T erbmnnd herbs only, are used in Cal- lu her's Kidney Remedy which is one o the old, proved, Herbal Household Remedies that the noted herbalist, James Gallagher, compounded himself more than 50 years ago. And these good herbs, N uture s gift, have great healing owcr. Even acute kidney ailments ' e Rheumatism, are relieved by Gul- Inn`I\nu n `Rm! `\nl|`rnn`\nn olianco gun":- 4-Door Sedan All price: f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario, includmg standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra) 185 ru nanny \.4v\ArIv (with rumble sent) $820 New Lower riccs M akc AND UP'WARDS Greater man Ever Total loll Intel: is worth more than dolls:-I men than gnlul ox. blue blood or beauty. Yet on sun hue this priceless possession for I try mg--lea thus half-a-cent I dsy. un ll nun did. hand his let.t.er:-- I 7"- AT Suugivii 850 860 870 870 890 45 Aavua -.1. Meyer Herstick of New York, dnly 3 years old, saved four persons from A new English machine is capable of making 600 pairs of shoes in eight `hours. -an-_,,_,, -~. , 1- 1 , - -- __ . - - LYMOUTH S new lower prices emphasize the value leadership which Plymouth enjoys through the unique engineering and manufacturing facilities of Chrysler Motors. In quality, Plymouth now an- vances to even higher levels, while it retains the sound Chrysler principles which have given it international repute for economy of oper- ation and upkeep. In the lowest-priced field, Plymouth is the outstanding full-size car with ample room THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA; nnw uul vnueleu puuucuwu xx ggaymleu , Inn did. lead his letter :- N I Inn, 7 -nun! anal]: and In) um: I: ASSOCIATE DEALERS HERB MURRAY, Beeton Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $20,004 Total Assets over $265,000,000 J. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto This Bank Invites Your Savings Account. Interest Compounded Half Yearly. ESTABLISHED 1832 death by calling ,for help when he ea?" a woman leaning out of a window 11-' a faint. Two other women and ' man were inside. overcome Dy ga but all were saved. for all adult passengers; if is the only car near its ` equipped with Chrysler weatherproo hydraulic, wheel brakes; it is the one big buy at its? price, combining Chrysler? advanced engineering and typical Chrysler performancf with modern style, size antf luxury. ` See the Plymouth. Compare? it, try to equal it for tbs-'_ pt-ice-and inevitably youwilf` rank it rst and foremost` in every element that detern` mines true-motor car valuca AMBROSE HAMLIN, Shanty Bap w. D. LATIMER, Auiston $20,000,000 1-,` . A ~ . ., Phone 21; Res. `.01lW iiiis aVFiddle 1 1 12-1 1 3 Bradford St. Thursday, March 21, 1929 `f`';`..`" 15:: tmgnealately am: Imnout questxon. 10! tum mag Krugchcntxumt an: uncut. His companion was of a different type. He was of medium height only, and thin: his complexion was sallow, and his eyes and hair were black. His features, though not altogether pleas- ing, were regular, and almost c1assi- - cal in outline. His clothes displayed him to the worst possible advantage. He were black trousers and a dark frock coat, tightly fitting, which ac- centuated the narrowness of his shoulders. The only relief to the sombreness of his attire consisted in a white flower carefully fastened in his buttonhole. They were only acquaintances, these two men; chance had brought them together for some evil purpuse of her own. They had become for a while lD.l8|5V I0!" EHO DEW ULl'\1V 1. I30 p3CKBUo This consists of o1_n' regular 75c bqttle toget with a separate tnal bott ucxent for a_ mo week. Open the trial o_ttle rst._put It N the test. and then. If not entxrely convmced thl Ziruschen does eve hing we claim it to do.tb tcgulnr bottle is atil as good an new. Take ii luck. Your drumrist is authorized to return van! If you have never tried K_rus_chen-tx'y it Now If our ex case. We have dxstnbuted a. great many apeciu "GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claxm for ourself. Ask you: dmggist for the new GIAN " 75 package. `Plain nnnnintn nf nnr I-4-mdnr 750 hntn tnanthn: One was of an order and race easily to be distinguished in any quarter of` the globe--an English country gentle-: man. He was tall and handsome, and young enough not to have outlived en- thusiasm, for he was looking out upon; the gay scene with keen interest. His features were well out, his eyes were blue, and his bronze face was smooth, save for a slight, well-formed mous- tache. He wore a brown tweed coat and waistcoat, flannel trousers, a straw hat tilted over his eyes, and he was smoking a briar pipe. Iinn ; The terrace of the Hotel de l Europe extends to the very verge of the prom- enade. and. night by night, is crowded with men of all conditions and na- tions, who sit before little marble tab- les facing the sea. At one of these, so close to the promenade that the dress- as of the passers-by almost touched- them, two men were seated. pans: J- laghea. Ana` klnel. Palermo is like a night blosson whicii opens only with the first breath of evening. By day. it is parched and sleepy and stupid: by night, it is alive and joyous-the place itself becomes an 9.1 rresco paradise. ___, _I_A._. I.-. nu. -- - v-_- .--.-v~-.-..- By dz-1y, those whc; can, sleep; by night, they awake and don their damtiest clothing. and Palermo is gay. - .4: LI_. vv-L-I .1- Iuvu.._.-.._ 33! Hill (nu. nclu nun u:uvuI:'- fullmuuwtoandlal out.-nowcnhall d nuahon Sam. I 1 var: mu 1` a{n/lganza which la}! me new wed , and uu..u-- ---vu. -.. an an ...-7---.-- Knuohan Emits is obtainable at drug and macho atom in Canada at 75c. I bott. tun contains enough to hut for 4 or Ruth:---good hulth tor hall-0-cad 0 III xcgumr bottle to s1;1u_o.s good. nuns II gm.-k_. Your'drugg1at 15 auhonzed to re_turn Sc uumedmtely and without questxou. cu hn triad Krumhanbnmt our nnann. '3 ee Trfal 0.er_ I an . 3 7 c..;':'.`}...;. .'r.`ii3' z.;:`m ;"'J m`,` .3371, 2'34"} at nothing. noommanlod to try Kruaahen salt: the rat dou put me right. and 10-day I u nmandu tuaddle. No our at: oodltout m. at 2 an a boon and a blming to all. and an 1 m .u...n o. mm." Albert Hnnrv Senna. \ az`&u31Idde `xL:e"FiZ$L3; 23$. ' `Fri . thia trustworth herbal mm It remarkable-an aafe._Bold by '0 0000 (UN! (1 0{B8l Il0 10 au. ana WI 7 X weight mgold." Albert Henry Bean. Hliul mm on Me lot IMDNMCL nuw ULBILI cm W IULIC Bad _bac_kaches, .1..- _.._______ __ __. JON}. AIDDXT 110111] 133539: 111115! luponlot IA,I II ,4 n___ -_4I JVUVI KI dizzy A Q"t\C\ -7 \dl-u- spells ___-.. ,_,.._.- v. .__v .,_..-_:, ._.--u ....... 0-.-.- Afterwards he was never ashamed to confess that that moment brought with it a peculiar lingering sweetness which never altogether died away. It was the birth of a new sensation, the most poignant of all sensations, al- though philosophers deny and mater- ialists scoff at it. After all, there is something more than refined sensu- ality in love which has so sudden a dawning: there is a certain innate spirituality which sublimates and puri- fies it, so that the flame burns softly but brightly still through Joy and grief, mocking at satiety, surviving the sorrow of gray hairs, triumphing UL H5 Ulllvllallclu he Englishman looked into the eyes of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. A ood of silver moon- light lay upon the Marina, glancing away across the dark bluewaters of the bay, and the soft dazzling light gently touched her hair, and gleamed in her dark, sweet eyes. She was tall, and clad in white flowing draperies clinging softly around her slim, girlish figure, and giving to her appearance an inexpressible daintiness, as though they were indeed emblematic of the spotless purity of that fair young be- ing. Was it the chastened light, or was there indeed something spiritual, something more than humanly beau- tiful in the delicate oval face--perfect in its outline, perfect in its faint col- oring and stately poise? She was walking slowly, her every moment full of a distinctive and deliberate grace, and her head a little upturned, as though her thoughts were far away among the softly burning stars, rather than_concerned with the fashionable and picturesque crowd which thronged around her. A remark from her com- panion, a girl of somewhat slighter stature and darker complexion, caus- ed her to lower her eyes, and in doing so they fell upon the eager, impas- sioned gaze of the young Englishman. A.IL___.._..J- I._ _--- _-__---- known. You are a gentleman, and you will understand." I'\'IA nnwfnnl-'Iu N FHA 'EVv\nHn1nn..-..q vu vvua uuuvsovuzuuu J Oh, perfectly," the Englishman answered mm, in a tone of blank be- wllderment. My name is Leonardo d1 Marlonll By jove! of course it is! the Eng- lishman exclaimed. I should have thought of it in a. moment." Van! curl" uni -Pa-unn Inn u u u n ~ u u A.-L vnnuuaabu UL CU All U uausucuv. You will not forget my request, and if you have occasion to address me, perhaps you will be so good as to do so by the name of `Cortegi'. It is the name by which I am known here, and to which I have some right." The Englishman nodded. ``All right. I'll remember. By the bye, he went on. I had the pleasure of meeting your sister in Naples, I believe. She is engaged to marry Martin Briscoe, isn't she?" ` Thu CnCHav\'a Fang 1-lamb.-unnA Iv-Ln an Natural, safe and wonderfully healing J-Vll UILI LII IUUUW IlI II 91155" The Bici1ian's face darkened into a scowl: the thin lips were tightly com- pressed, and his eyes ashed with an- gry light. 141' tuna uni nun-nun AC IL I! ha a\ua|nuwvn_ "Iv:'rt`a:sU'not aware of it," he answer-! ed haughtily. - Thorn wrap a hula` 11111 In I-`Inn Luna... FBI LI MEILUIIJ I There was a brief lull in the stream of promenaders. Tho 1I'Vv\ru-Ilnlannnus Ianlunpl (Ln LL- The Englishman looked into the eyes of the most beautiful woman he hadl CV81` seen .. .. .. .. . I do not object to telling you my name, he said in a low tone, sunk `almost to a whisper, but you will ,'pardon me if I make a request which may appear somewhat singular to you. I do not wish you to address me by git here, or to mention it. To be frank, ' there are reasons for wishing my pre- sence in this neighborhood not to be It's very stupid or `me, but, do you know, I've quite forgotten your name for the moment. I remember my cousin, C13 Davenport, introducing us at Rome, and I knew you again direct- 1y I saw you. But I'm hanged if I can think of your name! I always had a. precious bad memory." _, _L -I_.|,_L L- ;_-\|.|_-_ __-__ _____ I UVIIIULIU QIIIUIU CIIGLIU UIIUDQ vvu go The Englishman was in far too good 9, humor with himself, the place, and his surroundings, to hold his peace tor long. He exchanged his pipe for a. Havana, and commenced to talk. cdmpanions. albgt "Eflent ones. TEA 'r\tb`{nkvInnu| tune In for it Egwbs are Ees e::e& % Aing Eiizneys ll Ilvuuvuu . , In !-. a1nnO" 7 u u IlllI57R/1710 BY IB4`VI(BORl/[W 0159 JIOW\I V1l&IlUll\?\AI On the brow of the Hill Fiolesse, at a sharp angle in the white dusty road, a man and woman stood talking. on one side or them was a grove of flowering magnolias, and on the other a high, closely-trimmed hedge skirted the grounds or the Villa Fiolesse. There was not another soul in sight, but, as though the place were not secure enough from interruption, the girl, every now and then, glanced halt fearfully around her, and more than once paused in the middle or a. sen- tence to listen. At last her tears es- caped from her lips. T.nnhnlIHn T ndah I-`lnni wan `mall nnf ` Vtllikl IIUIII {JUL llpu "Leonardo, I wish that you had not come!" she cried. What is the good of it? I shall have no rest till I know that you are beyond the sea again. Beyond the seas, while my heart is WTheTE7!h `1;;1`a:;1_i;i1r ;n;.;.;;;: gold into the brown, greedy palm. "I"hn Qinnnw In ~r\nI\`In fhn Kan.-{CH1 autu uwu vuc nnuvvu, gsccuy nun. F The Signor is noble. The beautiful lady's name is Signorlna. Adrienne Cartuccio." The singer?" The same, Signor. The divine sin- 8!`-" . I`A],`|I, The Englishman turned toward the wide, open window, and gazed stead- fastly at the place in the crowd where she had vanished. f\.. LI..- Lug... _ LL_ 7711` IHIAI;--n-- -L Wyuauv uJ.\.au:aI.y u ``well?' I can tell it to the Signor." "Look sharp then! The Signor is generous. he re- marked, with a cunning look. I have risked my place by leaving the terrace without permission to bring him this news, and I am poor-very, very poor! he added, with a sudden drop in his voice which resembled 9. whine. I fear that I do not quite under- stand you," he said quietly, although his voice and limbs wefe trembling with passion; to whom do you al- lude? - lll'I'II__ _..I_.1 1-- ._.\_.lA._ ___1.. ._....._.I 1.--]. At the door of the hotel the English- man paused for a moment, and then, instead of joining the stream of prom- enaders, he entered and slowly as- cended the broad marble staircase toward his room. Just as he reached the first landing, however, he felt a light touch on his arm, and a. guttur- al voice in his ear. He turned sharp- .ly round, and found before him one of the waiters-the one who had serv- ed him .with his coffee outside. Well! what do you want?" he asked. The man answered in a low tone, with his eyes glancing suspiciously a- round all the time. - un-11.- rI:_..-__. ___-_ 1-- _.-..I_.J__._ 1.1.- _____-- To get prompt relief, bathe the affect- ed farts with hot water once daily; A py Absorbine Jr., two to three 1 men daily for tlrst two weeks, then every morning thereafter. Each night mly 9. cloth saturated with a solutnon nnn num-A Ahqnrhinn, Tr,, tn nne A\lln|LI\al us: uu.\.6 UJL.|L\?- I "The Signor was inquiring the name of the lady who passed by," he said apologetically. T I TIN.-(I1 D" The girl in white who passed just now. You knew her! Tell me her name. Why should I?" "I wish to know it. _ Possibly. But that is no reason why I should tell it to you. That lady is a friend of mine, certainly, but it is not the custom in my country, now- ever it may be in yours, to bandy a lady's nameabout in a public place. suddenly she withdrew` her eyes with a faint, conscious blush, and as she did so she saw for the first time the Sicilian. Her whole aspect swiftly changed. A terrified shudder swept across her features, and her lips part- ed with fear. 'V'ho is s1'1e?" the Englishman ask- ed abruptly. over the desolation or old age, and sweetening the passage to the grave. He was a headstrong, chivalrous young man, passionate, loyal and faithful. among all his faults. That first love of his never grew cold, never lessen- ed. It lasted forever. For some men it is not possible to give the better part of themselves up to the worship of a pure woman; selfishness forbids If Dnf I-`Iain unnnn "I:"v|nH'h|oI|nv\ nvkn U1 U4 [Jul C W UIIIGII , DUILADILIJUQU JUL UIUIU it. But this young "Englishman who sat there spellbound, absorbed in the consciousness of this new and sweet emotion, was not one of these. Pile sufferers can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause-bad blood circulation in the lower bowel. Cutting and salves can't do this--an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds because it relieves this blood congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem- Roid has a wonderful record for quick, safe and lasting relief to Pile suffer- ers. It will do the same for you or money back. Douglas Drug Store, Orossland s Drug Store and druggists everywhere sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee. 3 J VIA `VI Ululllllllsu Angry with me! Angry because I love her, so that I risk my life just to see her, to hear her speak! Ah! but that is cruel! Let me go in and speak to her! Let me plead with her in my own fashion!" She shook her head. Leonardo, the truth is best, she said softly. _Adrienne does not love you. She is quite determined not to see you again. Even I, pleading with tears in my eyes, could not persuade her. She has locked herself in her room while she prepares for the con- cert. You could not see her unless you forced yourself upon her, and that would not do." us-r- 1- _----1_-I -__L ,1, iu,,. . . vuau LJUU UU No, I would not do that, he ans- wered wearlly. Margharita, there is a question; I must ask it, though the answer kill me. Is there--any one else? She shook her head. I There is no one else, Leonardo, yet. But what matter is that, since it cannot be you-? some day it will come. All that a. sister could do I have done. She pities you, Leonardo, but she does not love you. She never will!" LII VG]. JJALL act: .I. OlUlCDDo Full of health and weight build- ing substances-the proven and successful kind-the kind that are a real help to frail, run-down, skinny men and women. Tviv +1nnen cu 1 n m n v\r\n`1v At:rn::-sun` KIUHTXL V\'i1LCI'. LCRVU L UH UVCI IHSHL. Absorbine, Jr., is made of oils and extracts which when rubbed into the akin, are uickf absorbed by the pores and stimu ate b ood circulation. Grease- less and stainless. $1.25-at your drug- giats. Booklet free on request. 2 DIXIIILIJ LIICIL GNU VVUIIICUQ Try these supremely efficient sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days-if they don t help great- lly Xour money will be refunded. VIA uvnvnn-n lI|n`:V\n1J 4-nu nu-.J_ Ly your uxuucy wuz uc 1`I.-uuuueu. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty cents-Economy Size $1.00. Ask Douglas Drug Store or any druggist for 'McCoy s Cod` Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula on each box. ]No More Piles] He moved from the open space, where the moonlight fell upon his marble face, to _ the shadow of the magnolia grove. He stood there quite silent for a moment. Then he spoke in a strained, hard voice, which she scarcely recognized. Ila:-aknv-a unn `Luann .-2......-. -....... Uvl-IA Vial L ouvsuaacu. Marghar1ta., you have done your best for me. You do not know what a man's love is, or you would not wonder that I suffer so much. Yet, if it must be, it must. I will give her up. I will go back to my exile and forget her. Yet since I am here, grant me a last favor. Let me see her W That's going some--but skinny men, women and children just can t help putting on good healthy esh. when they take Mc`Coy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets. `l'.-1l - L-_`I1.L -_-_1 __,:__1,. 1,,,e11 chained forever here, Margharita!" he answered. Ah! I have tried. and I know the bitterness of it. ` You can- not tell what exile has been like to me. I could bear it no longer. Tell me, child! I watched you climb this hill together. You looked back and saw me, and waited. Did she see me, too? Quick! answer me! I will know! She saw me on the Marina. Did she know that I was following her? She knew! And yet she would not wait to speak a single word to me! Ah! it is cruel! If only she could know how night by night, in those far-dis- tant countries, I have lain on the mountain tops, and wandered through the valleys, thinking and dreaming of her-always of her! It has been an evil time with me, my sister, a time of dreary days and sleepless nights. And this is the end of it! My heart is faint and sick with longing, and I hastened here before it should break. I must see her, Margharita! Let_us hasten on to the villa! EL- 1-1.! 1.-.. L-_._1 _.__-__ 1-x, 8IUUU|IU&I VII ULIC V Iliad: She laid filer hand upon his arm. Her eyes were soft with coming tears.` nu-__-____.1_ 11,1, .. Leonardo, listen," she cried. It is best to tell you. She will not see you. She is quite firm. She is angry with you for coming." Avu-nvu ivy-1n nan! Ann"... L ..... .... 'r $11.11) as LIULII ud.LuLaLUu WLLH a aunuuuu one ounce Absorbine, Jr., to one quart water. Leave it on overnight. Ahsxnrhim-, It-_, is made nf nil: and |Gained10 Poundsl "711"ti;i;;i{s1;e"'s;J";{{; "sis Said nothing when I lingered behind. It was as though she knew. runI__ 1-u,n The Sicilian clasped his hands, and looked away over the sea. The moon- light fell upon his weary pallid face, and gllstened in his dark sad eyes. He spoke more to himself than her. -!!'.2J?*!$7 Among 235 applicants for the post of official hangman of Czecho-S1o- vakia was one woman. -urn- u-,,,, -- - - Barrie Defeat Oakwood ' For the Black Trophy Four rinks of curlers from Barrie` were entertained at the Toronto Oak- wood Curling Club, Mar. 12, afternoon and evening. The occasion was the annual fixture 'between the two clubs for the T. R. W. Black trophy. Barrie won it last year and succeeded in de- fending it again Tuesday, winning all four games and having a total major- ity of 16 shots. `E!n'l1nnvluu- (-1-... .............. LI..- -.:_.u..1_... to say farewell. She looked up at him in distress. Leonardo, how can 1? She has given orders that under no circum- stances whatever are you to be ad- mitted. But to say farewell! She would not believe it. It has been so before, Leonardo, and then you have been passionate, and plead- ed your cause all over again. I have promised that I will never ask her to see you again. '1"1nnn `Int nan ...... 1...... ...:J.`l.-.-L -4- navy Jvu u45u4A1L. I Then let me see her without ask- ing. You can find an opportunity,l if you will. For my sake, Margharita! (Continued next week) MILTON TRAIN, Elmvale EARL JAMES, Bradlorl For Varicose Veins u 11- aaAALL.Iu.`l....J.l L. LJ. LXCIL . . . . . . .. E. Woodman F. H Miller H. Greenwood W. Brimscomb Dr. Rogers J. Sinton A. A. Smith .... ..18 H. D. Paterson W. 0. Walls E. T. Ellis Dr. Simpson G. Davies R. A. Stephens A. Talbot R. F. Garrett....12 L. T. McDonald H. Ellis R. F. Fitzpatrick W. Livingston J. Maxwell T. Villiers T. R. W. Black Geo. Hubbard....14 M. Welsh ...... .. vv nu \lAA\a vv vAu.u.1L. Mlle. Maryse Bastie, France s fore- most woman pilot, plans to start an airplane taxi service between Paris and Mediterranean pleasure resorts next spring. Total W. A. GROSE, Distributor coups . . . . . 5320. Roadster (with rumble seal) 2-Door Sedan Touring . . De Luxre Coupe !....'oL ....-LI. ....u\ WIUIU V7150 G` `iruoohon Sam . of numgza . ntdouputm A tau hndhout hxlroaboonand Rh noowhldngold. H111