Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1929, p. 8

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clays EDEYBBIBBF. . `, Further particulars will be \me.de known at thetime of sale and in-the ' meantime may be learned upon appli- cation to the undersigned. ismwawr as smwuvr. - -. `Solicitors 1or`theM I e 99. BO.! t16,0_!i;. IHQQAII Innunwu ill l._.RF| EDITH lnated January `19. ms sum HHDJUUD DU Us I;cacrvx: mu.. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase\ money to be paid on, the` day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. A` l`|Irf.hmv- nan-tlnulnru nrl h\mndn NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS `l\TnHnn -In H1:-nk`! n-Ivan v\n1nannn4- 4 PROPERTY:!"OR SALE MORTGAGE SALE A son sAu,-:' JISUU U. IJUK5, Barrie. Ont. __._.____._..___._._..._.._.__ MEN WANTED to sell Watkins 150 Quality Products in ruraldistricts of Ontario. Permanent money making business. World's largest factory to consumer organization. Credit furn- -ished to suitable party. Established 60 years. For full particulars write stating age to The J. R. Watkins Co., Hamilton, Ont., Dept. AR. 3-8p J. U511 AU 4-8b U: _ 4-31; I I vvz'b"~`es15;,m; so l'l'lI..n Onilnnvivun - `t yvazua usu GRACE ECHO GELSCHE, REG. (94459), 7 yrs. ()1d, calf at foot." sired by Receiver Mercena Posch, Reg. (33435)..' Dam--Grace Urmaglesche, Reg. '(61996). This cow has a record of 27 lbs. butter at 3 yrs. old, in '7 days. ' MERCENA ECHO RECEIVER, REG. (74460), '7 yrs. old, calf at foot. `sired by Receiver Mercena Posch, Reg. (33435). Dam-Meroena Walker Seg- _ "is, Reg. (61995). This cow has a re- cord of 25 lbs. `of butter. in 7 days. 'rp\vv A wrx-r A an A 17 r11 mxvrnm `DEV : ' nmcxs'mnn:n" ' ' ?aBi.-ram. "' '_eA-r-rm ' FARM STOQK AND > UU.l.`u U1. ail IUD. UL uuuucz, us u um _JOI-IANNA MAY GLENICE. (166322), 2 yrs. old, calf at foot. sired by Segls Alcartra, Glenice, Reg. (62255). Dam-Johanna May Segis, Reg. (81936). 7 Anv -nu n`rvzrz1:!D"r' A`r.('*.A1?.'I`RA _n.cg. xouzour. ~ Reg. (51946). Dam.--Princess Betty LADY DE DI_KKERT ALCARTRA. REG. (1228.68). 5 yrs. old, due Feb. 1. sired by M. E. Makel'A1cartra, Reg. ( 38528). Dam'-Beauty De. Dlckkert Alcartra. Reg. (88676). This cow s very heavy milker, but not,tested. DAISY DE KOL ABBERKERK, REG. (131058), 4 yrs. old, due Feb. 4.. sired by Tylvlcis Keyes Abberkerk, De Kol, Reg. (48987). ` ABBERKERK DAISY COLANTHA. REG. (173444), 2 yrs. old, due Jan. 28._ sired by C. V. Calanthus Lad, Reg. (63922). Dam-Da1sy DeKol Abber- kerk. Reg`. (131058). - ` 1:-r-n--r ,,1:m'r'rrr_a11:v rzn\'I'r:. hm `WOT. . _.-.-, .--.. -- _ The following: _ REGISTERED CATTLE E JOI-IANNA MAY SEGIS. REG. (81936), 8 yrs. old, fresh, due July .7. sired by Receiver Mercena Posch, Reg. (33435). Dam--Johanna. Gelsche Seg- is, Reg. (61992). This cow has a reg cord of 30 lbs. of butter`per week at 4 years old. . n_nAr -w-sun (`:`!1'..Q(`.T-T`|'". 'R.`|-EGA V7 330 m:1'r.. neg. \J.oJ.uuu1. BULL-BAUTSJE KING DE KOL Reg. (72204), 2 yrs. old. sired by Lan- lngdale King Madeline, Reg. (60437). From a 35-pound cow. Dam--Boutsjp Woodland De Kol, Reg. (118239). This cow has a 32-pound record. -:-?-:- FOWL WANTED--All k_1nds. Highest prices paid. Phone 384 or write Box 542, Barrie. 3-8p The undersigned h_a.s>received instruc- - - tirons from . - ..-....... - -- `._..--.. HORSES-Matche_ S and '7 yrs. old. weight, 2800 lbs. PIGS-11 store pigs. IMPLEMENTS. ETC.-High "team ` Waggon, root pulper, fanning-mill, hay rack, 800-lb. cream separator. new; butter churn, also other articles. All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is going into another busi- ness. - I-nun-uuln-4 I\T!I (NAT!!! A11 ......... out can L` `HARRY EASTON - At Lot 14, Con. 1, F103 (One Miles West of Hendrie Station) to seu by Public Auction on ILLDD TERMS OF SALE--Al1 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. A conveyance will meet the noon train at Hendrle Station. Sale at 1 p.m. | W. A. McCONKEY.`_ Auct. 0F vAE.E:7azs'Lv;~'p7.aE1xzFTm?.E:<. nu- PLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. - - the following valuable property: HORSES-Dappled grey Percheron mare and gelding, 6 yrs. old, heavy. (This pair are well matched); heavy bay horse, 7 yrs. old; dappled grey mare. 5 yrs., driver; bay mare, 2 yrs., general purpose. IV A TTWHT 1.7` `I'\1uuI\n vn (`ruuv A Inn! 115 BC! JUL GM ta"-A& klllbo CATTLE-Durham Cow, 4 yrs., in calf; Hereford cow", 5 yrs., in calf ; Hereford cow, 6 yrs'., in qalf: Durham cow, 4 yrs., fresh; Durham bull. 2 yrs.; 3' Hereford steers, rising 2 yrs.; 2 Durham steers, rising 2 yrs.; 3 Dur- ham heifers, rising 2 yrs.; 4' spring calves. - rats A 1-`! A \1"l'\ t'\......LXL-. Al \-allVC7Du I GRAIN AND FE.2ED-Quant-ity of mixed grain, quantity oats, 300 bags potatoes. . . . QYIYTRTEI AR'I'I'\ Df\T7T,'FDV __`XTn kun The undersigned has received instruc- tions from The Sterling Trusts Cor- poration, Toronto, Administrators of the Estate of the yu uuuuca SWINE AND POULTRY---Well bred Yorkshire sow, in pig; 3 young York- shiresows, in pig: 50 pure bred Bar- red Rock hens; 70 pure bred Barred Rock. pullets. - 1'1\lI l3`I'!:|1\Il"|\T"l"G 1'\A.-w-HQ khulmo -n WARM, COMFORTABLE -ROOM to rent, with all conveniences. 98 Coll14er St ' p LDUUIV. yullu vo- IMPLEMENTS-Dering binder. 11. new; Massey-Harris mower. nearly new; Massey-Harris disc drill; Mas- sey-Harris sulky rake; spring-tooth cultivator; manure spreader, nearly new: potato digger, nearly new; 2-row sprayer, nearly new; st_eel land roller: 2 scufers: disc harrow; `fanning-`mill; set 12-bulliron harrows; Verity 2-fur- row plow; No. 21 Fleury single plow; wagon; hay rack; stock rack: top butzgy, rubber tires. new; top buggy, rubber tires; set; sleighspcutter, nearly new; 2 root pulpers, bag truck; set scales; = 40 grain bags; wheelbarrow; buggy -pole;' DeLaval cream separator. No. 15; pea harvester; forks, shovels and many other articles, too numerous to mention. Irv A 1-.1-rmeca 5-4- .I..uI-.1.` knunnna DU 11 [C11 UAULL u HARNESS-.Set double harness, nearly new; set double harness; 2 sets `single harness. 2 pairs horseblankets; halter lines, chains, doubletrees, etc. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. Parlor tables, rugs, chairs, lamps, hall rack, sideboard, tables, 6 chairs, lino- leum, pictures, hanging lamp, 97-piece . dinner set, fancy china, cutlery,.etc.; sewing machine; toilet sets, 2 bedroom suites. couch, bedroom chairs, pictures, etc.: large kitchen table, clock, 7 kit-_ chen chairs, 2 Quebec ranges. Alladin hanging lamp, kitchenutensiis, 2. ver- andah chairs, many other articles. All will besold without reserve. "TERMS or saw: Grain, tees and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; 0 on amounts? above." is amount 9 months credit-will be given on furn- ishing approvedc joint notes. A dis- count or 6 per cent. per annum will be alloweclo for cash on credit amounts. Saleat 1 p.m.,sharp.V - . _. us ...-'.nq-on-gov-non 4-n_`._I_ uaavna-cure - vac vv hr "i'end;rs_ will be receivedvzul Jan. 31 for seven cords body wood, beech and maple. -16 inches. Delivered. 8. s. No. 8.Inn1Itu b.vMarch 1. 1929.. -. Will. B.A'l'.R'I"l')Nl'_ An v.'I`rsn.n_ ' 30 3'4`! \ LaE9'3'}.:5WNE 713. (I; UGI-IER ', Clerk. W. A. Mcconkey, Barrie, Auctioneer. `td-s.Ia11 by Public vAuctio`n-6;1~_t-he premises ' N. I/_,_L.t 1, Con. 13, Tecumseth "[1-llgR,SDAY,' JAN. 31 0.. ...u. ...... -... .-.I-.1.` u.-.p.u\n-. . `Auction sma on-u-c-ca--on -cane 1-at-In-uvno an A __uc'noN _SALE_ n YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week In your spare time at -home writing show cards. No canvassing or solicit- ing. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write .today..The Menhen- ltt Co. Ltd., 45_ Dominion Building. 1Mtfb "I"nIII\ n fn wiaznnnns FOB woon _ _ ,J_.__c LII! The undersigned has received instruc- T tlons from -Li I10 Irkinijjdi \o vuvyvaav vu d_I\l\lV\CblU UL hJvULu|[ . A - The following: HORSES-A-Brown horse, 12 yrs. old. G.P;; grey Percheron horse, 3 yrs. old; brown horse; 10 yrs. old, G.P. I'1A'I'"l'\1'! Dana an!!! H Uunnn A1-I Ann wovvvsh aavsuv, CV J59. vsu, \-Inb- CATTLE-Roan cow, 7 yrs. old, due_ Feb. 25; red cow, 7 yrs. old, due Apr. 15; Hereford cow, 6 yrs. old. due May 20; red cow, 9 yrs. old; due May 12; roan cow, 8 yrs. old, fresh; Durham heifer, 2 jrrs. old; 3 Durham steers, 1 yr.; 8 calves. `DTIZQ A\T1\ 1'_`I'EV!B`I5 "Dunno! an-co Anus Jan, I: vuaavvuo . PIGS AND SI-IEEP-'Brood sow, due Mar. 15; 6 store'pigs; 7 fat pigs; 12 ewe lambs. 7': Just in` pvaxvrna -yarn:-I up- _..-__ O9-.. U W V Acltullwuu IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Massey-Har- ris binder,` 7-ft. cut; mower, Deering; rack: seed drill, Massey-Harris; cut- ter, Peter Hamilton; spring-tooth cul- -tivator; 2-furrow plow; single plow; Fleury No. 21; buggy; set iron har- rows; stock rack; wagon and box: set sleighs, set long-tug harness. breech- ing;' set long-tug harness, back bands: set chain harness, set single harness. `pair horse blankets. cream separator. De Laval No. 12; barrel churn; quan- tity household furniture. also forks, chains, doubletrees and many other icles. ` n1..____ .5 1-1,`; -11 _..__,,, -1: Annals disc harrow; sulky rake, Deering; hay ` vnvnvuu Terms of gsale`--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 rqnths credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on gredit sums. All will be sold without reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instruc- tions from ' v---:-1-ray: -, vs--"1' _ The following: HORSES--Brown horse, 8 yrs., 1500 lbs.; brown mare, 12 yrs., 1450 lbs.; This is a well matched team. Brown horse, 5 yrs., roadster; brown mare, 3 yrs., roadster; bay mare, 9 yrs., in foal; chestnut colt, rising 2, Hackney; chestnut colt, rising 2 yrs., roadster. IV A 'F"I"T 17` `Burn lawns} TJ nun-Faun` nnuv vaavvvsauv \t\JlV, anuaang on Jan. Lvwuuvuou CATTLE-Pure bred Hereford cow, reg., 8 yrs.; Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old; Holstein cow, 10 yrs., registered; Hol- stein cow, 9 years. old, registered; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, bred; Dur- ham heifer, rising 2 yrs., fat; 3 Dur- ham steers, rising 2 yrs., fat; red heif- er, rising 2 yrs. old; black heifer, ris- ing 2 yrs. old; Holstein heifer, 1 yr. old; 2 heifer calves; bull calf, 3 mos.. reg. Hereford. , PIGS and SHEEP-Brood sow, Yqrk- shire, due Mar. 10; brood sow, York- shire, bred; 2 brood sows, Tamworth, due Mar. 5; 4 pigs, 2 mos. old; 8.store pigs, weighing 100 lbs. each; 8 ewes, bred, all young. TRKDT TIKDKTTFG `E"'I"I`! Z nnr1_l-IVUH1 IIW \JU. J Toronto. (On townlihe, ' tv;m7 T1(nil;=. s {1'Jii{"o2 ' Thornton) to sell by public auction on --a:-u-bu` ---uujj FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lucu, an _yuuu5. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. - Seed-drill, Massey-Harris, 13.-hoe; cultivator, spring-tooth; 2 two-furrow gang plows; riding plow, 1-furrow; walking plow, Fleury No. 21; set sloop sleighs, cutter, wood rack, 2 water barrels, cutting- box, Fleury; table, set drag harrows, 15-bull; chopper, Joliette, 8-in. plate; clover liuncher, wheelbarrow, heavy `wagon, buggy pole, incubator, Daniel; neckyoke, cream separator, Primrose; 2 sets doubletrees, 2 cook stoves, hang- ing lamp, heating stove, rakes, hoes,- .forks and many 'other articles too numerous to mention. II--rA'I-|\Y1fI('I"I 13-1. 1....-)...1Ai...u kmnunaa I.lulIl.C1'ULl.5 DU LILCILULULL. HARNESS-Set breeching harness, new, brass-mounted; set breeching harness, set double driving harness, set single harness, nearly new, Goldine mounting; set single harness, set plow harness, 4 collars, 4 horse blankets, nearly new. _ HAY--quantity good hay. Terms of Sale--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 5% off `for cash- on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. Sale at 1 p.m. -- t__,L Sealed bulk and separate tenders addressed to the Chairman or Pro- perty Committee, Mr. H. H. Creswicke. Barrie, 0nt., endorsed with the word Tender" will, be received until Feb- rugwy 6, 1929. . `War all trndns in the erection of a neglstry Unwe ale Duljnc, uuu. Tenders must be in the hands of the Chairman not later than 12 o'clock- noon on the day named. . run... I........- At: no-511 Imnrimo uni-_ manna- OIUUECD. Each tender to be accompanied by a certified cheque made payable to the treasurer of the County ofS1m- coe ,for five (5%) per cent. of the total tender, returnable to unsuccess- ful tenderers. _ NOTE CHANGE OF` DATE FOR RECEI ING TENDERS. FROM JAN. 23 TO FEB. 6. . ~ -uuoo u-svnurlx in (II ITHHYY Lsuzu uuau gnu; aw---u ..._- .. `.___. J. M. Speers, Clerk. H. A. Groge: Atict; 6, 1329. For all trades in the erection of a Registry Office at Barrie, Ont. Than:-Inv-us rnncf. ha in 11119 hands: ("If I pect Alberta coal to arrive next -Fuel for every style `of equiyment `at Sa.rjeant s--Buckwheat, pea, nut, stove and egg sizes in bright, clean anthracite coal, and .-pea, nut, stove and egg sizes insolvey. coke. We ex.- Ihulg-. vvniuna noun `Blank gnsnbu manna` _____.___.._..._._..._____ COMFORTABLE ROOMS and board` at 73 Mary St. 51-4p -?:--: 11.0011 011 but: uuy uuuzcu. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. "f`Ir\n rdanc mm-1 cnnnir-.n.f.1nns mav saruy uuucpucu. The plans and specifications may ubon application be had fromathe ar- chitect. 1-:u....1. 4.-....-hm ha ha onnnmnnnlnrl hv 44-5b r.'a.x'ms WBIIBECI . F3131 to. exchange for house in Bar- 'lu'Lu -IIU. cnliunugv 1v: uvuuw an aun- rie. ' House in Stroud for houge Inn chin W50 UUGI AVU GIIIVU Llll IVUVDV Order yours now. Black Beauty cannel In audgwudr Iran III AII Irlnlln A0. In-hall` I Fgohe ' 88." Brrigg Rs .$*2*z 29`i| .l.'l.UuU I lllUII\uI JUL IJUCI for sale. T ` ` Five-roomed house wanted to buy. 4b ucl. yuuua uuw. Human uuuuu; vnuuwn `-`lgisplendid: try it. All kinds of wood,` `hard and soft. The Sarjesnt Co. Ltd}. `Elan;-us HQ `'1 _ADLET COLUMN THE BARBIE EXAMINER J. 1-fMI\bN N.H. Lot 1, Con. 4, Innisfil vavsan as VIOLA ? JOHN KENNEDY At Lbt 4, Can. 8, Innisl A ah `Ann !5uqIa1Xa. lug A... A.- (potgc-e7i'o _A_<:c,:ot'11;t-'-o;S?o;m) FF]:-A nlln-v-Joann TENDERS WANTED .vii1i15i~i;s"15Xir,"3Xi~iZ 30 Thu o TpEsbAy, J.N. 9 I3-.. -A-..A -_ ...A.... .1 114.-.... _- iv` _-, ww--- :, ------v-u to sell by Public Auction on _ _Auc'n_oN SALE `cRED;'r SALE Blrrurstu-v `U-\ pup..- -.- . one eent 9. word, cash, each inset-t-lc'>n`. (minimum charge, 25c), six insertions for the price of four. 10c extra. when charged; also 10c extra when .replies are directed to The Examiner Office. Vnu I-` . IDLVLJ. .I. am, Registered Architect, Midland, Ont. "23 I giliiiniilimaig g LOCALNEWS g. mmmmmm&miim$i%w --Don't fail to see Will 0' the Wisp." St. Mary's Parish Hall, Jan. 29 and 30. V . , ~ 41: -Damasclene.1.'or table cloths. 50 inches wide. $1.19 per yard at sut- c1ifre s Dry Goods Store`. 4b -The hockey game between camp Borden and Stayner sceduled for Jan. 28th has been postponed to Wednes- day, Feb. 6th. A1I......&- ---I 1"- _.uI 1.___- u. ua;_y, scu. uus -Alberta `eoa1-We will have it .soon. Leave your orders at once to en- sure gettinz .vour share. The Sar- jeant Co. Limited. Phone 88. 4h Excellent reports were presented at the annual meetings of St. Andrew's. Chm-r-.`n and Collier St. United Chuvch. heid last night. Particulars next week.- The days are already lengthening noticeably. ~ . -al...I!.. 17.`... -5 q..L..ua..v.. `n... HU USUUHUIN o -B1rd s Yalrn at sutc11e's Dry Goods Store. 413 some good skating on the bay has been, enjoyed this week. ' nuns Yfogllv-A H`-n1-.\`A .... `-1 gonna` Hwy, \lIJ\lJ\t\l Ulilt) vvvbau -Oro United Church annual meet- ing. Tuesday, 29th inst. ` 4b Oriliia. badminton club plays Bar- rie at the armouries, Friday night. . -Keen Jan. 29 and 30 for play, Wil1 O"the Wisp." St. Mary's Yotfne people` in Parish Hall, Collier St.. at 8.15 nm. Admission: adults 250. children 10c. ~ 4b ~--European Travelogue" by Miss Zimmer (with splendid views from` ve European countries) at Collier St. United Church, Monday, January 28. 8 p.m. Tickets 25c. 4b Mrs. R. J. Sprott presented a com- munion bread box to Trinity. Church in memory of her mother. the late Mrs. Bingham. It was dedicated` last Sunday morning. ,H"|h- `rnlucqpu 1.......I..9.. a.._x-A._- -3 I-IOUSEMAID WANTED at Ovenden, second housg, Phone 171. _ 41) -uvu.A\.Au._y ngaun 51115. -The Young People's Society of Trinity Church are having a benet performance at New Dreamland on Feb. 4, 5, and 6, when that beautiful and much talked of picture Rose Marie. will be shown. 4b The Town Council last Monday night unanimously passed "a resolution expressing its high appreciation of the long and valuable services rendered to the municipality of Barrie by J. H. _Bennett, as mayor, reeve and chair- man of the Water and Light Commis- sion. --1,,,,, u up 4-... On Thursday, Jan. 17th. the presi- dent of The Samaritan Club, Mrs. A. F. Garrett, served tea at her home, 194 Bradford St. Mrs. T. Channen poured tea, Mrs. Sparrow and Mrs. Norton waited upon the guests, Miss Irene Knapp entertained at the piano, Mrs. H. E. McCullough and Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Baker gave delightful so- los. A nice sum was raised for the work of the Samaritan Club of Gen- L..- I " RI...--`-1. I tral Church. l\....l__.. L- . In an \.ILAuL VIA. Owing to the numerous comments received on Charles (Buddy) Rogers who played the part of Abie Levy in Able s Irish Rose." which was shown at the Dreamland Theatre this week, the management has arranged to show Varsity next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thestar in Varsity" is Charles (Buddy) Rogers, the most popular male` motion picture player in Hollywood. This is his rst starring picture and, in it, Rogers proves that his quick rise to motion picture fame is justified. By a vote of 29 - 18 County. Council this afternoon turned down a request of the Town of Barrie to refund $4.- 701.40 taxes overpaid in error in 1927. Similar overpayment was made in _1926, but Barrie offered to split the difference. Legal opinion was against payment and Barrie's appeal was made on moral grounds by Reeve Creswicke after finance committee had made an adverse report. 535`-7 `an aqua`: Jas. R. Hall wishes to thank his friends and neighbors also officers and members of Kerr Lodge A.F. & A.M. for sympathy and kindness shown in his recent sad bereavement. 4p BARRIE LOSES our IN I COUNTY COUNCIL VOTE | lwina A A Friday, Jan. 25- esley Lackie, lot 2, con. 9, Innisfil-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 2-4x Tuesday, Jan. 29-John Kennedy, lot 4, con. 8, Innisfi1-Earm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p,m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. . 4x Wednesday, Jan. 30-E. Mason, lot 1, con. 4, Innisfil-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose, Auctioneer. 2-4:: Wednesday, Jan. 30-I-Iarry Easton, at Lot 14, Con. 1, Flos (1 mile west of Hendrie Sta.tion)-registered Hol- stein cattle, farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W- A. Mc- Conkey, Auct 9 3-4:: Thursday, Jan. 31-'I`he `administra- tors of the estate of the late J. A. Downey at north half lot 1, con. 13, Tecumseth-farm stock, implements and household furniture. Sale at 1- p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 3-4x is held; A V Notice is further `given that the first meeting of creditors in the above mat- ter will be held in the office -of John Mackay, Official Receiver, at Bar- rie, Ontario, on the 31st day of Janu- ary, 1929, at the\hour oi."2 o'clock in the afternoon. ' .- - To entitle you to vote thereat. proof ' of your claim must be lodged with me before `the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at such meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. And further take notice that at 1 euc_h__r_nee_t_in the creditors win elect Kluge:-Gan" IN THE MATTER of Hanna Akitt, of the Town of Beeton, in the Pro- Vince of Ontario, Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that Hanna Akitt. of the Town of Beeton, in the Province of Ontario, was adjudged bankrugt and a receiving`~ order made on the and day or January, 1929,: and that the Court has appointed me to be Custodian of the Estate of the deb- tor until the tirst meeting of creditors In `hair! WANTED-Good. girl for general housework for family of two. Must Innun vvofarnnnnc Dhnnp 234. 4b nuu lull} such mee B permanent 'n'uau:c. And further take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are. entitled to rank, `proof of {our claim must be filed with me or Vwi h the Trustee when appoint- ed, otherwise the proceeds or the deb- tor : estate will be distributed among he parties `' entitled thereto without . manual in vnnr claim resum W your cxaun. . . Dated at nto. this 22nd day or J uary AD. 929; an... 31-1.. MARTIN. cm. UUIUUUIUH '73 Km; at. (west. 'r dbl NOTICE TO CREDITORS u-noon: 1-` A 1-rrr-l'\*r1**l\rl1r11r A !1l'l'l `7rza:`_':'a'ANz `' f:'13?r'6?z .i<:'i' CARD..f guanrr sguas an vvv__ __ II -_ nouseworx 101' Lumuy u; own have references. Phone 264. . GRISWOLD-At Forth Smith, 1\I.W.T.. Jan. 17, 1929, Nadine, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Griswold, (nee Nona Smith, formerly of. Bar- rie), aged 14 months HIR.LEHEY--On Saturday, Jan 19, 1929, at 77 Blake St., Barrie, William John (Billy), infant son of Mr. and Mrs.` A, Hirlehey, aged 4 months and 9 days.` MAYES--On Saturday, Jan. 19, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mayes, An- ten Mills, a son (William Ewart). O'HALLORAN-In the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, Saturday, Jan. 19, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. John O Ha11oran, Worsley St., a son. Will be at the SIMCOE HOTEL, TUESDAY, all day and evening, JAN- UARY 29th. Will demonstrate to men, women and children, his method of treating rupture in nature s way. How you can be healed in from five to six months. No operation, no galling trusses with leg straps to chafe you. Why put off such an important matter, when you can be free from truss wearing in six months, children three to four months? It will pay you to leave work a few hours to leafn how you can overcome the danger of stran- gulation, or the cost of an operation. He has in his possession the latest and most comfortable appliances that can be obtained in America, being a vast advancement over all former methods. Exemplifying instantaneous effects immediately; withstanding any strain or position, ` no matter the size or location, large or difficult cases. If treatment is used according to in- structions, desired results will be accomplished. Don't forget the date, TUESDAY, JANUARY 29. Ask at the hotel office for Mr. Thompson's sp cu 15:0!` -nun:-lrnnn-ml IJIIIDLIEIL 9 JIIAV cial apartment. Rupiure Expert Coming A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO YOU TO ATTEND A Power Farming Demonstration ILLUSTRATED WITH STEREOPTICAN SLIDES AND SHORT COURSE ON CARE AND OPERATION OF TRACT ORS i Saturday, Febru2n_1jy__ 2nd COMMENCING AT 1 P.M. SHARP This is to be a practical course given by the Interna- tional Harvester Company, and is under the direc- .tion of experts, experienced in all matters pertain- ing to the use of power farming. In extending this invitation to you, we ask you to bring your friends, as we feel the time spent will= be protable to you. Having accepted a position out of town, I am forced to move, so must reduce my stock of Chinchillas. These are the Rabbitts that won in our local show two weeks ago. I was in the money eight times, including best Chinchilla in the Show. Prices much reduced until Feb. 1st. McCormick-D`aering Agent : Phone 77, BARRIE :____ BOY WANTED for general office work ar\A Anllunvvu Villrifn tn ROY F!", Ext- Wm I I Phone 866J, Barrie I 70 Penetang St. SOLD IN FOLLOVVING BARBER SHOPS IN BARRIE: Mr. Reid, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Overs Use Frascr s Scalp Tonic Relieves itching scalp immediately. Promotes healthy growth of hair. Tones up the scalp, banishes dandruff. Re- stores hair, not more than fifty .per cent. gray, to natural color. Sold on absolute money back guarantee to give satisfaction. - ,Phono'1`85A x: mm Q l39DunhpSt QUALITY SERVICE . WEEK-END SPECIALS, JAN. 25 AND 26 ' SUGAR, Granulated (Cash and Carry) . . . .` 10 lbs. 59 CORN FLAKES, Quaker Brand. . . . . . . 3 pkgs. for 27 Orange Marmalade People s Co-Operative Store ` 1-:xI-\7Ju " -PEARL 5 55, 65 75 lb. PW` SALMON ` U10 bug 37 \_____.___ %-lb. tin 11 PASTRY FLOUR, Guaranteed Quality . . . . . 24 lbs. 89 REINDEER COCOA--%-lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 14 POULTRY CHARCOAL 5c per 15. BONE MEAL lb. 5c FARMERS, ATTENTION! FINE SALT IN srocx 100-1b,.ba`gs. Also block salt, plain and iodiz`ed- _"-_T' " Extra Tquality 40-oz. jar. 29c nuuuct. \.J flcations. J. H. M001! W IN 1.b.6.}5 HAIL cbLL1i:R s'r., BARRIE BORN RABBITS , o TO BARRIE ' 'rry Our Special DI I!'III'\ TEA Lowest Feed Cost per Egg '1':-at "InlIn Bnnmnaulnni ll--I.-. 3 III QIIII IBR6wN `"c`i`E"5I'f nie TWO COMFORTABLE BEDROOMS for rent. Apply 26 Ross St. 3-8b 'l`h'roe can mp: ` to poultry moo * e.-.I.8'.B!!t<=1.I19"! `.`2i"z`.`:' nz!,.37. ea :- Chlck Hub for a nu start Grow- ing Hub for quick growth und E88 uh for more out. v'-- r'. --E '1:he_se' Egonomical Mashes Sold and Recommended `by I\I\II1Y I5 INl'\ I` Thursday, January 24. 193 \ *2- Inna mm V Seedless Raisins Recleaned Thompson's 2 lbs. 21 .?-:-.:-- FARM FOR SALE-One hundred acres, 40 acres seeded to red clover; good building. For particulars apply to The Examiner Office. 52-5p FOR ./-\.LE- - One Holstein-Durham cow, fresh. calf at; foot. Ring 608r24. 4p TEAM OF HORSES FOR SALE. aged . five and six years. weight about 2900 lbs.; also sow, due in March. 15 pigs, about 60 lbs. each. Apply Frank Greegl. D (".rnia`un1n ("inf FARM FOR SALE, 100 acres, 80 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, near the village of Mitchell Square. Apply to Alex. McLuca.s, Hawkestone, R.R. No. 2. - 3-5b FARM FOR SALE -- 200 acres in Township of Flos, all under cultiva- tion with good buildings. Bargain for quick sale. Apply to Box K, Exam- iner Office. ` 51-4p Y 86 Henry Street. .. O NG FRESH COW for sale. App4ly D FOR SALE--20 well bred Oxford sheep; also pigs. all ages. Apply Ward Goodfellow, Shroud, Ont. telephone 11r31. A1-6p FOR SALE-Bred-to-lay Barred Rock cockerels. $2.25 each. These are a. good strain. M. L. Chantler, 28 Donald St . mum... cm-nm 4 Dbl LL11}. lVL. LJ. Phone 667 BOARS FOR SALE -- 5 pure bred Yorkshire boars. best bacon type. Nor- man W. Maxwell, RR. 2. New Lowell. Phone 102r23, Creemore. 4p UIUUUU UU IUD. Cab] Craigvale, Ont. BUNGALOW TO LET with three- piece bath. hot and cold water. Tele- phone 156 or apply 86 Mary Street. 'Barrie. 1-6p FOR SALE -- Male hound pup, 9 months old. Apply Box 322 or phone 9l3J, Barrie. 4p FOR SALE--Genera1 Purpose` mare, 6 yrs.; black standard bred gelding. 4 yrs. Apply Harry Irving, Barrie, tele- phone 6091323. 4b $0 RENT---Steam heated front living apartment, four rooms and bath, very desirable suite. S. W. Moore. Ztfb SI-IORTHORNS--2 dark roan buns, registered, sired by the championship bull at local fairs; also some females including two young cows. about due. Geo. Crawford & Son, Oro Sta- tion. _ 51-4b FOR SALE - Two `grade Holstein Shorthorn heifers ,from the highest producing pure-bred Holsteins of the Simcoe cow-testing Association. In calf to a 4 `per cent. pure bred Hol- A stein b_ull. Due February '7 and March` 7. Price $80 each. Also Mammoth T Bronze young turkey tom, weight over 20 lbs. Price $12. Apply1J.- Oatxvaqy; Iahnv-us Odrk `Dar!-in `RR. OFFICE TO RENT. Occupied 6 years by Hydro Electric Inspector. Steam heated. S. W. Moore. ztfb TO RENT--No. 64 High St., brick house with all conveniences. Posses- slon at once. Phone 411. 3-4b] IDS. l.'l'1L:t: $1.4 Apply u ZU . phone 904115, Barrie RR. .1. SBrJ93nV3- 9|-NUIEI ,!Uw'.ruA'ayvn vu snug lock tence whue the stock lasts. The sarjegnc co. Ltd." on FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over I-Iurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. A 3715!}: ::1 PAPERHANGING AND ,PAINTINGl nwlnna wnocnnhhh: WW9!` TO!`- -Frost orders at sgrjeanrs. 8pec1al;"}o*wr.:hr1bes`on ring` 1.4. (mm: whiln the stack" lasts. "rhe PAPENHANULNU ALVU ,l.'l1I.I-VJ..lJ-V\ly' prices reasonable, Fred Smith, '19 Tor- onto St. Phone 1252, . ' 4-5b :2-e T IRWIN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SERVICE local and long distance. night and day. 25 cent service. George Irwin, Phone 198. K . lttb Page Eight ' CAREFUL NURSING given to mater- nli-u nnI'InnI'A Ch l'`hl.". hnme. hfn CAR!S.l"Ul.o Numsuvu swan w uwwL'- nity patients in private home. charg- es reasonable. Apply 182 Essa Road, A_lla.nda1e,. phone 1187M. 4-6b $0 3500101135, an Iuuua. rxuwwy , kings and sweaters repaired. Men's work socks and mitts. children's needs supplied in good wearing yarn. Gener- `el footing for young and `old. Good stock of yarn kept. J._?1n_1;_ 3-7p. T >'1` 38 SMALL ST. `we knit to arder 3 ti; stockings, all kinds. Hockey. nnlrhllan and nmnnfrn 1-enalred. Men : g&ma&$mmwamwwm TIVE STOCK FOR SAL!-T27 ROOMS AND BOARD -- -Frost fence--PlaceT-ypur ,1 _~ -..m.n- u.....l-I -Igiii -iiuilhna t can ulna` PROPERTYHLTO LET WANTED-G6od used piano, as part paymenton new radio. Apply at The Examiner Office. 4p "1-KRMs 1-'oRtsX_LE' MI_S9ELLANEOUS T-IELP VQNTED WANTEE .u.|uu15 . 1Mt1 b ] WWWW J9 LLIBII 4b| ___._______.______._.._.__...._ SECOND-HAND BABY CUTTER wanted. Phone 1026W. . 4b :cu.. WE ARE SELLING off all Frost fenc- ing at cost and less if delivery taken during January and Febru_a,ry. Prices from 27:: rod .up. Real bargains. Ot- ton Hardware Co. , 1-6p FOR SALE-Coa1 range in splendid condition; Edison phonog`raph,- dining room suite, bed-room suite, hall -rack, carpets, chairs and odd tables, gas range, must be sold at once. Ring 473 or apply 27 Collier St. 4tfb~ BRICK CLAD STORE AND DWELL- IN for sale with 14 acreclot. On lot there is a double garage and ice house, butcher and grocery business and post office in building. Reason for selling, illness. Apply at post office, Hillsdale, Ont. L 4-9p % SEED PEAS. I am now taking con- . tracts for Co. Peas, paying $1.80 for 1929 crop. If you are thinking of sowing any phone 19r2, Strouii. Geo. Arnold, Painswlck. 2-4p GOOD STABLE for sale, size 24x30; 16 ft. wall. Price reasonable for cash. Apply 62 small St.,'1_3arr1e. ~ 4p RADIO-5-tube be Forest Crossley console set complete, cost $165, will sell for` $75 cash.- Phone 1234 even- lugs. 4p l FOR. SALE-Hand washer and wring- er, $10: Oxford range with- reservoir, 310; Robinson Hardware, telephoixe 40. ` . p 9. ...,._._......._.._.........._...... WANTED--Work after four o'clock -..A An Qohnn-lave hv hnv nf 15, W. SLEIGHS FOR SALE, several sets, heavy and light; also handsleighs and one rubber-tired buggy with wicker seat. Paddlson's blacksmith Shop, A]- landale. 1-4p _.......:..__...____.._.___. LUMBER FOR SALE--1-inch stock board, 2048 `aha 3x10 studdlng and rafters also..purlins and sills. $15 to $20 per thousand. Elias Ferrier, Belle Ewart. Ont. 3-4b '- FOR SALE-All,sizes car door and windshield glass at Robinson Hard- ware, phone 1040. 4p Take notice that the undersigned parties, carrying on the business of a garage and service station under the firm name of Shepherd & Hart, Brad-~ ford St., mutually agreed to dissolve partnership from and after December- 31, 1928. In future the business will be carried-in by Jas. W. Hart. A11 Anhfc nurina tn tho maid Rhon- BARN FOR` SALE '-'- 30x60. Phne 1045W, 111 Penetang St. 4b. FUR-LINED OVERCOAT for sale. with Otter collar, size 40, in good Ann:-Hf{nn `DAV 94'! .'Rnv-via` Q-4h WHIU. LIIIIIUT UUllU:l', Gilt: `RU, 111 guuu condition. Box 243, -Barrie; 3-4b j DC U1`ll'1'lUu"11.l. U 3. VV. Ilbbl la. _y am.` All debts owing to the said Shep- herd & Hart must be paid before Feb- ruary 28, 1929, at the garage office, and all debts owing by Shepherd: 8:, Hart will be paid upon presenting at the same place.` (Signed) V THOMAS E. SHEPHERD JAMES W. HART. Barrie, Jan. 16, 1929. 3-5b --?---@ I `NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Richardgcrawford, late of the`Town- ship of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased. who died on or a- bout the second day of November, A.D., 1927, are requested to send` par- ticulars of their claims `to the under- signed on or before the 7th day of February, 1929, after which date the Executrix will distribute the assets of the Estate, having` regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. ` ` 'nA'T`1-Eh at `Rnrrip this 29th dav of any onners. DATED at Barrie this 29th day of December, A.D., 1928. DUNCAN F; McCUAIG. ~ 3-5b Solicitor for Executrix WA1V'J.'I1iU--WUIIS u..I.u:1' LULU. uusuvn and on Saturdays by boy of 15. W. Price, 17 Sophia St., phone 762J. 4p N'oT1c1-: or APPLICATION ' FOR DIVORCE % NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LAURA ANN NEYLAN of the Town of Midland in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, Married `Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session there- of, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Frederick Leopold Leslie Neylan, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DATED at the Town of Midland in the County of Simcoe in the Province of Ontario, this 31st day of December, AD. 1928. - - MORTIMER CLARK. GRAY, BAIRD '1: (1 A '(`K7"l"II(TD'|\T1T`. . 1- -Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustees Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Wm. D. Russell, late or the Town of Bar- rie, in the County of Simcoe, retired farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of December, 1928, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February, 1929, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated the 9th day of Jan., 1929. DONALD F. MacLAREN, Solicitor for the Executors, 9-4]-\ `Dov-min nf 2-4b -LULUI Asolicitons for Applicant. lV.L\JIVJ.'J.lV1Ilil1'; ULAIVIX. KIIVAI, DALIVLI as CA-WTHORNE. _ . 425 Confederation Life `Building. Toronto 2, Ontario unni-rum Prue Annnnnf. d._Slh of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Innisfll, in the Coun- ty of Simcoe. ' V UNDER and by virtue of the power of sale a contained "in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel. Barrie, by W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer, on Saturday ,February 16, 1929. at 12 o'clock noon, the following lands and `premises: V- The South-west quarter of lot num- ber three (3) in the eleventh (11) concession of the said Towr_1ship_ of ` Innisfil. .` Thorn {:1 nah-I I-nflnn nvvnnha n fh f1iio'r1cE or DISSOLUTION OF ' PARTNERSHIP LIIIIISIII. ' , , . There is said to'be erected on the said lands a good one and one-halt. storey concrete residence, "and good barn. Thessaid lands are excellently situated adjacent to Holly post office. Enid rirnnnvtv u1Hl"hn nffnrnrl for auauuwu HQJHCUIIII IIU nuuy pom: ULLIUG. Said property will be "offered for `sale subject to a. reserve bid. . 'T`nrrm:- Tan nmv nnnf. nf than nur- BUY WAN`1`.l:iU 101' gczxcnm uuusc wuus and delivery. Wr1te to Box E", Ex- amlner Office, stating age and qual1- flnn O-innc , 4x

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