Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1929, p. 8

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ROOMS AND BOARD TENDERS WANTED FARMS FORiALE usu 1". DJ.v.I..I..Ln, V Architect, ' Midland. Onf LI UIXD` U 5-10p ICU.- In the Matter-`of `Seven-ino Didero of the Town of Bracebrldge, and in the Matter of the Bankruptcy Act`. Sealed tenders will be received ad- dressed to the Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, 302 Bay `Street, Toronto, and marked Tenders "re 8. Didero, up to 12 o clock noon of Fri- day, the 8th day of February, 1929, for the purchase of a dairy farm bus- iness comprising stock-_in-trade con- sisting of milk bottles, cases, truck, Waggon, 20 milch cows, 4 horses, hay, grain, feed, etc. The asmts being available for in- BABY CU'.|."1'1*.iK. Winn nuuu wuuucu. Must be in good condition. Phone 866J. 5b gram, Ieeu, etc. A . The assets being available for in- spection, the purchaser, whether or not he shall have inspected the same previous to the sale, shall be deemed to purchase with full notice of the condition thereof in all respects. A11 I-our-`lava rnncf. hn or-nnrnnnninri hv conumon unereur 111 an rcaycuva. All tenders must be accompanied by a marked cheque payable to The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Lim- ited, as Trustee, for 10% of the tender, which cheque will be returned if the tender is not accepted and forfeited if the tender is accepted and not completed by the purchaser. 'r'm-mg nf Rah: _1no7. nf nurnhnse compxeueu uy one puu:uu.a::r. Terms of Sale.-10% of purchase price payable with tender. The bal- -ance to be arranged. Thu hlahnel-. nr nnv tnndnr nnf. nan- 'a.nce DU 06 a.u.'a.ugcu. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. nthnr nnnditinns ghnfll he the stand- essaruy ECCBDBBQ. Other conditions shall be the stand- ing conditions of sale of the Supreme Court of Ontario as far as applicable. Further particulars as to assets, in- ventories and valuation may be had on application to the undersigned or R. M. Best, Solicitor, Bracebridge. , _L n--_____A.- t\_.L_..:- 1.1.3.. nnA.1.. a.v. ax. naval), uv aaaaa v., .-.wvv~--._... Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 28th. day of January, 1929. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED, 5b . 302 Bay Street, Toronto, _____L__ -2 1-4____..:_.- 15:4--- \J\J1VJ.l. (111 J. J.u.J.va.a. LEILJ, 5b Authorized Trustee of Severino Didero, HIS HONOUR JUDGE POWELL, _ Local Judge in Chambers Thursday. the 24th day" of January,` A.D. 1929 BETWEEN MARK ROGERS, Plaintiff, and O. W. QUANTZ, Defendant Upon. the Application of the Plain- tiff and on hearing the Solicitor for the Applicant and upon reading the Affidavit of Mark Rogers and John Roland Hett filed herein. 1 'r4- in m-Any-nrl that gnrvinp nnnn moiano. new iucu ucu-:u.i. 1. It is ordered that service upon the Defendant of the Writ of Sum- mons and Statement of Claim in this action by publishing this order, to- gether with the notice thereon endors- ed, in the next two consecutive weekly issues of The Barrie Examiner news- paper published in the Town of Bar- rie, County of Simcoe, be deemed good and sufficient service of said Writ and Statement of Claim. o Anrl-' ie rm-+.1~.m~ nrrinrpd that the FOWL WANTED-All kinds. Highest .....a....._- nnirl n T.pvH'. Phone 384 or Writ and EDEDBIIIBIII: 01 u1'd..uu. 2. And-it is further ordered that the . said Defendant do enter an Appear- : ance and file his Statement of De- ` fence to the said Writ of Summons in the Local Registrar's Office in the Court House at Parry Sound in the District of Parry Sound on or before . the 19th day of February, A.D. 1929. F. R. POWELL, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario at Parry Sound. Entered in Order Bk. F. '78, Jan. 24, 1929.--F. T. NOTICE The Plaintiff's claim is for Dam- ages for Breach of an Agreement dat- ed the 25th July, 1925, made between the Plaintiff and Defendant and for a Declaration thatby reason of the said Breach of Agreement the Plain- tiff is entitled to have the. Licenses mentioned in the said Agreement re- assigned to the Plaintiff by the Defen- dant or by such person as the Court rnou onhninf. fnr that. nnrnnse_ In the Supreme Coin-t of Ontario uanu U1` uy auuu pcsouu an nu. may appoint for that purpose. `:1 `I3 'l3f\1IY`II'|1 ,1 . of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Innisfil, in the Coun- ;ty of Simcoe. UNDER and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie, by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday ,February 16, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, the following lands and premises: rr-ha Qnui-.h..wp_ nuarter of lot num- WEEKS &v HETT, Parry Sound, 0nt., Qnr-H-.nrc for H DXIRY FARM` BUSINESS 1-`Ton sAu: BY TENDER lancts ano. premises; The South-west quarter of lot num- ber three (3) in the eleventh (11) concession of the said Township of Innisfil. 'Thn1-n ic coil-I tn hp erected on the Inmsm. There is said to be erected on the said lands a. good one and one-half storey concrete residence, and good horn Tho said lands are excellently storey concrete resmence, auu guuu barn. The said lands are excellently situated adjacent to Holly post office. Said property will be offered for sale subject to a. reserve bid. "l"nrrn!:' Tan ner cent. of the nur- sale sumecu B0 8. reserve mu. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. Wnrthnr nnrtimnlars will be made FUWL WAN J.uJ-`nu prices paid. H. Levit. write Box 542, Barrie. days tnerearter. A Further particulars will be known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon appli- cation to the undersigned. STEWART 85 STEWART, Solicitors for the Mortgagee, Barrie, Ont. ~n..a....1 1 ..... my 111 11100 4.3; In the Supreme Court of Ontario `NOT-ICET 01-` APPLICATION | 1-"on DIVORCE Dated January 19, 15.223 -:-1 NOTICE `IS HEREBY GIVEN that LAURA ANN NEYLAN of the Town of Midland- in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, Married- Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session there- of, for a. Bill of_ Divorce from her husband, Frederick Leopold `Leslie Neylan, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. nA-1'-1:!n at f.hn"'I"n1vn of Midland in 0l1U8.I`10, line grounu U1. l1u|.l.lbCL'y. DATED at the Town of Midland in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario, th1s'31st day of December, A.D. 1928. - V - MORTIMER CLARK. GRAY, BAIRD .9: l".A1X7"l"-'|`l')'R.'Nl'F!. Ul`(v'1'L1V1.liIKl ULMSIVIX, LXIVILL, J-lL1LLvaJ 8: CAWTI-IORNE, 425 Confederation Life Building, Toronto 2, Ontario solicitors for Applicant. 4-8b Order for Substitution of Service and Notice 1". 11:. ruvvnauu, Local Judge of th esupreme Court of Ontario at Parry Sound. 'ry tsounu, um.., Solicitors for the Plaintiff. 5-6 ._______.__._.____._______._..... LOST--Hound, brown, tan and white. Anyone having information of same, notify George Sheffield, Barrie RR. 1. 5p Beekist E-_I_oney ABTADV u ngvvnanva nxrrn MORTGAGE SALE j----w 7, , ,' APIAR` Y-99-9v . Quality Doubly Guaranteed Produced and Packed by 1:. 4-61) -6b -gm llllllllll inn- 3; Loom. News 14' aaaaaa M mmmm I011 barrle Automotive -nssocxauuu an meeting tomorrow to x dates or its annual motor show. Stanley Underhill has been invited to arrange for the draw at the big Toronto bonspiel next month. ' Barrie Thistle `Curling Club may send two rinks instead of one to the Toronto bonsplel which opens on Feb- ruary 18. _._'Nl'n 1 nntnfnna, Gnvm-nment in- ruary us. -No. 1 potatoes, Government in- . spected, 92,-lb. bag. We deliver to any part of the town for 80c bag. Barrie Fruit Market. John Saso 8: Sons. 5b At the iirst meeting of the 1929 Board of Managers oi. St. Andrew's, held last night, P. Love was elected chairman and Donald F. MacLaren. secretary. _ . -Intermediate' hockey, Wednesday. Feb. 6, at Manunoth Rink, Camp Bor- den vs. Stayner. This win be a real battle as itwill decide the winner of this group. Sp --Don t miss the play Safety First a a comedy-drama in three acts by Min- * esing young people in Orange Hall, Minesing, Friday, Feb. 8. Admission ` ago and am 5b _____________._________._.____.. LOST--Grey squirrel neckpiece, with grey feather flower. Reward on re- tttrning to Mrs. E. A. Wismer, 16 Blake S . 5b -?_- ucuu. John S1011 I!'OI!'1 me U.n.A. Barrie Badminton players defeated Orillia 16 games in 24 at the Armour- ies last Friday night. This is the rst time Barrie players have won since the inauguration of the game here. -mu.-- ..-...-_ ......... ..1....,.,1 1... +1, 111611 I45 ILL CIULIJLI UL Ill-IV: auaaonv Ol\lQ U Three games were played in the Town League last night. Mldhurst and Capitols played a. 2-all tie, Shoe Factory defeated Y.M.C.A. 2-1 and St. Vincent s beat `Bankers 3-2. ___ ___- u ,u,| .14- __--..L|.1-. IJIJ. V LALVDLAV D wuwv `EEIAAADUAH u The W.C.T.U. will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Misses F. and E. King, 13 Poyntz St-., on Monday. February 4, at 3 p.m. There is im- portant business to be transacted. , n _.._.._:..1 ........u..... .4` HM; `D-macshvfnrv pux UGLIIJ IJLIDLAIUDD |4\l v v. I-vnnnavuw - A special meeting of the Presbytery of Barrie has been called to meet at Allandale next Wednesday at 1.30 pm. to receive and issue a call from Duff- erin St. Church, Toronto, to Rev. J. B. Thomson. A.....+1..... ammIn'I- .Qun1.r'If. n-r-.-mcrps, '1.'n0II1SOI1. -Another special: Sunkist oranges, guaranteed sweet and juicy, reg. 40c, special 2 doz. 55c. New cabbage, 3 lbs. 25c. Fresh spinach, 2 lbs. 25c. For prompt delivery phone 341. John Sa- so & Sons. 5b -Ladies! Have your corsets or cor- selettes made to your individual mea- surements for solid comfort and per- fect health, or if you require a sur- gical garment or inner belt, phone or un-if-A Mfr: Amv Simmons. 76 Small glcal garment mner Dena, pnuut: u; write, Mrs. Amy Simmons, '76 Small St., Barrie, telephone 707. 5tfb ; x s - _ _ __ 1.1--.. - ....I'I1-2.... nun-dn annv Dunn, JJQL 1. Au, uvaupanvnav u v u - -_.~ -More than a. million people saw Rose-Marie on the stage and fty millions have heard the famous songs Indian Love Call and Rose-Marie from that stage production. Don't miss the picturization at New Dream- land, Feb. 4, 5 and 6. 5x ".4 ._.__:_1.. .n. 1-,: 1-; 4-1.... Q50:-A\A, -vw 4., v u-.-- V -Week.-end speciale at F. D. Cari- cil1a's fruit store: Oranges, juicy and sweet, 2 doz. for 25c; large grapefruit, -4 for 25c; pineapple oranges, juicy and sweet, 50c doz.; head lettuce, 10c each; spinach, 2 lbs. for 250; celery hearts from Bradford, 20c a bunch. Phone 130 for service and quality. 5b LI- - 91-_..lL-.I Barrie Automtitlve Association `is nnnunn barn.-nu-nun n v rlafna nf ifs LOST--Bank of Commerce savings pass book with some money enclosed. Finder please leave at Examiner Of- fice and receive reward. 5b 1 LIIULIW J-UU JUL DULVIUU 5IlI\n \1In|.c-~v_,u Simcoe Presbytery of the United Church will meet in Burton Ave. Church, Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 10 a.m. A heavy docket of business is anticl- pated including the consideration of the new church hymnal. It is antici- pated that a special meeting will be necessary to nally report on this im- portant matter. 'l'I44 _ ..A-__- An I! A T 1!! f`I'I1.-;...a-unnpugghu pun yum; u Annuvvvvn By a score of 11-9 J. E. Thompson's rink won from that 01 Dr. W. A. Lew- is last night in a special competition between the two rinks with the high- est L scores (outside prize winners) in this week's bonspiel. These rinks were tied with 59 points each. The prize was 4 gallons of oil donated by Hugh Plowman of Canadian Oil Co. A.AvvInLA|uv4AA up vwnowununn `run ww- A successful reunion of the girls who attended Beausoliel Island Camp last summer was held in Barrie over the week-end with Saturday and Sunday sessions at Collier St. Church. Thir- ty-flve out-of-town visitors were pre- sent, including Misses Lilllas Brown of Brantford, Rae Abernethy of Wes- ton, Helen Robertson of Guelph and Isabel Hyslop of Orillia, leaders in the C.G.I.T. movement. 1 ,, _u,,,_, an... .\.a ... .n. . nanv v uaauaonva There was a large attendance Tues- day and Wednesday at St. Mary s Par- ish Hall to see the presentation of the play The Will 0 the Wisp by local amateur players. The cast did them- selves credit and the play was thor- oughly enjoyed. Those taking part were Mary Desjardine, Anthony Saso, Eric Murphy, Edna Perry, Frank Mc- Innis, Gilbert Carpenter, William Hip- kin, Gladys Raymond, Charles Don- nelly and Norman Osborne. A dance was held on Wednesday after the play. Lu1u5 onto. `I ;-.4- ran unm: txaumun 011130. Jas. Gilchrist has returned to Bat- tleford, Sa.sk., after a. few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Fred Crawford, and otger relatives here. A non `I-mg nnnh I-n manna-I unmn 0151181` relauves nere. _ F. A. Bell has gone to spend some time with his son, Dr. Bell, at Sioux Logkout. ......... n.}..-....c.-ma NP "l"nvI}\v|+n Ia manna- ` . Jan. 29-Mrs. Ro1)_t:c'rawford is vis- itir+1g her daughter, Mrs. Davis; Tor- LJOOKOUU. . ., Percy-Crawford of Toronto is spend- ing a. few days with Wes. Crawford. Tlnnnl 1\lI'n(`.nn.`Ig` of Saskatchewan _______.__.______.___.:...._ BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE IN VIL- LAGE OF STROUD. Apply to S. H. `D..n1nu Qfu-rulri 5-61`) mg 3 ICW uays wwu Wes. uzuwxuxu. , Donald Mccuaig of Saskatchewan is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Arthur. in ... AL; `EV `MI anArHnnI- nf Want Arnnur. Mrs. Alex. E. MacArthur of West Oro spent a. few days with her brother, Oliver Ross. \ T uzu opcuu a. 4 The old_ and reliable rm of Sar- jeant & King, Limited, are re-organ- izing. After twenty years as Manag- ing Director, A. J. Sarjeant is retir- ing from this office and as the plans for this change in merchandizing and management require ready cash, the rm are having a sale, starting Tues- day, February 12, which will be of most gigantic proportions. $20,000 must be raised to consummate this re-organization and entirely regardless of prot their entire stock of high- class merchandise will be placed on sale, February; 12, at reductions from 20 to 50%. The store will be closed Monday, February 11`, to complete ar- rangements and details of this big sale will be given in their advertise- .._....L .......4. ....mb` 5|, 0. 1. Dnlitimssg rscuucuu A. 1". A. MALOOMBON, .Sec y. Barr1e,Jan. 31. 1929. _ - 5b azuc wan VG gnvuu ment next week. lAVA` I15-Ina gt.-a--on The `forty-fourth annual `rheetlng of the shareholders of the West Riding Simcoe Agricultural Joint Stock Co. Ltd., willbe held 1n.'the_Pol1ce Court hninhnrn ,"l`nmr| nf `Rm-1-la- Tuesdav. Uuuluucns, Luwu UL Dunc, lFebrua.ry 5, 1929, at 2 pm. C 19 K RE-ORGANIZATION Lanun. Ur |Z).l.I\ Broley, Stroud. oao STATION ANNUAL MEETING I`, Preslden mnu nnfv Miss Mary McCartney and J. W. Thompson are on the sick list. Mrs. Nixon or Cookstown visited her cousin, Mrs. Brown, last week. - Miss Mary` Ward returned home from the R. V. Hospital on Monday. Q1! Judo : w A must rm Tupsdav IIOID. 15116 2%. V. IIOSDIIBEI 011 muuuny. St. Jude's W. A. meet on Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 5, at Mrs. W. A. Jam- 1eson s. Mrs. Gordon of Barrie visited her sisters- Mrs. W. D. Henry and Mrs. msbcra, J.Vu.`a. W. U. nous; nuu nun. Lucas. last week. Mrs. Jas. sproule went to Parry Sound on Friday to visit her daugh- ter," Mrs. W. Wilson. Mrs. Robt. Gilpin fell in her room last Wednesday morning sustaining a fracture of the left leg. `Eh-on]? Tnnnnv `I -Tnhnrf. and nlnrice sq Iracuure 01 tile 1.810 leg. Frank Lennox, Hubert and Olarice McKenzie oi. Toronto . spent Sunday at their respective homes. . * The Woman's Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Maiel on Wed- nesdayl afternoon at 2.30. "I"!-so TTT fnrm nf nnntinuntinn School _______._____._._.._...__...___ FOR SALE OR RENT-112 acres (17 bush), at Dalston, Vespra, concession 1. Possession April 1. Apply Mrs. H. Drury, 10 Pequegnat, Kitchener. 4p nesua-y\ anzernoon B1 : 2.60. The III form of Continuation School put on their play The Three Pegs in. Stroud on Thursday night. Al! fhn annual vnafm-v.1-nnnf.h'1a nf St. msroua on Inursuay mguu. _ At the annual Vestry -meeting of st. Jude's Church the following oicers were re-elected: People's Warden, Ne- ville Jamleson; Rector sAWarden, Geo. McDonald; Senior Sidesmen, Miller Jennett, Harry Adams; Junior Sides- rnnn hrlc `Run-rag Jr `Franklin Stew- uennew, narry nuuuw, uuxuul. unacc- men, Chris. Burns, Jr., Franklin Stew- art; Advisory Committee, W. H. Mar- tin, Jos. Bowman, Jas. A. Jaxnieson; Auditors, J. D. Stewart; Miller Jen- : AH- DEM). Trinity W. M. S. met at the par- sonage on Wednesday afternoon with twelve members present. A very in- teresting half_-`hour was spent with the questionnaire on the annual report taken by Mesdames Thompson, Boake, Mccormack, Jamieson and Wigle. Mrs. West took the chapter in the Study Book. The treasurers `report showed that the amount of money raised by the Auxiliary last year was $170.00. Delegates were also appoint- ed to attend the Presbyterial confer- ence in Alliston on the 30th and 31st Jan!- txuuu ` nett. ffiul CLAUC inst. f'I'|ln 111813. The community was shocked on Wednesday when news of the death of Rev. G. I. Craw was received here. Rev. Mr. Craw resided here for thir- teen years having charge of the Ivy. Townline and Baxter charges and while here he made many friends not only in his own church but among the people in general. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mrs. Craw (who before her marriage was Miss Mary Henry of this place) and to the three sons. A large num-' ber from here attended the funeral in Barrie on Friday. Trinity Congregational Meeting On Friday evening the basement of the above church was comfortably ll- ed by `the members and adherents of `Trinity and Egbert churches. A cold meat supper was provided by the `ladies and after all had done justice to the supper the tables were cleared away. The meeting was called to order with the Rev. Mr. Mccormack in the chair. T Encouraging reports were received from all the organizations of the . church. The pastor was voted an in- . crease in salary. Thornton male quar- ; tette was present and rendered several selections which were much enjoyed as was also the reading The Telephone , Romance by Miss Genevieve Jamie- .1601! ij` T VV I` Mrs. Roy Coleman is visiting friends in Snelburne. r\.....n1.. cw.-1.. "I541-ad -in foal-nn num- aay to resume 1115 won: 111 ucuunu. Born:-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert G11- roy, on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1929, a son. Mrs. R. E. P. Coleman had the mis- fortune to fall last week and injure her Ln al- Ill DILULIJUIIIC. Orville Smith visited in Weston over the week-end. Mr... .-.-..A 'I\/I've `M?-Invnhu nf `Ray-tar FOR S`ALE-so1id brick store, 15 by 46 feet, plate glass front; very central location, used as a harness store. This property is offered for sale, with or without the harness business. Apply to M. J. Lawson, Elmvale, Ont. 5p '5' '5` 'A` `n' -- ' - - - - _ _ _ _ _. , One cent a word, cash, each insertion. (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions for the price of four. 10c extra when ..m..-.m-:- mm Inn extra when renhes Hle ween:-enu. Mr. and. Mrs. Murphy of Baxter spent Sunday at Herb. Jebb s. The C. G. I. T. held a. skating party on Wednesday evening at the rink. Ross Banting returned on Wednes- day to resume his work in Detroit. `Rn:-n-_"l"n Mr and Mrs, Albert G11- LU]. bull back. nacx. The A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church held their skating party last Friday evening on the rink. The trie and hnvg who are taking evemng on 15:18 rum. The girls and boys who are taking the Short Course had a skating party on the Grand Central Rink, Friday afternoon. rru... 1-....1 AnnnInu'l4'nvIn1 _Qnr-{chi `hn1r1 n anernoon. The local Agricultural Society held 9. most successful dance in the town hall on Wednesday, Jan. 23. Everyone enjoyed a good time. Miss Aileen Dlnwoody, nurse-ln- training at Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to, recently had an operation for ap- pendicitis. At present she is doing nicely. Allan `Rand urn: taken suddenlv ill mceiy. Allan Reed was taken suddenly in and underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in Toronto last Thursday. At time of writing he is progressing favorably. Qurnno-nr in Avfznnrlnd tn John A!- Iavoramy. Sympathy is extended to John Ag- new on receiving the sudden news of the death of his brother, William Ag- new, in Detroit, Mich., on Tuesday. Mr. Agnew attended the funeral. 'T`hn nnlrntnmn hnnlmir hnvs nlaved MI`. Agnew autenueu Une Iunertu. The Gookstown hockey boys played ' at Bond Head on Thursday evening last. It was a keen game with the score being 8-5 in Bond Head's favor. It is hoped that the return game will be played soon. \vl\lu.IJl I. ulrlnan-out Tuesday, Feb. 5-Wesley Lackie, lot 2, con. 9, Innisf11--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A Mcconkey, Auct. 5i Thursday, Feb. 14--W. A. Galloway, lot 13, con. 9, Inn1sf1l- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 5-6:: Friday, Feb. 15-Harry Averill, lot 17, con. 3, Innis1-farm stock and im plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auct. 5-Bx IJ\II\l I McFADDEN-At the Royal Victoria. Hospital, Barrie, Sunday, Jan. 27, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. W. McFadden _ (nee Eunice McMa.ster) Bayfield St., a. son (William Edward). WILSON-At the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, on Friday, Jan. 25. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. W11- son, R.R. No. 1, Barrie, a daugh- ter (Mar1on Gene). 4 M BRICK CLAD STORE AND DWELL- ING for sale with 1/; acre lot. On lot there is a double garage and ice house, butcher and grocery business and post office in building. Reason for selling, illness. Apply. at post office, Hlllsdale, Ont. 4-9p \ol'Il\IJ `\II I 1141:1515; I wish to tender my sincere thanks to Dr. (Capt.) Halkett, Dr..West and the Medical Corps of Camp Borden for their kindness and services given me on January 22, 1929. `Thanking Major Rodgers and all friends at Camp Borden and the neighbors of Angus. Yours sincerely, Rn Chas. Catten. Ancrus. `II l IIITIIVIT Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney and family wish to thank their friends and neigh- bors for sympathy and kindness shown in their recent bereavement. 5p GILcHRIs'I`-In memory of Mr. and 1:... 1... flllnhivlaf. mu Imvlna fa- ILCl:1.H'.J.s'1'-J.n memory 01 Mr. uuu Mrs. John Gilchrist, my loving fa.- ther who departed this me Jan. 2, ;921%#6and_ my dear mother. Feb. N t 1 1:1: . h o orgo en __Phmba _J(_IARD OF THANKS 1- 1.- L-...1.... ..... .-I...-nun 4-I CARD OF THANKS . ._.s 1:... a.......uuu-o and O: . T995T.9YV.,_ CREDIT SALES _ -a-'u. e v11--1.... 1-`... IN {VIEMORIAM . OFFICE To RENT. Occupied 6 years by Hydro Electric Inspector. Steam heated. S. W. Moore. 2tfb :___._.___-__..___-_-__.._-__.___._ BORN _ A1. 1.1.. ['3 3111061` C1] 9 Chas. Catten, Angus. Specials . This Week OYSTERS . . 40 jar LAKE SIMCOE _WHITEFISH . . . . 20 lb. We also carry B.C. Sal- mon, Georgian Bay Trout, Smoked and Fresh Fillets. 3-lb. pail LARD . . . . 49 . BR'EAI'FAST BAC_O_N- `PEXi:MfEALVEACO_Y_ I I-il_l lVIVIdFILd U` l\J\IL` piece ..;... 30c lb. ROASTS OF FRESH PORK . . . . 18 to 23 lb. SHOULDER ROAS_ l_`_S (_)_F Islwi-art " `1'E"E"1=`"..`.`.`.": W232 713. POT ROASTS o1= BEE-F . . . . . . 18:: lb. Wholesale and Retail Butcher 11 Dunlop St. : Phon Use Examiner Classified Advts. The Taxi Business - FOR SALE IN VILLAGE OF HILLS- DALE-2 acres of land, frame house with good cellar, henhouse 100 feet long, with stables, spring water and small fruit trees; adjoining main road. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to Jos. Lea, Hillsdale, Ont. 5-7p :'s"i:6{x? s;Rms" '3? NEW MANAGEMENT __ MR. C._HAWK_lN_S sAw an LAAH L4_i_Whd WHI1:l_ Having purchased the business from Mr. Starr, will endeavor to give the public the best of ser- vice both night and day. 2-4b Btrilie Meat Market Best Meats M. J. BRENNAN BOY DROPS LANTERN-FlRE DESTROYS BARN --The loss is estimated at from $10,000 to $12,000 with Insurance of $3,200. -Barrie Examiner, Jan. 10th. The above surely emphasizes the necessity of n -mung`: u 1 21-: onto`: cu` m `Ion:-1 -11 run. III III I\iIII i We are prepared to quoteyou very MODERATE RATES CONSISTENT WITH SECURITY. A. F. A. MALCOMSON KELVINSIDE HATCHERY Box 563 'T0 RENT-Stea.m heated front living nun-d--non} Fnnv rnnmg Q11!` hth. verv I\A.4l1|\1 rsspll I-lLn\a\.IA1 In piece . . . . . 25 lb. _S1icgd_ . . . . . . . 28 lb. March April May 20 each 18 each 15 each NOTE--L_eghorns will be hatched to cover orders received four weeks ahead of delivery only. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO YOU TO ATTEND A Power Farming Demonstration ILLUSTRATED WITH STEREOPTICAN sumas AND SHORT COURSE ON CARE AND OPERATION OF TRACT ORS IN 1.o.o.1=. HALL,gO17LlER s'r., BARBIE UP-TOWN TICKETS, CANADIAN NATIONAL RYS. Salurday,jFebruary _ 2nd This is to be a practical course given by the Interna- tional Harvester Company, and is under the direc- tion of experts, experienced in all matters pertain- ing to the use of power farming. In extending this invitation to you, we ask you to bring your friends, as we feel thetime spent will be profitable to you. McCormick-Deering Agent : Phone 77, BARRIE no-av:-v V-..--J .-...r - - W V - _ v V . . . v - - v ' - ~ . --J WADEQUATE INSURANCE on FARM BUILDINGS BARRED ROCK AND LEGHORN CHICKS ._______________.______.__. TO RENT-North half of double brick house, '70 Small St., with garage. Warm and easily heated, suitable for a small family. Enquire 68 Small St. 5-Sp Teleiahong 1-;-12 J. H; MGGA W KNOWN AS THE CUSTOM HATCHING - 5 cents per egg. 4% cents in tray lots of 150 COMMENCING AT 1 P.M. SHARP Phone 51 84 Penetang Street BARRIE - MOST of the joys of Thanks- giving are aided and abett- ed by the time honored dinner where we all give thanks. . _ . . _ . ......-an (ally: in 1-hid Wnere WU nu QAVU vLAnAAnno There are many folks in this town who are thankful because they investigated the courtesy. quality and service or our store -we re thankful also. GUNN S POTTED MEAT for :-u__..1...a..I...... R Has (not ORR KiUJNI.V D l.'lJJ.LuJ 1.uu.rA.|. 5 Sandwiches 6 tins for HOME BRAND KETCHUP- Quart .................................. .. 210 MACARONI-- 1-lb. pkg. ................ .. 2 for 25 CALIFORNIA LIMA BEANS- .................................. .. 2 lbs. 280 _ _ _____ _----- - A O 1 pa`! FOR SALE - Two grade Holstein Shorthorn heifers from the highest producing pure-bred Holsteins of the `Simcoe cow-testing Association. In calf to a 4 per cent. pure bred Hol- stein bull. Due February 7 and March 7. Price $80 each. Also Mammoth Bronze young turkey tom, weight over 20 lbs. Price $12. Apply J. Oatway, 1 vuhnnn OHAFR 121:1-rin D, ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Ana. II-av FANCY PINK SALMON-- 1-lb. tin .............................. .. 200 C. and B. SOCKEYE SALMON -1-lb. tins ...................... .. 500 ' BULK SEEDLESS RAISINS-- .......................... .. 2 lbs. for 25 YOU CAN EARN nan . an-It\ ` Iy\r 0`: If - V v PER DAY \ Learn and Earn pa r 1; ti m e o n > Motor Mech- _ anim, Battery, Welding, Vulcanizing and House Wiring, also Bricklaying and Plastering, Barber- ing and Beauty Culture Work. ` Be Prosperous and Happy ` Good nsitions now open. rite or call free instructive book. YOU CAN EARN $6..tf.,v10 `(K [l_. _E_.__McCgllou_gl} % gnocan : Phone s ,, unu__I.-L|. -_.I 1|R...._ G4. IIUU IUSDI DIV UV noM1N1?N EHA}naREn SCHOOLS 12-) King; Q1:-not Wont .. . Toronto UU1V1_l1\_lU1\ bntuu nnnu Ohllvvuu 163 Kmg Street West Toronto Free Employment Service--Coast to Coast 1- \lI\\I VIJII 0 I nnvnnv : n w Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Sts. ..._...__.......___._._._.....___ TO LET-Six-roomed brick cottage, electric light and water, large garden and chicken house. Apply 79 Mary St. 5-lop Phone 1045.] 41 Dunlop St. Phone 447W "I'D KJ!a'N'J.'--UB3.II1 Xldbtu uuuu uvu.A5 apartment, four rooms and bath, very desirable suite. S. W. Moore. 2tfb --.:_:_.- JERSEY COW for sa.le,.due to fresh- en now. Apply at Examiner Office. '5b lii%%&&$&&i% E ADLET CGLUMN '>_ gwwgwagggmmwwwa -_ `I. 8...-A-mi nun FOR SALE-One Yorkshire sow, aue to farrow February 25. W. Brennan, Midhurst. 5p --_ HOLSTEIN COW for sale, due to freshen in three weeks. Will exchange for feed cattle. Henry Packard, Shanty Bay. 5p --:_ FOR SALE-~20 well bred` Oxford sheep; also pigs. all ages. Apply Ward Goodfellow, Stroud, Ont. telephone 11:31. 1-6p GREY GOOSE for sale, also new goose! feathers, $1 per lb. Good potatoes 75c bag delivered. Mrs. Frank E. Ayerst. 'l"h nrnfnn n uug, ucu v C Thornton. ...________.._.___._..___..._ FOR SALE--Genera.l Purpose mare, 6 yrs.; black standard bred gelding. 4! yrs. Apply Harry Irving, Barrie, teles- nhnrm HD9103 5p yra. nppxy ua. phone 609r23. U UJ5. .L'nUc qua. apply u Z phone 904r6, Barrie R.R. `1. FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over u\Ivd\IIIV"'C Qhnn Qfnrn WEE M Mn- l*'Ut(. A1.:'.L`n.'z1.x:.`u uuu rcpuucu. uvm Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. 37tfb `O! the D1168 OI 10111`. LUG e2u.rL'u. wucu charged; also 100 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. .-..._._.:-............--_. ----- PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING. prices reasonable, Fred Smith, 79 Tor- onto St. Phone 1252. 4-5b : IRWIN S "ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Irwin, Phone 198. . ~ ltfb . BIICI nuwa, uuuuruu 5 uccuo kued in good wearing yam. Gener- NOTICE-I will not be:'eeponsible for any debts contracted in my name af- ter this date by anyone. Geo. L. Gib- son, Allandale. Ont. 5b . CAREFUL NURSING given to mater- nlty patients in private home, charg- es reasonable. Apply 182 Essa Road, Auandale. phone 1187M. - A-eh _-----1--:----i- ----w-j----1- i~- A'r38SMALLs .wekniteoorder apart stockmzs. all kinds. Hockey swcmngs and sweaters repaired. Men's socks and mitts, ch1ldren's'needs !';.fE11ed good Genet-T RADIOS-All makes, repaired, lrrwest T` prices. Work guaranteed. Apply E. Pearson, Thornton. Phone W. E. Pear- son, Ivy. 5-6p -_ _....-._.... ma gm: PROPERTY FOR SALE WANTED -- Competent general ser-T vant. Apply Mrs. H. M. Lay, Barrie. 5p L051` AND FOUND "PROPERTY TO LET HELP WANTED -n_rscELyANEoUs WANTED nuzub. 1l.511l:D|4 Phone 384 3-8p ,uw`a_y, 4-5b| T:- YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week In your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- lng. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhen- ltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb `l.DUu GOOD CU'1'I'ER. FOR, SALE. Apply Martin's Yards. V - 5p UPRIGHT PIANO for sale; Apply 182 Essa. Road, Allandale. 5p_ _..-_ _..- .....___.._______;._ MAN S wIN'i7ER OVERCOAT for unit: r\v\`\'!,tl1I\I'I'I 9: :1-Inrt HYIHP Phnne MAN'S W1.lV'l.`l3l.'$ UV:-nuuzu. Luz sale, only [worn a short time. Phone 739.1. _ _A ,_- .51; : FOUR HIVES OF BEES -for sale, in _good condition, free from disease, price reasonable; Apply to Box C, Examiner Office. . 5-7p - FOR SALE--White baby cutter, with hood, good condition, cheap. Phone 397W or see it at 62 Sanford St. 5b FOR SALE-Brunswick graphonola, like new, cost $335; also good selection of records, will sell for $115. E. Paint- er, 51 William St., Allandale. 5b . `RANGE FOR SALE, with hot water front and warming closet, in good condition; will sell cheap; also Fox Terrier, aged 9 months, well trained. `Dhnnn 1'15`), 51) __________.________.__.. MEN WANTED to sell Watkins 150 Quality Products in rural districts of Ontario. Permanent money making business. World's largest factory to consumer organization. Credit furn- I1-Isa:-I on cnitnhip nm-tv. Established ~ WE ARE SELLING off all Frost fene- ing at cost and less if delivery taken` during January and February. Prices from 27c rod up. Real bargains. Ot- ton Hardware Co. 1-6p _. ____...__.______..____.__ FOR SALE-Coal range in splendid condition; Edison phonograph, dining room suite, bed-room suite, hall rack, carpets, chairs and odd tables, gas range. must be sold at once. Ring 4'73 or apply 27 Collier St. 4tfb .I. :1 1 Lu. , d;5Cl. Phone 1352. SEED PEAS. 1 am now umuug uuu.- tracts for Co. Peas, paying $1.80 for 1929 crop. If you are thinking of sowing any phone 19r2, Stroud. Geo. Arnold, Painswick. 5p - -S-I`~I:ED PEAS. I am now taking con- a........+o Flu! nn Dane nn.vina- $1.80 for TWO COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS for rent. Apply 26 Ross St. 3-8b FARM FOR SALE--One hundred acres, 40 acres seeded to red clover; good buildings. For particulars apply to The Examiner Office. 52-5p I 100 ACRES, brick house,-good build- ings, roads and fences. Fall wheat and alfalfa land; near Edgar. Geo. A. Pren- ltice, owner, Milliken, Ont. 5p .._______________..____ FARM FOR SALE-150 acres, Innis- fil t 'wnship, good buildings; plough- ing al done. Will be sold cheap. For further information apply to Box N, xaminer Office. 5-6p FARM FOR SALE, 100 acres, 80 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, near the village of Mitchell Square. Apply to Alex. McLucas, Hawkestone, R.R. No. 2. / 3-5b uj----- WANTED - Position as experienced housekeeper. References exchanged. Apply, stating wages, to Mrs. Lily Mc- Ewen, Dunedin, Ont. 5b - 200 ACRES OF LAND for sale; '70 acres under cultivation; balance pas- ture and bush. Being forced to sell through illness will sell 100 acres sep- arately or all together. Martin Mur- phy, Barrie, R.R. 2. 5-28p FOR SALE-130 acres, 18 acres wheat, 25 acres seeded, 15 acres bush, good water, barn 60x40, good stables, steel roof, 8-roomed house, garage, hen- house, pigpen, etc. No encumbrance. Ill health cause for selling. Price $7,000, easy terms. Might consider house as part payment. For particu- lars write, Thos. W. Leatham, Cooks- fnuvn `D 13 Q 5_1nn Notice of the Registration of By-law No. 1688 NOTICE is hereby given that a. By-law was passed by the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Simcoe on the 25th day of January, 1929, pro- viding for the guaranteeing of pay- ment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures of the Township of Tecum- seth to the amount of $41,000.20 for drainage purposes, and that such by- law was registered in the Registry Of- fice for the Registry Division of the County of Simcoe on January 31st, 1000 ldlb WLIUC, .l..I.1 town, R.R. 3. 1.`. DLLVLFDULV , . J. ' 5-'7b County Clerk, County of Simcoe \JUulIl 1929. 1929. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 31st day of January, 1929 J. T. SIMPSON, 1: I'll. fin-uni-u filnwb fnuvsf-11 A? Qlwmnn \JI I l`II.\_ I I \ldl\|.II. nan Take notice that the undersigned parties, carrying on the business of a garage and service station under the firm name of Shepherd & Hart, Brad- ford St., mutually agreed to dissolve partnership from and after December 31, 1928. In future the business will be carried in by Jas. W. Hart. An rlnhfe nmina tn thn said Shen-V De carried In Dy ans. Vv. ruuu. V All debts owing to the said Shep- herd & Hart must be paid before Feb- ruary 28. -1929, at the garage office, and all debts owing by Shepherd & Hart will be paid upon presenting at the same place. ` (Signed) THOMAS E. SHEPHERD JAMES W. .1-IART. lBarrie, Jan. 16, 1929. 3-5b isame, 19.5.? orgamzamon. ureuu. mm- lshed to suitable party. Established 80 years. For full particulars write stating age to The J.-R. Watkins Co., Hamilton, Ont`... Dept. AR. 3>-8p , , I l`\II I\vLd I \I \l\l4l.rn C \raInr NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee ,Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Richard Crawford, late of the Town- ship of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who died on or a- bout the second day of November, A.D., 1927, are requested to send par- ticulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 7th day of February, 1929, after which date the Executrix will distribute thevassets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. nzvrmn 9.1`. `Barrie this 29th day of NOTICE` OF DISSOLUTION L OELFARTNERSHIP -- - A.\;-A. L1... ..._.1......:.......A others. DATED at Barrie this day December, A.D., 1928. A DUNCAN F. McCUAIG, 3-5b Solicitor for`Exeg:utrix "'J.'C!lut:l.` wul. Sealed bulk and separate tenders addressed to the Chairman or Pro- perty_Comm1ttee, Mr. H. H. Creswicke, Barrie, Ont., endorsed with the word Tender" will be received until Feb_- .........u R `I 090 `Registry uruce at Darrw, uuu. Tenders must be in the hands or `the Chairman not later than 12 o'clock noon on the da.y\na.med.' - H11... `l.unnnl- out an! f'Ahl"9I' t Tl-` ruary 6, 1929. For all trades in the erection of a `Registry Office at Barrie, Ont. |'I'|tunI`AIOn wuml-. ha `In the hands Of saruy accepwu. - The plans and specifications may upon application be had from the ar- chitect. ` Each tender to be accompanied by a certified cheque made payable to the treasurer of the Countyof Sim- one for five (5%) per cent. of the total tender, feturnable to unsuccess-_ eful tenderers. ' ` ` NOTE CHANGE OF DA'I'E{FOR 110011 on B118 (luy\uuuu=u. ` The lowest pr any tender not neces- sarily accepted. - v Fkn rone and snpnifications may -NOTlCl::'. T0 cmamroas sv1\u-I-uuunvu .. 'I......J..-- nulunuu-u nuuvutvilnv BABY CUTTER with hood wanted. In-H.-L ha in a-nnd rnndi1'.inn_ P110118

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