Ill HUI! CllJUyUUo So far 184 cars of ice have been har- vested by the O.N.R. The biggest day was Monday, Feb. 11, when 42 cars were shipped. To Cepreol 1,020 tons have been sent, 4,710 tons to Daven- port. When 15,000 tons have been shipped to Davenport. Meaford, Col- lingwood. Penetang. Fort Erie, Mim- ico, Midland, Blackwater Junction, Madawaska. Parry Sound. Sudbury and Allandale will be taken care of. The ice is 14 inches thick and of good quality. Working conditions are excel- lent. much better than last year. A- bout 70 men are engaged. As we are POSITIVELY going out of business, every coai` R is marked to make it sell. If you do not want one for this year, buy one for next year, and save 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. MILNE & SONS Mus! be Sold lo Clear Out Our Stock coma our 0? BUSINESS SALE :7: 70 Men s and T 40 Boys Overcoats OVERCOATS ---v V------ -v---- -- --- ------- | .--- - `ran -.a..\rn`n.o-A unam- i A special feature of the program `was a dedication service and presen- _ itation of certificates to those who; A_redl1Ct10Y1 in the C108 ""u1aLi0H 03 [wrote the test`, examination in the1B?.l`I`1e is in order, in fact it is (.`.`,-5;. nr training classes. Thirty-seven members tial to the peace of mind of citizens. ireceived these from Rev. E. Thomas,!Chief of Police Stewart called at Tm [dean of the schoo1_ . [Examiner oice this morning 1,0 say. |The practice of dogs chasing cars up "-"""`j-"*`:"l and down the front street is pamcu- ilarly annoying and there are many complaints, he said. The worst offend- ers are going to be destroyed forthwith, Y__L __-__. -I-u_._._:.y_ _x__, .,... I I I E a ' is bent so the tree grows. It behooves 5 ` all to do their part in the training of i the youth and of our land. _.._-_--1 __A____.- _4- LL. ___._-._.-.__ 3 ;DREAME&'ND 4 MEN.-TUES.-WED. MISS COLLINS, Allandale 'der s Szmibuilt. Reg. L00, for .. $176.00 :1` Suites~in Mohair French Velours, from MUST GO Last year Bar;'ie s dog populatior; increased by nearly forty. There arr- almost twice as many dogs in Barri; as there are in Orillia, with a slightly ` larger population. I--- ..__ ..-_-a ., ..- ..-....-.,_, .. ... ..-.V DOG POPULATION DUE FOR DECREASE Thursday, Feruai-y 14, 1929 1---.-g-&.\. FiI_1`al%lea'rance of_ %F;eb[uz_1y _Sale Regardless of cost, we are clearing the follhwingz COATS-1 doz. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $5.00 each COATS-fur-trimmed, 1 doz. at . . . . . .. $17.95 each DRESSES--2 doz. Jersey and others at . . . . $2.98 each DRESSES-2 doz. Crepe, reg. $25.00 for $11.50 each Porch Dresses, Hoover Aprons and Middies, LJn+o Q1 on -_-I. I U; I Lalvuuuu Anuuvvl lDlJ|\Jll\J uuu JVIIMMJUU, "Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.29 each Hosiery Odds and Underwear Odds . . . . . . 2 for $1.29 BEDROOM suns, Walnut nish, exactly as shown, dln All WELL-FILLED ROLL EDGE FELT MAT TRESSE Reg. $37.00 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 DINING SUITE, Genuine Walnut, Reg.SI95.()0, for . . . . . .. $145.00 - Other Suitcs from $69.00 up. D---_- `v.-5---- ya vvvv-Cu vuvuvvwagi On Friday, Feb. 8, L.O.B.A. No. 551, Allandale, held a very successful euchre in the Orange Hall. First prize for ladies was won by Mrs. P. Bowen while the gentleman's was taken by E. Munro: consolation prize for ladies, by Mrs. E. Cheesman; for gentlemen, by Chas. Chapman. A special moving prize was won by Mrs.` Alex. Fraser and S. Plaxton. The evening was much enjoyed. Qn far `IRA nnrn nf inn ham: hnnn has-- uulc. l The hearts of the people or this community were deeply touched by the death on Sunday at Palnswlck or Jno. '1`. Johnston after a long illness. Mr.l Johnston was a resident of this com- munlty for most of his life, leaving here two years ago to keep store at Palnswlck. He had a host of friends` here whose sympathy is extended to= the bereaved family. J Examiner Classifieds bring prompt results. I hlnm Wcujau-zns BRING "._"'5 P.`""5 H1 LUFUHIIU. Geo. Watt has returned to his home hiere after several weeks stay in Bar- r e. "I"kn Dnunl `Danni 'u:IaIIa Innlrl n m'i`he Royal Road Builders held a Valentine social in the Orange Hall. glonday evening, and report a good me. fkn `\t\nIn`ll nl `Tan v\AAIn`A AI bl-In 1V1I'5. Luuyu LJIVHIKEDUII. ` Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnston upon the arrival of a ne baby boy last Friday. nnumv Wilsnn 1: anttlna his nhnn- 1161 U1 xurmeras In D1115 GCUHUXI. Mrs. J. Chappel spent the week-end in Toronto. an `X7544 has oval-n-nun:-I On his `I-`Anna PRINTED LINOLEUM- Large assortment.` Reg. $1, for . . . . . .` . . . . 79 per yd. CONGOLEUM and_LINO-_ LEUM RUGS 20/9 OE. `RUGS and Floor Coverings Greatly Reduced V Geo. Thompklns of Toronto is visit- ing his parents here.` `Inn 'AIn`t`v\n l'C|nrv|Innou`nv|;I Kan Two -;'1;xl-e-co! th; ate Curling club skipped by 8. Meredith and Hunter. Kennedy. did well at - the Midland 'sp1e1 last week, running one-, two in the Burke Cup com t!t1on.u "Pkg flnnmulv 1-Inlr dnfmritntl t a mu! LVLIMJHM D I05 Iwv "vamp nuooooooog was 1nuth'e t!t1on.I The Kenned rink defaulted t a final? .0. ll`! `lawn Is this hnlna thn fnlnvthl LUFUIIDU SHED W665. Miss Ruth Livingston, nurse in Western Hospital, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston. r'.nnm-n1-.u1n.Hnnn in Mr, and Mrs, 11118 Dy DU) WEED rnuuy. Oliver Wilson is getting his chop- ping mill in action again to the re- lief of farmers in this section. lms `I knnnnl crustal I-Inn IIvanIr_nnrI Mrs. John-McLean agnloyd John- ston are suffering. from severe attacks or rheumatism. 1 1!? `I Av-wuehnnnn annn 1: Cam (Inn: in ' UL rucuzuuuaul. W. J. Armstrong spent a. few days in Toronto last week. `Mum Dnfh `l'.lul-nan!-nu nurse in `rue nenneu THIS Q5151-IHIEQ D116 sums` to Mr. Mere th. this being the tourthl consecutive time he has won this trophy. The prizes for both the win- ners and runners-up were the same. so that eight Barrie curlers, or rather their wives, are now the proud ms- sessors of beautiful Hudson Bay b - kets. Mr. Kenne 's rink was corn-I ed of O. H. Bee by, vice, J. O. scy- hes and Harry Hook. On Mr. Mere- dith's rink was "Doc" Simon. vice, Matt. Robertson and Arthur Wo1ten- Ilnn LVLUIIM den. MIESIN(_i_ Oil Inn! pllnvbovv paw.`-u Mrs. Jenkins. Cumberland St., has - afulger guest her rather, from Orange- v . Harold Ridden or Gravenhurst spent Sunday here with his brother, Clar- ence. Mrs. W. D. Little or Gravenhurst is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brunton. cm... A II _ _ _ _ . _ A _. -._.I .I_--..I.A.-_ IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS, YOU WOULD BE WELL REPAID TO TAKE AD- VANTAGE OF THIS SALE. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE VALUES J3- ._." HAVE TO OFFER. COME INAND LOOK OVER THE STOCK, AS THERE ARE A GREAT MANY OTHER REAL BARGAINS. ....v`\ EVERYTHING GREATLY REDUCED iv 0f the OEEEI For the uvuuyuyu uv yuanutull an Duxuuua 5&1" age. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hickling of Al- lenwood were called to Hamilton on Monday owing to the illness of their daughter, Miss Mae Hickling, who was operated on for goitre. An illustrated lecture on the uses of trees and shrubs will be given by Mr. Moore of the Dept. of Agriculture in Elmvale,March 27. under the aus- pices of the horticultural society. Thu 'IIl\`l'\ T Ana-sun A0 at. '..I...I.. `.---.. V- v-nu! ..u.v-vuuvunuu uvvauugc The Junior League of St. John's Church met on Friday evening under the Missionary Dept. with Marguerite Terry in the chair. Mrs. White, onel you cuuo Mrs. `Annie Bannerman returned to Guelph on Saturday after a. cou- ple of weeks with her sister. Mrs. 0. IE. Dutcher, . Tnnnv 'E11.._.l.... AL vn1_____-1, -- I l. JJHUULIUI. . Trew-Fleming--At Elmvale, Feb.` 9, 1929, by Rev. W. C. Stubbs, Edward" McDermott Trew of Orr Lake to Mar- garet Jean Fleming of Vasey. MT. 93'! Mr: 'T`hnc `Dnk nvu-I gcucu ucuu rxcuilxig U1 vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson and family of Waverley moved into town on Tuesday, where Mr. Robinson has accepted a position at Burton's gar- age. vuvuv . and A. E. Fleetham have returned from a two-weeks visit in Oaledon East and Hamilton. s.o.z:. meet Tuesday. Feb. 19, at 8 .m. in Trainmen s Hall. Business will e tollowed by a euchre party. Joseph Pratt, who has been ill in General Hospital, Toronto, and who successfully underwent an operation ior appendicitis recently, is making good progress toward recovery. ' l\.. uid-.. `DIAL n V r\'ls A 11. 221 UUUL BU. Miss Helen Adams and Miss Mary Sparling of Collingwood spent the week-end at the home of the` formers parents. `|\A'v-c Annln 'l::.n.u...\.......... .....|.......-.1 uI\7I?ls M. Scott of Penetang was the guest of Mrs. T. R. Mccaw while in town attending the teacher training course. `Irina `r_'I'..1..... A.1-..-_ _.-_'I --I-~ -- vuuw.uu.u. AU]: :1. .l.U1'bI1` Mrs. Wm, Moffatt last week after a few M daughter at Niagara I NH` lilhrl Mr: `D 1?` vwasausauna. LUI at LUL 01115110. returned home weeks with her Falls. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Player enjoyed .a few days in Toronto last week and jattended the Mendelssohn choir con- certs, GIIVVCLI certs. I Illa. lxsacuun Lu LU.l.'U1.ll:U. Mrs. R. M. Markham of Toronto is at the home of her aunt, Mrs. H. Carnahan. for a fortnight. Mrs. Wm T\/|'nffnH'. rnhnvnnri hnwu: 1. xuuu usutucry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roe of Barrie spent a few days in town at the home of W. J.t1'VIcGu1re. `Eva I`:-Iununluinounn 1...... ..-L.-....-_9 I & VV- 0. :.vLuuuu'c. Mrs. H. Carnahan has returned home after a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto. lung 13 1|: mr....1.1........ ..n m-..-..;.- 1- one wUt:IS'C11(.l. Mrs. A. Robinson of Goldwater was a week-end guest or her sister, Mrs. E. Montgomery. MY`, Rh!` MYQ (Inn Dnn AC 'Dnvmn{a NH -310 up: vvnn Mrs. H. 'A. Rosevear and daughter Lenora. have returned to their home in Miles, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Toronto giant over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. . W. Dobson. 11.. _..J at... A In 'lII--A.I.-... l_---- : Ed. Campbell enjoyed the week-end 1 in Toronto. I `Xian III,` Ir{nCn:i Cudnna In Tau, I ul ul Ul'Ull|lUu `I Wm. I-I111 visited friends in Tor- `ongo lngst week. . (`run-tau {Q oin (in HA nnI- nnnln VIC- Mrs. Bannister or Waverley was the guest of Mrs. W. S. Manning tor a` few days. Miss Irene Crone was the guest of Miss Dorcas Houden, Allenwood, over the week-end. ` Ilua A `nnI.uI......... -1 tu-I.1_--a.-_. ____ UHVU {U190 W555- A. '1`. cooper is able to be out again after his long illness. Mrs. .103. Drysdale enjoyed last week with friends in Toronto. `fun E! f` Clnknm annn A nauIun`A AC wccxs-cuu W101; uwcuua 111 LVHQIHHU. Mrs. G. French has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto. 11.. l~I.-II___II -1 Jn___I_-__ _.1_xL-,c Ln WUUUn Grant Ansdell or Guthrie spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. D. G. Ha/rvie. `Ila: `amed.-I--.. -0 !!1.-.-..1-.. __-_ LL- WCU5 Wlhu .l.l.'lUHu Lu .lUIUlIU- Mrs. F. 0. Bishop spent a couple or `days with her mother in Barrie. `Align Wlnrnnnn llnnnlna nrlnun flu: uuya wwu LICK IIIUIILIGII III 553113: Miss Florence Manning enjoyed the` Iweek-end with friends in Midland. | `Ir: fl hvnnh has 1-Al-nwnnol In-unsung wvuvwn v - .a a - . nag . vo voouvs Mr. S'l;e'l-1-w;ve11-or".C'oo-iulson visited his uncle, David Beardsall, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGuire and Donald spent a few days in Toronto. Miss Vera. Clute of Wyevale was the guest or Mrs. P`. 0. Bishop on Satur- ay. Miss Inez Hickling of Coulson spent the week-end at her home at Allen- nmnd wood. flwn` guiimiiiiulmamg "129 Dunlap St. A. E. SMITH YOUR USED FURNITURE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT (TERMS ARRANGED, IF DESIRED) FLOOR LAMPS and Shades -Many beautiful shades and designs to choose from at greatly reduced prices. wuawcx , auu J.Vu.'5. ouuuus gave a 5010. Mr. Boudreau said that he had never attended such an enthusiastic teacher training school. Such an au- dience was evidence that the bible is not out of date. Every phase of child life is being developed as never before. Today we are studying the mental, physical and spiritual li e of the child. RKIIYIQT urn-1 Tno `Duct-A:-n11 nnnn n uucu auu vv. :1. lvltucullll gave a SO10. Mrs. White traced the development of the Sunday School. Moses had the first and largest, the priests were tea- chers, it was the school of prophets. Next was the bible school of Hebrew, in Jerusalem. Synagogue school be- gan after the return from exile. `It is FUIIUDHIIE a Friday evening an open meeting was held in the Parish Hall, presided over by Rev. W. C. Stubbs who gave a short address expressing his appreciation of ' the officers of the school to the leach ers and to thosewho attended. NYE n1'fn c n-InruIr\ piscnvuuni-Inn.-I Jr-Ian illlililiillg` can auu uu ouubc wuu awerlueu. Mrs. White's group dramatized the hymn, We Plough the Fields and Scatter, and Mrs. Stubbs gave a solo. Mr `Rnndrnnn cnirl H-m+ `ha `hm-I puymutu uuu spulbuul 1118 OI L118 CD110. Muriel and Ina Beardsall sang a 'duet and W. A. Malcolm gave a solo. MFR `Kn`I'.n trannrl `H10 I-Invrdlnnvnnnf uuc auuucuub no but: supper nour. Representatives of Sunday Schools outside Elmvale were present from Waverley, Crossland, Allenwood and Penetang. Wrioir nvnhinn an nnan vnnnd-av... ....... lmuuuu, Uuuu1't:n 5 uivrsmn. The courses were well attended. There were some fifty-seven register- ed students, while others were pre- sent for part time. The meetings were held in United church on Wednesday, Presbyterian church on Thursday and the Parish Hall on Friday, each congregation providing a banquet for the students at the supper hour. '|? nf Qnnriav _Qn1'\nn1c {JUL W CLVCLI- ` Annual Sleigh-ride I ' The annual sleigh-ride and supper; for the members of St. John's Unitedi Sunday School was held on Monday. Assembling at the church at 5 pm.` four large sleighs were on hand and: took the party out into the country! for a couple of hours, coming backi to the church where, the ladies had; supper prepared and to which over: one hundred and ten sat down. All; enjoyed a sing-song after which ai lively time was spent by both big andi little in a series or games conducted; by Miss Crone and F. 0. Bishop, Supt. Teacher Training School ; A Teacher Training Course under- the auspices of the Township Sunday` School Association was carried on in Elmvale on February 6, 7 and 8, un- der the leadership of Rev. E. M. Boudreau of Bradford who took up the general course and Mrs. White of Brooklin the course on broad special- ization, children's division. ' 'T`hn nnl-Irena nvnvvn u1n1I .\6-4-n...A-..`l or the training school instructors, de-Z lighted the children with a story. : Wycliffe Chnrch Vestry `Meeting The annual vestry meeting was held in the Parish Hall on Monday, Feb.'_ 4, presided over by the Rector. The- usual reports were presented and ac; cepted, each showing a substantial. balance. Officers appointed for 1929 are as ro1lows:-Rector s Warden, Jas. ` Simpson; People's Warden, Harvey; Rowley; Treas., A. T. Cooper; Sides-3 men, Rex Manning and Jim Bell:' lay Delegate to Synod, Walter Row-I ey- 'Il nl1InnIa_`||llllIne- 1 A -.---_...- .... -- , ' .9. quiet but pretty wedding was` solemnized at the home of the bride's; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mi11er,i at Gibson on Tuesday, Feb. 5, when] their eldest daughter, Mina, was unit- ed in marriage to William James Mc- Ginnis, son of Geo. McGinnis of Flos. The bride was. attended by her| sister, Miss Ada Miner, and A1ex.: Ganton supported the groom. The` ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Thomas after which a wedding din- ner was served. I A-annual Elnlp-In -I41- McGinnis-Miller Also many other such reductions :lIili%%ii$%$%;l Window Shades standard size 75 Breakfast Suites from $32.00 up Phone 535 just one hundred and fifty years since the modern Sunday School was start- ed in London, England, by Roberti Raikes who hired teachers to teach. the little children. Six years later the; United States started Sunday School; Societies and teachers were paid who: taught the poor children. In 1872 the first uniform lessons were used. In` 1881 at the International Convention! in Toronto, the first home department | was organized. In 1893 graded lessonsi were introduced. Many changes have{ been made since then and many pro- blems still confront Sunday School workers. We find in many Christian: communities boys and girls who do! not attend Sunday School. It is said that Every child is a potential saint, , or a potential sinner. As the twig I triig r"viEe`;Ib1e crIa'ir's'; suitable for living-room, from . . . . . . . . . . $5.75 up E0ZnZsi>s Ei}ig (S`ett_ee-:, Chirs and Rocker, Table and Fern- ery. Reg. $60.00, for $42.00 Free Slip Cover with your Marshall Mattress this month 5-PIECE FIlPE_SUlT_ES_-- FIBRE CHAIRS - Qqod Take a Chance on our 50 Lucky Boxes at 85 (a box val- ued to $3.00) and win one of following prizes on exhibit in window: Silk Nightgown, Pearls, Luncheon Set, Hand- worked and Boudoir Cushion.