Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1929, p. 4

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Bii6Wi{co., B'm-is I I3lIdI\ I I IJIFIIQW 300 pairs Silk, Silk and Wool, All Wool and Fancy Hose, in our best makes, to go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79c 20 dozen Chi1dren s, Misses and Boys Wool Hose, regular 75c to $1.00. On sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49c EVERYTHING REDUCED 20 to 50 Per Cent. ucxuxuux. Russell Handy and Miss Florence Handy of Toronto spent the week- end at their home here. `Allan Tan IV n n v n n n m nu` I-Inn u Feb. 10-Mrs. A; Johnston of Min- esing is spending a. few weeks with Mrs. Jas. Johnston. Tn: (`At-Ian n4 'l'.I'nv\nvv Tjnuknu in JVLIB. U U45. UUILLIDIIULI. Jas. Oades of Honey Harbor is spending a few days with Archie De- benham. Cn~an`1 II :-sundry nun:-`I `ltlna `EH nnnn An cuu no IMICH. LIULIIC JICLC. Miss Jean Cowan spent the week- end in Toronto. `lm nun;-I `Klan nv\n1A 13.-......Ao ....-.-..-. "5"5BY "FSE'.A1.-'5 _ (`11. I`! 9 DALSTON uuuuuy dull LVLI-D. lJ&V1Ll gI.'1H4)bUH. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shaw of Hamil-' ton visited the former s mother, Mrs.| Neil Shaw, last Wednesday, it being her 83rd birthday. | 'T`hn 1-na111n1- rnnaH-no nf +1-an TTv\;`-n-I Feb 12---Mr. Cecil ad family have gone back to Detroit. T\"lcu Info 'Dnn-or n4 `Dnv-uh`-\ a~nn& A\J\L\L. Au VJLIAIIAAAD gown hlnvuvu-to an. V--w um. I The baseball boys gave a splendid dance on Monday night. Music was fine and everyone had a. good time. -pv_.,_-_.1 An_. __._1 1.1- _.I...L-_. 11.... guuc IJGUA DU LJCDLUJD. _ Miss Meta Roger of Barrie spent Sunday at Mrs. Dav1d.P1axton s. J? 12113 `Mfr: Inc Chant A-F TJnI~\1| l ICL ooxu uu. uuuuy. I The regular meeting of the United I $5 an`: manna runilui \o\.ll1\J\/lalu\JlVIuJ The entire stock on sale at a reduction of 20 per cent. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS 300 yds. Chintz, regular 30c to 40 at 25c 25 pairs of fine Curtains at half price. .;vJu \Jb1IbU, AIr\4Au-A yp/s\.I\J Lu ypluuuu, LU go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 Men s Heavy Raincoats. On sale, at $2.95 Overcoats, in s'iz-e; 30 t<;39. All on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 and $6.00 Boys Suits, regular $9.00 to $12.00, to NA rm} GA I'll! FANCY SATEENS ANP LININGS CAR_PETS AND CONCQIOLEUMSI _ ANGUS BUTTONS AT HALF PRICE VOU CAN `ANN On 3.- Qill ` Il1nn.andAIhl FIIIIJ On Sale at 25 CLOTHING Ladies Aid was held February 5 at the home of Mrs. W. Dean. The fol- lowing officers were elected for 1929: President, Mrs. W. McMackon; Vice- President, Mrs. B. Willoughby; Treas- lurer, Mrs. E. West; Secretary. Mrs. F. Latimer. The next meeting is to lbe held at Mrs. West's. up.-__ ..v._ we ----u. vvuuu u. Miss Lizzie Coulson left for her lnew position in Barrie on Monday. ALL THE NEW PILLOW COTTONS SHEETINGS LONG CLOTHS BROADCLOTHS AND CQTTOI_`JS 3-..J...I...I 2.. LL2- -1- J ,- WINTER COATS All on sale at cost price or less, T{1l1`i11f{ from . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . $2.00 to $25.00 Fine Silk Glove; at .. Chamoisette Gloves .. Best $1.00 Gloves for Linen Roller Towelling, . . Linen Glass Towelling Fine Embroider Linens at . 5 doz. Bath Towels. Special TOWELS AND TOWELLING ALL REDUCED -.an\\151Al \al4\J' I Ila} PIIVIJ W I I included in this stock-reducing sale . ' "" ';;.'a.. V 1 2`?- .:`=`.~...?.;".':".:*...,=:`:2 *5 oonnnou cmmmn scq_oo1._ `an: (In; CHI WC. - u DREAMLAND - MON.-TUES.-WEU. GLOVES 40 Dunlop St. BARRIE Tnursdagy, _f'f_')_i`I1}_ii` id, 1929_ _- Buy Acivertised Things. 49c 49c 80c '.LOI'O1'1D0. Mrs. Herb. Graham is visiting her daughter in Toronto. Miss Georgie Roivc is visiting her sister in the city. __,I__n I_,.___ _.--.- - .....1.....`l.l..1 TDTODCO 13,513 WEEK. `. One rink of local curlers went to! Midland and brought home one or the` prizes. '1`u'n rinks of curlers went to the prlzes. Two rinks of curlers went Pookstown bonspiel and brought home the Earl Rowe Cup. { V17 D Q1r\an cnnnf. 1: {DR} dnv: '1 OYODLO. Miss C. I-Ierrington, Bradford. spent the week-end with Mrs. S. Todd. -___a .a-.....1.n.._.. ...\....l LKJU VVb\al\"\4A1\A lvavnn ovaouo you Mrs. Rylance and daught;-e;`:`;:vhol has been visiting her brother, Dr. Mc- Callum, left on Thursday. T`urn vinlzc nf (`.1H`1l=.Y`Q left to nlav uauum, Lem on uiumuuy. Two rinks of curlers left to play 1:1 the District Cup competition in Toronto. UVIVIII`-_Iv - - --____ _ __ &`+ .."" """` T ~--~~- nploylnent sm:e....,,,, 3053:: _ Feb. 11-Mrs. Walter Allan and riaughter Ruth spent a. few days in. Toronto last week. ! f\nn .-1nL- nf Irmnl nnrlnrn want f.n| me man rwwc Uup. ` W. B. Sloan spent 11 few days in I`m'onto. nu... rw r_'rmu-h-.n-nu `Rm:rH nr nnnhf. New Process- Evn Quicker Growth Stsrtling new discovery tested on thousands of chicks. Ingredients prepared in W.` I `i most digestible form so t . every unit of nourish- ment is turned into Gl'oWI. The Quickest Way to A Protable Hutu-iv & these famous Masha today `from _:4_____ _ PIP) `\- warcaronnvs cmcx HASH Pun Four This is not a Sensational Sale of a day or two but a Change-of-Business Sale that will continue until our object is attained ~ The stock reduced and the needed a Capital to hand. The reductions in prices are so pronounced that this will b e accomplished speedily. Come with the crowds and come early for best selection. Look for additional list next week of Clearing Lines. SARJEANT & KING LIMITED wool. DRESS GOODS $2.00 Flaudeline, 54 in. wide .. $1.29 $3.00 Fancy Skirting at . . . . . . . $1.95 $1.50 Fine Wool Crepe at . . . . .. 95 *" ..'..'..x:' ' P Lam and Earn \\ grtt tle rim J,` 0!` cc 1- i Za"i`;3E.' can [1 n WI;-in , Illo Bricklnymg And lastaring, Barber- igf and Benuty Culture ` nri. COATINGS AND SUITINGS Table of fine cloths that cost up to $4.00 per yard. On sale at . . . . . ._ . . . . . . 98c Plain and CoJrdezd. AT11 dn sale at one price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 200 yds. Be s{7="ui .......... .. 250 yds. Taffeta and Duchess Silk 100 yds. Silk Canton Crepe at . .. Cl-ilUR_C__HILL MILLINERY AND MILLINERY TRIMMINGS At Half Price To effect a Radical Change in the Firm we are Selling the Entire Stock at Clearing Prices. This means a saving of from 20gto 50 per cent. Don t miss it. ' __Sctn_e of This Week s Specials are -11:-4--. -_.- ._:-__:_-.__ $11.5 S_PEClALS VI-.'.l..VE'IflT5EN W 01'`! Be Prosperous and Happy 92.23 %.:`.:?.':: '*.:.'. vuumucnauu: wuuu 15 001111118 111 3110:!` hygegtegcral appearance or bust- Mr. Greenfield" or Barrie is busy with hluawing machine cutting wood. VBJU {EDD WUUIS. Jos. Todd or Gilford and Mr. Chap- in or Allandale were guests qt Rev. Dr; legdds last week. `Wanna 'nJ~I-nnplnpl I-I... l'o_--..a._. us. uuuua Luau `W685. J. D. Knapp attended. the County Orange meeting at Collingwood a week 330. Business is picking up lately. ' Considerable wood is coming in th annnrnl nnnnnunnna Al luunl John I-Iuth of eunrjigle visited Mr. Roe last week. Robt. Storey visited friends at Elm- vale last week. `An VTVAAA AI I'1l1lA_A -...I ID_ 4-n__,, sue: a aupguy UL wuuu ouese uays. At time of writing the weather con- tinues to be real cold and frosty. or course we don't mind the cold weath- er so much when the roads aren t drifted full and blacked. This part of the country hasn't suffered block- ed roads this year and that is some- thing to be thankful for. usuuy. Much sympathy from this commun- ity is extended to Mrs. John John- ston and family of Painswlck in their recent sad bereavement. 'Nfnnvv'I1v nvvnruvnna can-an &A I... -- cuu Wllvll D:1'1'1U .l1'.lUI1U.5. Fred v Miles and Miss Edna Miles visited with friends in Midhurst dur- ing the week-end. A nnrnhnr nf nnnnh: -Fmvu-n `Inna; at-_ 1115 DIN: WCU'UXlU- A number of people from here at- tended the play Safety First held at Mlnesing last Friday night. WISE ('4-rm`-.9 Rnntnn nyhn in uni-11. Lvuucmug sash r'uua.y mgnu. I Miss Grace Beeton, who is very sick with rheumatic fever at time of writing, was removed to Barrie on Saturday. '|\Il'nnh un-nnni-hu Fm-um Maia nnvunuunuuvn IUUCLIU nuu UUIUEVUIIICIID. Nearly everyone seems to be ex- tremely busy getting home his sum- mer's supply of wood these days. At time of writina tho \x1An,f.hnr mm- WCH. DIJCULHJ IHCLLDIULI GLIULLLLI UC ll1t1:Lll'J| of the player who took the part of Mrs. Briggs. It was a. heavy role and she did it fine. Everyone was well pleased with the play. ULLU LLLIIUDCL . John Lennox of Painswick and "his son Lyle of New Ontario visited friends here over the week-end. `D `D Av0v\r\1:I 1nnl- l\ u.-.1u..I.d.. AA... Mrs. Isaac Graves spent the week- end with Barrie friends. 'l|m:n'l.1Url'Ine and Mn.-.-. ma..- an-:1-.. {ACLU UVCI D116 wccxs-cuu. F. R. Arnold lost a valuable cow last week. I./U11 U11 onuuxuuy tu.l.UL'l1UUll. A meeting was held in the hall on Wednesday night to make arrange- ments for an Old Boys Reunion, July 1st. Some committees were named to get the opinion of the community on the matter. . Yak Tnuunnu at 1'h.J........l.J- ....A La. CHAD. Mrs. Wilfred I-Iatton received a. wire on Monday that her aunt, Mrs. E11 Smith of Hamilton, had passed: away. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Tena Gibson of Egbert and was well known in this community. Mrs. T. Carruthers passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. |B. Lyons In her eighty-sixth year. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon to the Presbytzerian church and ceme- tery. War} `Pair! rnnf-nvnd fn Wvnnfnn Earl Reid motored to Freeton, Hamilton, Toronto and Barrie for the week-end, calling on friends. A nun-I-unvs Fr\v-vs knun n6-I-nndn.-I 4-kn UCJ. y. I |.`11C \V\7C1\'U1l\.1, DQ111115 U11 u.u:uu.a. U A number from here attended the funeral of Miss McCarthy at Thorn- ton on Saturday afternoon. A vnnnHno* um: hnhi in fhn `hall nn . UJILLJ DU .LU.lUU.laU IZLDIJ WCCIS. The Ivy and Thornton Farmers [Stock and Grain Co. held their an- nual meeting in the hall, February 6 {with a good attendance. Everything seems to be progressing satisfactorily. rr1I.._ t\......,......__....-v.. AL 1"I'....... 4.. LL- } Feb. 12-Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arn- .old spent a few days with Toronto ifriends last week. 1`l1nn'l-nv 1\Ifn`s+iv\ rnnrin o kn:-inn:-e iu'u:uua Luau wccxx. Wesley Martin made 5 trip to Toronto last week. 1 `Thu Tvv and '1"`hm*nf.r E96 MASH M I'll) )'UhJ' LI I_-_-Al--L- G -6 -.LlgL .....v..-.. .... _. r.........._.. ._..--__..v_----_,. The Orangemexrs At Home in the hall on Friday evening was not as well attended as usual. th night be- ing stormy and roads not good for cars. `nlfun 1l N14`un;-`I `LT.-xl unnrdnpxd n EDENVALE I `KY9 . 95 . 95 UNDERWEAR ALL R3503`; Table of Boys Shirts and Drawers 1 Girls Underwear at . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ladies Vests, special . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Ladies Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ladies Bloomers . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 HI 2% 40 pairs at . . . . . .. 35 pairs at . . . . . .. 5 doz. Brassieres at 250 BEAUTIFUL SILK AND WOOL DRESSES ON SALE 50 Dresses at each . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.95 50 Dresses atoeach . . . .- . . . . . . . $9.95 Balance reduced from 20 to 50 per cent. 2000 Yards ofmL;ces- and Trimmings ` On Sale 10 per dozen CORSETS ANDi/CORSELETTE SPECIALS ....2_... -1. --- ------ ----v v-- ---a- 28 ingredients, 6 of which All animal prot.ein-meat. Ilh, blood. bone. milk und buttermilk. Better fertility -- hwcr dead-in-the-shell inks. ' a business UU UUWLL lll WCCK. Miss Dorothy Buchanan spent the week-end in Collingwood. V Mrs. James Graham is very low at time or writing. Ed. Rawn has bought Charles Ma- Gee's farm on the second line or Not- tawasaga. Rev. John Gibson or Eillsduio oc- IJUIVIU VVUUU UI IT: to town last week. `Khan 1`I|vI1'\I|vI Du Feb. 11-Edgar Jackman of Cold- water and Mrs. Crawford of Mines- lng are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. En. J. Jackman and other friends in `I711, 111 an muuuuus U1 one WOIIK. The annual meeting of the Adult Bible Class was held on February 6, at the home of Mr. Ross. Every mem- ber present felt that a, very benefi- cial year had just closed and resolv- ed to be more faithful to the class in the coming, year. At the close of the meeting a social hour was spent and refreshments were served. u-_-..---.u u-4..-4 auaavaa wan: HG 161: The regular monthly meeting of the United Ladies Aid and W.M.S. was held on Wednsday at the home of Mrs. T. E. Ross with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Mccuaig, who were delegates to the Presbyter- lal held in Alliston, reported evidences of wonderful progress during the year in all branches of the work. 'T'hn annual wmal-Inn .-.1 M... A.1..u. ---..- ---v-- -y...u.vu.. oA4 uauuvvg bl-Elle The Young People's Society of Guthrie charge held their regular meeting on Monday evening. Much interest is being shown by the young people in these meetings. On Feb. 25 a. Burns Night, with Scottish pro- gramme and lunch will be held. R..- ..-_...1_.. .__-A.L .1 ` an U115 UIIUIUII. A number of the members of Guth- rie Unlted choir with Rev. Robt. Mc- Roberts motored to Toronto on Sat- urday to enjoy the annual Mendels- sohn choir festival in Massey Hall. Thu \7nn...... 'n......1..o... n-_.|_:.._ -5 ICLLIIULL5 out: Ulu ycupic. ' A large number of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter gathered at their home on Friday to spend a social hour ere they took their departure for their new home in Bradford. During the course of the evening Mr. Carter was presented with a chair, Mrs. Carter with a lamp and Laurine with a watch. In the speeches which followed quite a num- ber of the community took occasion to extol the many virtues of these ! worthy people and to wish them every success in their new home. Bradford, Cookstown and Beeton contributed quite a number to the assembly but the threat of a blow of the newly fall- en snow and a consequent tie-up of auto traffic kept Alliston and Barrie friends away. The women's Day of Prayer in! connection with the W.M.S. will be observed on February 15, at 3 o clock [at the church. ` A niuwnknw AC J-`Ian nu...-u..|........ -1 fI..L1_ AIAIVI we-cu uv-..._,u..- - u. - av... w----'. Howard Allan and his sister, Mrs. 8. Todd, spent a few days in Toronto. Hart. Thomas was in Toronto on Monday. . T'hn nhau 1\/I'M: `Rrirrrrc n`? the `DnnL. IJULGLIU LVLUIJUK DU. The butcher shop and dwelling be- longing to Jos. Foster was put up at auction on Saturday but the reserve bid not having been reached it was not sold. E. A. Watson and Mrs. Shewan left on Friday intending to visit New York City. From there they will con- tinue their journey to Bermuda for a few weeks` holidays. `Prnviincr cvlitnhln urnafhnr nnvu-H- (L LCVV WCCK`sC| 1lU.l.l(.ldayD. Providing suitable weather condi- tions prevail quite a number intend to join their city friends in the fourth annual Old Boys` Reunion to be held in the Brown Betty Tea Rooms on Friday, 15th. Thu rnnhnhnvc n-F 4-1-an Tn:-vlnu nu.-I 1.` .1 xuay , xuuu. The members of the Junior and Senior Institutes paid their annual visit to the House of Refuge on Tues- day taking with them treats of orang- es and candy which they distributed among the old people. ! A lnrmza `hnh1hn1' nf nniahhmnu and U11 VV cuxrcauuy. A Pancake Social was held in the rectory on Monday evening. Miss B. Johnson of Tottenham is having a few holidays at the home of her father, Jas. Johnson. Elwell McKay and H. Bannerman attended the funeral of a relative, Wm. Bannerman, in Toronto on Tues- Auvv uaay. Duncan Mc`Arthur : don are spending th onto attending a.-cou Durant Motor Co. "Finn kn!-nlanu nln.-an . VV uh day. `Pm UWIL David Wood of Rob Roy : a town last maple Wm. Phillips Wednesday. A Sc -:6-nun: Iuvu "Ann . BOND HEAD xvxuuuuy. The play, Mrs. Briggs of the Poul- try Yard," given by the young people of Bond Head in the Orange Hall, was well attended. The play had a good moral and all took their parts well. Special mention should be made! nf rhn nlavnr mhn fnnlr fhn nun-I" nf STAYNER GUTHRIE .rthur and Arnold Bree- ling this week in Tor- a.-course given by the n was a visitor in town moved in- ' 25c 65c 49c 75c 79c 79c 25c 39c 01.. ......_ `\\. _` a ._ __- `-._ din rn A\nun'\J\.onA\lAV \J.l EV IV $2.00 Mercury nd Welldrest at . . $1.60 $1.50 Mercury and Welldrest at . . $1.20 $1.00 Mercury and Welldrest at .. 80c This includes Silk,` Silk and Wool and Fancy Hose. ALL OUR BEST HOSIERY ON SALE AT A REDUCTION OF 20% din l\I\ ll ----__.__ Q` 4- U CAN `ANN Ei to $10` FIR DAY

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