Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1929, p. 9

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CHURCHILL CLOWES 1928 ` 171 65 133 Alva Inuwvoan oaovoavuaoo you now take an active part in social me be- cause of 111 health, Mrs. Gilroy made many friends and was highly regarded by all who knew her. - !--I.1- lg-.. I...-Lg...` `lg.--- `-4- 1.15 rug tuna vvoov nnocvvv sou. Beside her husband there are left to mourn, three sisters and three bro- thers, Mrs. J. Scott, Gravenhurst: Mrs. W. H. Butler, Selkirk, Mam; Mrs. C. E. Jobbltt. Craigvale; J. D. Birnie, Barrie; P`. A. Birnie, Craigvale: C. H. Birnie, Vancouver, 1B.c. . ` rrhe funeral was held from her late residence on January 15 to Barrie Union cemetery, Rev J. J. Black or Collier St. United Church taking the services. The pail-bearers were J. D Birnie, F. A Birnie, c. E. Jobbitt. Jo.-.I .`IMfn `Rn!-nnv-rl .`I'nhhH'.f. and `II! Avnrv Monthly meeting or the Women's Institute will be held Tuesday, Jan. 22, at 2 pm. at the home or Miss Rix. Roll call to be answered `by a. Resolu- tion." The ladies are requested to bring their thimbles. . In the United Church on Friday Ava!-ulna A? thin numb thaw-A will In 1 station uuuwu giy usnwrn uuuus uuauuuur OW! Of the United church. augovnuu - ...v...._ The funeralwot '1;/lrs. J. W.-Fennell, who died on Jan. 9, 1929, took place on Jan. 12 from her late residence, `Con. 13, Innisrll, to St. Paul s Ceme- tery. Mrs Fennell was a member or St. Paul's Church and the services were taken by the rector, Rev. A. D. Cou- sins. The pallbearers were Frank, Wm. and Wesley Hambly (cousins) of West Gwllllmbury, Thos. Fennell of Toronto, Edwin Fennell and Lorne Hartman of Bradford. `Alma .I'|Av-nan nvknen vnalnn not-no .I'.l.l1l'|aIl1u:_l.l U1 .I:.u.'u.u1.u:. u. Mrs. Fennell, whose maiden name was Phillipa Ann Hambly, was born in.West Gwillimbury eighty years ago. After her marriage she lived for a time in York Co. but came to Innisfil fifty years ago and so was one of the oldest residents or the township. '_1`he immediate cause of her death was a stroke of paralysis with which she was seized on New Year's Day. Mr. Fennell died in 1914. Four sons and one daughter survive, viz., Herbert of Toronto, Frank of Midland, George, Albert and Miss Emma at home 41550510 III .n. nan \.alQ`Qv On Sunday, Jan. 13,. 1929, at her home. 30 Wellington st., Barrie, Mrs. W. T. H. Gilroy passed away in her 62nd year. Although in failing health for some years her death came rather unexpectedly to her many friends Deceased, whose maiden name was Miss Annie Elizabeth Birnle, was born at Craigvale on Dec. 4, 1867. In 1911 she was married to Thomas Todd of Al1anda.le, whose death occurred in 1921. In 1926 she became the wife of Mr. Gilroy of Barrie and resided here until her death. Although unable to nuuuu-A A` II` Innnlllk `Run f!.{'Iwt\v1 IIv\7Aa I I 6U' -w- -v--- v._ __ Rev. J. 3. Shortt, M.A., nnmmr Edmund Hardy, Mus. 2Bac.. F.'1`.O.M. Organist and Choirmaster purine, 1". A aume, u. :4. uuumw, au: |m1e, Bernard qobbatt and 2:. Avery. u-cw-we -.-- -`..__-_.- -' ..-_ Mrs. Margaret Luck, relict of the late Charles A. Luck, passed away af- ter a brief illness on Sunday, Jan. 13, at the home or her daughter, Mrs. N. E. Waring. Deceased was born in New- ton Robinson eighty-one years ago and was a resident of Barrie for about fifty years. R114: lacuna tn rnnnrn `haw Inc: fmnv Lllhy _ycu.1.'a. . She leaves to mourn her loss four sons and three daughters: Edwin A. and Austin A. of- Barrie"; Milford C. of Bualo; Elmer J. of London; Mrs. J. Dickey of Penetanguishene; Mrs. N. E. Waring of Toronto, and Mrs. G. Walker of London; also five sisters and two brothers, Mrs. McNabb of Hamilton, Mrs. .J. J. Terry, William and Duane McGinerty of Queensville. There are twenty-one grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren who knew and loved her. Fflinn Cnoanunni yuan la.-HA Tan 1!: (canon KNEW U411 IUVUU LIE}: The funeral was held Jan. 15 from the home of E. A. Luck, McDonald St., to Crown Hill Cemetery. Rev. J. S. Shortt took the services and four sons and two grandsons acted as pallbear- QPG MRS. MARY A. LINN On Jan. 3, 1929, Mrs.-Mary A. Linn, widow of Robt. Linn, passed away at the home of her son-in-law, W. J. Patterson, Con. 14, Innlsfil. Born at I-Iavelock, Ont., in 1851, she married Robt. Linn of Peterboro in -1872 and resided there until 1892 when they `moved to the farm on Con. 14, Innisfll. IIILA A . . g _ _-I _`..-.J_- v-._.. _-__ _!.._L-_I 5L'uuuuuuun:u Among those who attended the fun- eral were Mrs. John Miller of Long- ford Mills and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell of Peterboro. The funeral service `was conducted by Rev. J. B. Thomson of Essa St. Presbyterian Church, her own pastor, Rev. G. E. Gouiter of Burton Ave. United Church. being ill. Interment took place at Barrie Union Cemetery on January 5. Of a. lvwiahf. n11nm-111 riignnciitinn aha U11 uuuutu',y We or a bright, cheerful disposition she will be sadly missed by her friends and surviving family who are Herb. Linn, Ivy; Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Innis- fil; Mrs W. R. Hopkins, Thornton; also 11 grandchildren and two great- grandchildren Arnnna thnun nrhn nfnnnd 1-kn `Fun- OBITUARY auaimminamiimam MRS. A. B. MOCONNELL Mrs. A. B. McConnell, aunt of J. W. Merrick, Barrie, died at the home of her niece, Mrs Wm. Park, 53 Indian Trail, Toronto, on January 3, and was buried on Jan. 5, at Newton Robinson, where she was born and lived practi- cally all her life. Mr. Merrick attended the funeral, which motored from Tor- onto. Deceased, with her husband, who predeceased her three years ago, liv- ed at Bradford where they had gone after retiring. Mrs. McConnell remov- ed to Toronto after her husband's death. There were no children, Mrs. Park and Mr. Merrick being the only near relatives surviving. Whose death too1_:"plac on Jan. :3, at the homeot her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Lowe, Elizabeth Street, Barrie. uunuuwgy v--u vvv, .....-.. 11 A.M.-VOICES FROM THEM EXCELLENT GLORY" 1 Children's Talk: The 40 `Warrlors 7 P.)/I.-WHAT FACES TELL" Mrs. Edith Rowe, Organist Miss M. Sinclair. Choirleader gmnllumilmmmwigl MRS. MARGARET LUCK `I-`HI 'IARRlE EXAMINER mes. wfminnnoy 1 `an Mas. EMMA cnoamuv MRS. J. w. EENNELL An Old Resident -"V_""1`.*`!-'- T AJVL AA" J. V 5155 o usnu L` J. G155 Homer, on Dec. 31, 1928, at the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, a daughter (Jean- ette Laurene). Rev. L. 'MacLean of Toronto will preach in Zion Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Jan. 20, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Herman J. Bush of Callandar, who. has been visiting at Gordon E. Bush's. left on Monday to visit Mea- ford friends. Mrs. G. Bush accomp- anied V her as far as, Brentwood and spent the day with Miss Mary Corri- 'obt. Arnold or Regina is vismng at A. T. Arnold's. ML C-_Il-_I Al.` A...` CIVIDE A` DC]..- lull aupyuu; U1 hilt: UUl.ll.l1LulLl.l:_) . The Women's Institute annual fowl supper was held last Thursday even- ing at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston. There were about seventy present. A very enjoyable evening was spent. A debate Resolved That Men Spend More Time and Money on Pleasure Than Women," provided good entertainment. The negative side was given the decision. It was upheld by George Johnston and Wal- ter Cook. The affirmative w`as tak- en by Misses Mary McLean and May McKinley. The judges were Miss Blyth, Miss Cameron-smith and Mr. Page. There was also additional numbers which included readings, solos, instru- mental, speeches and community sing- ing which all added to the success of the evening, not to mention the tasty supper which preceded the program. `II 5 I CIILIUIK W! The Ladies` Aid and W.M.S. of Zion Presbyterian church met at the home` of Mrs. Frank `J. Coulson on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 8, with a. good `attend-_ ance. The February meeting. will be at the home of Mrs. A. '1`. Arnold. Jan. 14--Mr. and Mrs. s. W. clubine of Wembly, Alta.. Mrs. W. F. A. clu- bine of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. H. Corbett of Toronto motored here and spent the"'week-end at H. Lougheed s. Qnhnnl rndnnnnd 'l`nng:hur Jan I! \JllEy UCL I A number were present from Barrie and Toronto. A banquet at the close of the Chapter was njoyed by all. The following are mcers for 1929: W.M., Mrs. Lennox Black; W.P., Geo. Hewson; Ass'tz. M., Mrs. S. J. Reynolds; Ass t. P. Russell Webb; Sec'y., Mrs. Geo. Hewson; Treas., Mrs. G.`R. Har- per; Cond., Mrs. Geo. Shering; Ass t.' Cond., Mrs. Alfred Webb; Chap., A. Martin; Marshal, Mrs. F. Rich; Or- ganist, Miss Belle Neeland: Adah, Mrs. ` Fred Peacock; Ruth, Miss Fanny Smith; Esther, Mrs. Frank Green; Martha, Miss Ethel Black; Electa, Mrs. Alvin Webb; Warder, Mrs. Jessie Thompson; Sentinel, Russell Con- stable. G B11680 IIIIG WVVB'I3u\A EU 3- I-lUl.l5llC'C\A5o school reopened Tuesday, Jan. 8, with Miss Anderson as the new tea.- nhnr V . v- .. ...- - .~ - ......... --.....-_,. Wilfred Frost has been removed to the R.V. Hospital suffering from rheu- matic fever and Miss Eureth Johnston is in the same hosp1ta with symp- toms of pneumonia. ' C\I1H*.n n nnnshnr nf vnnno India: and IJUIIID UL klllllllllilllu Quite a number of young ladies and young men are taking advantage of the Agricultural Short Course being conducted here. The men's meetings are being held in the Orange Hall and are in charge or Mr. Page and Mr. McArthur with special speakers in certain subjects. The ladies meetings are being held in the basement of the United church and are in charge of Mrs. Page and Miss Came:-on-Smith. There is a great deal of practical in- formation to be gained from these classes and they are deserving of the full support of the community. "I"!-an `Xian-inn : Tnefnfn annual fnml Vlllh L15 lUUh 1111116 auu. LLCHIL uy. Walter. and Carman Downey and Robt. Murphy attended the funeral of their aunt at Alliston last Friday. QIvlIA.._.! C!I..__A. I.-- I.--._ _-.._-_.-.1 L- VII 39 &VLC8L Ulllu The ceremony was exceptionally in- teresting and impressive. During the evening the retiring Worthy Matron was presented with a. Past Matron's jewel and a. gift from her ofcers. Vlnn and-Ivulnn Yifnnfkvv bu 4-1-nn two a > United Chun::of cma. " CENTRAL CHURCH (Elizabeth Street) REV. A. E. BAKER, MINISTER. Jwvvus auu GI 314.1: AIVJIII Al\4L vauvunu The retiring Worthy Patron was presented with 9. Past Patron s jewel. The installing board received gifts as a. mark of appreciation from the Chapter. A UI|QIln`nA8 dovnun uunnnni Con-nan `I3nmu{n Jan. 15--Geo. Jackman has arriv- ed from the West for a few weeks visit. He looks hale and hearty. Xlfalfnv and Herman nnrnntr and HELD UIL Llluluug Uvussnsaa, wuss. LU Mrs. J. Mcconkey, Toronto, member of Grand Executive of _ Grand Chap- ter and P.D.D.G.M. of District No. 11 was the Installing Worthy Matron, assisted by Mrs. E. E. Rockwell, P.W. G.M. of Grand Chapter. Ilnli-_I-gu 13 `I? `I3 at `E'IlAn`l \lo&'Lu UL \JlKIll\l \IllUIlJU\4Lo '9 J. Mcconkey, P.W. of Fidel- ity Chapter, Toronto, was Installing Worthy Patron, assisted by C. Wice, W.P., of Bayview Chap., Barrie and J. C. Neelands, P.W.P. of Innis- l Chapter. Mrs. Russell Webb omc1at- ed as Marshal. FOIL- __..-..- ;.._- _.-_ __-_..L1----I1__ 1-- m`ll3`e`l:gu9..tes to Convention: Harry Reynolds, Mrs. Robt. Boyes. 0.E.S. Officers Installed Innlstll Chapter; No. 162, O.E.S., Stroud, held their installation of om- cers on Thursday evening, Jan. 10. II:-n T Ilnnnban mf|I1l\I\"f\ nnnnnknu I VVJJ AIVJIAEI Committee for soliciting donations: Mrs. Harry Reynolds. Mrs. 0. R. Black, Mrs. Geo. Young, Mrs. H. J. Marquis. 1\`1---L-- I-A AnvIAun`.J\IA - T_I'n uaovvv o AIIUJ Alvauvo U.1;r1ze List Committez Mrs. Geo. Young, Mrs. O. R. Black, Mrs. Harry Reynolds. Iinunngll-I-an CA-n -Alla]!-Inn 1:4-\r\A"An|AnI um; 51. vuuuu. - The following omcers were elected* for the coming year: 1st Honorary President, Wm. Martin; 2nd Honorary President. G. 0. Allan; Pres., I-Iarryl Reynolds: 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. J. Marquis: 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Rnbt.: Boyes; Sec'y.-Treas., Mrs. Earl Wlce; ` Ass't. Sec'y.-Treas., Miss Jean Wice; Directors: Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Mrs. Geo. Young. Mrs. O. R. Black. Mrs.a` Geo. Arnold. Mrs. Hart Thomas. Mrs. Geo. Sharing, Mrs. J. W. Hoover, Mrs. ; R. A. Sutherland, Mrs. Ed. Sloan, Mrs. S. J. Reynolds. Bahia T .36 P'AuQAvU|`5I-an. a `Run flan Hvav \ Innlsfll Horticultural Society 5 The annual meeting of the Innisle Horticultural Society was held in the; Community Hall. Stroud, Jan. 11, with 5 a good attendance despite the stormy; night. The society has just completed , a splendid year. There were eightyj members and the books show a bal-( ance on hand of $90.22. Part `of thisi is to be used for beautification of pub- : no grounds. E PHI-an OAIIA-ole.-n -1--. _.-__ _1--1.-.1i Jan. 18--'I'he-a.nnual meeting of St. ! James United Church held last Fri-; day a.i.'ternoon,s was well attended. Rev. J J. Brown presided and very encour- aging reports were given from the different organizations in the church,; all showing an active year : work. ; 1929 omcers and committees were then i chosen. after which 9. social time was; enjoyed together, when stipper was; can-urn:-I MONDAY: B.Y:P.U. MEETING FIRST IN A NEW SERIES % V srkouo lli%i%%$&%%&% guaawm$&&mm&&&1 MINESING ANGUS HOLLY, Charged with deserting from the got Barrie, was arrested by Provincial Canadian Signal Corps, stationed at Oicer Veitch in Toronto on Monday. Camp Borden, Charles L. Haversonn Use Examiner Classified Advts. a.n.a.a.uusuJ D.&I..l.L1V Li niacken-en lb. nan 'l:lD`l:V`' Ilrrwrrnuu n A1-uni :4. vvL.nJ..nU vnuj vijitmsh II). no va.L\ILvJ:a \/DLUIXIILV HALIBUT lb. 103 BYTHE PIE! _ _ Use Enmlner Classied Advts. nX'i'E'IBIzse BEEF nmnmc . . ... 13 vnav-V-a <`\4an.l1A& A. PEAK ;. 14 AV'I_1|l'Ii'I? r1l'\I I\`I.`\`l' I: A `LYIII ; -up -.._. ...---u \J\.IllIJI'JL` 9:811 Lfll CORN Tin 17 NIII I `Il\\TA'l'I)r.I SARIJEIEQ zmzgo WET PACK sxmmps Tin 23 tin! `l\I:|\`I' I: A 1 r ntm-2 AENOLD S FINEST BREAKFAST . Sliced I u Ibo PIN*EAPPI.E 2 ms 25- ?__.,-.--w .71`: xwv KILLER GOLDEN BANTAM THE BAPTIST CHURCH cLAPP:_:R'ro3I _s'r1_2E:'r SHOP UNDER ONE RdOF FOR ALL YOUR TABLE REQUIREMENTS nicuxrs W W $112: w MONTREAL ' Established I901 LONDON. ENG. E. R. Wood. Pruiclcnt *7.` FRESH WINTER CA1? CHOICE CECKEN DZ A I jxu-1 4. DOMINION Szcunrvrna-s `l$`IQ'lIB A I I-Wm ........ BEACON gag-=MIEAT SPECIALSE7-1 sggggm srmx 1. 35. E We have a new shipment of small wares suitable for bridge prizes. and a pleasing variety of bridge accessories. GOLDEN HALLOWI CHOICE QUALITY Fm:-:sn nlxrnnnln` nA143E_ .__.-..a., ll Po?r"noAs-r - - lb. 23:: FRESH Shoulders Park In. 19 3UTTS non noAs'rmG lb. 249 Hrnnsn nuns - - lb. 260 coonu-:0 Mu r lb. 45c mm The Little Green Tea Room in connection with The Wayside Gift Shop, offers the perplexed hostess every facility for giving charming luncheons, teas or bridges. OUR PATRONS can always be assured that each detail of their entertainment will be carefully attended Ito, and attractively worked out. Then, too, we have the reputation for preparing de- licious food and serving it daintily. All the prospective hostess has to do is place her order with us and she can en-' Joy her party with her guests. `Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds and Industrial Financing Foreign Issues Quoted `CA1RNAT1[ON \ THICK RIB ROAST lb. 264.! SHOULDER ROAST lb. 23 III\\YIBI I555 BONELESSv Municipal Bonds Public Utility u..a +oe;5~+o. 2; xx... St. 2. PEAS EXTRA SPECIAL J. .I. n.LV&.'- 4- can no-on-- __-- Missionary Talk to Children .. _ -- um:-u-~r\11\ `nr\t'1,|'r\`D`l"Kl"li`." uvwvovuuu vuuuoyuuauo J Barrie Central Division, which meets the third Thursday of each month in Central Church Hall. will have charge of the work in Barrie` and vicinity.: All citizens in sympathy with the principles of total abstinence are in- vited to contribute to this work. 1h_._A.I_ :- ran$s- El! 7I','I"'l" I1 swan-:1" NTXIYEL AYLIIER CHOICE QUALITY FRUITS NO. I SIEVE Tins ' PER DOZI-ZR; - an. #29` 19c 25 I. 210 WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Now that the holidays are over, do you nd you have a lot or party debts to pay? And are you wondering how you can clear them all up without com- pletely exhaustlng yourself and your pocket book? WE CAN TELL .YOU A Word to the Hostess T')Ul"Id Iy. January 17. 1929 it THE WAYSIDE GIFT SHOP 11' ELIZABETH ST... BARRIE Phone 1484.! 3'5: -1\-x`t-1;t-1;'I-5.1;./i'ais;<)wr. s1`. ANDRETVE { ` Presbyterian Church - .. nn._..A.a. IRA npagu -vwvv -v wvv-vs -IVQVV VII VOICE! VVUIXI ' South Simcoe District was repre- sented by delegates from Barrie. Thornton and Oookstown. i Sunday. Jan. 20, 1929 ... pours nu--r'n::rI1'.`I' __ hat Sunday, Jan. 20, 1929 . I. I-In-1'!!! \l`l'\T`l"Fl` Sunday, Jan. 20, 1929 uv7r\1'rI!:Ia 'E!t)f\`l\l Another Item of _ Interest i Mrs. Sam. Weaymouth, formerly of Barrie, fell on Friday, in Toronto, and }broke a. leg above the knee. CHURCHILL WOMEN'S INST. The first meeting in the New Year of this Society will be held at Mrs. Hodgson s on Wed.. Jan. 23. Roll call to be answered with a New Year's re- solution. Mrs. 0. Todd will give an address on Canadian Literature" and Miss A. J. Allen will sing. A discus- sion on Cooking Potatoes will be cori- ducted by Mrs. Stevens. V COLLIER 81`. 1.9.3. on Monday, `Jan. 14, the meeting was in charge of the Missionary Dept. After devotional exercises Miss Bessie De!-Iart favoured with a vocal solo. Douglas Smith gave a splendid talk on the first chapter of Forward with China, seeing China through Cana- dian Eyes," and slides were shown of China. IIIUII VIII Mrs. D. J. Kenny, Toronto. an- nounces the engagement of her sister. Rose Kathleen McLaughlin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Laughlin. Anten Mills. to Joe. Domin- ie O'Neill, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Terence O'Neill, Phelpston. the mar- riage to take place the latter part or January. Reynolds. Edgar: an- nounces the engagement of his only daughter. Mildred Madllla. to Walter. Malcolm. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Palk. Shanty Bay. the marriage to take place ln Orlllla this month. _ I lg... K C "-...._- mnnhh AI. I THUG; llllllo ' Among the First Year students at Osgoode. Hall who were successful in their Christmas exams. were '1`. A. Mccarthy and W. D. Blair (Toronto ; st). Barrie. Lakeland (Fla) Evening` Ledger: Mrs. M. Wardman and Mrs. Eva Reynolds 01' Barrie. Ont., Oan.. are there for their rst season and are located at 407 1-2 North Kentucky . Ave.. planning to stay until May. "'*g;,;;;.,;;';;..,::;:v:.;;'t;;;;;;;t.,"g.;1. month to attend meetings of the Board of Examiners of the Toronto Conser- vatory ot Music of which he is a mem- Iber. I 11.. -...1 up..- \n-1.--I 11.1}--nu A0 ' HUI : Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mcxernan of Alliance. Alta... are spending a. few weeks with: relatives here. They also visited relatives in Toronto and St. Paul. Minn. A.......... LI... uu....a. 17...... ..&.uI.\-.4-g ad- VGMQJUVIM UVVI UIIU WUV&`UbI$I _ ` Miss Etta Guilfoyle or mdley Park. Penn.. spent thg week-end with her `mother, Mrs. Gulltoyle, Bayneld St. _._L- 14.1- I4 Miss N. Loftig otssomnton, Penn.. visited her sister.-Mrs. Guiltoyle, this ,week. ` ' Miss Hiidreth Lennox-is in Durham. walkerton "and Harriston this week giving a series or concerts. . Ifflslnnwlv fVnwunr'\InnI` AU 'FAIu\U\C'r\ I 5:1 on; W muuau vs vvuvva vm Wlshart Campbell of Toronto was 5with his parents. Rev..Ne1! and Mrs. Campbell, over the week-ind. Illa: E505 I1.IIIICAIv`n A. Bhnn Ban-In _.-.-u -aw-r-vu pawns. uavnnlnvu-It IV--A NIGHT AT SEA AND 8.0.8. CALL ANTHEMS: Fierce Was the Wild Blllow" and Master, the Temp- est le Raging. A _ QUAR'rE'I'I'E: Jesus, saviour. Pilot Me." . CONGREGATIONAL SINGING of Hymns with See. Symbolism. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 18 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE by Rev. G. C. Movltty of Nomads fuvntrnnnvr Qvvnnannn-u- . DIVINE smvrcns Sunday, Jan. 20, 1929 11 A.M.-'I'HE MINISTER THE DOCTBINAL BASIS OF THE UNITED CHURCH ` `ARTICLE III-DIVINE PURPOSE Anthem: I Waited for the Lord." .8010: Nearer, My God to Thee. Mrs. I-Ioraner Wilson 7 P.M.-THE MINISTER It is planned to prepare a. muster roll of supporters of Temperance in each community in addition to carry- ing on an active membership and ed- ucational campaign. V Barri: (`Quad-um] Imlulaln... ...I.I..|.. .......4...j \aava-Inuit \Id.' JNLLHJH & I-1 E19 0 Lord's Day . ZBrea.k1ngof Bread 11 a..m. Acts 20- ? Sunday school and Bible Reading 8 15.111. 2 Tim. 3-15. Acts 17-11 Gdspel Meeting 7 p.m. Romans 1-16 ~ All seats free. No collections .1 ALL WELCOME Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 pm. Acts 16-13 `Rev. J. Johnstone Black, B.A.. B.D. Minister Horace Wilson, A.R.0.0. Organist and Choirleader. PERSONAL % IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Sunday School .............. .. 9.45 am. Morning Service ............ .. 11.00 am. Evening Service .............. .. 7.00 pm. I Sunday, Jan. 20. 1929 1!! a `I111-1--I-rnnnrvnnv-nu 1-: A Rev. J;.`;f1;1s'r:1sb1;`id_ir1;ster Miss Ellen Dobson. Choirleader Miss Anah Bailey, Organist comm s11u:1=.'r "`_*S';".""1-`_ 9"F"_ GOSPEL HALL- sw MARY smnmr, mamun gullailiullillg Nis"sz'oe.Ie?.fZ}:}Tu}e `P1! A \*I"I'tu*u'II'I Ann an: Asian God's Depnance on Man Anthems by The'Cho1r The annual meeting of the Grand! Division of the Sons of Temperance` which was held in Willard Hall. Tor-U onto, closed last Friday evening, af- ter making extensive plans for a for- ward movement. This year marks thei Both anniversary or the Order. l Collier Street Regular Baptist Church Sunday, Jan. 20, 1929 11 AM. A ON DUTY IN THE DARK Children's Talk: Building. I`! DID Pasgor A. C. V$;Tr1V1t;-c- -nvmnw 'ino u on-vvqvvg VI 5 DY WELCOME ' ORDER OF MEETINGS: I .-.I!.- II-.. ...1__...._,, ----1 vwv W. S. WHITCOME:,' EA. ALLANDALE Presbyterian 'Ch_u rch siiifcizsz W365 WLDLL Lllllub 11615. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis and Lyle -Jennett were in -Toronto for a few days last week. Rvrnnnthv 'l nvtnnrinrl fin Mr: (San -----wg ac vnuv `an young -%7v-V` v---v--v I Rev. Dr. A. P.. Brace. Field 880178!- my. presented encouraging reports of: work done during 192 ' K Va. 1.. ..u-.;____a L- __,,,,, - I J. UIUU. DU: Mrs. W. J. `Gauley entertained a number of young people at a. euchre `party on Thursday evening. ' 'Nl'nI'h'Inn Wnafnr nil-an hoe hnnn urn- pm oy uu xuurauuy evening. Norman Foster, who has been em- 1310 ed with the C.P.R.` telegraph men, is ome sick with the flu. Departing Citizens Honored One of the largest gatherings ever held in this-community assembled in the home or David and Eli Wilson. Monday evening or this week to say `goodbye to` the boys on the eve of their departure,` from the community. The progra.m.wa.s under the direction of their pastor, Rev. E. 3. Clifton. An nrlrh-Am: nine`:-marl luv 1!? `D `linings- U]. uucu IJGDUUIC, IVEV. Ii. D. UHIUUH. An address was `read by W. R. Edgar. Mr. Clifton made a very earnest and gipproxgsriate reply in behalf of the re- p en 0 ' _ ~ The" address testied in cordial terms to the high place their family had occupied in the community from pioneer days. David was presented with a club bag and a `set of brushes, while Eli received a watch and foun- tain nan \LGlull.J.lJI'Jl'. J.VLl.'D. nulau. The flu epidemic is almost over, only a few cases now. School has open- ed` here again. ` Mr: Auhwav `Raw-1-_1r-nrn and thrnn W. H. Hatton is on the sick -list. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Bates on the arrival of a boy, Sunday, Jan. 13, 1929. 1\A'nH'. Wlntnhnr nf "l"nv-nntn nnnni-. a SULIUUJJ, U511. 10, L3 . Malt. Fletcher of afforonto spent; a week with friends here. RN10 and `RN11: I'4'IICC-`Atari T`:-:11`: and JUW uuy 13:50 WUUIS. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Geo. Carruthers in the loss of her mother. Earl Reild and friend went to Guth- rie on Tuesday evening to skate. Mr: 1X7..'I 1M :-T.nnh and .'| ne Mn- '1 1U UL} J. HCBLIGJ C VCLLILIE UU DROUG- Mrs. W. -J. McLean and Jos. Mc- Lean were in Meaford on Monday at- tending the funeral of an uncle, Jas. shields. 111......-I EHIXAI-L .1- ...u.a...}. rn.........4..- LIJCILUB. . ` Earl Reid` motored to Toronto on Sunday. o 4. ' `R911 ('94: 1-rn H1 or: Ha n can Av-n1 hln nlr- 9 uuuay o Ben. Carruthers, the general black- smith, is so rushed in business he is taking his board in the village for the winter. ' send your news items to The Exam- iner. Phone 222 or 223. . uuya {G50 WCU5 Wlbll. LIUII polllbn It was ten below zero on Monday morning, the coldest this winter. M1` and Mrs (`Jane nnnnty `hang QULIU IIU J.UL`Ul.l.|IU LUII & LUW UN '- A good time was reported 'y:.t' the dance in the hall `on Friday evening though, owing to the storm, there was not as large a crowd as might have ham-I 7 uccu. J Mrs. Roy Turner spent Monday in Toronto. Its: 111 1 'r;.;..1.... .....a-....a...x......: .. U411 WUII uy G IIIUC bUUlC. The Junior Institute met at the home or Miss Lois Todd last week. - $11]. I 1533' Elliott is visiting Toronto friends. 1:1...1 13.-Ax ......a~........1 4-,; m.........4-A M. 'Jan. 15-MissZ Alma Elliott, nurse- in-training in Toronto, spent a few days last week with her parents. Tf. um: tan hninnr marn nu Mnnnv LLIUKLIJIIE, 011%`: uuxucau Ul W.I..ll|IUlCu Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Denney have . gone to Toronto for a few days.` A annd him: was -rnnm-1-.nr`l at` 1-.1-an ANOTHER JOB FOR DRURY? The Ottawa Citizen says that Hon. E. C. Drury, former Premier of Ontar- io, will likely be appointed to the Farm Loan Board, to which Hon. J. D. Mc- Lean, former Premier of British Col- umbia. has already been appointed, and that Beaudry Leman. of the Banque Provinciale, will likely be ap- pointed rrom Quebec. XCHIB Wcllall. ILICLIUD 1.1.1 IJUWIL 0 Mrs. James McLean _is home from Peterboro where she had been spend- mg a. couple of months with her daughter. Mrs. Hurst. Tho `P111 nnlrharnin in ninnncf. nunr u.- avg. -cu "-Congratuivations to Morley Beath an winning the deputy-reeveship of ro. . wunnn quun -4. wan. -ac-nu u av..- sous or TEMPERANT cl-: 1 PLAN ronwano Movz, .__..-_ ___ . - _, Following (the: "ceremony a dainty ` buffet luncheon was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart left for a short honeymoon, the bride traveling in 9. brown ensemble and Persian lamb coat. Later Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart will take up residence in Saginaw. Mich. Miss Annie Reive left on Monday for her home in New York after vis- iting the past month with friends here. Minn Wnthlnnn Rinnn nf '1`nv-nnl-_n 101115 IIIIU RG30 HIUIIULI WM). LIIULLUS IIUIU. Miss Kathleen Sloan of Toronto spent Sunday at home. 'lmn rink: nf Rrnfnwi nindnvc man-an ]Jl'a'lll.I Duuuuy Ulla HUIHU. Two rinks of Bradford curlers came up Monday night for a friendly game and won by a nice score. 'f`hn .1 unlrn- Tnqf-.nf.a mat of. H19 John Emms; ;.r{d TfaTnv111y spent New Year's with friends in town. `Alan Tnlnnnn lo`? nouns in Innovun Jeanna UH` IIUIJC EMILI- Mrs. Aubrey Bertram and three children of Burwash spent a few days with Mrs. John_ Bertram last week. S l'ODDAR'1`-BAI.L A oharming_ and informal` wedding ` wassolemnized on Dec. 27, 1928, at the home of the bride's mother, Brad- iord st.. Barrie, when Emma Alberta Byne, eldest daughter oi. the late F. H. Ball `and Mrs. Ball. was united in marriage to Burton I-Iulse Stoddart, Bradford. Rev. A. E. Baker conducted the ceremony. The bride. who was becomingly attired in marine blue ohifron velvet with silver, entered the drawing room on the arm of her uncle, Mr. J`. W. Ball, to the strains oi. the wedding march played by Miss Mar- jorie Moriarty. She carried a bouquet oi. Sweetheart roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Gertrude Ball, sister of the bride. gowned in rose georgette, was her only attendant. The groom was supported by Mr. Cyril Selby of Brad- ford. The groom's gifts were, to the bride a handsome cheque, to the bridesmaid an amber drop, to the pi- anist an emerald pin and to the best man white gold cuff links. am. new owu gums. 1927 Births , ..... ............... .; .......... ..153 `in Marriages ............................ .. 64 \ Deaths ............................... ..13o A few of these registrations were from rural districts. but they are doubtless offset by registrations of Barrie people elsewhere.` Attacks older People so far in January there have been seven deaths registered where inuen- . 29. is given as the caizse. It is apparent the epidemic now abating has_proven particularly hard on older people. or the seven deaths this month only one was under 60 years of age. other ages range 64, 69, 73, 32. as, and 88. Total deaths from inuenza since Dec. 1 are '14 in number. '18 More Babies Born in 1928 Than in 1927,. ' Figures,S_ho_w. `Barrie's vital` statistics tor 1928. as returned by Town Clerk smith, reveal a. most healthy condition. Births show an increase or 18 over last year, mar- riages are one more in number and deaths but three"more despite the in-' uenza epidemic. Comparative gures tor` the two years: , 1 O9 ! 1 09!! BIRTH RATE} HERE on -ma INCREASE ING of the Congregation at 8 'p.m.. Wllblulluxy Luau vv -----.._ ._ 7 P.M.-SOUND DOCTRINE" being the third in a series of set- mons on Great Lessons from Sim- ple Texts." 3 P.M.-s.s. AND BIBLE CLASS WED., JAN. 23--ANNUAL MEET-

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