Comrade Lane. superintendent of the Forestry Station, Midhurst. As a parting gift the Com- rades presented Mr. Lane with a. Par- ker Duofold companion set. Tn Who nllrlrncn vuanzi nvuv-nnnn{nl-IA... Buy Advertised Tmnss. Listing Farms Scheme PHELPSTON E Wheat Looks Good s. C. Hayes has returned from vis- her daughters in Toronto and en. van :4 VAL Taxes The miles and miles of bulb fields` in Holland are a. rare sight in spring. But the Dutch grower is no sentiment- alist; the bulb fields would soon dis- appear, an unprofitable industry, it he did not send his workers out, day by day, to cut off the full blooms and thereby strengthen the bulbs for fu- ture flowering. The tourist is welcome to as many flowers as he can carry away from the refuse pile" beside every patch. uuu. uvu u:a41uuu.5 uuuu 01113 13 3 D1 to defraud the farmers of their hard-earned money, but it does not appeal to me. The farmers who handed over their money to those travelling agents would have done well to make enquiries from their banker, who would absolutely have given them his good advice. Farmerswho are anx- ious to dispose of their farms would be farther ahead by advertising in their local paper and I am sure that the charge would not be any $30 either. ; owners had to do was pay over $30 and their farms would be listed with the company who would do all in their power to create a good sale, but there was no guarantee that a sale would be made. I understand they called on a poor old Englishman who was living alone in a small shack in the bush, cutting wood for the owner, and they wanted him to sign up his place. He asked them how much and when tney said $30 he looked horried and ex- claimed Where would I get $30?" I am not claiming that this is 9. plan farmers of 1 vaavuu `nu. a `nu uuqa. Spring is surely come when so many birds are singing again and the cars are beginning to get out after their long rest. _. -_---_, Butter, lb. Cream, pint Eggs, doz. Chickens, lb. Fowl, lb. ...... .. nun; uu uu ou Ucllb. The truck gardeners are getting - near the bottom of their cellar stocks. ~ Carrots are selling for 25 cents a six- quart basket, beets 30 cents, parsnips 25 cents and turnips five cents each. There was a splendid demand for white beans at 10 cents a pound. These beans cook in less than an hour. Pric- es: Carrots, 6 qts. .............................. .. 25c Cauliflower .................................. .. 10-20c Hubbard squash ...................... .. 15-25c Chinese cabbage .......................... .. 5-15c Seed onions, ...... ..6 qts. 40c 11 qts 75c, Turnips, bag .................................. .. 75c Spinach. 6 qts. .......................... .. 15-20c I Parsley, bunch .................................. .. 5c Potatoes. bag .............................. .. 40-65c Beets, 6 qts. .................................. .. 30c Cordwood dry, 4-ft. cord .......... .. $13.00 0 Cordwood, 4-ft., green .............. .. $12.00 Stove wood, load .......................... .. $8.00 . .u..un nu uuc uuau. There was some butter available for 45 cents a pound, but 47 cents was asked for the best. Chickens ranged from 30 to 35 cents. rr-1.... I-......1.. ..-..n---~ sAuL|u. Maple syrup at $3.00 a gallon was available. one of the vendors wa. Win. Luck. He has sold maple syr- up on Barrie market, the product of the same bush, since he was a boy. He predicts a short season. The snow is all out of the bush and the nights are not frosty enough to insure a. good maple syrup season, which is about two weeks early this year. Boiling down is being accomplished under dif- ficult conditions, the absence of snow making the transportation 9. real pro- blem in the bush. mi-....... .....- -_..N - ":7f"'vv1sh somebody would tell me," was the reply. "I have 300 bags on hand. uuuuauu ucxcauuubb` 18.55 year. What are the farmers going to do with their potatoes? was a question asked. (17 _.1 V I- ` ` sualnollllllls u.uDUM.l Ulla lane 61058. There were also plenty of potatoes at 50 cents a bag and cheaper if the customer cared to raise an argument about the price. One old-timer told of selling potatoes for 10 cents a bag 26 years ago. Another traded four bags for two plugs of tobacco the same year and didn't get his bags back. He delivered them into the bargain. The demand was slow Saturday, although the potatoes were of good quality. There are lots of potatoes in the coun- tly. There was 25 per cent. over pro- duction hereabouts last year. What are tho forvvnnrn ..-..... 4... .1- Don't mention eggs to me," one farmers wife said to The Examiner. She was plainly perturbed at the turn in events. Early spring and mild zeather have greatly increased egg production and there were oodles at Saturday's market, many dozens remaining unsold at the close. Thorn urnrn niun nI.....L.. -4 ..-L-L-A- The bottom dropped out of egg prices at Saturday's market just in time for Easter. Prices ranged from 28 to 32 cents and buyers were offer- ing but 25c. ` (`T`In>-\"- __ -A L3 - \...u,n..m.u on mu. vvuu uuuw uuuuo. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scythes motor- ed to Toronto on Monday. remaining there for a few days. Qnmlnn. In .~u..mI.- ...-........ ...I...... .. ...-.... gwiiawmimmiiiia :. THEMARKETS '1` II! >I<>I0I0F>I0E>I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I1vI4 Po|(1i`t x-y, Butter and Eggs 1-H-\ ' 45-47C on- avv ../355 "$1300 "362 rick. A1-l:1'1d;l'e.- Extra copies of The Examiner may be had at this office or from Wm. Grassland, W. R. Keenan and Kend- u-Ink Au-....n_c- Mar. 19--Misses Jean and Flora Richardson of Alberta were week-end; guests at W. G. Richardson's and where, on Monday, a most enjoyable evening was spent by the young people of this vicinity (also a carload from nearby). The old time dance was much in evidence. The hostess served dainty refreshments and the crowd; dispersed in the "wee sma. " hours. III ... .....A 11.... 127 n a..-.n...... .._-L._._