Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1929, p. 8

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Luz u\:uVt:l.'_Y ll]. .|.V1a.y All tenders to b sealed and ad- dressed to H. H. CRESWICKE, Chair- man of County Property Committee, Barrie, Ont. 7-8b __- [MISS D. JOHNSTON, A.L.c-.-1; Teacher of Piano and all Theoretical subjects. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music and London, England, College of Music. STUDIO: 152 Maple Ave., Barrie. 7-10p i uuui. I4 nuuse. Also for supply of coal to be deliv- ered at the-Court House, Gaol, Regis- try Office, and Children`s Shelter, estimated as follows: Court House about 100 tons of soft coal, best qual- ity: Gaol, about 70 tons of stove coal and 10 tons of nut coal; Registry Of- fice, egg and nut, suclkquantities as will be required from time to time; Children's Shelter, about '15 tons of furnace and stove coal as required. Delivery of coal to be made at the request of the Chairman of the Coun- ty Property and tenders for the coal for Gaol and Court House to be giv- en for the delivery on sleighs and also for delivery in May. All tenders in he c ---A -4 n uL11Jl.`4l\D FOR GAOL SUPPLIES AND COAL _ FOR COUNTY BUILDINGS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up till noon, Friday, March 1, 1929, for supplies for the Gaol and coal for the County Buildings for the period of twelve months from April 1st, 1929, to March 31st, 1930. Sup- plies for gaol consisting of meat, vege- tables and groceries. Any information and tender forms may be obtained at the County Treasurer's office at the Court House. . Alan Pan .u......1... _n ..,v uuun u. nuxvxnum, .u.'sq., and MARY JANE GANTON, Hillsdale Executor and Executrix of Walter Reid Ganton Estate, or BOYS & BOYS, Barrie. Ontarin thpir mn,.a+..... r: m. usucu. ' Neither the highest nor `any tender necessarily accepted. "" DATED at Barrie, this 11th day of February, 1929. JOHN C. RUMBLE, Esq., and MARY JANE GA'Nl"l"nM' r.n11..A..1.. mm: 1., J.v1.cuUuu:. ' TENDERS must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% of the pur- chase money and terms for the bal- ance may be arranged with the under- signed. ' "' Nnifhnr fl-so kinknut ...... ....-. L---A-_4 TENDERS -will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, March 4th, 1929, for the pur- chase of the properties hereinafter des- cribed, either separately or en bloc: FIRSTLY: Part of Lot 8, Concession 3, Medonte. and Lot 51, Concession 2, Medonte, containing one hundred and fty acres. On this property is locat- ed a good house, banked barn, imple- ment shed, hen house, pig pen, sheep pen, twelve acres of fall wheat, eight acres of fall rye, fteen acres of alsike, ten` acres hardwood bush and two acres of good orchard. SECONDLY: Also hundred acre pasture lot, consist- ing of the East half of Lot 51, Conces- sion 1, Medonte. - I TWMHWDQ Imus:-# `Inn AAA-..........:...1 I.-- That means an Early Spring and a Big Demand for these Good Used Cars: ' HUPMOBILE ANS o CHANDLER DEALER Phones: 563J-Barrie Hudson 2279W,` Toronto FOR SALE-0wner selling out, 100 acres, north half lot 17, concession 11, West Gwillimbury: convenient to church and school, half mile off Highway No. 11; brick house. stone kitchen, 10 rooms, steam heated; burn on stone, 40x60, with running water. implement shed 24x40: 11 acres wheat, 9 acres alfalfa. 7 acres alsike,` 10 acres sweet clover, 18 acres plowed; small bush: 2 orchards; good clay 1-..... uh-Hm A `I! mtnlnn, nlinlfnr. qrvvv cannot be told from new. 1927 Advanced Nash 7-Pass. Sedan only gone 7000 miles. $1550. 1928 ` Chandler Demonstrator- Delux Model---cost $1670 Sale Price $1300. 1 925 ` _ I-lL'J*\Pl (. SEQA_I I W._ _F.. Honsbqyger I (1: -Q:-u 1 n uvauuuu nnuabe, OI` JSUYS 35 BOY Barrie, Ontario, their solicitors. 7-I .-.__--.__--.:----.---_ 1 926 ESSEX COACH $450. N EW D U CO -1927 Met. Chandler, 7-Pass. I $1690. A BARGAIN 1927 . THE GROUND HOG FAILED TO SEE HIS SHADOW DC?` I I UKf"`I` New Duco and Tires @121 SALE BY TENDER BABY CHICKS TENDERS T I Q I YI'|`III 1-run . EEACK AND TAN HOUND, white spot on breast. lost. Phone Tracey s, C01 well post office. 7p v Q V U Q ll bring and in .1013 Ullc Friday, F.'T::ar?-X52511, lot 17, con. 3, Innisl-farm stock and 1m-- plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. 5-Bx Monday, February 18-J. B. Carruth- ers, eastquarter lot 29, con. 5, Essa --farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auc- tioneer. ' 6-7b Wednesday, February 20 - Matthew Bell, lot 1, con. 5, Innisfll, (one mile south of Thornton)-farm stock and implements. Sale` at 1 p.m. sharp. H, A. Grose, Auct. 6-7x Thursday, February 21---Hector Grant, lot 10, con. 8, Innisfil--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 6-7b Friday, February 22-George Perry, west half lot 24, con. 3, Essa-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p. `In. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 6-8b Monday, February 25-Geo. Seadon, at Gore 24, con. 10, Vespra (Town- llne, near Co,lwell)--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. '7-8x Tuesday, February 26-John W. Coul- son, at north half lot 23, con. 1, Sunnldale (2 miles north of An- gus)-Farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. 7-8x Thursday, February 28-Edward Bee- croft, at east half lot 19, con 1, Sunnidale-farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McCon- key, Auct. 7-8x LAULLUI. ax _y ILLCLILUCL . Mrs. Johnston died 27 years ago. Three daughters and two sons sur- vive, viz., Mrs. Margaret Robinson, Big Bay Point; Edwin Johnston and Mrs. Fred Birnie, Craigvale; Mrs. Robt. Scott, Huntsville; Dr. Wilfred Johnston, Florida. One daughter, Mrs. R. Forbes, predeceased her father. 'T`hnrn mac -2 I91-an ninnrlnnnn of tho `IV. EULUCD, pxcucucuacu 111:1 Ldhlll. A There was a large attendance at the funeral which took place from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robinson, February 11, to St. Paul's Cemetery,- Rev. A. D. Cousins taking the services. Pallbearers were: S. Reynolds, W. J. Leonard, Geo. Neilly, Wm. Reid, Jas. Latimer and Fred Elliott. ----.. -..u.- qr-_.--...--u-:- At 9. meeting of trustees of 8th Line Cemetery, Innlsfll Township, it was decided to make an annual as- sessment of $2.00 per plot, for im- provement to cemetery, to be paid by March `lat, yearly. A. R. Bayes, Sec y- 'I"|-mu, Strand, . 'I-nh Veteran Orangeman Passes John Johnston, who died on Feb, 9, 1929, was one of Innisfi1 s oldest Orangemen-if not the oldest. He had attained his 91st year and had been a member of this Order since he was 18 years of age. His initiation took place in his native County Derry, Ireland. Shortly afterwards he sailed for Canada and on coming to Innis- fil became a member of Craigvale L.O.L. No. 605. Members of this lodge a number of years ago showed their respect and esteem by making him an honorary member. 'l\/I've Inhnefnn int-I 0'7 vnurc on-n 200 ACRES OF LAND for sale; '70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush; Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrie, R.R. 2. 5-281) The}; wui. I;e'Ws61d' i)y__ at Buchanan's Garage, 1 urday, February 23rd, Ford touring car, in order. III ! auuaznc LLUHL out: auuuu. LCULUUUUCLD. Dream and, Mon., Tues.. Wed. 7x --Yes, we have Alberta Coal (grade No. 1) and good clean coke and an- thracite coal (all sizes). Dry body hardwood and hardwood slabs. Hem- lock slabs. cedar kindling and kiln dried hardwood cuttings. The nest Cannel coal obtainable and steam coal. too. For satisfaction buy your fuel from The Sarjeant Co. Ltd. Phone 88. 7b . L. IILVLLVLD, Dlll 7b W. A. McC5NKEY, Auctioneerl Wilb J.l.H.I:'U. -D.lU uuu UUDLD. -Ladies! Have your corsets or cor- selettes made to your individual mea- surements for solid comfort and per- fect health, or if you require a sur- gical garment or inner belt, phone or . write, Mrs. Amy Simmons, 76 Small St., Barrie, telephone 707. Stfb As an indication of the goodwill ex- isting between Orillia and Barrie hor- ticulturists, Orillia Horticultural So- ciety has donated, unsolicited, a silver cup to be competed for at the Cana- dian Gladiolus Society s show at Bar- rie next August. Innisl and Stayner societies have also contributed to the prize list. ~ -Falling airplanes really fall in Wings in picture and sound. Ma- chine guns blaze away andlthose who see them can also hear them. A band marches by and the music swells from the screen. The tramp of a thousand feet is measured in the regulated re- spouse from the sound reproducers. Dreamland, _ ,Vna nvn lnnvrn A11.-u-m4.-. IVA:-\1 In-no-In -Frost Fence. We have exclusive sale of this famous fence for Barrie and district so gure out your require- ments and place your order and have it lled from our rst car. Frost fence costs no more than the ordinary kind. The Sarjeant Co. Ltd. 7b Wm. Covllle of Toronto was ned $50 and costs in police court yesterday morning for B.L.C.A., the police hav- ing found liquor on him at the rink. A Parry Sounder, who celebrated the hockey victory by over imbibicatlon, was ned $10 and costs. Tn;-Iinnl 'l _1'.-`nu uvnuu an-.mnn4-n nu nan uuuc LUJC. Ill Churchill curlers made a ne show- ing in the District Cup play-os in Toronto this week, lasting until the semi-nals when Toronto Victorias put them out by 6 shots. M. Reive was up 15-14 but W. Noble was down, 12- 19. 'E|uu\~I- E'Inu-an `IVA Lg-.- A-...1....-I-an I tux: uuwu wiu ut: uiuuc weicume. UOIIIBJ --Be sure you take in Col. Taylor's famous illustrated lecture entitled .Lights and Shadows of the Old Land. Over 100 beautiful slides. The Salvation Army, Collier St., Monday, 18th, 8 p.m. Admission 25c. 7b -A wrecking crane capable of lift- ing four times its own weight, or 160 tons, is seen in The Crash, the cur- rent attraction at the Capitol Thea.- tre. Milton Sills is starred in the pic- ture and Thelma Todd plays the fem- inine role. 7x (`hIIvnP\i11 nuuvdnva nan:-In n Q-an 4-dannv 11117501115. -Through an error in sending in the copy. the date for the box social, Stroud. is given in Coming Events as Thursday, Feb. 21, but correct date is Tuesday, Feb. 26. 7b The Woman's Day of Prayer will be observed in Barrie by a meeting to be held in Central United Church, Fri- day, Feb. 15, at 3 p.m. All women of the town will be made welcome. Come. jnn cnvn HAM I-nbn in fin! P'l"nu'IA_h~ Baifg Sale of Automobile FARM FOR SALF.-100 acres, 90 acres under cultivation, balance bush, good water, good buildings, fall plow- ing done, half mile from store, school and R.C. church. For further partl- culars apply to Box 124, Hillsdale, Ont. 7-9p u-an vuyauva, a.AauLa., I'll. nuu sf' '" 7:: -All roads lead" to Mammoth Rink, Friday, Feb. 15, to see the deciding game of group between Bracebridge and Camp Borden. 7p The Right Reverend E. F. Robbins, D.D., Bishop of Athabasca, will be the preacher at a. special service in 'I'r1n- ity Church on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 8 p.m. Tho Dav Toe `av -rz..1,.m.....1 -4 A.-- Rev. Jas. E. Kirkwood of Cree- more has been called unanimously to Mitchell, Ontario. The call will come before Barrie Presbytery at the March meeting. __.'T'hrnI1a-In an Amman In Andi.-.n {us -Sa.rjeant s coal is clean coal (this applies to all our fuel). Try it. 7b -The greatest railroad wreck ever, shown on the screen. Milton Sills in The Crash. Capitol, Thurs., Fri. and Sat. '1" 'g%i&l%&iiliiii$ gw LOCALS }g mwmwwwamxwwmmmm `Tl-IE BARRIE EXAHINIR Era um-: cnnmmnr BIG BAY A POINT ..`.3...`3D $5!-F.. - vv_.. ' public auction , Barrie, on sat- . at 12 noon, a . good running '. EMMS, Bailiff FEYV Annnnnnr FOR SALE-130 acres, 18 acres wheat. 25 acres seeded, 15 acres bush, good water, barn 60x40, good stables, steel roof. 8-roomed house, garage, hen- house, pigpen, etc. No encumbrance. Ill health cause for selling. Price $7,000, easy terms. Might consider house as part payment. For particu- lars write. Thos. W. Leatham, Cooks- town, RR. 3. 5-101) V...` --u.-u tJ&1LL.l.`4l-I V1 .11. On Feb. 5, a social evening was held at the home of Mrs. A. Rayner, Jr., in aid of the W.A. of Central United Church. Members and friends num- bering forty-two were present. A de- lightful programme consisted of a very interesting speech from R. G. Manuel; solo, Miss Margarite Rayner; reading, Miss Jean Baldwin; solo. Bert. Brain- ey; instrumental. Miss Margarite Ray- ner; reading, Mrs. Pearl Parr; duet, Miss Lola Coulson and Mrs. H. E. Mc- Cullough; reading, Miss Jean Lowe; solo, Mrs. H. E. McCullough. Fancy work was given to the ladies to be made up for their coming bazaar. A lunch was served, all having a most enjoyable evening. Proceeds amount- ed to $14.60. i ,.t_ in. an. L1. The family of the late Rev. George I. Craw, wish to express their thanks for sympathy and kindness shown by friends and neighbors in their recent bereavement. 7b The sons and daughters of the late Mrs. Edwin Tracey wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown during their recent sad bereavement. 7b Mr. and Mrs. Robt. M. Bell wish to express their thanks and apprecia- tion to neighbors and other friends for kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. 7 I wish to publicly thank the Little Flower, Saint Therese, for great fav- or received with promise to publish. 7p -T. E. H. I I-HL- A__._1I__ ,5 Lu, 1 . _ .n.cu.vcu 3 5111111115 gubcs Vi wide For one prepared to come. a_.u,_ ,,, WRIGH'I`-In loving memory of ouf dear father, Wm. Wright, who was called Home, Feb. 16, 1928. No time to call us to his side, He said goodbye to none. Heaven's smiling gates were opened wide 7:6" vn.Ln.-J.u iuvlug 1ut:InU1'y 01 our uearl dad, Louis I. Vair, who passed away February 9, 1928. I What would we give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice, to see his smile, That meant so much to us. We think of him in silence, His name we oft recall But there's nothing left to answer, ; But his picture on the wall. I 15..-- ..-.._ -__-I- ___ _ .1 I-U -.-cu r.vvu.v van voav nuns. :1-p -Ever remembered by Family A iPA'r'rERsoN-In loving memory of: nur dpnr gnn `Rnhm-f. mhn rlinr-1 `nah S n J. ;nnDu11-'L11 Luvulg xuczuury U1 our dear son, Robert, who died Feb. 7, 1928 `God is kind He gives us strength To bear our lonely cross. He is the only one who knows Our loneliness and loss. --sadly missed by Father and Mother, ` 7p Mrs. and Mrs. J. C. Patterson!` ` Telephone 3r6. 7b -. [ HOUND-~Black and tan, lost on Sat-f urday. Wm. Kell, 12th line, Innisfi1.' VAIR-In loving memory of our dear} Had Tnnic T `fair nyhn naeanrl n1l1n1v4 LU AB HUI: IJLIU 011115 l/Lfciala D115 IJCH-1'5 Hr shed, That tells the heart is torn, But passionate tears in after years And remembrance silently borne. PI... t"1-.1I.- .....'_...i I... CI-v:._ -__ .1 -1,,-u JOHNSTON--In loving memory ofl my dear husband, William Johns- ston, who passed away February 12, 1926. God is good, He gives us strength I To bear the heavy cross. I He is the only one who knows, , How bitter is our loss. ' I I I We miss you at a. thousand turns, Along life's weary way, For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. It is not the time that the tears are chat! I --.- ..-.-.....-.4- ..---s.v uaoownn -1.4 uva Al\4I l '.7p---S-adly missedby Wife, and Family . i nrwuc J. nun L1"".I.1l zuvxug memory 01 our dear Emily, who died Feb. 15, 1916. How oft there comes before us This dear face, fond and true, For death can never take away Sweet memories, dear, of you. 7b `lnl-lacuna "1\`-`nan 58.6.... ..._.I 1-u..-LI___._ AVA uvuvnl Lawn: LAUVVL V0455 away -Father, Mother, Sister and Brothers DUNN--In loving memory of my dear! husband and father, John Dunn, V1}!/gltg entered into rest February 14, nA1u nu-1....-J I... 1.1.. I-_-.l.-__ ARMSTRONG--In loving memory of nu-r dear Ftmv, whn dim-1 wash 1: XIX? BARRAND--on Tuesday, February 12, 1929, at the residence of her son-in-law, .105. J. Coulter, 649 Car- law Ave., Toronto, Elizabeth, rellct of the late John Barrand, aged 73 years. :q-:---- PURSE LOST containing sum of money, between Barrie and Midhurst. Phone 602r21. 7b IVZIJ`I`IZf McLEAN-CLOUGHLEY-At Grenfel, January 31, 1929, by the Rev. John Ross, Miss Emma Sophia Cloughley, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oloughley, to Harvey James Mc- Lean of Mlnesing Station, son` of Mrs. McLean and the late Edward McLean. BOOTH-On r;b;uar 7. 1929, at am Northcliife Blvd., Toronto, to Mr. H and Mrs. Lorne H. Booth (nee Doris Webster), 9. son.- DOWSON-At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rie, Thursday, February 7, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowson, Bar- rie, RR. 2. .9. daughter. JOHNSON - At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, Friday, February 8, 1929, to` Mr and Mrs. Irvin Johnson, Mines-A inc. 2 snn CENTRAL UNITED W.A. `ak E - ..-_:-1 -_,, q CARDS OF THANKS T my MEMORIAM .-.. -..... V ..v...\.. -:ad1y missed by Family -Sadly missed by his loving Wife and Family Phone 161 Sutcliffe s Dry Goods Store BOYS"FLANNELETTE VPYJAMAS, sizes 26, 28, 30, `32f$1.65 suii RAW SILK, 33 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special 59 yd. EIGURED SILK FOULARDS . . . . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . Special 98c yd. Colors: Black with gold, Black with white, Green, Blue, Mauve. PRINT DRESSES, outside sizes, neat patterns. . . . . . . Special $1.59 GINGHAM DRESSES, in checks and stripes, sizes 36 to 44.- Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99c PRINT APRONS, in Coverall design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special 89c I-IAND BAGS, Under-the-arm and Strap styles. . . . . . . . . Special 98c NEW PRINTS AND GINGI-IAMS JUST ARRIVED AN'I'E'D--Ambitious, industrious per-I to introduce and supply the de- maud for Rawleigh Household Pro-V ducts in Barrie and other nearby towns or rural districts. $150 to $400 a month or more clear profit. Rawleigh Meth- ods get business everywhere. No sell- ing experience required. We supply Products, Outfit, Sales and Service Methods, everything you need. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; most complete service. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN-222, Mon- treal, Que. 6-8p BOYS ALL WOOL COMBINATIONS,'Eng1ish make, sizes 28, 30, 32--Regu1ar $2.75 .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Special $2.29 suit BOYS COTTON WINTER-WEIGHT COMBINATIONS, sizes 24, 26, 28, 30, 32.-Regu1ar $1.25 . . . . . . . . . . .. Special 99c suit BOYS FLANNELETT E PYJAMAS, 32. $1.65 suit MARRIED NO 4\-riiuovv -nu: . D"`3_P % EDREAMLAND - MON.-TUES.-WED. GILLETT S LYE M 14c tin DOMESTIC SHORTENING . MARMALADE-Best Quality The elds of alsike, the beauti- ful white clover or the basswood in ower of last summer? The nectar from~those owers, ripened by the bees, can still be secured. 7-10b SUGAR-Granu1ated . . . . . . . . FLOUR-Best Pastry . . . . . . . . SALMON--Fanc_v Quality, Pink . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pkgs. 33c . . . . . . . . 40-oz. glass 29 _Women s Low Overshoes (extra) to clear at .. $1.99 SALT BLOCKS, 50 and 100-lb. Bags on hand. LAYING MASH, TANKAGE, ETC. at Popular Prices. PHONE 185 : BARRIE : 139 DUNLOP ST. 7... ENDERS will be received up to Feb. 22nd for seven cords of sound beech and maple body_ wood twenty-two or twenty-four inch, to be split and pro- perly piled at rear of Pine Grove School. Wm. J. Cole, Sec'y.-Treas. 7b Pee)pl _`._ Q9-Operative Store 11 Dunlop St. OYSTERS . . . . 40 jar LAKE SIMCOE WHITEFISH . . . . 20 lb. We also carry B.C. Sal- mon, Georgian Bay Trout, Smoked and Fresh Fillets. `3-lb. pail LARD . . . . 49c BREAKFAST BACON- In piece . . . . . 25 lb. Sliced . . . . . . ._28c lb. PEA _MEAL BAcqN_ Id` L14 LJl_I\.J\/L` miaiie . . . . .. 30 lb. ROASTS OF FRESH PORK . . . . 18 to 23 lb. Box 563 BARRED ROCK AND LEGHORN CHICKS March Api'il May 20 each 18 each 15 each NOTE-Legh0rns will be hatched to cover orders received four weeks ahead of delivery only. ASK FOR MAGUIRE S HONEY KELVINSIDE HATHERY Specials This Week Do You Remember? FOWL WANTED-A1l kinds. Highest prices paid. H. Levit. Phone 384 or write Box 542, Barrie. 3-8p .........._._...... "sEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, brick, 73 High St., near park; hardwood floor in dining room and parlor; new furn- ace: good cellar; all conveniences: garage. Immediate possession. Apply on premises. 7p v. mg-. M. J. BRENNAN _.._Z.. QUALITY ----._ SERVICE WEEK-END SPECIALS, FEBRUARY 15 and 16th Barrie Meat Market Best Quality Meats CUSTOM HATCHING -- 5 cents per egg. 4% Eents in tray lots of 150 Wholesale and Retail Butcher 84 Penetang Street BARRIE Phone 51 To BE SQUAR U ` ` .\\\\\\\\ ~.S\\%.T\.. \\\\`\`c 90 FAI K. AN D 3 QUARE BROODER WANTED. capacity 500, . ~keye preferred. Phone Barrie 902r- 1. 7p WAI_`I'I_'ED: all kinds of Emcmxc Fr66E'z6L1sHma AT $1.00 PER DAY 1 LB. FLOOR WAX FREE GROCER : Phone 2'15 Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Sta. [i_.Al::.__McC}gl|ou_:_,{l_1 TIGER BRAND COHOE SALMON, 35c tin KIPPERSNACKS 4 for 25 CHATEAU CHEESE 1A;-lb. pkg. 21c CANADIAN CHEESE 28 lb. SOAP CHIPS 2 lbs. for 25 Infant s Delight Soap 4 for 25 MACARONI 2 pkgs. for 25 RASPBERRY JAM 40-oz. jar 45 HIC:I;:EST PRICES PAID Write or phone before selling H. LEVIT, BARRIE, Tel. 384 somuze AND :.ucI { '5 A WINNtNCr COMBINATION '* _) _/`x. :. ;..u.a. J. aux: 11554: 4. a.Iu.4A.': Tuck s Barrie Fair MEN WANTED to sell Watkins 150 uallty Products in rural districts of ' V tario. Permanent money making usiness. World's largest factory to consumer organization. Credit furn- ished to suitable party. Established 60 years. For full particulars write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Co., Hamilton, Ont., Dept. AR. 3-8p .-__......._-....___ _..._ -__.._j......___:__.:_s faxw` i=1jj{sjj -rs 1!-I-1'-Ir1r'r\ 1-uvnvnqs FOR _R_EN']`_ Phone 1045. . 10 lbs. 57c 7-lb. bag 28c 1/2-lb. tin llc February ll, 19 YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- ing. We mstruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- ltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion. Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER anted for permanent position in uskoka District. State age, exper- ience, salary desired, giving references. J. D. Shier Lumber Co., Limited. Rncetpridge, Ont. 7b '3` '1' 'A` A` 'A` '41` '-Q` 'A` '5` 'A` 'A` 'L` '45` 'II-` '1` One cent a. word, cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions (or the price of four. 10c extra. when charged; also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. YOUNG WOMAN WANTED for gen- eral housework and cooking, for fam- ily` of two, no children. Mrs. Kerrigan, 16 Burton Ave., Allandale. Telephone no: '21-. IUI MAN WANTED to work on farm by the year. married man preferred. Ap- ply to Box 137, Stroud. , 6-7b GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for a k to help with housework. Apply phone 938W after 5. 7p LOST-Bet.ween Barrie and Oriiiia on Tuesday night, black club bag. Con- tained curling stone handles. Finder please notify Examiner Office. 6-71) PROPERTY FOR SALE ,, FARMS FOR SALE I ADLET COLUMN H LOST ANDWFOUND .I.DJ.l'l.lV.I. LVLl\.llV\.I1` VVILLVLIJIJ LU]. drexfs Shelter, Barrie. Apply to non. 6tfb SISTANT MATRON WANTED for l'lAuu\-.05 Clap-.16.-nu !)nunu'n Aw-u-dun `vn _AGENTS WANTED 'E7:E'1>_vK~'Eo_ '4 uruuurua , SUUU uluy A. E. Scanlon. Solicitor. mt. _ - 7-9b `stable on tmx'n line, neat` Barrie, for I P`OUR'I`I2,.:N ACRES, brick house and sale or o: for town prone.1'ty. Aoply Geo. Scadon, 2, Barrie. Ont. 6-llpl av-....-...._.......__ _W-A-NTED VOL - FARM TO RENT---200 acres; 100' workable land, balance bush and pas- ture: good buildings; well watered, good stock and dairy farm; fall ploughing all done, 5 acres fall wheat. 20 acres seeded down: 1/5. mile from C.P.R. station. 1 mile from Craighurst. Ont. Possession first of April, 1929. lAm)1y to Robert Craig, P.O. Box 291. . TWO COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS for rent. Apply 26 Ross St. 3-8b ROOMS TO LET, with or without board. Apply 17 Sophia Street or tele- phone 762J. 6-11p lot 23, the north-west quarter of lot 24 in the 8th concession and the north-east quarter of lot 23 in the 7th concession of Innisfil. 35 acres fall plowed. Good buildings. Possession 15th March. Apply to Alexander Cow- ` an, Solicitor, Barrie, Ont. Tb [FARM T0 RENT-The south half of BULL FOR SALE-Registered Short- horn Durham bull. Apply to Fred Pain, Seventh Line, Vespra. 7p FOR SALE--so1id brick store, 15 by 46 feet. plate glass front; very central location, used as a. harness store. This property is offered for sale, with or without the harness business. Apply to M. J. Lawson. Elmvale, Ont. 7-8p BULL FOR SAL_E-Reg1stered "Short- horn, Opals Firpo No. 72054 aged 4 years off, easy handled, quiet. Apply W. Betteridge, Thornton, Ont. 7-9p FOR SALE-1 brown mare, 10 yrs. old or would exchange for young cat- tle; 8 Yorkshire pigs, 100 lbs. each, pure bred: also sows with litters and due in March; one Yorkshire hog, pure bred, 5 months old. Apply to E1- wood Bone, Thornton. 7b HORSES FOR SALE. Am disposing of all my horses. One Percheron driv- er, rising 11 years, this mare is with- out a blemish; one sorrel mare, aged; one bay draught, aged. No reasonable offer refused. J. Oatway, Barrie R.R. 1, near Dalston. phone 904r6. 7-8p BULL FOR SALE--One Dual-Purpose Shorthorne bull, 6 months old. This calf s mother stood first place at C.N. E. and second at Royal in 1926. Could `also spare two or three heifers. In- spection invited. Apply M. Beath, Shanty Bay, R.R. telephone Barrie 906 6-8p ___.__.._.______...__._._____ I OR RENT-Steam heated, 4-room `apartment with bath, 3-room apart- (ment with bath, also bright. front of- fice, all newly decorated, centrally located. Immediate possession. Apply at S. W. Moore's Store. 7tfb "ALL KINDS or` DRESSMAKING done by Mrs. Wice, phone 523W or call at 60 Worsley St. . 6-7p BL I30 DMJ8-I-l.I.l 51'. W3 511! EU UIQUI sport stockings all kinds. Hockey stockings and svfreaters repaired. Men's workuzoackhi and mitts, children eeds supp L good wearing yarn. ner- al footing tor young and old. Good ufnnb AC noun Isa-numb I ` I515]-L".Ba.'An * 0 Bug ouppucu an guuu wuuuug yarn. ucuer- and stock 01 yarn kept. J.` Platt'Rose.- 3-7p IRWIN S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. gscent service. George Irwin, Pllrflg NO'1`ICE-I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name af- ter this date by anyone. Geo. L. Gib- son, Allandale, Ont. 6-7b BRICK CLAD STORE AND DWELL- ING for sale with 1,4 acre lot. On lot tX~_~.~v_'r.- is :1 double garage and ice house, butcher and grocery business_ and post office in buildinsz. Reason for selling, illness. Apply at post; office, Hillsdale, Ont. 4-9p SIX-ROOMED HOUSE to let at 80 Owen St., Barrie. Apply Mrs. M. E. Parkhouse, 47 Louisa St., St. Cathar- ines, Ont. . 7-8b AT 88 SMALL ST. we knit to order nnnrf. fnnlnnn nil I:-{rule Ennbau FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over Hurlburvs Shoe store. Miss M. Mc- A-I-I.uu. 9'16-u ` Fllall IIJLU. Arthur. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing dnnn nhildrnra nlnthina and rnmnlznc IJIVEJDDIVLALSLLV \.I' uuu 11111111 EU Wills done, children's clothing and remakes. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 73 Tiffin St., Allan- dnln A_'ln TO LET-Six-roomed brick cottage, electric light and water, largegarden and chicken house. Apply '79 Mary St. - 5-10p FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET--six- roomed brick house, centrally located. Phone 1027. 7p AUTO KNITTER FOR SALE. This machine is g'uaranteed to be in per- fect condition. Owner s illness reason for selling . $20. A pair skates and boots, sizes 4 and 5, $1.50 each. Apply to Box D", Examiner Office. . 7-8p __ SEED PE,AS-I am now taking con- tracts for company peas, paying $1.80 for 1929 crop. Shipping from Thornton and Barrie. W. E. Banting, phone Ivy- Thornton, Thornton P.O. 6-11p FOR SALE IN VILLAGE OF HILLS- DALE-2 acres of land, frame house with good cellar. henhouse 100 feet Ions:-;. with stables, spring water and small fruit trees; adjoining main road. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to Jos. Lea, Hillsdale, Ont. 5-713 FOR SALE--Singer sewing machine, drop-head, $25.00; Victrola, table mo- del, 15 records, $30; bicycle, $14, and rocking horse: all in good condition. Apply 46 Louisa St. 7p FOR SALE--4-section Globe-Wern- icke bookcase and drawer, golden oak finish; also music cabinet, mahogany finish, and one metronome. Miss Pearl Loth. 7p FOR SALE-Walnut finished exten- sion dining room table and four-burn- er coal oil cooking stove; both nearly new. Apply 102 Bayfield St., Barrie, FOUR HIVES OF BEES for sale, in good condition, free from disease, price reasonable. Apply to Box C, Examiner Office. 5-7p DRY WOOD for sale, $4 per cord, mixed, principally tamarack, lot 13, con. 8, Vespra. John Patterson. Tele- phone 634r13. 7b ouuxwu FLLVE4 runxuo 101' sale, Cub In 4 ft. length; $5.00 a cord, delivered. Apply 22 Sampson `St. `2 blocks east of market. - 7p BLACK PERSIAN `LAMB COAT for sale, with sable trimmings; size 38 and length 38 inches. Phone 1271, 7p RADIO FOR SALE, all electric, com- plete with 6 tubes and Utah loud speaker. Will sacrifice. Phone 1418. 7p oUND PINE RAILS for sale, cut in 4 ff. h2nath' Q5 00 Q nnvrl rldliunrnrl SHED FOR SALE, at Anglican church, 7th line, Vespra. Apply to Lot Munro, R.R. 2, Barrie. 7p Brgdtord, Ont. ELECTRIC WASHING ~MACI-IINE slightly used, for sale, Phone _751J. 7p -- HAY FOR SALE--Alfa'lfa and Tim- othy. Apply E. Rothwell, Barrie. Tele- phone 328. 7p GE-A good coal and Wood range` for sale at reasonable price. Apply at Examiner Office. , 7b APPLES FOR SALE-Good Northern Spies; any quantity, delivered to any part of town. Phone 739J. 7b TWO HEATERS for'sa.le. Telephone 769W. _ 7p 4 SAWING MACHINE for sale. Tele- phone 836W. 7-8p BARN FOR. SALE--30x60. Telephone 10-15W, 111 Penetang St. e H 7;) LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ROOMS AND BOARD .__..__:._.-......._. PROPERTY TO LET ;:-- ' LOST--Pa,rker-Dufold fountain pen on Saturday night on Bayfield, Eli- zzxbeth or Dunlop Sts. Reward. E. G. Poole, 121 Bayfield St. 7p TIIISCI-`.Tlz..il.ANEOUS 1-`on 5.51.:-: =3a';z61 Il.l:l.l' 6-7p | BABY CHICKS-Barred Rocks and White Leghorns, 14 to 18 cents each. Excellent laying strains of both breeds. Custom hatching, 5 cents per egg; discount `of 10% on any over 100. E. M. Stokes, Minesing. 6-11 ......unu---uuauuul natcnmg, bring your eggs and have them hatched in our electric incubators, the healthy way, also brooders for sale. Ke1ly s Hatchery, 18 McDonald St. Phone 1184. 7p .__._.___________.___ CHICKS--Custom hatching, eggs have them huh FARM FOR SALE--225 acres, 90 acres workable. balance bush and pas- ture. Good buildings. Well watered. Good dairy or stock farm. 2 miles from Barrie. For particulars apply to T. E. Bell, Barrie R.R. 3 6-8p

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