The total loss of both parties will be $825, of which one-third must; be borne by defendant, being $275, and as he has already borne his own loss of $25 this must be deducted, leaving $250 of the plaintiff's loss to be borne: [by defendant." I thinkiifmthe proportion of neg- ligence on the plaintiff's part were fixed two-thirds and that of the de- fendant at one-third it would be as` nearly fair as possible to make it," says the judgment. Damages of $250 were awarded Da- vid Magloughlen against Daniel W. Luck and Norval Luck in a Division Court judgment handed down by His Honor Judge Wismer on Monday. The amount asked was $800. The case a- rose out of an automobile collision be- tween the cars of the two parties on the night of Oct. 20, 1928, when a vehicle driven by Mrs. Magloughlen in an easterly direction on Cumber- land St., Allandale, collided with one driven by Norval Luck, son of D. W. Luck, travelling in a southerly direc- tion on William St. The crash was at the intersection. Plaintiff is held two- thirds liable and defendant one-third. think if the fendanf. at nnp-f.hi1-rl if. nrnnh-I ha ot*< 'to have avoided it. It is true that he `stopped at the sidewalk crossing but ,if he saw it then coming at sixty ;yards away and as he says thirty miles an hour he should not have started up again until it had passed and inf `any-event had he looked before start-j ling he could have seen the plaintiff's: `car in plenty of time to have avoided Fit. ` After the collision the defendant,. `Norval Luck, told different ones he. ; was to blame and said he would settle.i `It is said he acted like one distracted- and I am afraid that with so much ; company in his car and the uncertain- ty of where to go he was distracted 'to that extent that he failed to look out for cars approaching the inter- section and did not use good judg-! ment. F rr1I_- u-,,u .- Mrs. David Magloughlenl Awarded $250--Ask- I ed $800. 3 MET AT INTERSECTIONE Violated H. T. A., Says! Judge Wismer in `I Finding. ' I The County Road Committee was in session yesterday, when the propos- } ed $70,000 subway to eliminate the` dangerous level crossing at Eady, be-j tween Orillia and Coldwater, was dis-. cussed in all its phases. The Provin-! cial Dept. of Highways is anxious that ' this work be proceeded with at once,i but the committee cannot see its way} `clear to commit the county to the large expenditure under proposed ar- rangements. Of the total cost of $70,000 the or- iginal intention was to enlist 40 per cent., or $28,000 from the Grade Cross- ing Fund of the Dominion Govern- ment, which has now reached $2,000,- 000. The proposal Was to have the C. P.R., province and county split the balance, or $42,000, three ways. Th- (1111-5 1___, - , , ( , . - -, ..-.- aw uuqu. The C.P.R., however, has intimated` that it will subscribe an amount of: only $10,000, leaving the province and county to pay $16,000 each. In con- LA VIILJIDIJAL uu. J.Luu1 U116 ILUL D11. VThe trial judge holds that Mrs.J `Y. M. T C. A. ll-Iockey Honors in Committee Room. . C.P.R. Offers Contribution of $10,000, Leaving County and Province to Pay $16,000 and Dominion Govt. $28,000- County Road Committee Tums Proposition Down At Session Held in Barrie Yesterday. Railway Refuses to Share l Dollar For Dollar Cost of Eady Level Crossing gun unsv UJDQQUD waa BIJUWLI. Agricultural and domestic science classes would mean the building of a workshop and laboratory in addition to present plans at 9. cost or about $16,000. mu: Duuxu UL .:(ll.lC8.E10I!. There was considerable discussion.` Chairman Frank Foster said that while the Board was practically com- mitted to a definite line of action -re- garding the uses to which the new Collegiate addition is to be put, it still had an open mind on the subject of agricultural and domestic science courses. The delegation stated they would have no trouble in getting fifty students and accepted the invitation to provide the initiative in this re- spect. The Board practically said it would_ act when a sufficient demand for the classes was shown. Ans-{null-uupnl ......1 A-_.-_u- _-n_-,,, i Wm. Creighton of Essa was found not guilty by Judge Ross in County 'Court on Monday on a serious charge ,against a 17-year-old Barnardo Home `girl in the employ of an Essa farmer, `with whom Creighton worked as hired lman. The judge held that there was lack of sufficient evidence to convict; Creighton was arrested on- Feb. 7 and i sent up for trial. He has been out on] bail. Authorities from the Home at- [tended the trial. ' I Ithe Board of Education. Thorn mo Q nan nlan..- 1.1 `FOUND NOT GUILTY` ! ON A samous CHARGE erheated ue at the residence of W. A. Miller, McDonald St., threatened a re and an alarm was sent in. The re- men watched the situation until dang- er was over but did not nd it neces- sary to turn on the water. Early last Sunday afternoon an 0% uaauuv A uuycuu. Boys and Boys for plaintiff, Frank Hammond for defendants. ~\'.S' .... uwnllasca. .I.JI:1c'uu.l.ll/S lOSS was $23. 1 I feel that the degree of negligence E of the plaintiff was greater than the *t negligence of the defendant. The man- ner in which she drove down Cum-i berland St. at night approaching a = street where the View was obstructed . would indicate an almost entire dis- ` gregard of the rights of anyone that imight be approaching Cumberland St. {from the north on William St. and `was a. direct violation of the Act in that respect. pniro nv-uni `DA..- 1'-.. _,1_2 .~n- - SACIOJ uunnumavs u Mr. Barr. the speaker of the day, said that everybody was interested in good. safe, clean milk and that there- fore his talk should have a general appeal. Simply stated, his job was to improve the quality of Ontario's but- ter and cheese which, he said, would now compare favorably with that of any province in Canada. This had on- ly been accomplished in the past six or seven years and the raising in the (Turn to page eight, please) Annuxnv. wrecked that what remained of it was not worth over $150. The used car price of the machine was $825. The car was in particularly good condi- tion and for this reason the judge adds another $125, bringing the value to $950. From this amount is taken :the present value of the wrecked car, leaving $800 as the plaintiffs net to- tal damages. Defendant's loss $25. I feel that fhn I-Inn-a~.:.n A4: ...-.-1:------- The Magloughlen car was so badly: thirty ing plaintiff's car defendant, *Norval he , to settle. 'It distracted much { ty that failed judg- ` badly .adds {to `the ileaving plaintiff s Defendant s Cum- berland St. at night ..m..w...1..-.... - __-_, -vvan start- ichapter of II Timothy ivhere the qnal- Iforth and showed how Mr. L `had met these requirements in [net that won for him th spect, condence and iwho had honored him `office. Reference was .much Mr. Longman's kindly advice and assistance had meant to Mr, Shortt personally ever. since he be. came minister of St._ Andrew's. As clerk of Session and as rem'esent:=.tive gelder at Presbytery he had proved [himself faithful in all things. Possess- ed of a charitable nature and under- standing spirit. his counsel :3: 9,1- ways helpful. His wise counsel and advice will be grer1t3_v missed in the congregation. One of his e11t<'t."md- ing characteristics was his hgw;tgmy_ His home was one to which there was no barrier and where the atmosphere was one of real fricndshfn. IT: ":35 an ideal husband and father. Mr. Longman understood the character and Ways of children. Hi. touched the lives of many and his na- ' (Turn to page eight, please) 3 man- e esteem, re- love of those with that high made to how .,u.. uo away auu an 11:: days uuny mnes 'an had in? start-f ;car ` ._ nu:-;,, .u --- - law. uuu n-..n.y a. piupci. iuunuuh. I | As for Luck s share of the blame ` His Honor says: If he had been pro- ` perly attending to his business as a 1 `driver and looked to his right at the `I I time, from which direction any person coming at the same time would have gt the right of way, he would have seen,` the plaintiff's car in plenty of time'l [to he,` ` stopped the but} sixty.t I an hnnr hp ,c'hnnlrl nnf 1...... ..t........a . ference with W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., `ithe committee considered this most 'unfair. It was stated that the C.P.R. {has created the hazard and should .pay its full share to remove it. The !county road was there long before the lrailway. Precedents where the rail- iway had paid its third were cited in ithe crossings at Raikes in Oro and i another in Innisl. U ,,__ .._..-- ..-... .1... uuuuuu .. Plans of the Highway Dept. are to ultimately eliminate every dangerous, level crossing in Simcoe County and! it hopes to make a start at Eady where ! two regrettable fatalities have already nnr-nrrm-1 l 1 IMagloughlen violated the H.T.A. lim-; ` iting the speed of an auto to ten miles Ian hour where the view at an inter- lsection is obstructed. He also findsi !her guilty of negligence in that she idid not keep a proper lookout. i 1 Ac fnr T1In1r :I plan..- I\ L1... I_1_.___ It was decided to ask Mr. Boys to inquire of the Board of Railway Com- missioners next week whether or not the 40 per cent. would be forthcoming irrespective of how or by whom the I balance was paid. With this informa- ` tion the committee will be able to deal more intelligently with the question. 151-..- _n 11 -- vvI\J 4.vbA\., occurred. No. 13 IIOIINETS GET ' A REAL STING I ' 1 -I LL..A. 4.1.--- ___- '; IGJAGES wanna Jun; AD GUULID bile same 85 The agricultural classes of B.C.I. visited the train during the morning and were given 9. special demonstra- tion. ' - -.'.. W6}; page 3 of this issue will be found an advertisement setting forth the dates on which this seed train in to visit nthnr nnh-M-n -In Glow--- n-....4... uuvua uu vuuuu. nus seeu 17111111 II I visit other points in Slmcoe County. -.-.. rvyw ]toes; Mr. McLean discussed the ad- vantages of good plowing. He is a lchampion plowman, having` been re- presented in competition for 17 years. John McLeod, a husky young farmer from Glengarry, is the expert operator of the seed-c1ean1ng machinery. Farmers pvimwa .. 1,... a..-..--s -- \lA v-Inu aucu-'.,:::a.uu:g macnmery. Farmers evinced 9. keen interest in the proceedings and said they had spent a. protable day. Fifty-ve bushels of grain and clover seed were brought in by local farmers for dem- onstration purposes. The attendance `this year is about the same others. 'I'hP n0Fh\n`H-1n-n`l ..1-........ -2 `-R -.-_.. ..-.... . yun nu] | I The object of the visit was the dem- vonstration of the value of clean and `graded seed, also the demonstration of :;suitable machinery for this purpose, the advisability of establishing seed- Vcleaning centres and the better use . of fanning-mills. A demonstration car iis provided with the object of exhibit- ! ing material and inviting discussion on ' all problems relative to agriculture. : In addition a. lecture car is provided and talks were given in_ the morning and afternoon by John Buchanan, di- rector of extension of the O.A.C. Charles Galbraith, a graduate of the fcollege and practical farmer, talked on icontrol of plant diseases; 1. : White- ]side, in the federal ser`.'ir:e. tnl`r.?d on the production of certied seed pota- toes; ?vantages {champion `presented 1-_`__, up - - Upwards of 400 people, including a ggoodly percentage of farmers on Tues- `day visited the Seed Train which has been touring Simcoe County for the past few weeks under the auspices of the Dept. of AjI`1C111t11I' with the co-operation of the Seed Branch at Ottawa and the railways. FF!-`A -I..1--L fr - The Value ogaean and of Graded Seed Is Shown Here. HE! IIVUIIVI Q ' Mr. Dier suggested that the Kiwanis Club should hold meetings at various rural centres and lntlmated that some- thing along this llne may materialize this summer. I '10.. 1\-.... LL- _.._-l--.. -4 J.I_- J--. '4oo W35? ms? | saw man ,-_,-......uu u; uuwcfbl ` Rev. J. S. Shortt was in charge of jthe services. Rev. D. A. Ferguson 0! .`Cookst/own, Moderator of the Presby- 3tery of Barrie, read the Scripture {which was followed by prayer led by `Rev. Neil Campbell, Clerk of Presby- .tery. ] .,.,__ .~. ,__. _.-q \4LAlllL\4 1ALCu The late Edwin Longman was below ed by teachers and scholars alike and on Monday ags were own at half lmast and studies suspended during his funeral as a mark of esteem. Boihln the secular and S'.!".(lf1_V S -hools, .where he applied his talent and time for half a century, he was known as a. friend of the children. This. in short, .Was his life work. The funeral was `very largely attended. servire being :held at St. Andrew's Church following 'a private service at; the family resi- dence on Collier St. Few funerals in Barrie have been marked by 0. greater profusion of owers. Dan 1 CI rV1- - I ACTIVE S. s. WORKER _.__.. Very suddenly and without warning death came to Edwin Longman. In- spector of Public Schools for South Simcoe, early last Friday morning. For the past eighteen months he had been in somewhat precarious health follow- ing an automobile accident which had affected his heart but was able to ful- ll his duties to the very last. The day `before his death he was in Bradford arranging for the summer examiner tions and he retired that night in his usual spirits. About 3.15 a.m. he was jseized with an attack and passed away jbefore medical aid reached him. Re- Eports of the previous day's activities jand an itinerary lay on his desk, test- Iimony of the thoroughness which had icharacterized his entire life. rn1__1. ._. . Edwin Longman Was Life-Long Friend of Children. mama aams SEWEFM T0 9.3. Wmran 3' Essence of Thor- oughness, Worked Till Last. SECTIO_N 1 PAGES 1 T0 8 IVIIIVAJ wv, any uuauu This is a. great event for the Ki-' wants Club." stated President J. R. Dler. "It is a splendid reception and splendid entertainment; it is one of the bright spots of my term of ofice. We should know our farmer friends- know them better and have them know us better." 11.. IR] . _ . . . _ _ --A.-.I LL-L LL- -r l_._..l_ `Ivvnnnvo "I wouldn't miss this opportunity for omything, said Hon. E. C. Drury. The people of the good old town of Barrie and surrounding farming coun- try are one. There is no division of in- terest as in the city. The interests of Canada. are in its rural sections, sup- remely so," he said. llfnkln In n toouani nvvnni `nu kn Y4VI# I vv AVID nvuu 415 VHS wov- Wm. How, president of the Milk Producers Association, expressed the appreciation of the farmers for the in- terest Kiwanis had shown in their welfare. He said Kiwanis stood high, particularly among young people, in the estimation oi. rural sections. He hoped the "get-together would be just 6 the beginning of similar gatherings to` come. ' . MT Z`-.I.I..IL -.l_- LI..I_ -..___J..___.lL-. I The speaker of the day was George Barr, director of the Dairy Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. He urg- ed steps toward attaining a higher standard of production for the indi- vidual dairy cow and told how it had been attained in Denmark, which country he visited last year. He advo- cated a. pooling of brains" among farmers` and the forming of small groups such as had been accomplished in the cheese industry with splendid results. His address was listened to with keen interest. 19!... Uv__.. _.._,_x_1___L ,5 4:, up-1, Kiwanians of Barrie were guests of the Milk Producers Association and associate farmers at a very large and highly successful banquet held in the basement of the Oddfellows Temple, Friday noon. The affair was attended by upwards of two hundred, repre- sentative oi. every walk in life. It was A splendid gesture on the part of dairymen and farmers toward the bus- iness and professional men of Kiwanis as an appreciation of past favors ex- tended by the service club to residents of rural districts and should go a long way toward further cementing the splendid feeling which already exists. Hon. E. C. Drury was chairman. 200 Men Sit Down When Kiwanians Are Entertained. Local Farmers at Banquet Hear Plea for Better Producers. BETTER ennnfor L|\lEST00|( WILL HELP KEEP BOYS ON FARM LOGAI. DAIRYMEN ARE TOLD CIRCULATION THIS WEEK A SPLENDID AFFAIR vausdg UVIU uuuusug UIIU JIQIJIU Ulslvllls such was the experience of Traffic Officer Buck early last Friday mom- lng near Fennelis. The crazy man was zig-zagging all over the` road and narrowly missed one car only to crash into another driven by Edgar Stur- geon of Churchill, who phoned the V traffic officer that a wild man was running amok. _ Following the crash the crazy man jumped into a passing buggy. rode fty feet and Jumped out. when Mr. Buck arrived he was walking aimlessly s- lons the road. . At the pence station in Barrie the demented man could not give the au- thorities a coherent account of who hewasandwhsthewssdoin."rm A traffic officer encounters many unusual circumstances in the per- formance of his duties but it is not often he runs up against a crazy man in charge of a motor car doing every- thing but cutting the figure eight. Run?! um: H1: nvnnl-{Anna A0 Ffhvnfn u wuw-- - v inac- ML}. vililll sn'ou"'"' Results. SAID HE'S ORVAL SHAW Father Takes Him Home -Had Chauffeur : License. ]cm_h_e. __I_x_1t_o _ Churchill` There have been numerous com- plaints about the town dump" on Sanford Bt., particularly its approach. This has now- been cleaned up and a new road constructed. It was in a uA...aI.1- ......u Onnwlno I-.1-an unfnr "UL nu The man who cashed the cheque was identied by two Barrie men `of long acquaintance. The arrested man said he was about to be married and `Jun. 5 Au UV!-ICE] - It ls alleged that last Saturday Hol- land cashed a cheque at a Barrie store for some $60, taking ha]: of it in cash and the balance in goods. The cheque was made out to and endorsed by J. L. Rutherford and bore the signature of J. Dumond, a Brentwoocl contractor. for whom Holland is said to have once worked. IIIL- _.__,, _1_, ,, u n .- - IIIEMENTED MAN ON HIGHWAY RUNS AMOK IN AUTOMOBILE At the solicitation of Barrie police a man believed to be Thomas Holland. formerly of Angus, was taken into custody at Coiiingwood yesterday on a charge or forgery. He is being brought to Barrie today. Ti` Ca nnnund blnau In--L $-.I......l-_ 90-1 Angus Man Alleged to Have Duped Local Merchant. ' \/\lIllJl'&AUUUUo About sixty new books were ordered. upon the recommendation of the book committee. It was decided to pur- chase the best available English dic- tionary, issued by British publishers. Mice `A/rnnvm. urn`! Inna-utaanuub n... In. unvauuu. J , can uuu. V] Id; 101511 1-JuIJL1BllUI'. Miss McPhee will represent the lib- rary at the annual meeting of the Ontario Library Association which meets in Toronto next week. irnczs cum: 1 or FORGERY I At the meeting of the Public Library Boardi, Monday night, total number of issues in February was given as 4,456 as against 4,176 in the corres- ponding month last year. 3,189 books were taken out by adults oi. which 2,- 486 were ction, while of the 1,267 juvenile books issued 712 were fiction . Tllfiaa Trivia. on... _....I- -1__n_..._--- -1 ,..n..uu. wuvnu Luuucu I18 W611: LIUHIUH. Miss King _ was made chairman of `the book committee and J. A. Ma.cLa.r- en was added to it. The latter was a!- so made chairman or the property {committee ` o ;I.._-_. _1_.;, - - - uuw "C0!1'!b l'0Iu UUIlI|IL'|lUVU\M Ill WHO In lo mus" following the wlntor -break-up but now looks comparatively linnnnnlsnluln uvn. uunvnu uuc uux ucuu 111 any BVBITB. The appointment will be made at the June session of County Council. Two applications have already been re- nnhm BY MONTHLY REPORTS LIBRARY MORE usm County Clerk J. T. Simpson has re- ceived word from the Deputy Minister of Education that it is agreeable to the Department to have Inspectors Day and Garvin assume the duties of the late Inspector Longman in South Simcoe for the balance of this term. T+ ha {-`Au 4-1...; ..u...u.1.._ a-.. 1.1.- _--x .......m.n. nu uuc uruuuuc U1. uua befl. It is felt that ellgibles for the posi- tion are at present engaged and would be unable to assume duties of inspec- tor befote the fall term in any event. The n'nnnin+n-um-a+ min ha .......a.. -4 AGREE To TAKE OVER THE LATE INSPECTOR S DUTIES A MAN WHO neglects to boost his home community isn't worth any great shucks, Hon. E. C. Drury told the banqueters at` F`riday s Farmers luncheon. The ex-Premier then proceeded to draw an imaginary circle, six miles in diameter, around Dal- ston, including, of course, the one and only Crown Hill. He put in his hand, guratively speaking, and pulled out a mis- sionary, two members of par- liament, three ministers of the Crown and one millionaire, pro- ducts of the past few decades. What similar area in skyscrap- ing Toronto can equal this re- cord? he asked his hearers. DALSTON DISTRICTS EN VIABLE RECORD 66th Year. 9 Va \-ILI UV 6 VII IMO I H until`. latter said his son had been acting queer -for some time and was under observation. He had a chauffeur : li- cense. however. taken out in Toronto on January 15 last. It was cancelled. HUI nuu V. II. ucauna Total gate receipts for the year were $89.08 and expenses the same. The largest item under disbursements was 0'70, seven nights rental for the rink` It 310 8. night. van, on uxuuvu` U1. VH3. Ln VIEW 01 the circumstances the charge was with- drawn, the accused, who is about 35 years or age, being allowed to go home to Toronto with his father. The latter said hi: can hall 1...... --u__ IIO avvnacwu auu uugugenli GIIVIIIB 8110 on Monday his father appeared and settled for damage done the sturgeon car, a matter or $75. In view or the clrnumstnnnna H-an aim..- ...-.. ._m_ Orville Shaw; you've got me at he told Chief Stewart. III|___n;u, A.--. - - - V -__-_. -uvv vv -1- -1 Traffic Officer Buck had him ex- amined by Dr. Campbell of Bradford, who pronounced him or unsound mind. The Jail physician has sinc confirmed this. Last Saturday he accused of reckless and negligent driving and MOndB.V his father nnnnnwnal and John W. Ryckman of Long Beach, Calit., died recently. Word to this et- fect has been received by Mrs. Bertha L. Stavert. his daughter, or Barrie. Deceased was a veteran newspaper- man, former editor-in-chief or the Chicago Inter-Ocean and founder or the Chicago Herald. He was a war \ correspondent in the S_panish-Ameri- ` can and Great Wars. The late Mr. Ryckman was 73 years or as . ` BARRIE LADY S FATHER DIES IN CALIFORNIA most of his purchases were household eifects. His ance, it was stated, lived in Oollingwood and he was trac- ed by reason or this information. an 0.... 1'J..1I.....1 1.. ..-a.1 4.- 1.--- .u-_: uu. VJ suuvuu u_L lllll uuusuuuuuu. So far Holland is said to have den!- ed being in Barrie at all the day the cheque was cashed. only a The magistrate lectured them, stres- sing the disgrace they had brought upon the family names. The boys re- fused to say who were the actual cul- prits. deciding to split the blame six inane " wnu. vv unuyu ALI. IJJAU UUHALUJ Jlh They slept with their boots on and refused to eat Jail grub, the Governor told The Examiner rather disconcert- edly. I111`- _.-..l..&_..L- I--L....-.I 1.1.-.. _A...__ IIUUILIU but: mauc. D1x1e" Corbett presided.` Others` present were Messrs. Poole and Adam- aon or Mldhurst, Chas. Lower. Fred Anderton, Jack Dobson, Orville Kash- ner and O. J. Seitz. lnbgl lIlI"A unnn'na Inn fhn IYAQF IIYDFA unuv VVUL Chief Stewart brought the sextette to Barrie Sunday evening and three succeeded in getting ball. The other three slept in the county 13.1]. AI! eh-56 vnlik 6-Hahn Ia)`;-Ln. 4... ....l vvu IJLAVU U150) VVULU Illlltllnlsll WIULI ULICIII. The lads, however, paidmore than $17 for their fun." They spent all day Sunday in a Toronto police station and didn't get much sympathy when their lawyer complained they were `not allowed to communicate with the out- side world. 31-1-3 n;-___.,L u,,,____,u,. .u gauuuvuwavnnn They didn't have anything to say in police court except Guilty, Your Worship." Their lawyers, Messrs. A. Cowan and J. R. Boys, said it all. It was suggested the boys had thrown` the blankets out of a Bayeld St. win- dow near their parked car, Just to keep themselves warm as it was a raw, cold morning. They intended to return the blankets, Mr. Cowan said. Chief Stewart was of exactly the op- posite opinion. He opined the boys didn't care what became of the blank- ets once they were through with them. 'T`1'\n 11114:! Innvvvnuvaov \\n{:I manna Ania ua\.cv|nAAvu45\.:Uu9 aivvlu VA ...._, .. The sextette registered at the Wei- lington Hotel Saturday night and ear- ly Sunday morning shortly after their deuarture. it was detected that two blankets had disappeared from their beds. The theft was reported to Con- stable Case who, remembering he had their auto number. phoned Toronto police. The boys were arrested at the city limits with the blankets in their possession. "I"`Iap\co .JAm9L L 4 n . . .--.51-1.... L. g.- uwuuavu ywsu vsay IILLVUI The youths, all of whom are scions of prominent Toronto families, came to Barrie Saturday and made themselves promiscuous by cutting capers on the business streets. They were warned by the police and one was taken to the police station and given a. talking to for molesting girls. At that time Constable James Case took the number of their car, an old Ford touring, a move which proved very advantageous later on. Thu nnupbnid-A -p.:-h-Lnunnl 4.5 #1.. `If.-I Cheque books and limousines were very much in evidence at Police Court Monday morning when six Toronto youths, ranging in age from seventeen to twenty, appeared on charges of `theft, the outcome of a week-end es- capade. All pleaded guilty and each was ned $17, including costs. Their daddies paid the shot." "F1-un vv1nI1-`an 4-11 A` uvknvn nun gal:-nan Six Youths from Toronto Are Convicted of - Theft. PAID DEARLY FOR ESGAPAIIE "My, my! Isn't this a nice re- ception you're getting in Stay- ner? Look at all the nice yel- low markers, the dispenser of "Canada Mail" exclaimed. TheT cbnstgble faild (gee the - joke. Each of the sextette later paid $5 to the magistrate. - THIGH: A vote was taken. Y.M.O.A. being supported by St. Vincents. and Mid- hurst. Against allowing the protest were the Bankers, Capitals and Hora- nets. It required the vote of the Pro- tessional Men, represented by proxy to decide the issue. V'\l-InH Inulnni r\ovna`I'AA ` hnrc I UTOMOBILE markers of 1928 vintage disappeared as if by magic, as did the motor cars, from the streets of Stay- ner, on Monday, following the arrival of a. provincial traffic oificerr When the oicer step- ped off the train six old fel-- lows" in their neat but worn yellow attire greeted him. one car belonged to the mail driver. YELLOW MARKERS GREET OFFICER Buy Advertised Thin!!- BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929. : Hall Committee are holding an 1 Easter dance in Township Hall, Mid- I hurst, `Monday, April 1. Admission, L gentlemen ~'75c, ladies please bring , cakes. , 13b The choir of the United church, l Guthrie, will give a concert and play- let in the United church, Crown Hiu, Thursday, April 4. Refreshments serv- ed. Admission 25c. 13b Keep Friday, April 5, open for the his Canadian National Recreation Ass n. first annual At Home in 1.0.0. 1!`. Temple. Big time promised. Danc- ing. cards and all kinds of games, al- so musical program. 13b our rue 1oca.1o1ncersV;r the Simcoe For- esters Regiment are arranging for their annual Easter Dance to be held in the Armouries, Easter Monday night. 11b LL uuu IOU Children's operetta All in a. Day ' under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ' ace Wilson, Collier St., United Sunday ` School, April 16 and 17. 13b 1 Will those wishing to make up ` Bridge tables for the V.O.N. Bridge and Dance on April 11, kindly call Mrs. McNiven, Phone 231. 13b Under the auspices of Trinity Church Parish Aid, a play Rose of the Southland, will be presented on May 1st and 2nd in Parish Hall. 13p H-A IAAAI -.X.I--.__ Al LI- __`.___ -, _.v... v V`! so may Iviooiziim-vtsentral Woman's Associa- tion bazaar, homemade baking sale, afternoon tea, Friday, April 5." 12-13b Something good.-Don t miss Dutch supper, basement Allandale Presby- terian Church, April 3rd, 5 to 8 pm. 11 and 13b f'4kl'lA--..!.. .........-u.- nan .x__ _ -`Nu uuqavuc J.4'J.'2|J Be sure and come to Social evening, Trinity Parish Hall, Wednesday, Apr. 3rd. Refreshments served`. 13p Tea, in aid of Trinity Church Parish Aid, at home of Mrs. Sprott, 72 Mary St., Friday, April 5, from 3 to 6. 13p 7 -_l_I 4-n___L._-u cu- Keep Thursday, April 11 for _Victor- 1 Ian Order of Nurses, bridge 'and dance. 12-14b `DA gun... ..._.I --...- 4.- n_-1-1 ____,_ U WED uusuwuvwu. II; vuu gun; uunyun-u Underhllls argued that a referee's decision is anal as set out in o.H.A. rules. A -.-l.- --an tn!-an VIKIVA Raina In last week s issue of The Exam- iner, under the heading Decision made to form Legion here. it was stated that the Barrie Soldiers Club is to pass out of existence. Members of the Soldiers Club deny this. They state such a move was not discussed as it is possible for the two organizations to cam on harmoniously. Officers of the newly-formed branch `of the Le- gion regret any misunderstanding that may have occurred, but hope at some future time the Soldiers Club will at- liajse with the Legion and become one body. i Il||l||l||Il|IIIII|IIII0I0I0I0I0I0I1 > E COMING EVENTS g lIllllilllli$$m` uuuu-Aanuug nu J-UL lllC\nIu served, during which music was pro- vided by Messrs. Beaumont on the vio- iin, Knox at the piano. Tom Sheppard and Tom Mayes contributed solos. The social part of the program concluded at midnight. At the close of business a lunch was vonvno A INALOLAJUIJI At Monday night's meeting 46 re- turned men signed up and there have since been several applications receiv- ed. An ultimate membership of 100 is anticipated. The executive will meet shortly to arrange for fees, regular meetings and club rooms. It has al- ready been suggested that a ladies auxiliary be formed. 4 61.-`A n`l.u-A -9 1_.-...l..-_- _ 1---, -1- _.-,- BARRIE SOLDIERS CLUB TO RETAIN "IDENTITY -1-VIr. Shields pointed out theZadvant- ~ ages of belonging to the B.E.S.L. These . included close contact With the gov- ernment through an officially recog- nized organization. He urged that re- ~ turned soldiers give their talent for the betterment of their country in peace as they had done in war time. He frowned on over-aggressiveness, asking returned men` to seek to adjust their grievances and solve their problems in a quiet manner through regular channels. He touched on insurance, pensions and hospital treatment for men discharged as t but who have since developed sickness. He also spoke of the canteen fund, explaining how Ontario's million dollars, allotted by the Imperial authorities to the Dom- inion and thence to the Ontario Com- mand, had been invested in Ontario bonds and the interest used to allevi- ate the hardships of returned men and their families. AL an--._, _,o u .. .. .- Thos. Burton, president of the S01- diers Club, is the rst president of the Legion. Other oicers are: First Vice., Wm. Mayes; 2nd Vice, Dr. W. C. Lit- tle; 3rd Vice, Dr. Rogers; Sec y.-Treas., E. Shuter; Executive, Geo. Burns, Os- car Shank, Ernie Williams, Major Knowles, Alex. Stewart. There was no opposition for any of the offices. At a largely attended meeting of re- turned soldiers held in the Armouries Monday night it was decided to form. a Barrie Post of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League. Alexander Shields, provincial secre- tary, gave a splendid address. He told the fty-two veterans present that Barrie was the 151st Post and the last I large town in Ontario to join the Em- pire-wide organization. EXPECT 100 MEMBERS I Barrie Last _ Big Town, in Province to Join Up. unu uuucuuun Ltusasvua sunu. usuu. The executive met to decide a pro- test lodged by the Y." against the dis- allowance of a goal by Referee Craw- iord of Minesing in the last game. This goal would have and eventually did win the championship. The Y. claimed the referee should not have altered his original decision in allow- ing the goal. It was further claimed he was inuenced by the goal umpire. I7...I.._I.qlIIn no-nuaol fkn n IA'AI'lln Thomas Burton is Head of the New Or- ganization. Lemon POST ron man: Is AGGOMPLISIIED uovaslruag I-AWVUID UL 0116 l.u.l.l..lJ.Ul'. S. L. Page outlined the prob d four-year. agricultural course , he said, now included a new i.'eatur'e'in that it permitted graduates to enter the intermediate year at O.A.C., there- fore getting their degree in three years. The motion was moved by Messrs. Goodiellow and How and later a committee composed of Messrs. Drury, John Hunter, Mrs. Patterson, president or Painswick W.I. and Mrs. Hewson,' president of strand W.I., met `J; \avoav3.. Av vvo Hon. E. C. Drury was chairman and expressed himself strongly in fa- vor of this type of education as being most suitable and. practical for the present-day needs of the farmer. G 1'. Damn nun!-11-.-.`l L1... ....-_-___1 Following the Friday noon lunch-I eon about sixty farmers met in the I.| 0.0.F. Hall and unanimously passed` a resolution asking Barrie Board of Education to establish agricultural and domestic science classes at the Collegfate. n I` ('1 `!\uuuuvo uuunln -1--l_..._.. FIFTY PUPILS READY Would Take Agriculture,` and Domestic Sci- ence at B.C.l. Wait on Board of Ed- ucation With a Proposition. --_-_- -__.. `.--4..-- At the northwest corner of this in- tersection there is a frame house with a front verandah close to the street line which obstructs the view between a person approaching the intersection on Cumberland St. from the west and a person approaching the intersection on William St. from the north. "l'1'Iu-.n 4.3.1 .'...I..... 1._1.1_ .u__; .p,,,, bmmsns ARE ENTHIISIASTIG oven PROPOSED new OGEIRSES, Mrs. Magloughlen in her evidence admitted that at the time she was ap- proaching the intersection she was travelling from 15 to 20 miles an hour in about the centre of the road and that when she looked at her speed- ometer a few yards back she was go- ing at 20 miles an hour but was of` the opinion she was going a little; slower as she reached the intersec-l tion; She also admitted the defend-2 ant s car reached the intersection but `said she did not see his car until Just immediately before the crash. Y.M.O.A. were declared Town Hock- ey League champions and winners of the Capitol Theatre Trophy for 1928- 29 st 9. special meeting or the execu- tive held in the Y.M.C.A., Allandale, last Friday night. It is a. committee room victory, the mild weather putting I stop to any possibility of the honors being `decided on the ice after the Y. and Underhill s Hornets had tied. fl... aunnublun sun` in AAACIIA n I`\I`l\_